Why does the river feel warmer when it rains? Water entering the fireplace during rain Cause of bubbles

Summer showers, unlike lingering and dull autumn ones, are more often associated in our minds with the cheerful tapping of drops on window glass washed with greenery and streams of water on the pavement. Anyone who did not have a chance to splash through puddles during warm rain in childhood and step bare heels on bubbles jumping up here and there, definitely missed something in his life ... Why, by the way, do they appear? Let's find out. And at the same time we will find out what the signs say about the bubbles in the puddles.

Cause of blisters

Look for this funny a natural phenomenon during a drizzle it is useless - in order for the water to bubble under your feet, several variables must converge at once.

First, the droplet size. When one of them falls into a puddle, forming a small funnel for a split second, water splashes up from the resulting hole. Its edges collapse, capturing a small particle of air, and a bubble runs along the surface of the puddle. It is clear that the larger and heavier the drop, the harder it will hit the surface of the water, which means that more bubbles will appear.

Bubbles need a real downpour

Secondly, the wind. Or rather, its absence. While the drops are flying vertically down from the cloud, the force of impact on the water increases, and the bubbles are large and strong. But as soon as the wind deflects the flight of a small projectile, the drops begin to strike across the surface of the puddle and dissolve in it, failing to raise the “wave” of the required height.

And finally Atmosphere pressure. When it is raised, the falling droplets bounce off the puddle for a moment before dissolving into it, resulting in splashes instead of bubbles.

What do they stand for?

Surprisingly, but folk omens they can’t agree on what the bubbles in the puddles mean. Some argue that this is a direct promise of the imminent end of the rain: they say, now everything will pour out and the sun will come out. Others, on the contrary, are convinced that bubbling puddles promise protracted bad weather. Who is right?

Heavy rain usually doesn't last long

And those and others. On the one hand, large drops usually fall from cumulus clouds, which are not very large in themselves. This is usually what summer thunderstorms are like - it swooped in, quieted down, whipped bubbles in puddles and subsided.

On the other hand, cumulus clouds are often followed by nimbostratus clouds. And here you can’t count on a quick end to bad weather: once it starts, a quiet and fine rain can drizzle all day.

Most often, signs are advised to pay attention to the size of the bubbles. The larger and stronger they are, the longer the bad weather will last.

Signs about bubbles in puddles are changeable and rarely give accurate predictions. But is it worth worrying about it? As you know, "nature has no bad weather". And in the rain, it's so nice to sit by the window with a cup of hot tea and even meditate a little, looking at the bubbles bursting in the puddles.

I recently noticed that water goes into the fireplace when it rains. While this is about a drop per second or so, it can easily fill a small pot on a stormy and rainy day.

I don't think it's okay. I have a flue cap at the top of my chimney. Is this normal behavior?

And what are possible reasons this?



It looks like your chimney cap has come off to let so much water in. The shaft is only a few months old and I had to secure it with additional screws. I would check this first.

If it only goes inside the chimney, it really needs to be on top of the cap, or you need to patch it around the base of the cap.


thanks, just checked the chimney cap, it's still there. I need to check the seal around the base of the cap as soon as the rain stops. Can it seep into the bulging chimney from the area of ​​the flashing fire? Mainly the part where the cap flashes is attached to the chimney (near the roof crossing)


I don't understand how you would get a lot of water in the chimney and not in your house/outside the chimney if you had a flickering problem.


This surprises me too. Most likely it could be a sealing issue. I'll check it out as soon as the rain stops. Thanks for the help!


In your opinion, the chasing of the chimney could be the cause of this problem?


If you have a point on the top of the chimney that goes down and holds some water, everything will funnel and then come out the most in a simple way. You may also have a crack in the crown of your chimney (which the cap sits on) and this may need to be patched. Almost all problems with water entering the chimney are fairly easy to fix. You can find out the exact cause with a bucket of water and testing on your roof (if possible).


The chimney cap is not waterproof, especially in the wind. I speak from experience. We have two pipes, one with a regular plug.

In the life of all life on Earth, water plays essential role. There is always water in the atmosphere. It is in a state of water vapor. It hits the ground in the form precipitation, among which there is such a thing as rain. This natural phenomenon happens different type. Somewhere it rains often, and in another place people pray for at least a drop to fall. How is this drop formed and what is the nature of rain?

Education process

Humidity is different in different places. This is due to the climate. Over the equatorial seas, the humidity is at very high level, and over the desert - at a very low level. The presence of water vapor in the air and the process of condensation of water vapor determine weather. When condensation occurs, it rains, snows, or dew and frost form. By scientific definition Rain is atmospheric precipitation that falls to Earth in the form of droplets 0.5-7 millimeters in size. The drop comes from the clouds. If the droplets are smaller, then it is drizzle. Then they say it's raining. If drops larger than 7 millimeters fall, they break into smaller ones in the process of falling. Rain is also distinguished by intensity, which varies from 0.25 mm/h (drizzle) to 100 mm/h (rain shower).

It is known that rain is a complex process of water transformation in different states. In most cases, it falls from mixed nimbostratus and altostratus clouds. They contain ice crystals and supercooled droplets at temperatures below zero. Water vapor, rising very high, into the coldest layers of the atmosphere, undergoes a cooling process. It turns into small drops of water, which gradually create stratus clouds and increase in size. When they get heavy, they fall to the Earth in the form of rain. At low enough temperatures, the droplets in the clouds become ice crystals. But when they leave the cloud and enter the warm air layers, the process of melting occurs, and they turn into raindrops.


For some, rain is a blessing during the scorching season, while for others it is a natural disaster that leads to floods. If there is no rain for a long time, a drought sets in, there is no harvest, and everything around dies out. But at the same time, if the amount of precipitation falls in excess of the norm, then a flood may occur, flooding of residential buildings, crops will die.

When viewed from scientific point vision, rain is part of the cycle water resources worldwide. When the vapor in the atmosphere evaporates, it rises to its higher layers. The temperature is very low compared to earth's surface. The steam cools and turns into small droplets of water. This process is called condensation. As already mentioned, droplets form stratus clouds, where they merge with each other. Now the droplet size has become larger.

Circulation scheme

From the ground, you can observe the process of changing white clouds to gray. This is also the water cycle in nature. A diagram of such a process is shown below. The world's water reserves are unchanged. However, the water itself is constantly redistributed. Process solar radiation promotes water evaporation. Those minerals that were dissolved in it settle in the soil. And the water molecule itself is born in the hydrological cycle.

This molecule receives slightly more thermal energy than neighboring ones. Then it, overcoming the force of surface gravity of the liquid, turns into vapor, or rather, into its molecule. This is how the water cycle in nature begins and continues. The diagram perfectly illustrates this natural phenomenon. The air, in which the vapor molecule is located, is involved in the circulation process. It is a consequence of the uneven heating of the polar and tropical zones, the rotation of the Earth and the pressure drop in the atmosphere.

The movement of air masses

The circulation of the atmosphere in the Northern Hemisphere is oriented towards the west-east direction. Inside air masses air movement is vertical. This is due to its heating in contact with the surface of the land and ocean, which has more warm temperatures. Part of the heated air expands, and its density decreases, it rises. At the top, this part of the air is already cooled to a temperature where moisture cannot be in a gaseous state. Then the condensation process begins. Further clouds form with raindrops.

How is the water cycle completed in nature?

The water cycle causes rain. As a natural phenomenon, he depends on it. In other words, nature itself, climate and all environment in a certain area affect the types of rain that can occur there.

When part of the water, combined with ground or underground runoff, returns to the ocean, the cycle process is completed.

Leaked underground, again falls from the source to its surface. A spring, then a stream that leads to a river, and she to the sea. Thus the water cycle closes.

What are the signs of rain?

It is known that the harvest in most countries depends on rain. People have always believed in a mystical connection between nature and human existence. A special place was given to rain. There is a very a large number of different kinds of signs of certain events. Here are just some of the signs of rain that have become popular:

  • If there is a foggy circle around the sun, expect rain tomorrow.
  • The sun goes down at sunset into the clouds - to the rain.
  • If large bubbles float in the puddles, it will rain for a long time.
  • It started to rain during the wedding - the couple will live well, in prosperity and for many long years.
  • Rainbow in the summer during the rain - the rain is short-lived.
  • If there are clouds in the sky, and the sun has not yet risen, it will rain.
  • Milk is foaming on the windowsill - wait for the pouring rain.
  • Hands and feet ache - there will be bad weather and precipitation.
  • Rainy summer - snowy and frosty winter.
  • If summer night no dew, the day will be rainy and overcast.
  • On a summer day, distant objects are visible through the haze - it will rain during the day.
  • The rooster crowed ahead of schedule summer time- to the rain.
  • The indistinct ringing of the bell - to the rain.
  • It started to rain on the Annunciation - there will be a good harvest of rye.
  • First two June days passed with rain - then the month will be dry.
  • It rains on Ilyin's day - there will be a plentiful grain harvest.
  • Caught in the pouring rain — be a new thing.

Features of drops

Falling to the ground rain drops have different sizes and shapes. Research with ultra-modern cameras made it possible to see how a raindrop is formed and what are its features. Their diversity is caused by personal transformation and fragmentation. When falling, the drop has its own shape, but under the pressure of air it becomes flat.

The flow of oncoming air causes it to bend inward. The drop inflates and bursts. Its sprays fly in different directions. This whole process takes less than a second. In science, raindrops are divided into three types: fast, small and large.

When raindrops fall from the clouds, some of them evaporate before reaching the ground. Those that remain fall to the ground and seep under it. The very weight of the raindrop helps it do this, although it is hindered by the air it has to displace. Therefore, the process of moving underground proceeds slowly.

Why does water seep into the ground differently in different places?

Soil type is important. In the forest, raindrops move 1 m per day. In the sand - 1 m in 1 hour. This is because small underground pores are wider, while in clay they are narrower. Root fibers also act as barriers, hungry for food for their trees, flowers, and other plants. The rays of the sun pull upward like a magnet, this also prevents the drops from moving underground. Simultaneously with all these processes, chemical processes take place.

A raindrop is enriched with minerals: iron, potassium oxide, silicic acid and others. So she continues her way deep into the earth, into the groundwater.

Why is it raining?

When the air is hot, the water on the surface of the earth and water bodies heats up faster, and the process of evaporation occurs. This almost weightless vapor rises high into the atmospheric layers, where low temperatures. There begins the process of formation of raindrops. That's why in summer it's raining, which, by the way, is very necessary for the harvest. So everything in the world was specially created by the Creator. The main thing is that a person does not interfere with the laws of nature and does not harm it. Otherwise we are in big trouble. One of these anomalous phenomena is acid rain.

Rain types

Normal rain has an acidity of pH = 5.6, while acid rain is lower. If the water has a pH = 5.5, the beneficial bottom bacteria of the reservoir die. At pH = 4.5, fish, amphibians and insects die. Acid rain is serious problem industrial regions where emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides occur.

The rains are very different types: mushroom, with hail, with thunderstorm, lingering, oblique, torrential, drizzle, rolling, strip, blind, sieve. In the tropics, the season is conditionally divided not into four, but into two: the season of heavy rains and high temperatures. When the tropical rainy season begins, otherwise the monsoons, then almost an annual rainfall falls. Usually these rains come from October to May and are short-lived. As a rule, they go at a certain time of the day. The locals are waiting for these rains and treat them calmly. For many people in the tropics, rain is an occasion for fun. Many tourists prefer this season for travel, as hotels are cheaper and breathing is easier at this time. They can see more sights, and for surfing, the tropical rainy season brings good waves.

water energy

When people approach rationally what nature gives them, rain is a source of energy for them and a blessing for life. During heavy rain streams intensively fill the rivers that flow into the seas. Mankind has learned to use the internal energy of water. Thanks to it, the wheels of mills rotate, the blades of water turbines that provide electricity and feed thousands of machines. But it happens that water brings the elements and great destruction. Not everything, of course, depends on the person, but most of it depends on him. Most often, humanity provokes nature.

For our latitudes, the first rain means the arrival of spring. After a long winter and frosts, when you hear raindrops, it becomes joyful in your soul. This is a sign of the renewal of nature, and therefore of us, people! The remains of snowdrifts descend under the droplets of the first rain. Winter is retreating.

The amount of rainfall is judged by the thickness of the layer of fallen water. As a rule, it is measured in millimeters. 1 mm of water layer is equal to 1 kg of raindrops per 1 sq. m area. The intensity usually fluctuates between 1.25-100 mm/h. Precipitation is classified into light, moderate or heavy rain.

So water is omnipresent. It is in the clouds, on the ground and below it. Water feeds all living things, and if there is no water, everything will die out. But the same life-giving force can turn into a natural disaster. Therefore, a person learns to control this element, to find mutual language with it and not violate the laws of nature.

When a person installs plastic windows in his house, he believes that the mission has been completed on this, and you never need to return to this issue again. As the saying goes, "set it and forget it". As sad as it is, it's not entirely true. When in Moscow going strong rain, people call us with one fairly common problem - their plastic windows start leaking. At first, of course, everything is solved by actively wiping the streaks, but then it becomes clear that the leak is not accidental, and it's time. So why do plastic windows leak and what to do? This is what we plan to talk about.

Causes of plastic windows leaking during rain

And immediately into battle. Do windows leak when it rains? But what are the reasons?

  • Mounting errors. Today, many people are engaged in the installation of windows. However, not everyone knows how to do it right. That is why owners often face a number of problems and begin to blame the manufacturer for all their troubles. If, when installing a plastic window, the technology of insulation and sealing of seams is not observed, then the problem of its flow becomes very relevant.
  • The seal has failed. Over time, the sealing gum may become unusable, as a result of which it will cease to fulfill the tasks assigned to it. It will start blowing from the window, noise from the street will penetrate into the room, and during rain, water on the windowsill will accumulate in puddles. Some are convinced that the sealant cannot cause such an ailment. This is fundamentally wrong. How else can. In addition, the sealing gum does not have to be old in order to become unusable. If she was not originally best quality, and also no one has ever carried out, then the problem of leakage can be encountered already a year after the installation of metal-plastic structures.
  • The slopes were done wrong. If a plastic window leaks during rain, then the reason for this may be incorrectly made slopes.
  • There is little foam in the openings or is she just Bad quality. If, when installing the windows, the craftsmen did not blow out the cracks in the opening well, then it is likely that during side rain water will begin to penetrate into the room.
  • Drainage can't handle the amount of water which arrives. He is clogged or he is not at all.

Here I would like to note a couple more points. They do not apply to the causes of leaking plastic windows during rain. It may seem that the window is leaking, but in fact, it just condensation forms, which flows down and falls on the windowsill, forming puddles. As a result, one may mistakenly assume that the window is leaking, but in fact the problem is completely different. An excellent article has been written on this topic that will help you figure it all out - "".

Here it is worth mentioning that most likely in this situation seams leaking. Water enters first mounting foam, then on a heater, which absorbs it in large quantities (up to 200 liters). Well, then it gives it away, and where it is warmer. And most often this place is your apartment. This is how condensation occurs.

It is also worth mentioning the condensate that forms inside the double-glazed window. It can be confused with the flow of a plastic window, but this is a completely different story. The culprit for this is a violation of the tightness of the double-glazed window. You can read about this in the article - "".

What to do?

Why plastic windows leak, we figured it out. Now, it is important to decide what to do with all this. First you need to establish the cause of the leak. She, as you understand, can be different. Of course, it is better to trust professionals in this matter. For example, specialists from Teplo Doma are faced with a problem when a plastic window leaks in the rain, almost several times a day. If you do not need an extra headache and search for unknown reasons, then contact our specialist and discuss all the conditions with him.

If you decide to do everything yourself, which we strongly do not recommend, then you will have to plunge into this topic with your head.


If any mistakes were made during the installation of the window, then it will be very difficult to identify them. In addition, in most cases, these same errors have to be eliminated by dismantling and subsequent re-assembly of the metal-plastic structure.


Windows leak when it rains, what should I do? Try looking at the sealing gum. How does she "feel"? Does it have cracks, is it resilient, does it fit snugly against the door frame? Poor-quality sealant can quickly deform or dry out. Required .

Important! Did you know that the sealing rubber on plastic windows needs to be processed every six months special means based on vaseline? This will significantly extend its service life.

Not only rainwater can pass through a loose sealing gum, but also dust, cold air and noise from the street.


If incorrectly made slopes cause plastic windows to leak, then this is again a question of installation. In this case, most likely, it will be necessary to correct the mistakes of those who made these same slopes.

Mounting foam

As for the mounting foam, everything is a little simpler here. If there are gaps, then they need to be sealed. To begin with, carefully open everything, then dry it, and then blow it out with foam, let it dry, and then do the exterior decoration.

It is necessary to hide the mounting foam from ultraviolet rays. If this is not done, then in just a year it will turn into dust. Of course, if we are not dealing with some kind of special foam that is not "afraid" of the sun's rays.

drainage holes

If the drainage holes cannot cope with a large flow of water, then it goes over the edge straight onto the windowsill. It is also worth noting that over time, these same drainage holes tend to become clogged. As a result, at first the flow of water decreases, and then it stops altogether. It happens that even at the factory the drains are milled incorrectly. As a result, moisture gets into the holes, in winter it freezes, the water expands, and nothing good happens.

Where to order a repair?

If suddenly during heavy rain your windows leaked, then do not be alarmed. You can always ask for help from the masters of the Teplo Doma company. Contact the specialists of our company and discuss all the conditions. In the meantime, the master is coming to you, just wipe the window and window sill with a cloth. He'll be here soon and fix everything.



From ancient times, rain was considered a unique force that Heaven sends us for all sorts of needs.

Rainwater possesses various magical and magical properties: accelerates the growth of everything it gets, cleanses of negativity, enlightens, gives energy, strength and optimism, washes away bad thoughts and heavy mood.

Thunderstorm rains, our Slavic ancestors believed, are carriers of the power of the thunder god himself - Perun.

The water of these rains ("Perun's water") was used to punish the guilty, bring justice, get rid of evil spirits and evil in the hearts of people.

Night rain was considered magical and only the magi and sorcerers used it in their spells, the water of such rain was called "enchantment water" or "water of Veles". The stronger the wind was during the night rain, the stronger the Veles water was. Unfortunately, we will not talk about it in more detail in this article, because. this knowledge can hurt people who are not trained in magical basics.

Water collected from rain at dawn or dusk, considered water, which is able to establish connections with ancestors ( "ancestral water"). It was used to protect property by ancestors, to receive advice from ancestors, to help a dying person (to die easily or to return to the world of the living).

Midday rain water was an assistant to healers and healers. It was the ideal water for healing, preparing medicinal potions, removing negative energy from a person. She was called "solar water" or "svarog water".

Rain is a cleansing, renewal in nature. As such, a downpour is a great excuse to perform some rites or cast spells.

When your life went "black streak", you can call on the power of the ancestors to help you by using normal rain.

The category of "evil spirits" includes all types of negative energy that has consciousness (devils, demons, demons) or that is endowed with consciousness by a sorcerer (elemental, spirit, assistant, egregore). If you meet with such entities, then rainwater, prepared in a special way, will be able to repel them.

For this purpose it should collect perun water during a thunderstorm. The strongest will be the water that was collected from places where lightning hit during a thunderstorm. Water can be collected from some plants with a cotton swab. The best plants for this purpose: thistle, motherwort, wormwood, St. John's wort, yarrow. Collect water in a bottle in complete silence (verbal and mental) and recover to a deserted intersection.

Arriving at the crossroads, dig a hole with your hands into which you can place your bottle of perun water. Bury water and stick a nail on top (take it with you in advance!), Point down. As you drink water, say:

“I bury the power of Perunov for the safety of Mother Earth! Fill this water with power that can drive away evil spirits, take people away, send them to hell!

Let it be so!"

Come to the next full moon (at least three days must pass!) And dig out the water. In place of the bottle, put 50 kopecks in one coin, saying: "Paid!". Bury the change and leave the intersection without looking back or talking to anyone until you cross another intersection, and ideally, until you cross the threshold of a house.

This water can be used to sprinkle the house, people and objects. in which you saw or simply suspected the presence evil spirits. At the same time, there is no need to say anything.

When hair becomes dull, brittle and tangled, everyone rushes to the store household chemicals to add chemicals to his already suffering head. I suggest you use a safe and effective method to improve the condition of your hair.

To create such a miracle water, you should collect rainwater outside the city from a midday rain. It is best to collect water from ears of wheat. At home, leave this water overnight on the windowsill under the light of the moon. Putting water, say:

“Water-voditsa, dear sister, wake up! Share your strength with me (name). Absorb the light of the moon into yourself, Pass the magic power to my hair. As the herbs from this water grow strong and beautiful, so my hair grows stronger, gaining strength.

Let it be so!"

When you wash your hair with this water, do not wipe your hair, but leave it to dry. When washing your hair, imagine how new hairs break through and grow on your head, how damaged hair is strengthened and restored along its entire length, how it shines and shimmers with health energy.

When a series of troubles drives your good mood into a coffin, then rainwater is able to resurrect him and drive away depression.

For this purpose we use solar water . You do not need to collect water, just go outside in the rain (preferably in the nude), raise your hands up, slightly apart and turn your face to heaven. Feel how raindrops fall on your body, wash it and even penetrate inside, cleanse you from the inside and wash all the dirt away. Feel the cleansing power of rainwater and say out loud as many times as you are full years old at the time of the ritual:

“I call on the forces of the Sun and the Sky, I call on the power of rainwater! Strong force come and dwell in my body. Enter the pure power of water into me, cleanse, cleanse and restore me! Quickly fill my body and soul with joy, drive away all evil and fill the emptiness!

Let it be so!"

Stand in such rain for 5-10 minutes, after which, wait until the body dries itself without wiping it. When you are dry, put on clean (preferably new) clothes and drink herbal tea (for example, chamomile, St. John's wort and mint - in equal proportions).

For example, to get rid of bad (or disturbing) habits, you can write the name of this habit on a piece of paper in watercolor or gouache, and put a fresh inscription in the rain. As the inscription is washed away by rain, your habit will be dissolved by the power of the sacred waters of heaven.

It has long been believed that rainwater has special magical properties. If during the rain you wash your face, moisten the back of your head, lower back, the area where the heart and hands are located, then it washes away the negative, helps healing. However, there are nuances here.

Water collected from 6 to 7 in the morning, in addition to these properties, helps to attract good luck at work, gives new positive ideas.

From 7 to 8 - relieves headaches of unknown origin, washes away the effects of nightmares.

From 8 to 9 - gives good spirits, contributes to the appearance of additional mental energy.

From 9 to 10 - relieves depression, sadness, melancholy, drives away vicious thoughts and prevents bad deeds.

From 10 to 11 - gives energy to the heart, awakens creativity, compels to active creative actions.

From 11 to 12 - helps to overcome stress and phobias (fears), harmonizes the soul and body.

From 12 to 13 - resists any evil eye, curse, damage, extinguishes the feeling of revenge, aggression.

From 13 to 14 - awakens the ability to clairvoyance, develops intuition.

From 14 to 15 - normalizes mental processes, relieves increased nervous excitability, pacifies the flesh.

From 15 to 16 - contributes to the emergence of "new" knowledge "out of nowhere", does not exclude prophecy.

From 16 to 17 - brings clarity to thinking, promotes reconciliation with one's ill-wishers, extinguishes aggression from enemies (in personal communication with them).

From 17 to 18 - brings harmony to family relationships, contributes to the search for the right solution in a critical situation.

Best Option- wash yourself with this rain water during the rain, then the efficiency is followed by rainwater collected in specified time in a special non-metallic container, and in the third place - wash your face with settled spring water at the indicated time. With a favorable set of circumstances, positive results will be recorded in a week.

To get rid of non-fatal ailments, you can use rainwater collected on flowering plants out of city. Water should be collected after midday rain, saying:

“This water is given by the forces of Nature for the healing of the soul and body. Exactly!"

The collected water should be kept under the rays of the sun for 2 days, after which it can be used as an additive in food or for the preparation of medicinal potions. When using water, you should say:

“Healing water, settle in my body, share your strength, you will save me from ailments and improve my health.

Let it be so!"


A thunderstorm with lightning is a riot of energies. The fiery energy of lightning, mixed with the power of water (rain), creates a magical mixture of unprecedented power. Any spells cast during a heavy thunderstorm will be very effective.

All amulets, talismans, objects of the Force can be charged with thunderstorm energy.

Those items that you feel need such a charge, place in the rain on open space, completely open to rain and lightning. Of course, take care that light objects are not washed away by water or blown away by the wind, and also that no other person's hand touches them. You can hang items on a tree. When the storm is over, take the items home, dry them, and store them in a safe place. They are charged and you can feel the vibrations of energy coming from the objects.

If you find a tree struck by lightning, get yourself some pieces of charred wood. Don't forget to make an offering to the tree for what you take from it. Such wood is said to help with many diseases. You need to rub the sore spot with a charred piece of wood, and then throw the piece of wood over your shoulder. The disease must go.

(based on the book by Scott Cunningham "Power of the Earth")

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