Fish from tropical waters. Warm beauties. Ocean Sunfish

Freshwater tropical fish, as their name suggests, originate in freshwater rivers and lakes in warmer parts of the world, especially in South America and Central Africa.

There are literally tens of thousands of freshwater tropical fish species with new ones being discovered almost every day. With such a vast variety of fish, each living in its own particular environment, it's easy to see why fish owners are never lost for new areas to learn and new challenges to enjoy.

Fish names.

All fish are classified by the "binomial system" (two names). First there is the surname or generic name - which should always be written with an initial capital letter. This is followed by the variant name/s - which should always all be written in lowercase letters, (both names are ideally all in italics).

Thus Barbus tetrason and Barbus oligolepis are two different species within the genus Barbus. Most fish do, however, also have a lighter common name. Barbus tetrazona, for example, is commonly known as the Tiger Barb or Sumatran Barb.

There are over twenty families of commonly kept freshwater tropical fish and within each family there can be thousands of species - often living in a very different environment. The family Cichlidae (cichlids), for example, is thought to have over 1,000 different species existing in the great African lakes alone.

main families.

While there are over twenty families of freshwater tropicals, most fish of interest to the aquarist are members of one of the following eight families.

Anabentide family.

Anabantoids are generally distinguished by the fact that they have a "labyrinth chamber", a special organ that allows them to inhale atmospheric air which they must have in order to survive. native of the waters South-East Asia and Africa, most of the family have "probes" - modified ventral fins - which they use to detect food in dark waters. Most also create a "bubble nest" for spawning. Examples of the family include gourami, Siamese Fighting Fish and Paradise Fish.

The Callichtiide family.

Better known as catfish, it is probably the most popular tropical fish among hobbyists. Whilst most are hardy, adaptable bottom feeders, they require occasional gulps of air to help supplement their gills.

The catfish is also nocturnal and does its best in subdued light. Corydoras, one of the most popular varieties aquarium, there is a bony plate along the side of their body. Other catfish have tricked mouths that allow them to set on rocks in the wild, which they use to brush against algae from the side of the glass of an aquarium.

The Charekide family.

Characins are one of the largest families of tropical freshwater fish native to Africa and North and South America. All Charakins have teeth, but no barbels or sideburns. Many also have a small extra fatty fin on the main back of their body. Due to their training habit, Characins such as Tetras are often kept in numbers in single species tanks.

The Sichlide family.

Most cichlids are carnivorous and territorial and have a reputation for being aggressive. Many species, however, are very popular and ideal for the aquarium. Family occurs naturally throughout North America and South America and throughout most of Africa especially in the Great Lakes of Malawi and Tanganyika.

The Kobitide family.

Known commonly as loaches, this is a family of bottom living fish. Their mouths have probing lots to help locate food, and their bodies often have protective erectile spines. They are widely found in Asia, Europe and parts of Africa.

The Ciprinide family.

Although big family The fish, the Cyprinids, which include Barbs, Rasboras, Danios and Minnows, generally have barbs that allow them to feed the species from the bottom. The family also includes varieties cold water, such as gold fish as well as those who need warm tropical waters.

The Cyprinodontide family.

Found in Africa, North America and South America and Asia, this is a family of Killifishes or Egg Laying Toothcarps. Because they sometimes preaetorial on smaller fish, care must be taken when introducing them to a multi-species aquarium. They prefer slightly acidic water.

The Poekilide family.

This is a family of Live Bearing Tooth Carps - small fish such as Guppies, Swordtails, Mollies and swordtails. As the name implies, this family produces lively young that are capable of swimming and feeding immediately after birth.

Choosing Your Fish.

There are two main areas you need to consider. First there is a limit to the number of fish your tank can support without putting pressure on the oxygen levels in the water and the level of pollution the fish create.

You must also remember that fish grow and, as they do, will put even more pressure on their environment. best advice is to always start with just a few fish and add more over the course of a few months. As a rough guide allow about 20 inches of combined fish body length for every square foot of surface water. Wide You should not exceed 60 inches of fish.

The second consideration is fish habit. In their natural environment Fish habitats lead very different lives, and these natural habits will show up in your aquarium. In a multi-species aquarium, you might, therefore, want to have fish that live and feed on all levels - top eaters such as mid-water eaters such as Barbs, and fish that live and feed on the bottom of the tank such as Catfish.

Buying Your Fish.

Buy locally if possible. long journeys and the drop in water temperature on the way home can easily stress your fish. If you later have problems, it's also much easier to resolve them if your fish supplier is nearby.

Choose an aquatic retailer with good stocks and a wide variety of fish - they are more likely to have specialist knowledge. Check that the fish have been properly isolated before being sold. The disease often takes several weeks to show, and fish not isolated can easily introduce diseases that infect all of your fish.

Look at the fish carefully. Check that they swim peacefully and do not rub against the glass of the tank - often a sign of infestation.

Aquarium fish are popular among pets. Quiet and space-saving, does not require specific maintenance and a large number time. Having caught fire with the idea of ​​​​acquiring a couple of ornamental fish, you need to find out in detail about the features of each species and the requirements for maintenance, and when buying, navigate the names of the fish.

The title of favorites deserve unpretentious or interesting inhabitants. Most Popular aquarium fish get along well with neighbors and adapted to different conditions content. Studying the catalog with a list of fish, a novice aquarist can be confused due to the huge number of varieties. Therefore, we have compiled the names of all common aquarium fish in an alphabetical list for easy perception.

A distinctive feature of these loaches is an elongated body, reaching 12 cm in length in adults. Unpretentious and non-conflict, they do not require a large space. The period of activity of aquarium fish falls at night, during the day they are rare. The behavior is characterized by digging among the soil in search of food, which plays a role in cleaning the aquarium.


Won sympathy among lovers of aquatic pets due to grace and conspicuous appearance. reach 25 cm in length, grow rapidly. Fish of this species are difficult to care for and need a large aquarium, designed for 300-500 liters. You will need deep water filtration. It is highly not recommended to add fish of other species. It is worth avoiding sharp decorations and providing them with shelters.

Small specimens of aquarium fish of the carp family amaze with a variety of species. They are omnivorous, love subdued light and easily adapt to different conditions.

The presented species of loaches will look very impressive in a spacious aquarium due to the yellow-orange color with dark stripes. In nature, bots live in flocks, therefore, for a comfortable existence, three fish are placed in one vessel. Difficult to content.


Combination of several thousand species. Often aggressive, while - caring parents. Popular fish family with specimens different forms, colors and sizes. Unpretentious and easily adapt to any conditions.

In this section, you can get acquainted with various types of aquarium fish and their description, find out the names, conditions of detention, behavior and compatibility with other inhabitants, how and what to feed, differences and recommendations for breeding them. Decorative fish that are kept in aquariums are aquarium fish with bright and varied colors, various forms body and size. In nature, each body of water is a habitat for representatives of the "fish kingdom", and thanks to their diversity, aquarists have been able to keep a wide variety of tropical fish in home aquariums. The section for the convenience of finding information is divided into categories by type aquarium fish, such as "Catfish", "Barbs", "Goldfish" and others. Here on the pages of interesting, illustrated and informative articles of the section "Aquarium fish" you will find a lot of useful information, selected specifically for people who are passionate or taking their first steps in such exciting activity like Aquarium.

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Acanthophthalmus Kühl- a fish with a very unusual body structure and bright colors. It is better to keep a flock, moreover, than more fish, the better their individuality is manifested and the freer they feel. For an aquarium, it is not so much about ...

shark ball- a beautiful and hardy fish of the carp family appeared in domestic aquariums recently, in 2002. Large sizes require keeping at least 200 liters in a spacious aquarium, the fish are peaceful and compatible with any calm...

Ancistrus, belonging to the chain catfish family, is very popular among aquarists. Because of special structure mouth was called catfish sucker. Very peaceful and can be kept with any fish similar in terms of conditions...

Apistogramma Borelli beautiful dwarf cichlids from the Amazon basin. They are great in the aquarium and are generally quite peaceful. Keep one male with several females as they are polygamous. They are one of the calmest dwarfs ...

Apistogramma cockatoo- one of the most popular cichlids in the aquarium hobby. A very beautiful and bright fish with many color variations is so named for the peculiar structure of the dorsal fin, reminiscent of a cockatoo parrot. He likes shelters made of stones and ...

Butterfly Ramirezi one of the most elegant cichlids, this, along with its small size and peaceful demeanor, makes it extremely popular with aquarists. Ideal for moving into an aquarium stylized as a rainforest pond...

Astronotus- despite the rather large size, the fish is unusually popular due to its unusual intelligence - it is not only able to recognize the owner, but even allows itself to be stroked. The volume of the aquarium for one individual should be at least 100 liters ...

Pleasing to the eye with their bright colors, freshwater tropical fish have firmly established themselves in the hearts of both amateurs and professional aquarists. But if you are a beginner, then how not to get lost among such a variety of shapes, colors and requirements for keeping conditions? Let's talk about everything in order.

The main groups and the most popular types of tropical aquarium fish

Among the popular representatives of the characin-like order, one should single out such as distichoid, kerry, congo, nanostomus, phylomena, chilodus, etc. This group also includes piranhas, but not every professional decides to keep this type of tropical fish in his aquarium.

Popular representatives of the catfish order are species such as the so-called grumbling catfish (armored family), mohokiella, hiloglanis, hoplosternum, dianema, and others. Such tropical fish in an aquarium are valued for their functions - cleaning the bottom and walls of their habitat.

A detachment of perciformes in the tropical group are represented. Depending on the variety, the size range of individual fish can vary from 2 to 90 cm, and those belonging to this species have been consistently popular for many decades.

The most common tropical representatives detachment of cyprinids can be called,. Basically, these tropical fish are schooling, so it makes no sense to keep them alone.

Order carp-tooth-like: spawning pachypanhax, jordanella, and cinolebias, as well as viviparous, molly and known to almost every aquarist. Viviparous tropical fish of this order are considered great option for newbies.

Video - tropical aquarium fish

And finally, the labyrinth squad: gourami, fighting fish, macropods, iris, atherine family. A feature of tropical fish of these species is the ability to breathe atmospheric air.

General conditions for keeping tropical fish

The main features of tropical fish are the demands on the temperature of the water in the aquarium and its oxygen saturation. An exception to the plan temperature regime are macropods that can tolerate a significant drop in temperature, while labyrinths can do without aeration at all, but for other species of tropical fish, these rules remain relevant. Therefore, it is better to immediately purchase an automatic heater with the ability to control the temperature and organize proper aeration.

Otherwise, freshwater tropical aquarium fish do not require anything extraordinary. What can not be said about their marine and oceanic counterparts. That is why only 1-2% of the entire large army of tropical fish fans are engaged in them, while the rest prefer freshwater ones.

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