The main characters of Andersen's fairy tale snow queen. The Snow Queen

The fairy tale of H. H. Andersen is dedicated to the very famous in the 18th century Jenny Lind, an opera actress. She had a phenomenal range. Berlin, Paris, London and Vienna applauded her. Her voice was admired, and the performances were sold out.

Andersen conquered to the depths of her soul beautiful voice. Lind and the writer met in Copenhagen. Literally at first sight, he fell in love with the singer. Whether the feeling was mutual is unknown. But she greatly appreciated his writing talent.

Andersen could not speak beautifully about his love, so he decided to write about it and confess his feelings. After sending a letter confessing to Lind, he did not wait for a response. And so the famous fairy tale was born, telling about the touching love that Gerda and Kai experienced for each other.

The prototypes of heroes in a fairy tale

Two years later, Lind and Andersen met. The actress invited Andersen to become her brother. He agreed (because it's better than being nobody), thinking that Gerda and Kai were also like brother and sister.

Perhaps in search of a real feeling, Andersen spent a lot of time traveling, trying to escape from the realm of the Snow Queen, which for him was Copenhagen. Everything in life is not like in a fairy tale. The image of Kai and Gerda, invented by Andersen and personifying him and Lind, was just as pure. In life, Kai was never able to fall in love with Gerda and escape from the kingdom of the Snow Queen.

Brief analysis of the tale

G. H. Andersen is the first Danish writer whose works entered the world literature. The most famous are the fairy tales "The Little Mermaid" and "The Snow Queen". They are familiar to almost all of us. The fairy tale "The Snow Queen" tells about good and evil, love and oblivion. It also tells about devotion and betrayal.

The image of the Snow Queen in the fairy tale was taken for a reason. Andersen's father told him before he died that the Ice Maiden had come for him. In his fairy tale, the writer personified the Snow Queen precisely with the Ice Maiden, who took his dying father with her.

The tale at first glance is simple and does not contain a deep meaning. Going deeper into the process of analysis, you understand that the plot raises some of the most important aspects of life - these are love, devotion, determination, kindness, the fight against evil, religious motives.

The story of Kai and Gerda

This is a touching story of friendship and love of two fairy tales by Andersen. Gerda and Kai had known each other since childhood and spent a lot of time together. In the fairy tale, it is Gerda who has to prove the strength of friendship, who went on a long and difficult journey after the boy, who became a prisoner of the Snow Queen herself. Having charmed Kai with a piece of ice, she turned him into a callous, spoiled and arrogant boy. At the same time, Kai was not aware of his changes. Having managed to go through many difficulties, Gerda managed to find Kai and melt his icy heart. Kindness and faith in the salvation of a friend gave the girl strength and confidence. A fairy tale teaches to be devoted to your feelings, not to leave you in trouble loved one, be kind and, despite the difficulties, strive to achieve the goal.

Characteristics of Kai and Gerda

Andersen's fairy tale describes to us a kind, attentive and sympathetic Kai. But after a challenge to the Snow Queen herself, he turns into a rude and angry boy, capable of offending anyone, even Gerda and grandmother, fairy tales which he loved to listen to. One of Kai's tricks ended up being captured by the Snow Queen.

In the palace of the evil queen, he became a boy with an icy heart. Kai kept trying to put the word "eternity" out of ice cubes, but he couldn't. Then she promised him to give skates and the whole world. Kai's desire to comprehend eternity indicates his lack of understanding that this cannot be done without true feelings, without love, with only a cold mind and an icy heart.

Deprived of all human feelings, Kai in fear wanted to read a prayer, but could not. All he could think of was the multiplication table. Frozen figures of regular geometric shape - this is the only thing that delighted him. Once beloved roses, Kai tramples, and examines snowflakes with interest through a magnifying glass.

The image of Gerda is a contrast to the character of the Snow Queen. To find Kai and rescue him from the ice castle, the girl goes on a long and difficult journey. In the name of her love, a brave little girl ventures into the unknown. The obstacles encountered on this path did not make Gerda angry and did not force him to turn back towards the house, to leave his friend as a prisoner of the Snow Queen. Friendly, kind and sweet, she remained throughout the tale. Courage, perseverance and patience help her not to lose heart, but humbly overcome all failures. Thanks to this character, she managed to find Kai. And love for him was able to melt his icy heart and cope with the spell of the evil queen.

The description of Gerda and Kai can be a prototype in life real people and similar stories. Just take a closer look around.

Characteristics of the Snow Queen

Snow Queen, Snowstorm Witch, Ice Maiden - a classic character in the folklore of Scandinavia. Lifeless and cold space, snow and eternal ice This is the realm of the Snow Queen. Tall, beautiful ruler on the throne, located on the lake, which is called the "Mirror of the Mind", she is the embodiment of a cold mind and beauty, devoid of feelings.

Growing up fairy tale characters

After visiting the realm of the Snow Queen, the heroes become adults. Moral meaning acquires the motive of growing up. Children grow older when faced with harsh life's trials, overcoming which Gerda managed to save her loved one, resisting the difficult searches and intrigues that the Snow Queen arranged for them. Kai and Gerda, despite growing up, retain their childish spiritual purity. They seem to have been born again with the goal of a new adult existence.

Christian motives in a fairy tale

Andersen's fairy tale is saturated with Christian motives. In Russian publications, this is rarely seen. In the episode, when Gerda tries to enter the Queens, the guards do not let her in. She was able to get into it thanks to the fact that she began to read the prayer “Our Father”. After that, the guards, turning into angels, paved the way for the girl.

At the time when Gerda and Kai return to native home, grandmother reads the gospel. After the meeting, the children all together begin to dance around the rose bush and sing a Christmas carol, which ended the instructive tale.

And this mysterious journey from the world of good to the country of evil began with a fragment that fell into Kai's eye. The mirror broke due to the fact that the trolls (that is, demons) reflected in it everything in the world in a distorted form. Andersen explains this by the fact that the demons in the lying mirror wanted to reflect the Creator. God, not allowing this, made it so that the mirror escaped from the hands of the demons and broke.

The image of Hell is reflected in the word "eternity", which the Snow Queen instructed Kai to compose. Icy, not created by the Creator, eternity is an image of hell.

In the episode where the deer asks the sorceress to help Gerda and give her the power of twelve heroes, she replies that she cannot make the girl stronger than she is. Her strength is small loving heart. And God helps her anyway.

The opposition of cold and heat

From the prologue of the fairy tale, Andersen begins to write that for some people, fragments of ice fall into the heart, which freezes, becomes cold and insensible. And at the end of the tale, he describes how Gerda's hot tears fall on Kai's chest and a piece of ice melts in his heart.

Cold in a fairy tale is the personification of evil, everything bad on earth, and heat is love.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Snow Queen, Andersen sees the absence of warmth, the presence of cold and insensibility.

The fairy tale "The Snow Queen" was published in 1844. It is interesting that this characters of this work had real prototypes. So, the prototype of the Snow Queen with an icy heart was the opera singer Jenny Lind, with whom the storyteller was madly in love. And Gerda was embodied from a little childhood friend Lisbeth, with whom Hans Christian was friends in early childhood.

The main characters of Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen":

Evil troll- the embodiment of all evil. He created a mirror that reduced the good and increased the evil to an incredible size.

Gerda is the central character. A little girl who lived with her parents. When Kai disappeared, Gerda was sad for her little friend for a long time and cried. She had a big strong heart that conquered people and forest animals. A heart that was warmed by love. This huge loving heart melted the ice in Kai's heart.

Kai- boy, close friend Gerda, lived opposite Gerda, also with his parents. He was a kind boy who loved his parents, roses, Gerda, picture books until a shard of the devil's mirror created by Troll hit him in the eye. After this incident, Kai has changed a lot. He began to mimic acquaintances and neighbors, flaunting all their shortcomings, mimicking his grandmother, in the actions of people, in the objects surrounding him, he saw only the bad. He didn't like everything. When he was sledding with his children, he was kidnapped by the Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen- negative character. A woman made of ice and snow. Beautiful and cold. With her icy kiss, she froze Kai's heart, and he forgot all his loved ones.

An old woman who knew how to conjure- a kind old woman, rarely conjured, for her own pleasure. She was very lonely and wanted to keep Gerda at home.

Prince and Princess - young spouses, not devoid of justice, generosity. They generously endowed Gerda and wished her a happy journey.

Little Robber- wayward girl, spoiled, stubborn. In her heart, in a strange way, cruelty and generosity coexisted.

Lapland old woman- a resident of Lapland, who met Gerda and a deer on the way. She was poor, lived in a dilapidated shack.

finca- a small fat woman. She loved warmth, it was hot in the house. She was smart. A Laplander sent Gerda to her.

Gerda found Kai. The little brave girl was helped by people, animals and birds. With her kisses, Gerda melted the ice in Kai's heart, he burst into tears, and the shard that was sitting in his eye flowed out along with his tears. Kai has changed. They returned home and noticed that they had grown older during their absence.

In the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”, the main character, the girl Gerda, is the personification of goodness and light.

Gerda has an unusual character, combining kindness and tenderness with courage, determination and masculinity.

Going in search of Kai, Gerda could not imagine what trials she would face. But she was guided by the belief that her friend was alive, and for the sake of his salvation, it was worth forgetting weakness and fear.

Thanks to her kind nature, the girl found many friends and helpers along the way. The princess and the prince were fascinated by the story of Gerda, so they equipped her for the journey with warm clothes and a golden carriage. And the little robber, herself distinguished by remarkable strength and courage, was so impressed by Gerda's courage that she saved her from death and gave her her beloved pet, the Reindeer, to help her. Although, it is worth noting that Gerda did not immediately manage to win the trust of the robber, but she was able to show her that love and kindness are stronger than anger and aggression.

Even animals and nature help Gerda. The river and the rose suggest that Kai is alive, the raven and the crow help to get to the princess's palace, and the Reindeer accompanies to the Snow Queen's domain and does not leave until the girl returns with a victory.

The Lapland and the Finn selflessly provide shelter and help find the way to the snow castle.

Only the old sorceress did not want to help Gerda, and even then, not out of malice, but because she was too lonely, and was used to thinking only about herself.

The biggest evil in the way of a little girl is, of course, the Snow Queen. All life freezes under her gaze. Her prickly army is invincible. But true love cannot be destroyed. Gerda's faith is so strong that the army retreats, and the evil spell is dispelled by her hot tears.

Gerda saves Kai only on her own, because he himself does not understand that he is in trouble and has long forgotten not only Gerda, but also simple human feelings - love, friendship, affection. This speaks of her generosity and ability to forgive insults.

The main lesson that many generations learn from this tale is that love and faith endow a person with incredible strength. And if even in difficult circumstances a person continues to love the world and treat it with trust, then the world helps him achieve his goal.

Composition on the theme of Gerd

The place of one of the main characters of Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" was taken by a little girl Gerda. This desperate girl seems to have everything positive qualities that one can only imagine. She is not afraid possible dangers went to save her friend Kai, who was like a brother to her, who was in trouble. For his sake, she was ready for anything and did a lot of brave deeds. Gerda is the owner of an exceptional character, which has absorbed boundless kindness and brave masculinity.

Going to look for Kai, Gerda did not even imagine what difficulties she would face. But she was driven by determination, hope and faith that her close friend was alive, and for the sake of getting him out of danger, it was necessary to forget all fears and fears.

Thanks to her sensitive nature, Gerda found many good helpers on her way to Kai. The prince and princess were delighted with the story of Gerda, so they provided her with everything necessary for long journey, they gave her warm clothes and a golden carriage. The kind heart of Gerda even subdued the evil robber, who constantly walked with a knife.

The conquered robber saves Gerda from death and gives her her dear Reindeer to help her. Natural forces also help the little girl in everything. A river and a rose assure that Kai is alive, a raven with a crow helps to get into the princess's palace, and the Reindeer delivers Gerda to the queen's icy possessions and waits until the girl turns around with Kai. Only the old sorceress did not want to help Gerda, not even out of anger, but from her own loneliness and the habit of thinking exclusively about herself. But the biggest danger on the way of Gerda was carried by the Snow Queen, who could freeze all living things with one glance. But the great love and hot tears of the little girl managed to melt the icy forces of evil.

Gerda, on her own, rescues Kai, who did not even realize that he was in trouble and in a short time was able to forget his girlfriend.

Throughout the tale, the image of Gerda runs as the opposite of the soulless queen. This image is able to serve as a worthy example of disinterested friendship and exemplary behavior.

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Fairy tale "The Snow Queen" G-Kh. Andersen

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" and their characteristics

  1. Gerda, a girl with a kind heart, is very beautiful, calm, honest, devoted. She went a very long way in search of Kai, and everyone tried to help her, because everyone was touched by the love that she felt for Kai.
  2. Kai, named brother of Gerda, a boy whose heart turned to ice. First kind and cheerful, and then angry and callous. Saved by Gerda.
  3. Snow Queen, beautiful but soulless sorceress, mistress of snowflakes
  4. An old woman in the garden, a kind sorceress who wanted to keep Gerda at home
  5. Raven and his bride, old and wise
  6. Prince and Princess, young and smart
  7. Little robber, severe, but very romantic girl helping Gerda
  8. Lapland and Finca are simply wise women.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"
  1. Troll Mirror Shards
  2. A splinter hits the eye
  3. Kai is changing
  4. Kai leaves with the Snow Queen
  5. Gerda in a boat
  6. Lovely garden and old lady
  7. Tales of flowers
  8. Gerda and the raven
  9. The prince and princess help Gerda
  10. Rogues
  11. The little robber girl and the reindeer
  12. Lapland
  13. finca
  14. Tear of Gerda
  15. Return.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Kai gets a mirror shard in the eye and becomes rude, he leaves with the Snow Queen
  2. Gerda goes in search of Kai and meets an old woman in the garden and a raven near the palace
  3. Gerda meets a prince, a princess, a little robber.
  4. The reindeer takes Gerda to Lapland, and the Finn tells where Kai is now.
  5. Gerda enters the Snow Queen's palace and melts Kai's heart with her tears.
  6. Kai and Gerda return home as adults.

The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "The Snow Queen"
No obstacles can stop a person if he has a loving heart and a kind soul.

What does the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" teach
This fairy tale teaches us to believe in the best, teaches us that for true love there are no barriers that even the most powerful witchcraft is powerless before the human heart.
Also, the fairy tale teaches us perseverance, loyalty, perseverance, the ability to find friends, honesty, openness, goodwill.

Review of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"
I really liked this tale. Her main character Gerda has come a very long way, experienced many dangerous adventures, but still found her Kai. She was able to revive him, melt his heart, because all the power of the Snow Queen was powerless before her love.
There are many interesting characters in this fairy tale, it has an entertaining plot, you follow the characters with constant interest. A very good fairy tale.

signs fairy tale in "The Snow Queen"

  1. Magical Creature - Snow Queen, Troll
  2. Talking flowers, animals
  3. Witches and sorcery
  4. Magic test - the search for Kai.
  5. Victory of good over evil.
Proverbs to the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"
To firmly believe means to win.
The hardest road is the one you don't know.
The heart is not a stone.

Summary of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" by chapter
Mirror and its fragments.
Once an evil troll did magic mirror, where reality is distorted. His disciples were very happy about the mirror and the fact that now everything can be seen in the real light.
They decided to go up with a mirror to the angels, but the higher they climbed, the more they writhed, and so they dropped the mirror and it shattered into thousands of fragments.
And if such a fragment fell into the heart, then the human heart turned into a piece of ice.
Boy and girl.
In the same city, in neighboring houses, there lived a girl, Gerda, and a boy, Kai, who loved each other like brother and sister. In summer they played on the roof in the flower garden, but in winter the games stopped and the children looked at the snowflakes.
Grandmother told the children about the snow queen and Kai recklessly boasted that he would melt her.
In the evening, he saw a stranger through the window, who smiled and beckoned him.
And then it was spring, everything was blooming, and one day a piece of a troll's mirror got into Kai's eye. Kai began to behave very badly. He teased, did not obey, his amusements became evil.
Winter came again and Kai ran to the square to sled. He clung to the sleigh and the stranger took him out of town. It was the Snow Queen and she kissed Kai and the boy went with her to her castle.
Flower garden of a woman who knew how to conjure
Gerda cried a lot, but then spring came and she went to the river. Quite by chance, it turned out that Gerda climbed into the boat and the water carried her. The river seemed to want the girl to go looking for Kai.
The river brought the boat to a house with wooden soldiers at the entrance. Some woman saw Gerda and caught the boat with a stick. Gerda told the old woman that she was looking for Kai, and she invited the girl to admire the flowers.
The old woman knew how to conjure and did not want to let Gerda go. She hid all the rose bushes so that they would not remind the girl of Kai. But Gerda began to cry and one rose bush grew and the girl remembered Kai.
The flowers said that Kai was not among the dead and told the girl their stories.
The fiery lily spoke of a widow climbing a funeral pyre.
Bindweed told about the girl in the castle who was waiting for her prince
Snowdrop told about children on a swing and a small dog
Hyacinths told about three girls who succumbed to the aroma and died.
Dandelion told about the grandmother and the girl's kiss.
Narcissus told about the dancer in whom he saw himself.
Gerda was offended by the flowers and ran away from the garden.
Prince and Princess.
Gerda meets a raven who tells her about the princess.
The princess was very smart and decided to find a groom. Many came to talk to her, but everyone was stupid. And then a man came in whom Gerda seemed to think of Kai, who was not afraid of the princess and just wanted to hear clever speeches.
Gerda asks the raven to help her get into the castle, and the raven's bride escorts the girl to the bedroom. Gerda sees that the prince is not Kai at all.
The prince and princess took pity on Gerda, dressed her in Nice dress, gave the carriage and Gerda went on.
Little robber.
Robbers attack the carriage in the forest and the old robber woman wants to kill Gerda. But the Little Robber - her daughter, does not allow her to do this. She gets into the carriage with Gerda and the girl tells her everything about Kai.
Gerda is brought to the castle and the Little Robber shows her the doves. When the girls go to bed, the pigeons coo about Kai. They reveal that the Snow Queen took Kai to Lapland, and the Reindeer confirms the story.
The little robber girl decides to let Gerda go and tells the Reindeer to take her to Lapland. She gives Gerda her boots and her mittens, but takes the muff.
Lapland and Finca.
The deer takes Gerda to the house of an old Laplander. She listened to Gerda's story and took pity on the girl. She writes a letter to a finca on dried cod.
The deer brings Gerda to the Finn and asks her to give Gerda the strength of twelve heroes.
Finca replies that Gerda's strength is already very great. She tells that Kai is indeed with the Snow Queen and tells the deer to carry Gerda to the Snow Queen's garden. Gerda forgets her boots and mittens.
At the garden, Gerda sees huge snowflakes - the army of the Snow Queen. but she reads a prayer and the angels help her to go to the palace.
What happened in the halls of the Snow Queen and what happened next.
Kai sat in the middle of the huge hall and laid out the word "Eternity" from the pieces of ice. The Snow Queen flew off to the volcanoes and he was alone.
At this time, Gerda arrives. She rejoices at Kai, but he does not recognize her. Then Gerda cries and tears drown Kai's heart. The boy cries and a shard of a mirror falls out of his eye.
Gerda and Kai go home. The reindeer and deer take them to Lapland, and there they meet the Little Robber. The robber tells about the death of the raven and that the prince and princess have gone to distant lands.
Kai and Gerda go home and find that they have become adults.
They sat holding hands and looked at the roses.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

"The Snow Queen" the main characters of Andersen's fairy tale are known to almost everyone.

"Snow Queen" Andersen main characters

Gerda - the main character of the story. This girl managed to find her friend Kai and save him from the Snow Queen.

Kaia little boy who lives in big city, in the attic of a building across the street from Gerda's house. He falls prey to the shards of the troll mirror. Kai is taken away by the Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen is the queen of snowflakes who travels around the world with snow. Its palaces and gardens are in the lands of permafrost. She brings Kai to her palace after he falls prey to the shards of a troll mirror. She promises to free Kai if he can fold "eternity" with chunks of ice.

Troll- creates an evil mirror that distorts reality.

Kai's grandmother tells his grandson and Gerda the legend of the Snow Queen. Some actions of the grandmother - important points stories.

old sorceress- lives near the river. It's always summer in her garden. She tries to keep Gerda, but when she sees the rose Gerda (her favorite flower and Kaya) remembers Kai and wakes up from the magic of the old woman.

Crow— who believes that Kai is the new prince of his land.

Princess- wants the prince-husband to be as smart as she is. The princess finds Gerda in her palace. She helps Gerda in the search for Kai, gives her warm, beautiful clothes, servants and a golden carriage.

Prince former poor young man. Soon to be a prince.

Old chieftain- the only woman among the robbers who capture Gerda when she rides in search of Kai in a golden carriage.

Little robber girl- the daughter of the ataman. She became friends with Gerda. Her captive doves and reindeer tell Gerda that Kai is with the Snow Queen. The robber girl then helps Gerda continue her journey to find Kai. The life of the Little Robber was sad, without affection and kindness. The robber was spoiled, self-willed. She kept animals and birds in cages and tortured them. Her mother either robbed her or drank from her own bottle and snored afterwards. But still, the Little Robber had a good heart, she also wanted love and warmth, and she let Gerda and the deer go to Lapland.

Reindeer - takes Gerda to the Snow Queen's palace.

Lapland- provides shelter to Gerda and a deer, and writes a message about a dried finca cod fish.

Finca - lives just two miles from the gardens and palaces of the Snow Queen. She knows the secret of Gerda's strength, and says that she will be able to save Kai.

Magic helpers of Gerda

Gerda is helped by flowers, a raven and a crow, the Little Robber, wood pigeons and a reindeer. Finca said so reindeer: “Stronger than it is, I can’t make it. Don't you see how great her power is? Don't you see that both people and animals serve her? After all, she walked around half the world barefoot! But she must not learn from us about her strength that lives in her heart; her strength is that she is an innocent sweet child."

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