What is the fish like? River and sea fish (photo). River fish of Russia: list and description of species Freshwater big fish

List of fish that live in fresh water. These are predatory fish peaceful views fish, especially river fish and lake fish. The list contains names, descriptions, and photos of fish in their habitat. The fish on the list is characterized from several points of view:

  • Ichthyological: features of fish as a species, habitat, fish nutrition, spawning;
  • Culinary: nutritional value of fish, taste, properties of meat, fat content, bone structure;
  • Fishing: fish as an object of amateur and sport fishing.

The habits of fish, methods of fishing, tackle and bait are described. Examples of culinary applications are given, and dishes for which fish is most suitable.

River fish

River fish cannot exist in salty sea water, and sea fish in fresh water. With some exceptions: migratory fish can live in fresh water, and in salt.

Some marine fish migrate to the rivers for spawning - these are salmon, trout, herring. These types of fish are called anadromous. Salmon go upstream hundreds of kilometers from where they flow into the sea, spawn there, slide back, and die. Anadromous fish has a great commercial value.

Freshwater river fish are also not always sedentary, and may migrate to salt waters. Some species of freshwater fish (catadromous) swim in the sea to spawn (freshwater eels).

Underestimated is typically river fish. No marine fish can compare in taste with properly cooked pike perch, fried carp or crucian carp. Real fish soup is obtained only from river fish, and the most delicious fish cakes are made from pike meat. Pike caviar is also valued. And in general, among river fish, there are really valuable fish!

Names and photos of river fish

Considering that more than 400 different species of fish live in the freshwater reservoirs of our country, not including migratory ones, only the most valuable, famous and popular representatives of them were included in the list. We tried to pick up photos of river fish that most accurately convey the idea of ​​them and their appearance.

Let's move on to our list of fish (the order of fish names is derived by weighted average popularity - the number of mentions in fishing, cooking, literature). Each page displays 5 fish. Use the arrows at the bottom of the list to navigate.

#1 Perch

River perch is a medium-sized predator, a typical inhabitant of most freshwater reservoirs - rivers, reservoirs, ponds and lakes. Sea bass, yellow perch are representatives of other fish species. In reservoirs with representatives of valuable fish, perch is considered a weed fish, in the rest - a cleaner. Large perch is considered to be more than 300 grams in weight. During its lifetime, perch can grow up to half a meter in size and weighing 2 kg.

The perch feeds on juvenile fish, insects and larvae, during the spawning of other fish, eats their caviar. The striped robber is what characterizes the perch best of all.

How to catch perch

Perch is caught on different gear throughout the year. Perch are caught most massively after floods, in early autumn and on the first ice in winter. They catch perch on spinning in the open water season, on spinners and mormyshkas - in winter.

How to cook

Despite the fact that the perch is not of particular commercial value, it is widely used in home cooking. It cannot be said that this is a fish without bones, but there are very few of them. Large perch is smoked and fried, sometimes salted and dried, from different - perch fish soup is boiled. Perch meat is tasty, lean. Those who do not like to mess with perch because of its scales are missing out on a lot.

#2 Pike

Pike is a freshwater predatory fish, an inhabitant of rivers and lakes. The sea pike is called the barracuda. Depending on the reservoir in which it lives, the pike can have a different color - lake pikes are brighter and darker than river fish. Being a predator spotted predator acts as a "orderly" of reservoirs - it hunts and eats, first of all, weakened and sick fish.

going on in early spring after the water warms up to three to six degrees. Before pike, only burbot spawns.

During its lifetime, a pike can reach a length of one and a half meters and weigh more than 30 kg. Pike more than 9 kg, anglers call "crocodiles". In warm weather, pike are caught on spinning, and in winter - on baubles, spinners and balancers.

How to cook pike

Pike meat is "dry", not fatty - dietary. Due to its boneiness and peculiar taste, pike meat is rarely used for cooking in its pure form. But it is well suited for cooking cutlets and is used in the ear along with fish of other varieties. Salted and lightly salted pike caviar is highly valued.

#3 Pike perch

Pike perch is a predatory river fish of the perch family, but there is also a sea pike perch. This is a large and strong fish up to 18 kg in weight and more than a meter in length. A close relative of pike perch is bersh. Bersh is called the Volga pike perch, but this is not a pike perch - it does not exceed one and a half kilograms and it lacks the fang-shaped teeth that a real pike has.

Pike perch hunts in a flock, going in an organized manner to a place where a lot of juvenile fish gather or shoals of small fish pass - sprats and sprats. Spawning of pike perch takes place in the spring, when the water warms up to 12 degrees. After spawning, pike perch does not leave spawning grounds, protecting eggs from "pirates" - perches and other fish that love to eat someone else's caviar.

Pike perch is always a welcome trophy in the catch of any fisherman. By open water walleye are caught on spinning, using the most diverse arsenal of lures. In winter, pike perch is caught on spinners and balancers, on rattlins, on amphipods, jigs for pike perch.

How to cook pike perch

Pike perch is a valuable fish species. It has a high nutritional value, very tasty dietary meat with a high content of easily digestible protein. In addition, pike perch meat contains many useful trace elements and amino acids, some of which are indispensable.

Objectively, zander is one of the most delicious freshwater fish. Pike perch - “fish without bones”, one of the advantages of pike perch meat is the complete absence of small bones in it. The most correct application is fried pike perch or baked.

#4 Burbot

Burbot is a river fish of the burbot family, the only representative of cod-like fish that lives exclusively in fresh water. Burbot does not tolerate warm water, so it is more common in temperate waters. climate zone and north.

Outwardly, burbot looks a bit like a catfish. It has a spotted color, and the color of burbot depends on the transparency, depth, illumination and color of the soil of the water in which it lives. Spawning of burbot occurs in winter, from December to February, depending on geographical location reservoir. In summer, especially in the heat, burbot is not very active.

How to catch

Catching burbot in winter is carried out on winter zherlitsy, on burbot mormyshka or lure. Ruff is used as live bait on the vents - the most favorite prey for burbot. When fishing with a mormyshka, they regularly tap on the bottom, the sound attracts burbots from afar. The bite of burbot is more active at night. In open water, it is caught during cold snaps on bottom gear with replanting a large worm, fry or pieces of fish as bait.

Carp is a fish of the carp family. Carp is a domesticated, cultural form of carp. An artificially grown carp, falling into a wild reservoir, can normally exist and breed there, but it does not become a carp. Carp is an exceptionally wild carp.

Carp, an omnivorous fish, feeds on and plant food and animal. In comparison with the carp, the body of the carp is more elongated, the carp is more high-sided. Several types of carps have been bred from the carp - a mirror carp or a royal one - with rows of large scales partially covering the body, and a scaleless carp - completely bare-skinned.

Carp and carp are large and strong fish. Carp grows over a meter in length and can weigh over 20 kg. Prefers bodies of water with calm water. The river carp adheres to places with a weak current, a silty or clay bottom with a shell rock.

Spawning of carp and carp

Preparation for spawning at carp begins in the spring, when the water warms up to 10 degrees. It comes closer to the shores, to spawning grounds - to places rich in aquatic vegetation. Spawning itself (spawning) begins at a water temperature of 18 degrees. Spawning of carp can continue until mid-summer.

The ocean isn't the only place you can find giant fish. Freshwater inhabitants are smaller than their counterpart in sea ​​waters, there are a select few that can grow to enormous sizes.

website compiled for you a list of the 10 largest freshwater fish in the world:

Siberian taimen, also known as Siberian salmon, is a species of fish that belongs to the Salmoniformes family of salmon.

These fish take on a different coloration, depending on the geographical direction, but usually have olive-green heads that blend with a reddish-brown tint on the tail. Some of their fins are dark red in color and their belly is usually white but sometimes dark grey.

Taimen are the largest salmon in the world and reach a weight of 13.5 to 27 kg. The largest representative of the Siberian salmon was caught in the Kotui River in Russia - 105 kg. and 2.5 m in length.

Carp are a number of different species of freshwater fish belonging to the Cyprinidae family, which is a very large group.

Indian carp, which had the largest maximum length, reached 182 centimeters.

Native to the rivers Nile, Congo, Senegal and Niger. Perch is silver, but it has a unique blue hue. You will notice his distinct black eyes which have a bright yellow ring on the outer rim.

The Nile perch is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, in some cases reaching a length of more than 180 cm. The largest of these fish weighed more than 180 kg.

Catfish is a bottom inhabitant of lakes. Some of the largest catfish have been recorded in excess of 220 kg. They live in freshwater environments, usually in shallow running water.

Paddlefish feed on plankton and swim with their mouths open all the time. They reach a length of more than 2 meters and a mass of 90 kilograms. They were found in abundant numbers in the river systems of the United States, but due to over-harvesting, their population has been greatly reduced. The main reason for the decline in the number of paddlefish is the number of dams that block their migration routes, which is very important for their reproduction and health.

Bull shark or bull shark

You can find the bull shark in warm oceans, coastal areas and freshwater streams if they are deep enough.

Female bull sharks are larger than males. At birth, they can be up to 91 centimeters long. Adults average about 2.5 meters in length. The largest recorded weight of a bull shark was 320 kg.

The bull shark is considered a super-aggressive species. They often hide on shallow beaches and show their completely unscrupulous behavior at the slightest danger.

The white sturgeon is a species of freshwater fish that plays important role in the social heritage and culture of British Columbia. This is the most large view sturgeons and the largest freshwater representative of all of North America. Recently, a white sturgeon was caught in British Columbia, almost 4 meters long and weighing half a ton.

The white sturgeon has an extremely long life. Some of them have lived for over 100 years. They are able to reproduce many times during their life. Due to their long lifespan, white sturgeon grow slowly and do not breed until males are 14 years old and females are over 18 years old.

Mississippi shellfish, alligator gar

The Mississippi shellfish is a streamlined fish with a flat head and at first glance might look like an alligator. The alligator gar is the largest of the gar species. It can grow up to 3 meters in length and weigh over 165 kg. They are an aggressive species, but no attacks on humans have been recorded.

Giant freshwater stingray is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, weighing between 500 and 590 kg.

Unfortunately, the number of these fish is rapidly declining due to overfishing and constant habitat loss. In Thailand, the giant freshwater stingray is considered endangered.

A giant freshwater stingray is able to pull the boat under water if it gets caught in a net or on a spinning hook.

Beluga (not to be confused with bulukha) is a member of the sturgeon family. And rightfully takes first place in the list of the largest freshwater fish. They can grow to monstrous sizes, partly because they have a lifespan of 180 years, and during that time they never stop growing.

The largest recorded beluga was 7 in length and weighed 1569 kg.

Beluga black caviar is considered a delicacy all over the world. Due to the fact that this fish is endangered, caviar is very expensive.

Photos of the largest river fish often show catfish. And this is connected, most likely, with the same question, do real cannibal catfish exist in reality? These huge fish are too mysterious and there are so many tales about them. But still there is evidence of catfish attacks on people in our time, given that giant individuals are still found. According to a specialist in zoology from the United States, David Wheeler, there are catfish weighing half a ton and measuring more than six meters. Such facts are given in his book about catfish of unprecedented size, still living in large bodies of water.

And in our time, there are catfish attacks on animals, the victims of which are usually pets and young cows, sheep, goats, as well as adults. People also became targets of attacks by underwater predators, and most often they were children. In the middle of the summer of 1982, researchers and rangers of the Khopersky Reserve witnessed a catfish attack on a young deer and his death when a huge fish pulled him under water. Bears swimming across the river also became victims of catfish. This is still being told in the Siberian region.

So, the largest freshwater fish is catfish? Among other things, and a cannibal? Quite possible. Here are some more facts, moreover, from very recent history. It happened in Voronezh region at the end of the summer season, in the 90s. Near the village of Kulakovo, a boy and a woman became victims of an attack by a huge killer catfish. They bathed in the evening in the hunting grounds of cannibal catfish.

Similar cases of people disappearing in the evening have been reported in China at a large reservoir. People went to swim and did not return from the water. The mystery of their disappearances was solved when a giant catfish, three meters in size, was caught with human remains in its stomach. One head of this catfish was a meter in size.

True or not, it is difficult to judge, but according to some sources, a five-meter catfish was found in a tugboat that sunk on the river on board the ship, punching a hole in the hull. In the stomach of the monster, the remains of three Polish tourists were found, who, after the disaster with a tugboat, moved to a small rescue ship, but never made it to the shore. It was on the Dnieper.


The list, which includes the largest freshwater fish or river monsters, beluga should also be added. It would, of course, be in first place in terms of size among Russian fish. But this huge fish does not belong to the permanent and typical river inhabitant, since it is an anadromous species of fish and enters the rivers only for spawning. Meanwhile, in the local history museum of the Republic of Mari El, among the exhibits there is a beluga weighing a ton, once caught in the Volga. But this is not the limit of the weight and size of the beluga. According to unspecified and unofficial data, not so long ago there were individuals weighing up to 2 tons and up to 7-8 meters long. Confirmed data indicate the capture of the largest specimen of this fish weighing one and a half tons and 4.2 meters long. Some of the most large beluga are the real centenarians, since their age can be 100 years.

The largest river fish in Russia, although they do not constantly live in rivers, nevertheless, spend a very large part of their lives there. This is due to the characteristics of reproduction. Being inhabitants of the Caspian, Black, Azov and according to some information Adriatic Seas, beluga come to spawn mostly in the Volga, as well as in the rivers: Ural, Terek and Kura. But if earlier these powerful and ancient fossil fish rose quite high along the Volga, to the middle reaches and higher, then with the emergence of the Volga cascade of dams and hydroelectric stations, the rise of the beluga stopped, at least to the previous levels.

Fish passage facilities did not help either. In addition, on some dams they either did not exist at all or they did not work in full force. For example, at the Cheboksary hydroelectric power station in the early years, instead of fish passage facilities, only an 8 cm grate was installed, on which the passing large fish were cut and died, falling to the bottom under the discharge of water from the dam.

The largest river fish in the world hardly reached the size of the Russian beluga, at least those individuals that entered our rivers in the 18th and 19th centuries. Meanwhile, in our time, these valuable sturgeon fish, which once supplied a lot of tasty meat and delicious black caviar, are on the verge of extinction, despite the prohibitions. And in the good old days, even a simple peasant could afford to taste the delicious beluga meat and the same delicious black caviar, moreover, in large quantities. It happened one fine day in the year 1891, when a strong wind from the shore suddenly and quickly drove the water out of the bay. Sea of ​​Azov at Taganrog. In a shallow bay, in a puddle, this lucky man found a beluga weighing 20 pounds (327 kg). There were almost 50 kilograms of black caviar in it. This is where you could eat plenty of real fish and black caviar, even with a tablespoon, simply! ..

Siberian taimen

The largest freshwater fish in Russia are also found in Siberian rivers. And the largest and most beautiful predator of icy waters is the taimen. This is the oldest fish of all salmon, since taimen lived about 18 million years ago. Most species and subspecies of taimen, including lenok and char, are predominantly freshwater, with the exception of the Sakhalin taimen, which adheres to the mouths of rivers and the desalinated part of the sea at certain times.

In our country, taimen live in the rivers of Siberia, as well as in the rivers of the Amur basin. These powerful and incredibly beautiful fish are the object of sport fishing on the principle of “catch and release”. This strict principle is a vital necessity, since the Siberian taimen is already an endangered fish species.

Among the fish of Russia, taimen are distinguished by their size and weight. The largest specimens reached not so long ago the weight of a centner and a length of two meters and a hook. Since 1993, the record has been held for the largest taimen caught on sports tackle and released back into the waters of the river. The weight of this trophy fish was 41.95 kg. However, no, no, and the information will pass, they say, they caught somewhere in a mountain river a taimen weighing 50 kg, or even all 80 kilograms. In a word, taimen is the largest freshwater fish in our country beyond the Ural ridge.

Taimen are real predators capable of swallowing large fish. Outwardly, this large fish is live torpedo, for which the strong current and thresholds mountain rivers- not an obstacle. The usual coloring of the taimen consists of brown tones on the back and silver on the sides with dark spots. During the mating season, these fish become even more beautiful. Visibility and brightness are given to them by red, almost orange ventral fins, as well as juicy red with a copper tint - anal and caudal fins.

The element of taimen is icy mountain rivers and the same lakes. Hunting places are pits immediately behind the rapids-rifts, where tired small fish roll down and become the prey of a predator. Taimen are also kept in small groups and in places with an uneven bottom on stretches and even in river bays. If only there was depth in such a bay.


The category - the largest freshwater fish includes pikes. According to Leonid Pavlovich Sabaneev, pikes weighing 48-64 kg were encountered not so long ago in northern and Siberian rivers. And pood and weighing 20 kg predators are not even now a special rarity in Russian waters, especially in the expanses of the Volga reservoirs. The pike is considered legendary, caught even under the German emperor Barbarossa, which was 5.7 meters long and weighed 140 kg. She was ringed and launched into the lake. The pike lived for more than 200 years in this lake and, when caught, was whitish in color, as if faded from old age. The skeleton and ring of this pike is still kept in one of the museums in Germany. True, there are doubts about the authenticity of these artifacts, since the age limit of the pike is estimated by leading ichthyologists at 33 years.

Even in forest peat lakes there were giant pikes. The pre-war newspapers of the Mari Volga region wrote about 30-kilogram pikes from Lake Luzher. Large in area, but only 2-3 meters deep, this peaty interdune lake still remains a haven for large pikes. The tenants of the lake, who set themselves the goal of completely catching predators and releasing domesticated fish species, did not cope with this task. The lake seemed to have a second and a bottom where predators hid. And in the process of catching with a net, fishermen saw exits and jumps through a network of giant fish, and also observed live logs in shallow areas. Pike-logs went out to the shallows, escaping from the net. And the fishermen simply did not dare to catch them, despite the reach of prey. A similar giant pike, which can be judged not only by descriptions and stories, was caught in Lake Ilmen. She weighed 34 kilograms. And the reliability of the capture of a large predator is confirmed by a black-and-white photograph, which can be safely attributed to the series - a photo of the largest river fish.

Predators weighing 12-16 kg and now often become the prey of winter pike fishermen.

carp and carp

According to the information presented in the books of L.P. Sabaneev, carp and its cultivated variety carp were in ancient times truly giant size and weight. The record holder of that time can be called a carp weighing more than three pounds, or rather, 55.6 kg. This fish was caught with hooks, tackle, which in our time is poached. There were rumors about a carp weighing 68.5 kg, caught in the net. Nowadays, these fish also come in large sizes and heavy weights. At least carp weighing 20-30 kg are considered not very rare prey, especially in the lower reaches of the Volga, and are called trophy fish that every angler dreams of catching.

These powerful and large fish, chained in strong silver-golden scales, are also included in the category - the largest freshwater fish, only among conditionally peaceful underwater inhabitants. Why is it conditional? Any even the most herbivorous and peaceful-looking fish, having reached a certain age and size, becomes to some extent a predator and is not averse to swallowing the fry.

In addition to the Volga delta, large carps are caught in paid reservoirs, where, with proper feeding and with regulated catch, they quickly reach large sizes and weight, since a feature of these fish is their rapid growth.

The largest river fish in the world

The largest freshwater fish or river monsters are also widely represented in the rivers of other continents. Moreover, some of them are related to our Russian predators, for example, the American maskinong pike. It is also called the giant pike.

pike masquening

Maskinong outwardly almost does not differ from our pike, but in size this predator is comparable to our pike of previous centuries and ancient years. External differences only a specialist or a person who knows these differences in advance will find it. Firstly, the masquenong does not have scales on the lower part of the gill covers and the edges of the caudal fin are sharper than those of our common pike. Distinguish masking and sensory points, which has lower jaw fish. This pike has more of them than the Russian predator, most often over seven. The pike of our waters - no more than six. The color and stripes that turn into spots often coincide, especially if the conditions, that is, when the color of the water and soil also match the American predator with the living conditions of our pike.

Muskinongs are up to 1.8 meters long and sometimes weigh 30-32 kg. But most often they come across to anglers on sports tackle, so to speak, in medium weight categories- length 2.5 m and weight 16 kg.

Like our pikes, maskonongs prefer bays of rivers with weak currents or stagnant water. The objects of hunting of these predatory fish are also similar. Like the pikes of our rivers and lakes, masconongs hunt fish and all living things that fit into their mouths: chicks, birds, frogs, crayfish, snakes, mice, muskrats.

The armored pike is also a relative of the above pikes, but rather a distant relative. It is also a serious fish that falls under the definition - the largest freshwater fish.

bull shark

But this is a real monster, which cannot be called a good fish, because, like all sharks, this predator is a real aggressor. The bull shark is found both in the oceanic vast expanses and in the coastal zone. But the same shark can be found in the most ordinary freshwater reservoir: a river or even in a stream, if only the depth of this stream would allow this powerful fish to be placed in it, which often reaches a size of more than 2.5 meters and a weight of 312 kilograms. The insidious feature of such a shark lies in the fact that it often stays on coastal shallow waters of beaches and can be dangerous, as it is an aggressive and ruthless predator. This shark easily falls into the category of one of the largest fish in the world and can often be found in a series of photos of the largest river fish.

white sturgeon

The white sturgeon is also a giant fish and among the sturgeon family of North America is its largest representative. Moreover, this fish can be called the largest in general among freshwater fish of this continent. The largest individuals of this species reach a length of about 4 meters and weigh almost half a ton. These fish differ in life expectancy, which is 100 years and even more. Therefore, the old fish, it can be said without exaggeration, have seen a lot in their lifetime.

Nile perch

This is another relative of our domestic fish, or rather, perch, familiar to all "sailors". Only the size of the overseas brother is impressive and in awe. As the name implies, this "perch", reaching a length of 1.8 meters and weighing more than 180 kg, lives in the ever-muddy Nile River, and also in the rivers - Niger, Congo, Senegal. Like our perches, the Nile perch has yellow eyes with black dotted pupils. But the coloring of this perch is somewhat different, without stripes, instead of which the sides shine with silver with some bluish tints, which makes this seasoned predator very beautiful.

Alligator garfish

The largest river fish in the world are represented by another species that is really a monster. This is an alligator garfish. The appearance of this monster is almost a copy of the alligator crocodile, at least that's what the fish's head looks like. But, despite such a picturesque and violently aggressive appearance, these fish have never attacked people, in any case, such information has not been received. The size of these inhabitants of the water depths is also not offended. Garfish alligators can weigh up to 140 kilograms with a length of 3 meters.

Arapaima giant

This is a fish that really deserves to be on the list - the largest freshwater fish. Instances 3 meters long and weighing more than 68 kilograms are not uncommon in the waters of the Amazon. Confirmed data speak of arapaima weighing up to 200 kg. This is a swift and furious predator, which manages not only to catch up and swallow fish, but also to get birds and small animals sitting on trees in a jump.

Arapaima can live in the most impassable swamps, where the water is very poor in oxygen. But this cunning fish has adapted to breathe and atmospheric air, for which she needs to rise to the surface of the reservoir at certain intervals, which are about 20 minutes. Arapaima giant is protected by very dense and strong scales, but this did not save it from extermination by local native tribes, who from time immemorial hunted this fish for food. Now these fish are protected and are likely to become an object of breeding.

Tiger goliath fish

The largest freshwater fish will be horrified at the appearance of another real monster that will frighten even any predator with the sight of its terrible teeth, since the goliath tiger fish is a giant piranha. In addition to being one of the largest fish and reaching a length of 180 cm with a weight of 50 kilograms, this fish is also the most dangerous among all types of predatory fish.

And this danger threatens both the weak man and the no less bloodthirsty strong crocodile. And the teeth of the goliath fish bite even metal leashes, if the metal for them is not the most durable. In addition to the Congo River, these fish are not found anywhere else.

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In this article, I would like to analyze the most coveted and significant fish Siberia, fish of northern rivers, mountain taiga streams with cold water and rocky rifts, lakes. Freshwater ichthyofauna of Siberia and the Urals. Ichthyofauna of the entire taiga zone of Russia. I will not mention the fish that are abundant in the southern strip, and will focus only on the fish of the taiga, the fish of the north. Noble species of fish that are hunted by amateur fishermen in pursuit of a big trophy, tourists traveling through the taiga, and indigenous people of the north, for whom fishing is a way of getting food, and not a sport, entertainment and trophy pursuit.


A valuable commercial fish from the whitefish genus and the salmon family, lives in the rivers of Siberia, in particular, in the basins of the Ob, Irtysh, Lena, Yenisei rivers. It is valued for its taste, as well as nutritional value and the presence of essential substances. It is well used in lightly salted form. It is enough to stand the muksun in salting for about 9 hours, and only then it will be possible to eat it. The meat is fatty and melts in your mouth. The calorie content of meat is about 90 kcal per 100 g. It is also widely used for making stroganina.

Fishing methods: in many regions of the country, fishing for whitefish is prohibited, in others it is caught with nets, and whitefish can also be caught with a fly, having a varied supply of baits with you.


Valuable commercial fish of the whitefish genus, reaches a weight of 50 kg. It lives in the rivers of Siberia, in the basin of the Arctic Ocean. It is considered one of the most delicious fish in Russia, and any fish dish from it always turns out delicious. Just like muksun, nelma is good in lightly salted form and as a sliced. It is an endangered species.

Fishing methods: In all southern regions of Siberia, nelma fishing is prohibited; it is caught by artels in an industrial way in the northern part. Yes, and it is quite difficult to catch it on spinning in the southern part, which cannot be said about the Ob or Yenisei delta, where the nelma likes to live. The fish are very cautious and shy. Nelma takes well on various turntables, spoons, most often ordinary, silvery in color, the same color as smelt and vendace fry.


Chir (or Shchokur) is a representative of the whitefish genus. Valuable commercial fish lives both in fresh and semi-fresh water at the confluence of large Siberian rivers with the Arctic Ocean. Also available in Kamchatka. Chir serves as a bonus for commercial fishermen when catching white salmon and whitefish. It also lives in freshwater lakes.

Fishing methods: Just like muksun, chir is mined with nets, but, unlike it, chir bites quite well on bait and spinning. As a bait, various insects, larvae, meat of mollusks living in sea ​​shore, and, of course, artificial baits.


Valuable commercial fish of the whitefish genus. Small sizes, up to 6-8 kg. Baikal omul lives only in Lake Baikal and in nearby rivers, in which it spawns. In the river basin of the Arctic Ocean lives arctic omul . It is well used in salted, smoked forms, as well as stroganina.

Fishing methods: omul is mined at any time of the year. Fishing is possible both from the shore and from a boat. Omul takes well on small bright fixed and moving baits, including spinning ones. Locals use pieces of foam rubber, fresh meat or a piece of fish as bait. At the height of winter, the omul descends to depths of more than 200 meters, and appropriate gear is needed to catch it.


The Siberian whitefish lives in the rivers of the European north and Siberia. Weight up to 5 kg. Length up to 80 cm. Possesses good taste qualities, is an object of both amateur and commercial fishing. It has a characteristic transition from the head to the body. Pyzhyan feeds on mollusks, larvae, and various insects.

Fishing methods: Fishing takes place by casting seines and the installation of nets. Amateur fishing takes place on ordinary gear and lures. Best bait is a chiromanid, also caviar, mollusk, fly, bloodworm.


A small commercial fish of the whitefish genus. Also known in the Urals as Sosvinskaya herring . The fish of the northern rivers lives in the basins of the Ob and its tributaries (in particular, the Northern Sovva, Pur, Taz, Nadym, etc.), on the Yenisei, Lena, etc. Length up to 100 cm, weight up to 100 g. The taste of tugun meat gives off fresh cucumber, the meat is tender, fatty. Tugun is smoked and consumed in a salty form.

Fishing methods: tugun is mined with seines; fishing with a bait or spinning rods is ineffective. Fishing most often occurs during the spring flood, when the fish goes to fattening, they are also caught in the summer.


A genus of fish in the salmon family. It lives in freshwater reservoirs and rivers. Most often in fast cold rivers of a mountainous nature, on rifts. It lives in Siberia and the Far East, as well as in China, Mongolia, West Korea. In the European part of Russia, west of the Ural Mountains is not found. Predator, feeds on various insects, mollusks, worms, flies. It has other names: Russian - lenok, Turkic - uskuch, Evenki - maigun, Yakut - byyyt and literary - Siberian trout. It is an endangered species.

Fishing methods: Commercial fishing is not carried out, in amateur lenok is one of the most popular fish for sport and amateur fishing. Fly fishing and spinning tackle is used. Young lenok is caught on a fly, similarly to grayling, larger specimens are caught on lure, various turntables, wobblers, etc.


A popular fish of the northern rivers of the salmon family. It is an object of sports and amateur fishing, valued for its excellent taste. There are Siberian, European and Mongolian grayling. Reaches a weight of 2.5-3 kg. It feeds on various larvae, mollusks, insects that have fallen into the water: midges, leafhoppers, grasshoppers, gadflies, etc.

Fishing methods: The most popular way to catch grayling is fly fishing. It is also caught on spinning and on a regular fishing rod. Most often, grayling is caught on a fly. There are 4 places where the grayling takes well: on the riffles, on the thresholds, immediately after the stones, stands facing against the current; near fallen trees; at large stones (standing at a depth); on the rift, on the side of the main stream. If fishing is done on spinners and spinners, then, as a rule, light baits are selected, but large graylings can also be taken on heavy ones.


Fish of the salmon family, is listed in the Red Book of Russia, in some reservoirs it is grown and catching is prohibited. It is a coveted trophy for any taiga fisherman. It can reach a weight of 70-85 kg and a length of up to 2 meters. It lives in fresh cold water, does not go out to sea. It lives throughout the taiga zone. The further north his habitat is, the more comfortable he becomes.

Fishing methods: taimen is a predator and fishing methods are the same as for other predators. In those rivers where there are many small fish, such as grayling, various types of whitefish, taimen also lives. Taimen fishing most often takes place under a special license or only for trophy photography, then the fish is released. They take on various spinners, turntables, wobblers and other spinning gear.


Valuable commercial fish of the sturgeon family. Body length reaches 130 cm, weight - up to 20 kg (in rare cases). Large specimens live mainly in northern rivers. Feeds on invertebrates, eats eggs of other fish. It lives in the basins of many Siberian and European rivers in Russia, as well as in the seas. It is an object of fishing and spearfishing. It has excellent taste qualities. Disappearing view.

Fishing methods: is subject to poaching. Anglers amateurs extract sterlet under license. The most common tackle is a bottom bait with a bait in the form of a worm.


A fish of the cod-like order, the only one that lives only in fresh water. It occurs almost throughout the taiga zone, most common in the rivers of the Arctic Ocean basin. As a rule, the weight of burbot does not exceed 1 kg.

Fishing methods: the best periods for catching burbot are winter and early spring. The best tackle is a donk, as well as a float rod. Live bait, fry, frog, leech should be used as baits. It goes well at night, because at night it comes out of its holes and lies in wait for prey near snags. It is also effective to put burbot zherlitsy in winter at night.


Not a species, but a whole family of pike. It lives both in Siberia and throughout Russia, almost everywhere. The most popular predator of our waters. The length of the pike reaches 2 meters, and the weight is 35 kg, but in rare cases.

Fishing methods: on a live bait, on a frog, on a tadpole. When using spinning, any bait goes well, depending on the reservoir and the situation, be it all kinds of turntables, wobblers imitating a wounded fry, vibrotails, etc. This bloodthirsty predator is best caught in the spring, before its spawning, and in the fall - during the zhora, late August to mid-October (in the north - until September)


small fish carp family. Yelets lives in clean flowing rivers, both with sandy and pebble bottoms, as well as in lakes. Feeds on small insects, plankton invertebrates, plant shoots.

Fishing methods: like all cyprinids - a float rod with bait on a hook. Also bottom gear and fly fishing. From the bait - bloodworm, maggot, porridge, bread, worm.

Rainbow trout

Other name Mikizha . Fish of the salmon family. Small size, length up to 55 cm, weight up to 1.5 kg. It lives in cold water, loves clean mountain rivers, lakes. Predator, feeds on fry of other fish, minnow, verkhovka, insects, etc.

Fishing methods: fly fishing or spinning. Small trout are caught on a fly, like the Siberian grayling, larger individuals will peck on baubles and other spinning gear.


Minnow is a small representative of the carp family. On the right photo lake minnow , on the left - river . The length of the fish is up to 15 cm, weight - up to 90-100 g. It feeds on mosquito larvae, flies, small insects. The body is covered with small scales. The minnow is usually used as bait for larger fish, but can be eaten.

Fishing methods: minnows are caught during the day in calm, calm weather; at night, the fish do not bite. Worms, bloodworms, maggots are used as baits. The minnow is caught in early autumn, later it hibernates.


A small freshwater fish of the whitefish family. Sizes of the Siberian vendace: up to 35 cm in length and weight up to 1 kg. Semi-anadromous fish, i.e. lives both in the salt water of the ocean and in the fresh water of the Siberian rivers flowing into the Laptev Sea. Vendace is consumed fresh, salted and smoked. rich nutrients as well as omega-3 fats.

Fishing methods: commercial fish. It is caught mainly by nets, because the effectiveness of ordinary fishing rods on it is low.


Fish from the carp family. The young are called braces . It lives in the taiga zone everywhere. In Siberia it is found up to Yakutia. Reaches a weight of 3 kg and a length of 55 cm. Lives up to 20 years. Omnivorous fish. Lives in rivers, lakes, ponds. Avoids fast cold water and mountain rivers. It prefers more reach rivers with calm water and great depth.

Fishing methods: ides are caught on ordinary species with Anastasia. Float fishing rods, donks, spinning rods, with various turntables, spinners. The ide takes well at dusk, because at this time it is fed. The bait is worms, bloodworms, maggots, bread, bran, etc.


From the perch family. Lives all over northern Eurasia. Reaches a size of 44.7 cm and weighs more than 2 kg. Predator, very voracious. It is eaten as a basis for fish soup, in fried, smoked, dried forms. It is an object of sports, amateur and commercial fishing.

Fishing methods: like all predators, the perch takes well on baits of animal origin. Live, worm. It takes well on spinning tackle, on wobblers (right figure), turntables, vibrotails, and various spinners. It usually lives in pairs with pike, in places with a large number of small fish.


Fish of the carp family. Chebak is a subspecies of roach, distributed mainly in the Urals and Siberia. In Siberia, the chebak lives almost everywhere. It is found in large numbers in the Kolyma, Indigirka, Lena, Yenisei and other Siberian rivers. Basically it is a small fish, but reaches a weight of up to 3.5 kg. In many reservoirs, the chebak is the simplest and most popular fish. They eat it themselves and feed cattle, dogs and cats. Fish soup is boiled from it, fried, dried and smoked. In my opinion, chebak is especially good in the ear, boiled.

Fishing methods: chebak, like all carp fish, is omnivorous. It bites both on baits of animal origin and vegetable origin. Takes well on bloodworms, maggots, worms, dough, bread crumbs, corn. Classic fishing for chebak takes place on a simple float rod.


A species of fish from the perch family. In Siberia, it lives everywhere up to the border of the tundra. A small fish, reaching only 30 cm in length, and weighing up to 250 g. An unpretentious fish that can adapt to living conditions. Schooling fish. It lives both in fresh water and in slightly brackish waters. Predator, nocturnal.

Fishing methods: bites best in spring, autumn and early winter- at this time, he begins zhor. Fishing time is morning and evening. In summer, it is caught at night, in cool weather. Pecks at bloodworms, worms, maggots. Tackle - float fishing rod.

Pike perch is a relative of perch, which lives only in clean water, provided with oxygen for its life and activity. There are no phosphates or other impurities in this fish. The growth of pike perch is 35 cm. Its maximum weight is 20 kg.

Pike perch meat is light and lean, but very tasty. It is saturated with phosphorus, chromium, sulfur, potassium, fluorine, cobalt, iodine and vitamin P. This fish is quite healthy in composition.


Bersh also belongs to the perch family. Its height is 45 cm. The largest fish weight is 1.4 kg. This species lives in rivers that flow into the Black and Caspian Seas.

Bersh does not eat very well big fish, mostly minnows. The meat is similar to pike perch, but a little softer.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. But the most effective was and remains.

It attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. Suitable for both summer and winter fishing.


Perch lives in rivers, lakes, ponds, which have only clean water. That is, we can say that this fish is not picky and is found almost everywhere where it is clean.

To catch a perch, it is necessary to use only certain thin gear. Thanks to this, catching it is quite interesting and entertaining.


In appearance, the ruff looks like a monster. It has such spiny fins to protect itself from predatory fish like pike. This fish is found in ponds and rivers, however, depending on the habitat, it changes color. The height is 13 cm, and the weight is approximately 400 g.

Such growth of a ruff depends on an excess of crayfish, insects and larvae that they feed on. This type of fish is common in many European countries. It is found mainly in rivers, lakes, seasides and ponds.

Spawns from two days to several weeks. This fish does not like sunlight, so you can meet it at a depth of at least two meters.


This fish is extremely rare in our area, so few people know about it. The fish belong to the perch family. It has an elongated fusiform body, adorned with a protruding snout.

This fish is small in size, that is, its length is less than 1 foot. The main residence of the chop is the Danube River with adjacent tributaries.

The chop feeds on worms, mollusks, fish of not huge sizes. Caviar, which has a bright yellow color, is thrown from the end of April.


Pike belongs to the pike family. It has spread in fresh water bodies of the Eurasian and North American continents. We can say that this fish is distributed almost all over the world only in water that is saturated with oxygen.

With a decrease in the amount of oxygen, it dies. Height is 1.5 m, weight ranges from 35 kg. The body and head of the pike are elongated. It can spawn only at temperatures from three to six degrees. The pike is a carnivorous fish.

It feeds mainly on low-value fish. Lives everywhere. The meat contains little fat and is dietary. They live no more than 25 years. In cooking, this type of fish is used in raw, boiled, fried and stewed form.


Roach has become widespread in Russian Federation.

It lives in rivers, ponds and lakes.

The color of the fish depends on the composition of the water in which it lives.

It looks like a redfin.

Roach feeds mainly on algae, fry of various small fish and various midge larvae.

With the onset of winter, winter leaves.

Spawning starts later than pike, somewhere as far as the end of spring, and before spawning it is covered with small white spots.

Roach caviar is very soft, transparent and has a green tint.


The bream is a soft fish, but it has delicious taste. Prefers to live in still water with slow flow.

Their life expectancy is 20 years, however, they grow slowly. For example, a bream that lives 10 years has a weight of only three or four kilograms.

The fish has a silvery-dark color. Life expectancy is seven to eight years. The length varies within 41 cm, and the weight reaches 800 g. Spawning begins in the spring.

It feeds on aquatic plankton, invertebrate larvae and crayfish mollusks. It lives mainly in the Black and Caspian Seas. In cooking, it is used in different forms: fried, boiled, salted, smoked and dried.


Gustera refers to sedentary fish.

The color is bluish gray. Life expectancy of fish is no more than 15 years.

The length is 35 cm and the weight is 1.2 kg. These fish do not grow quickly. They live in calm waters.

Spring and autumn for the silver bream are the period of formation of numerous flocks and dense accumulations.

Hence the name of the fish.

Feeds mainly on insect larvae and small fish mollusks.

Breeding usually spawns at night, in late May or early June at a water temperature of 15 to 17 ° C with a duration of 1 to 1.5 months.

Fish has become widespread in European countries. The meat has a lot of bones and tasteless.


Carp has a dark yellow-golden color. The life expectancy of a fish is 30 years, but it stops growing at 7 or 8 years. Weight is from 1 to 3 kg, and the height is 100 cm.

Carp is freshwater fish, but also found in the Caspian Sea. In summer it feeds on young shoots of reeds and other aquatic plants, as well as young eggs of spawning fish, and in autumn it begins to eat various small insects and invertebrates.


Carp belongs to the carp family. Has a mustache. Fish feed on undercooked potatoes, breadcrumbs and cake. In winter, carp hibernate. They are very insatiable and gluttonous.

Life expectancy is about 100 years. The fish is yellow-green and Brown color. It lives in rivers, reservoirs, rates, lakes, which have a bottom filled with silt.

Fish spawn at water temperatures of 18 to 20 degrees in the morning. The weight is about 9 kg. Considered a food fish in China and an ornamental food in Japan.


Carp is the most famous fish among the people.

Lives in almost all reservoirs and ponds in Russia.

It belongs to the carp family. It resembles a carp, only it does not have a mustache.

This fish is hardy and undemanding to water quality. Little respond to lack of oxygen.

In winter, fish can freeze into ice and not die if the internal fluid does not freeze.

Weighs 0.5 kg.

Spawns at a temperature of at least 14 degrees.


Inhabits rivers and reservoirs overgrown with plants and covered with duckweed carpet.

It is considered a strong fish. It is good to catch tench, starting from the month of August. By palatability fish is not worse than carp and pike perch. It also makes a good ear.


The chub is a freshwater fish. Belongs to the carp family. Its length is 80 cm, it weighs about 8 kg. It uses air insects, young crayfish, fish and frogs as food.

Widespread in European countries and Asia Minor. Spawns at water temperature from 12 to 17 °C. Likes to live in areas with strong currents.


Ide is widespread in all rivers and reservoirs of European countries. Prefers slow flow and deep places. Doesn't fall into hibernation. Pretty hardy fish. The length is from 35 to 63 cm, weight ranges from 2 to 2.8 kg.

Life expectancy reaches 20 years. It feeds on animal and plant foods. The ide spawns in the spring at a temperature of 2 to 13 degrees.


The asp is the most common species of the carp family.

It has a dark bluish-gray color.

The height of the fish is 120 cm, and the mass varies within 12 kg.

This species lives in the Black and Caspian Seas.

He likes to swim in fast reservoirs, avoiding stagnant places.


It has a silvery, grayish and yellowish color. The length of the fish is 60 cm and the weight is 2 kg. Life expectancy is 9 years. The fish grows pretty fast.

Lives in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, the sea. Young fish first eat phytoplankton and zooplankton, and in late summer they feed on insect larvae. Lives in the Baltic Sea.


By appearance rudd is similar to roach, but much more attractive. The height is 51 cm, and the weight is 2.1 kg. Life expectancy ranges from 19 years.

It is found in rivers that flow into the Caspian, Azov, Black and Aral Sea. Fish eat animals and plant microorganisms. Especially love caviar of mollusks.

Meat contains many useful minerals such as phosphorus, chromium, vitamin P, proteins and fats.


Podust has a long body. The life span of a fish is 10 years. The length reaches 40 cm, and the weight is 1.6 kg. Likes fast flowing rivers.

It feeds on microscopic algae that lie at the bottom of rivers. Spawns in April at a temperature of 6 to 8 degrees. Distributed throughout Europe.


Bleak is a fish that is known to every person who has picked up a fishing rod at least once. It belongs to the carp family. The size of the fish is from 12 to 15 cm, and the weight reaches about one hundred grams.

It lives in rivers that flow into the Black, Baltic and Azov Seas.


Quicksand is similar to ordinary bleak. This is a rather small fish and its maximum size was no more than 10 cm. It has a brownish-green color. Weighs about 2 g. Lives about 6 years.

Grows very slowly. It eats zooplankton and algae.


The minnow belongs to the carp family.

The body of the fish is fusiform.

The size is 15-22 cm.

She lives in water bodies.

Spawns in spring.

Accepts larvae and small invertebrates as food

Cupid white

Fish "White Amur" belongs to the carp family. As food, it accepts only aquatic plants, which are characterized by high growth rates. The growth of the fish is 1.2 m, and it weighs 32 kg. This type of fish is distributed throughout the world.

silver carp

The silver carp feeds on microscopic algae in huge sizes. This is an industrial fish that is easy to acclimatize. She weighs 8 kg. Belongs to the carp family. Fish have teeth that are designed to flatten algae.

The silver carp is widespread in the Republic of China and the Central Asian region. The length of the fish reaches 1 m, and the weight is 25 kg. It is an industrial fish. Silver carps love warm water. In rivers, places with a fast current are selected. They spawn in early spring.


Catfish is a large freshwater scaleless fish of the catfish family. Its length reaches 5 m, and its weight is 400 kg. The color is brown. Lives in the Russian Federation and other European countries. Refers to inactive fish.

channel catfish

Channel catfish is a fish belonging to the catfish family. It has 37 species of fish that live in North America. The fish has a very slender scaleless body and huge whiskers, which is of particular interest.

Fish spawn at a temperature of 28 degrees. The channel catfish is a heat-loving fish, however, it can winter under the ice.


The eel is a freshwater fish that belongs to the river eel family. This fish is predatory. Lives in the Baltic, Azov, Black and Barents Seas. It looks like a snake.

It has an elongated cylindrical body and a small head, which is flattened in front. This fish is found in waters with a clay bottom. The eel feeds on a variety of animals that live in mud, crayfish, worms, larvae, snails.

The length is 47 cm, and the weight can reach 8 kg.


The snakehead fish lives in swampy areas. Looks like a snake


Burbot belongs to the cod-like order.

It has a long, small and round body.

The color is brown and grey.

But it can change depending on the environment.

This fish spawns in the cold season.

Prefers cold and clear waters.

Burbot refers to predators.

Hunts mainly at night.

Feeds on invertebrates and zooplankton. Burbot is an industrial fish.


The loach fish is one of a small group of fish characterized by a long body that is covered with very small, smooth scales.

In appearance, the loach resembles an eel or a snake. The fish has a long cylindrical body. The length of this fish is 30 cm.

This species is widespread throughout Europe. Fish prefer calm water. He likes to be mainly at the bottom, and comes to the surface only during a thunderstorm or during rains.


The red char fish is a relative of the salmon breed. There are many types of this fish. A characteristic property of the char is that it has the ability to change its color, which depends on the habitat and the number of years.

These fish do not have scales. Has a small size. In culinary under the influence high temperature the char does not decrease in size.

Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, with the help of which the body carries out protective functions to combat inflammation.

Lamprey Hungarian

It lives mainly in the river. This fish is widespread in Transcarpathia in Ukraine. The Hungarian lamprey lives in shallow sections of rivers with a clay bottom.

Lamprey Ukrainian

Lamprey Ukrainian feeds on various types of fish. Lives mainly in rivers. Distributed in the basins of Ukraine. Does not like to be deep under water.

Body length is 25 cm, spawns at a water temperature of 8 degrees. After spawning, they live for another two years and die.


It has a dark gray-brown color.

Life expectancy is 27 years.

Length ranges from 1.25 m and weight up to 16 kg.

Lives in rivers.

In winter, it goes into a sedentary state, deepens and does not feed on anything.

Distributed in the Black, Azov, Caspian, White, Barents and Kara Seas.

Belongs to a very valuable industrial fish.

Danube salmon

Danube salmon is unique representative fish fauna of Ukraine. It lives in the Danube River basin and is not found anywhere else in the world. The fish belongs to the salmon family. Its length is about 1 meter.

Salmon is grey. Spawning begins in April. This fish belongs to voracious predators that feed on small fish. The mass of the fish is 140 g, the dimensions vary up to 15 cm.

The life expectancy of the Danube salmon is twenty years.

Brook trout

Brook trout belongs to the salmon family. It has a body length of 25 - 55 cm, and a mass of 0.2 - 2 kg or more. The color changes from dark brown to golden. This fish is sedentary and does not like to migrate.

Trout feeds on crayfish and insect larvae. Trout receive the largest amount of food during a thunderstorm, when a huge number of insect larvae are blown into the water by the wind.


Umber belongs to the Evdoshkov family. The body measures 10 cm and weighs approximately 30 g. The color is reddish brown. Distribution received in the basin of the Danube and Dniester rivers.

If he hears danger, he burrows into the ground. Spawns in March or April. It eats fish larvae and small invertebrates.

grayling european

European grayling is one of the main industrial fish in the North of the Urals. Spawns in rivers at a temperature of 10 degrees. She is a very predatory fish. Likes to be in fast-flowing rivers.


The carp is a freshwater fish. Belongs to the carp family. The fish is dark in color. Its length is 60 centimeters. Carp is found in the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas. The weight is about 5 kg.

River fish without bones

There are no bones in the following types of fish:

  • in maritime language;
  • in fish of the sturgeon family which belong to the chordate order.

Features of river fish

Water is a very dense substance, so the movement of fish in it is difficult. However, her body is adapted to such conditions.

Many fish, especially good swimmers, have a long torpedo or spindle shape. These fish include salmon, podust, dace, chub, asp, sabrefish and herring. Flat-bodied fish live in calm waters with little current. These include bream, rudd and crucian carp.

Among river fish there are predators - these are pike, burbot, pike perch and catfish, which have a terrible mouth, huge jaws and strong teeth. The pike tends to arch when it swallows food.

Fish that feed on small fish have small mouth openings. And those that feed from the bottom and dig the earth have a retractable mouth.

The skin color of many fish varies depending on the habitat. The speed of movement can be from ten to twenty meters per second.

How long have you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HEALTHY pikes/carps/breams?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perches, but ten kilogram pikes - this will be a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone knows how.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home, you can buy it in fishing stores. But it is expensive in stores, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to tell the truth, homemade bait does not always work well.

Do you know that disappointment when you bought bait or cooked it at home, and caught three or four bass?

So maybe it's time to use a really working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the very result that we cannot achieve on our own, all the more, it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on manufacturing - ordered, brought and go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Especially now - the season! When ordering, this is a great bonus!

Learn more about bait!

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