Frost and sun, a wonderful day: a selection of statuses and quotes about winter. Beautiful statuses about winter Status about early winter

People are divided into two types: lovers of the hot season and admirers of beautiful ones. For those who are cheered up by crunchy snow underfoot, sparks of snowflakes and festive lights in the windows - statuses about winter. they will not leave anyone indifferent.

Beautiful statuses about winter

  • "Romantics go crazy in winter."
  • "Only in winter can you believe in a fairy tale and
  • "Winter, memories and a blanket - what else do you need?"
  • "Winter brings us closer together. The stronger the frost, the stronger people hugging."
  • “People seem to get kinder in winter.”
  • “It is difficult to ever enjoy such silence as on a winter evening.”
  • "Winter has the scent of tangerines, cookies and love."
  • “I want to be like in childhood - wrapped in a coat, scarf and blanket so that only your eyes are visible, ride on a wooden sled, hold a bag of sweets in your hands and guard the Christmas tree tied to the side.”
  • “People tend to think about the eternal on winter evenings.”
  • “It’s amazing what peace falling snow gives to the soul.”
  • "Winter is not only a season. It's a mood."
  • "In winter, the street turns into a carnival. You can't see the faces, but you can feel the festive atmosphere."

Statuses about winter are more beautiful the more tenderness this time evokes in a person’s heart. People really become warmer with the arrival of frost.

Original sayings about winter and snow

All statuses about winter are similar. They are similar in their life-affirming motives, goodness and beauty.

  • “Winter is white for a reason. It’s a blank slate of life.”
  • “All sounds sooner or later begin to irritate. Except for the crunch of snow in the cold.”
  • “If you look at the sky in the snow, you can die of happiness.”
  • “The window of a minibus on a frosty day turns into a rock painting, where everyone wants to leave their mark.”
  • “When else to make wishes, if not on a winter evening burning with lights?”
  • “I would like to thank those people who decorate the windows with garlands and turn them on in the evenings. You good people, you share joy."

Funny statuses about winter

  • "Had a good three winter months? Get the fourth one for free!
  • “There are exactly “horror, polka dots not bought, dress not finished, cards not signed” days left until the New Year.”
  • “Yesterday the guys and I wanted to jump into a snowdrift. The owner of the snowdrift billed us for broken side mirrors.”
  • “You don’t need any fitness when you’re wearing a down jacket through snowdrifts and doing cross splits on ice.”
  • “Girls, take advantage of the moment. When else will men fall at your feet, if not in this icy conditions?”
  • "Winter is especially beautiful in March."
  • “Real winter is when the thermometer asks to go from the street into the house.”
  • “But once upon a time people were happy about snow in December, not surprised.”
  • "British scientists have found that children whose fathers tie a scarf can hold their breath for up to 3 hours."
  • "Each warm winter Somewhere in the closet there are sad underpants."
  • "According to statistics, with the beginning of winter, more couples in love appear. Ice is no joke! We must stick together."
  • “In the snow, no one is embarrassed by people who walk backwards.”
  • “Nothing strengthens a family more than: “No, roll this ball more, where did you put it, where did you put the carrot?”
  • You know you’ve matured when a fashionable jacket is replaced by a warm one.”

Statuses about winter are never soulless - they always emanate the warmth with which a person treats this time of year.

I love snow, when snow-white flakes of cold cotton candy fall from above, smelling of happiness and carelessness...

Did you call winter? Well, I came...Why are they so dissatisfied now? I don't hear applause. There will be no joy on their faces - I won’t give you snow!

Finally, winter! Although it doesn’t fit with my spring mood and summer love. It doesn’t matter what the weather is outside, the main thing is the inner feeling!

This winter will bring something to everyone... a broken leg for some, a broken arm for others, and a broken heart for others...

Best status:
I love winter weather: funny knitted hats... sled tracks in the snow... a funny feeling of helplessness when you step on slippery ice, and the expectation of spring lurks in your heart...

Foggy windows on a bus are a great place to express yourself. Let everyone read what you have to say, maybe someone will see this as a sign from above... This has its own winter charm...

I love winter! For snowflakes on the palm... snowmen with a bucket on their head... frosty patterns on the glass and even a snowstorm outside the window... all this is so romantic and evokes thoughts of the New Year...

Winter... The days are longer, the nights are short... warm socks and hot tea with raspberries... and in the soul there is love that does not depend on the season.

Winter without tangerines is like summer without ice cream!

And I love winter, there is a lot of joy in it, in it I met my happiness...

When parking in a snowdrift, you must first make sure that it is not occupied!

Winter is an hour when you look for summer, but at the same time you are madly happy about the snowfall, and quietly sing the song from the Coca-Cola advertisement...

Snowflakes are little stars with a magical taste of the New Year..

Under the highest notes of the subtle strings of the soul, the wings of love slowly break. (With)

"Main? is: Agree with everything. Don't explain anything. And then do what's best for you. And then your life will become much easier.”

It’s morning outside again, there’s snow again, reminiscent of the same day when that snow fell... that first snow that we met together that year.

Embracing in a white dance, snow flakes swirl so as to never be separated...

Winter... snow... beautiful... good... Fuck, it's good to look at all this from the window!!!

Winter is raging in earnest!!! I almost got swept away on the way!!!

Autumn will pass...and sadness will go away! A snow-white, fluffy winter will come... full of new events and impressions)))) Don’t despair)))

It’s winter in your soul in summer and winter in your soul, and a couple more years and you’ll definitely go crazy...

Well, there's snow, frost, frozen fingers, red nose!!!

Winter - best season, but only next to you.

Why is it so cold??? We were expecting snow, snowdrifts and kids building snowmen...

[Her perfect winter. A lot of snow. Chapped lips. He.]

A snowflake of fluffy, white, silver snow fell on my cheek, it was like your tender kiss.

Winter statuses – Winter is the season of alcoholism and despair.

Winter has come! But in my heart it’s not clear whether it’s spring or summer! It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s warm and colorful!

In winter, the windows on the bus turn into a place for correspondence. It's like everyone wants to say what's on their mind. For others to see. So as not to go into emptiness.

Heat. There is no money for air conditioning. I found a way out - instead of shower gel, I wash myself with menthol shampoo and run around the apartment. I plan to stock up on pepper tincture for the winter, because... The heating is also terrible.

Ice: step, slip, stand up, brush yourself off. One step, she slipped, stood up, dusted herself off. She swore, spat, and decided to crawl.

end. The play is over. and the curtains have long been drawn and the doors are all closed. end-end. but the heart continues to beat with fire. we are not nailed down. we are alive. and are always open to the sun's rays. We will continue to live in exactly the same way.

Why is it so cold??? We were expecting snow, snowdrifts and kids building snowmen...

First snow... for some, first love, for others, first tears... but for me, a new life... life without you!!!

Winter has begun...the hand on the mouse is freezing =))

Snowflakes froze on the eyelashes, and an ironic smile on the lips... winter is a reason to start all over again...

Soon vanilla snowflakes will fall from the sky onto your eyelashes, pieces of ice in your palms, pieces of fluffy flakes on your hair, droplets on your cheeks and... laughter in between happiness...).

What difference does it make, summer or winter? Happiness comes in no season.

xxx: It’s -40 outside... I’ll go have a beer.

Snow is tangled in my eyelashes... I'm walking along a frozen street... Somewhere, a person is also walking. My beloved... He's in a hurry, worried...

A snowflake of fluffy, white, silver snow fell on my cheek, it was like your tender kiss

December. Cold. It's windy. Snow... It's time for a warm blanket, hot chocolate and beautiful fairy tales...

Winter in the soul, winter in the heart, winter has settled in me for a long time.

Sometimes it seems to me that there is no winter, that winter is a lie... because snow is just frozen drops of rain... ... and there is no hatred, because hatred is just frozen drops - Winter Statuses

I hate winter... you experience two colds at once... one in your heart, the other on the street.

Sweaters and cold shades... covered with a cloudy film. And the cherry sky remained alive in my chest. smile. it will still be good.

Winter is over, but my soul is still not warm(

“Congratulations on winter. Freeze for your health. Always your minus on the thermometer.”

I love winter, you raise your head to the sky... and the clouds sprinkle the world with sweet vanilla sugar...

Romantic snowy mood, with a New Year's flavor :)

Today at school on the first floor, a guy is running, I tell him: “Don’t run.” He: “What?” And I: “What are you going to do to me?” And he takes me by the shoulders and says: “I’ll tell you one simple thing, firstly, don’t be nervous, and secondly, I don’t hit girls.” I don’t know why, but I was in deep shock..

It was the most unforgettable summer... the most sad autumn... I hope this will be the happiest winter...

Love Winter! Because New Year... because the skating rink... because it’s just snow... so white fluffy... snowflakes are flying... sparkling... shimmering... so good... calm... and... romantic... especially at night...

Do you know what -45C is in Siberia? This is when you lick your iPhone to answer the call!

The first day of winter reminds us that New Year is coming soon.

Snowflakes outside the window, I dream about you... My unearthly angel, I miss you..!

I wish winter would come right away on December 1st. I woke up and there was already snow outside, without all this autumn slush and dampness...

Bring back summer!!.. turn off the snow, draw the sun, warm up the sky, boil the sea, plant palm trees..

Love Winter! because New Year... because the skating rink... because it’s just snow... so white fluffy... snowflakes are flying... sparkling... shimmering... so good.. calm... and.. romantic.. especially at night..

Fear in the soul, eyes on the forehead. I'm walking on ice in heels!

I’m singing carols, I’m smelling moonshine with my nose! I'm getting some sausage and lard! Pour it or I'll pay

This ice is teaching me how to fly.

Winter - Yes, what could be more pleasant? ...When you're walking and you have small, white, but terribly beautiful snowflakes on your hat or hood... Probably nothing

Autumn will pass... and sadness will go away! A snow-white, fluffy winter will come... full of new events and impressions.

Winter came!!! Now we are waiting for spring!

Grandfather Frost, last New Year I asked you for a boyfriend. So take this goat back and give us better markers :)

In winter the sun laughs through tears

How colder winter, those colder heart.

... the long winter laughed in my eyes, But only she was with me

Winter.. It makes meetings shorter, loneliness more noticeable.. But it makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love.. Love does not depend on the time of year..

I want it to snow in big, big flakes and to be warm outside, but I walk hand in hand with him and understand that my New Year’s wish has come true!

And when you first saw me, what did you think? What kind of idiot eats ice cream in winter.

24C this is our opinion... It’s cold bitch, but it’s nice that real winter...And no one will say no ice Really ice)))

In winter, the windows on the bus turn into a place for correspondence. It's like everyone wants to say what's on their mind. For others to see. So, not into emptiness.

Sometimes it seems to me that there is no winter, that winter is a lie... because snow is just frozen drops of rain... ... and there is no hate, because hate is just frozen drops of love...

With the onset of winter, people become heartless why..?

We are like autumn and winter, close but not together...

Winter is hope. Winter is the ringing of thin crystal accompanied by the chimes. Winter means soft mittens and snowballs. Winter means tangerines and persimmons...

My ideal winter is a lot of snow and kissed lips by my loved one))

I want winter. Snowflakes on the palms, rustling jackets, and steam from the mouth, Coca Cola advertising on TV, New Year. Magic time.

We have a whole winter ahead of us to learn to appreciate what will happen, and not what has passed.

I don’t want winter, I just want to look at the snow, take a walk in a down jacket and that’s it, I can put it away)

Snow doesn't fall - it soars, rises higher and higher and shines, it shines and sings so beautifully, it's a pity no one hears...

The snow came treacherously from the west, without declaring winter...

Winter has finally arrived in our Bermuda!!!


Well, who wanted winter and a little snow?))))))

White houses, snowy roofs, white lace trees in the distance. Once again I’m leaving for Moscow weekdays, on my own... in the crowd of bustle...

You are laconic, winter, not prolific, the snow bins are sad and the throne is cold.

March. Winter still doesn’t go away, spring freezes in the hut... Shelter her for a while... Settle her in your soul!!!

The harshest month of winter is March.

What does winter do to us? Even flying snow looks like dandelions...

Snow fell - And everything was forgotten, What the soul was full of!

Although they say that our internal reality is primary, and our external reality is secondary, the street became light from the snow and... my soul became lighter.

Rumor has it that the Snowman - illegitimate son Santa Claus.

Go away Winter, go away! And take your snow. Tired of cleaning in the morning, your cold weather has gotten to you.

Winter has one big disadvantage. Minus thirty.

Winter was solemnly burned. But she turned out to be a Phoenix, shook off the ashes and burst with frost)))

I am the colored winter that shines with lights, that draws patterns on the glass of houses.

The wet snow forms again and the bitch immediately melts. He really bothers me thinking about spring.

Opened the winter season. I realized that writing poems about fluffy snow is much more pleasant than clearing paths in a snowstorm...

Winter can be frosty and snowy. blizzard... and now also March :))

It’s winter-winter outside, there’s a fabulous moon in the sky. A candle is burning, it’s dark around, and we are celebrating Christmas.

The whole world is tired... of black paint. He wants to be caressed by fluffy snow... He wants winter love, snow fairy tale. Wrap yourself up tenderly and... believe in happiness.

Winter is coming... We'll freeze if we don't break the wood...

Damn, there's snow again (((admit it, who extinguished the effigy of winter on Maslenitsa?

In winter, knee-deep snow, in spring knee-deep mud, in summer knee-deep dust, in autumn knee-deep foliage. Something is wrong with these knees! I'm learning to fly!

It will snow tomorrow!!! I learned!!!

Snow... Snow... Snow swirls in a slow waltz... And we speed up the run in pursuit of illusory happiness...

I look at the white snowflakes and remember winter...

“...Winter, 7 am, I’m leaving the parking lot: red lipstick, stockings, heels and carrying a huge shovel. I wonder what passers-by thought?
... Passers-by thought “fuck-dig!”

Winter is when you walk down the street and snowflakes come kissing you! I COME HOME... ALL KISSED!!!

Cheer yourself up on a dull, gray winter Friday - write a vacation application with colorful markers!

Spring has quieted down in anticipation... Winter, hey, come on, goodbye!))

FAREWELL WINTER! I trampled the inscription in the snow in large letters.

You'll feel bloated here from pancakes while you spend this Winter...

I liked your snowy winter... oh, how you are in winter... - Tender?

How thin is the line between “Hurray, it’s snowing!” and “Kick it, it snowed.”

Snow is falling in the sky, whirling, in the rhythm of a wonderful waltz, as if it invites everyone to a whirlwind of a snow-white dance!

Last year there was very little snow. This winter, apparently, decided to correct the omission and produce snow in two years at once.

It seems to me that last year’s snow will remain until next winter.

Winter. She came... she came and started winding and throwing. Having scattered, it began to spin.

The sun on a winter day reminds us that spring is NOT around the corner!!!

I so want another chord of winter, snowy dreams, a cycle of miracles...

Frost and sun - a wonderful day, winter - a charming beauty, all this is great, I won’t hide it, if it weren’t for that - in the Spring)))

I already want winter to go white snow, listen to your favorite music and see all this New Year's fuss.

The snow is falling quietly... weightlessly - fluffy and white, winter has come suddenly and boldly!

And again the blizzard is blowing, and again, the snow is swirling... Apparently, Mother Winter is coming back...

They say winter is the time of year when there is a lull in love. It’s worth considering that only in severe frosts do the northern lights appear...

Winter is in full swing - there is snow...

I'm tired of winter! I want dry asphalt, warm sun, short skirt, hairpins and birdsong!

In the depths of winter, I find an untamed summer within me.

This year in March, even Siberian cats did not start serenading. Apparently they were afraid of freezing their eggs.

This is a stubborn winter! They were already making pancakes, and she still stood in the doorway and grinned. He's probably asking for a ride.

Statuses about winter and snow

For those who love VKontakte statuses depending on the season, we offer you statuses about winter. We have collected the best for you statuses for classmates, VKontakte about winter. Statuses about winter - The best way highlight beauty winter nature or just tell your VKontakte friends about your walk through the white winter park, its fabulous mystery . This may seem strange, but for many, winter weather, biting winds and cold are more desirable than summer weather sunny days. That is why statuses about winter no less popular and in demand than statuses dedicated to other seasons. Statuses about winter often associated with those magical holidays that all people love and look forward to, regardless of age: Merry Christmas and New Year. Winter statuses They will always be able to tell your virtual interlocutors what emotions the arrival of winter evoked in you, what you think and feel while watching soft, white, fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky and how sincere, fiery love warms you during the Christmas and Epiphany frosts . Winter statuses are suitable for absolutely everyone, choose the ones that suit you best best statuses about winter for your Internet page!


Why is it that when they talk about winter, they often talk about cold and snowstorms, but I like it. While you bring the beer home to the refrigerator, you no longer need to put it cold.

“Carrots or life?!” the hare shouted, threatening the snowman with a hairdryer.

The motto of public utilities: “Whoever throws the snow removes it from the road”

40% of women like winter, and 60% - not so much. The same survey showed that 40% of women have a fur coat, and 60% do not.

Cool status about winter: If the snow were alcoholic, it would have been summer long ago.

I love ice...4 splits, 2 somersaults, 5 swallows and I'm home.

Winter has come - fuck your hair!!! Head needs a comb! He took off his hat and his hair was up, You walk into school like a fool.

Survive three months of winter and receive the fourth as a gift.

How good it is that snowmen fall from the sky in disassembled form!

Well, there's a lot of snow! I’m digging up the fourth car - and it’s still not mine...

Congratulations on winter. Freeze for your health. Always your minus on the thermometer.

Only snot reproduces in the cold.

It’s a shame that summer, autumn, spring come once a year, and winter twice – the first time at the beginning of the year, and the second at the end...

When parking in a snowdrift, you must first make sure that it is not occupied!

Oh, how frosty it is in January, when there are amenities in the yard!

Cool status about winter: February... 30 minutes at the bus stop... Thank you for being alive!

Bring back summer!! Turn off the snow, draw the sun, warm up the sky, boil the sea, plant palm trees...

Cold is when you open the refrigerator and warm up.

And it’s warmer here - you don’t have to button up your down jacket in your apartment.

Winter is coming to an end soon!!! All that remains is to confess your love, eat pancakes and congratulate the men...

When Napoleon came to Moscow, there was no one in the city. Hah, what did he want - it’s winter, everyone is in Egypt!

Do you know what -45C is in Siberia? This is when you lick your iPhone to answer the call!

The most long relationship those who met in winter. If he liked you in a thick sweater, an awkward down jacket, a stupid hat and a red nose - that's love!

The grass is turning green! The sun is shining! Get hurt!!! It's December outside...

Cool status about winter: It’s hard to live in a country where frosts are stronger than vodka...

Frost and sun. It's a bad day. When you walk early in the morning, and your cheeks and nose are stiff, and the question is frozen on your lips: “Why don’t you stay at home when it suddenly became minus twenty?

In winter, all the birds fly south, and the hares change their fur coats... Dear, am I a bunny or a bird?

Damn... I'll have to buy a new down jacket for the winter, otherwise the old one will wear out over the summer!

Everyone who buys alpine skis from us will receive crutches for free!

Fear in the soul, eyes on the forehead. I'm walking on ice in heels!

Ooooh, that sad moment when you're wearing a long winter down jacket and your jeans have slipped...

Before catching snowflakes in your mouth, make sure that all the birds have flown south.

In this weather, a good governor won’t even send snowplows outside!

Just a little more snow on the cornice and I won't need curtains.

There's a skating rink outside. For the first time in my life I saw a pigeon slip.

A friend’s VKontakte status reads: “It’s so cold, it’s heavy in my soul when I realize that she’s no longer there...”. I write to him: “Why did you break up with your girlfriend?” he: “no, I lost my hat...”

On the slippery porch, the number of cultured people decreases sharply.

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