What are reptiles. Class Reptiles, or Reptiles (Reptilia) General characteristics of the class. The largest snakes

The topic of this article is reptiles. Species, origin, habitats, as well as some other facts about them will be presented in it.

The word "reptile" comes from a Latin term meaning "to crawl", "to crawl". From this follows the nature of the movement of representatives this class. It should be noted, however, that not all reptiles are animals that can only crawl. There are those who are good at jumping, running, swimming, and even practically flying, gliding like flying squirrels.

ancient reptiles

These animals lived long before the appearance of man on our planet. The reptiles living on Earth today are only relics (insignificant remnants) of a class that was very diverse and rich in the past. It's about about reptiles that reached their peak in (about 230-67 million years BC). Ancient reptiles were represented in a huge number of forms. Some of their species lived on land. One can note among them large predatory tarbosaurs and giant herbivorous brontosaurs. Others, such as ichthyosaurs, lived in the water. Still others could fly like birds. amazing world reptiles of antiquity has not yet been fully studied. Perhaps in the near future, scientists will encounter new discoveries.

In 1988, the remains of reptiles were discovered in Scotland. According to experts, these reptiles lived 340 million years ago. It was, as it turned out, the most ancient species of fossil reptiles known today. Their body was only 20.3 cm long.

Origin of ancient reptiles

Ancient reptiles evolved from ancient amphibians. This event was the next step in the adaptation of vertebrates to life on land. Today, amphibians and reptiles coexist. Amphibians are otherwise called amphibians, and reptiles are called reptiles.

Groups of modern reptiles

Reptiles (modern) include the following groups.

1. crocodiles. These are large animals with a lizard-like body. There are only 23 species of them, which include real crocodiles, as well as alligators, caimans and gharials.

2. beakheads. They are represented by just one type of hatteria called Sphenodon punctatus. These reptiles (a photo of one of them is presented below) according to appearance resemble (up to 75 cm) with a massive body, five-fingered limbs and large heads.

3. scaly. This group of reptiles is the most numerous. It includes 7600 species. These include, for example, lizards, the most numerous group of modern reptiles. This includes: monitor lizards, iguanas, scale-footed, skinks, agamas, chameleons. Lizards are specialized which leads mainly tree image life. The scaly ones also include snakes - legless reptiles, as well as amphisbaena - creatures with worm-like body and a short tail, resembling outwardly the head end. Amphisbaena are adapted for a burrowing lifestyle. They very rarely appear on the surface. These reptiles spend most of their lives underground or in the nests of termites and ants that amphisbaena feed on. They usually lack limbs. Representatives belonging to the genus Bipes have only front legs. They can move along earthen passages and tail first. Because of this, they are also called doubles. "Amphisbaena" is translated from Greek as "moving in both directions."

4. Another group - turtles. Their bodies are surrounded by shells from below, from the sides and from above. The shell includes the abdominal (plastron) and dorsal (carapace) shields, which are connected by a bone jumper or tendon ligament. There are about 300 species of turtles.

Together with mammals and birds, reptiles are combined into one group of higher vertebrates.

Where do reptiles live?

For the most part, reptiles lead a terrestrial lifestyle. These are creatures that prefer open landscapes warmed by the sun, including almost devoid of vegetation, waterless deserts. However, many turtles and all crocodiles live in rivers, lakes or swamps. Some snakes and some turtles also live permanently in the seas.

Reptile skin, unfortunately, is now used for the production of leather products. It is highly valued, and because of this, many representatives of reptiles suffer. Their future is in our hands.

Crocodile habitats

Crocodiles are common throughout the tropics. Basically, these reptiles are animals living in high-water swamps, lakes and rivers. They usually spend most of the day in the water. Crocodiles come to the coastal shallows in the morning, and also in the late afternoon, in order to bask in the sun. To salty sea ​​water relatively few species are tolerated. The combed crocodile swims especially far into the open sea - up to 600 km from the coast.

Habitats of tuatara and lizards

Tuataria today survived only on rocky islets located near New Zealand. A special reserve was created here for their sake.

Lizards are distributed almost throughout the planet, except for cold zones. Some types of mountains rise to the border of eternal snow, for example, in the Himalayas - up to a height of 5.5 km above sea level. Most lizards lead a terrestrial lifestyle.

However, some of them climb trees or bushes, such as roundheads. Others may live permanently in trees and are capable of gliding flight. Agamas and geckos living in rocks can move along vertical surfaces. Also, some lizards live in the soil. They usually have no eyes, and their bodies are elongated. The sea lizard lives near the surf line. She has excellent swimming skills. She spends a lot of time in the water, eating seaweed.

Where do snakes and turtles live?

Snakes are everywhere on Earth, except for New Zealand, the polar regions and some oceanic islands. All of them swim well, there are even species that spend almost all or all of their time in the water. These are sea snakes. Their tails are compressed from the sides in a paddle-like manner. Due to the transition of snakes to a burrowing lifestyle, some of them have reduced their eyes and disappeared under the shields, and their tails have also shortened. These are narrow-mouthed snakes and blind snakes.

Freshwater and land turtles found on many islands, as well as on all continents except Antarctica. Their habitats are very diverse. This rainforests, hot deserts, rivers, lakes and swamps, expanses of the ocean and coasts of the seas. Sea turtles spend their entire lives in the water. They come ashore only to lay eggs.

The largest snakes

The largest modern snakes are anacondas (pictured above) and reticulated pythons. In length they reach 10 meters. In Eastern Colombia, a specimen of an anaconda was found, unique in size - 11 m 43 cm. The Brahmin blind is a body length of no more than 12 cm.

Sizes of crocodiles

The largest of the crocodiles are combed and Nile. In length, they reach 7 m. 1.2 m for females and 1.5 m for males is the maximum body length of a smooth-fronted caiman, the smallest among other species of crocodiles.

The largest and smallest turtles

The leatherback sea turtle is considered the largest of the modern turtles. Its length can exceed 2 meters. In the UK, on ​​the coast in 1988, the dead body of a male of this was found, which had a width of 2.77 m and a length of 2.91. Muscovy turtle is the smallest among all species. On average, the length of her carapace is 7.6 cm.

Lizard sizes

Among the lizards, the Virginian round-toed geckos are considered the smallest. Only 16 mm is the length of their bodies (excluding the tail). No doubt the most large lizard is komodo dragon(a photo of it is presented below).

The length of his body reaches three or even more meters. Dwelling in papua new guinea the thin-bodied monitor lizard of El Salvador reaches 4.75 m in length, however, about 70% of its length falls on the tail.

Reptile body temperature

Like amphibians, reptiles do not have any constant temperature body. Their life activity therefore depends to a large extent on the ambient temperature. For example, in dry warm weather they are especially active and at this time often catch the eye. On the contrary, in bad weather and cold they become inactive and rarely leave their shelters. At temperatures close to zero, reptiles fall into a stupor. That is why they are few in the taiga zone. There are only about 5 types of them.

Reptiles can control their body temperature simply by hiding from hypothermia or overheating. Hibernation, for example, allows reptiles to avoid the cold, and daytime heat- night activity.

Breathing Features

Reptiles (a photo of some of them is presented in this article), unlike amphibians, breathe only with their lungs. Their lungs retain a bag-like structure, but reptiles have a much more complex internal structure than amphibians. The folded cellular structure has the inner walls of their lung sacs. They resemble honeycombs. This significantly increases the respiratory surface in reptiles. Unlike amphibians, reptiles do not blow air through their mouths. However, for most of them, breathing of the so-called "suction" type is characteristic. They exhale and inhale air through their nostrils by constriction and expansion. chest. The act of breathing is carried out with the help of the abdominal and intercostal muscles.

However, in turtles, the ribs are immobile due to the presence of a shell, so the species belonging to them have developed a different method of ventilation than other reptiles. They drive air into the lungs by swallowing it or by making pumping movements with their front legs.


Reptiles breed on land. At the same time, unlike amphibians, they have direct development, that is, without larval stage. Reptiles usually lay large eggs rich in yolk with shell and amniotic (embryonic) membranes, which protect embryos from mechanical damage and water loss, and also provide gas exchange and nutrition. By the time of hatching, young reptiles reach a considerable size. These are already miniature copies of adults.

Reptiles are an unusual class that lies between amphibians and mammals. Otherwise they are called reptiles. But not everyone knows who reptiles are.

Reptiles are vertebrates that resemble birds and mammals.

Let's take a closer look at this class.

Who are reptiles

Members of this class are cold-blooded creatures. Their body temperature is determined by the temperature environment. But they have one feature, they can regulate their own temperature. The ancestors of reptiles are amphibians. In winter, reptiles usually sleep. And in hot weather they only lead night image life.

The skin of reptiles is tough and covered with scales.. Such skin is needed in order to protect the body from drying out. These animals breathe only through the lungs. Some representatives of this class have lungs of the same size, while others have one lung larger than the other. And this is the norm. The skeleton of reptiles is well developed. Everyone has ribs, but their number depends on the representative of this class.

Almost all species of this class have a language, but for someone it is short, and for someone it is very long. It is also the main sense organ. To protect themselves from enemies, these animals change color, some have a hard shell, and some are generally poisonous. These animals breed like birds, that is, they lay eggs.

The following animals belong to the class of reptiles:

  • snakes;
  • Lizards;
  • Turtles;
  • Dinosaurs.

reptile types

Reptiles or reptiles are divided into four orders:

Reptiles can be found anywhere, but most of them live in warm countries. Where it is always cold and there is little vegetation, these animals are very rare. Reptiles live everywhere. And in the water, and on the ground, and in the air. Let's take a closer look at the representatives of this class.


Turtles are the most famous among reptiles. They can live both on land and in water. They can be seen not only in the zoo and in wild nature, many keep them at home. These cute animals do not pose any danger to humans, they are harmless.

Turtles appeared about two hundred million years ago. These reptiles have a shell. He protects them from enemies. It consists of two parts: abdominal and dorsal. From above it is covered with horny tissue in the form of plates.

These animals come in different sizes.. There are giant tortoises that can reach 900 kilograms. And there are little turtles. Their mass does not exceed 125 grams, and the length of the shell is only ten centimeters.

Instead of teeth, this animal has a powerful beak. With it, she crushes food.

According to their habitat, turtles are divided into:

  • Freshwater: painted or decorated, European marsh, red-eared, caiman;
  • Marine: hawksbill turtle, leathery, green or soup;
  • Ground;
  • Land: elephant, Egyptian, Central Asian, leopard, Cape;

What do these animals eat?. Their food is completely dependent on their habitat. Land turtles They feed on fruits, vegetables, tree branches, mushrooms and grass. And sometimes they can even eat worms and snails.

Water turtles feed on small fish, shrimp, squid, frogs, snails, molluscs, insects, and bird eggs.

Land turtles who live at home eat cabbage, apples, tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, dandelions, chicken eggs. And domestic water turtles love to eat earthworms, boiled meat, bloodworms, insects, algae and lettuce.

The turtle is a long-liver. She will outlive any other representative of reptiles.



The crocodile is the only member of the archosaur subclass. Their body length is from two to seven meters. And the mass can reach more than 700 kilograms. The crocodile is a fairly fast animal in the water. Its speed can reach forty kilometers per hour.

The number of teeth in a crocodile ranges from 70 to 100. It depends on the type of crocodile. The teeth are long and sharp, about five centimeters.

These animals live only in warm countries with a humid climate: Africa, Japan, Australia, Bali, North and South America, Guatemala, the Philippine Islands.

Crocodile is a predator, so he eats fish, shellfish, birds, lizards, snakes, antelopes, deer, buffaloes, wild boars, dolphins, sharks, leopards, lions, hyenas. These animals can even eat a monkey and a porcupine, a kangaroo and a bunny. And there are times when crocodiles eat their own kind.

Crocodiles live for a long time - a hundred years.

Variety of crocodiles

Crocodiles are divided into three families: true crocodiles, gharials and alligators.

In its turn, Crocodiles of the present family are divided into the following types:

The alligator family is divided into:

  • Mississippi - differ from other species in that it can calmly endure the cold, freezing its whole body into ice.
  • Chinese - rare and a small species of alligators. Its length does not exceed two meters, and it weighs only about forty-five kilograms.
  • Crocodile caiman - otherwise it is called a spectacled crocodile. This is due to the fact that on his face between the eyes there are growths that resemble glasses.
  • The black caiman is a fairly large species of alligator. Its length reaches 5.5 meters, and it weighs more than 500 kilograms.

The gavial family is divided into:

  • Gangetic gharial. The length of his body reaches six meters, and he weighs only about two hundred kilograms.
  • gavial. The muzzle of this species is narrow and long. The body length is six meters, and the weight does not exceed 200 kilograms.


Most people think that tuatara is lizard. But this is an erroneous opinion. This reptile lived in the era of dinosaurs and forms a detachment of beakheads. This reptile has another name - tuatara.

They live only in New Zealand. In appearance, they resemble an iguana. Internally, the structure looks like a snake. They took something from turtles, and something from crocodiles.

She also has another feature - three eyes. The third eye is located on the back of the head. The length of the tuatara reaches more than fifty centimeters, and it weighs no more than one kilogram.

This amazing animal leads only a nocturnal lifestyle. The breath of the tuatara is slow. She can hold her breath for sixty minutes.

This reptile feeds on insects, snails, and worms. Life expectancy is quite long, about a hundred years.


Lizards belong to the class of reptiles.. Their diversity is very large - about six thousand species. All of them differ from each other in their size, color, habitat.

Lizards are very similar to newts, but they have many differences. One of the main differences is that the newt is an amphibious animal. An amphibious animal is different from a reptile.

Almost all lizards have a feature is the ability to throw your tail into emergency cases. Many lizards can change body color.

Lizards feed on insects: butterflies, snails, grasshoppers, spiders, worms. Major Representatives feed on small animals, snakes and frogs.

Lizards are divided into six infraorders:

  • Skin-shaped;
  • Iguanas;
  • Geckos;
  • Fusiform;
  • worm-like;
  • monitor lizards

All these infraorders are divided into families. Skin-shaped are divided into:

iguanas divided into fourteen families. by the most prominent representative of this infraorder is the chameleon.

geckos divided into seven families. Of which an unusual lizard can be distinguished - this is a scale leg. The peculiarity of this reptile is that it has no legs.

Fusiform is divided into five families: earless monitor lizards, fusiform, legless lizards, monitor lizards, xenosaurs.

worm-like lizards are from the same family. These reptiles are similar to earthworms.

monitor lizards consist of several families. They are the largest lizards. For example, a Komodo dragon can weigh over ninety kilograms.


The snake is a cold-blooded animal, which belongs to the class of reptiles. The weight and size of snakes is different. Their length can reach nine meters, and weight more than one hundred kilograms.

Snakes are venomous and non-venomous. These reptiles are deaf. They navigate through language. It is he who collects information about the environment.

Snakes feed rodents, bird eggs, fish, and some even feed on their own kind. They only eat twice a year.

Snakes are oviparous. Someone lays ten eggs, and someone one hundred and twenty thousand eggs. Some representatives give birth to live cubs.

The variety of snakes is huge. There are more than three thousand species of them.

The most interesting representatives are the following:

Now you know what reptiles or reptiles are. And who are their representatives.

Exotic pets, oddly enough, have not surprised anyone for a long time. People are increasingly starting instead of traditional cats, dogs, parrots and fish, spiders, snakes, insects, amphibians or reptiles ... Let's talk about reptiles today, because these animals need special care and care.

Related materials:

A pet reptile has long been nothing unusual. Many of us had turtles as children - at home or in school zoos. Turtles are also reptiles, another thing is that the turtle looks familiar and not at all as exotic as, for example, an iguana. And here the market offers us a huge choice: lizards and snakes different types and suits, crocodiles and the same turtles. Choose - I do not want! However, the choice of a pet - any - must be approached responsibly and consciously. This is especially important when you choose a tropical animal that is not adapted to our northern climate. Choose an animal to your liking, and not from a momentary whim. Moreover, not only and not so much the exterior of the pet is important, but the conditions of its maintenance: if you cannot provide it with what it needs, the animal will suffer and die.

Of course, we will not be able to cover the entire variety of species and subspecies of reptiles that are kept at home in one article, but we will tell you about what you need to know before choosing and buying an animal.

Important! Without complete information about the animal, you can destroy it.

Amphibians or reptiles?

First, let's dispel the common misconception that amphibians and reptiles are one and the same. This is wrong. They are very different. The main habitat of reptiles is land, amphibians - water. The body of reptiles is covered with scales, the body of amphibians thin skin. Of all the sense organs, reptiles have the most developed vision, while amphibians have the most developed sense of touch. The list of differences is quite extensive and we will not give it all. Let's just define the terms.

An amphibian (amphibian) is a class of vertebrate tetrapods, including newts, salamanders, frogs, and some others. Amphibians are among the most primitive terrestrial vertebrates, occupying an intermediate position between terrestrial and aquatic vertebrates. Reproduction and development in most species occurs in aquatic environment, and adults live on land.

In reptiles, ultraviolet light increases the overall activity and resistance of the organism.

Reptiles (reptiles) are predominantly terrestrial vertebrates, a class that includes modern turtles, crocodiles, beakheads, amphisbaena, lizards, and snakes.

Another related, related to the first, misconception is that the newt is a lizard. The newt is an amphibian, not a lizard. different from lizards internal structure and “appearance”: the lizard is covered with scales, and the newts are covered with skin.

The article will focus on reptiles. Today we will not write about frogs, salamanders, newts ... although if you are interested in learning about axolotls, we have given them a place - what could be more exotic.


Turtles may be less demanding of living conditions than other reptiles that are kept in homes, but they still need the right conditions for care.

  • General information

Near the turtle territory (pen), there must be an electrical outlet to turn on the lamp (UV lamp). Turtles, if there are several, should be gathered together in a fenced-off space (pen, terrarium). Children and animals (dogs or cats, for example) should not have contact with turtle waste.

The turtle needs a lot of space, so the corral (terrarium) should be spacious. An ultraviolet lamp should be hung over the pen to illuminate and warm the turtles in daytime. This increases their appetite. In winter conditions, the lamp daylight- one of the most important elements corral design. In any season, the temperature under the lamp should be around 30°C. It should be placed in the corner of the terrarium or above the island of the aquarium. The other corner (dry or with water) should be around 20-25°C. Only low-power lamps of 20-30 watts are used. The lamp should be located at a distance of 50 cm from the surface. Quartz lamps do not need to be used.

  • Food and water

Water needs to be changed daily. The bowl of water should not be too deep, otherwise the turtle may fall off and choke.

A healthy medium-sized turtle should eat half a cup of lettuce or the same amount of other food daily.

Turtles need calcium. The necessary vitamin and mineral supplements can be bought at the pet store ready-made and mixed with moistened food. Watch the dosage, overdose is dangerous.

  • Hibernation and wintering

In nature, turtles hibernate if the temperature drops below a comfortable level. Therefore, in the fall, in September-October, you need to prepare a container for wintering. When you notice that the turtle is trying to burrow into its pen (in natural environment they burrow into the ground until spring warming), which means it is ready for hibernation. Turtle farmers advise that a turtle, ready for hibernation, should be placed in a cardboard box with thinly cut paper shavings in which it could burrow. Then this box is placed in another, larger box or box, and the gaps between the walls are stuffed with peat, newspapers or pieces of foam plastic - for thermal insulation. Having tightened the top of the container with a net, it is removed for the winter in a cool place where there is no sub-zero temperature. The temperature should be constant - 5-10 ° C. With the onset of spring, turtles usually wake up.

Immediately after waking up, the turtle appears lethargic and may not eat for several days. Within a few weeks of leaving hibernation turtles need caring care: feed them varied, keep them warm. If the turtle has difficulty opening its eyes, submerge it in a shallow vessel where it will wash its eyes and nose.

A soluble multivitamin preparation can be mixed into drinking water.

  • Land turtles

They prefer spacious terrariums and pens (you can build them yourself) - turtles love to walk freely. Soil or a lot of finely chopped newspaper 4-6 cm thick is poured at the bottom. Decorative elements, such as driftwood or large stones, can be added. However, when decorating an aquarium, remember that the instinct of any turtle is to dig everything up and turn it over.

  • aquatic turtles

aquatic turtles requires a sealed aquaterrarium with water. The water level should be equal to the height of the turtle, so that standing on its hind legs, it could reach the surface with its nose. It is best to take coarse gravel as a soil so that the turtles do not swallow it. For the device of the coast, snags, logs, etc. with a semicircular surface are suitable. If there are several turtles, they should all be placed on the shore.


General information

The lizard must be kept in a specially equipped terrarium. You can let it out on the floor, but not for long - it can catch a cold or get injured. The terrarium for the lizard should be small, but not less than two body lengths high. adult. The length of the terrarium for living on the ground lizards should be greater than its height. A ratio of 2:1:1 (length, width, height) has proven itself well. For lizards living in trees, the height of the terrarium should be greater than its length. A ratio of 1:1:2 is desirable.

Heating in the terrarium must be. As well as good ventilation. Good ventilation can be achieved if one of the walls or the ceiling is wire, covering an area of ​​at least 10% of the total area of ​​the terrarium. The mesh should be made from natural materials. The size of the cells depends on the size of the lizard itself and what it eats - so that the prey does not escape and the lizard is not injured.

Different lizards need different temperature. Necessary "weather" conditions must be specified at the time of purchase.

Heat sources should be an incandescent lamp and an ultraviolet lamp. The terrarium will be, as it were, divided into two temperature zones: warmer (near the lamp) and cool. Temperatures should drop at night. In the cool zone, a container with water is installed, in which a stone must be placed so that the lizard can easily get out of the drinker.

In the terrarium, vegetation is necessary: ​​it maintains the desired level of humidity. The plants did not have thorns to be slippery or poisonous and must withstand temperature regime terrarium, so which plants are suitable specifically for your terrarium, ask a specialist. To maintain importance, spray the plants with a spray bottle.

The soil in the terrarium may be different, but the layer should not be too thin, as lizards like to dig holes.

Lizards love peace and loneliness, and this condition is quite difficult to comply with.

  • Food and water

Difficulties in content depend on the specific species. Some require cockroaches and crickets as food, and some even require mice and chickens. Most species of lizards are predators, and the larger the individual, the more prey it needs. Iguanas are herbivorous, and they are advised to start newbies.

A bowl of cool water should always be within easy reach of the lizard. Water change - at least once a day, and also as it becomes dirty or heated.

In the terrarium, feces and food debris should be removed daily.

  • Hibernation and wintering

In winter, lizards living in cold climatic areas(and in appropriate terrariums) should hibernate at 5-10°C, just like turtles.

In tropical terrariums, appropriate temperature and light should be maintained in any season. If your lizard is from tropical desert, semi-deserts or savannahs, these areas are characterized by a rather strong temperature difference during the day and at night. And you must provide her with such a regime.


The most common mistake is buying venomous snakes or snakes of unknown species. Poisonous snakes are dangerous, everyone knows this, but many do not think that the snake is in its "childhood" age, and it real sizes not yet visible.

  • General information

Beginners are advised to purchase climbing snakes (genus Elapha) or royal snakes(genus Lampropeltis). The snakes are small - the length of most does not exceed one and a half meters, and, as a rule, are not aggressive. Their teeth are smaller than those of a cat, and they are not capable of inflicting serious injury, even in the event of aggression. You can feed the snakes with mice, some species also like quail or small chicken eggs. Strange as it may seem, snakes are more difficult to maintain: they already need an aquaterrarium, conditions for hibernation, frogs as food. Boas and pythons need a large and durable terrarium, they eat rats and rabbits. Do not start boas and peonies to owners of cats and small dogs.

The dimensions of the terrarium for small snakes or young snakes should be about 80x55x55 cm. As the reptile grows, its “house” needs to be increased.

For large species of snakes, the terrarium should be at least 110x60x60 cm. A small drinking pool should be placed inside the terrarium.

For good ventilation, the ceiling and parts of the walls (at different heights) should be cellular and wire or contain holes (as in lizards).

Maintaining the right temperature is very important: depending on the species, the snake may need both underfloor heating and ceiling heating. When too high temperature snakes do not grow and do not multiply, and at low temperatures they often get sick.

Lighting is just as important. It is necessary to supply the terrarium with fluorescent lamps.

To equip the terrarium, you need to focus on the type of snake. For example, tree snakes need a tall terrarium with lots of branches and tree fragments. Gravel should not be used for digging snakes. And for snakes from subtropical and tropical climates, you need to use hygrometers, since humidity for such reptiles is a vital factor.

In terrariums containing large snakes, you should not plant greens, as animals will break and crush any kind of vegetation.

  • Food and water

All snakes are predators and prefer to eat live food. When feeding, it is important to take into account their species preferences, i.e. nutrition a certain kind strictly defined food. The amount of feed in all cases is determined individually. The basic principle is that the snake should neither lose weight nor get fat. Remember that the speed of digestion of food in snakes depends on the ambient temperature: at high temperatures, snakes eat more and faster.

Young snakes begin to feed after the first molt. They need to be fed twice as often as adults.

The water should be warm and fresh (the drinking bowl is also used by snakes as a pool).

  • Hibernation and wintering

The snakes hibernate as a result of the cold. Basically, snakes hibernate for about 4 months at a temperature of 2-15 ° C, however, each species of snake is characterized by its own conditions.


  • General information

There are no small crocodiles. The smallest species of crocodiles (Osteolaemustetraspis, Caimancrocodilus, C. latirostris, Paleosuchus palpebrosus and P. trigonatus) reach a length of more than one and a half meters in about five years from the moment they hatch from the egg. Keeping a large crocodile at home is an extreme matter.

For young crocodiles up to a year old, a large aquarium is suitable as a place to keep.

A terrarium for older animals is a spacious room with a land area and a pool. It is necessary to carefully approach the size of the crocodile dwelling. They need large enclosures with a 3/1 water/land ratio. You also need space for swimming, with a difference in depths, water filtration. An adult crocodile caiman needs an aquaterrarium with a total volume of about 1000 liters. Sushi needs local heating. Optimum background temperatures are 25-30°С, at a water temperature not lower than 24°С.

Crocodiles are more active at night than during the day. They can dig the ground, swarm and growl loudly.

  • Food and water

Crocodiles are not herbivores at all, but quite the contrary. All crocodiles are predators.

Crocodiles should eat whole fish, frogs, mice, rats, chickens, as well as large insects (locusts, large species cockroaches) and mollusks (Achatina, Ampularia). Young crocodiles are fed every other day, and adults 1-2 times a week.

An important condition for keeping aquatic animals is pure water therefore, it is necessary to provide an active water filtration system and its regular replacement.

And yes - even the most seemingly tame crocodile is potentially dangerous and bites without reason or warning. It is impossible to let the animal out of the terrarium - it will be bad for both him and you.

These reptiles are not kept in houses.


Modern representatives of the order of beakheads are tuatara. Tuatara looks like a lizard, but is not.

Currently in Squad 2 modern look, the remaining 43 are fossils. This is an endangered species that lives on only a few New Zealand islands and is carefully protected. So, you won’t get such a pet at home, no matter how much you want.


Ambisphene or dvukhodki. They look like snakes, but not snakes. Look like worms. Adult sizes: from 9 to 72 cm, depending on the species. Meet in South America, Mexico, Africa and Western Asia. They specialize in an underground lifestyle, feed mainly on ants and termites, and rarely appear on the surface. Two-legged reptiles are not the most common reptiles in our open spaces, not only because they are not bought, but because of their character traits. Amphisbaena lead a secretive life, little studied and unknown to the general public.

Generalized about prices

Of course, it all depends on the variety, age and size, but if you generalize, then the most expensive individual is an adult male. Females and cubs are cheaper than males. And, of course, than larger reptile the more expensive it is.

Herpetology is a branch of zoology that studies amphibians and reptiles.

In addition to the price for a pet, for his "house" you can give an amount several times higher than the cost of the animal itself. The more exotic the animal, the more demanding it is to the conditions of detention. This means that not just a terrarium (aquaterrarium) may be required, but also a heater, ultraviolet lamps, an importance regulator, etc.; as well as special feed. In addition, the animal must be periodically shown to a veterinarian-herpetologist, and such a specialist is not so easy to find. But reptiles do not need to be spayed and do not need to be vaccinated as often as cats or dogs.

As a result, the budget for keeping a reptile is not small. By the way, small Central Asian turtles are the most unpretentious and inexpensive of all domestic reptiles. A baby crocodile costs from 250 euros, and a snake or a lizard can be bought for 1000-3000 depending on the species.

General purchase rules

When buying a crocodile, check the state of his health - he should eat on his own, swim and dive easily, his covers should not have plaque and age spots. And if you try to pick him up, he should hiss, grumble, quack and try to bite you in every possible way. It's okay, he's a crocodile.

It is best to buy reptiles in large reputable pet stores, or, again, well-established, specialized forums on the net (still we do not recommend buying crocodiles on the Internet, but you can try lizards and turtles).

The seller must have in order the documents for the import and sale of these animals, including veterinary certificates and a license.

The sale and purchase of pets, including exotic ones, is regulated by the Consumer Rights Protection Act.

And repeat until you get full information about the animal (keeping, nutrition, vaccinations, specific features of the species) that you are going to purchase, do not buy a pet. Information first, otherwise the animal will wither and die.

This lesson will cover the topic "Reptiles. Differences between reptiles and other animals. We learn about the first terrestrial real animals - the Reptile squad. They are well, with the exception of some, adapted to life on land. Consider the main differences between reptiles and other animals.

It consists of a head, trunk, paired limbs with claws and long tail. In case of danger, some lizards can drop their tail. Lizard skin is covered with scales, plates, ridges. Their head moves well, their eyes have movable eyelids. Lizards respond well to moving prey, they hear well. Lizards have small teeth and a tongue in their mouths. This tongue is bifurcated, because it is perfectly adapted to hunting. It is also the organ of smell, touch and taste. The food of lizards is varied.

The yellowbell and the brittle spindle have no legs and look like snakes (Fig. 2, 3).

Rice. 2. Yellowbelly ()

Rice. 3. Brittle spindle ()

The agile, green, and viviparous lizards (Figure 4-6) are the most common.

Rice. 4. Quick lizard ()

Rice. 5. Green lizard ()

Rice. 6. Viviparous lizard ()

Marine iguana mastered water element, where she feeds (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Marine iguana ()

Basilisks have a very frightening appearance, they run on water as if on land (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Basilisk ()

The agama family includes the most bizarre lizards - a flying dragon (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Flying dragon ()

Moloch impresses with its large and sharp spikes (Fig. 10).

There are poisonous lizards (Fig. 11).

Giant monitor lizards live on Komodo Island (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Gigantic monitor lizard ()

Chameleons can change their color and body pattern (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Chameleon ()

The gecko can walk upside down (Fig. 14).

In nature, there is even a blue-tongued skink (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Blue-tongued skink ()

snakes are also scaly reptiles. They have a long cylindrical body with a tail. The head is usually facial or triangular in shape. Snakes have no legs, their body is covered with scales. Snakes move very well, crawl fast enough. The eyes of snakes are covered with a transparent film, they do not see well and do not hear very well. Snakes have the same language as lizards. They have teeth. Some snakes are venomous. Snakes are predatory animals. They also shed their skin and their body coloration is protective. Among the snakes there are those that strangle the victim, wrapping themselves around in rings. This is a boa constrictor and a python.

There are miniature blind snakes. They can even live in flower pot(Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Blind snake ()

The rattlesnake is known for its rattle at the end of its tail. This is a kind of warning about the appearance of this snake (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. Rattlesnake ()

In nature, there are even two-headed snakes (Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. Two-headed snake ()

There are completely harmless snakes - these are snakes (Fig. 19). In case of danger, they themselves can pretend to be dead.

But the common viper is a viviparous snake (Fig. 20).

very dangerous and Poisonous snakes taipan (fig. 21) and tiger snake(Fig. 22).

Rice. 22. Tiger snake ()

A cobra has a warning before an attack - a swollen hood (Fig. 23).

There are tree flying snakes. When in a tree, they jump straight down in search of prey if necessary.

There is another type of reptile - this turtles. There are about 200 species of them. The body of turtles is usually hidden under a powerful shell, their limbs and neck are keratinized, the shape of the head is pointed, the turtles have no teeth. Turtles color vision. In case of danger, the turtle hides all the protruding parts of the body under the shell. Turtles can be herbivores and carnivores. In nature, there are land, sea and freshwater turtles. The largest leatherback turtle belongs to the marine ones (Fig. 24).

Rice. 24. Leatherback turtle ()

Green turtle meat is eaten by humans (Fig. 25).

Rice. 25. Green turtle ()

At sea ​​turtles the limbs are flat, they do not retract them into the shell. These reptiles are excellent swimmers.

Land turtles less mobile. Among them are centenarians. The sizes are very different. Very large sizes elephant (fig. 26), and small ones - spider turtle (fig. 27).

Rice. 26. Elephant turtle ()

Rice. 27. Spider Turtle ()

The Central Asian turtle hisses like a snake (Fig. 28).

Rice. 28. Central Asian tortoise ()

There are also freshwater turtles - this is the mata-mata fringed turtle. Its appearance is very unusual (Fig. 29).

Rice. 29. Turtle mata-mata ()

The Chinese trionics belongs to soft-bodied turtles (Fig. 30).

Rice. 30. Chinese trionics ()

Caiman turtles are very biting and aggressive (Fig. 31).

Rice. 31. Cayman turtle ()

There are other representatives of reptiles - this is crocodiles. There are about 20 species in nature. Crocodiles are semi-aquatic animals, their skin is covered with shields and plates. They have an elongated, long body. Muscular tail and webbed limbs provide excellent swimming in the water. Crocodiles see and hear well. They have powerful jaws with sharp teeth. Crocodiles swallow their food whole, without chewing. The largest is considered combed crocodile, he can even attack a person (Fig. 32). Its weight reaches over one ton. The Chinese alligator is a symbol of power in its homeland, because it looks like a dragon. In China, it is believed that meeting with a crocodile is good luck.

Caimans are orderlies of reservoirs.

Very unusual appearance in the Ghanaian gharial (Fig. 35). It has surprisingly narrow and long jaws that look like large tweezers. They help to catch the most agile fish.

Rice. 35. Ghanaian gharial ()

In nature, there is another order of reptiles - this beakheads. The most interesting thing is that it consists of only one representative, the tuatara, which is found only in New Zealand. Hatteria has a peculiar body shape. In appearance, the hatteria is more like a lizard, its head has a tetrahedral shape, the head and the whole body are covered with scales. different shapes. A ridge of spikes stretches on the neck, back, and tail. In addition to teeth, the tuatara has incisors, like rodents. The shape of the mouth is also unusual like a beak. The most interesting thing is that this reptile has three eyes. The third eye is located on the head and is covered with thin skin. Tuataria are the most cold-loving of all reptiles (Fig. 36).

Rice. 36. Hatteria ()

In the lesson, we were convinced that reptiles are amazing and interesting animals that rightfully occupy an important place in nature. . Consider the most interesting representatives reptiles.

The most big snake- water boa Anaconda, 11 m 43 cm.

The most big lizard- monitor lizard from Komodo Island, up to 3 m in length, weighing up to 140 kg.

The largest crocodile is combed, up to 9 m in length, and its mass is approximately 1 ton.

The most big turtle in the sea - leathery, about 3 m, and its mass is 960 kg.

On land, the largest turtle is elephant, 2 m long, weighing up to 600 kg.

The most venomous snakes are taipan, black mamba, tiger snake, rattlesnake, sea snake.

The number of species of reptiles is decreasing, and people are also to blame. Very often a person, because of his fear, destroys and destroys these animals. It must be remembered that, like all living things, reptiles must be protected and protected.

The next lesson will cover the topic “Ancient reptiles and amphibians. Dinosaurs. On it, we will go on a long journey many millions of years ago and get acquainted with ancient reptiles and amphibians, the features of their structure and habitat. We will also learn about animals that became extinct many centuries ago - dinosaurs.


  1. Samkova V.A., Romanova N.I. The world 1. - M.: Russian word.
  2. Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. The world around 1. - M .: Education.
  3. Gin A.A., Faer S.A., Andrzheevskaya I.Yu. The world around 1. - M .: VITA-PRESS.
  1. Mirzhivotnih.ru ().
  2. Filin.vn.ua ().
  3. Festival pedagogical ideas "Public lesson" ().


  1. Who are reptiles?
  2. What are the characteristics of reptiles?
  3. Name four orders of reptiles and describe each of them.
  4. * Draw a picture on the topic: "Reptiles in our world."


reptiles - they are; pl. Zool. The name of a class of vertebrates, including snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodiles; reptiles.


(reptiles), a class of vertebrates. Mixed circulation is characteristic; they breathe with lungs, body temperature is unstable, the skin of the majority is covered with horny scales or shields (protection from drying out). Modern reptiles include: turtles, crocodiles, beakheads (tuatara) and scaly ones (lizards, amphisbaena and snakes). Over 8000 species, mainly in hot and warm zones. Most live on land, some in the seas. They feed mainly on animal food. They lay eggs, some are ovoviviparous and viviparous. Meat and eggs of some reptiles are eaten. Various products are made from the skin of snakes, lizards and crocodiles. Many species (especially turtles, snakes and crocodiles) are in sharp decline. About 150 species and subspecies of reptiles are in the IUCN Red List. The most ancient reptiles appeared in the Middle Carboniferous. Having reached prosperity and great diversity in the Mesozoic (dinosaurs, pterosaurs, etc.), many groups became completely extinct by the end of the Mesozoic. Herpetology is the study of reptiles.


REPTILES (reptiles; Reptilia), a class of vertebrates (cm. VERTEBRATES); distributed on all continents except Antarctica. Reptiles are characterized by mixed circulation; they breathe with lungs, body temperature is unstable, the skin of most is covered with horny scales or shields (protection from drying out). Currently, there are about 7-8 thousand reptiles, divided into 4 orders. These are turtles (230 species); scaly, the most numerous (about 6500 species), which include snakes and lizards; crocodiles (22 species) and beakheads, represented by a single species - tuatara (cm. GUATTERIA) living in New Zealand. Reptiles live mainly in hot and warm climatic zones.
Reptiles are the oldest animals that appeared for the first time in the Middle Carboniferous. Compared with amphibians, they represent the next stage in the adaptation of vertebrates to life on land. These are the first true terrestrial vertebrates, reproducing on land with eggs and breathing only with lungs. Reaching into the Mesozoic (cm. MESOZOIC ERA) prosperity and great diversity (dinosaurs (cm. DINOSAURS), pterosaurs (cm. PTEROSAURS) etc.), many groups became completely extinct by the end of the Mesozoic. Herpetology is the study of reptiles. (cm. HERPETOLOGY).
The body of reptiles is covered with scales, scutes, or other horny formations and, in most species, is devoid of skin glands. They breathe atmospheric air. Body temperature is not constant, it depends on the ambient temperature, and the activity of animals also depends on it. Crocodiles and many turtles live in fresh water, some snakes and turtles live in the sea.
Most species reproduce by laying eggs, but there are also ovoviviparous and viviparous species. The eggs are enclosed in a hard calcareous (in turtles and crocodiles) or parchment-like (in lizards and snakes) shell, which protects them from drying out. Incubation period- from 1–2 months to a year or more (at tuatara). Rarely take care of offspring. The vast majority of reptiles are carnivores or insectivores. Some lizards (agamas and iguanas) are omnivores; terrestrial turtles feed mainly on plants.
In the 20th century, the number of certain groups of reptiles, especially turtles, snakes and crocodiles, sharply decreased due to the use of meat for food, leather and shells for the manufacture of various products, and the use of snake venom for medical purposes. To restore and preserve the number of reptiles, they are bred in captivity, breeding sites are protected and fishing is prohibited.
In captivity they contain lizards, snakes, turtles and even crocodiles. The soil in the terrarium (earth, sand, peat) and its moistening must correspond to the living conditions of animals in nature. For all animals, including desert dwellers, clean water should be in the terrarium (in drinking bowls, cuvettes, pools). All reptiles need shelter, and many species require humidity chambers. For normal life, they imitate the natural change in temperature, length daylight hours. For this, incandescent lamps and other devices are used, with the help of which during the day they heat the area familiar to animals, which can accommodate all the inhabitants of the terrarium. At night, the heater is turned off, which simulates a nighttime decrease in temperature.
In the cold season, for several weeks or months, they reduce the length of daylight hours and reduce the temperature of the content. For animals living in nature under conditions temperate climate, imitate the state of wintering. Live frogs, small rodents, birds, worms, various insects, as well as carcasses of small animals, prepared and frozen in advance, serve as food. Fish, squid, shrimp, snails, less often meat are also used in feeding, they also provide vitamins. It is desirable to diversify animal food for carnivorous reptiles with vegetable food, and animal food must be added to herbivorous reptiles.
To get offspring in captivity, practice various ways formation of breeding groups. The best option is considered for turtles 2-3 males per 1 female, for lizards - 1-2 males per 3 females, for snakes - 2 males per 1 female. The female can be planted with a group of males or sequentially with several separately sitting males only during the breeding season. Eggs or emerging young are removed from the terrarium with adult animals. The eggs are kept in special incubators. The temperature and duration of incubation are different for different groups and types of reptiles.

encyclopedic Dictionary . 2009 .

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