Growing oyster mushrooms as a business: reviews, photos. Business plan for growing oyster mushrooms at home. Is it profitable to grow mushrooms? (Ready business plan with detailed calculations)

Growing mushrooms as a business: step-by-step financial calculations and payback + 3 ways to sell goods in the mushroom business.

Capital investment in business: 90,000 rubles (on a rented plot).
Payback period for growing mushrooms: from 2 months (1 production cycle).

Mushroom is an integral product of the diet of almost every person.

They contain many useful substances, they taste good, they have various options preparations and, what is especially valuable, are always affordable.

Perhaps only the “queen of the table,” the potato, has more fans.

For these reasons mushroom business attracts many people who want to try their hand at entrepreneurial skills.

Why not?

After all, growing mushrooms is considered one of the most profitable types of business in this segment.

The investment is relatively small, especially if you have your own place to conduct business.

In addition, many simply enjoy this type of cultivation, and in this business there is no influence of seasonality.

But besides a love for mushrooms, you need to have special knowledge to organize a business.

Where to start growing mushrooms as a business?

To organize a mushroom business, you don’t have to be a professional mushroom picker.

However, in this case you will have to study a lot of theoretical information:

  • What variety of mushrooms should I choose for growing?
  • How does the process take place from start to finish?
  • In what environment will mushrooms grow?
  • What to do to increase the amount of harvest?

And these are only questions concerning the specifics of this case.

You will also need to study organizational issues applicable to any type of business:

  • What documents need to be completed in order to engage in activities legally?
  • How much money do you need to organize mushroom growing as a business?

What documents are needed for a mushroom business?

To legally engage in the mushroom business, you have to go through a relatively simple registration procedure:

    A businessman must register an individual entrepreneur.

    To do this, you only need to have a passport.

    The process is simple and can be done without intermediaries.

    You don't have to choose a tax system.

    Growing mushrooms qualifies as agricultural production.

    Accordingly, your activities will be subject to the Unified Agricultural Tax.

    And this is 6% of the profit received, which is a very profitable option.

    In the future, you will need to obtain a number of papers, without which you do not have the right to sell the harvest.

    Such documents include:

    1. radiology protocol;
    2. certificate of product conformity to GOST;
    3. phytosanitary certificate.

What type of mushrooms should I choose to grow?

More experienced entrepreneurs recommend that beginners start with growing oyster mushrooms.

There are several reasons for this:

  • it requires making compost, which is more labor-intensive and complex than preparing the substrate;
  • champignons are more “demanding” regarding the quality of the acquired mycelium;
  • all requirements and technologies must be observed especially strictly, unlike growing oyster mushrooms.

Based on these considerations, it is better to start with oyster mushrooms.

And once you have mastered the technology and equipment, you can start growing champignons.

How to choose premises for a mushroom growing business?

Growing mushrooms is a type of business that you can do even in your own apartment or house.

But at the same time, you need to understand that the resulting volume of harvest will cover, perhaps, the needs of your family.

Business requires larger territories.

Country cottages, agricultural farms that have been abandoned, and barns are well suited.

The following requirements apply to “mushroom” premises:

  1. For cultivation, a small area is enough - from 15 m2.
  2. Strict temperature requirements: 12-25C o.
  3. Mushrooms need high air humidity - 85%.

    This indicator is achieved through irrigation or the use of special equipment.

  4. Utility premises must have electricity (and heating), water and sewerage (drainage for water).
  5. If ventilation is not installed in the room, you must install it yourself.
  6. It is enough to whitewash the walls and fill the floor with concrete.

If you plan to organize large-scale production, on a dedicated site (ideally) you need to equip the following premises:

  • for the production of compost or substrate from purchased raw materials;
  • for pasteurization with appropriate equipment;
  • for growing your own mycelium;
  • main room for growing mushrooms.

What resources are needed for a mushroom business?

In addition to the documentary preparation and selection of premises, there is a main stage - the search for resources for growing mushrooms.

This list includes creating the necessary cover, purchasing mycelium and choosing equipment for the mushroom business.

What should the soil be like for growing?

Interesting fact:
The familiar russula and roseate mushrooms are considered poisonous in Germany, honey mushrooms and russula - in France, boletus - in Italy, porcini mushrooms - in Switzerland. Residents in the listed countries do not risk collecting these species.

Mushrooms are grown in special soil - substrate.

In its role, straw, sawdust, hemp, bran, husks and similar raw materials prepared using technology are used.

Moreover, depending on the type of mushroom, it will differ.

The substrate for growing oyster mushrooms can be easily prepared on your own.

However, those who do not want to waste time or effort can purchase it from other farms.

But for champignons you need to prepare or purchase compost.

In fact, compost can be used for oyster mushrooms too.

But it is more difficult to prepare than the substrate.

That’s why entrepreneurs rarely take such a step.

How to choose seed?

The material from which mushrooms are grown has a special name - mycelium.

To start a business, it can be purchased at larger farms involved in the mushroom business.

Subsequently, you can grow mycelium on your own.

Growing and selling mycelium can become an additional source of income for your farm.

However, you should not rush into this step, as it will not be easy to implement.

This means, first of all, it is important to establish the process of producing mushrooms for sale, and only then experiment with the mycelium.

When purchasing mycelium, a quality product can be determined by the following indicators:

  • White color;
  • nice smell;
  • absence of foreign stains;
  • the farm has a license that will confirm the quality of the product.

What equipment do you need for a mushroom business?

The main cost item in a mushroom growing business is the acquisition necessary equipment for arrangement of premises.

NameQtytotal cost
Total: 60,000 rub.
Steam generator
1 30 000
1 7 000
1 3 000
1 4 000
Pasteurization devices
2 8 000
Boxes and bags
550 5 000
Other- 3 000

Finding the necessary personnel

If you plan the mushroom business as a source of significant profit, you will no longer be able to do it on your own.

At first, in order to save money, you can involve your family in business.

But in the future you will still have to hire handymen.

In this case, there is no need to talk about the presence of the necessary qualifications.

After all, experience in growing mushrooms and relevant knowledge are currently not provided at any university or technical school.

Therefore, the requirements will be standard: a person must have a health certificate, he must perform his duties honestly and responsibly.

How to find ways to implement in the mushroom segment?

Finding clients for sales is the main problem that mushroom growing as a business has.

The demand for this product is stable, but, as a rule, the product is ordered in small quantities and from trusted suppliers.

However, beginners also have a chance to find their place in the niche.

Although mushrooms are a specific product, they also need to be advertised.

To do this, use the following methods:

  • place advertisements in thematic newspapers;
  • create a website and promote it on the Internet;
  • send potential clients free trial samples of products;
  • arrange promotions and create a system of cumulative discounts for your customers.

Who is the consumer of such production?

Fairs, marketsRetail trade at markets and fairs is the most common way to sell goods grown on your own farm. Sometimes people don't want to buy mushrooms at markets because they doubt their quality. Set up the outlet cleanly and neatly, hang permits in a visible place, and use external advertising. This will create a reliable image and gather a base of regular customers.
Shops, supermarketsThis option is used for selling wholesale quantities. The disadvantage of this method is high competition. Therefore, you will have to reduce the price at first to get orders. The average profitability indicator will fall, but in the long run you will receive regular customers and large quantities of orders.
Cafes and restaurantsThey do not order products in such large volumes as stores. However, there are mushroom producers who cooperate only with such establishments. And their business is booming!

How much does it cost to open a mushroom business?

It is difficult to name the average amount that will be required to organize a mushroom growing business.

The amount of spending is influenced by the following factors:

  • Do you grow mushrooms on your own plot or have you rented land/premises;
  • what production volume is planned;
  • how much the necessary raw materials cost from your supplier;
  • how many assistants did you hire and others.

Let’s imagine what the starting investment and the size of the current investment might be for a small farm.

It is organized on a rented territory, and the mushrooms chosen are champignons.

Production calculations were performed for one standard cycle (2 months).

Starting investments

Regular investments

Profitability and payback of mushroom business

The business of growing mushrooms attracts many people who were previously far from the field of crop production.

And especially not engaged in mushrooms.

What is the reason for the interest in this particular niche?

The fact is that experts call this type of business one of the most profitable.

Payback rates can be 75-80% and even reach 100%!

Of course, to achieve such indicators it is important to meet a number of requirements.

However, even this is not a minus, because another advantage of this business is a relatively small amount of investment.

With this amount of investment we get 30 tons of compost. About 150-200 kg of mushrooms are collected from each ton at the end of the cycle.

30 x 150-200 = 4,500-6,000 kg;

4,500 x 100 rub. = 450,000 rubles;

6,000 x 100 rub. = 600,000 rubles.

Calculations show that in ideal conditions an entrepreneur will earn from 450,000 to 600,000 rubles in 1 cycle (2 months).

However, from this amount you need to subtract the amount of capital investments and regular investments for 2 months:

450,000 – (90,000 + 120,000x2) = 100,000 rubles.

You will learn how to properly grow oyster mushrooms from the video:

Potential risks of mushroom growing business

There are a number of conditions that may prevent an entrepreneur from obtaining a sufficient harvest and profit from the business.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with them before starting the project in order to be “prepared.”

RiskProbabilityHow to prevent it?
Not all goods were soldAverageTo minimize risk, work to expand your customer base. If such a situation has already happened, the goods can be dried.
Bad harvestAverageFind another mycelium supplier and monitor the mushroom growing process more carefully.
Equipment breakdownLowFollow correct use technicians yourself, and teach this to workers. It is advisable to have a warranty service agreement with the manufacturer.
Increased competitionLowUse advertising methods, look for new clients, control the price level in accordance with market prices.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the success of any business depends on the level of your dedication and desire to achieve success.

Including when we're talking about about mushroom growing business will thrive if you take the time to learn about this industry.

Collect all possible information, draw up a business plan (even if you do not plan to receive a loan for business or investment).

When you know what and how to do, the necessary tools will definitely be there!

Don’t rush to spend your first profit on personal purposes.

Invest your money and scale your business so that it generates greater profits.

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In search of an idea for their own business, many people turn to growing oyster mushrooms at home. In this piece, we'll take a closer look at the costs, profitability, and feedback of this activity. Is it worth the effort or is serious investment and a large enterprise required?

Advantages and disadvantages

This business is in many aspects ideal option for beginners introduction to entrepreneurship. It requires minimal start-up capital and allows you to start working with small volumes, increasing them over time. Moreover, at the very beginning it is possible to grow mushrooms exclusively for personal use, and as soon as the technology is debugged, enter the market.

The following advantages should also be noted:

  1. You can grow mushrooms both in rural and urban areas.
  2. High demand for the crop.
  3. Ample opportunities for business development and expansion.
  4. No need for employees, at least in the first stages.
  5. No need for a wide list of business contacts.
  6. Relatively stable income.

Among the disadvantages are problems with selling really large batches of mushrooms (although the problem will not start soon, it all depends on the growth rate). You will also need at least minimal knowledge of the subject (this can be accumulated in the process).

It should be noted that such an important factor as seasonality. In summer and autumn, sales often decline, but starting in mid-winter, when the population runs out of its own supplies, demand increases.

Reasons for choosing oyster mushroom

Leaving nutrition aside, taste qualities and usefulness, it is worth noting that compared to the more popular chanterelles, honey mushrooms, champignons and others, oyster mushrooms are quite easy to grow, and the growth rate is high. If under natural conditions a mushroom harvest can be obtained in 2-2.5 months, then under artificial conditions this period is halved.

Crops bear fruit in several waves, the weight of one bunch can reach 200 grams, and record holders grow up to several kilograms, or even more.

A separate advantage is that the mushroom can grow on almost any substrate: stumps, straw, sawdust, even sunflower husks. In some countries, oyster mushrooms are even grown on paper waste. Modern technologies allow us to further expand this list.

Selecting a sales market

Among the most obvious options:

  • Independent sale in markets. In this case, you will have to worry about finding a free retail space, making and correctly placing advertising, and attracting the attention of potential buyers. In this case, sales proceed at a retail pace. The advantage is the ability to set your own prices, keeping an eye on your competitors, if any.
  • Implementation via grocery stores and supermarkets. In every fairly large city there is a retail chain or a separate point that is interested in the wholesale purchase of mushrooms. Unfortunately, most often they offer very low prices. Over time, it will be possible to switch to more favorable terms of cooperation, and the accumulated base of regular customers will remain with you, even if you break off cooperation with the outlet.
  • Sales to restaurants. Mushrooms are traditionally in great demand in restaurants. The reason is simple - such establishments cook only from the freshest products. Cooperation will make it possible to quickly and profitably sell large quantities of mushrooms. The rest can be sold using the first or second method.

Needless to say, no matter what option you ultimately decide to resort to, the mushrooms grown must be of the highest quality.

Enterprise registration

Before starting work, you should register your business. To do this, you need to select the OKVED code 01.12.31.

This type of business implies three options for a legal form: individual entrepreneur, LLC or peasant farm, that is, a peasant farm. All three have their pros and cons. A form such as personal subsidiary farming will not be suitable in this case.


Makes it possible to grow mushrooms and sell the harvest.

To register, you will need to pay a state fee of 800 rubles, submit an application to switch to the simplified tax system or unified tax system, and also prepare an application in form No. P21001, which will need to be certified by a notary.

You should worry about photocopies of all significant pages of your passport in advance.


Gives the right to attract investment through loans for agriculture and through government programs.

To register, you need to pay a state fee of 4,000 rubles, submit application No. P11001, prepare the charter of the LLC and a decision on its opening, have copies of the passports of all founders certified by a notary, and write an application for the transition to the chosen form of taxation.

The authorized capital of the enterprise must be at least 10,000 rubles.


Documentation of your own farm has in this case important role. The mushroom business in Russia does not provide for obtaining a special certificate.

However, in order to become a successful seller of your products, you will need the result of a laboratory test. You can get it from a food laboratory. Its employees often additionally ask to prepare a safety protocol. It will require an analysis for the presence of radioactive substances and heavy metals.

Documentation of growing oyster mushrooms in industrial scale(even in your own basement) is an expensive and slow task. Moreover, the resulting protocol will need to be updated every 3 months.

Selecting a room

The choice of premises for creating a mushroom plantation should be made as responsibly as possible. It is preferable to choose places that are fairly humid, but not too hot. If we are talking about the very beginning of a business, then a basement or cellar at home may be suitable. As the business develops, old cowsheds, vegetable stores and similar buildings can be purchased and refurbished. As a last resort, you can buy a special greenhouse.

Premises requirements:

  1. Residual moisture.
  2. High-quality ventilation, but without drafts (if no other option is suitable, you can make several holes in the lower part of the wall and extend the hood).
  3. Possibility of temperature adjustment (especially important in winter period).
  4. Mandatory disinfection before starting planting work.

A few words about the size of the room. The truck holds about 20 tons of compost for growing. In order to completely distribute it and put it into full use, an area of ​​200-odd square meters will be required. The internal space is divided into sections in which multi-level (depending on the ceiling height) shelving is installed.

Each farm must have at least two passages. The first will be used to transport the harvested crop, it can be made narrower, the second should be much wider - soil will be loaded along it.

Additional premises include a boiler room, a couple of refrigerators for storing collected mushrooms, an area for packaging and various technical premises: change houses, a toilet and others. As a result, the total area of ​​the farm grows to almost 1-1.5 thousand square meters. Of course, at first you can get by with more modest premises.

If you plan to grow oyster mushrooms all year round and entirely on your own, you will have to provide several additional premises:

  • An inoculation room, where mushroom blocks will be formed from the finished substrate in bags, into which the mycelium is then seeded.
  • Incubation room for mycelium germination.
  • Cultivation room for forcing the fruiting body (the largest room, blocks are strung on rods, laid out on multi-tiered racks or suspended).

The first thing you need is quality system ventilation and air conditioning, which will be used to maintain optimal temperature and humidity.

For additional heating in winter time water heating boilers are used. Ideally, it is recommended to purchase several full-fledged climate control systems, which will help regulate atmospheric parameters for mushrooms at different stages of ripening.

Refrigeration chambers are used to store finished products. It is very important that they preserve mushrooms only for a period of three days. In addition, for proper air circulation, they must be filled no more than halfway.

For premises you will need a large number of shelving. Also, depending on the specific variety, bags or boxes will be required for production.


The overwhelming majority of responsibilities rest with the owner. It is he, at least at the start, who deals with delivery and sales issues. Very often, at the beginning of work, when several relatives are involved in the business, one is responsible for some of the supplies, while the rest deal with direct issues of cultivation, fertilization, planting, etc.

As the farm grows and mushroom production expands, managing everything will become increasingly difficult. At some point, inviting new employees to your small business will become an urgent necessity. However, there are no special requirements for employees in this matter - they will only be required to be conscientious and lack bad habits and having a medical record.

Considering that none educational institution Since the country does not have a department of mushroom science, it will be simply impossible to find a qualified specialist. Of course, there is always a chance that an experienced person will come across. In this case, it is highly recommended to set his salary depending on output.

It is difficult to say what total number of employees will be required for breeding. One assistant will be enough to grow oyster mushrooms at home. If we are talking about a hundredweight harvest every day, then you will need to attract at least a couple of employees.

At the same time, they will deal only with the mushrooms themselves, while for the marketing of products, the preparation of raw materials for production and for the position of accountant, they will need additional forces. Of course, one person can combine several roles if desired.

Approximate calculation

An approximate analysis of the expenses and income of a large enterprise can be seen in the table.

Start-up costs Sum
1 Rent or purchase of land or building 1,000,000 rubles
2 Purchase of equipment 500,000 rubles
3 Business registration, advertising costs 100,000 rubles
Monthly expenses
1 Employee salaries 150,000 rubles
2 Advertising 5,000 rubles
3 Maintenance costs 15,000 rubles
1 Profit from processing at a wholesale price of 1 kg of mushrooms of 14 rubles 1,400,000 rubles

Two things should be noted here important points:

  1. These calculations assume working with a large farm, which has about 100 tons of compost for cultivation; if the scale is reduced, the costs will be lower.
  2. The data is based on one processing cycle, but there can be up to four in a year.

Summarizing all of the above, it can be noted that the net profit for one two-month cultivation cycle will be up to 780 thousand rubles. As a result, according to experts, full term The payback period for an oyster mushroom farm will be about two years.

Those interested can download another one.

Competition and risks

Separately, it is worth noting the issue of competition. Currently, its level on the market can be assessed as quite low, which, coupled with low requirements for starting a business, makes it especially profitable for beginners. Imported products have recently left the domestic market, but the price level has remained unchanged, and the demand for mushrooms is consistently high.

Competition should be feared mostly from larger producers engaged in industrial breeding. However, there are not many of them on the market today, so there is no need to fear serious opposition to expansion. The risks in this area are also not too great, given the undemanding nature of investments.


The main advantage is high profitability. The advantage is that there is no need for significant investments at the initial stage. The income is quite good - it reaches 650 rubles from each processed square meter in 1.5 months.

Another undeniable advantage is ease of use. Oyster mushrooms require much less care than other mushrooms, including.

Experienced businessmen, however, do not deny the presence of a number of difficulties, but they all relate to the initial stages of establishing the process and sales. Once these issues are settled, everything becomes much simpler and all that remains is to collect and sell the crops.

Video: technology for growing oyster mushrooms.

Popular types of business today attract with their simplicity and accessibility. On the Internet you can find a lot of business ideas and proposals with a minimum investment of money and effort. Often this requires calm development. You can have your own entertainment agency, consulting center, but there is also an offer for growing mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms). Moreover, you can do this both at home or in the country, and in a room equipped for this. However, the first option will also save you from the need to rent or purchase land and buildings. Growing mushrooms at home as a business is very popular, as evidenced by positive reviews. This is explained by the fact that there is little competition here, but there are many fans of this product.

Where to start growing mushrooms?

To get started, you will need to brainstorm and create a business plan. In addition, it will be necessary to calculate the quantity and cost of the necessary equipment, materials, fertilizers and other things. But even if you don’t have the money for such investments, you can take out a loan for small business development and repay it from the income you receive. It is also very important to decide on the type of mushrooms you want to grow.

Choosing a room and its arrangement

Experienced businessmen use special cultivation chambers for their work, which will do half the work for you, and all you need is to monitor the microclimate, temperatures, levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen. The room should be spacious and well ventilated. On your own site, you can build an extension for these purposes or use ready-made premises.

Advice: Determining the types of mushrooms you want to grow is also important in order to understand what kind of premises you will need. However, one may not be enough, because for different mushrooms needed different conditions. For example, it differs sharply from the technology for milk mushrooms. If you are a beginner, choose the simplest options and no more than 2-3, then your costs and mistakes will be initial stages can be minimized. For example, oyster mushrooms are the least costly in terms of energy and money; reviews from experienced entrepreneurs confirm this.

To successfully harvest crops all year round in the same room, the growing base must be constantly fertilized.

Basic materials and substrate

You can save a lot on costs if you use a homemade substrate (the raw material base for growing mushrooms). Plus you will need mycelium - what mushrooms are grown from. You can prepare the base with your own hands using wheat, barley, rye and flax straw, corn stalks and cobs. With 10 kilograms of substrate you will get about two kilograms of mushrooms.

Advice: If you decide to prepare the basis for growing mushrooms yourself, carefully monitor the quality and environmental friendliness of the straw you will use. The ingress of chemicals and harmful substances into it is fraught not only with a poor harvest, but can also make the final product hazardous to health. Therefore, it is better to purchase and collect raw materials for the substrate directly in the fields.

Before using raw materials, it is important to process them, since they contain harmful microorganisms that can ruin both the harvest and your earnings. The treatment will not cost you much - all you need to do is pour boiling water over the straw and let it brew for 24 hours, and then drain it. But there is another way that will significantly increase the likelihood of a large harvest even in the first experiment. It consists in the fact that you will have to purchase a special chamber for pasteurization of raw materials. It will heat the straw to 60 degrees and steam it for two days. In the future, you will be able to use this camera for ongoing production, and it will pay for itself, as evidenced by reviews from representatives of this type of activity.

An intensive way to grow mushrooms

This method will be the most profitable and convenient for you and will allow you to receive a harvest and profit all year round. It consists of clear support for growing conditions and microclimate.

You will need to prepare and lay the substrate in the ratio: per ton of raw material 30-50 kilograms of mycelium. All this will need to be packed in plastic bags and several holes made in them for ventilation. The humidity in the chambers, which are not exposed to direct sunlight, should be about 60%, and the temperature should be about 24 degrees Celsius. After a couple of weeks, when the mycelium begins to germinate, these bags will need to be transferred to another chamber, in which the humidity will be maintained at about 80% and the temperature at 12-18 degrees. In such a chamber you will also have to install a special system, which will adjust the microclimate.

An extensive method of growing mushrooms

This method is less expensive and more consistent with the actual conditions of mushroom germination. Its essence is that you do not prepare the substrate, but apply the mycelium directly to tree trunks or stumps. However, in this case, you will get significantly less harvest, and the growing period will increase significantly. In addition, it will become much more difficult for you to monitor temperatures and humidity.

Advice: If you are going to engage in serious and large-scale mushroom production, choose an intensive growing method. Although it is more expensive, it guarantees you a stable harvest all year round, which means it increases your chances of making big money.

How to prepare mycelium?

The easiest way is to buy ready-made material. It will save you headaches, waste of effort and reduce the likelihood of errors in production. For a beginner, judging by the reviews, it is better to take ready-made mycelium, then yours will be a pleasure. But if you want to start growing mycelium yourself, get ready to face some difficulties:

  • You will have to draw up documents for seed material.
  • Of course, special knowledge and extensive experience will be necessary, so the first time you may not succeed at all.
  • Time. The mycelium will take a very long time to grow. And this will significantly distance you from starting to grow the actual crop itself.

If you are still going to purchase mycelium from one of the manufacturing companies, be sure to read and listen to reviews about it. Excellent quality raw materials are the key to the volume and quality of your harvest.

If you have prepared the substrate, purchased equipment and mycelium, get ready for the most important stage - implementation. If you are planning a small production, you can, of course, monitor and work on it yourself or with your spouse, but even in this case it will be very difficult for you to cope. Moreover, a small volume is unprofitable. You can involve your family in this work or hire employees. With a volume of 200-500 kilograms of mushrooms per day, you will need to hire 2-5 people. And it must be qualified work force. However, if you gain a lot of experience in this matter, you can hire people without experience and train them yourself. You can also hire a manager, but if you have free time, you can do his work yourself.

Reviews about growing mushrooms

Growing mushrooms, whether oyster mushrooms or other species, especially at home, can be described as. In fact, it is not so complicated, but your products will be willingly purchased trade marks, restaurants and simply gourmets.

My husband really loves champignons. We sometimes bought whole batches for lunch from mushroom pickers, grandmothers at the market, and in supermarkets. One day he jokingly suggested that he start producing his own mushrooms. At first we laughed together, and then out of curiosity we went on the Internet to see how people build such a business, we found a lot positive feedback about this type of activity. The joke turned into a serious decision, because we had a dacha, premises and a greenhouse in which we could equip everything, small savings and my husband’s love for champignons. I must say that the mushrooms turned out to be very easy to grow and unpretentious! We decided to freeze the first test batches, eat them, and sell some of them on the market. We really liked this work, and we decided to take it on a larger scale, and then we started growing oyster mushrooms. Now our products are purchased by three large restaurants. Well, my husband enjoys mushrooms with pleasure.

I worked as a salesman in a small supermarket. My duties also included working in the hall. I laid out the goods and put price tags on them. Every time I came across fresh champignons that had been stored for a long time and cost 200 rubles per package, I thought about how mushrooms are grown. It seemed to me that their production costs nothing and they can simply be collected in the forest. When I got around to looking for information about this on the Internet, I was surprised that such work requires special conditions. But they weren't anything complicated. I remembered the cost of mushrooms in my store and was determined to do it. First I tried a cheaper option, namely sawdust. And besides, I tried to make mycelium myself. The harvest was difficult for me and very small. However, I sold it and used the proceeds to buy finished material. As soon as I received new profit, I invested it in improving working conditions, and the next time my earnings began to increase and I started supplying mushrooms to cafes and shops. Now I don’t work as a salesman, but supply the store with my own products.

Since my youth, I dreamed of becoming a businesswoman and made plans. I even entered the Faculty of Economics just for this purpose. Besides, I really love money and expensive things. One day I came across an article about how to build a business from scratch and with minimal investment. There were many different business ideas in it. I chose to make soap at home and the next day I decided to purchase soap and additives. Imagine my surprise when my purchases were only enough for gifts for my mother and friends. I earned almost nothing and went back to searching. This time I chose to grow oyster mushrooms. My parents gave me the keys to the dacha, and I went there to look around. I found an old hut and began to clean it up. I already knew that I would need straw good quality and mycelium. She prepared both of them herself. The first harvest I received, I sold to my friends and bought mycelium from the company this time. And he gave me a greater harvest. Instead of cameras I used my mother’s old greenhouses. A month later I bought them too. I never thought that my dream could come true so easily. Now I have my own plot with rooms and chambers for growing mushrooms. My production employs 10 people, including the manager. And I relax on the seas, buy expensive things and help my family.

My wife and I tried everything! We are both pensioners, our children have grown up and started living independent lives. We wanted to improve our living conditions and earn some money. While doing network marketing, we wasted our nerves without getting anything in return, and trying to sell vegetables and fruits from our dacha, we collected some money and bought ourselves something more expensive than usual. One day we thought that we could sell not only vegetables and fruits, which are a dime a dozen everywhere even without our products, but also mushrooms. And at the beginning of autumn, when the season for selling nature's gifts was in full swing, we saved up a small amount of money for work and decided to try to equip our greenhouses specifically for mushrooms (oyster mushrooms). We worked day and night, but did not spend a penny on outside help. At the end of September we went to the market with our first harvest, which sold out in a matter of hours. With the money raised, we installed two more greenhouses and registered an individual entrepreneur. We now have our own store, and cafes and restaurants are happy to purchase our products for themselves.

Most best business builds from what you do best! My father and I are both avid mushroom pickers. Since childhood I loved this with him " quiet hunt“and couldn’t miss a single trip to the forest. As I grew up, I began to miss it. I studied at the institute and was rarely at home with my parents, just as rarely I went mushroom picking with them. Longing for this activity made me think about how to realize such joy for myself and at the same time earn money, because I didn’t need a lot of mushrooms on my own. I looked in books for information on how to make a business out of mushrooms, and then it dawned on me to start growing them for sale. I talked to my father and he approved of my idea. However, it was necessary to find premises. The only suitable option at that time was to set up your own company right in your parents’ house. And one summer, my father and I got seriously involved in this. We built two huts in which we created an original heating and air irrigation system. I dragged straw from the fields, and it was decided to purchase oyster mushroom mycelium so as not to have to fuss for a long time and to be confident of success from the very beginning. After receiving the first harvest, we opened our stall right at the market and sold everything in two days. After this, it was decided to build two more similar huts and organize mass production of mushrooms.

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The best business is the one that brings you pleasure and good earnings. Growing popular mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms) is one of the best investments and options. But as in any production, here it is also necessary to take into account the nuances of both preparation, direct cultivation, and marketing. Restaurants, cafes and shops will be happy to buy and order your products. This way you will never end up at a loss.

In contact with

  • What mushrooms are best to grow?
  • How much can you earn selling mushrooms?
  • Recruitment
  • Sales of products
    • 1. Market.
    • 2. Shops, supermarkets.
    • 3. Eco-shops, eco-sites.
    • 4. Own website.
    • 5. Large buyers.
        • Similar business ideas:

The business of growing mushrooms came to us after gaining well-deserved popularity in Europe. This is not an illusory investment in financial pyramids, nor network marketing, which promises untold profits with a minimum of effort. This business requires perseverance, accuracy and hard work, and, of course, certain investments.

How to start a mushroom growing business

First, you need to decide on the key questions: what mushrooms will you grow, how much money are you willing to invest in production, are you going to make it a big business, or are you considering this option as additional income.

What mushrooms are best to grow?

There is no clear answer to this question. There are two main, equal options - oyster mushrooms and champignons. Oyster mushrooms are more capricious in growing technology and are much more sensitive to changes in humidity and light. Champignons are safer and more popular on the market, but at the same time the competition for them is higher and their presentation deteriorates much easier and faster. Shiitake is considered a more exotic option, but it is better to start growing them as an additional product when sales have been established.

How much money do you need to start a business?

It all depends on how you intend to work - manually or automatically. There are several most common methods. The most widely known is growing in special bags. They have a huge advantage over ridges (ordinary ridges) - you are maximally protected from the spread of infections among the current harvest, and between the previous and the present. At the same time, this method is considered one of the inexpensive and simple ones. The downside is the use of manual labor, primarily for composting. If you have sufficient financial assets, then it is worth investing in briquettes - they are fully mechanized and well protected from the spread of mycelial infections. However, in this case you should not count on a quick payback. Over the past few years, briquettes have come to the forefront in equipment. In Europe they are called “eco-briquettes”. They are easy to install and use, cheaper than the similar Dutch shelf system and allow for optimal mechanization of the process. If you work “by hand,” then the initial investment in the business, for example, 50 liters of mycelium and related materials will be $100. If you do not want to fill the bags yourself, but deal with a ready-made product, then you will have to pay about 150-200 dollars for the same volume.

How much can you earn selling mushrooms?

With a properly established system, patience constant search new sales channels, this is a truly profitable business. Profitability grows exponentially with volume and can reach 200-250%. At the same time, it is worth noting that in the first stages of work there can be either a small loss or a profitability of 20-30%. Focus on the fact that the average profitability will be 60-70%. This largely depends on the equipment you are using. If you don’t have a lot of free funds, it’s better to start with simple “manual” growing methods. And once you start making a profit, develop and reach new levels. This way you will reduce the risks of a startup.

Mushroom growing technology

It's really very simple. The mycelium of the fungus (no matter which one) is immersed in soil previously placed in a container (a mixture of straw and fertilizer, sometimes just straw). The soil can be fertilized with various mixtures that improve growth and protect against diseases. After a certain period of growing season (it is different for each mushroom), it is worth changing the lighting to brighter and after a while harvesting. It is important to maintain optimal (often 85%) room humidity. To begin with, you can simply flood the floor, but if possible it is better to buy a special humidifier.


Naturally, in this case, you can do a lot yourself. But with large volumes you cannot do without workers. This will not be a problem because the process, although it requires care and precision, is not overly complex or high-tech. You may need workers for heavy work - stuffing bags, for example, loading, delivery. Same for routine care. At the first stage, in the absence of profit, it is advised to hire workers only for heavy work, and control the rest yourself. At the same time, workers can be hired under a civil contract rather than under an employment contract, which greatly facilitates the conduct of business.

Sales of products

1. Market.

An ordinary, classic market where people buy food. You can hand over the raw materials to resellers or buy the place and put your own person, possibly a family member, on sale.

2. Shops, supermarkets.

This type of work is much more stable and a little more profitable. However, supermarkets rarely agree to work with low volumes. It is also worth remembering that in most cases they will be checked for certification to the quality standards of all products.

3. Eco-shops, eco-sites.

Here you can get by with a small volume, but visually the products must be flawless and, of course, fresh.

4. Own website.

A great way to create demand. You are not looking for buyers, but they are looking for you. Create several purchasing opportunities - for wholesalers, for retail, for small stores.

5. Large buyers.

In order to deliver mushrooms to enterprises, you should join forces with other farmers in your field, since they only accept really large wholesale items. It will take time, but will bring some stability. At the same time, remember that it is very undesirable for this to be your only distribution channel, since it also depends on other players.

Advantages of a business growing mushrooms

1. The process is clear, structured and technologically advanced. Everything is thought out and researched for you - you just need to follow the instructions exactly.

2. Organic farming, eco-products, are now reaching the peak of popularity. This partially solves the issue of low purchase price. If you simply sell grown mushrooms to the market, then profitability is minimal or even non-existent (for small volumes). If you set up sales at eco-points, even with small volumes you will receive sufficient income for development.

Do I need permission to open a production facility?

Does not require licensing or complex production permits. Also, if desired, there is no need to hire additional workers. It can only be yours family business, where you bear all the risks yourself, but the profit goes only to you.

Disadvantages of mushroom growing business

Naturally, if growing mushrooms consisted only of advantages, everyone would do it. There are a number of complexities that you must pay attention to before investing in this type business.

1. Like any agricultural process, growing mushrooms is strongly influenced by external factors. The slightest problem with ventilation, insufficient or excessive lighting and part of the harvest may be lost. The process requires clarity, attentiveness and streamlined actions.

2. Growing mushrooms is a medium-risk activity, that is, it involves the use of special clothing and protective equipment to prevent occupational diseases. There are heated discussions about how harmful fungal spores are when they grow, but one thing we know for sure is that it is always better to close your airways and, if possible, work in closed clothing. The same applies to the workers you hire - you will need to provide them with clothing and respirators.

3. A quick payback is possible only with systematic and large-scale work, or with a pre-established distribution channel for the increased cost of an “organic” product.

Drawing a conclusion, we can say that growing mushrooms is a business with great prospects for those who are ready to work systematically, technologically and actively look for regular sales opportunities.

How to choose equipment for growing mushrooms

To turn mushroom growing into a full-fledged business, you will need to purchase some equipment:

  • a tool for leveling the soil and loosening it;
  • conveyor;
  • irrigation system;
  • ventilation equipment;
  • steam supply system;
  • automatic climate control;
  • lighting;
  • pasteurization device.

If mushroom cultivation is carried out using the container method, then containers will be required. But it is immediately recommended to place the farm in the basement. In this case, mushrooms will be grown in special bags with substrate.

Which OKVD to indicate when registering a mushroom growing business?

It is necessary to indicate code A01.12.31 - “Cultivation of mushrooms and mycelium (mycelium).”

What documents are needed to open

To open a mushroom growing business, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. For this type of activity, the private subsidiary plot form - personal subsidiary plot is not suitable, since there is no registration. The registration authority must provide:

  • an application drawn up according to a special sample;
  • a photocopy of all pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a receipt for payment of the state fee for filing and consideration of the application.

It may be necessary to submit additional documents:

  • power of attorney, but only when documents are submitted through a proxy;
  • notification of the transition to a simplified taxation system (for a business growing mushrooms, this taxation system is the most optimal);

Which taxation system to choose for registering a mushroom growing business?

When choosing a taxation system when starting a mushroom growing business, you must choose the unified agricultural tax - Unified Agricultural Tax. The tax payment will be 6% of the income received.

Growing mushrooms as a business is suitable for an entrepreneur with a small start-up capital. Mushroom farming has every prospect of growing into a profitable business, provided that not only money, but also professional knowledge is invested in it.


Relevance of the mushroom growing business

The mushroom growing niche is being actively studied by entrepreneurs. This is due to the fact that the business does not require large expenses at the start, and the products are in high demand all year round. Despite the obvious relevance of this type of activity, currently the market can be called low-competitive.

Compared to growing other plant crops, mushroom growing does not require the construction of special, expensive greenhouses. In addition, the cultivation technology itself is quite simple and can be mastered even by an inexperienced entrepreneur. All this allows you to quickly earn money and recoup your investment.

Growing mushrooms becomes profitable for the following reasons:

  • there is no need to provide expensive care;
  • it is possible to organize a small farm at home;
  • fast ripening speed: from 3 weeks;
  • There is a winter season of “high prices”.

Before organizing a mushroom growing business, you should decide on their range and types, each of which requires special care.

Which mushrooms to choose for growing?

Oyster mushrooms Champignons Porcini mushrooms Truffles

On the Russian market, the following types of mushrooms are most often chosen for cultivation:

  • oyster mushrooms;
  • Champignon;
  • Forest mushrooms;
  • truffles.

Oyster mushrooms are a very popular and most unpretentious species. It attracts novice entrepreneurs with its high yield: up to 14 kg of mushrooms can be collected from one square meter. Moreover, the first collection is possible within a month. Oyster mushrooms are a valuable species containing many nutrients and vitamins. However, during the growing process some of its disadvantages appear.

Disadvantages of oyster mushroom:

  • fragility: this mushroom is difficult to transport over long distances;
  • demands for special temperature conditions and the fastest possible delivery;
  • unexpressed mushroom aroma;
  • possible allergy to spores.

Many mushroom growers agree that champignons are more difficult to grow than oyster mushrooms. They require special quality mycelium and a nutrient medium. In addition, mushrooms require special moisture and temperature regime. Champignons grow in shelves and boxes. Within a month they reach the required growth and after three months they are already harvested.

The most common for breeding forest mushrooms- white. This is the most valuable mushroom in taste, which can only be grown under natural environmental conditions. Germination of this species is possible only in symbiosis with tree roots, so cultivation porcini mushroom occurs in groves and coniferous forests.

Growing truffles is an extremely profitable and at the same time extremely risky business. They grow under oak trees. The seedlings are placed in sterile conditions and then taken to the farm. The mushroom requires special compost, enriched with various elements.

According to reviews from entrepreneurs, you should start with the most unpretentious, but no less tasty and nutritious mushrooms, - oyster mushroom. In the future, it is also possible to organize the production of truffles and some types of wild mushrooms.

Necessary conditions for growing oyster mushrooms and where to start a business.

Market description and analysis

Until 2014, the mushroom market in Russia consisted almost entirely of imported products. After the introduction of import restrictions, foreign products reduced their volumes, which allowed domestic producers to increase the cost of mushrooms grown on their own, without reducing demand. The magazine “School of Mushroom Growing” for 2015 published data on an increase in oyster mushroom production by 17% compared to data for 2014 for the same period.

Today, the market volume in Russia is about 60 thousand tons. To cover import substitution, about 160 thousand tons of mushrooms are required. Such data, together with the low level of competition in the market, are a good indicator for organizing your own farm.

Market analysis shows that the demand for products depends on location. The most successful ones for earning money are small towns and even arid villages - those places where forests grown in natural conditions There are also few mushrooms.

The most common mushrooms grown in Russia are champignons and oyster mushrooms. The most popular format for running this business is small farms, with a yield of 3-5 tons per year.

The largest Russian producer of oyster mushrooms, Cascade, is located in Rostov region. The Central, Volga and Southern Federal Districts are the leaders in terms of production volumes.

According to the marketing research “Analysis of the world and Russian markets mushrooms and mushroom products. Forecast until 2014,” from EVENTUS Consulting, the volume of domestic production should increase by 2.5-3 times.


  • relatively low consumption of mushrooms per person and the potential for growth of this indicator;
  • the ability for manufacturers to compete on price and types of products;
  • growth of economic indicators and the desire for healthy image life of the population.

The target audience

The target audience for this type of activity is both individuals over 30 years of age who strive for a healthy and varied diet, as well as large enterprises and suppliers.

Among them:

  • grocery stores and supermarkets;
  • catering establishments;
  • pet enterprises;
  • mushroom wholesalers.

Competitive advantages

The competitive environment in this area can currently be defined as low. However, the market is evolving and you should identify your own advantages.

They could be:

  • constant support of high quality and freshness of products;
  • uninterrupted delivery of mushrooms;
  • monitoring and implementation of new technologies in production;
  • using only trusted mycelium suppliers;
  • the ability to work with both legal entities and individuals;
  • discounts for wholesale purchases;
  • flexible pricing policy.

To minimize losses and provide additional assortment to the buyer, an entrepreneur can open his own line for processing mushrooms or producing semi-finished products.

Advertising campaign

To promote a product on the market, you should make it a recognizable brand with its own history. The basis for forming the company’s image is the presence of an informative website with product characteristics and elements of corporate identity.

  • Name;
  • logo;
  • corporate video with production and product footage.

To work with legal entities and representatives of large retail chains it is important:

  • produce information materials of good quality;
  • develop an online presence strategy;
  • develop methods for additional competitive advantages.

To promote among individuals you can use:

  • placement of outdoor advertising at points of sale;
  • holding promotions and tastings;
  • social development networks and attracting non-standard content.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a mushroom farm

To implement the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing mushrooms at home, you need:

  1. Analyze the market.
  2. Create a detailed business plan.
  3. Complete state registration and choose a form of taxation.
  4. Select mycelium and find substrate suppliers.
  5. Develop a technology for making compost.
  6. Find and prepare a room.
  7. Start growing products and adjust technology.
  8. Conduct a search for sales channels.
  9. Sales of products and establishing contacts with wholesale customers.


Business registration involves the possibility of registration in several forms:

  • Individual entrepreneurship (IP);
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC);
  • Peasant farm (peasant farm).

The individual entrepreneur form allows you to both grow and sell mushrooms.

  • a certified statement from a notary in form No. P21001;
  • application for transition to the Unified Agricultural Tax or the simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.

The LLC form makes it possible to attract additional financial assets through government programs and loans.

Requires the following documents for registration:

  • application in form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • decision to open an LLC or protocol, if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • copies of the founders’ passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transition to the unified agricultural tax or simplified tax system (the default will be general).

Peasant farm enterprise is a simplified form of LLP (limited liability partnership), just like individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, it is endowed with legal force.

OKVED codes that cover the mushroom growing business:

  • 01.13 “Growing vegetables, melons, root and tuber crops, mushrooms and truffles”;
  • 01.13.6 “Growing mushrooms and truffles.”

After growing a batch of mushrooms, you must obtain documents for the products.


  • quality certificate;
  • declaration of conformity to state standards;
  • phytosanitary certificate;
  • conclusion on radiological examination.

Room for a mushroom farm

Organizing mushroom growing is profitable, among other things, due to the absence of large costs for finding and preparing premises.

At home, suitable premises could be:

  • basement;
  • barn;
  • dacha or village house;
  • abandoned agricultural or industrial buildings.

Basic requirements for the premises:

  • air temperature from 12-25°C;
  • air humidity not less than 85%;
  • availability of communications: electricity and water supply;
  • connected heating and ventilation.

For small rooms, additional air humidification is not required. However, large-scale production requires a special humidification and conditioning system. Cultivation chambers are also used inside large rooms, which allow maintaining an optimal microclimate.

Production areas:

  • a warm area for mycelium germination with an irrigation system and good ventilation;
  • cool area for planting mushrooms.

If you plan to make compost yourself, you need to organize additional zone with grinder and pasteurization equipment.

Equipment and inventory

To grow mushrooms at home, you need the following equipment and supplies:


Quantity, pcs.

price, rub.

Amount, rub.

Hammer crusher



Steam generator

Exhaust fan

Pasteurization container

Plastic bags

Garden forks

Formalin solution, kg

Household boxes

cooling chamber

Hammer crusher RUB 35,000. Air humidifier RUB 20,000. Steam generator 38,000 rub. Plastic bag 250 rub.

For large production you will need additional equipment:

  • climate control systems depending on the species being grown;
  • autoclave for making mycelium;
  • special equipment for driving out mushroom fruiting bodies;
  • Substrate preparation machines;
  • racks for camera equipment;
  • Packaging equipment.


The choice of mycelium should be approached especially carefully, since the productivity and income of the entrepreneur depends on its quality.

Mycelium is the seed that is the vegetative body of fungi, consisting of thin, branched threads called hyphae.

You should only purchase mycelium from specialized laboratory companies. At the initial stage, it is recommended to purchase from several suppliers with a good reputation and draw a conclusion based on your own experience.

The selection of a supplier is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • Availability of licenses and quality certificates;
  • presence of positive reviews from customers;
  • product quality;
  • average market value.

The shelf life of mycelium is up to 120 days at a temperature of +2 degrees, so it is purchased several times a year.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following product characteristics:

  • strain and variety of mushroom;
  • speed and percentage of grain fouling;
  • shelf life;
  • mildew resistance;
  • internal temperature +20-22 degrees;
  • no black or green spots with an ammonia odor.

Mycelium is used to prepare the substrate. Over time, you can make it yourself. This process is quite complex and requires additional space and professional skills. However, the components for the substrate are inexpensive, so, with skillful approach, the production of seed material can save significant costs.

The main stages of preparing the substrate at home:

  1. Straw or sawdust is steamed in hot water at the rate of 1 kg of mycelium per 10 kg of substrate.
  2. The resulting mixture is cooled, combined with mycelium and placed in plastic bags. The mycelium is crushed without opening the bags and its temperature is equalized with the substrate. The mycelium is inserted and the package is opened under sterile conditions and treated with a disinfectant solution.
  3. In the resulting bags, make holes of 0.5 cm at a distance of 10-15 cm with a clean object at an angle of 45 degrees. Mushroom blocks are installed so that the sides with the slots are ventilated and are not on the side of the wall.
  4. Bags of 10-12 kg are sent to shelves indoors without light penetration at a temperature of +18-20ºС. During incubation period the room is not ventilated. Daily cleaning with chlorine solutions is mandatory.


Often, mushroom cultivation begins as a family business. This reduces wage costs and allows you not to worry about employee liability.

However, with the expansion of production, additional personnel of qualified specialists will be needed. On average, 1 worker is required to harvest up to 100 kg per day.

Thus, the composition of the mushroom farm staff:

Job title

Number of people

Salary, rub.

Monthly payment fund, rub.

Production worker

Helper worker

Production worker responsibilities include:

  • harvesting;
  • monitoring of growing processes and timely adjustments;
  • reporting;
  • creating conditions for the productive functioning of production;
  • generating requests for the purchase of mycelium and compost cultivation.

An auxiliary worker is the main production assistant and carries out operational instructions from the manager.

Financial plan

Mushroom farming is a business with average start-up costs. The amount of investments, regular costs and income depends on the planning of the scale. Compilation financial plan with accurate numbers will help to calculate the main indicators and make the project profitable. You can download a ready-made business plan on many sites, but all indicators should be adjusted to the characteristics of a particular region.

How much does it cost to open a mushroom farm?

Start-up costs will be:

Expense item

price, rub.

Renting premises

Repair and communications

Purchase of mycelium and substrate

Equipment purchase

Registering a business and obtaining the necessary licenses

Searching for sales channels and establishing contacts

Other types of expenses, including unexpected ones

Payment to staff for the first month

Regular expenses

Monthly cost items will be:


To calculate monthly profitability, you must determine the income from one cycle. There can be 4-6 such cycles per year.

10 tons of substrate yield about 2 tons of mushrooms. The average selling price is 150 rubles. per kilogram. Thus, the net profit per month will be 150 thousand rubles.

Business income per month is 42 thousand rubles.

Calendar plan

The enterprise launch plan is designed for 4 months. A feature of the calendar plan will be the receipt of additional certificates for products, which are possible only after growing the first batch. The same goes for establishing sales channels.

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months
Market analysis+ +
Preparation of a business plan +
Preparation of a package of documents +
Obtaining additional permissions + +
Renting premises +
Repair work + +
Purchasing and completing inventory + +
Recruitment +
Establishing sales channels +
Opening +

Risks and payback

The payback period of the project with stable yields and organized sales is 16 months.

After the project reaches the break-even point, the following prospects can be distinguished:

  • increase in selling price for products;
  • increase in production volumes;
  • expansion of species;
  • availability of additional sales channels and wholesale customers.

Like any business associated with growing products, mushroom growing is associated with certain risks.

Risks and ways to minimize them:

  1. Unsold goods and damage to presentation. You should think through distribution channels in advance and purchase a refrigerator for short-term storage of products.
  2. Insufficient yield. You should study the market for dietary supplements and, if necessary, change the supplier of mycelium.
  3. Unforeseen costs associated with lack of experience. Studying specialized literature and making acquaintances to exchange experiences will help.
  4. Increased competition. It is necessary to ensure that the price-quality balance is maintained and work to expand the service.

A business with low competition is attractive to an entrepreneur as it is highly profitable. But it is often associated with the undeveloped niche and the lack of professional knowledge of the organizer himself. Systematic study of the specifics of activity and prompt changes in negative factors will lead to business expansion and its successful functioning.

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