Tree frog. Tree frog lifestyle and habitat. The most dangerous animals in the world: poisonous tree frogs

Common tree frog is a small and graceful frog of the tailless amphibian family. It has long limbs and shiny skin of interesting colors.


As a rule, the tree frog has a color of green shades. Its length varies from 2 to 15 cm. Usually their colors are very bright, and the body is decorated with small elements and spots. different colors. They have big eyes And unusual fingers with membranes or other details of physiology.

Habitat in nature

There are approximately 3.5 thousand species in the world, including 19 families and more than 250 genera. The habitat is concentrated in Eurasia, the tropics of Australia and America, as well as in other countries found depending on the type of frog. Some representatives are found in the Caucasus, Ukraine, Russia and Far East. However, their appearance in the Arctic and Antarctica is excluded.

Frog family, species for the terrarium

There are several types of them that get along well in a terrarium. Conditions for caring for them depend on the variety. Let's consider some of them.

Bright-eyed tree frogs (Agalychnis)

There are 8 species of tree frogs belonging to the genus Bright-eyed tree frogs, and the red-eyed tree frog is one of them. It reaches a length of 7.5 cm. Living in nature, it prefers to live on the middle or upper tiers of trees. The main color of the green color allows it to perfectly camouflage among the leaves. The bases of the paws and sides of the frog are blue with a yellow pattern, the fingers are orange.
A distinctive feature of this species are red eyes. This species eats various natural inhabitants such as insects, small lizards, arachnids, etc. Their breeding season can last throughout the year - this is due to the habitat in the tropics.

Important! Do not place sharp objects or heating elements in the cage because the frog may be injured. If this happens, it is necessary to treat the wound with a solution of dioxidine and streptocide.

To keep tree frogs at home, you can pick up a small terrarium and plant it with vines and other not thorny plants. Humidity conditions above 75% and temperatures of 30°C should be adhered to. For lighting conditions, it is better to choose fluorescent lamps. You can feed the frog with flies, crickets and other insects. In addition, you can offer the animal a mouse or a small reptile.

Tree frogs (Hyla): Blue tree frog (Hyla cinerea)

The blue tree frog reaches a length of 4-5 cm. Living in nature, it prefers to live on the shore of a reservoir, as well as in shrubs and near coastal grass thickets. The main color is grassy green color. The back and belly of the animal are separated by a bright white stripe, starting from the middle of the frog's snout. In males, the throat sac is especially developed, and rounded suction cups are located on the tips of the legs, the hind legs have small membranes. This species, like the rest, prefers to eat insects, as well as lizards and arachnids.

Did you know? The Goliath frog is considered the largest frog in the world, its weight reaches 3 kg, and its height is 90 cm.

A vertical terrarium is suitable for keeping blue tree frogs at home. You can equip it with the help of living plants and a relief background made of plastic or tree bark. It is necessary to set the air temperature in it at 20-25 ° C and create conditions for high humidity, as well as organize a capacious drinker. Group keeping is acceptable for this type of frog.

Australian tree frogs (Litoria)

The Australian tree frog is one of the largest tree frogs. It reaches 15 cm in length, but males can be 7 cm smaller. Although males are smaller in size than females, they have pronounced musculature, and the so-called “nuptial callus”, which has a dark color, flaunts on the forelimbs. This amphibian is accustomed to living in both dry and humid environments, but it prefers the forest lowlands. His extravagant color is able to change colors, adapting to the background. environment. Yes, in daytime the Australian tree frog can change color to black.
Appearance has distinctive features in the form of small white or golden spots, the throat and belly are pink or white color. The main color of the color varies from bright to dark shades of green. In addition, there are both turquoise and brown colors. Let us describe in more detail the elements of color and physiology of an amphibian. Inner side his hips are painted in crimson hues, and white spots with a dark border are visible on the shoulder and sides. As a rule, the voice of this frog can be heard from April to September. And you can see that the voice of the female sounds more piercing than the male.

The skin of a tree frog is able to be covered with a special wax coating that prevents drying out during the heat. Moisture reserves are accumulated in free-hanging folds. On this functional features dermatology does not end there. So, in a period of high humidity, the skin releases antibacterial substances with an antiviral effect. It contributes to the treatment of hypertension.

Did you know? Research scientists show that the Australian tree frog is able to regulate the amount of water that evaporates through its skin. This allows her to control temperature regime body.

Note that litoria reproduces in summer months during the rainy season. During this period, the male's nubile callus increases in size in order to be able to capture the female during intercourse. The spawning process takes several days. One clutch usually contains 150-300 eggs. Eggs reach sizes of 1.1-1.4 mm.
This species perfectly adapts to keeping at home, as it has a manual character. Frogs are not afraid of people and show round-the-clock activity, which can be regulated with the help of lighting. The amphibian feeds on moths, locusts, cockroaches and other insects. A frog can live 14-16 years. However, there is a case in California where a frog lived to be 21 years old. It is necessary to spray the terrarium every day and moisten its bottom to recreate the humidity that is typical for natural conditions frog habitat. As a floor covering, it is better to use expanded clay or coarse gravel. Wooden structures in the form of snags, which can be placed both vertically and horizontally, will not be superfluous.

West Indian tree frogs (Caribbean) (Osteopilus)

There are 8 species of tree frogs belonging to the Caribbean tree frog genus. They are kept in vertical terrariums, which can be decorated as you wish, using driftwood, creepers and other plants. Hygroscopic soil, coconut chips, sphagnum or ordinary earth are laid at the bottom. A layer of crushed bark will help keep the frog clean.
A spacious pond in the center of the terrarium will be most welcome for an amphibian. Optimum temperature is +22-24°C at night and up to +28°C - during the day. In the diet of the West Indian tree frog, insects should be present, among them crickets, mealworms, wax moth larvae and others.

Toad frogs (Phrynohyas)

This species lives in the rainforests of the Amazon, Brazil, off the coast of the Andes and is distinguished by an unusual ash-blue skin tone. Brown stripes, located on top of the main color, make it easy to mask in lichen, on plant and tree trunks, in grass and mud. Amphibians have a relief coating of a pearl shade. Their fingers are located freely and do not have membranes. The eyes are large, set wide apart and raised above the muzzle. The amphibian has a turquoise mucosa.
It lives in trees and feeds on Turkmen marble cockroaches, however, at home, you can limit yourself to cockroaches or other insects from a pet store. For adults, room temperature and keeping in a terrarium, the bottom of which is 5 cm filled with water, is quite suitable. In another way, these toads are called "harlequins" and "prisoners."

A frightened individual of this species is capable of leaving sticky mucus, which is distinguished by a pungent chemical odor - when it enters the human mucosa, it causes a burning sensation. In this regard, it is advisable to follow the safety rules for contact with it and after that be sure to wash your hands. You can use regular gloves.

Phyllomedusa (Phyllomedusa)

Being one of the largest individuals representing the tree frog genus, it reaches the following sizes: the length of the male is 9-10 cm, the female is 11-12 cm. It lives in the Amazon, in northern Bolivia and in Brazil, in eastern Peru, in the southeast Colombia, Guyana. When choosing a habitat, this species has a preference for savannah and forests.

Important! Phyllomedusa venom can cause hallucinations and gastrointestinal upset.

In the case of keeping this species in a home terrarium, its color becomes bright after 2 months. Sexual maturity is reached at the age of 6-10 months.

Tree frog lifestyle

Tree frogs are nocturnal animals. So, during the daytime and during the period of drought, they sit on the underside of the leaves or sleep on the top of the trees. Due to the fact that their eyelids have the color of the main color, they are able to mask themselves during sleep. At night, bright red eyes are able to see prey better, so the amphibian begins its hunt at this time of day. Physically developed muscles allow him to make very long jumps and catch prey in a timely manner.
Despite the fact that the tree frog is a fairly active animal, swims well and has extraordinary acrobatic abilities, it mostly spends time in a stationary state. This is due to the functions of camouflage, because only by limiting your movements and having a suitable cover, you can merge with the environment. Some tree frogs, living in a cool area, can go underground, creating a dwelling for themselves in a hollow, under a stone, in a hole or at the bottom of a reservoir. However, during the active season, they get out.

There are several ways to keep frogs. The terrarium is the best option for this in the conditions of apartment living. You can choose a horizontal or vertical type, based on the type of amphibian that will live there. It should be placed against a wall to avoid direct sunlight.

Did you know? Sometimes the tree frog molts, shedding its skin and instantly eating it.

The terrarium must be equipped with a lid with ventilation. In addition, it must have fluorescent lamps.
To increase the temperature, you can use a special mat, which is mounted from the outside on the bottom of the container. At the same time, you should not occupy its entire area with a heating element in order to give the pet the opportunity to avoid overheating. It is extremely dangerous to place such a device inside the vessel!

Terrarium and decorations

Each owner of such an unusual pet would like to equip his home as comfortable and beautiful as possible. To begin with, soil is poured at the bottom of the tank and a reservoir is organized. A wooden snag found on the street is suitable as a vertical design, and if the size of the terrarium allows, then you can put a stump with a hollow in it.
In addition, one should not forget about the direct landscaping of the habitat. For this, creepers, grass, ferns and other plants are used. Such accessories can be purchased at a pet store or ordered online. Do not forget about regular cleaning of the glass and the contents of the pet's housing. This will help prevent the occurrence of diseases and improve living conditions.


The tree frog loves warmth and moisture, so keeping it at a temperature of 20 to 30°C is necessary, depending on the type of individual and the time of day. You should not allow hypothermia or overheating of an amphibian: this can adversely affect his skin and vital processes.


For some elements of the terrarium decor, such as the floor, you can use ordinary earth, sand or gravel. A special substrate can also be bought at the store. Since the common tree frog prefers to sit on dry land, it needs to be moistened regularly.

Feeding tree frogs

The main diet consists of insects that fly or crawl around - a fly, a butterfly, a mosquito, a cockroach, a cricket, etc. In addition, it can also hunt aquatic inhabitants. This is facilitated by the sticky tip of the frog's long tongue. At home, it is necessary to give treats in the morning and in the evening.

Shared content with other residents

The main problem of joint keeping is that the inhabitants can eat each other. To avoid this, it is necessary to have species of the same size. In addition, the conditions of detention necessary for them must match.
Poisonous representatives should not be settled in the same housing with other species. Snakes will also be inappropriate, since caring for them is fundamentally different from caring for toads. But lizards, for example, get along well with frogs.


For creating necessary conditions breeding, it is necessary to organize a reservoir with stagnant water, shrubs and tall plants. Males climb them and begin to sing mating songs. The female, as a rule, lays from 3 to 21 servings of eggs. From the age of 8 months, the frog is capable of reproduction and lays its eggs in the tops of tree stumps or in hollows. Future offspring are covered with a special shell. During the process, amphibians croak loudly.
After 12-15 hours, the beginning of the development of the embryos can be observed. A few days after that, they transform into tadpoles and begin active movement. In this case, it is necessary to observe the density of their content. So, 1 tadpole should have 3-5 liters of water. Its temperature should be 24-26 ° C. You can feed tadpoles with cod liver, scalded nettles, as well as special food for aquarium fish. With abundant nutrition, they will grow quickly and already at the age of 1 month they will reach 3-4 cm.


Severe laws apply in the wild the food chain, so the tree frog can become prey for some animals that live in the same area. So, snakes, large lizards, birds, praying mantises, monitor lizards, pheasants, ducks, raccoons, storks, herons, badgers and others can be considered her enemies. Before you get such an unusual pet, you should think about arranging its housing, as well as organize it optimally. comfortable conditions for an amphibian. Subsequently, he will need regular nutrition, suitable lighting, humidity and other elements of maintenance.

She definitely deserves the title of princess. The tree frog, or tree frog, is a very cute creature of nature.

Frog tree frog - tree nymph

The tree frog is also called the tree frog. And in literal translation from Latin, she is called a beautiful tree nymph.

What it looks like, what it eats and where the tree frog lives

The beautiful tree frog has a green back with an emerald overflow and a belly of a milky color scheme. The stripe that runs along the sides can be black or gray-brown. These amazing animals are able to change their color depending on the weather: during a sharp cold snap, the upper part of the tree nymph darkens. They differ in harmony unprecedented for frogs, and a significant part of their life passes in the crown of trees or shady bushes growing on the banks of reservoirs. The largest frog reaches a size of about 40 cm, but in European latitudes, small individuals up to 5-7 cm are more common.

These amazing amphibians move with equal dexterity in water bodies and on land. In addition, they are excellent at moving through trees: they climb and jump from branch to branch. But such a frog spends almost the whole day in a motionless position, merging with the foliage. At the fingertips of the woodworm there are formations that resemble suction pads. Thanks to this natural “tool”, it can be held for a long time without effort on a smooth base (for example, on plastic or glass).

With the advent of darkness, the tree frog begins to hunt. Excellent night vision makes it easy to catch nimble flies and mosquitoes. Green eaters do not refuse caterpillars, ants and small beetles. A long sticky tongue helps to capture prey. If large food is caught, then tenacious front paws come to the rescue. And out of all types of frogs, only tree frogs can catch an insect during a jump and stay on a branch in time with the help of tenacious fingers.

For normal life, tree frogs are required water procedures: she prefers to swim in the evening. This simple ceremony allows the liquid to penetrate the skin and restore balance in the body.

"Wintering" of the tree frog and its wonderful singing

In order to survive the winter cold, already in the middle of autumn, tree frogs begin to seek shelter: they climb into small hollows, cracks in the foundations of buildings, into root voids, less often burrow into the muddy bottom of slow-flowing reservoirs. After all, she needs a reliable shelter to survive the winter weather. These frogs wake up one of the first, and the males begin to wake up a week earlier than the females. In the absence of frost, already in mid-March, they enter their usual habitat.

The usual way to move along the branches for red-eyed tree frog- walking on raised legs

Green soloists loudly notify everyone about the beginning of spring.

Listen to the voice of the tree frog

Voiced and very loud singing is available to tree frogs thanks to special structure a resonator located in the throat (in most species of frogs, such resonators are located on the sides of the head).

During singing, the skin on the neck turns into a convex ball, and a loud sound resembles the usual quacking of ducklings, but with a higher pitch.

Notable singers are males, their hallmark is the golden color of the jaw skin.

Keeping a tree frog at home

Experts say that the common tree frog takes root perfectly in comfortable terrariums.

Due to the bright coloring and elegance of the contours, they are always visible and aesthetically pleasing. The method of feeding is quite simple: the frog is quite satisfied with the bred fruit flies and varieties of flies.

(Linnaeus, 1758)
(= Hyla viridis - Eichwald, 1830; Hyla arborea var. orientalis Bedriaga, 1890)

Appearance. Small tree frogs, maximum body length- 53 mm (in Europe up to 60 mm). Coloring very changeable, change literally before our eyes, depending on the color of the substrate and the physiological state. Above, from grassy green to dark gray, bluish or brown. A dark strip with a white border on top runs along the sides of the head and torso, which forms a loop near the inguinal region. Bottom white or yellowish. In males throat dark.

Rear foot of common tree frog (1 - disks)

Spreading. A European species that inhabits the west and north of the Iberian Peninsula and almost the rest of Europe, except for the south of France, Italy, Great Britain and Scandinavia. On the territory of the former USSR, the northern border runs through the south of Lithuania, southern Belarus, southeast to the Kursk, Belgorod, Oryol and Tula (?) regions. In the Rostov region and the Volga-Kama region, it is absent. In the south it is found in Moldova and Ukraine. Isolated parts of the range are located in the south of Crimea and the Caucasus.

The distribution of the species in Russia requires additional study.

Systematics of the species. The species apparently consists of 4 subspecies. On the territory of the former USSR and Russia, 2 are represented. The European part of the range is occupied by the nominative subspecies, Hyla arborea arborea(Linnaeus, 1758). In the Caucasus from the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories and Dagestan in the north to Georgia, northeastern Armenia and Azerbaijan in the south lives Shelkovnikov's tree frog, Hyla arborea schelkownikawi Cernov, 1926.

Habitat. Tree frogs are tied to the forest zone, although they can be found in forest-steppe and even steppe regions. They live in broad-leaved and mixed forests, shrubs, rarely in meadows, at an altitude of up to 1250 m above sea level in the Carpathians and 2200 m in Azerbaijan. They are most common in floodplain and plain oak forests, alder forests, in floodplain meadows of rivers and lakes overgrown with shrubs, along the banks of reclamation ditches. They are found in gardens, gardens, parks, vineyards. They avoid coniferous forests, scree and bare rocks, alpine meadows in the Carpathians. In the Caucasus, they were found in the zone of subalpine meadows.

Activity. Activity is predominantly nocturnal. During the day, tree frogs sit huddled on the leaves of trees, shrubs or tall herbaceous plants (for example, rushes) and, due to their protective coloration, are difficult to distinguish. Tree frogs not only climb trees well, including perfectly smooth vertical surfaces, but they are also able to make long jumps and swim well. IN breeding season and later the calls of individual males can be heard during the day. Choirs of tree frogs are also sometimes heard on cloudy days.

Reproduction. tree frog in spring awaken in late March - early April, in Moldova in the first decade of April, in the Carpathians and Crimea in April-May, in the Caucasus in early March, at an air temperature of 8-12 ° C. Sometimes they have to overcome up to 750 m to get into the reservoir . The males arriving first concentrate along the edge of the reservoir.

For breeding use various well-warmed reservoirs with stagnant water and vegetation. These can be shallow water bodies in clearings or forest edges, puddles, swamps, reclamation ditches, shallow coastal part of lakes. In rivers and other flowing water bodies, tree frogs do not lay eggs. Intense night concerts arranged by males can continue until the end of May.

Spawning occurs at a water temperature of 13°C. The female lays around 690-1870 eggs in several portions in the form of small lumps (in Moldova 15-21 lumps of 21-56 eggs).

masonry lie at the bottom of a pond or are attached to plants. The spawning period is extended and lasts from the beginning of April to the end of July, in the Caucasus from the end of March to May. The diameter of the eggs with the shell is 3-4.5 mm, the egg is 1.0-1.6 mm.

Embryonic development lasts about 8-14 days. The size of the larvae after hatching is 8-9 mm. Larval development lasts 45-90 days. Before metamorphosis, tadpoles reach a length of 46-49 mm.

Appearance (a) and oral disc (b) of common tree frog tadpole

In the Carpathians, cases of wintering of larvae have been noted. Underyearlings 10-17 mm long and more come to land in the daytime in July - early September. Unlike adults, they are very active during the day and stay mainly on the grass near water bodies.

Maturity occurs in the third year of life with a body length of males 35 mm, females 37 mm and more. IN breeding season males in reservoirs numerically predominate. This is most likely due to the fact that females immediately leave water bodies after spawning, while males remain in them for a long time. The average annual mortality is about 34%. The maximum life span in nature is at least 12 years; in captivity live up to 22 years.

Nutrition. Among the feed, about 15-50% are flying insects. Tree frogs eat mainly various beetles, mostly leaf beetles, click beetles, besides dipterans, butterfly caterpillars, ants, as well as spiders, earwigs, etc. They hunt, as a rule, passively, hiding and quickly grabbing the victim that has appeared.

The tree frogs themselves become booty, mainly in water bodies, where they are caught by various reptiles and birds.

Wintering. They leave for wintering at the end of September - October. In the Caucasus and Crimea, they are active until November, and in warm winters can be met in December and January. Autumn migrations occur at night, but can also be observed during the daytime. The disappearance of tree frogs coincides with leaf fall. They hibernate in hollows, burrows, under tree roots, in forest litter, among brushwood and logs, in crevices of stone buildings, pits, cellars and cellars, and also, possibly, in silt and at the bottom of reservoirs.

Number and conservation status. The common tree frog is a generally common species. Estimates of its abundance were made mainly during the breeding season, when individuals concentrate in water bodies and are available for counting. It is not easy to detect it outside the reproductive period. The nominative subspecies is found on the territory of a number of reserves in Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova, where most of its range is located in former USSR. In these countries, the position of the subspecies is generally safe and does not cause concern. A different situation develops in Russia, where the eastern boundary of the subspecies passes and where the nominative subspecies is not represented in any reserve. Meanwhile, according to a number of data, it is in Russia that a decrease in the number of the subspecies and its distribution is observed. It is possible that tree frogs of this subspecies completely disappeared in the region already in the 1980s. In this regard, urgent research and special protection measures are needed. Hyla arborea arborea is listed in the Red Data Book of Latvia (where it is absent) and Lithuania. It is not listed in the Red Book of the USSR and other European republics.

The Caucasian subspecies is quite common and lives on the territory of many reserves. His situation is good. It is not listed in the Red Book of Russia and the Transcaucasian republics.

Similar types. Easily recognizable look. In Transcaucasia, in a number of places it coexists (or is very closely distributed) with Asia Minor tree frog, from which it differs in the presence of an inguinal loop. Geographically isolated from the Far Eastern tree frog.

Ecological Center "Ecosystem" purchase color identification table " Amphibians and reptiles of central Russia"and computer identification of amphibians (amphibians) of Russia, as well as others teaching materials By aquatic life and flora(see below).

The common tree frog, a member of the order of anurans of the tree frog family, is a miniature frog with a body length of about 5.5 cm, long hind legs and a glossy skin surface. The tree frog is remarkable for its variability in the color of the skin. This change can take place literally before our eyes: it all depends on the color of the surrounding substrate and the emotional state.

The usual color of the frog is green, but it can acquire all shades of white, gray and brownish-brown. Common tree frog (class of amphibians) is a peaceful and clean creature. This article will tell about her, her habitation in nature and the peculiarities of keeping at home.

Lifestyle in the wild

The tree frog (the second name of the tree frog) is found in almost the entire European territory. Usually calm, she sits on stones, plants, trunks or leaves of trees, in the grass. You will not immediately notice it in nature - in its appearance, the tree frog resembles a leaf of a tree, and besides, it is well camouflaged under the surrounding entourage. So she hunts, waiting for insects. Common tree frog is an active animal: it swims excellently, easily jumps on plants. In nature, the activity of tree frogs increases with the onset of twilight, it is at this time that the real hunt begins. Darkness does not prevent the frog from looking for prey - it has excellent eyesight. The vast majority of its diet is made up of flying insects: mosquitoes, flies, butterflies. But she does not disdain to catch small, mobile living creatures. Her weapon is not only a sticky tongue, but also her jaws, with which she can capture flightless prey. Is the common tree frog poisonous? No, this is a harmless species, the tree frog honestly captures prey without paralyzing it. The protection of the frog from external danger is its ability to hide, merging with the outside world.

In summer, during the active season, tree frogs do not hide in crevices or burrows. They rest and hide from danger and bad weather in the foliage of shrubs or grass. They wait out the winter underground, climbing into holes left by other animals, under stones, into crevices of rocks, hollows of trees, they can go to the bottom of the reservoir for wintering.

Tree frog breeding

For breeding, frogs need to choose a suitable place - a stagnant pond surrounded by banks with tall vegetation(trees, bushes, reeds). Males, sitting in water or on bushes, attract females with rhythmic calls, thanks to the available throat resonators. We have all heard the croaking of frogs. It is the developed resonators that nature has provided males that allow them to make very loud sounds. On the spawning pond, where all the district males gather, an impressive choir is spontaneously organized, reaching its climax, as a rule, in the evening hours. Females come to the breeding site only to lay their eggs and leave, and males do not leave here for the entire spawning period, so they are always in the majority in the reservoir and females can choose.

The female lays several portions (from 3 to 21) of eggs, which are a lump of eggs attached to aquatic plants. different quantity eggs. They can be from 15 to 215 pieces. Embryos develop for one to two weeks, transforming into larvae grow for another 1.5-3 months. It happens that the larvae overwinter and grow into small frogs only next year. Baby tree frogs at first stay on the banks of their native reservoir, and then, by analogy with the behavior of adults, they look for a place for wintering. Frogs become sexually mature at the age of 2-4 years. IN wild nature common tree frog can live up to 12 years, and when kept in a terrarium - up to 20-22.

Problems: population decline

Common tree frog - a prime example rapid extinction of amphibians. Over the past 100 years, its range in Russian borders decreased markedly - in some central regions European part and within Southern Urals this frog species has disappeared. The number of tree frogs is also decreasing in other European countries. The main reason for this trouble is industrial pollution of the environment, or, as they say, biotopes of the species.

Maybe that's why tree frogs today have become a favorite object of keeping in home terrariums. Let's talk about the rules for caring for these animals and necessary equipment to provide them with a comfortable life.

What to prepare: vertical terrarium

For tree frogs, a vertical-type aquaterrarium is suitable, which includes a small reservoir, a coastal area and vegetation. Minimum dimensions terrarium to accommodate 1-2 animals are 20x20 cm at the base and 50 cm in height (excluding the height of the lamp). The container should be equipped with additional downward daylight heating using an incandescent lamp or a mirror lamp. The terrarium is not heated at night. The temperature during the day should be maintained at 23-26 ˚С, at night - 16-20 ˚С.

Inside, imitating the natural landscape:

They place small snags, branches, branches on which the frog will rest.

Bromeliads, anubias, orchids, small ficuses, philodendrons, scindapsus, etc. are planted or installed in containers.

They arrange a shallow (8-15 cm) pond with aquarium plants - echinodorus, cryptocorynes. The bottom is laid out with aquarium pebbles, a large stone protruding from the water is installed near the shore. You can run several snails into the reservoir, providing natural cleaning of the walls.

At the back or side wall of the terrarium, the shore is equipped with a substrate that is necessary for the placed plants. When using potted plants, the shore is lined with sphagnum.

The terrarium is sprayed daily warm water- moss should not dry out. Tree frogs can be kept alone or in a group.

Another type of terrarium

They also use another entourage in the terrarium - without land plants, but only with representatives of the aquarium flora floating in the water. Such an aquaterrarium should be large: at the base - 30x30 cm, height - 40-50 cm. a large number of aquarium plants. Experience shows that tree frogs feel good in such conditions.

Any terrarium needs to be equipped so that it is convenient to clean it. It is necessary to carry out such events at least once every 3-4 weeks.

What you need to know about behavior

The common tree frog, with its peaceful disposition, good appetite and calm behavior, quickly adapts to captivity. As a rule, it does not create problems for future owners, but one should take into account the fact that the male will periodically “sing”. It has been observed that males love to "talk", especially if they hear the sounds of music or conversation. Females are more silent: she can only speak in case of danger.

The predominantly nocturnal natural activity of frogs at home changes somewhat: tree frogs in terrariums are more mobile during the day, and rest at night.

Color change in captivity

If the common tree frog has changed its usual green skin color, you should pay attention to this. Darkening is an indicator for any irritation. The fading of the color indicates that the animals are cold, it is necessary to turn on the heating. It is necessary to carry out ultraviolet irradiation sessions (15 minutes every other day) to destroy pathogens.

Common tree frog: keeping and feeding

In a terrarium, tree frogs are fed brownie/banana crickets, marbled cockroaches, zofobas, etc.

Tadpoles are usually carnivorous. They are also fed with invertebrates (daphnia, bloodworms, cyclops). Juveniles are fed every day, adults - once every 2 days. Once a month, vitamins are added to the feed (in accordance with the instructions) and calcium supplements, crushed eggshells.


At the end of wintering, the male and female are placed in a terrarium together. The female lays several portions of eggs, which are attached to aquatic plants. Tadpoles appear after 8-14 days and develop for another 1.5-3 months. They are recommended to be planted separately in specially prepared horizontal aquaterrariums with walkways to exit the water after transformation. Before metamorphosis, the tadpole reaches 4.5-5 cm. The water temperature is maintained at 20-24 ° C, aeration is necessary, carried out using a compressor, as well as adjustable filtration.

rest period

Common tree frog is a reptile with a pronounced dormant period. In winter, it must also be provided to "pets":

For 2 weeks, reduce heating to shutdown;

The tree frog is placed in a breathable, but without access to light, cage filled with wet moss, and placed in a cool place (15-17 ˚С) for 2-4 days;

The container is placed on the shelf of the refrigerator, where the temperature is maintained at 8-10 ˚С for 2 months (at the same time, do not forget to maintain humidity in the cage).

Exit from wintering is carried out in the reverse order.

800-1000 rub.

common tree frog (Hyla arborea)

Class - Amphibians

Squad - Tailless

Family - Tree frogs

Genus - Common tree frogs


Size 35-45 mm, in Europe reaches a length of up to 5 cm. The length of the tibia is 2 times less than the distance from the cloacal opening to the anterior margin of the eye. Common tree frog appearance similar to a small frog, with long and thin legs. Excellent climbs on smooth vertical surfaces, jumps and swims well. The eyes are large and expressive. The ends of the fingers of the tree frog are widened, with suction discs. Between the fingers of the hind limbs there are membranes. The skin on the back is smooth, on the ventral side coarse-grained. Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed: males have a large resonator on the throat, marriage calluses on the first finger of the forelimbs. The tree frog is painted bright green above, white-yellow below. The top is separated from the bottom by a thin black strip forming a loop upwards in the groin area with a white border on the upper side. There is no dark spot under the eye. The coloration is very variable and depends on humidity, ambient temperature and the background on which the tree frog is located. in clear warm weather frogs are light green; in cool gloomy weather it becomes brown or dark gray; during hibernation become very dark; and spotted tree frogs come across among the forbs.


Southern and Central Europe, northwestern Africa, Asia Minor, Caucasus. Subspecies live on the Amur, in China, Korea and Japan.

The tree frog lives in broad-leaved and mixed forests, shrubs, meadows, river valleys, reclamation canal banks, as well as in gardens and parks, vineyards and other types of anthropogenic landscapes. In the mountains it rises up to 1500 m above sea level.

In nature

Spends most of his life on trees, bushes or high herbaceous plants, where it completely merges with the background on which it rests, and it can be difficult to notice. Willingly inhabits the lower and middle tiers of the forest, while rising to a height of about 2 m. The common tree frog leads mainly twilight and night image life. At dusk, it descends to the ground, bathes in dew or water and hunts. The day is spent motionless, attached to a leaf or simply to a tree trunk, grabbing prey flying by. For wandering through the trees, tree frogs have suction discs on their fingers, which hold them firmly on the smooth surface of leaves and tree trunks. With the help of these discs, tree frogs can climb up the wet surface of glass, and when they rest on vertical surfaces, for reliability, they stick to them with their abdomen.
In September - October they go for wintering in forest floor, moss, abandoned burrows, hollows, under heaps of stones, tree roots with deep entrances, in silt at the bottom of reservoirs. They wake up in April-May and gather in large numbers near water bodies. Spawning sites can be removed from wintering sites at a distance of 100 m to 10 km. 96% of the total diet is terrestrial food (fleas, nutcrackers, leaf beetles, caterpillars and orthoptera), including 15-20% of flying insects. When catching prey common tree frog throws out a long sticky tongue that hits the victim, and when capturing large prey, it pushes it into the mouth with the help of its front paws.


Common tree frog spawns in stagnant, well-heated water bodies. It prefers more or less open areas with water bodies, the banks of which are densely bordered by grassy vegetation (for example, reeds and reeds), shrubs and trees.
Spawning begins when the water temperature in the reservoir rises to 13 "C. During the breeding season, males begin their concerts even before dawn and scream all night, guarding their territory and shouting warning rivals that it is already occupied. Females descend into the reservoir when it becomes very dark.Axillary amplexus.If there is no large reservoir in the neighborhood, tree frogs spawn in any hole filled with water.The female can use small accumulations of water to lay eggs in the axils of the leaves of some plants, in hollows, on wet areas of soil overgrown with moss, etc. If the eggs are laid outside the water, then the gelatinous shell of the eggs protects the eggs from drying out - with a lack of moisture, it becomes thicker, becoming covered with a film and preventing moisture from evaporating.
Caviar is deposited on the bottom of a reservoir or aquatic vegetation in dense lumps of a spherical shape. One female lays up to 800-1000 eggs in several portions within 2-3 days.
With the age of females, the number and size of eggs increases. For example, two-year-old tree frogs lay about 500 eggs (diameter about 1 mm), three-year-olds - about 800 eggs (diameter 1.2 mm), four-year-olds - about 1100 eggs (diameter 1.4 mm), and five-year-olds - more than 1300 (diameter 1.2 mm). 6 mm). Parents after spawning return to the trees.
The breeding season starts from the second half of March to mid-June. In the mountains, spawning is delayed by about a month. First, the males wake up, and after 6-8 days the females come out.
Puberty at the age of 3-4 years. The larvae hatch on the 9th-10th day, 5-10 mm long (including the tail).
Frog caviar develops at the bottom of reservoirs. The tadpoles are light, yellowish, they are wide, the eyes are strongly shifted to the sides. The gill opening is on the left side of the body and points back and up, while the anus is on the right side. The caudal fin is high with a pointed end. The upper lip of the oral disc has two rows of denticles, while the lower lip has three. On the fourth day, the larvae develop short external gills. If the eggs were laid directly on wet ground, then the larvae hatch with or without underdeveloped gills.
Hind limbs grow at the age of 50 days. Before metamorphosis, tadpoles are about 125% of the size of adults. Metamorphosis occurs after 3 months, when young tree frogs grow up to 45-50 mm in length.
There is evidence that the mortality of young tree frogs during the year reaches 34-95% (according to different authors). After metamorphosis, young tree frogs stay near water bodies for some time, and then go to wintering grounds. Life span 12 years.

Tree frogs need a vertical type (20 × 20 cm along the bottom and 50 cm in height), with a shallow reservoir (about 5-10 cm deep - they like to dive periodically) and dense vegetation (moisture-loving plants), plus aquarium plants in the very reservoir - underwater and floating on the surface of the water. At the bottom of the reservoir, you should put an aquarium and install a large stone - tree frogs will be happy to sit on it. You can run several snails into the reservoir - snails, for natural cleaning of the walls (they will eat aquatic plants). It is better to build a door in a terrarium from above and not leave the top open - you are dealing with first-class climbers. It is convenient to launch crickets and flies through the top door and close it instantly. Otherwise, you will have to look for fugitives all over the room - both tree frogs and their food. You can use another type of terrarium - without plants in flowerpots, but with a large number of aquarium plants floating in the pond. 30 × 30 cm along the bottom, 40 cm high. In this case, water is poured up to half, large aquarium plants are installed and launched. Thus, tree frogs will also feel comfortable both in water and on land.

It is best to feed the animals with tweezers, especially if you have several tree frogs. You will not only be able to control the amount of food that each inhabitant of the terrarium receives, but also, if necessary, give certain doses of vitamins. first it is necessary to feed with vitamins for amphibians and then give the "filled" to the tree frogs. The diet of woodworms includes almost all invertebrates. At home, it is most convenient to feed them with cockroaches (but not neighbors, if any - they can be pickled), flies.

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