The meaning of the name Yesenia: history, origin. The character and fate of a girl with a romantic name Yesenia. Yesenia: the meaning of a female name

Rare in Russia, but very beautiful and melodic, soft and melodious name Yesenia is common in Spain. In this country, this is the name of an unusually elegant, bewitching flower.

Origin and meaning of the name

The literal translation from the Turkic name Yesenia is a jasmine flower, beautiful, from Greek - a foreigner, far away. Presumably the origin of the name originates from the Turkic name Isania (intact, healthy) or male name Hassan (beautiful).

In Rus', according to the interpretation from Dahl's dictionary, the meaning of the name Yesenia is consonant with "autumn", presumably the name Yesenia - autumn, girls born during this period of the year were called. Before today the mystery of the name Yesenia has not been solved, some philologists argue that the phonetics of the name is also consonant with spring - the time of flowering and renewal of the forces of nature.

Characteristics of the owner and fate

The soft pronunciation of the name Yesenia is completely incompatible with the firm, purposeful character of the owners of this name. A strong will and the desire to achieve what was conceived are characteristic of these seemingly calm and balanced women.

In order to slightly soften the harsh nature of the energy of this name, it is given to a girl with a soft energy meaning of a patronymic (Nikolai, Ilya, Alexei).

The female name Yesenia gives its owner great demands on her actions and thoughts, and does not give way to the close people around her. It should be noted that a woman with this name is more strict with herself than with others. Therefore, from childhood, it is not necessary to point out to the child his mistakes and mistakes, the girl herself perfectly analyzes the events and understands how the situation can be corrected.

The character of Yesenia can be described in one word - the Winner. For this woman, there are no barriers in her career. Not in love - she always achieves what she wants.

Career and profession

This child knows what profession he will choose at school, has an intellect developed beyond his years and a seriousness of aspirations unusual for children. The name Yesenia for a girl is a guarantee of success in any profession.

There is practically no specialty in which Yesenia does not become a recognized leader and eventually a boss. She has excellent analytical skills and can calculate any situation seven moves ahead.

Family and love

Yesenia has the best relationship in marriage with men who can recognize her undeniable leadership and authority. Such a woman knows how to love selflessly and selflessly, they never forgive betrayal or betrayal. Yesenia's family is created late, as they try to find an ideal that corresponds to all ideal ideas about the object of love, they choose men much older than themselves, they are usually happy in marriage, where there are no more than three children.

It is not easy with them, since Yesenia does not like to show her feelings, it is difficult for her chosen one to understand whether she is sincerely disposed towards him. Girls with the name Yesenia need to be taught from childhood to demonstrate emotionality, since in their personal lives it is precisely because of their closeness that these women can have many problems.

The meaning of the name in Orthodoxy

IN Orthodox calendar there is no such name. Consonant with the name of Yesenia is the beautiful and sonorous church name of Yesia, a student of the martyr Pankratius.

Name day dates in 2018

The name day of Yesia (Yesenia) is celebrated June 20. But if you follow historical significance name, then it is gentle, unusual name can be given to girls born in spring and autumn.

The name Yesenia (abbreviated Yesya) is very beautiful and has a rich history. In Russia, it became known thanks to the film of the same name. The name given at birth leaves an imprint on later life, opens up special opportunities, affects fate. Of course, in order to use this knowledge, you need to know accurate description what does it mean and what secret does it keep.

There are several theories about the origin and meaning of the name Yesenia.. According to one of them, girls born in autumn were called so, because “Esen” according to Dahl’s dictionary means “autumn”. Another version says that it takes its roots from Slavic name Spring. The historical version connects its origin with the Arabic male name Hassan (beautiful) in a modified form, as well as the Turkic Isaniy (healthy). The male form of the name (full) is Yeseny, meaning "Clear Sky". Short version - Yesiy, affectionately - Esik, Yasik.

"Beautiful, autumn" - the Slavic designation of the name Yesenia. The character and fate of the owners of melodious names are always amazing. Names with a large number of vowels are believed to carry the same smooth, melodic life from an early age to old age.

Another fantastic version connects its origin with the poet Sergei Yesenin, from whose surname the name Yesenia was formed.

The meaning of the name in Orthodoxy is not known, since it is absent in the calendar. But there is a rare, beautiful baptismal name Yesia consonant with him. Unfortunately, little is known about the life of this Orthodox saint. According to the church calendar, Yesia celebrates the name day (angel's day) on June 20. If they are going to baptize the baby, they take the names of the patron saints for baptism: Xenia and Yesenia. The abbreviated name for the girl is Yasya, Esya. Diminutive - Yasenka, Yesyusha, Yesenyushka.

Little Ash is growing up as a smart and independent girl. Cheerful and mischievous, does not act up and does not scream. He does not participate in games with other guys, but watches from the sidelines. A real homebody, loves her parents. Spends a lot of time playing, imitating the family. She will keep her beloved toys until adulthood. The girl grows up as a dreamer, expresses her inventions in unthinkable drawings or stories. Masterful descriptions of what is happening are fascinating and seem to immerse in a fictional world. If desired, Yesenia can become a writer, but the world of colors is much closer to her.

From an early age, Yesenia is distinguished by sensitivity and warmth, which only intensifies over the years. You can always rely on a girl, she will not refuse anyone to help. For this, Yasya is appreciated by his comrades, and in academic years She has many true friends.

Yesenia, a schoolgirl, develops very quickly, strives to learn everything, and her questions sometimes confuse teachers. young girl soberly looks at life, does not build castles in the air, purposefully goes to the goal. She studies, does needlework, attends art school and other educational circles with pleasure.

In the company of peers, the undoubted leader, knows how to captivate and lead. At the same time, any hooligan acts are alien to her, she will never drag her team into trouble..

Youth and love Yesenia

Young Esya differs from her peers here too. Teenage throwing is alien to her, she does not fight in hysterics, does not swear, does not scream. Balance and endurance do not leave her even in difficult circumstances. With her inherent self-control, she immediately begins to look for a way out of the current situation, without wasting time on useless torment.

Yesenia is a born psychologist, she helps to peacefully resolve conflict situations and difficulties that have arisen. At this stage, she chooses her friends and does it with her usual thoroughness. There may be many of them, but there is only one beloved, and Yesenia will tell the most intimate things only to her.

She does not seek to start a relationship, it is important for her to trust a person, to get to know him better. Empty talk and frivolous young people immediately receive a polite refusal. The girl watches a possible partner for a long time, weighs the pros and cons. She wants to see her husband as a courageous person who can protect. Yesenia will be faithful to the chosen partner throughout her family life.

Name Compatibility:

  • a successful union with Pavel, Sergey, Andrey;
  • unsuccessful - with Konstantin, Oleg, Ivan.

In marriage, she is happy, takes care of the household with rapture, brings up children, the house is always clean and tidy. Yesenia loves to receive guests, but there are few of them, as family and career take a lot of time.

Career is important for a girl. WITH early years Yesenia understands the importance right choice profession, she tirelessly learns and develops. If desired, she will reach heights in any field..

Ideal specialties for Esi:

  • organization of holidays;
  • psychologist;
  • choreography or drawing teacher;
  • medicine.

Her gentle nature does not interfere in the least with her development and advancement. career ladder. With equal success, the girl occupies leadership positions and performs well as an ordinary employee. Relations with colleagues are smooth and pleasant. In the women's team, she is a role model. Yesenia does not weave intrigues, does not gossip, does not provoke scandals. The male half of the team respects the girl for her easy disposition and willingness to help.

Whose word is always final in any dispute - Yesenia. Regardless of the position held, the girl will make the right decision after listening to the arguments and arguments. She's not the type to gain unfair gains. He works honestly and openly, business partners trust Yesenia the leader.

The meaning of the name according to the season of birth

Depending on the month of birth (time season), the meaning of the name Yesenia for a girl is slightly different.

Winter Esya is kind, truthful, but slightly quick-tempered. Yesenka, born in winter, will be ready to discuss any issues that do not concern her personally. She won't let anyone into her personal space. At the same time, he has a huge heart and shares this heartfelt warmth sincerely and disinterestedly.

Spring natures are vulnerable and very faithful. Faced with betrayal, the girl can not survive it and on for a long time remains alone, excluding all contacts. It is necessary from childhood to teach the girl to understand people - this will save her from mistakes.

Those born in summer are airy and fragile natures. Strive to surround themselves beautiful things are doing creative work. Actors, musicians, artists often grow out of them.

Autumn girls are firmly attached to the past. They are attracted by family secrets and stories, the search for ancestors and the compilation of a family tree.

Yesenia is a beautiful name with amazing story, a unique mysterious world. But it is worth remembering that it is not the name that affects the course of life, but the person himself . It is important to listen to yourself, others and see the clues of fate.

Unused, unusual name. But I do not like. Something gypsy.

My name! But at home and at school they call Yesya, Esik, Yaska. True fantasy! I love to draw!

I like this melodious, melodic name. Expecting twins girls! I will name one of the princesses Yesenia.

Attention, only TODAY!

Representing the girl Yesenia, you involuntarily see the image of a sophisticated feminine person, educated, educated, gentle, caring. But what is she really like? Let's figure out what the name Yesenia means, what basic qualities and skills such a woman has, how she behaves in the family, what fate awaits her.

There are several opinions about the origin of this rare name. In the case when experts refer to Dahl's dictionary, it is believed that it comes from the Old Slavonic "esen", which means "autumn". So called those who were born during the harvest period. There is another version of the origin, where the name has ancient Arabic roots, meaning " beautiful flower". Both options are very similar to plausible and are still considered the main ones.

When pronouncing the gentle name of Yesenia, an atmosphere of joy, sun, happiness, peace, freshness is immediately created. Its short forms also sound beautiful: Esya, Yeni, Senia, Yesenka, Eska, Yasya.

Despite the gentle and musical sound, the name gives the child completely different qualities. The secret of the name lies in the fact that its owner is wise, purposeful, has a strong will and iron, is able to stand with honor in the face of any life's adversities and sorrows. Such a woman is stubborn and courageous, she is demanding of herself and others, she is ready to fight for happiness and sacrifice herself for the sake of her goal and her beloved work.

Numerologists note that the number eight is inherent in the name, which is rightfully considered special. It is a symbol of infinity, beginning and end, light and darkness, a divine sign. Although such a woman is strong, self-confident, fate tries not to test her for strength, favors in all endeavors, opens up new horizons where, it would seem, there is no way out. From an early age, she sets herself almost unattainable goals, constantly brings them to life, after which she dreams of doing something else with zeal, not stopping there for a single minute.

Yesenia's character traits

Yesenia is kind, sympathetic, will help those who are nearby, sometimes to the detriment of her own interests. She is a materialist and always thinks first and then does. If she decided to help the beggar, then, instead of money, she will put a loaf of bread, fruit. When choosing friends, Yesenia looks not only at spiritual qualities, but also at the material component. If necessary, she will always help, but she will try not to give any moralizing and lessons, she will not criticize or scold. Yesenia can be helped once or twice, but on the third time, especially if the situation is typical, they will simply refuse without explaining the reasons.

Such a woman chooses her friends very carefully, she is looking for a person whom she can completely rely on, trust, tell everything without hiding details. Such a relationship can be described in one phrase - "ideal friendship." It is difficult for Esya to experience betrayal, but she is well versed in people and feels them intuitively, so troubles and mistakes in friendship practically do not happen.

The girl Yesenia has been purposeful since childhood, sometimes even from the elementary grades she knows what she will do when she grows up. She strives to get better education, along the way ending all possible courses close to your favorite topics. Often combines work with studies, having time to attend exhibitions, discos and all events of interest. When choosing a place to live, work, study, he never relies on the advice of relatives, and when moving into adulthood, he tries to become independent in everything.

Yesenia often becomes a leader or takes on serious responsible projects. She is creative, smart, has flexible thinking and incredible imagination, when working in a team she tries to avoid conflicts, never gossips and is not hypocritical. The business acumen of this girl amazes even those who have many years of experience. If she really likes the job, she is ready to study and work, depriving herself of sleep and rest, quickly navigate and correctly assess the situation. The girl understands people, so the work of a teacher, head of an enterprise, personnel officer or other responsible position is easy for her, her career is quickly moving uphill.

The fate of a woman named Yesenia

The universe does not throw Yesa great difficulties and worries. The main thing for a girl is that she knows her worth, knows how to love herself, understands that she deserves the best. Such women have a rich spiritual world. And even if they read little and do not like books, Yesenias are very smart and have some kind of “higher” knowledge of the world. Esya is responsive and when meeting even strangers causes pleasant sensations. She knows how to listen and hear, to read between the lines, to understand the state of mind of a person from a few phrases.

Yesenia is observant and has a developed intuition. She will not live in a marriage "anyhow with anyone", so she rarely marries before the age of 28-30. She enters into marriage only with the person whom she loves with all her heart for his inner world and mind, but also the material condition of the chosen one is important. Yesenia rarely plunges into love like a pool with her head, she always gives an account of her actions and deeds.

The girl will be happy if there is a person nearby who is able to accept her with all the shortcomings and features. If he can adapt to it, in which independence and independence will always be important components, and the fate of such relationships is usually long, and Yesenia herself is their leader.

The chosen one of this woman should be creative in nature, having a sense of humor and style, capable of great things. In a relationship does not tolerate lies, falsehood, categorical. If she was cheated on, she is unlikely to forgive and return back to her family.

Yasya is a wonderful hostess who knows how and loves to cook well. Always dresses stylishly, looks after his own appearance, soft, attentive, able to turn the head of any man. The family rarely becomes an obstacle for her friendship, hiking, traveling. She finds time for everything, competently plans her life. The girl Yesenia is a caring mother, a faithful wife, an attentive relative, a true friend.

Name day and angel day

You will not find Saint Yesenia in the Orthodox calendar. Experts say that the Orthodox Church rarely approved Old Slavonic and pre-Church names, therefore it did not reflect them in the calendar, considering them more worldly. Often girls with the name Yesenia are baptized under another consonant Yesia, whose memorial day is celebrated on June 20. There is no other church mention of such or similar in sound and origin of the name.


Esya is prudent and pragmatic. Her health from birth may not be the strongest, but she never allows herself to be inattentive to any disturbing symptoms. Yesenia carry their good health throughout life, remaining even in extreme old age strong, athletic, not losing interest in life and everything new, unknown.

Yesenia loves to play sports, leads an active lifestyle, loves to travel anywhere and everywhere. With pleasure, he goes to the mountains with a huge backpack, skiing, swimming in the ocean or the sea, staying overnight in a tent in the forest. From sports, Yesenia most often likes dancing, figure gymnastics, swimming, that is, types that require flexibility and mobility.


Often the name goes to a girl born under the sign of Virgo or Taurus. Most of all, such a woman is suitable for “strong” patronymics, starting with the letter “A”, and also containing “R”. For example, Dmitrievna, Arkadievna, Arturovna, Igorevna, Karlovna.

Yesenia is compatible with men whose names are Mikhail, Victor, Pavel, Philip. You should not marry Dmitry, Igor or Arkady.

Among famous people with the name Yesenia there are many famous athletes, for example, E. Volzhankina, E. Butorina. There are also actresses who captivated their audience with their ingenious play. Among them are E. Adame, E. Medina. There is also a singer performing songs in the chanson style, Yesenia.

Despite latest achievements, modern technology, human resourcefulness, the near future remains covered with a curtain of mystery that is practically impossible to unravel. Over the secrets of fate, humanity has been struggling for millennia, and some success has been achieved, but it is not the results that play a role here. scientific research, but just a secret meaning embedded in each name. For parents who have chosen the name Yesenia for their daughter, the meaning of the name, character and fate will certainly be necessary and important information, it is better to study it in advance.

The meaning of the name Yesenia for a girl briefly

One of the most important points, which adults must certainly remember when choosing a name for their beloved child - you need to find out everything connected with it. This is the secret meaning invested in it millennia ago, and the origin, and features that fate will abound in the near future. Incredibly, even the choice of a profession can be associated with the meaning of the name - it depends only on it whether it will be possible to acquire the most profitable specialty and reach the desired heights in it.

Yesenia, the meaning of the name, character and fate - many adults begin to find out even before baptism the necessary and useful information. Usually she completely satisfies their hopes - the girl who was chosen this name for baptism will certainly be distinguished by a lot of virtues, career success. Fate will certainly abound in positive moments, and family life will certainly bring happiness and joy.

The meaning of the name Yesenia for a girl can be briefly described in a few words - “clear”, “cloudless”, “clear sky”. Just because secret meaning it can be determined that the girl’s whole life will be bright and clear, and Yesenia herself will certainly be a bright ray that will delight people.

What does the name Yesenia mean for a girl according to the church calendar

It is not a secret for Orthodox believers that one feature associated with the name is that almost every person, thanks to him, has his patrons from among the saints. Powerful guardians will certainly protect from life's adversities and difficulties, make sure that their ward does not commit unseemly acts, and do not allow them to be struck by a serious illness. How to find out if there are saints, which of them will patronize the girl who was christened Yesenia, the meaning of the name, character and fate - you can all find it in church calendar or saints.

What does the name Yesenia mean for a girl according to the church calendar, and who will patronize the baby throughout her life? Unfortunately, this name is absent in the calendar and the church calendar, there is no information about the meaning, patron saints, or the future.

Despite this, it is harmonious to refuse such a beautiful sounding name should not be - you can find a lot of fascinating information in other sources - Hebrew literature, myths, legends. They indicate that the baby is waiting for a cloudless long life, filled only with happy events.

The secret of the name Yesenia - how it happened

What secret of the name Yesenia can attract attention and interest everyone who is not indifferent to the meaning invested here? Only recently they began to believe that it comes from one of the male names - Yeseny. Another interesting version of the origin of the name is from the word autumn, which in Hebrew sounded like “even”. Most likely, the meaning of the name came from here, because Yesenia is interpreted as “clear sky”, which is often found in early autumn.

Another interesting interpretation related to this nice name- it came from the Old Slavic peoples, who often tried to name their children, calling for help from the forces of nature. Many parents, who could not have children for a long time, tried to thank nature for such a valuable gift when their first child appeared. "Spring" is just one of the many names that parents could give their baby for such a favor, and it is quite possible that this wonderful and so popular in modern world Name.

The origin of the name Yesenia and its meaning for children

Can the origin be important in the life of the baby, whom adults call Yesenia? You should not worry too much about this or worry that fate will turn out to be unfavorable - most often it does not matter at all. According to one of the versions that scientists love to voice so much, it may come from one of the most famous poets in Russia - Sergei Yesenin. It was in memory of this wonderful lyricist that admirers of his work began to name their daughters.

The origin of the name Yesenia and its meaning for children - this is what adults are trying to find even before baptism. Since the baby will not have patron saints, they can only rely on the guardianship of God, who will certainly respond to sincere and fervent prayers. That is why, from childhood, a baby should be taught to turn to the Lord, ask him for mercy, health, and success in all endeavors. Most often this is what happens - the girl is blessed by fate and knows neither sorrows nor disasters. Relatives will also be pleased with good health, which the baby will differ from childhood.

The character of a girl named Yesenia

Will the character of a girl named Yesenia please or upset relatives and friends? Virtues and positive traits she will have a lot:

  1. diligence;
  2. kindness;
  3. sociability;
  4. love to the animals;
  5. goodwill;
  6. care;
  7. the ability to achieve everything with one's own labor;
  8. quick wits.

Does the girl have traits that adults will have to deal with? One of the unpleasant shortcomings is excessive irascibility. Yesenia can flare up for any reason, and sometimes even a carelessly spoken word can be enough to provoke an outburst of rage. The girl does not understand who to make trouble with - not only classmates or comrades, but also parents or even teachers can get under the hot hand. Another drawback that Yesenia may differ in is indecision, it can play an unpleasant role in adulthood.

The fate of a girl named Yesenia

Should adults worry about how the fate of a girl named Yesenia will turn out in the near future? In choosing a profession, she is extremely undemanding and will not strive for enrichment - it is quite enough for her that she likes the specialty and does not cause any particular difficulties. Yesenia can choose such professions.

Yesenia is a very beautiful and harmonious name, which has richest history. In Russia, this name became known thanks to the Mexican melodrama of the same name, which tells about the fate of a young girl. The film became the absolute leader of the box office in 1975, and since then the name Yesenia has slowly but surely gained popularity in our country.

There are several versions of the origin of the name Yesenia. According to Dahl's dictionary, the word "esen" means "autumn", so Yesenia could be called girls who were born in autumn. The second version is radically opposite to the first: according to it, the name comes from the female name Vesna, common among the Slavs. Probably, girls with that name were called "spring", which is consonant with the name Yesenia.

According to historians, Yesenia is a modified form of the Arabic male name Hassan, which means “beautiful” in translation. According to another version, the name is a phonetic variant of the ancient Turkic name Isania, meaning "healthy, unharmed." And, finally, the most daring and unusual version of the origin of the name is associated with the popular Soviet poet Sergei Yesenin, from whose surname the name Yesenia was formed.

Among the celebrities who bear this gentle and affectionate female name are the famous Latvian athlete Yesenia Volzhankina and the young Russian rhythmic gymnast Yesenia Butorina.

Name days and patron saints

There is no name Yesenia in the Orthodox Christian calendar, but there is a rare and very beautiful baptismal name Yesia consonant with him.

Unfortunately, little is known about the life of this saint. true fact is only that she was a student of the Hieromartyr Pancratius, Bishop of Tauromenia, a disciple of the Apostle Peter.

Name characteristic

Yesenia, despite the softness and euphony of the name, is an extremely independent and purposeful person. It is difficult to lead her astray and impose her interests, she is a very solid and whole nature.

Sometimes people around can abuse Yesenia's kindness and condescension - she is one of those people who are always ready to help, even to the detriment of her own interests. This is partly due to the fact that most often women named Yesenia are believers, church-going people who live according to the Laws of God.

Yesenia is not alien to adventurism, she is very attracted to novelty and suspense. She possesses amazing ability to carry people along, however, her actions are always motivated and justified, and criminal inclinations are completely absent. Yesenia is distinguished by a system of high moral and moral principles, she is always fair and honest both in front of others and in front of herself. Most people consider Yesenia a sweet and sincere woman, not suspecting what kind of strength and stamina is hidden in her character.

In life, Yesenia makes few mistakes, all her actions and goals are balanced and decisive at the same time, spontaneity and thoughtlessness are alien to her. The name Yesenia has amazing energy, therefore, even if nature has deprived a woman of external beauty, no one will notice this, she is so attractive internally. She is capable of science, art, housekeeping and much more. Yesenia knows how to not only use her talents, but also constantly develops and improves them.


Little Yesenia is a big dreamer and fidget, standing out sharply from the main mass of children. She draws attention to herself with her unusualness and warmth, which is felt in her even in such early age and which will only get worse over the years.

The wisdom of young Yesenia's judgments surprises not only parents, but also teachers. Her peers are drawn to the girl, over time she becomes the leader of the class and everyone's favorite. She is an excellent student and actively participates in all school activities.


Sober calculation and pragmatism contribute to the good health of a woman named Yesenia. She will never neglect the first symptoms of an illness, but will take her health seriously, will carefully follow all the recommendations of doctors. An active lifestyle and positive thinking will enable Yesenia to long years keep youthful and attractive figure.


Light, non-binding novels do not appeal to Yesenia, she strives for a serious and stable relationship. She attracts men with mystery and charm, as well as good energy, which is felt by both men and women.

Yesenia does not belong to the type of women who can plunge headlong into a love pool, regardless of the consequences. A woman will open her rich inner world only to her beloved man.

By nature, Yesenia is a very affectionate and gentle person, and in men she appreciates precisely these qualities. Even to herself, she does not admit that she needs a strong and powerful partner who can subjugate her. Such an attitude in sex turns a woman on, and she gladly agrees to the role of a victim. But this can only be such a person whom Yesenia can fully trust.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Yesenia approaches the issue of marriage very carefully, so early marriage is uncharacteristic for her. Divorce in her family is a rarity; as a rule, a woman lives in marriage with her husband to a ripe old age.

In the family, Yesenia shows herself from the best side, giving her loved ones all her spiritual strength and warmth. Relations with her husband are built on trust and respect, although Yesenia prefers to be a leader. Her chosen one can be sure of the sincerity of her wife, she will not change him even in her thoughts.

However, Yesenia's husband will have to put up with her independent and strong character, as well as the fact that career aspirations for her will also not be in last place.

Most successful marriage maybe with men named Andrei, Victor, Philip, Eduard, Pavel, Vsevolod, Sergei and Peter. Relationships with Alexander, Fedor, Konstantin, Ivan, Oleg and Yuri should be avoided.

Business and career

Yesenia is a careerist in good sense this word. She understands the value of higher education from her youth, and in adulthood the girl enters, as a rule, having clear goals and a good profession.

A woman with this name is responsible, conscientious and very efficient, so she can handle any profession. She can take a leadership position early and will definitely cope with it. In the team, Yesenia is valued for her sincerity, non-conflict and competence.

Analytical mindset, foresight and enterprise allow Yesenia to become a good businessman, especially since the material side of life has always been very important to her. Partners will always trust her, because honesty and high moral principles will never allow a woman to make a profit in dishonest ways.

Talismans for Yesenia

  • The ruling planet is Saturn and Mercury.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Virgo and Gemini.
  • The most successful time of the year is spring, the most successful day of the week is Tuesday.
  • Lucky colors are red and black.
  • Totem animal - monkey and lark. The monkey symbolizes depravity, greed, lack of moral principles, debauchery. In the Chinese and Indian religions, the monkey is considered a sacred animal, symbolizing material wealth, longevity and wisdom. Lark in Christian religion- a symbol of humility and modesty. This bird is considered divine, its singing personifies prayer, and therefore, the lark has always been inviolable. Catching, and even more so killing a bird, has always been considered a bad omen.
  • Totem plant - celery. In the old days, this plant adorned the heads of victorious warriors, so it symbolizes valor, courage, nobility.
  • Talisman stone - agate and emerald. Agate has always been considered a stone that brings health, happiness and good luck. It helps to win in sports, protects against adversity, saves from insomnia, improves mood. Emerald gives the gift of clairvoyance, relieves depression, protects from the evil eye and negative influences. This pure stone does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy, so it cannot be used as a talisman for bad deeds.


Aries- her life motto is "I am!". The ambitious and conceited Yesenia-Aries knows how to set goals and achieve results, but sometimes she still lacks patience and perseverance. The main features of her character are initiative and activity, rude pressure, but nature has deprived her of tact, diplomacy, cunning, the ability to patiently wait for the result. Yesenia-Aries has the talent of a leader, she knows how to infect everyone around her with enthusiasm and optimism. An increased sense of justice and truthfulness can become manic, and the inability to listen to other people's opinions sometimes leads to conflicts with others. Despite a strong character Yesenia-Aries is a very gullible person, even naive in some ways - she simply does not know how to see the bad in people, so many disappointments await her in life. Yesenia-Aries easily masters male professions and sincerely believes that she herself can cope with any work better than others. In love, she is a terrible owner, but for the sake of a loved one she is ready to sacrifice a lot, including her career. As a wife and mistress, she is magnificent, but she definitely needs passion and romance, otherwise a woman will feel left out.

Taurus- her life motto is "I can!". This is a disposing, open and sociable woman, whose charm and charm cannot be resisted. Despite her ambitiousness and leadership qualities, she has no desire to be "ahead of the rest of the planet", by nature she is rather " eminence grise”, who prefers not to show imperiousness, but to show her inherent female wisdom. She loves wealth, but can be wasteful, strives for comfort, but can be sloppy. Yesenia-Taurus is capricious, sometimes stubborn over trifles, but, in general, she has a malleable, non-conflict, calm and patient character. At heart, she is a conservative, everything new frightens and repels her. The desire to adhere to the previously established order and rules makes her a reliable, stable person. The passion for hoarding and the desire to have a solid life platform in the form of a family and material capital are the main life priorities Yesenia-Taurus. For a loving spouse, Yesenia-Taurus will a real find, it is difficult to find a woman more devoted, gentle and caring.

Twins- her life motto is "I create!". This is an erudite and addicted person with a lot of talents. She is inquisitive, easy-going, open to everything new, easily adapts to circumstances. At the same time, some nervousness and irritability are always felt in the character of Yesenia-Gemini, sometimes she is characterized by bouts of acute self-doubt, which can develop into neurasthenia. The serious shortcomings of this woman include superficiality, the inability to absorb a large flow of information, which can greatly hinder her career growth. With seeming erudition and erudition, she does not have deep knowledge, since a woman tends to scatter in different directions, strives to embrace the immense mentally and intellectually. Yesenia-Gemini is almost incapable of sincere love, but she has a great need to be loved, needed, to feel affection and care. The fear of being alone is the biggest fear in her life. It is unlikely that she will turn out to be an exemplary hostess and a homebody - the need for communication and getting new impressions is too great. But the spouse will never be bored with his sociable wife, and she, in turn, can become his wonderful friend and like-minded person.

Cancer- her life motto is "I feel!". This is a quick-tempered, temperamental, emotional nature with a fine mental organization. She has a secretive nature, and intuition is so great that it can become a compass in a woman's life. Yesenia-Rak lives according to her own, understandable laws only to her, logic is alien to her. What is a trifle for others can become a real tragedy for her or an insurmountable obstacle. With her unusual character, Yesenia-Rak sometimes irritates others, although in the work team she is distinguished by conscientiousness, diligence, attention to detail, and decency. From my isolation from real world suffers, first of all, she herself, so this woman desperately needs a strong life partner who will betray her confidence. As a wife, Yesenia-Rak is truly devoted to her family, caring, quiet and diligent. The family in the hierarchy of values ​​for Yesenia-Rak is in the first place, she is very attached to the house, to the past, to memories. If she manages to overcome her natural shyness, she can make a great career, but she will always need a quiet place where a woman can hide from others and be alone, indulging in her dreams. She needs to try to build up a kind of shell that would protect Yesenia-Rak from increased vulnerability, resentment and emotionality, with which nature has generously awarded her.

a lion- her life motto is "I rule!". Self-centered and arrogant nature, with powerful energy, who loves to receive compliments. She is temperamental, impulsive, sometimes conceited, but still the main feature of her character is kindness, cordiality and nobility. Yesenia-Lioness can suffer greatly from lack of attention, she feeds on the reverence descending from others. The lack of psychological instinct makes Yesenia-Leo make many mistakes in life, but no matter how hard it is for her, she rarely falls into despair and loses her composure. Her weakness is pride, and the most fast track to her heart - flattery and admiration. Yesenia Leo is generous, sometimes wasteful, loves luxury, wealth and an idle lifestyle, which can lead a woman to numerous debts. In love, she is completely sincere, however, as in everything else. He does not forgive betrayal, he makes compromises with great reluctance, he is a leader by nature, including in family relationships. As a wife and mistress, Yesenia-Lev is impeccable, however, her husband will have to provide her with the standard of living that she deserves.

Virgo- her life motto is "I think and analyze." This is a distrustful, closed, vulnerable woman living in her own world. She is kind and compassionate, but she may have trouble expressing her true feelings. By nature, Yesenia-Virgo is a perfectionist, striving for perfection in everything. It requires from itself and others order in everything, a clear line of conduct, accuracy. Logic and reality prevail in her life, and everything mystical and incomprehensible causes irritation and distrust. Gifted with a clear mind, Yesenia-Virgo can be an excellent worker who you can always rely on. She is obsessed with a thirst for knowledge, so she never rests on her laurels, tries to move and develop. practicality and common sense felt in all her actions and words, while she is a modest, thoughtful and even shy person. Love, as a rule, is given to Yesenia-Virgo with great difficulty, it is difficult for her to openly express her feelings. But she does not suffer from loneliness, on the contrary, she can enjoy it without knowing happiness. family life. But if she is still lucky enough to get married, then she will be able to give her husband love, care and understanding.

Scales- her life motto is "I balance." She is hardworking and responsible, but to build successful career and the implementation of life plans, she lacks a little responsibility and independence. Yesenia-Libra has a light, non-conflict character, a clear mind, an innate sense of beauty. She strives with all her might peace of mind, hates quarrels, troubles, all kinds of complications. More than anything in the world, Yesenia-Libra cherishes her own peace, she is not capable of heroism and sacrifice. In some cases, if circumstances force her, a woman can take the path of lies and betrayal. The most cherished dream Yesenia-Libra - to love and be loved. She hates reproaches, scenes of jealousy, showdown, loves compliments and flattery, easily jumps from passion to passion. A woman will try to bring peace and harmony to her family, but her husband may be a little tired of her warmth.

Scorpion- her life motto is "Die, but be!". Ambitious, ambitious and determined Yesenia-Scorpio craves love and respect, but she herself is in no hurry to show these qualities in relation to others. The life of this woman with a difficult character is full of difficulties that only harden her iron will. It seems to her that everyone around her criticizes and discusses, although, by and large, she does not care about the opinions of those around her. She is a born fighter, used to attacking first rather than waiting to be attacked. In relations with people, Yesenia-Scorpio shows honesty and decency, but rarely really attaches to anyone. She is very perceptive, she sees through people, it is almost impossible to deceive and impose her opinion on her. In work, she is a real workaholic and careerist, but for development she needs constant shake-ups: if everything is calm, Yesenia-Scorpio becomes bored and uninteresting. In marriage, this woman manifests herself as a good housewife and devoted spouse, but only a very balanced and self-confident man can get along with her.

Sagittarius- her life motto is "I see!". This is a woman with an easy character and a cheerful disposition, with a wonderful sense of humor and enviable optimism. She is dreamy and amorous, often idealizing people too much, which leads to disappointment. Yesenia-Sagittarius knows how to get along with people, accepting them for who they are. Her character is characterized by generosity and openness, independence and gambling, but not frivolity. Yesenia-Sagittarius knows how to plan his life, shows great scrupulousness in defending his interests. She, like no one else, has an innate need to develop her own, unique philosophy of life. For a happy marriage, her husband must approve of her need for travel and personal freedom, which has nothing to do with promiscuity. She will be an ideal companion for a man who lives by the principle "the day has passed, and thank God."

Capricorn- her life motto is "I use!". Analytical mind, ingenuity, prudence and pragmatism distinguish this woman from the rest of the fair sex. She is attracted to male professions in attraction, therefore, among her friends, mostly men predominate. She is stubborn, ambitious, overcomes all obstacles with incredible perseverance. Yesenia-Capricorn is an excellent worker in all industries, respected by colleagues. Some isolation can cause difficulty in communication, it is quite difficult to get close to this woman. But her arrogance is only apparent, in fact she is a very vulnerable and sensitive person, shy and modest. Caring for Yesenia-Capricorn is not easy, she, without knowing it, erects barriers between herself and a man. But if this barrier is broken, she will turn out to be a demanding wife and mother who does not forgive insults and betrayals. Feeling dignity is very important to this woman.

Aquarius- her life motto is "I hope!". She is independent, humane, dreamy, sensitive and inquisitive. Pedantry is alien to her, and criticism is fatal to her. Yesenia-Aquarius has periods of laziness and inactivity, but in general she is an active person, not afraid of any work. The life of this woman can be miserable, never gray and monotonous. She is changing all the time, she is very attracted to everything new, unusual, mystical. She easily comes into contact with people, often has extravagant, original thinking and behavior. Yesenia-Aquarius is a true friend, giving herself to others, sympathetically delving into people's lives. Sometimes he gives advice to those who do not need it at all. Due to the deep need for love and communication, Yesenia-Aquarius finds the opposite sex very attractive. But he is looking for an impeccable companion, and therefore has great difficulty in choosing. It is not surprising that she is prone to late marriage. And when he does make a choice, he often surprises his friends.

Fish- her life motto is "I cleanse!". She prefers solitude and silence to noisy companies, and career growth she prefers the comfort of the hearth. Yesenia-Pisces is distrustful, closed and secretive, it is difficult for her to converge with strangers or be in the spotlight. She has spiritual subtlety and sensitivity, compassion and love for people. Easily succumbs to other people's influence and is very afraid of offending someone inadvertently. Yesenia-Pisces has difficulty making decisions and is forced to constantly overcome her impracticality and self-doubt. By nature, she is usually passive, soft and sentimental. This woman is very dependent on love, she needs it like air. The family for her is the center of the universe, she, like no one else, needs constant confirmation that she is loved. In response, this very sensitive nature will generously repay the partner. Yesenia-Pisces can become a great wife and mother, as she owns the amazing art of bringing happiness to those who are next to her.

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