How long do small aquarium fish live. How long can goldfish live. Species that live in salt water

    As far as I know, small fish will live from 1 to 5 years in an aquarium, medium-sized fish live on average about 10 years, and big fish can live up to 15 years. So if you want the fish in the aquarium to live longer, then take at least medium ones and take good care of them.

    I don’t know for sure, but in our abandoned aquarium one guppia lived for a year and a half without feeding. Those. we didn’t even know that someone else lived there, and we didn’t get around to pouring water with plants. And when they took up the cleaning, they were very surprised!

    How will you care, and how ready to breed fish. In capable hands, they may not last an hour;)

    Gupeshki are generally the most unpretentious fish, and she eats dirt from plants or even the plants themselves. Dad used to breed gupeshek separately in order to feed other fish, more valuable.

    Different fish live in aquariums and life expectancy is different for everyone. For example, the well-known gold fish It may well live 15 years if it is well cared for.

    Fish such as angelfish are also quite common. Their life expectancy is approximately 10 years.

    Small fish called zebrafish live from 5 to 7 years.

    But swordtails and guppies cannot boast of longevity. They live no more than 5 years:

    Aquarium catfish can live up to 8 years.

    All lovers of aquarium fish should also remember that the life expectancy of their pets depends on many factors. From care, from the number of fish in the aquarium, as well as from the size of the fish itself. As you know, large fish live longer than their small companions.

    In the lifespan of fish in an aquarium, a lot depends on the state of the water, the fish need a special acidity of the water, if it does not suit them, then the duration will decrease, I have an aquarium now for three years already and at first the fish in it somehow quickly died and lived no more than six months , took the water, filtered it, bought different plants and snails, it seems that they have been living and not dying for two years now, my fish are simple guppies, zebrafish, neons, molinesia

    One of the aquarium fish - angelfish, famous for that lives as a couple and cares for offspring, with proper care, can live in an aquarium for more than ten years! In general, angelfish belong to the cichlid family, and their homeland is the Amazon River, this is where piranhas live. The fish is unpretentious, it can even live in the toilet cistern. The only thing they died from personally with me was from overeating. They drive away all the other fish from the feeder and eat the sun themselves.

    Life expectancy depends on the type of fish. Notobranchius have the shortest life span, this is because in nature they live in puddles during the rainy season, after which they lay eggs and die the whole cycle of 2-6 months, although they are quite beautiful.

    In general, if you take all the fish, then small-sized fish do not live very long from 1 to 5 years, medium-sized fish (5-10 cm) - up to 10-12 years, and big fish from 15 years and more. So, for example, large cichlids, such as astronotus, cichlomas can live up to 25 years or more. Particularly large fish such as large catfish or sturgeons can and survive a person.

    Below is the approximate life expectancy of fish.


    tetras, neons, minors 4-6 years

    piranhas, pacu - 10 years


    danios, barbs, labeos, cardinals, shark balls 5-10 years old

    goldfish - 10-30 years


    Angelfish, frontosa, Malawian cichlids (labidochromis, pseudotropheus) 8-10 years

    Cichlazoma, astronotus, discus, severum 10-18 years old

    Apistograms 3-5 years


    guppies, mollies, swordtails, platies 3-5 years


    gourami, lalius, cockerels 4-6 years old



    Loach, fighting 10-15 years

    It depends on the type of fish, as well as its content, so it's hard to say exactly how long your fish can live. In general, if we take the average duration of all aquarium fish, then it is 4-6 years. And so the fish live from 4 to 15 years.

Contemplation of the movement of the inhabitants of the water kingdom is a pleasant sight. This is a kind of relaxation that helps to soothe nervous system, switch after heavy labor day. But many beginner aquarists are interested in the question, how long do waterfowl live in a fish house? Can you help them become long-livers? Let's understand the topic.

What determines the lifespan of fish

Like you and me, the inhabitants of the water kingdom have a specific genetic predisposition to longevity. It depends on the metabolic rate in the body of waterfowl. And he, in turn, temperature regime environment. So, fish that prefer cool water live much longer than their tropical relatives, accustomed to warm, and sometimes hot. aquatic environment. After all, their metabolism is faster and, accordingly, they live their lives faster. So, for example, a black perch can live in an aquarium for up to 10 years if the temperature is maintained at 18˚C, and a cherry barb lives only 4 years, living in water at a temperature of 24˚C.

Also, the life span of floating pets is affected not only by the temperature of the water, but also by its acidity and hardness. Each type of fish has its own requirements for these content parameters. Equally important is the population density of the aquarium. The more space in it, the longer the inhabitants will live in it and will really live up to the life span assigned to them by nature. It also depends on the compatibility of pets with each other. If there are fighters and bullies in the water kingdom, then its other inhabitants will constantly experience stress. For example, goldfish (as recognized centenarians) will never live 30 years if bully barbs are added to them. They just "glue their flippers", because stressful conditions significantly shorten lifespan. It also depends on the diet. The more diverse the food base, the healthier the waterfowl will be. They won't last very long on dry food alone. Reduces the limiting age of fish and their regular overfeeding.

Longevity directly depends on the size of aquarium fish. So, large ones live 15 years or more, medium ones, the length of which varies from 5 to 10 centimeters, - 10-12 years. But small fish generally cannot boast of longevity. On average, the owner of the home water kingdom can admire them from a year to five.

So, the owner of the aquarium is able to influence the life span of his wards, creating ideal living conditions for them. Of course, this rarely happens in practice. But still, it is quite possible to monitor the parameters of the habitat, it is also possible to prevent overfeeding and control the diversity of the diet, as well as to follow the rules for the compatibility of the inhabitants of the fish house.

About the lifespan of the inhabitants of the aquarium

Researchers have determined the limiting age of aquarium fish at ideal conditions their content:

  1. Pecilia (swordtails, guppies, molinesia, formoses, mosquitoes) with good keeping conditions can live up to 5-6 years.
  2. Central perches (black, diamond, discoid, sunny) are ready to please their owners up to 10 years.
  3. Labyrinths (varieties of gourami) live 4-5 years.
  4. Barbs (green, scarlet) die at the age of 6 years, and their small species, for example, butterfly barbs, live only up to 4 years.
  5. Medium-sized catfish please the owners of the fish house from 5 to 8 years, large ones - up to 10.
  6. Goldfish are considered aquarium centenarians. Under proper conditions of detention, they live 25-30 years, sometimes they reach 40.
  7. Alestovye (long-finned bricinnus, blue congo, rainbow hemigrammopeters) live up to 5 years.
  8. Discus live up to 10 years, sometimes longer.
  9. Kharacin - 4-8 years.
  10. Apteronotus albino - up to 15 years.
  11. Piranhas, cichlomas, astronotus - from 25 to 30 years.
  12. Carp-tooth live no more than 4.
  13. Common loach - up to 10.
  14. Fights - 10-15.
  15. Danio, Congo - 5-7.
  16. Cardinals - 4.
  17. Lyalius - 5-6.
  18. Metinius, nimbochromis, scalars, tarakatums - more than 10.
  19. Otocincluss, syndontis, tetradons, archer fish - 5.
  20. Rainbow - 3.
  21. So, the owner must be aware of the limiting age of the inhabitants of the fish house. If one day he discovers that one of them has already outlived his own, then the corpse must be removed as soon as possible so that his relatives do not eat it.

Most people know that dogs live 8 to 12 years, cats live about 12 to 14 years. But how long do they live aquarium fish? When hobbyists decide to have a fish in their home, they are rarely interested in the issue of life expectancy, and then wonder why the pet suddenly died. Although the lifespan of wild fish has not been fully explored, what can we say about aquarium species. With proper care, many pets live from 2 to 20 years or more, depending on size, personal endurance and feeding. Even fish with a short lifespan will live longer than expected if you create a "paradise" corner in the aquarium.

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freshwater species

Many freshwater species fish live from 1 to 6 years. The most popular small fish, characterized by a short lifespan: swordtails, mollies, irises, catfish corridors, some cichlids, rasboras, carnegiells, tiger barbs. There are also several species of fish that live more than 5-6 years with proper care and feeding. Among them: kissing gourami, zebrafish, beta, Jack Dempsey fish.

If you're looking for fish that have a lifespan of 10 years or more, look no further than blue neons, angelfish, oscars, or plecostomuses. A well-known aquarium centenarian is a goldfish. With proper feeding, a clean and healthy aquatic environment, they live up to 15 years. The oldest aquarium goldfish lived to be 30 years old, the only officially recorded case.

Look at a 25 year old goldfish.

Species that live in salt water

How long do aquarium fish live that they prefer salt water? Despite the narrow distribution in home nurseries and the complexity of the content, some fanciers still try to provide them with everything. possible conditions life. A balanced level of salt in water can prolong life, proper nutrition and the corresponding volume of the aquarium. Most marine fish live in public aquariums where they live in best conditions. Many sea ​​fish succumb to disease early in life due to poor care.

Some brackish water species live 2 to 4 years. Among them: butterfly fish, mandarin duck, Moorish idol, gobies, blennies, Napoleon, monodactylus (swallow fish), triggerfish, surgeon fish, degu. Most small tropical seahorses live in aquariums for 3-4 years. Larger Sea Horses may live longer but are rarely available for the home aquarium.

More hardy marine species can live in captivity for 10 years or more: these are lion fish, clown fish, eels and sea ​​bass. There are many varieties of angelfish that live long in brackish water. sea ​​fish angels can live for over 20 years, and grow to impressive sizes.

admire sea ​​views aquarium fish.

Families of fish, life expectancy in years of some representatives

Large aquarium fish live longer than small ones, some are able to outlive the person himself. Because fish are cold-blooded animals, their body temperature matches the temperature of the water. With its increase, the processes in the body are accelerated, as a result of which the body wears out and ages. Improper feeding or overfeeding also shortens the life of pets. Aquarium cichlids have a sensitive gastrointestinal tract, and in the event of an incorrect dose or the addition of live larvae, they can easily get sick. The purity of the water is also important - species without scales are sensitive to impurities of chlorine, nitrites, nitrates and organics. Fish of the genus Polypterus and Labyrinths need access to atmospheric oxygen.

Representatives of the Kharatsin family live an average of 5-10 years: tetras, congos, neons, minors, piranhas, metinnis, pacu.

The life expectancy of the Karpovs is from 5 to 30 years: zebrafish, morulius, parsing, barbs, labeo, cardinals (5-10); goldfish, shark ball (10-30).

Cichlids live from 5 to 18 years: discus, frontosa, African and South American cichlids, nimbochromis, astronotus, severum, labidochromis, apistogramma.

Representatives of the carp-tooth family, viviparous fish live 3-15 years: swordtails, platies, mollies, guppies and others.

Representatives of the Loach family live 10-15 years: common loach, botsia.

Types of fish of the Catfish family live from 5 to 15: glass catfish, otocinclus, plecostomus, pimelodus, synodontis, mistus, banjo, sturizoma, tarakatum.

Other aquarium fish, representatives of different families: atheosimions (1 year old); tetraodons, archer fishes, wedge-bellies, irisfishes, leporines (5); panaki (10).

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