Mikhail Rybolovlev. Dmitry Ryboblev - biography, information, personal life. At the beginning of a business career

Chuprakova Elena Anatolyevna graduated from the Perm Medical Institute, where during her studies she met her future husband and the father of her two daughters, now a famous billionaire.

Business and marriage

A student romance seven years later resulted in marriage, and two years later, in 1989, the couple had their first child - daughter Ekaterina.

In the late 80s, the newly made spouses began to build own business. Their first enterprise was a clinic specializing in magnetic therapy treatment. Having earned a certain amount, the businessman spouses invested them in Russian industrial enterprises. Investments began to bring them income: for example, in 1995, her husband became a co-owner of Uralkali and acquired shares in Silvinit (Solikamsk), Azot (Berezniki), Metafrax (Gubakha), and Solikamskbumprom. In the same year, the Rybolovlev family moved to Switzerland, where in 2001 they had the birth youngest daughter Anna.

Despite their growing prosperity, their marriage began to crack at the seams, and in December 2008, Elena filed for divorce in a Swiss court. The reason for her drastic decision was, as the media write, infidelity on the part of her husband. The marriage contract between them was never concluded, and therefore the division of property dragged on for years. Tatler wrote that in 2005, the oligarch invited his wife to sign a marriage contract, according to which in the event of a divorce she would receive 100 million euros, but she refused. According to various publications, ex-wife billionaire decided to defend her rights in several courts at once different countries. Thus, in 2010, the Geneva court imposed interim measures on the assets of Dmitry Evgenievich until the end divorce proceedings.

The ex-wife of the main shareholder of Uralkali has already announced her husband’s attempts to hide part of the assets, for which he organized two trusts in Cyprus and a number of companies in Virgin Islands. In August 2013, she filed an additional lawsuit in Hawaii state court due to the fact that ex-husband buys real estate en masse in order to avoid divorce payments.

In May 2014, a Geneva court ordered the oligarch to hand over ex-wife half of his fortune - $4.5 billion, as well as other property. The decision made their divorce settlement the most expensive in history. However, the businessman began to challenge it, and in June the second instance reduced the amount of the payment to $604 million, in addition to which she received two houses in Switzerland. Thus, the litigation, which lasted about seven years, ended with a settlement agreement only in the fall of 2015. At the same time, a ruling was made on the businessman’s assets, transferred in the interests of the heirs to a trust before the divorce began in 2008: they were declared inviolable.

It is unknown what the oligarch’s ex-wife does; the media call her a private investor.

Having received a decent fortune at the end of the divorce proceedings, the businesswoman immediately entered the top 200 richest Russians according to the Forbes magazine rating. Moreover, she became the first woman to participate in this rating due to separation from her husband.

On August 26, 2016, Elena Anatolyevna entered the list of 25 for the first time richest women Russia and immediately found itself in an honorable 2nd place. Then his fortune was estimated at $600 million, and among the two hundred richest businessmen in Russia she took 142nd place.

April 21, 2017 Forbes Woman noted the five richest women in the country, among whom she has been in the top three for the second year (2nd position with $600 million).

In 2018, she took third position with a fortune of $600 million.

Rybolovlev sold the estate he bought from Trump in Florida ...by selling them separately, he earned about $13 million. Businessman Dmitriy Rybolovlev sold the plots into which he divided the former estate of US President Donald... for years the estate in Palm Beach was empty. After the divorce process is completed Rybolovlev decided to sell the estate. On the recommendation of consultants, a mansion located on the territory... Rybolovlev commented on the court decision in the case against Sotheby""s New York District Judge Jesse Fuhrman clears billionaire's trust companies Dmitry Rybolovlev to publish excerpts from email correspondence between art dealer Yves... Sotheby’s documents in the Swiss criminal trial in the Bouvier case. Rybolovlev has been suing Bouvier since 2015, believing that the art dealer... Rybolovlev's son-in-law will try to become president of Uruguay ... Sartori, co-owner of the English football club Sunderland and son-in-law of a Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev, intends to become president of Uruguay. About Sartori’s presidential ambitions... a request to Rybolovlev’s representative. A source close to the billionaire told RBC that Rybolovlev does not sponsor his son-in-law’s election campaign and in no other way... today he conducts projects in many countries Latin America. Dmitriy Rybolovlev, of course, is aware of the presidential ambitions of Juan Sartori and considers this...

Business, 22 Feb, 14:52

The former top manager of Uralkali became the general director of Monaco Rybolovlev. ... football club The board of directors of AS Monaco agreed with the proposal of the main owner Dmitry Rybolovlev to appoint 55-year-old businessman Oleg Petrov as general director of the football club... the past years were marked, and to continue its development,” Petrov said. Rybolovlev noted that he has known the new general director of the club for “almost 20 years.” Change...

14 Feb, 21:27

Rybolovlev announced the dismissal of the general director of FC Monaco ... the Monaco club issued a statement from the Perm billionaire, owner and president of the club Dmitry Rybolovlev about the resignation of Russian Vadim Vasiliev from the post of vice-president... “Monaco”. A statement from the AS Monaco club states that 22 February Rybolovlev will submit a new candidate for consideration to the club's board of directors for earlier..., the French newspaper LEquipe, citing its sources, reported that Rybolovlev decided to relieve Vasiliev from his positions due to... Monaco announced the return of the coach fired in October and the departure of Henry ... his conflict with the football players. Head coach of a club owned by a Russian businessman Dmitry Rybolovlev, Portuguese specialist Leonardo Jardim was again appointed. This is what it says... Rybolovlev’s lawyers promised a lawsuit to the ECHR due to the Monaco court’s decision on SMS ... businessman's representative Lawyers Russian businessman and owner of the Monaco football club Dmitry Rybolovlev was promised, if necessary, to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights... investigations,” Rybolovlev’s representative said. According to him, in a case where Rybolovlev opposes Bouvier and Rappo, “justice is clearly not taking the most... The representative named the purpose of Rybolovlev’s visit to Moscow after his arrest ... » Dmitriy Rybolovlev returned to the territory of the principality and attended the team’s training. His representative reported this to RBC. During a visit to Monaco's training ground Rybolovlev... Monaco on November 6,” he noted. According to the representative, in Moscow Rybolovlev held a number of meetings and celebrated my birthday with friends... Rybolovlev’s representative responded to the prince’s words about the sale of FC Monaco ...Russian billionaire Dmitriy Rybolovlev not going to sell football club“Monaco,” the businessman’s representative told RBC. Earlier, Prince Albert II of Monaco stated that Rybolovlev, which... legal proceedings, Dmitriy Rybolovlev“I do not intend to comment in any way on their progress or on my state of affairs in Monaco.” "Mr. Rybolovlev categorically denies any... The Prince of Monaco responded for the first time to the Rybolovlev case ... commented on the situation around the Russian businessman and owner of the Monaco football club Dmitry Rybolovlev, who was suspected of corruption and influence trading. The prince thinks... Rybolovlev with Bouvier. Rybolovlev- the main owner of FC Monaco, he owns 66.7% of the club. Another 33% belongs to the Principality of Monaco. Rybolovlev holds the post of President... The lawyer stated that Rybolovlev refused to answer questions from the Monaco police ...Russian billionaire Dmitriy Rybolovlev while in Monaco police custody after being detained on November 6... November 7. Nice-Matin counted the questions asked to Rybolovlev during interrogation “ Rybolovlev did not answer any of the questions asked of him. It's... under judicial control. Picasso and Gauguin: on which works of art Rybolovlev lost money Rybolovlev returned to Moscow after the corruption case in Monaco ... Dmitry After being detained in Monaco, Rybolovlev was released under the condition of judicial control, his representative told RBC. Now he is in Moscow Billionaire Dmitriy Rybolovlev... about the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Justice of Monaco in the dispute between Rybolovlev and Bouvier. Rybolovlev- main owner of FC Monaco and former co-owner of Uralkali. Businessman's fortune... Monaco police supported the defendants in the “Rybolovlev case” ...under judicial control. Rybolovlev was allowed to leave Monaco. According to lawyers, Rybolovlev on this moment is considered innocent, and also in his relation... to the head of the Ministry of Justice of the Principality, Philip Narmino. Graduate of Perm Medical Institute Dmitriy Rybolovlev ranks 18th in the 200 ranking richest businessmen Russia, Forbes... In Monaco, police supported the defendants in the Rybolovlev case ... "because of the Rybolovlev case. Previously, similar charges were brought against the Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev, who was detained on November 6 at the request of the Monaco prosecutor's office. In... under judicial control. Rybolovlev was allowed to leave Monaco. According to lawyers, Rybolovlev is currently considered innocent, and also regarding him... Ex-Minister of Monaco accused of “trading in influence” over Rybolovlev case ... "accusations of fraud. Picasso and Gauguin: on which works of art Rybolovlev was losing money Rybolovlev was detained on November 6 at the request of the Monaco prosecutor's office... the President of Russia Dmitriy Peskov reported that the Kremlin is closely monitoring the development of the situation around the Russian businessman, reported RBC correspondent. Dmitriy Rybolovlev takes 18... Businessman Rybolovlev was allowed to leave Monaco ... to RBC from the businessman’s press service. "We also confirm that Dmitriy Rybolovlev is under judicial control, but we clarify that he is completely free... exactly the essence of the charge. Representative of a Russian businessman Dmitriy Chechkin confirmed to RBC that Rybolovlev can leave Monaco freely. ​ " Dmitriy Rybolovlev released without bail and... Lawyers notified the embassy in Paris about Rybolovlev's release ...Businessman's lawyers Dmitry Rybolovlev was informed by the Russian Embassy in Paris that the previously detained person... was released,” he said. The day before, Le Monde newspaper learned that the billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev was placed in custody. According to the publication, in his residential... . The businessman’s representative confirmed this information to RBC and noted that Rybolovlev is at home. Rybolovlev is the owner of the Monaco football club, as well as a former co-owner... Rybolovlev was released from custody today ... RBC, Dmitry Rybolovlev was charged with corruption and released from the police station, but remains under judicial control. Rybolovlev today... time. RBC Perm learned about this from Rybolovlev’s representative Dmitry Chechkina. On November 6, the French publication La Monde disseminated information that... Monaco at the request of a judicial investigator. According to a source from RBC Perm, Rybolovlev was not arrested, but detained. He himself came for interrogation... “Monaco” rejected data about Rybolovlev’s misappropriation of money from the sale of Mbappe ... According to Mediapart, the president of AS Monaco Dmitriy Rybolovlev could have appropriated €124 million of the €180 million that Paris Saint-Germain... The club's statement was published on its official website. " Dmitriy Rybolovlev did not take a single euro from the club’s cash desk due to... according to Mediapart, which analyzed documents obtained by Football Leaks, Rybolovlev cashed out €124 million of the €180 million that Paris Saint-Germain... Rybolovlev was charged in Monaco and released from the police ... police station, but it remains under judicial control To the Russian businessman Dmitry Rybolovlev, who was detained on November 6, was charged. He was released... Russian businessmen were detained. Rybolovlev- owner of FC Monaco and former co-owner of Uralkali, his fortune is estimated at $6.8 billion. Rybolovlev. Real estate of Alexander Fedotov... The media learned about the detention of ex-judges in Monaco and Nice together with Rybolovlev ... also spent the whole night in the police station, the article says. Rybolovlev- owner of FC Monaco and former co-owner of Uralkali. He remains under... at the police department. Picasso and Gauguin: on which works of art Rybolovlev was losing money The day before, a businessman arrived for questioning by a judicial investigator... media reports about the detention of a Russian businessman Dmitry Rybolovlev. So far we have not received an answer,” Parinov said. Rybolovlev plot: A legal dispute between Rybolovlev and... Picasso and Gauguin: on which works of art Rybolovlev lost money ... Dmitriy Rybolovlev detained in Monaco on November 6. According to a source from RBC Perm, ... with art consultant Yves Bouvier, whom the billionaire accuses of fraud. Rybolovlev believes that he overpaid for works of art purchased through the mediation of Bouvier... by much more low prices. In what paintings and sculptures Rybolovlev lost money - in the RBC photo gallery Anastasia Antipova The embassy in Paris contacted Monaco after Rybolovlev’s arrest ...no official information from the authorities of the principality, as well as appeals from Dmitry Rybolovlev or his lawyers have received information from the Russian embassy and consular offices...,” the diplomat said. Picasso and Gauguin: on which works of art Rybolovlev lost money Earlier, the Russian Consulate General in Marseille reported to RBC... the appearance of information in the media about the detention of a billionaire. According to Forbes, Dmitriy Rybolovlev The Russian Consulate General responded to reports of Rybolovlev’s detention ... The Russian Consulate General in Marseille did not receive information about the detention of the businessman Dmitry Rybolovlev, a representative of the diplomatic institution told RBC. “We did not receive such information... and influence trading.” Picasso and Gauguin: on which works of art Rybolovlev was losing money According to RBC's source, Rybolovlev on the afternoon of November 6... the secret of the investigation after information about Rybolovlev's detention appeared in the media. Dmitriy Rybolovlev ranks 18th in the ranking of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia... Lawyers for Dmitry Rybolovlev announced a violation of the confidentiality of the investigation ... Lawyers for a Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovleva Herve Temime and Tom Giaccardi commented on RBC's publication of the newspaper... the billionaire's presumption of innocence. Picasso and Gauguin: on which works of art Rybolovlev was losing money “The facts in connection with which he was invited and... in turn, an RBC source familiar with the circumstances of the case reported that Rybolovlev was called in for questioning. The proceedings between Rybolovlev and Bouvier continue... Le Monde reported the arrest of Russian billionaire Rybolovlev ... influence trading" Russian billionaire, president and owner of the Monaco football club Dmitriy Rybolovlev on the evening of November 6 he was placed in custody at the request of the prosecutor's office... last year Dmitriy Rybolovlev stated that principality investigators illegally extracted data from his lawyer’s phone, committing a gross violation professional secrecy. Dmitriy Rybolovlev- former co-owner... Rybolovlev accused Sotheby’s of fraud and demanded $380 million ... Businessman Dmitriy Rybolovlev sued Sotheby's. In his opinion, the auction... -dealer Yves Bouvier A New York court received a lawsuit from Dmitry Rybolovlev: he demands to recover $380 million from Sotheby’s. The side of... art dealer Yves Bouvier, however, hid the truth, reports Bloomberg. Rybolovlev believes that Sotheby’s thereby contributed to the implementation of the fraudulent scheme...

Business, 26 Sep 2018, 11:02

Rybolovlev called media reports about his plans to sell Monaco rumors ...Russian billionaire Dmitriy Rybolovlev is not going to sell the Monaco football club, contrary to French media reports. ...foreign sports clubs In July, the Italian publication Calciomercato reported that Rybolovlev is negotiating the purchase of the Milan football club. The businessman's representative then... Perm billionaire may buy FC Milan ... Ex-owner of Prikamsk Uralkali, billionaire Dmitriy Rybolovlev is negotiating the acquisition of 70% of the shares of the Milan football club and...,” a representative of Rybolovlev’s office told RBC. Other difficulties are possible: because Rybolovlev The media learned about Rybolovlev’s negotiations on the purchase of FC Milan ..., leads Russian billionaire Dmitriy Rybolovlev, writes the publication Calciomercato. Earlier it was reported that the club wants to buy Stephen Ross Russian billionaire Dmitriy Rybolovlev is negotiating the purchase...,” a representative of Rybolovlev’s office told RBC. Other difficulties are possible: because Rybolovlev already owns the Monaco football club, the acquisition of Milan could go against... Rybolovlev's yacht put up for sale was included in the Forbes rating ... Russian billionaires Forbes. The ship belongs to a Perm billionaire, ex-owner of Uralkali. Dmitry Rybolovlev. Back at the end of 2017, the publication reported that the billionaire... It is believed that the yacht was named after her daughter, Anna, for whom Rybolovlev bought the Onassis family island in Greece for $100 million. Boat... Mikhail Prokhorov F 13 and 67-meter Anna of the same Dmitry Rybolovlev. Thus, upon completion of the construction of the new boat, the new Anna ... They didn’t get along: where and why did Russian businessmen move? On June 27, it became known about a criminal case against the founder of the Rolf group, Sergei Petrov. He is abroad and plans to assess how the situation will develop. IN different time Other Russian entrepreneurs also changed their places of residence, where and why they moved - in the RBC photo gallery Philip Aleksenko Anna Kim Anastasia Antipova Perm billionaire included in the top five “sellers of the year” according to Forbes ... Russian Forbes version put the Permian Dmitry Rybolovlev in fourth place among “sellers of the year”. ​In the new rating... the auction also included a statue of Auguste Rodin “The Kiss”, for which Rybolovlev Dmitry Rybolovlev in sixth place. Forbes has published its ranking of billionaires for the second time... or in the form of dividends. Perm billionaire, ex-owner of Uralkali company Dmitriy Rybolovlev entered the rating for the first time. The source of income is called the sale of paintings and... three of the five newcomers sold their assets: Kirill Shamalov - shares of Sibur, Dmitriy Rybolovlev- paintings, and Oleg Deripaska earned $500 million during the IPO...

15 Mar 2018, 17:09

Bloomberg added the Perm billionaire to the list of richest Russians ...increased their fortune. Capital of the Perm billionaire, owner of the Monaco football club Dmitry Bloomberg estimated Rybolovlev at $10.7 billion, which is $1 ... billion. A year earlier, his capital was estimated at $7.3 billion. Rybolovlev took 242nd place in the Forbes world ranking. According to Bloomberg...

13 Feb 2018, 17:32

The US Senate is checking the deal between Trump and the Permian billionaire ...a real estate deal between President Donald Trump and a Russian businessman Dmitry Rybolovlev, CNN reports. Wyden's letter states that Trump... sold the property to Uralkali, the owner of which at that time was Rybolovlev, for $95 million. The sale price to Rybolovlev was more than double the original... , he’s a rich guy from Russia.” As RBC Perm previously reported, Dmitriy Rybolovlev appears on the so-called “Kremlin list”, which at the end of January... ... Dmitriy Rybolovlev began construction of a 110-meter yacht at the Dutch shipyard Feadship. Forbes writes that the former Perm resident and owner of the Monaco football club Dmitriy Rybolovlev builds... three sources on the yacht market. It's no secret to experts that Rybolovlev is building a new yacht on Feadship, but it wasn’t until the end... that the owner wants to use it again,” says the founder of Yachtharbour Dmitriy Semenikhin. Russian shipbuilders Yachts according to the same Forbes in...


Dmitry Rybolovlev was born on November 22, 1966 in Perm into a family of doctors. In 1990 he graduated from the Perm Medical Institute and worked as an intern in the intensive care unit of the City Clinical Hospital.

1991-1993 - Together with his father he founded the Magnetik company. Then he took courses for brokers at the Ministry of Finance. In 1992, he became president of JSC Investment Brokerage Company "Incombrok", which received a contract to maintain the register of shareholders "Uralkali". Then he worked in the investment companies "Financial House", "Credit FD", "Credit FD".

Since 1999 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Uralkali. 1999-2000 – Member of the Board of Directors of JSC "Silvinit". Since 2005 – member of the board of directors of OJSC "Permstroykombank". In 2005, he convinced management "Belaruskali" unite sales by becoming the chairman of the supervisory board of a sales organization specially created for these purposes - the Belarusian Potash Company.

In 2006, literally a few days before Uralkali’s IPO on the London Stock Exchange, he decided to cancel the placement, considering that investors had valued the company too cheaply. The stock exchange took place in 2007. In 2005-2008 prices for potash fertilizers increased more than 5 times, and the position of Uralkali, which controlled 30% of global potash fertilizer exports, strengthened significantly.

In June 2010, he sold a controlling stake (53.2%) of Uralkali to Kaliha Finance Limited ( Suleiman Kerimov, 25% of the company’s shares), Aerellia Investments Limited (Alexander Nesis, 15%) and Becounioco Holdings Limited (Filaret Galchev, 13.2%), the transaction amount was estimated at $5.32 billion. In April 2011, the remaining 10% of Uralkali The structure of Alexander Nesis bought from Rybolovlev.

In 2010, he gained effective control over the largest bank in Cyprus - Bank of Cyprus, buying back 9.7%. In 2011 he moved to Monaco, where he bought a controlling stake in AS Monaco FC.

Touches to the portrait

Owns a large collection of Impressionist paintings, as well as Amedeo Modigliani and Pablo Picasso. Known for his passion for expensive real estate: he purchased the actor’s mansion for $20 million Will Smith in the Hawaiian Islands; estate Donald Trump in Florida for $95 million. In 2011, Rybolovlev’s daughter Ekaterina bought the most expensive apartment in New York for $88 million.

Rybolovlev financed the filming Leonid Parfenov"The Eye of God", which was filmed for the 100th anniversary of the Pushkin Museum. A. S. Pushkin and shown on Channel One in 2012, and the film "The Ridge of Russia".

He financed the restoration of the Oranienbaum palace and park complex near St. Petersburg, is one of the participants in the Russian Olympians Support Fund, and allocated 17.5 million euros for the restoration of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the Moscow Conception Monastery.

Married back in student years, has two daughters. Since 2008 is suing his wife, who accused him of infidelity and is now claiming part of the fortune. In 2012, the parties almost agreed on a peace settlement, but Rybolovlev refused to sign the agreement at the last moment. A Geneva court ordered Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev to pay his ex-wife $4.5 billion in cash and transfer her real estate in Switzerland, jewelry and other property worth $563.5 million. Rybolovlev's lawyers continue to challenge the decision.


In 1992-1993 actively began buying shares of Uralkali: he purchased from employees, bought apartments for foremen who helped buy shares from employees. This caused opposition from local businessmen. Fearing for the safety of his family, in 1995 he moved his relatives to Switzerland. In 1996, the day after the Uralkali shareholders meeting, at which it was decided to refuse cooperation with the International Potash Company, Rybolovlev was arrested on charges of contract murder. The businessman spent 11 months in jail and was acquitted by courts of three instances, including the Supreme Court.

In 2000, Rybolovlev refused the governor Perm region Gennady Igumenov in support in the elections, despite the fact that the politician stood up for the businessman during judicial trial. Rybolovlev announced that Igumenov allegedly demanded that the share in Uralkali be transferred to his daughter Elena. Rybolovlev supported the mayor of Perm, who is now deputy prime minister, in the gubernatorial elections.

In 2008, the Deputy Prime Minister demanded a new investigation into the accident that occurred at one of the mines in 2006. The media believed that Uralkali could become the target of a raider takeover by high-ranking officials. Since the beginning of the investigation, the company's value fell by 70%. Speaking in defense of Uralkali Perm governor Trutnev, who was allegedly the beneficiary of the company.

In February 2014, Rybolovlev’s wife was detained in Cyprus on suspicion of failure to return a ring worth $25 million, rented in 2009. The jewel is actually in the possession of Catherine's daughter.

Dmitry Rybolovlev - famous Russian entrepreneur, the controlling shareholder of the Bank of Cyprus, since 2011 - the main owner of the Monaco football club. Billionaire, as of April 18, 2019, his fortune is estimated at $6.8 billion.

Born on November 22, 1966 in Perm into a family of doctors. The parents of the future billionaire worked at the department at the Perm Medical Institute (now the Perm State Medical Academy named after academician Evgeniy Antonovich Wagner).


In 1990 he graduated from the Perm Medical Institute with honors.

In 1992, he took broker courses in Moscow and received a certificate from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for transactions with securities.

Labor activity

As a second-year student, he got a job in a cardiac intensive care unit as an orderly, then worked as a nurse. In his third year he got married and had a child in 1989. After completing his studies at the university, he worked as a doctor for some time, but there was hardly enough money to support his family, so the entrepreneur started thinking about his own business.

His first enterprise was the Magnetics cooperative, which he opened together with his father, Evgeniy, and specialized in using his father’s development - the method of magnetic therapy.

In 1992, he founded the investment brokerage company Incombrok, and in the same year he headed the investment company Financial House as president.

From the capital, in addition to the certificate, he brought to Perm software to maintain registers of shareholders, and soon entered into a cooperation agreement with the regional committee for state property management. Then he concluded the first contract - to maintain the register of shareholders of Uralkali.

In 1994, he convinced 17 Perm enterprises to create the Credit FD bank and transfer their cash flows to it. In March of the same year, he took the post of acting chairman of the board, and in 1995 he became head of the board of directors of the credit organization.

In 1995, he sold part of the shares and consolidated his investments, concentrating them primarily in Uralkali, and also acquired shares in Silvinit (Solikamsk), Azot (Berezniki), Metafrax (Gubakha), and Solikamskbumprom. According to the businessman himself, he consolidated the controlling stake in Uralkali in 2000, but had real control over the holding already in the mid-1990s.

In 1999, Credit FD was merged with Permstroybank, which was then renamed JSCB Ural Financial House, where he became chairman of the supervisory board. In 2003, he sold the structure of OJSC Perm Financial and Production Group.

In August 2005, the top management of Uralkali entered into an agreement with the government of Belarus on participation in OJSC Belarusian Potash Company (BPC) together with RUE PA Belaruskali. During the transaction, his structure acquired a 50% stake in BPC, and the billionaire himself headed the latter’s supervisory board. This is how a sales company emerged that carried out a significant part of the world's supply of potash fertilizers.

In 2006, he owned about 20% of Silvinit; in the same year he planned to take Uralkali to an IPO, but this did not happen (including due to an accident at the mine). In October 2007, the initial placement on the London Stock Exchange did take place, thanks to which the manager gained $1.07 billion by selling 12.75% of the shares.

In June 2010, he sold a controlling stake (53.2%) of Uralkali to several companies - Kaliha Finance Limited (Suleiman Kerimov, 25%), Aerellia Investments Limited (Alexander Nesis, 15%) and Becounioco Holdings Limited (Filaret Galchev, 13 .2%), the transaction amount was estimated at $5.32 billion. In April 2011, the remaining 10% was purchased by the structure of Alexander Nesis.

In September 2010, he actually began to control the largest Bank of Cyprus - Bank of Cyprus, acquiring 9.7% of its shares.

In 2011, he moved to Monaco, where he bought a controlling stake in the Monaco football club. In three years, he brought this FC from the last place of League 2 to the quarterfinals of the Champions League.

Last news


On November 2, 2010, he received the Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, 1st degree, for financing the restoration of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the Moscow Conception Monastery. The award was presented by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.

According to the American Forbes magazine, in 2009 he took 196th place in the list richest people planet with a net worth of $3.1 billion. Since 2005, he has been included in the ranking of the richest businessmen in Russia. In 2008, he was on the 13th line with a fortune of 13 billion, he took a similar position in 2012 with a mark of $9 billion, and at the beginning of 2016 his fortune was estimated at $7.7 billion (12th line) .

In the Forbes list of March 20, 2017, his fortune was estimated at $7.3 billion, thanks to which he received 15th place in Russia and became 190th in the global ranking of the richest businessmen. In 2018, the entrepreneur occupied 18th position with $6.8 billion.


He is interested in collecting art objects. He is the owner of a number of paintings from the 19th-20th centuries. According to media reports, he spent at least $2 billion on the purchase of works of art. His collection includes significant works by Rodin, Gauguin, Modigliani, Picasso and Matisse. For example, Mark Rothko’s canvas “No. 6 (violet, green and pink)” cost him 140 million euros.

Partial to expensive real estate. Among these are Donald Trump’s “House of Friendship” in Palm Beach, Will Smith’s Hawaiian mansion, La Belle Epoque mansion in Monaco and others.

His favorite sports activity is skiing.

Family status

Divorced. Ex-wife- Elena was his classmate. They have two daughters. In 1989, Ekaterina was born, and in 2001, Anna.

On the morning of November 6, a Russian businessman, owner of the Monaco football club, was detained in France. Dmitry Rybolovlev. According to Le Monde newspaper, he was taken into custody hours before the Champions League match between AS Monaco and Club Brugge at Stade Louis II in Monaco. The prosecutor's office suspects the businessman of corruption.

Dmitry Rybolovlev. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Francknataf

According to the newspaper L'Equipe, Rybolovlev allegedly used offshore accounts in Hong Kong and the Virgin Islands for financial fraud, and also created fictitious sponsorship contracts.

Rybolovlev’s detention was carried out with the approval of the Monaco court as part of an investigation into a corruption case launched a year ago by the prosecutor’s office of the principality. It was widely publicized in the French media under the name "Monacogate". The newspaper Le Monde, in particular, wrote that the Russian billionaire presented gifts head of the department legal services Monaco Philippe Narmino, and also put pressure on the investigative authorities and the police of the principality in order to hush up the investigation into the lawsuit with the Swiss businessman Yves Bouvier, whom Rybolovlev accused of unreasonably inflating prices for paintings sold to him by major artists of the early 20th century.

Since 2011, Rybolovlev has been the main owner of the Monaco football club. From 1990 to 2000 he headed Russian company Uralkali, and since 2010 has been the controlling shareholder of the Bank of Cyprus. According to Forbes magazine, he is one of the twenty richest people in Russia.

Dmitry Rybolovlev at the match of the Monaco football club. Photo: www.globallookpress.com


Dmitry Evgenievich Rybolovlev was born on November 22, 1966 in Perm into a family of teachers at the Perm Medical Institute.

In 1990 he graduated with honors medical Faculty institute where his parents taught. After graduation, he worked as a cardiac intensive care physician. Some time later, together with his father, he founded the Magnetix company, which specialized in magnetotherapy treatment.

According to Forbes magazine, he made his first million dollars through barter schemes. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Rybolovlev accepted employees of other large companies for treatment at Magnetix, in return receiving a decent discount on the entrepreneurs’ goods on a barter basis. After this, the businessman resold the discounted product at his own price.

In 1992, Rybolovlev received a certificate from the Ministry of Finance to work with securities. In the same year, he opened the investment company “Financial House” and a check investment fund in Perm, which bought vouchers from the population to participate in the privatization of local industrial enterprises.

In 1994, he founded his own bank and acquired shares in many large Perm enterprises, becoming a member of the board of directors of these companies.

In 1995, he sold part of the shares and invested money in purchasing shares of Uralkali; in addition, he acquired shares in Silvinit, Azot, Metafrax, and Solikamskbumprom.

In the same year, the businessman headed the board of directors of the Credit FD bank.

In May 1996, he was arrested on charges of contract murder of businessman Yevgeny Panteleimonov, and spent 11 months in a pre-trial detention center in Perm.

In 1997, he was acquitted by courts of three instances, including the Supreme Court.

From 1999 to 2000, Rybolovlev was chairman of the supervisory board of the Ural Financial House bank.

By 2000, he received more than 50% of the shares of Uralkali. In 2007, the company entered into an IPO, during which Rybolovlev sold 14% of his shares (80% at that time), receiving more than $1 billion for them.

Since November 2005, he served as chairman of the supervisory board of the Belarusian Potash Company.

In 2010-2011, he sold most of the stake to the senator’s structures Suleiman Kerimov for $5.32 billion. In April 2011, the remaining 10% of Uralkali was bought from Rybolovlev by the structure Alexandra Nesis.

In September 2010, the businessman gained control of the largest bank in Cyprus - Bank of Cyprus, purchasing 9.7% of its shares.

In 2011, he emigrated to Monaco, investing $200 million in the football club of the same name. In three years, he led the Monaco football club from the last place of Ligue 2 to the quarter-finals of the Champions League. While living in Monaco, Rybolovlev also invested money in painting and bought canvases Monet, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Modigliani, Picasso, Klimt. According to media reports, the billionaire spent about $2 billion on the paintings.

In 2012 he acquired Cypriot citizenship.

In 2014, the Voentorg business center was put up for sale.

In March 2017, he put up for auction several paintings from his collection, including works Pablo Picasso, Paul Gauguin and Rene Magritte. However, when selling them, he lost more than $120 million.

In November 2017, he sold the painting at Christie’s in New York. Leonardo da Vinci"Savior of the World" for a record $450 million.

Over the past ten years, Rybolovlev has also been buying expensive real estate. Among his acquisitions is the mansion of a Hollywood star Will Smith in Hawaii ($20 million), two islands in Greece that previously belonged to Aristotle Onassis($100 million).

Family status

Divorced. In 2015, during the divorce proceedings, Rybolovlev agreed to pay his ex-wife Elena Rybolovleva (Chuprakova)$604 million, and also gave her two houses in Switzerland. The litigation over the division of property lasted seven years.

The court also ruled that the businessman's assets were transferred to a trust for the benefit of his heirs before the divorce began. By court decision they were declared inviolable.

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