Institutes with a Department of Psychology. Best Secondary Degree Programs in Psychology

In Moscow, as you know, there are many most diverse educational institutions, including higher ones. Where to go for those who dream of becoming a psychologist - let's talk about it today. So, the heroes of the day today are the 4 best in the direction of "Psychology".

1. Throughout recent years is practically the sole leader in many areas. His psychological faculty was no exception. 11 departments, as many as 5 scientific laboratories (communication psychology, neuropsychology, labor psychology, psychology of perception and psychology of professions and conflict) - excellent opportunities for students provided by the university.

Evlalia Prosvetova, a graduate of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University in 2011:

“Teaching at the faculty is fundamental and academic, which has strengths and weaknesses. Weak sides consist in the fact that, first of all, we are trained as scientists (good scientists), but not practicing psychologists, so the faculty gives little practice, we have to get a lot later "on the side". But forte is that we are given an excellent theoretical base and professional thinking is formed, thanks to which we quite easily gain the necessary practical skills and knowledge, which is not always available from graduates of other universities. The teaching staff is very strong - the leading psychologists of Russia teach, very smart and respected people. In a word, education at the Faculty of Psychology is excellent as a basic education, which then needs to be superimposed with various advanced training.”

The Faculty of Psychology is known far beyond the borders of Russia and is famous for its achievements, including participation in many international projects, organization of internships and practices for students, allowing them not only to immerse themselves in the profession, but also significantly expand their horizons.

Research scientific work teachers are awarded the highest awards and prizes, and students are given a unique opportunity to learn from practicing psychologists and true masters of their craft.

2. And about the next place for future psychologists himself high level- Institute of Psychology. Vygotsky will be best told by his director, Doctor of Psychology, Professor Elena Evgenievna Kravtsova: “Now it is quite difficult to find a higher educational institution, wherever psychologists are trained. Of course, such a variety, on the one hand, allows an applicant who decides to link his professional activity with psychology, choose the most suitable university for training from his point of view. On the other hand, such diversity leads to the fact that both future specialists and their parents cannot decide which higher education institution to entrust vocational training in the field of psychology. The currently adopted USE system does not contribute to the conscious choice of a university, the results of which determine in most cases whether an applicant is suitable or not suitable for studying at a particular faculty. So many heads of psychological faculties note that their applicants at the same time enter, for example, biology and soil faculties, since both the psychology and biology and soil faculties turned out to have one set of unified state exams.

Education at the Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky Russian State University for the Humanities has a number of hallmarks and features. So, firstly, given that L.S. Vygotsky was distinguished by a special way of working in psychology associated with art; in our educational process, starting from the first courses, there are many disciplines associated with art. These are experimental psychological theater, the psychology of directing, communication with the text, etc.

The second feature of the training of psychologists at the Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky RSUH is associated with the presence of a large number of practical and theoretical and practical disciplines that allow students to feel like a psychologist from the very beginning of their studies. In addition, students are required to study projects led by professional psychologists (our teachers). These are real projects (development of educational toys, assistance to children with severe somatic diseases, organizational features scientific conferences etc.), participation in which allows students to enter the profession and learn how to communicate professionally with colleagues.

The third feature of training at the Institute of Psychology. L.S. The Vygotsky Russian State University for the Humanities deals with special forms of education, which we call “workshops”. They allow not only to master different disciplines provided for by the standards of higher psychological education, but to create a single semantic field (in each course, in each direction), which ensures the formation and development of a holistic image of the profession and, ultimately, professional consciousness.

The last, fourth, feature of training at the Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky Russian State Humanitarian University, and, at the same time, the first one, which largely determines the training of psychology at the Institute, and not at the faculty, is associated with the role scientific research both students and teachers. We believe that in the process of training psychologists, they should develop a research position that allows them to work successfully in psychology, and teachers often make the process of training young specialists the subject of their research.”

3. The Faculty of Psychology is another possible choice for an applicant. This is a serious institution of higher education, which is confirmed by the fact that the faculty educational activities conducted - neither more nor less - on the basis of Russian Academy Sciences, and the dean - Anatoly Laktionovich Zhuravlev, is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Students can choose one of seven departments and receive a bachelor's degree upon graduation.

Psychology graduates are in demand in the labor market and successfully realize themselves in their chosen profession, no matter what area of ​​application of their knowledge and skills they choose - it can be scientific or research activities, pedagogical or educational, cultural or expert-analytical.

4. Faculty of psychology. amazes many with the pace of its development - very dynamic, ambitious, it is one of the leading universities among psychological education.

The modern psychologist modern methods. This motto makes the university one of the most innovative, modern and open to everything new. Without prejudice, however, to the standard academic program.

Applied research, unique technologies developed within the walls of the university, a foundation from the knowledge and experience of previous generations - this is what allows the university not to give up its positions.

Each student is looked at here, trying to reveal in him not only a professional psychologist, but also a person with high moral and moral principles. Demanding and responsive teachers and a close-knit single team of students and teachers make it possible to feel like a team with common goals.

We hope that the information was useful to you and wish you good luck with your admission!

Many young people want to study psychology. Now this profession is gaining popularity due to increasing stress. But not everyone can easily decide on the choice of an educational institution. After all, to do right choice you need to have options. Where to apply for a psychologist?

Lomonosov Moscow State University

For the majority of applicants, especially non-resident applicants, Moscow State University is the Russian standard of education and the pinnacle that needs to be conquered. When entering here, young people expect some special atmosphere, solidity. They are sure that only in this institution they will be able to receive a fundamental education in the field of psychology of high quality. Despite the fact that this science has been taught here since the very foundation of the university, no one thought about the departments of psychology. Such a division was opened already in 1966, and since then it has occupied a leading position in the country. The dean's office is proud that all the faculties of psychology in the country work according to the standards that were created here.

With the advent of a new dean in 2006, new directions began to develop, world-famous scientists often come to the university.

In this, for admission to the faculty of clinical psychology, the passing score should be from 338. The cost of education is high - from 185 thousand rubles a year.

National Research University Higher School of Economics

This university, along with Moscow State University, is the leader according to an unofficially compiled rating among parents and applicants. The dreams of applicants to get here are reinforced by the desire to become a “non-standard” student. After all, here they study according to a modular system and it is possible to independently choose more than half of the disciplines for study, as well as an additional profile. The university has a faculty social psychology, and the program was developed taking into account the experience of the best European psychological faculties. Education takes place with a mixture of disciplines. The profile subject is related to sociology, mathematics, neurobiology. Studying as a psychologist is prestigious here. Students learn languages ​​in order to be able to participate in exchanges with European universities.

Sechenov University

Faculties of psychology are especially valued by applicants in medical schools. They are sure that only studying here opens wide prospects for them. The oldest medical institution of higher education in the country is a kind of academic "city of contrasts". Here is the richest educational and research base. But at the same time, in the capital, the teachers of this university have the lowest wages. It is studied here located at the junction between classical psychology and psychiatry. Profile subjects begin to be studied from the third year. The last two years are practice oriented. The main advantage of the Department of Psychology is that it develops programs for medical colleges and universities.

Russian State University for the Humanities

Applicants entering here are brand oriented. And here they have a very creative approach to the organization of the learning process: creativity should be present in everything. Immediately after admission, students begin to practice in university creative workshops. During the first two years, drawing is studied and a special psychological theater works. In the third year, the psychology of directing appears. The work is carried out according to the system with dual specialization. The Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology is very strong here.

Pirogov Medical University

There's a lot more here budget places than at Sechenov University. Previously, the university bore the name of Stalin, but then was renamed. Known for the scandal where more than half of the enrolled students were non-existent people. But today the university is moving away from that. Clinical psychologists of a wide profile are trained here. Practice starts from the very first course. In senior years, students choose a specialization, which often becomes psychotherapy or neuropsychology.


Most applicants argue that this is state university heard. But it is worth considering if you want to become a recruiting specialist. Here they teach the intricacies of this new and growing profession. Otherwise, it is worth looking at other faculties of psychology. Along with the traditional course, RSSU devotes a lot of time to applied areas of science, such as personnel management. The priority direction is the psychology of the social health of the individual. Students practice in children's summer camps. There is an opportunity for an internship in Europe.


Applicants who enter here after completing their studies can be child psychologists or counseling psychologists. Often lectures are given by eminent professors. Foreign teachers also come. The university conducts special international trainings and organizes the work of scientific and educational centers. Even schoolchildren can participate in research activities, as the faculty has special field trips for high school students.


In which the faculty trains specialists in child psychology. One of the factors that motivate to choose the local faculty of psychology is a fairly low passing score for admission. The name is rumored, and many people think that the university already exists long years. Some confuse it with MPGU. In fact, it was opened in the 1990s. Psychology students practice on helplines, in hospitals, schools and kindergartens.


This is a psychological and pedagogical university, where those applicants who are interested in child psychology and plan to develop in this direction enter. The university also opens the way for those who wish to become a professional in rather rare areas. For example, you can study the psychology of child prodigies, explore the events that influenced the psyche of a child when he was still in his mother's womb. The most notable is the Faculty of Legal Psychology. Students must do practical work, helping not only children, but also adults.


Most of the applicants to the faculty of psychology of this university can be divided into two categories. Some are attracted by the prospect of getting a job at an academic institute after graduation. Others want to come here because there is an opinion that studying at the faculty is easy. The university was founded in the early nineties. A huge number of academicians work here. Analytical personality, psychodiagnostics are being studied. In addition to domestic scientists, lectures are also read by foreign researchers. In each course, the number of students does not exceed 25 people. This enables teachers to more intensive mode give students material.

It can be seen that there is a choice for entering a psychologist, and considerable. You just need to choose the right direction and evaluate your abilities and capabilities. Good luck entering!

Psychologist(ancient Greek psycho - soul; logos - knowledge), (English - psychologist) - a specialist in the field of psychology who studies the state of mind and the laws of correcting human behavior, using this knowledge to assist in resolving personal problems, adaptation to the world around, improving the psychological climate in families and teams. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology and psychology (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

The main task of a psychologist is to help a person find harmony with himself and the world around him, to develop behavioral mechanisms that allow a person to become more creative in relation to his life, to help identify his psychological resources.

There is a significant difference between the related professions “psychologist”, “psychotherapist” and “psychiatrist”. Psychotherapist and psychiatrist are doctors who have graduated from medical educational establishments. A psychologist, on the other hand, receives an education in the specialty "Psychology" at the psychological faculties of specialized universities and is not a doctor. The subject of the psychologist's activity is not a pathological disorder of the human psyche, but his state of mind and inner world.

Psychology is one of those professions that becomes part of its bearer. Becoming a psychologist, you become one forever! Watching your children, communicating with relatives and friends, you cannot but use your professional knowledge and experience. The subject of study of psychology is human soul- inexhaustible. ancient greek philosopher Aristotle in his treatise "On the Soul" wrote that, among other knowledge, the study of the soul should be given one of the first places, since "it is knowledge about the most sublime and amazing." But even the best psychologist cannot give a one hundred percent universal recipe for getting rid of all problems. He is looking for ways to solve the problem together with the person who needs help, helps to find the internal resources of the body. A psychologist gives a person the opportunity to look at life in general and at the problem itself from a different angle, directing a person to the idea that our life is in our hands.

Features of the profession

The main activities of a psychologist:

Psychological diagnostics (testing) is the study of the individual characteristics of the human psyche with the help of tests, experiments, observations and interviews.
Counseling is a confidential communication between a psychologist and a client to find ways to solve problems.
Psychological training - active learning in ways emotional self-regulation, problem solving and personal growth with the help of psychological games and exercises, followed by a discussion of the results.

Psychologist in demand modern world. Child psychologists work in schools and kindergartens, helping children quickly and easily adapt to new conditions. The school psychologist determines the readiness of the child for school, conducts individual work with difficult children, provides career guidance for high school students, conducting various trainings.

A psychologist is needed by enterprises for the adaptation of young professionals, to establish relationships in a team, to study the influence of labor factors on the human psyche, to select personnel, to motivate and evaluate personnel. A family psychologist consults families with problems. A sports psychologist sets up an athlete for a winning result and solves the accompanying problems. psychological problems. A clinical psychologist works in psychiatric hospitals (helping the psychiatrist make a more accurate diagnosis and participating in individual and group psychotherapy), trust services, rehabilitation centers, where he works as a psychotherapist with people who have suffered psychological trauma, entangled in circumstances, seriously ill, drug addicts, HIV-infected, if necessary, connecting a psychiatrist to the treatment. In prison, a psychologist should help prisoners adapt to normal life after release.

Psychologists can find bright applications in politics and business.

Pros and cons of the profession

Pros of the profession:

  • interesting creative work
  • the opportunity to take part in solving real problems of people
  • the need for continuous professional improvement and, in this regard, the possibility of personal growth
  • the ability to use professional knowledge in everyday life
  • knowledge and change of oneself, one's attitude to the events of the world around

Disadvantages of the profession:

  • mental fatigue, emotional burnout
  • difficulties in accepting the client's worldview and in an effort to give useful advice without fail
  • experience the client's problems as one's own

Place of work

  • psychological centers
  • private psychological counseling companies
  • educational and medical institutions
  • commercial companies and non-psychological enterprises
  • helplines

Important qualities

  • high general and emotional intelligence
  • the ability to listen carefully and hear a person
  • tolerance
  • empathy and reassurance
  • tact
  • responsibility
  • observation
  • emotional stability
  • optimism and self-confidence
  • creativity


The profession of a psychologist is relevant and in demand today. The salary depends on the place of work and the duties of the psychologist. The most highly paid is a private practice, where earnings also depend on the number of clients and consultations.

Salary as of 04/04/2019

Russia 11280—40000 ₽

Moscow 15000—70000 ₽

Psychologist training

On this course, you can get the profession of a psychologist remotely in 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
– Diploma of professional retraining of the established sample;
– Education in a completely remote format;
— Certificate of conformity to the professional standard worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!
— The largest educational institution of additional prof. education in Russia.

The Interregional Academy of the Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) invites you to get a specialty within the framework of the courses additional education. You can undergo professional retraining at MASPK in the format of distance learning, being in any region of Russia and abroad. The Academy offers quality additional education and flexible prices.

Higher educational institutions with a mental faculty are present in almost any city or regional center.

Career steps and prospects

Possibilities career development, basically, come down to professional improvement, which allows you to become a sought-after and highly paid specialist. Can create own business for the provision of psychological services. In order to work at a high professional level and be constantly in demand in the labor market, fundamental education is not enough, it is necessary to regularly take additional advanced training courses and learn various methods of psychological diagnostics and non-medical psychotherapy.

Notable psychologists

Notable psychologists: Wilhelm Wundt, William James, W.M., Sigmund Freud, Carl G. Jung, Wilhelm Reich, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, Eric Berne, Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir, Abraham Maslow, Viktor Frankl, Erich Fromm, Carl Rogers and others.

Psychology was formed from the foundations of such sciences as astronomy, philosophy, and the occult sciences. The first representatives of the "healers of souls" can be called healers, sorcerers, shamans. The positive effect of their "treatment" occurred, in more, from the power of suggestion than from the use of therapeutic agents. And only in the XVIII century the first attempts were made to scientifically substantiate their influence on humans. The founder of psychology as a science is Wilhelm Wundt, who in 1879 opened the world's first psychological laboratory, where he conducted research on the phenomena of consciousness by the method of introspection. This year is considered the birth year of psychology as a science.

About psychologists with humor

Mentally healthy people does not happen, there are badly examined!
The optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel. The pessimist sees a train coming towards him. And only a psychologist sees two idiots sitting on rails!
A psychologist, like a true friend, is a person who will hold your hand and feel your heart.

If you decide to get a second degree in psychology, it is important to decide on a specialization and decide where you plan to work - in a clinic, a scientific organization, teaching, or going into business.

Although at first glance, psychology education looks rather narrowly specialized, there are many possibilities for its application. Let's look at some of them - it will become much easier to navigate this type of education and decide on the direction of study.

Where to go to a psychologist

The most common area of ​​work for psychologists is healthcare and social work. The presence of a second higher education in psychology will allow you to take initial positions in the field of clinical psychology or individual counseling. Another profession where people with a psychological education are taken is a social worker.

It is important to understand that for rapid career growth in the field of psychology, it will be necessary to study further - in a master's program or in other types of additional education. However, this is true for almost all medical professions.

University graduates with a degree in Psychology are also in demand in the universities themselves or in scientific organizations. Here, however, further education will also be necessary - in graduate school or magistracy.
Good psychologists are also needed in government structures (for example, to conduct various studies and surveys), as well as in private companies, especially in marketing agencies, or in positions of HR managers.


enough today a large number of universities offers second higher education programs in Moscow and other cities in the field of psychology. However, it is not at all necessary to spend several years and a rather impressive amount of money on training in such programs (usually 3-4 years). The same universities offer to choose from various programs of additional education in psychology (this also includes master's programs, retraining programs, etc.)

When applying for a second higher education program in psychology, a diploma or certificate of first higher education is required, and it does not matter in which area.

Formally Russian universities do not require a medical degree for admission to master's programs in psychology, but you still have to pass the exam in the specialty "Psychology". In principle, you can prepare yourself, but according to the experience of the admissions committees of leading universities, such training may not be enough. For this purpose, many universities have special programs additional education, where you can complete the main disciplines of the psychology course in one year (or six months) and prepare for the exam.


Let's take a closer look at what programs in psychology as a second higher or additional education are offered by Russian universities.

Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov. Psychology faculty
Moscow State University invites you to a master's program (it is also a second higher education) in psychology, and strongly advises those whose first higher education is not related to psychology to take a 1-year additional education course "Fundamentals of Psychology". Education is evening and lasts 2.5 years, and together with preparatory courses- 3.5. In addition, there are a number of professional retraining and advanced training programs.

Institute of Psychology and Clinical Psychology (IPiKP)
In the specialty "Psychology" training here lasts 3-4 years (full-time or part-time), and in the specialty "Clinical Psychology" - 4.5-5 years.

Institute practical psychology and psychoanalysis
At this institute, in absentia or at the evening department, you can get a second higher degree in specialization " Psychological counseling, psychocorrection, psychotherapy". The institute pays special attention to the practice that students begin to take in real companies and clinics, starting from the first year.

This university offers such a huge selection of psychology programs that your eyes run wide. The second higher education in the specialty "Psychologist" or "Clinical Psychologist" can be obtained at the evening or correspondence department, and even remotely (only "Psychologist"). There are also master's and postgraduate studies in the direction of "Psychology". In addition, there are 30 retraining programs in psychoanalysis, practical psychology and psychotherapy, as well as 26 professional development programs.

Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University
In the specialty "Clinical Psychology" students study in the programs of the second higher education on a full-time, part-time and contractual basis.

Graduate School of Psychology
In this university, the second higher education in psychology is called "Accelerated Higher Education". In accordance with the specializations, practice is carried out in various socio-psychological centers, preschool and school educational institutions, specialized correctional schools, the Research Institute of Neurosurgery. N.N. Burdenko, the Scientific Center for Mental Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, consulting and training companies, educational and training centers, recruitment agencies, career guidance centers

Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman (MSTU named after N.E. Bauman) Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (Lomonosov Moscow State University) International University in Moscow (MUM) Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) Russian State Social University (RGSU) Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


The term "psychology" comes from two Greek words- psyche (soul, psyche) and logos (word, doctrine), i.e. psychology is a science that studies the psyche, and a psychologist is a specialist who understands human feelings and patterns of behavior.

In modern society, the role of psychologists, whose activities are aimed at achieving successful interaction between people, as well as the effective functioning and development of each individual personality, is steadily increasing. Psychologists are in demand various fields social practice, learning, business communication, in the field of interpersonal and family relations, in the sphere modern business and marketing, advertising and PR. Such fields of application of psychological knowledge as political, legal, religious psychology are rapidly developing; the invaluable role of psychologists in enterprises and organizations for development corporate culture, team building, solving personnel issues and employee motivation systems.

Specialties and Specializations in Psychology

After 5 years of full-time study in the specialty "Psychology", a university graduate is awarded the qualification "psychologist" or "teacher of psychology".

In the direction of "Psychology" in the universities of Moscow, two-level education is also possible. After 4 years full-time education at the university at the first level in the bachelor's degree, the graduate is awarded a bachelor's degree in psychology. Graduates of bachelor's and specialist's degrees can continue their education at a university in the field of psychology at the second level of higher education in the master's program and after 2 years of full-time study receive a master's degree in psychology.

Within the framework of the main specialty "Psychology", universities provide training in one or more specializations, involving the teaching of a number of special disciplines. Most often, Moscow universities offer the following specializations:

  • Social Psychology
  • Psychology of work and organizational psychology
  • Developmental psychology, developmental psychology
  • Psychological counseling
  • Psychologist-analyst (in the organization).

Moscow universities offer several more specializations in the specialty "Psychology", which differ in the scope of the graduate's future professional activity: "Political Psychology", "Business Psychology", "Psychology of Advertising (and Marketing)", "Psychology of Creativity", "Legal Psychology", "Psychology education".

What are they studying

In addition to a wide range of general professional disciplines, future university graduates in the field of psychology study a number of subjects from related fields of knowledge: medicine, sociology, jurisprudence, political science, and pedagogy. Much attention in curricula universities is given to the study foreign language, informatics and mathematics.

A feature of all programs of higher psychological education without exception is their pronounced practical orientation. To work with such a fragile material as the human psyche, in addition to theoretical, extended practical training is required - university students in the field of psychology undergo several cycles of specialized practice in centers of practical psychology, the most effective of which is working on the helpline.

Where do psychologists work and how much do they earn?

The widest area of ​​practical activity is for psychologists, specialists in social and organizational psychology. They can work: in the state apparatus, in universities, research institutes and laboratories, in the armed forces and structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in public opinion research centers, on helplines, in firms, banks, enterprises, trade organizations, in the personnel and psychological services of institutions and enterprises, career guidance and vocational counseling centers, advertising agencies, in healthcare organizations and social protection. The salary of social psychologists is from 500 US dollars per month.

Specialists in developmental psychology are expected in preschool and school educational and educational institutions, in universities and colleges, in centers for training specialists in production, in employment centers, in psychological and family consultations, in various centers for working with children, adolescents, and youth. The salary of these specialists is low - from 500 US dollars per month.

Psychologists-consultants on personality problems are in demand in the centers of medical, psychological and social assistance to the population, centers early development and education of children, in counseling centers on family and marriage issues, in centers for working with offenders, in the system of private psychological and psychotherapeutic practice. Psychological counseling is a higher paid activity that usually has an hourly fee - from $ 25 per hour.

Consultant psychologists specializing in organizational problems will find work in consulting companies, recruitment agencies, personnel management services, in the ATC system, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other law enforcement agencies, employment centers, in public institutions related to the provision psychological help. Psychological analysts working in large companies, receive from 1000 US dollars per month.


The term "sociology" is derived from two words: the Latin societas ("society") and the Greek logos ("doctrine, concept"), that is, sociology is the science of society. The tasks of sociology include: analysis of modern social problems society and individual social groups; diagnostics, explanation, forecasting and optimization of social processes and social relations; their regulation and management. To solve these problems, sociology uses quantitative (mathematical, statistical) and qualitative (group interviews) research methods.

Need modern society in sociology and sociologists is great. Sociology proper deals with the study of public opinion on the most important socio-political and economic issues, for example, the problems of pricing policy, satisfaction with the standard of living, ratings of politicians and political parties. In addition, there is a broad field of applied sociology in which sociologists can engage in:

  • marketing activities in companies and enterprises;
  • analytical work in the media (television, radio, press, Internet);
  • efficiency calculation advertising companies in agencies;
  • studying the opinion of the electorate and other political technologies;
  • conducting research in the field of personnel management;
  • information and analytical work on risk management, etc.

Specialties and Specializations in Sociology

There are two ways to get a higher education in sociology. Five years of full-time study at the university makes it possible to acquire the specialty "Sociology" with a large number of specializations. The second option for obtaining the profession of a sociologist at a Moscow university is a two-level education in a bachelor's degree (4 years) and a master's degree (2 years). The bachelor's degree in sociology also has specializations. The most common specializations in Moscow universities:

  • "Applied Methods of Sociological Research"
  • "Economic Sociology"
  • "Sociology of Marketing, PR and Advertising"
  • "Sociology mass communications»
  • "Sociology of politics"
  • "Sociology and Psychology of Management"

In order to carry out their work professionally, future graduates in the field of sociology must study wide range sociological sciences and a large number of disciplines from related fields: political science, psychology, management, economics, law, advertising, marketing. Students must undergo serious mathematical training, including knowledge of mathematical statistics, methods and techniques of sociological research, and master the methodology for creating and using models for predicting social phenomena. Much attention in the training program for sociologists in universities is given to new information technology, the use of computer technologies for the processing of sociological information.

Where do they work and how much do they earn?

Future university graduates in the field of sociology can start their professional career from senior years as interviewers. The interviewer conducts an interview with a focus group of people, on the basis of which he seeks General characteristics, and groups them by type. University students can carry out sociological research within the walls of their own university, for example, to conduct a rating assessment of the work of individual teachers and the entire university as a whole.

After graduating from a university in the field of sociology, you can build your career in two main areas: scientific activity or applied research. Scientific career Unfortunately, it doesn't pay well: a starting salary of $500 can only rise to $1,000 if you get a project manager position. In marketing, advertising and media activities, you can immediately count on 600-800 US dollars with an increase in salary for a year of work up to 1,500 dollars. The fees of experienced political technologists reach 10,000 US dollars.

Sociologists can study public opinion in analytical centers, to carry out sociological support of election campaigns, to conduct expert and consulting work in government and business structures, in the field of PR. Sociologists can work in scientific institutions, including international research, and in educational institutions in teaching and administrative positions. Sociologists are indispensable in the personnel departments of companies and enterprises, they can work as risk managers, engage in research activities in the centers of sociological monitoring.


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