Nature, plants and animals of South America. Crossword South America from the series "travel around the continents" I. Organizational moment

South America is the fourth largest continent and lies in the southern hemisphere. Five climatic zones determine the features of the flora and fauna: equatorial, subequatorial, tropical, subtropical and temperate, most of the mainland has a warm climate.

The flora and fauna are very rich, many species are found exclusively here. South America is a record holder in many ways, the longest and most deep river Amazon in the world, are the longest Mountain chain Andes, the largest mountain lake Titicaca is located, it is the rainiest continent on earth. All this significantly influenced the development of wildlife.

Nature different countries South America:

Flora of South America

Vegetable world South America is rightfully considered the main wealth of the mainland. Such well-known plants as tomatoes, potatoes, corn, chocolate tree, rubber tree were discovered here.

The tropical rain forests of the northern part of the mainland still amaze with the richness of species, and today scientists continue to discover new plant species here. These forests are found different types palm trees, melon tree. On 10 square kilometers This forest accounts for 750 species of trees and 1,500 species of flowers.

The forest is so dense that it is extremely difficult to move through it, vines also make it difficult to move. characteristic plant for rainforest is ceiba. The forest in this part of the mainland can reach a height of over 100 meters and spread over 12 levels!

South of the selva are variable wet forests and savannas, where the quebracho tree grows, which is famous for its very hard and very heavy wood, a valuable and expensive raw material. In the savannas, small forests give way to thickets of cereals, shrubs and tough grasses.

Further south are the pampas - the South American steppes. Here you can find many types of herbs, common for Eurasia: feather grass, bearded vulture, fescue. The soil here is quite fertile, as there is less rainfall and it is not washed out. Shrubs and small trees grow among the grasses.

The south of the mainland is desert, the climate there is more severe, and therefore the vegetation is much poorer. Shrubs, some types of grasses and cereals grow on the stony soil of the Patagonian desert. All plants are resistant to drought and constant weathering of the soil, among them are resinous chanyar, chukuraga, Patagonian fabiana.

Fauna of South America

Animal world, as well as vegetation, is of great richness, many species have not yet been described and qualified. The richest region is the Amazonian selva. It is here that such amazing animals as sloths, the smallest hummingbirds in the world, a huge number of amphibians, among which poisonous frogs, reptiles, including huge anacondas, the world's largest rodent capybara, tapirs, jaguars, river dolphins. Hunting in the forest at night wild cat ocelot, resembling a leopard, but found only in America.

According to scientists, 125 species of mammals, 400 species of birds and an unknown number of species of insects and invertebrates live in the selva. rich and water world Amazons, its most famous representative is the predatory piranha fish. Other famous predators- crocodiles and caimans.

The savannahs of South America are also rich in fauna. Armadillos are found here, amazing animals covered with plates - “armor”. Other animals that can only be found here are anteaters, rhea ostriches, spectacled bear, puma, kinkajou.

In the pampas of this continent there are deer and llamas who live in open spaces and who can find here the grasses that they feed on. The Andes have their own special inhabitants - llamas and alpacas, whose thick wool saves them from the high mountain cold.

In the deserts of Patagonia, where only hard grasses and small shrubs grow on stony soil, mainly small animals, insects, and various types of rodents live.

South America includes the Pacific Galapogos Islands, which are home to amazing turtles, the largest representatives of the family on earth.

Crossword "South America"

Questions for the crossword "South America" 5, 7 grade



Crossword "South America"

Crossword "South America"

Questions for the crossword "South America" 5, 7 grade


1. One of the widest waterfalls in the world, on one of the tributaries of the Parana River

2. The ocean washing South America from the east

3. Very large snake living in the rivers of South America

4. What is the area of ​​mainland South America

5. The largest animal is a rodent on Earth

6. The famous rubber tree of South America

8. The highest mountain lake in the world


2. The highest waterfall in the world

3. The Greatest, Largest Lowland

4. A tree whose bark is used to make medicine for malaria

5. The ocean washing South America from the West

6. Mountains in South America, the longest in the world

7. One of the largest freshwater fish living in the Amazon

8. Mainland South America is the most...

Questions for the crossword "South America" 5, 7 grade


1. One of the widest waterfalls in the world, on one of the tributaries of the Parana River

2. The ocean washing South America from the east

3. A very large snake that lives in the rivers of South America

4. What is the area of ​​mainland South America

5. The largest animal is a rodent on Earth

6. The famous rubber tree of South America

8. The highest mountain lake in the world


2. The highest waterfall in the world

3. The Greatest, Largest Lowland

4. A tree whose bark is used to make medicine for malaria

5. The ocean washing South America from the West

6. Mountains in South America, the longest in the world

7. One of the largest freshwater fish found in the Amazon

8. Mainland South America is the most...

Crossword "South America"

Questions for the crossword "South America" 5, 7 grade


1. One of the widest waterfalls in the world, on one of the tributaries of the Parana River

2. The ocean washing South America from the east

3. A very large snake that lives in the rivers of South America

4. What is the area of ​​mainland South America

5. The largest animal is a rodent on Earth

6. The famous rubber tree of South America

8. The highest mountain lake in the world


2. The highest waterfall in the world

3. The Greatest, Largest Lowland

4. A tree whose bark is used to make medicine for malaria

5. The ocean washing South America from the West

6. Mountains in South America, the longest in the world

7. One of the largest freshwater fish found in the Amazon

8. Mainland South America is the most...

Class: 7

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Repeat, consolidate, generalize the knowledge, abilities, skills of students on the topic "South America".
  2. Formation of the ability to work with geographical coordinates.
  3. To develop interest and curiosity in the history of the emergence of many plants in Russia.
  4. Cultivate honesty, diligence, perseverance, camaraderie.

Conduct form: game lesson.

Equipment: physical map South America, atlases, blanks for digital dictation, pictures of animals and plants of South America, crossword "America", James Last's record "Flight of the Condor".

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.

The melody of James Last "Flight of the Condor" sounds.

I have never been to the distant Amazon.
Foreign ships never go there.
Only "Don" and "Magdalene" are fast ships,
Only "Don" and "Magdalene" go by sea there ...
… You will never find in our northern forests
Long-tailed jaguars, armored turtles.
But in sunny Brazil, my Brazil
Such an abundance of unseen animals!
Will I see Brazil before my old age?!

These verses by R. Kipling, translated by S.Ya. Marshak, we begin our journey to South America. Teams (name of teams) take part in the trip. Captains present their teams, motto, emblem. The composition of the jury is announced, in which there are “experienced sailors”, behind whom there is considerable experience of such trips.

1 competition: "Geographic warm-up" (estimated at 1 point).

  1. Wet equatorial forest. (Selva)
  2. Mountains in western South America long mountains in the world. (Andes)
  3. Semi-desert in the south of the mainland, the place of adventures of the heroes of J. Verne. (Patagonia)
  4. The largest and heaviest flying bird in the world from the suborder of American vultures. (Condor)
  5. What language do you need to know in order to communicate with the people of Brazil? (Portuguese)
  6. Giant water lily of the Amazon, can withstand the weight of a person. (Victoria - Regia)
  7. How is the name of the tree "quebracho" translated? (Break the ax)
  8. The water boa is the largest snake in the world. (Anaconda)
  9. The winds that affect the climate the most east coast South America. (trade winds)
  10. From the milky sap of which tree is rubber obtained? (Hevea brazilian)
  11. Most high waterfall peace. (angel)
  12. "Silver" lowland (La Platskaya)
  13. An English pirate who became an admiral, his name is immortalized on the map of South America. (F. Drake)
  14. What is the translation of "mountains of the Andes"? ("Copper Mountains").

2 competition: "Dictation" - a written task for the teams (for the correct answer 1 point, 3 minutes are completed)

  1. The largest of the alpine lakes in the world. (Titicaca)
  2. predatory fish in the Amazon. (Ptranya)
  3. Highest point in South America. (Aconcagua)
  4. The second name of the South American steppe. (Pampa)
  5. The largest lowland the globe. (Amazonian)
  6. The strait separating the mainland from the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. (Magellans)
  7. An active volcano in the Andes. (Cotopaxi)
  8. The most full-flowing river on the planet. (Amazon)
  9. The widest strait. (Drake - 1120 km)
  10. One of the largest tributaries of the Amazon. (Madeira)
  1. Drake
  2. Amazonian
  3. aconcagua
  4. Cotopaxi
  5. pampas
  6. Amazon
  7. Magellan
  8. Madeira
  9. Piranha
  10. Titicaca

3rd competition: "Animal world of South America".

Task: identify the animal about which in question in the story (for the correct answer 3 points)

  1. This animal spends its whole life on trees in limbo, with its back down. Sleeps 15 hours a day. Very slow. It has a greenish coat color, which makes it almost invisible in the forest. It feeds on leaves, flowers, shoots, fruits of trees. On the ground, he is completely helpless, moves with difficulty, looking for something to cling to with his claws. The animal is very resistant to hunger, suffers such injuries from which other animals die. Easily tolerates severe poisoning. (Sloth)
  2. The weight of these birds is 1.5 - 2 g, the beak is thin and long (exceeds the head, neck and body in length). Legs are weak. The plumage is varied. The heart occupies almost half of the body cavity, the frequency of its contractions is up to 1,000 beats per minute! It can move forward, backward, sideways, fly in reverse, making up to 50 wing beats per second. Birds eat a lot (flower nectar, spider insects). They practically do not live in captivity. (Hummingbird)
  3. This is a predatory animal, an inhabitant of the Amazonian selva. In length reaches 2 m, weighs up to 120 kg. Has a strong body, strong and slender legs. It runs and swims well, climbs trees well, hunts any animals (from mice to monkeys), rarely attacks domestic animals. It has two names. One of them was borrowed by an English automobile company, the other by a US sportswear and footwear company. (Jaguar, or Puma)
  4. This fish, having a small size, a beautiful golden-black color, terrifies anyone who sees it in the Amazon and its tributaries. Has a heavy lower jaw, which has 77 sharp teeth. The upper jaw has 66 teeth. It hunts for everything that moves in the water, takes nothing from the bottom. Very aggressive, attacks in a pack, the attack is lightning fast. In a matter of seconds, a skeleton remains from the victim. (Piranha)

4 competition: Crossword "America" (for the correct guessed completely crossword - 5 points.


  1. The deepest river in the world. (Amazon)
  2. A city on the Amazon, to which ocean-going ships rise up the river. (Manaus)
  3. Lake in the Andes. (Titicaca)


  1. The highest waterfall in the world on the Orinoco River (Angel)
  2. River flowing into La Plata Bay Atlantic Ocean. (Parana)
  3. Desert on the Pacific coast. (Atacama)
  4. Volcano in the Andes, its height is 5,400 m. (Ruiz)

Competition 5: "Guess the plants" (correct answer 3 points)

  1. Among the ancient peoples of America, this plant was held in high esteem. Poems, songs, legends, religious rituals were dedicated to him. The god of rain was depicted with this plant. In Europe, this plant was first learned from Christopher Columbus, now it can be found in many places on the globe, a lot of it in the Caucasus. The fruits are tasty, flour, starch, butter, syrup, canned food are made from them. The Indians prepare mamalika from the fruit (something between porridge and bread). The Indian name for this plant is maize. And what do we call it? (Corn)
  2. From the fruits of this tree, the Indians prepared a drink, which they called 2Teo bromine, i.e. "Drink of the Gods", giving strength, courage, energy. Europeans added cream and sugar to this drink, getting a delicious treat. (Cocoa)
  3. Perhaps there is no person on Earth who would not know this plant, often called the second bread. In Russia, until the 2nd half of the 18th century, he was not known. In Europe, the plant first appeared in Spain and England, thanks to Christopher Columbus and Francis Drake. In Spain, he was called in Indian "papa", in Italy - "truffle", in France - "earth apple". In other languages, the name of the plant sounded like this: “potates”, “poteytos”, “putatis”. Peter I sent a bag with the fruits of the plant to Russia from Holland. At the royal court, it was called "tartufel" and was served only at banquets. Today, tartufel grows in almost every garden. What is it called? (Potato)
  4. This the most valuable tree grows in Brazil, in the Amazon. It gives a milky juice - latex, from which rubber is obtained, i.e. natural rubber. What is this tree? (Hevea brazilian)
  5. This plant has two names. Scientific books give its Indian name. In the first plants brought from America, the fruits were yellow and small, like paradise apples, from which jam was made. In the sun, these fruits shone so much that the Italians gasped: “Polo doro!”, i.e. " Golden Apple» At first, they were planted in flowerbeds for beauty, it was not allowed to taste the fruits, there were rumors that they were harmful to health. The most daring were the Portuguese, then the Germans, French, Italians. The plant moved from the flower bed to the garden. (Tomato)
  6. The Spaniards brought a flower similar to the sun from America and presented it botanical garden in Madrid. The plant came to Russia from Holland, where Peter I saw it. It was planted in the flower beds of landowners' estates. The Germans tried to make coffee from the roasted seeds of this plant, but no one began to drink it. Oil from the seeds of this plant is used in salads, for the preparation of canned food, margarine, mayonnaise, and confectionery. Delicious halva, gozinaki are made from peeled seeds. What is this "flower of the sun"? (Sunflower)

6 competition: "Competition of captains" (written task for 3-5 minutes, for correctness - 10 points)

  1. This country is called the country of "green gold" and "golden fruits". "Green Gold" is a cultivated plant native to Africa, brought to this South American country and brought it worldwide fame. Golden fruits, which after processing turn into a delicious confectionery product, are given by local tropical tree. Name the country and say what trees and fruits are in question (Brazil, coffee, cocoa).
  2. Which of these dances came to Europe from South America: waltz, sirtaki, hopak, tango, polka, levonikha? (Tango)
  3. Find true Americans in this list: orange, turnip, corn, sunflower, watermelon, cucumber, tomato, birch, onion, potato, tobacco, raspberry, spruce, hevea, linden. (Corn, sunflower, tomato, potato, tobacco, hevea).

7th competition: "Competition of navigators" (correct answer - 5 points)

  1. What are these islands if their coordinates are 0 ° latitude. and 90°W? (Galapagos)
  2. Fishermen on a raft are in distress, their coordinates are 40°S. and 120°W. What current did the raft enter? Will it help people get to shore? (The raft fell within Western winds, the raft will carry east to the coast of Chile)
  3. What is noteworthy for South America is the point with coordinates 12°N. and 71°W? (Cape Golinas - northern point)
  4. What's missing from this list? Marañon, Madeira, Parana, Zambezi, Rio Negro, Ucayali, Congo, Tapajos, Limpopo, Tocantins, Orange (Amazon Tributaries) (Zambezi, Congo, Limpopo, Orange)
  5. General command. Task: Find the mistakes in the story.
    “Our journey through South America began with major inflow Amazon River - Parana. The path lay on extreme south mainland, in the famous selva. There, in the territory the largest country in South America - Uruguay, there is a selva, the driest natural area Earth. The flora of the selva poor, almost no herbs, flowers. We then went by helicopter to East mainland in the Andes. This low mountains, their highest point Total 895 m. In these mountains there is Lake Titicaca, from which Orinoco, river, flowing into Pacific Ocean . The Orinoco has Angel Falls, named after honor of the most common fish in the Orinoco. From the river already hand fall to Patagonia, the wettest area in South America.

The resource was created for geography lessons on the topic "Animals of the rainforest of South America."
Audience: 8th grade students with intellectual disabilities.
Textbook: T.M. Lifanova, E.N. Solomin "Geography of continents and oceans", Grade 8, p. 143 - 146.

Use cases:
-individually (laminated cards are distributed, the child enters the answers with a felt-tip pen);
- collectively (crossword on interactive whiteboard, the children take turns entering the answers, the next slide is a test).


1.This animal cannot roar. It snorts or hisses. (Jaguar)

2. This animal looks like a pig and a rhinoceros. But they are not related. (Tapir)

3. Unlike most mammals, this animal has a complete color vision. (Sloth)


1. This bird is called the "tropical woodpecker". (Toucan)

2. This animal is depicted on the coat of arms of the island state of Trinidad and Tobago. (Hummingbird)

3. This animal motionlessly waits for prey, and when it approaches, it grabs it with a lightning throw and strangles it. (Anaconda)

4. This animal has one of the most low temperatures bodies among mammals - about 33 degrees. (Ant-eater)

Presentation for interactive whiteboard

animals of South Am.
PPTX / 1.21 Mb

Internet resources: images of animals

South America ranks fourth among the continents in terms of area (17.8 million km2) and population (385,742,554 people).

1. The first European to reach the shores of South America.

2. Plateau in South America, which was explored by Russian scientists G.I. Langsdorf and N.G. Rubtsov.

3. The region explored by the German geographer A. Humboldt.

4. The ocean washing the territory of South America.

5. The extreme southern point (cape) of South America.

6. geographical feature(cape), located on the territory of South America.

7. The ocean washing the territory of South America from the west.

8. Geographical object (isthmus), located on the territory of South America.

9. Geographical object (Earth) located on the territory of South America.

10. Cape, defining the northernmost point of South America.

11. The mainland, located in close proximity to South America.

12. Geographical object (sea) located on the territory of South America.

13. Cape, defining the extreme western point of South America.

14. The first European to describe the nature of South America.

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