I am a very rich person. How Ordinary People Succeeded and Became Rich

Probably, most people on the planet would like to become rich and successful, but in reality, not many people get wealth and success.
How to become rich and successful is a question that has haunted many for centuries. (why do you need money?)

Or maybe there is some difference between the questions: how to become a rich person And how to become a successful person... maybe success and wealth are completely different concepts, but on the agenda of life there is a common, more abstract question- how to become happy???

Today, dear visitors of the site, you will learn how to become rich and successful in life ... and is it even possible for an ordinary citizen ...

How to become a rich person

Before you understand how to become a rich person, try to define for yourself what wealth is in your understanding ... it can be different for everyone ...
What does it mean to you to be rich? Have a lot of money? Live on the fat of the land? Have power? To be free? Happy? May be something else..?

Imagine that you have become a rich person...fantasy a little... How do you imagine a rich life? What do you feel and feel in this imaginary rich life? Are you happy?

And who do you personally know from rich people who, with all their wealth, are happy and do not have those emotional and psychological problems inherent in not rich, or even poor? There are such? Are they really happy?

In fact, be a rich person- means to feel, to feel like that; it means to think, to think richly, to behave… and even to see and hear, to perceive the world as rich… and not just to have material wealth.

If any poor person is given a bag of money, this does not mean at all that he will suddenly become rich, because. with his "poor" thinking and outlook on life, he will most likely squander this money and return to nothing.

Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the saying: “Money to money”, or “The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer” - this is a natural, one might say natural pattern.

And to become a rich man, it is not at all necessary to win the lottery, get an inheritance or rob a bank - in order to become rich, you need to change your worldview: your inner beliefs and thinking; their views on life ... their inner essence ...

And when you change your inner world, you, almost as if on cue magic wand, you will start getting richer, and you will be able to become a truly rich person, of course, within reason, and within the limits of your real, not fictional needs and capabilities ... And this is not mysticism, not miracles - this is a natural reality ...

For example, if a person was born in rich family, then he automatically, in the process of education and primary socialization, forms a “rich” worldview, and a successful, successful life scenario. But if you are unlucky and you were born in poor family, then, there is a high probability that you will have a “poor” worldview, and you will never be rich.

But this takes time ... and many want everything at once, and preferably without doing anything at the same time ... But "at the command of a pike ..." only in fairy tales and in computer games but in reality you have to work hard ...

How to become a successful person

So, the person who was born rich is easier for him ... and the one who is poor, but really wants to become rich, must first find out how to become a successful person, because he will have to achieve success himself, changing his worldview and becoming rich ...

First what you need to remember to become a successful person- this is that in nature there is no freebie ... just like that, doing nothing, but only dreaming, you will not become successful and rich - the subconscious expectation of a freebie is the path to poverty ..., not to success and wealth ...

Second What is very important for a person who has decided to become successful is that successful people communicate with successful people .., and poor people communicate with the poor, i.e. if your environment is "poor", with the appropriate worldview and thinking, then in order to change your thinking and learn a new worldview, you need to change your circle of acquaintances ...

Third what you need to be a successful person in life is the development of some personal qualities: adequate self-esteem, self-confidence and determination, with elements of a thoughtful risk ... If these qualities are weak in you, it’s not a problem, they can be trained, for example, using self-hypnosis or psycho-training ... Also, with the help of these training techniques, you can set yourself up for success and wealth...

Fourth What you need to become a successful person is to learn how to properly structure your time (manage your time), as well as set and fulfill long-term and intermediate goals, i.e. you need to build real strategic and tactical plans ... (for all successful people - time is properly structured).

Fifth, very important ... to become a very successful person in life is motivation ... you need to constantly motivate yourself, especially at first, so that your desire and activity do not fade when becoming successful and rich ...
Also, to prevent passivity and laziness, it is necessary to learn how to deal with stress and negative emotions, increase tolerance (tolerance) to frustration, because. small "bummers" and failures, mistakes and miscalculations can bring you back ... especially on initial stage future success and the path to wealth ...

And the last, especially for those who want to quickly and not for free change their worldview, and with it, the scenario of life, i.e. for those who wish to take advantage of the professional help of a psychoanalyst and become a successful and wealthy person ...

IN Lately various thoughts about money, happiness and success often appear in my head. After in Once again I caught myself on a similar reasoning - I decided to devote an entire article to these topics. I think that the question of how to become rich and successful worries every blog reader. Actually, in search of solutions, I began to blog a lazy investor in order to systematize and take into account my own experience on the path to financial independence. In this post, as I said, I will digress a little from investment topics and discuss the following issues:

  • Why do some people get rich and others don't?;
  • What is the "poor man's complex"?;
  • Why am I a lazy investor?;
  • How to become rich and successful, being lazy and without money?;

At the end of the article I will give advice (which I have already implemented into my life) from the most successful people on the planet.

How to become rich, successful and happy, and what prevents this?

I have been blogging for over 6 years now. During this time, I regularly publish reports on the results of my investments. Now the public investment portfolio is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Especially for readers, I developed the Lazy Investor Course, in which I showed you step by step how to put your personal finances in order and effectively invest your savings in dozens of assets. I recommend that every reader go through at least the first week of training (it's free).

What prevents most people from becoming rich and successful? In my opinion, in most cases, getting rich is hindered by the so-called "poor man's complex", which consists of three components:

  • worldview;
  • laziness and its denial;
  • life circumstances.

As a rule, success and well-being are not hindered by external forces, A internal state person. If he considers himself unworthy of a good life or just a failure, then most likely he does nothing in the direction of development. According to his efforts and faith, his life is built. Simply put: whoever believes in what he gets. So, let's figure out how to become a rich person, getting rid of the complex of the poor and the loser.


The overwhelming majority of Russians were born in the USSR, and those who were born later were brought up by immigrants from the USSR. In the Soviet Union, a dislike for money was promoted in every possible way, and those who aspired to luxury were stigmatized. Millions of people have grown up with the idea that money is bad, and rich people are thieves and hucksters. Accordingly, how can one strive for wealth, being sure deep down that being rich is bad?

But it's not all bad. A person is not wooden and can change the attitudes received in childhood. Whether we like it or not, the process of changing attitudes is a constant process as we gain life experience. So why not consciously work on your attitudes towards attracting wealth into your life? How to become rich and successful from scratch? It seems to me that for most people, to start changing, it is enough to change at least their appearance and image. For example, buy an expensive watch, a decent suit and good shoes. A person who looks good feels more confident and it is easier for him to succeed in any situation.

However, be limited appearance not worth it. Pay attention to your inner development, try to constantly develop in the area that interests you. It will not be superfluous - study the biographies of famous rich and successful people, try to try on their way of thinking and behavior. Regular reading of the biography of successful people led me to the thought: if I live like everyone else, I will never realize my dreams and goals. In order to get what you want from life, you need to regularly leave your comfort zone, breaking the limiting attitudes in yourself that you cannot do something.

Lazy and lazy investor

Laziness is a very insidious and dangerous enemy, standing in the way of well-being and prosperity. Moreover, many people do not want to admit even to themselves that they are lazy. They come up with a lot of excuses: the authorities, the weather, the spouse, children, parents, and anyone are to blame. Justifying, thus, his laziness, a person continues to lie on the couch and complain about fate. If you are serious about changing your life and actually learning how to become rich without money, then you need to first of all admit that you have not been successful until today, because you simply did not put enough effort into it.

In addition to all of the above, I consider human laziness also the engine of progress. If we talk about me, I started investing because I was too lazy to work, too lazy to get up for work at 7 in the morning, too lazy to drive through 9-point traffic jams to work and sit in my pants in the office for 8 hours a day. Now in the country of eternal summer, however, I still work every day for 8-10 hours and I am practically not lazy. We can draw the following conclusion: a person is lazy when he is not sufficiently interested in the result, or the process itself is not interesting. From this we can conclude that if you want to succeed, you need to:

  • Do something that interests you.

Ideally, find a job that you would be interested in doing 7 days a week, even if you were not paid for it. The only way to find what you love is through trial and error.

  • The end result of the work should motivate.

If suddenly you succumbed to laziness, think about what you want to succeed for. Perhaps you would like to purchase new house, or an expensive car, or maybe you dream of making trip around the world? There must be a dream that stimulates action.

External circumstances

Unfortunately, sometimes things happen in life that we cannot control. These can be both personal circumstances, such as a serious illness or accident, or global ones, such as the global financial crisis. We cannot go back in time and change the current course of events, but we have the ability to respond correctly to what is happening. I recommend everyone to watch the video with Nick Vuychich, who was born without arms and legs, but did not give up to circumstances and became a “legend of motivation”. Not so long ago, Nick had a son.

The magnitude of a problem is determined by how we treat it. For one person, the loss of a permanent source of income can be a completely surmountable problem, and for another, a reprimand from superiors is a real disaster. In order to understand how to become rich and successful from scratch, you need to learn to take any twists of fate calmly. Each event can have both negative and positive sides, you just need to discard emotions and calmly analyze the situation. As I already wrote in an article about, any crisis is a time of new opportunities.

Having dealt with the main obstacles to wealth, let's move on to advice from the richest people on the planet. I have highlighted the most effective, in my opinion, tips that really help increase well-being.

1. Make plans

The vast majority of rich and successful people have well-defined action plans for every day and every day. further perspective. It is much easier to work and go to the intended goal when there is detailed plan her achievements. In addition, planning allows you to allocate your time and efforts as efficiently as possible, which also contributes to efficiency.

If, in order to achieve financial independence, this moment you need to be employee, then so be it. However, as soon as you solve all your tasks at this job, move on. Do not put the interests of the employer above your own. For him, you are, first of all, a tool for earning money, and this is the only way he perceives you, regardless of the efforts that you spend. First of all, deal with your tasks, do not forget about it.

3. Think positive

Strive to always keep the mood on top. It's not about smiling in public when you really want to scream. I'm talking about actually maintaining harmony in the soul. To do this, you should have enough positive things in your life so that by thinking about it, you can always cheer yourself up. It can be family and children, pets, hobbies and hobbies, or anything, as long as it effectively brings you back to life from a dull state.

4. Manage your money wisely

To learn from your own experience how to become rich in life, you need to learn how to properly manage your budget. You should not spend everything that you have earned, to the penny, and even more so, you do not need to get into debt. For rich people, income is distributed according to the following items:

  • current expenses for living and for the acquisition of something;
  • emergency ration;
  • money for development;
  • charity.

Everyone determines for himself what percentage to allocate to which item, but in general this is the most successful spending structure.

5. Create sources of passive income

The most effective application of forces is the creation of such sources of income, when you put in the effort once, and the money in return comes to you constantly. It can be renting it out, creating own business, and other tools. Gradually, you will accumulate so many sources of income, the amount of income from which will allow you to maintain the desired standard of living without any effort. In my opinion, a worthy goal for any field of activity.

All profit!

How to become successful and rich without having anything is a dilemma that everyone thinks about at least once in their life. thinking person striving to overcome the shackles of social inequality and labor slavery. Most of us think that without a prestigious education, wealthy relatives, useful connections, it is impossible to achieve prosperity. However, the psychology of money says quite the opposite - every average person with business acumen and perseverance can become successful and rich. It is enough to adhere to a certain scheme and sequence of actions in your actions.

How to become successful and rich without having anything to start with - it was this right question that became the starting point for those who made their multi-million dollar fortune from scratch. Having studied dozens of thematic books, webinars and trainings on the psychology of money and wealth written by financial geniuses, I have prepared for you a concentrate of useful tips from millionaires who have already changed my thinking, attitude towards money and are changing my life for the better every day.

How to get rich in Russia for an ordinary person: 8 principles that will change your life

Here are the basic millionaire tips on how to become rich:

  1. Make a decision for yourself to become successful and rich. It is with intention that wealth begins - that is why it is so important to make this decision for yourself and start the path to success and prosperity, becoming a successful and wealthy person.
  2. Make a plan and write down your own goals in it. So, the difference between the rich and successful from ordinary people is that they life path scheduled for many years to come. They know perfectly well what they will be doing in the next 1, 3, 5 or 10 years. Therefore, make such a plan for yourself, if not for 10 years in advance, but for 1-3 years - be sure. This will expand the horizons of your vision.
  3. Look for an example to follow. You should not go to wealth alone, without seeing the light at the end of the tunnel - therefore, study the ratings of the rich and successful and choose an example for yourself to follow. Read articles and books about the path to success for successful people, watch movies and TV shows, and look for a mentor.
  4. Instill habits in yourself, think like a successful and rich person. If you have previously identified your ideal and role model for yourself, study his habits and way of thinking successful person, implement them into your everyday life. You should not act from a position of sacrifice and despondency, hopelessness - you are the creator of your destiny and prosperity.
  5. Be sure to review your own social circle - protect yourself from people who are always complaining and whining, condemning everyone and yourself. You should not have such obstacles in your way - despondency is contagious and it is worth getting rid of it.
  6. Take care of improving your own financial literacy - in practice, it is important to be able to manage money wisely. In this regard, financiers recommend setting aside 10% of each of your income - this is how you form your emergency reserve, which will work for you in the future. It is also important to get rid of debts - from each amount earned, count the 5th part towards paying off the debt on the loan. You should not get into new debts - this liability will always take away your energy and strength, and most importantly your personal funds. Read more financial literature, learn to plan by attending master classes and trainings. If you can master such a practice for your wife, seek the help of a professional, a financial consultant who can draw up a plan for you, taking into account your needs and financial assets, taking into account all factors.
  7. If you have accumulated money, they should not lie dead weight under your pillow. Your money should bring income - those who save for a rainy day, most often lose it. Analyze the investment market, choose a hasty project where you can invest, and with proper investment, you will receive a constant passive income at your disposal.
  8. And the diamond rule is to be patient and never give up. Even the rich and famous started from scratch, faced and overcame obstacles and many difficulties. Never expect quick, momentary success - wealth is work, long and painstaking.

Watch a useful video of a business consultant, entrepreneur and investor N. Mrochkovsky "Secrets of money that are not customary to talk about"

How to become a very rich person: 9 golden rules

How to get out of poverty and become rich? The rich and successful differ from the poor not only in the level of their wealth - thinking and irrigation towards money determines their success.

  1. Value your own time and never miss an opportunity.
  2. Do something from which you get not only income, but also pleasure. It is this attitude - elevating the beloved business to the rank of a source of income that distinguishes the successful and rich from the ordinary man in the street.
  3. Cut off all unsolicited advice. Take into account the opinion of those people whom you sincerely respect, consider undisputed experts in their field. Do not take into account the advice of a person who has not succeeded or earns less than you.
  4. Develop your own sociability and communication skills, capture ideas and take full responsibility for your life in your own hands.
  5. Make it a rule to relax actively and take care of your own health.
  6. Train yourself to manage a budget and get out of your own comfort zone - this will allow you to develop.
  7. Be sure to start doing things that you have not done before, fight your fears - just write them out in the form of a list. Figure out what you can do and what someone else can do.
  8. Constantly learning something new - this will allow you to develop internally and move up to wealth and financial prosperity.
  9. Accept with gratitude and overcome all trials with enthusiasm, develop not greed, but generosity.

How to get rich quickly and smartly? This will help you helpful tips great people who managed to make a fortune and achieve financial freedom:

  1. Keep your own plans and projects to yourself, and if you have charted your path, have the strength to defend your own position.
  2. Live within your money - you know exactly what you can afford, what you will have to give up. You should not fall into the poor man's syndrome and borrow to buy a car or a newfangled gadget.
  3. You should not raise money to a special cult of a deity - this is not the most important thing in life.
  4. Learn to accept money from the most different sources and learn to believe in yourself and your strengths, while not forgetting about other aspects of life - rest and family, friends.
  5. Gradually form your passive sources of income - by investing them in a particular project, by investing, you make them work for you.
  6. Do not be afraid of mistakes - there is nothing to worry about, otherwise it is an excellent source of experience and life wisdom, allowing you to draw a conclusion and direct you to the true path of success.
  7. Work on your own self-esteem and if you live paycheck to paycheck - think about whether everything is fine with you?
  8. Always try something new in your life, introduce new methods and schemes for earning money - innovation is the path to success.

21 secrets of millionaire success in video from Brian Tracy

The magic of money: how to become rich, the energy of money

Money is not just soulless bills and coins, but a source of powerful energy. Some people love them, while others hate them. Money can be a source of great joy and creativity, or it can lead to frustration and suffering, depending on our relationship with it.

Money touches almost every aspect of life: work, leisure, creative activity, home, family and spiritual pursuits. Everything we do and dream depends on our relationship with this powerful form of energy. Whether it's dreaming of traveling the world, paying off a mortgage on a house, buying a car, or wanting to get out of debt. The energy of money is associated with huge opportunities and traps.

Well-being largely depends on the right attitude to money.

  1. Discipline is the main way to tame energy cash flow.
  2. Order in everything. Money loves the account and comes to the one who adheres to order and does not accept chaos. Keeping a budget will help put your finances in order and save you from unnecessary expenses.
  3. Responsibility for one's own decisions is a magnet for money. Finally take responsibility for your own financial condition and stop blaming other people and circumstances for all the troubles. Stop making excuses for missed opportunities and broken promises.
  4. Be grateful higher powers for what you already have. The energy of gratitude is creative.
  5. Get out of debt and avoid dishonest ways to generate income. Financial holes pump out positive energy, devastating your life.
  6. Donate from the bottom of your heart. By doing good to other people, you will attract double positive financial energy to your home. By the way, the Rockefeller family made it a rule to spend 10% of their income on good causes.
  7. Communicate more. Money most often comes into our lives through other people.
  8. A poor environment with a negative attitude towards money and wealthy people pulls you into a financial hole. They will quickly leave you without cherished goals and money. Try to associate with successful and optimistic people from whom you can learn from.
  9. A dream is the main source of your energy, and money is just a means to achieve it. Do not create a cult and a deity from banknotes, because this is far from main value in life.
  10. Develop positive thinking in yourself. Remember that your thoughts materialize.
  11. Enjoy your earned money by making your goals and dreams come true. After all, money was created in order to spend it and make people happier.

Wealth is a flexible and purely subjective concept. For some, it is measured by the number of items purchased per month, and for others, by the number of apartments and cars, or by the amount of the deposit. In any case, wealth is the fulfillment of all your desires and the formation of the image of a successful person. Today we will tell you the secrets of how to become rich, and you will also understand why the rich get richer, and the poor continue to suffer from lack of money.

Further content of the article:

18 principles of success or how to become a rich person

If you think and act like a rich person, sooner or later you will wake up like this. The principles described below will tell you in which direction you should change and how to gradually but surely achieve wealth.
  1. Earn money (any amount) within the power of everyone. Remember this! Absolutely anyone can become a billionaire, it all depends on what you are willing to do for the sake of money and wealth.

  2. Learn to sacrifice. A point following from the previous one. To achieve wealth in this life, you will have to sacrifice something ( free time, good relations, rest, etc.).

  3. Define your criteria for wealth. There will always be little money, no matter how much you receive, no matter what savings you have, but you still need to decide on clear numbers of wealth. They will help you understand how you approached your goal, and what attempts should be made.

  4. "I want to be rich!" - a phrase that should be forgotten once and for all. The fact is that this is not a goal, this is a dream that will forever remain a dream if it is not formulated correctly. Example of a valid goal: “I need to earn $20,000 by June 1 next year!”. Then form a plan of your actions by answering the question: “What can I do in order to earn this money?”. If you don’t find a reasonable and realistic answer, change the desired amount of money or terms. The goal should have time limits, clear requirements, and real ways of implementation.

  5. Your goals are your secrets! Stop telling everyone about your goals in life or business. Understand simple essence: rich and successful people Your goals are indifferent and completely uninteresting, and for the poor, this is another reason to put a “spike in the wheels” on you, because of a feeling of envy and your own ignorance, to try to dissuade you of the correctness of taking certain actions on the way to the goal, and, in in the end, to prevent reaching them, etc. The less others know about your plans, the better it will be for you.

  6. There are no poor people, there are LAZY people! Despite the fact that laziness is the engine of progress, it is also the engine of poverty. Rich people can't be lazy, they always have active position: work a lot, do a lot of things, go to a lot of places, read a lot, experiment a lot, etc.

  7. Find yourself a mentor. Most rich people have had mentors in their lives who have always pushed them in the right direction in the business world. Moreover, he could be a mentor, like a real acquaintance and successful businessman, and an idol from history, about which hundreds of books with a biography and its principles have been written. The essence of this principle is to find an idol, study him and act in life as he would act. The fact is that everyone’s life, although different in essence, but the situations in it are often identical, and given the success of the idol, it’s still easier to follow the beaten path than to blindly move towards wealth.

  8. Rich people develop in all directions. You should not think only about money, you should improve your life from all sides: health, love, rest, emotional positive, etc.

  9. Learn not to avoid problems, but to solve them. Keep in mind that wealth will not erase problems from your life, it will only change their format. In addition, setting yourself a goal to become rich, get ready for a huge number of tasks that will need to be solved. Problems should be treated not as failures, but as opportunities to improve or bring yourself closer to wealth.

  10. It is possible to earn money in an honest way, although it is longer and more difficult, but life is not shortened from this. We will not hide the fact that many rich people in our country have earned their capital dishonestly, but even they do not recommend repeating their path, since the life of most rich swindlers ends in imprisonment, or sudden death or an unhappy and restless life.

  11. Use your envy for good. Everyone has a feeling of jealousy normal person, however, it can be used as a motivator to achieve goals. That is, other people's successes will stimulate to work even better and better.

  12. Surround yourself with people with great wealth. If you change your social circle, you yourself will begin to change: talk more about profitable business, news in the business world, adopt the habits of your successful friends and acquaintances, understand their position and way of thinking. You will see real examples of success more often, and as a result, you will be less tempted to relax and slow down on the way to your own wealth. And, of course, you can get real help from fairly wealthy friends and acquaintances.

  13. Risk is a noble cause! Almost no operation of businessmen could do without risk, this is their destiny. Therefore, do not be afraid to take risks, but the risk must be justified and calculated.

  14. Manage your money properly. Earned money should never go in one direction. Try to save some of them, spend some on needs, and return some to the business, developing it. Only in this case you will protect yourself from all sides.

  15. Try to work for yourself, not for someone else. Remember that your boss always gets the most money. Try to open at least a small, but your own business. Even growing mushrooms in your garage for sale is already a business.

  16. Dream less, do more. The problem of the majority is that they think, dream and plan a lot, but act very little. You need to pull yourself together right now, stop being lazy and put everything off for later, and start acting and not wait for the right moment.

  17. Always looking alternative ways earnings. Even if you already have a stable source of income, do not miss the chance to start earning in another way. Discover new niches, try to find new partners and at the same time develop today's source of income.

  18. Getting rich fast is impossible! Face this axiom. Quickly and a lot - it can only be unpromising, illegal and not for long. Good business built up over the years!

The best books for those who want to become rich

If you are looking to get rich, we advise you to read a few important books that will help you get rich. First of all, we recommend studying the literature of Robert Kiyosaki. best book this author will be:

This book will be of interest to the younger generation, as it tells that there are rules that rich people follow. But there are other rules that about 95% of the entire population know, and which poor parents teach their children. In the book you will find a lot of tips that may be very unusual for you, but very useful.

Author of the book: Richard Branson (one of the richest people in the world). This book can be called a real manifesto about risk, action and even inaction. The core idea of ​​the book is to do what you love and what you like. No need to be afraid of risk and give in to your fears, even if you do not have education, experience and general knowledge in the chosen field. The author literally pushes you to take up your favorite business right now. Having read his book to the end, the reader receives a powerful charge of optimism and self-confidence, which is very necessary for a person who wants to become rich.

Napoleon Hill, an American psychologist and author of Think and Grow Rich, details the steps to wealth. This book gives a clear understanding of what wealth is, as well as who needs it and why. Hill's philosophical book was one of the top 10 bestselling business books that helped people succeed.

The famous business coach John Kehoe teaches you how to create a full-fledged business with the power of thought. He himself became rich from scratch. The book contains many examples ordinary people who were able to get rich.

Author of the book: Wallace Watleza. After reading it, the approach to wealth changes dramatically and, despite the fact that the book was written in 1910, it still remains an up-to-date instruction for creating your own business.

Video on how to become rich and successful

As a video, we have prepared for you interesting tips from Donald Trump - an American businessman and in general famous person. He is the owner and founder of many companies, such as Trump Entertainment Resorts (the company that manages many hotels and casinos located around the world).

On this we actually have everything. We sincerely wish you good luck and patience on the way to wealth!

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