What will happen if all universities are closed. University closed? How to get a higher education without worrying about the possible closure of the university. State certification in another university

Which violate people's rights to quality education.

This statement was preceded by their affiliates. For example, in the village of Vyoshenskaya, Rostov Region. Over the past five years, representative offices of four universities have been opened, three of which have settled in one building - the local library. Sholokhov. As it turned out, some of the "head" universities did not even suspect the existence of "branches". A similar situation has developed in the Sverdlovsk region. And one private university in Irkutsk taught a program completely “written off” from the Higher School of Economics (HSE), and earned a lot from it.

University purges

But, apparently, the closure will affect not only openly fraudulent organizations that illegally operated under the brand name of well-known educational institutions. They should be taken care of law enforcement. Optimization will take place much more widely. And it has already begun. “Which universities are we talking about? First, about attestation of the branch network, - explains Irina Abankina, Director, Institute for the Development of Education at the Higher School of Economics. - We have about 3,000 branches per thousand universities. On average, 11 branches for humanitarian universities and 3-4 for technical ones. Secondly, about universities that. Careful checks are needed to ensure that the university complies with the certificate. It is difficult to take away a license from a university. First you need to answer the question: where should students go, especially if they have already paid for their education? The issue needs to be worked out."

Nevertheless, according to some reports, out of a thousand universities, the authorities plan to leave about a third in a few years, uprooting, as one of the top officials put it, “toadstools” universities. However, not all experts agree that weak universities should only be closed.

“The very idea of ​​closing universities is wrong,” he said. Mark Agranovich, Executive Director of the Interregional Association for Monitoring and Statistics of Education. - It is necessary to close not universities, but programs. One university can have two good programs, and 15 is rubbish. For example, the old school of foundry teaching has been preserved in a regional university. She needs to be saved. What does "bad program" mean? This means that p. It’s not a pity then to put them out if they have the audacity to teach what they don’t understand. If a student comes to a university and is deceived, then such a university has no place in the system of higher education. If only one good program remains at the university, then it can be attached to a larger one. It is necessary to create systems of external quality assessment instead of today's formal accreditation of universities.”

Where does the "left" come from?

There are other questions as well. If now, according to experts, 80-90% of the population is covered by higher education, then will it not turn out that due to a decrease in the number of universities, the accessibility of higher education will decrease, especially for children from the regions? And as a result, the general intellectual level of the population will decrease.

“Why are “leftist” universities in demand? - asking a question Kirill Mitrofanov, Head of the Center for Independent Assessment of the Quality of Education FIRO. - The simplest answer: "crusts" are sold. There is a decrease in the value of higher education and diplomas. A person with a degree is no different from a person without it. The second point: the boys go to any university to avoid the charms of an organization called the "army", and the girls follow them, in search of a husband. After all, there an educated girl is more likely to marry an educated man. But even pseudo-higher education has positive aspects. For example, why are many businessmen even more willing to take girls with higher education as sellers in a "stall" than? Because they have a higher cultural level, they speak differently. By the way, historically, higher education for women appeared so that a woman could competently communicate in the family - with servants (set goals for governesses, housekeepers), children. You can simply destroy weak universities, or you can do it. We are starting to catch up in general education European countries. In Europe, students study for 12-14 years, in our country - 9-10. So let our children get what they need at the expense of 3 years of bachelor's degree. And then, if desired, a master's degree, but better not one. And in general, until the goal is formulated (“What is this being done for?”, and not “Why?”), the reduction of universities resembles a “cleansing”.

Obviously, it should be aimed at improving quality, and not at reducing quantity. One of the main arguments of the authorities is that it is economically unjustified to have so many universities. There are more of them than students. After all, 5-6 years ago we had 1.5 million school graduates, last year - 730 thousand.

But won't it work like with? In the 90s, when the birth rate in the country fell to a record low level, kindergartens were massively closed, the premises were sold, rented out. And today the reverse process has begun: for 2007-2011. the birth rate has grown by almost 20%, there is a catastrophic shortage of places in the gardens, as a result, they are building new ones, trying to return and repair the old ones. But these kids will go to universities in 10-15 years. Will we start building the required number of institutions again?

Deputies and experts propose to ban the closure of universities during the academic year

Rosobrnadzor banned the admission of students to three state universities - this is the Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Yezhevsky, St. Petersburg state institute cinema and television, as well as the Oryol State Agrarian University named after N.A. Parakhina. What are the reasons and what should applicants, students and teachers do in this situation?

All “unhappy” universities are unhappy in their own way

Private universities also did not bypass the March inspections Federal Service on Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science - the license of the Kislovodsk Institute of Economics and Law was terminated, and that of the St. Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education was suspended. The Moscow branch of the Russian International Academy of Tourism has been partially deprived of state accreditation.

The reasons for the closure of universities and the suspension of their activities are very different, says Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Love Dukhanina. “As you know, everyone is happy in the same way, but unhappy in their own way. Some universities lack the material and technical base, somewhere there is a lack of alignment in the educational process or not very good results - each has its own reason, ”she explains. Rosobrnadzor checks are a common thing, they take place every month. And the department acts in strict accordance with the existing regulatory framework, Dukhanina assured.

As reported in SPbGIKiT, the ban on admission of students for them is a purely technical, temporary measure. “We just had an inspection by Rosobrnadzor. Remarks have been identified, usually this automatically means suspension of admission until we correct them, ”said the vice-rector of this university in the media. Dmitry Barsukov. The institute, according to him, plans to eliminate the remarks of Rosobrnadzor in early April, and does not intend to cancel the summer admission of applicants from SPbGIKiT.

The official appeal of the rector's office, posted on the official website of the university, states that "Rosobrnadzor made a number of comments regarding the registration of scientific workers of the institute for work, the execution of contracts concluded with students, and the content of the institute's website." “These remarks are not essential, are of a technical nature and do not relate to the educational and other activities of the Institute, the studies of students and pedagogical activity teachers," the SPbGIKiT added.

The situation is different at the Kislovodsk Institute of Economics and Law, which was deprived of a license by a court decision - its educational activities, in essence, ceased last year, says the rector of the institute, Aznaur Dudov.

“I transferred students to other universities a long time ago, the institute stopped its educational activities. But we are not in a hurry to close it, we need to keep the university for a couple more years, while people turn to us for information, with requests about the fact that they studied with us, ”says the rector.

The license was taken away by a court decision, it is useless to fight for its restoration, he says. “Probably, the time has come for our university… By this time, almost all private universities in our region have already been closed,” he added. IN last time, according to him, a commission came to the institute, made comments, and three days later materials appeared in the newspapers that accreditation had been suspended at the university due to the comments identified.

“Thus, the university is immediately morally killed, do you understand? In the previous check, we were given a month, and we corrected all the comments. In any university, you can find errors and shortcomings, - says Dudov. - IN last years there is a trend towards the reduction of private universities. Maybe from the very beginning it was necessary to raise the bar of requirements for them?

Try to transfer 2000 students somewhere...

Universities whose activities are being terminated face serious problem- how to arrange students in another educational institution. “I wrote a letter to Rosobrnadzor - give me the opportunity to close the academic year. When the university closes in the middle school year, it is very difficult to transfer students. We don't translate just one student, try to translate 2000 students across universities. This is a huge problem, ”complains Dudov.

Who prevents Rosobrnadzor from informing the university that it will soon be closed and giving students the opportunity to complete their studies for 4-5 months before the end of the academic year? Moreover, the process of closing the university is very long, it goes step by step - first the suspension of accreditation, then the suspension of enrollment, then the suspension of the license through the court, the rector explains.

“Legislators need to think about closing universities at the end of the academic year, so that students have the opportunity to complete the academic year and the teaching staff for summer period find yourself a new job, ”also agrees the deputy head of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, Lyubov Dukhanina. Profile Duma Committee, according to her, on last week already discussed this issue.

Normal universities also fall under the “axe”

The Government's policy of drastically reducing the number of universities needs to be changed, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science believes Oleg Smolin.

According to the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020, the number of universities over these years should be reduced by 40 percent, and branches - by 80, recalls the deputy. “According to Rosobrnadzor, from the summer of 2014 to the spring of 2016, 1,100 universities and branches were closed - from 2,500 to 1,400. At the same time, the number of universities in the United States, for example, per capita is approximately twice as much as in Russia,” - said the parliamentarian. The problem here is not in Rosobrnadzor, but in the general setting of the Government to reduce the number of universities and branches, he believes.

“Along with the fact that some of the universities that really gave a fake education are being closed, those that work quite normally also fall under the“ ax ”, - states Smolin. And a significant part of students is deprived of the opportunity to continue their studies, he is sure. Some of them cannot transfer to another university if, for example, they are not very big city all branches are closed.

Along with the fact that some of the universities that really provided a fake education are being closed, those that work quite normally also fall under the “axe”.

The second situation is that students from private universities cannot transfer to state universities, since the Ministry of Education has set a bar below which it is impossible to take tuition fees in state universities. In private universities, paradoxically, the cost is often lower ...

“I think that the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education needs to be changed, and the provision on a sharp reduction in the number of universities should be excluded from it. The struggle for the quality of education should not turn into a struggle against the right to education,” the politician believes. Otherwise, we may get a large number of young people without work and without the opportunity to study. This issue may turn out to be a matter of political stability. “I do not think that during the crisis we should artificially curtail the education system. All countries with market economy, since the United States of the time of Roosevelt, they did the exact opposite, ”he concluded.

A license for the right to conduct educational activities is issued to the university by Rosobrnadzor and confirms its right to provide services for the implementation of educational programs. In case of its cancellation, the university is obliged to stop educational activities.

In case of suspension or deprivation of state accreditation, the university can still conduct educational activities and issue documents own sample. At the same time, the university cannot issue diplomas of the sample established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and guarantee students a deferment from service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation upon conscription.

In case of suspension or cancellation of a license, as well as suspension or deprivation of an educational organization of state accreditation, the founder of the university is obliged to ensure the transfer of students, with their written consent, to other higher educational institutions for state-accredited programs in similar areas of training, while maintaining all the conditions of study (form and course, as well as the cost of education).

Admission to an educational organization is prohibited in case of non-compliance with the instructions of Rosobrnadzor.

The ban on the admission of students does not impose other restrictions on the educational activities of the university.

Typical violations detected during licensing control:

  • lack of documents confirming the right to use buildings and territories;
  • failure to comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in relation to logistics, educational programs and premises;
  • no computers connected to the Internet;
  • workshops and laboratories are not equipped;
  • no simulators, shooting gallery;
  • no demonstration equipment for lectures;
  • main and additional educational programs;
  • level vocational training does not correspond to the position of the employee;
  • not all students have access to e-learning materials;
  • there are no teachers responsible for the formation of students' professional qualities in the chosen profession, independence, creativity and initiatives;
  • The class schedule does not include a long break for eating.
Students of the Krasnodar Medical Institute ask Vladimir Putin to save the university

An initiative group of students from the Krasnodar Municipal Medical Institute of Higher Nursing Education created a petition addressed to the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the heads of the TFR and the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, asking them not to close the university.

"Who will treat people?!" Doctors are dismissed en masse at the emergency hospital of Petrozavodsk, the management hides the critical situation

"Who will treat people?!" Doctors are dismissed en masse at the emergency hospital of Petrozavodsk, the management hides critical situation

A dissatisfied patient, who is currently undergoing treatment at the emergency hospital, turned to our editorial office. On condition of anonymity, she said that a few days ago surgeons left the hospital en masse and there was essentially no one to treat people.

Universities will be divided into categories according to quality The question of combining accreditation and licensing into one procedure remains open

Universities will be divided into categories according to quality The question of combining accreditation and licensing into one procedure remains open

There is a lot of controversy in higher education. And all because the interests of several groups of people suddenly intersected at once in the university community, and indeed in the bureaucracy itself. A visible subject of dispute is the accreditation and licensing of higher scientific institutions. Hidden - the movement of financial flows.

In Russia, half of the universities were expelled Over a thousand educational institutions ceased to exist in three years

In Russia, half of the universities were expelled Over a thousand educational institutions ceased to exist in three years

For three years, the number of universities and their branches in Russia has decreased by almost half - by 1097 organizations. Thus, the "cleansing" of higher education in Russia, announced by the previous leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science, has actually been completed. It assumed a reduction in the number of universities by 40%, and branches - by 80%. The expert community notes that now the system for assessing the quality of higher education in Russia should focus on inspections only where the risks are highest. Kommersant's interlocutors do not exclude that this issue may be raised in the near future in connection with the "possible change of the cabinet of ministers."

"Cleansing" of universities or the struggle for the quality of education Deputies and experts propose to ban the closure of universities during the academic year

"Cleansing" of universities or the struggle for the quality of education Deputies and experts propose to ban the closure of universities during the academic year

Rosobrnadzor banned the admission of students to three state universities - this is the Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Ezhevsky, St. Petersburg State Institute of Cinema and Television, as well as Oryol State Agrarian University named after N.A. Parakhina. What are the reasons and what should applicants, students and teachers do in this situation?

Will the Ministry of Education spare the "repressed" universities

Will the Ministry of Education spare the "repressed" universities

The Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science of Russia (Rosobrnadzor) banned the admission of students to five higher educational institutions. One institution is completely deprived of accreditation, another has its license suspended. According to experts, it is too early for both students and professors to panic.

The Ministry of Education and Science canceled the decision to merge the Geological Prospecting University with Gubkin Geologists called it "happiness"

The Ministry of Education and Science canceled the decision to merge the Geological Prospecting University with Gubkin Geologists called it "happiness"

As it became known to MK, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1501 dated November 30, the previously planned merger of the Geological Exploration University with a non-core oil university was canceled completely and irrevocably. Thus, one of the oldest universities in Russia will preserve the unique geological exploration school and celebrate its centenary in a worthy manner.

According to published data, the number of inefficient universities subject to reorganization in the Russian capital amounted to 49. The list included the Stolypin Institute for the Humanities, the Institute of Business and Economics, National Institute Design, Institute of Fashion Industry, Humanitarian Prognostic Institute, Institute business career and others.

In St. Petersburg, based on the results of the monitoring, 12 organizations will be reorganized. In particular, the published list included the Academic Institute for the Humanities, the National Open Institute, the Smolny Institute Russian Academy education, the Institute of Television, Business and Design, the Baltic Institute for the Humanities and others. Note that all of the listed organizations are non-governmental.

In addition, it became known that at 26 Russian universities activities will be optimized. Three of them are located in the Central federal district- Kaluga State University. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Kursk State Agricultural Academy. professor I.I. Ivanov, Ryazan State University. S. A. Yesenina. In the capital, the optimization process will primarily affect the State Academy of Slavic Culture, the Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow, St. Philaret's Orthodox Christian Institute.

IN total according to the results of monitoring in 2013, 373 organizations - universities and their branches were recognized as ineffective. In total, 934 state and non-state universities and 1,478 branches took part in the monitoring conducted by officials.

The obligation to monitor the effectiveness of the activities of educational institutions of higher education was normatively enshrined in federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation”, at the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2012 No. 2620-r “Changes in industries social sphere aimed at improving the efficiency of education and science” and in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 5, 2013 No. 662 “On Monitoring the Education System”.

Experts point out that non-state higher educational institutions mostly require reorganization. Among them, the Kirov Institute foreign languages, Orenburg Institute of Economics and Culture, Perm Institute of Humanities and Technology, Samara Institute of Management, East Siberian Institute of Economics and Law, Kursk Road Institute, Sochi Institute of Economics and information technologies, Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis (Moscow), Moscow School of Economics - Financial Institute, National Institute of Design (Moscow).

Earlier it was reported that the following state universities: the Volga Institute of Economics, Pedagogy and Law, the Volgograd State Institute of Arts and Culture, the Serebryakov Volgograd Conservatory, the Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Services, the Arctic State Institute of Arts and Culture, the Novocherkassk State Ameliorative Academy.

The Ministry of Education and Science emphasized that when monitoring the effectiveness, specialists assessed the human resources potential of the university, the publication activity of teachers, the total scientific research, logistics, employment of graduates. Also, when assessing financial support, the average salary of teachers in relation to the average wages in the region.

“In the vast majority of universities recognized as inefficient, the average salary of teachers is significantly below the indicator for the region, and in individual cases is only 10-15%,” said Deputy Minister of Education Alexander Klimov.

When assessing the staffing of the educational process, the ratio between the number of teachers and students was analyzed.

According to Klimov, “it turned out that in some universities, not actually teaching, but streaming the issuance of diplomas, there are several dozen students per teacher.”

The high-ranking official also noted that a large share of the teaching load in inefficient universities, as a rule, is performed by freelance teachers.

Last year, 541 state universities participated, some of the private ones also provided information about themselves, but no one had the right to force them to do so. As a result, almost 30 universities were recognized as inefficient.

Meanwhile Russian Union rectors has already begun to form a nationwide network of advisory centers to support teachers and students of those universities that are planned to be optimized or reorganized based on the results of monitoring in 2013. This was announced today, January 13, in the press service of the PCP. As explained in the press service, “councils of rectors of the federal districts and regions of Russia coordinately determine university sites where specialists in the field of law, financial activities And social protection will provide psychological and informational support to employees and students of universities in the event of termination of the activities of higher educational institutions based on the results of the past monitoring of effectiveness.”

They also emphasized that it is necessary that in the conditions of the reorganization "each member of the student and teaching corporations understand their role and prospects in the new university." In addition, the counseling centers will monitor the observance of the rights of students and faculty during the reorganization - to inform the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and quickly jointly resolve emerging contradictions.

A proposal for a list of educational organizations on the basis of which coordination centers will be created is formed by the Union of Rectors on the basis of instructions from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and will be submitted for approval on January 24 of this year.

List of universities subject to reorganization

The list of educational organizations of higher education and branches classified in the group " educational organization higher education, which is inefficient
and in need of reorganization

1. "Arctic State Institute of Arts and Culture"
2. Kirov Institute of Foreign Languages
3. Academic Humanitarian Institute
4. "Orenburg Institute of Economics and Culture"
5. "Perm Institute of Humanities and Technology"
6. "Ural Humanitarian Institute"
7. Kumertau Institute of Economics and Law
8. "Mordovia Humanitarian Institute"
9. "Almetyevsk State Institute of Municipal Service"
10. Samara Institute of Management
11. "Izhevsk Institute of Management"
12. Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management and Business
13. West Ural Institute of Economics and Law
14. Perm Institute municipal government (graduate School privatization and entrepreneurship)"
15. "Regional Institute of Technology and Management"
16. Institute of Management
17. "Northern Institute of Entrepreneurship"
18. Kaliningrad Institute of Management
19. "International Institute of Business Education"
20. "Baltic Institute of Economics and Finance"
21. "Nevsky Institute of Language and Culture"
22. "Dagestan Medical Dental Institute"
23. "International Humanitarian and Technical Academy" (Institute)
24. Institute of World Economy
25. "Dagestan Theological Institute named after Said Afandi"
26. "North Caucasian Humanitarian Institute"
27. "Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus"
28. Stavropol Institute named after V.D. Chursina"
29. Stavropol Institute of Business and Technology "Businesstrans"
30. "Baikal Humanitarian Institute"
31. "East Siberian Institute of Economics and Law"
32. "Kuzbass Institute of Economics and Law"
33. Novosibirsk Institute of Economics and Management
34. "Siberian Institute of Business, Management and Psychology"
35. Siberian Institute international relations and regional studies
36. Siberian Academy of Management and mass communications(Institute)"
37. "Siberian Academy of Law, Economics and Management"
38. "Chelyabinsk Multidisciplinary Institute" (ANOVPO "ChelMI")
39. European-Asian Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship
40. Institute of Business, Information Technology and Finance
41. "Kursk Road Institute"
42. Institute of International Economic Relations
43. Autonomous educational non-profit "Institute of Economic Management Systems and international law»
44. "Moscow Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute"
45. "Modern Technical Institute"
46. ​​"Ryazan Institute of Management and Law"
47. "Eastern European Institute of Economics, Management and Law" (ANO VPO VEIEUP)
48. Institute of Law and Administration of the All-Russian Police Association
49. "Institute of Economics and Management" (ANO VPO "IEU")
50. "Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Service"
51. "Sergiev Posad Humanitarian Institute"
52. "Lipetsk Environmental and Humanitarian Institute"
53. Institute of Law and Economics
54. "Regional open social institution"
55. "International Academy of Education (Institute)"
56. "Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity"
57. Russian Theater Institute
58. "Institute of Management and Informatics"
59. "Volgograd Institute of Economics, Sociology and Law"
60. "Armavir Socio-Psychological Institute"
61. “Institute of International Law, Economics, Humanities and Management named after K.V. Russian" (PHOU VPO "Institute named after the Russian")
62. "Kuban Institute of Information Protection"
63. "Otradnensky Humanitarian Institute"
64. "Sochi Institute of Economics and Information Technologies"
65. "Novocherkassk State Reclamation Academy"
66. "Don Institute of Distance Education"
67. Open Education Institute
68. "Volgograd Conservatory (Institute) named after P. A. Serebryakov"
69. "Volgograd State Institute of Arts and Culture"
70. "Volga Institute of Economics, Pedagogy and Law"
71. "Institute of Economics and Management in Medicine and the Social Sphere"
72. Southern Institute of Management
73. "Institute of Financial Control and Audit"
74. "Humanitarian and Prognostic Institute"
75. "Humanitarian Institute (Moscow)"
76. “Humanitarian Institute named after P.A. Stolypin"
77. Institute of Business and Law
78. "Institute of Business and Economics"
79. "Institute of Public Administration"
80. Business Career Institute
82. "Institute Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis"
83. Institute modern law and economy
84. "Institute of Social Sciences"
85. Institute of Business Economics
86. Institute of Economics and Culture
87. "Institute of Economics and Management in Construction and Industry"
88. "International Jewish Institute of Economics, Finance and Law"
89. "International Institute - "INFO-Ruthenia"
90. "Moscow School of Economics - financial institution"
91. Moscow Institute of Analytical Psychology and Psychoanalysis
92. Moscow Institute of World Economy and International Relations
93. Moscow Institute of Management and Service
94. Moscow Institute of Art and Industry
95. "National Institute of Design"
96. Open Institute of Technology
97. "Capital Institute of Translators"
98. Economic and Legal Institute
99. "Economic and Law Institute"
100. Institute of Commerce and Law
101. "Institute of Management and Law"
102. "Academy of the sphere of social relations"
103. "Higher School of Psychology (Institute)"
104. "Institute of Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies"
105. Institute of Fashion Industry
106. "Institute of Communication Technologies"
107. Institute of International Trade and Law
108. Institute of International Social and Humanitarian Relations
109. Institute of Management, Economics and Innovations
110. "Institute of Management, Economics, Law and Art"
111. Moscow Humanitarian and Economic Institute
112. "Moscow Institute of State and Corporate Governance"
113. Moscow Institute government controlled and rights"
114. "Moscow Institute of National and Regional Relations" ("MINRO")
115. Moscow Institute of Economics "Higher School "Modern Education"
116. Autonomous non-profit "National Institute named after Catherine the Great"
117. Autonomous non-profit Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship
118. “Russian Institute of Management named after V.P. Chernov"
119. Moscow Social and Humanitarian Institute
120. Moscow Institute of Law
121. "Economic and Energy Institute"
122. "Moscow Institute of Open Education"
123. St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute
124. "Academic Institute for Humanitarian Education"
125. "East European Institute of Psychoanalysis" (CHOU VPO "VEIP")
126. "Oriental Institute"
127. "National Open Institute of St. Petersburg" (NCHOU VPO "National Open Institute")
128. "St. Petersburg Institute for Humanitarian Education"
129. St. Petersburg Institute of Management and Law
130. St. Petersburg Institute of Economics and Management (SPbIEU)
131. "Smolny Institute of the Russian Academy of Education" (ANO VPO) "SURAO"
132. "Institute of Television, Business and Design"
133. "Institute of Design, Applied Arts and Liberal Education"
134. "Baltic Humanitarian Institute"
135. "Institute of Economics and Finance"

According to Izvestia, recently the Ministry of Education and Science sent out a letter to six dozen universities with a recommendation to stop accepting applicants in 2014 in the branches listed by the department. More than 50% of the branches that were subject to reorganization and possible liquidation in 2016 are regional branches of technical universities.

The letter, signed by Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov, states that the department has reviewed the activities of branches that are recognized as inefficient (that is, they do not meet a certain number of performance indicators) and has compiled a list of branches recommended for reorganization. The list of reorganization measures includes, among other things, their possible complete liquidation by 2016. In the meantime, branches of universities are recommended to stop accepting applicants for higher education programs from 2014, to consider reorganization at the Academic Council by September 1, 2014, and by June 30, 2016, to carry out reorganization measures in full, follows from the letter (Izvestia has a copy). ).

In total, liquidation threatens more than 160 branches of state universities across the country, including MADI, MAMI, MSTU Stankin, MESI and RSSU. More than 50% of the branches that fell under the reorganization are branches of technical universities in the regions, although earlier the Minister of Education announced a shortage of technical specialists.

As a source in Rosobrnadzor told Izvestia, compliance with university monitoring indicators turned out to be unbearable for departments of educational institutions far from the capital. In his opinion, the Ministry of Education and Science formed average indicators for small branches, focusing on the results of the head universities.

Thus, the branches failed to achieve financial performance and did not pass the training areas. The big and rich survive. If Oxford University or Cambridge are included in the monitoring next year, then only Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University will be effective, and then with a low probability, because the average, basic indicators of the university assessment system are calculated taking into account average indicators, - the source described the situation.

At the same time, on June 20, the acceptance of documents from applicants started. Some branches that were advised to stop accepting documents did not do so. Moreover, applicants are not warned about the cardinal changes coming by 2016 in educational institution. Thus, Natalia Dogunkova, who is responsible for accepting documents at the admission committee of the Volgograd branch of the Russian State University of Tourism and Service, told Izvestia that the admission was underway and for the first time she heard that their branch was undergoing reorganization. At the head university, Izvestia was informed that there was no letter and there would be no closing of student admissions either in Volgograd, or in Kamchatka, or in Samara and Smolensk departments. Although all these branches are the recipients of the letter from the Ministry of Education and Science.

The admission committee of the branch of the Russian State Social University in the city of Elektrostal (this branch is among the addressees) also told Izvestia that the documents were being accepted, but so far there were “technical difficulties with their processing”, which could take several days. The head university also denies restrictions on admission and the existence of any recommendations.

As Izvestiya was told in the Ministry of Education and Science, a letter from the department was indeed sent to 171 branches of state universities, which have proven themselves to be weaker in terms of efficiency. The leadership of the head university should take into account the recommendations of the ministry to stop accepting new students in branches this year. Before the start of the academic year, they have been given a deadline to prepare a plan of reorganization measures that will help the branch increase efficiency or make a decision to close it and transfer students either to the head university or to other branches, the department stressed. The representative of the ministry added that it is incorrect for universities to hide information about future changes from applicants. After all, if the branch is closed, students will be forced to transfer to another educational institution, possibly in another region. However, the ministry cannot oblige the founders of branches to inform applicants about reorganization measures until there are orders from the leadership of universities on reorganization.

The distribution of universities and branches according to performance monitoring indicators started last year, according to the results of 2013, optimization was prescribed for 26 head universities and 15 branches, and reorganization - for 79 head universities and 202 branches.

List of universities, which, starting from 2014, are recommended to stop recruiting applicants to branches for higher education programs. These branches may be closed in 2016.

Altai State University (branch in the city of Kamen-on-Obi)
Adyghe State University (Belorechensk, Koshekhabl)
Belgorod State Technical University named after Shukhov (Gubkin)
Buryat State University (Bokhan)
Vyatka State State University (Vyatskiye Polyany, Izhevsk, Kirovochepetsk)
Vladimir State University named after Stoletovs (Gus-Khrustalny)
Volgograd State University (Uryupinsk)
East Siberian state academy education (Ust-Ilimsk)
Vyatka GU (Kirovo-Chepetsk)
Glazov State Pedagogical Institute named after Korolenko (Izhevsk)
State University of Management (Obninsk, Kaluga Region)
Dagestan State Pedagogical University (Khasavyurt)
Dagestan State Administration (Kaspiysk)
Ivanovo State politechnical University(Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan)
Ivanovo State University (Derbent)
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (Zelenodolsk, Chistopol)
Astafiev Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University (Kansk)
Komsomolsk-on-Amur GTU (Vanino)
Kemerovo State University (Prokopyevsk, Anzhero-Sudzhensk)
Karachay-Cherkess State University named after Aliev (Kropotkin)
Kazan National Research Technical University named after Tupolev - KAI (Elabuga)
Moscow State Industrial University (Vyazma, Kirov, Sergiev Posad)
Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy (Magadan)
MSTU "Stankin" (Yegoryevsk)
MGSU (Egorievsk, Dmitrov, Lyubertsy, Mozhaisk)
Moscow State University named after Sholokhov (Balabanovo, Derbent, Ufa)
MAMI (Podolsk, Gubkin, Voskresensk, Kropotkin, Makhachkala, Prokopyevsk, Safonovo, Smolensk, Serpukhov)
Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics (Kashira, Mozhaisk)
Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (Makhachkala, Dubna)
MESI (Kaliningrad, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod)
Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise (Borovichi)
Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after Alekseev (Zavolzhsk, Pavlovsk)
Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after Dobrolyubov (Naberezhnye Chelny, Lipetsk)
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Borsk, Zavolzhsk, Vyksunsky)
Omsk GTU (Nizhnevartovsk, Nefteyugansk)
Volga State Service Department (Syzran)
Volga GTU (Volzhsk)
Perm National research university(Berezniki)
Penza State University (Kuznetsk)
Russian State University of Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship (Penza)
RSSU (Armavir, Cherkessk, Togliatti, Azov, Bataysk, Bryansk, Dedovsk, Ivanteevka, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Krasnoyarsk, Lyubertsy, Maykop, Naro-Fominsk, Obninsk, Ruza, Serpukhov, Soviet, Surgut, Taganrog, Ufa, Cheboksary, Elektrostal)
Russian State Hydrometeorological University (Rostov-on-Don)
Russian the University of Economics named after Plekhanov (Balashikha, Marx)
Russian State University for Tourism and Service (Volgograd, Kamchatka, Smolensk, Samara)
Russian State Humanitarian University (Veliky Novgorod, Balashikha, Dmitrov, Zheleznodorozhny, Kazan, Kaluga, Tolyatti)
Rostov State University of Economics (Georgievsk, Cherkessk, Volgodonsk, Yeysk, Azov)
Samara State University (Tolyatti)
Sochi State University (Nizhny Novgorod)
Siberian Federal University (Zheleznogorsk)
Saratov State Academy (Smolensk, North Caucasian branch)
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University (Cherepovets, Cheboksary)
St. Petersburg State University of Economics (Tikhvin, Syktyvkar, Pinery, Pskov, Murmansk, Kirov, Kizlyar, Velikiye Luki, Apatity, Anadyr, Kaluga, Kaliningrad, Tver, Staraya Russa)
Tyumen State Oil and Gas University (Muravlenko, Nadym, Nefteyugansk)
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Novokuznetsk)
Tyumen State University (Zavodoukovsk, Nadym, Salekhard, Shadrinsk, Surgut, Noyabrsk)
Udmurt State University (Gubkinsky, Kudymkar, Mozhga, Votkinsk)
Ufa State University of Economics and Service (Salavat, Oktyabrsk)
Ural State University of Economics (Kamensk-Uralsky, Nizhny Tagil, Berezniki)
Ural Federal University named after the first president (Serov, Noyabrsk, Nevyansk, Krasnouralsk)
Ural State Law Academy (Ufa)
Southern Federal University (Makhachkala, Kizlyar)

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