When studying the movement of personnel, what coefficients are used. Labor movement. The balance of personnel movement of the enterprise

Movement work force - this is a change in the number of employees as a result of hiring, dismissal, transfer to another position in the enterprise.

The reasons for the movement of the labor force are diverse: entry into working age and retirement; conscription into the army and the end of military service; change of residence, employment near the place of residence; receiving vocational education and employment in the specialty; dissatisfaction with the level of remuneration, working conditions (working hours, difficult conditions, difficult relationships in the team), etc.

To study the movement of labor at enterprises, they keep records on the basis of primary documentation (applications, orders) and determine absolute indicators called turnover on admission and turnover on disposal.

Receipt turnover is the number of people hired during the reporting period.

Sources of labor force formation:
  • in the direction of employment and employment services;
  • in the order of transfer from other enterprises;
  • after graduation educational institutions;
  • adopted by the enterprise itself, etc.

The list of sources of labor force formation can be expanded taking into account the needs of personnel management services.

Attrition turnover is the number of people laid off for all reasons.

Main valid reasons for withdrawal (required turnover):
  • expiration of the contract;
  • retirement;
  • in the order of transfer to another enterprise;
  • conscription into the army;
  • admission to an educational institution;
  • death of an employee.

Retirement for unexcused reasons is commonly referred to as excessive turnover or employee turnover.

Excess turnover includes the disposal of:

In connection with the unfavorable situation in the Russian labor market, new reasons for dismissal appeared - in connection with the liquidation of enterprises, a reduction in the number due to a decline in production. Dismissal for these reasons in certain sectors of the economy reaches significant proportions. Although such a disposal does not occur through the fault of the employee, but, in essence, this is an excessive turnover that has negative economic and social consequences. It is advisable to consider it separately.

Consider the indicators characterizing the movement of the labor force:
  • Acceptance turnover ratio is the number of hired workers divided by the average number of workers for given period.
  • Termination turnover ratio is the number of people laid off from work divided by the average number of workers for a given period.
  • Full turn ratio this is the number of employees hired plus the number of employees laid off divided by the average number of workers for a given period.
  • Labor turnover rate this is the number of those dismissed of their own free will, as well as for violations of labor discipline for a given period, divided by the average number of workers for a given period.

The latter indicator reflects the unjustified movement of the labor force, causing the loss of working time for the training of new workers, the development of equipment, etc.

Turnover ratios

To study the intensity of turnover in dynamics and in comparison with other enterprises (industries), relative indicators are needed - turnover coefficients, which are calculated using the following formulas:

The retirement turnover rate can be calculated for separate reasons or a group of reasons, for example, to calculate the staff turnover rate in the numerator, you need to take the number of dismissed for disrespectful reasons, i.e. dismissed of their own free will, for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline, and the denominator - same.

At enterprises, it is advisable to carry out accounting and analysis of labor movement indicators not only for the whole enterprise, but also for individual workshops and categories of personnel, primarily for workers. The results of such an analysis are of particular practical importance for personnel management.

Labor force replacement rate

To link the movement of the labor force with the situation on the labor market, the labor force replacement rate is required, which is determined by the formula:

If the replacement rate is less than one (for the industry or the economy as a whole), therefore, there is a decrease in the number of employees and an increase in unemployment.

According to official statistics for the Russian economy as a whole in 2000, the number of people employed was 11,235.9 thousand people. (the turnover rate for admission is 26.9%), and the number of those who left for the year is 11616.2 thousand people. (the disposal turnover ratio is 27.8%).

By sectors of the economy, turnover ratios vary significantly. The highest retirement turnover ratios are in construction - 48.8%, trade and public catering - 40.5%, communications - 31.5%; and low coefficients for such sectors of the economy as management - 13.2%, science and scientific services - 17.1%, education - 17.9%, health care, physical culture and social security - 22.0%, agriculture - 26 .3%, industry - 29.5%.

The labor force replacement rate in 2000 for the Russian economy as a whole was 0.967 (11235.9/11616.2). During the year, 380.3 thousand people dropped out. more than were employed. This is the situation in most sectors of the economy, but in industry the replacement rate was 1.022 (1.015 in 1999), and in agriculture it was 0.77 (the lowest indicator).

Stages of development founders types of bank licenses. Analysis of the main economic indicators bank. Analysis of the financial performance of the bank. Objectives of practice: -general familiarization with the activities of the legal form and management system of the organization; - study of legislative acts regulating the activities of the organization; -studying organizational structure enterprises; - study of regulatory documents on management issues in the organization; - Consolidation and expansion of theoretical...

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Faculty of Economics, Management and Law

Department of Economics and Management at the Enterprise


on industrial practice in PJSC Promsvyazbank

4th year students E-402 group

direction "Economics"

Profile Finance and Credit

Shestopal Maria Mikhailovna

Head of practice from the enterprise

Nevinskaya Svetlana Olegovna, head of independent

structural unit of PJSC Promsvyazbank

Head of practice from the institute

Tkach Nina Dmitrievna, professor of the departmenteconomics and management at the enterprise, candidate economic sciences, assistant professor



Section 1. Organizational and economic characteristics of Promsvyazbank PJSC…………………………………………………………………….4

1.1. Stages of development, founders, types of bank licenses…………………………………………………………………..……….……..4

1.2.Main directions of development ………………………..………..….……..6

1.3. Organizational structure of management of PJSC Promsvyazbank ……………………………………………………………………………..……..…..8

Section 2. Analysis of the activities of PJSC Promsvyazbank…………..……….…14

2.1. Analysis of the main economic indicators of the bank………………….… 14


2.3. Analysis of the main directions of development...................……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


List of used literature………………….…………………….....28



The practice was completed in the Lyusinovsky branch of Promsvyazbank PJSC, in the factoring department.

Practice goals:

Anchoring theoretical knowledge obtained in the process of studying at the institute;

Acquiring the necessary practical skills and abilities in accordance with the chosen area of ​​professional training;

Collection of the necessary amount of information for writing the practical part of the final qualifying work.

Practice objectives:

General familiarization with the activities, legal form and management system of the organization;

Study of legislative acts regulating the activities of the organization;

Study of the organizational structure of the enterprise;

Study of regulatory documents on management issues in the organization;

Consolidation and expansion of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in relation to the profile of future work;

Studying the work, functions and duties of a bank employee;

The report was prepared on the basis of financial and accounting statements, the official website of Promsvyazbank PJSC


  1. Stages of development, founders, types of bank licenses

PJSC Promsvyazbank Russian private bank. Full name Public Joint Stock Company Promsvyazbank. Headquarters in Moscow.

PJSC Promsvyazbank ranked 11th among Russian banks in terms of assets in 2015.

The bank's clients are more than 100 thousand Russian enterprises, and the number of retail clients exceeds 2 million people. The regional network of Promsvyazbank PJSC includes more than 300 points of sale, more than 8,500 ATMs (including networks of partner banks) and more than 200 self-service terminals throughout Russia. Products and services are presented in the vast majority of regions, covering about 88% of the Russian population. Promsvyazbank PJSC also has a branch in Cyprus and representative offices in China, India, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. At the end of 2013, an office was opened in Switzerland, and the bank also plans to start operations in Hong Kong.

PJSC Promsvyazbank was founded on May 12, 1995 in Moscow. At the first stage, his clients were mainly telecommunications companies. But the bank developed rapidly, and already in 1998 it entered the top 100 in terms of assets, and in 2005 in the top 15. From this moment, the gradual transformation of Promsvyazbank PJSC into a universal bank begins. In the mid-2000s, the network of offices grew significantly: by 2007, it had points of sale in more than 90 locations throughout Russia. There were also changes in the composition of shareholders. In September 2005, the Slovenian bank NovaLjubljanska Banka acquired a 7.69% stake. A year later, the shares were bought back by the main owner, Promsvyaz Capital B.V. In November 2006, 15.32% in the authorized capital of the bank received Commerzbank through its Russian subsidiary Commerzbank Auslandsbanken Holding AG. In 2007, Promsvyazbank changed its form of ownership from a closed joint stock company to an open joint stock company.

In the midst of the crisis, in 2009, PJSC was recognized as one of the most reliable banks in Russia (4th place according to the Profile magazine). The bank's growth rates and the course to attract retail customers were maintained. Expansion to the regions also continued: the Volgograd-based Volgoprombank and Nizhny Novgorod Bank were merged, and in 2010 Yarsotsbank. In 2010, the bank entered the top 10 largest Russian banks in terms of assets and was named the Bank of the Year by Banki.ru news agency. In February of the same year, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development became a shareholder of PJSC Promsvyazbank with a share of 11.75% in the authorized capital. Commerzbank Auslandsbanken Holding AG retained its 15.32% stake. In 2012, the bank planned to enter IPO (placement platforms London Stock Exchange and MICEX). However, later it was decided to postpone the placement for a more favorable term, from the point of view of market conditions. In the summer of 2012, due to restrictions imposed on it by European regulators, Commerzbank withdrew from the capital of PJSC by selling its stake to Promsvyaz Capital B.V.

At the end of 2013, PJSC Promsvyazbank entered the top 500 largest banking brands in the world (344th place) according to " TheBanker ". The value of the bank's brand, according to the rating, is $280 million. In 2014, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation included PJSC in the number of systemically important banks

PJSC Promsvyazbank one of the leading Russian private banks with assets of RUB 1.0 trillion. and own funds (capital) 123 billion rubles. as of 07/01/2015 according to the RBSU data, it was founded in 1995. PJSC ranks 10th in terms of equity capital among the largest Russian banks according to RIA Rating as of July 1, 2015. In the current ranking of TheBanker magazine, PJSC Promsvyazbank is among the 500 largest banks in the world in terms of equity capital. The Bank has the following long-term ratings from international rating agencies: "BB-" Standard&Poors (negative outlook), "B1" MoodysInvestorsService (negative outlook), as well as individual credit rating "AA +" of the National rating agency. Promsvyaz Capital B.V. owns 68.25% in the authorized capital of the bank, 11.75% to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. 10% - NPF "Future" (before renaming - "Welfare OPS"), 10% - funds of NPF "European Pension Fund", NPF "Regionfond" and "Doverie".

PJSC Promsvyazbank is registered by the Central Bank Russian Federation May 12, 1995 (registration number 3251) and carries out banking operations with legal entities and individuals on the basis of:

∙general license for banking operations (license No. 3251, issued by the Bank of Russia on December 17, 2014, without limitation of validity);

∙licenses for banking operations for attracting deposits and placing precious metals (license No. 3251, issued by the Bank of Russia on December 17, 2014, without limitation of validity);

∙ licenses of a professional market participant valuable papers to carry out brokerage activities (license No. 177-03816-100000, issued by the FCSM on December 13, 2000, without limitation of validity);

∙Licenses of a professional participant in the securities market to carry out dealer activities (License No. 177-03876-010000, issued by the Federal Commission for the Securities Market on December 13, 2000, without limitation of validity);

∙Licenses of a professional participant in the securities market to carry out securities management activities (License No. 177-03918-001000, issued by the FCSM on December 13, 2000, without limitation of validity);

∙Licenses of a professional participant in the securities market to carry out depository activities (License No. 177-03960-000100, issued by the Federal Commission for the Securities Market on December 15, 2000, without limitation of validity).

1.2. The main directions of the bank's development

PJSC Promsvyazbank is a universal commercial bank, the main activities of which are:

Banking services to corporate clients: including lending, settlement operations, factoring, documentary operations, financing with the participation of the ECA, project financing, cash flow and payment management, brokerage services in the foreign exchange and securities markets, accepting deposits;

Banking services for small and medium-sized businesses: including commercial lending, deposits, settlement and cash services, including the issuance of bills, money transfers, the provision of guarantees, as well as brokerage services in the foreign exchange and securities markets;

Retail banking services to individuals: including retail lending and taking deposits from individuals(current accounts and time deposits), money transfers, issuance of bank cards, settlement and cash services and foreign exchange transactions, cash management through remote service channels;

Investment banking and financial services: transactions in the debt capital markets, including their organization, underwriting of municipal and corporate bonds (such as local ruble bonds, Eurobonds, credit notes and bills), trading in shares and fixed income instruments, services for corporate financial advisory, brokerage, repurchase transactions, operations with precious metals, asset management and private banking service wealthy clients (private banking);

As of July 2013, the main owner of the bank (88.25% in the authorized capital) is Promsvyaz Capital B.V. (beneficiaries Russian businessmen Ananiev brothers, Alexey and Dmitry). The remaining 11.75% belongs to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Alexey Ananiev is the chairman of the bank's board of directors. Bank President Artyom Konstandyan.

The regional network of Promsvyazbank PJSC includes more than 270 offices, more than 8,500 ATMs (including ATMs of partner banks) and more than 200 self-service terminals throughout Russia. Products and services are presented in the vast majority of regions, covering about 88% of the Russian population. PJSC also has an office in Cyprus and representative offices in China, India and Kazakhstan, which primarily support Russian clients. (source of information official website of the company http://www. psb. en , data from the portal http://www. wikipedia. org ). The Bank actively cooperates with leading universities in Moscow. Thus, in 2012, the post of Promsvyazbank Professor of Finance was established at the Russian Economic School (NES). And in 2013, PJSC signed a cooperation agreement with the Financial University under the Government of Russia. It is planned to open the Promsvyazbank department in the Yaroslavl branch of the university.

In 2012, PJSC Promsvyazbank sponsored the Afisha Picnic music festival and the boxing match between Vladimir Klitschko and Manuel Charr in Moscow. He is a sponsor of basketball Khimki and volleyball Dynamo (Moscow). Until 2015 also supported football club CSKA

Since 2014 he has been a partner of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Tchaikovsky.

1.3. Organizational management structure of PJSC Promsvyazbank

The management system of Promsvyazbank PJSC is a multi-level structure, each level of which is responsible for certain areas of the bank's activities.

The General Meeting of Shareholders is the supreme governing body. The meeting of shareholders elects the board of directors, which is the body that manages the activities of the bank, with the exception of resolving issues that fall within the competence of the general meeting of shareholders of the bank, including determining the strategy, coordinating the activities of the bank and controlling it.

Board of Directors electsthe Chairman of the Board of the Bank, who performs the function of the sole executive body of Promsvyazbank and, together with the Board, is responsible for the current activities of PJSC Promsvyazbank, as well as the Board of the Bank - collegial executive agency jar.

During the period of temporary absence of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank (vacation, business trip, temporary disability, etc.), his functions are performed by the deputy (one of the deputies) of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank. In the absence of the Deputy (deputies) of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank, the functions of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank shall be performed by one of the members of the Board of Directors of the Bank by decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank.

The competence of the Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank includes all issues of day-to-day management of the Bank's activities, with the exception of issues related to the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors of the Bank and the Management Board of the Bank.

On the proposal of the Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank, the Board of Directors of the Bank appoints the First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank and Deputy Chairmen of the Management Board of the Bank. The First Deputy and Deputy Chairmen of the Management Board of the Bank act on the basis of powers of attorney issued by the Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank and are responsible for the directions of the Bank's activities in accordance with the distribution of duties.

The Board of Directors of the Bank is entitled at any time to decide on early termination of the powers of the Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank and termination of the contract concluded with him.

The Management Board of Promsvyazbank PJSC - the collegial executive body of the bank - is elected by the Board of Directors in the amount of at least 5 people for a period of 1 year. The Chairman of the Board is the President of the Bank. The Board of the Bank holds meetings as often as circumstances require and makes decisions by a simple majority, provided that at least half of the members of the Board are present at the meeting. The Management Board is responsible for the current activities of the Bank.

The Management Board of the Bank has the right to create councils (committees), expert and working commissions from among the heads of departments and leading specialists of the Bank, empowering them with the necessary powers.

PJSC "Promsvyazbank" includes 18 departments, which are closely interconnected:


Human Resources Department;

Legal department;

Department of lending to individuals;

Credit department;

Operations department;

Department of Accounting and Reporting;

Administrative and managerial personnel;

Security Department;

Department of financial analysis and planning;

Department of Depository Operations;

Department information technologies;

Administrative and economic department;

Department of cash operations;

Department of accounting, registration and execution of banking operations.

Department of Operations in Financial Markets and Resource Management;

Department of foreign exchange operations;


Factoring department

We list the purpose and functions of the main departments of the bank.

The secretariat processes incoming, outgoing and internal documents of the bank, monitors the correctness of the execution of documents submitted for signature to the management of the bank, edits documents on behalf of the management, controls the correctness of the execution of documents and provides methodological and organizational assistance to bank employees in the preparation of documents, organizes a rational workflow and control over the movement of documents in the organization.

The legal department is called upon to perform the following functions:

Protect the rights and interests of the Bank Branch;

Actively use legal means to strengthen the financial position of the bank and improve the economic performance of its work;

Provide assistance to the bank's management bodies in ensuring the rule of law in the activities of the bank;

Control the correct application of the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Sberbank of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Sberbank of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on the Branch, and other regulatory acts related to the activities of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.

Control accounting and reporting performs the following tasks:

Generates complete and reliable information about business processes and performance results;

Provides control over the availability and movement of property, the use of material, labor and financial resources in accordance with approved norms, standards and estimates;

Prepares reports on the results of the bank's work;

Daily accounting and control over the movement of funds of the Bank Branch.

The department is called upon to carry out strict control, accounting, reporting and organization of financial and economic activity Branches of the bank, the work of which is managed by the chief accountant.

The bank pays special attention to settlement and cash services. For these purposes, a department of settlement and cash services is created in the bank, the functions of which include: opening and maintaining accounts, making settlements; conducting cash transactions.

Human Resources Department:

Plans the number and use of personnel;

Organizes training and advanced training of personnel;

Manages payroll funds;

Performs recruitment and placement.

The Administrative and Economic Department, including administration services, is engaged in the construction, planning, acquisition, maintenance and sale of bank buildings, facilities and equipment. The functions of the economic department include:

Creation of conditions for work and rest of bank employees;

Planning and organizing the repair of the bank's premises, monitoring the quality of its implementation, acceptance of the repair work;

Monitoring the serviceability of lighting, heating, ventilation and sewerage systems, taking measures to ensure that the state of these systems complies with established standards;

Providing the bank with furniture, monitoring their safety and carrying out timely repairs;

Organizing the receipt and storage of office supplies, necessary household materials, providing them to the branch offices, keeping records and reporting on the consumption of materials.

Banking Automation and Information Department:

Organizes the bank's computer systems;

Performs electronic calculations;

Develops software for the needs of bank departments;

Implements these programs together with the organizational department.

Bank security services have to perform a variety of functions - to protect information, to protect and control employees, to apply preventive measures to avoid fraud with securities or documents.

The department of client relations collects information inside and outside the bank on issues related to client work; creation of the bank's client base, its replenishment, tracking, segmentation and development, analyzes the information received and prepares proposals for the effective building of client work in the bank, determines the directions, ways and means of finding and attracting clients for service to the bank.

The financial analysis and planning department maintains primary documentation on business processes and procedures being executed in accordance with their regulations and regulatory documents governing in-company accounting (formation of the payment and investment budget, formation of the investment budget, control of budget execution, formation of the payment budget, analysis of budget execution, balancing of the payment budget).

The Department of Custody Operations is engaged in the provision of services for the storage of certificates of securities and / or accounting for the transfer of rights under securities.

The operational department includes the department for servicing individuals and the department for servicing legal entities. This department performs the following functions:

Execution of bank account/demand deposit agreements;

Opening accounts for demand deposits and other bank accounts of the Client in foreign currency / currency of the Russian Federation;

Acceptance and disbursement of funds from the bank account(s)/deposit(s) on demand;

Conversion operations at the request of the Borrower, received at the rate of the Bank in the analytical accounting system;

Formation of a payment order in the Analytical Accounting System for the transfer of credit funds from demand deposit accounts to other accounts of the Borrowers opened with the Bank, based on the Borrower's application

Acceptance of applications from the Borrower for a monthly write-off of debt from demand deposit accounts and other bank accounts of the Client in repayment of loan debt, payment of interest for the use of credit resources, payment of fines in case of their occurrence.

The factoring department can be conditionally called "a bank within a bank". It has working capital, the source of which is the bank's own funds (profit, funds) and funds attracted by factoring. The ratio between them is established by the board of the bank. In addition, if the factoring department needs to attract additional sources to fulfill its obligations, the bank provides it with a short-term loan. Economic authorities may also provide the factoring department with temporarily free funds for a certain period of time for a fee that is negotiated in contracts by agreement of the parties.


2.1. Analysis of the main economic indicators of the bank

The Russian economy remained fairly stable throughout 2012, despite global economic instability. The Bank maintains the level of coverage of non-performing loans with provisions at a comfortable level (116% in 2012), while successfully reducing the level of non-performing loans by 17% to RUB 20 billion, as well as the volume of provisions by 12%. The cost of risk decreased to 1.0% from 2.2% in 2011 (taking into account the effect of the sale of loans). Although general and administrative expenses increased by 18% in 2012, the main driver of the growth was the increase in contributions to the state pension fund (by 49%). The bank's sales network increased by 39 outlets, while at the beginning of the year a procedure was carried out to centralize all accounting functions in 8 service branches. It is also planned to centralize the functions of the "middle office"; it is expected that the results of the implementation this project on the reduction of the bank's general expenses will be noticeable already in 2013. Employee labor costs accounted for 63.5% of total general and administrative expenses. Growth in this spending segment was 21% in 2012, with a greater focus on sales staff rather than back office staff.

  1. Main indicators of the balance sheet

The bank's assets in 2012 increased by 23% to 690 billion rubles.

The net loan portfolio increased by 17% and amounted to 462 billion rubles. The share of the loan portfolio in assets decreased to 67% compared to 70% at the end of last year

The share of non-performing loans decreased to 4.1% in 2012, compared to 5.7% at the end of 2011, with a reserve coverage ratio of 116%

The share of liquid assets increased to 22% compared to 18% in 2011

At the end of 2012, the securities portfolio amounted to 46 billion rubles, an increase of 4% compared to the data at the end of 2011

Deposits and current accounts increased by 32% in 2012 and amounted to 445 billion rubles, which is 71% of general level financing. At the same time, the ratio of net loans to deposits decreased to 104%.

The bank's share capital increased by 16%, while the regulatory capital (according to Basel) amounted to 92.6 billion rubles compared to 71.5 billion rubles at the end of 2011 (growth was 30%). The bank's net loan portfolio in 2012 showed a moderate growth of 17% and amounted to 462 billion rubles, while the bank continued its policy of increasing the growth of volumes of 7 high-margin products. The net portfolio of standard corporate loans increased by only 8% to RUB 284 billion, while the volume of loans to clients using international financing products, which are usually characterized by higher profitability, grew by 30% and amounted to RUB 44 billion, and the volume of loans factoring portfolio increased by 19%. The net portfolio of loans to small and medium-sized businesses, which is also characterized by a higher level of profitability, grew by 20% in 2012 to RUB 42 billion. However, the bank's retail loan portfolio grew at the most dynamic pace, increasing in 2012 by 65% ​​compared to the end of 2011 to 52 billion rubles. The Bank continues to report a steady monthly growth in lending volumes. The volume of new consumer loans issued in the 4th quarter of 2012 amounted to 12 billion rubles. The share of retail loans in the total portfolio of the bank is 11%, but in the medium term Promsvyazbank plans to increase this figure to 20-25%. This should help maintain sustainable levels of profitability.

The quality of the bank's loan portfolio continues to improve. The share of non-performing loans as a percentage of the loan portfolio decreased to 4.1% at the end of 2012 compared to 5.7% at the end of 2011. The Bank continues to adhere to a policy aimed at maintaining the NPL coverage ratio at a level of at least 100%, while the actual coverage ratio at the end of 2012 was 116%.

Despite the favorable foreign trade situation and the persistence of high world energy prices, the development of the Russian economy in 2013 slowed down sharply and amounted to 1.3% at the end of the year. The key factors behind this were the slowdown in the growth of domestic consumption and the decline in investment. Inflationary pressure on the economy persisted, and consumer price growth was higher than the target set by the Bank of Russia (+6.5%). At the same time, in 2013, the Russian economy was operating close to its production possibilities frontier, and unemployment, as in 2012, was at its lowest point ever. last years level (5.5%). Thus, there is reason to believe that the growth model based mainly on the export of commodities has run out of steam, and faster growth will require a significant increase in labor productivity and deep structural changes. The unstable situation in foreign markets had a negative impact on the Russian financial sector. At the same time, the stimulating monetary policy of the central banks of developed countries created an excess of liquidity and contributed to the stabilization of the capital account. In general, in 2013 capital outflow amounted to USD 62.7 billion, the MICEX stock index grew only by 2% (significantly lower than the indicators of most emerging markets, and 3 p.p. below the level of 2012), and the index of debt instruments IFX-CBonds by 9%. Thus, the impact of macroeconomic and other factors on the banking sector during 2012 remained rather negative. Despite the unstable external environment, the consistent development of the banking sector, which began after the crisis, continued in 2013: assets increased by 16% compared to the previous year. At the same time, the portfolio of corporate loans grew at an average pace, while the growth in lending to the population gradually slowed down, remaining quite high. The growth in the volume of customer funds placed with banks slowed down somewhat, and the share of this source of funds in liabilities slightly increased. At the same time, the share of Bank of Russia loans in the liabilities of the banking system increased significantly to 8%. The capital of banks increased slightly more slowly than assets. This was the reason for the continuation of the downward trend in equity capital adequacy to risk-weighted assets. The share of overdue loans decreased to 3.5%, and the profit of banks amounted to 994 billion rubles, which is somewhat less than in 2012. At the end of 2013, the ratio of banking sector assets to GDP was 86%, equity 11%, loan portfolio 49%.

an increase of 7.1% compared to the data at the end of 2012. Main

the source of asset growth was the growth of the loan portfolio.

The loan portfolio, excluding the allowance for impairment, increased by 18.1% in 2013, amounting to RUB 545 billion. compared to 462 billion rubles. at the end of 2012.

The total share of SME and retail loan portfolios, excluding the provision for possible losses, increased in 2013 from 26.8% to 27.1%.

During 2013, the share of non-performing loans (90+ overdue) in the bank's portfolio decreased to 3.6% (December 31, 2012: 4.3%), while the provisioning ratio for non-performing loans increased from 110% in 2012 to 125% in 2013.

The decrease in the share of non-performing assets in 2013 was due to write-offs and sales of bad loans in the amount of RUB 7.8 billion. and 5.5 billion rubles. respectively.

Funds on customer accounts grew in 2013 by 9.6% and amounted to 488 billion rubles. compared to 445 billion rubles. at the end of 2012, while the growth of retail balances amounted to 17.6%.

The loan to deposit ratio was 112% as at 31 December 2013 (31 December 2012: 104%), remaining within the target of 120%.

Own funds increased in 2013 by 5.4% and amounted to 66 billion rubles. The source of growth was the bank's net profit for the period. The bank's total capital adequacy under Basel I as at 31 December 2013 was 14.4% (31 December 2012: 16.0%). The core capital adequacy ratio (Tier 1) for Basel I decreased by 90 basis points compared to the beginning of 2013 and amounted to 9.4%.

As of December 31, 2014, the bank's assets increased by 44% compared to the beginning of the year and amounted to RUB 1.1 trillion. The main reasons for the increase in assets in 2014 were the growth of the loan portfolio due to high-quality borrowers, as well as the revaluation of foreign currency assets against the background of the depreciation of the ruble.

The loan portfolio, excluding impairment allowance, increased by 38% in 2014, amounting to RUB 753 billion. compared to 545 billion rubles. at the end of 2013. About 2/3 of the increase in the loan portfolio in 2014 occurred due to the currency revaluation of assets.

The corporate loan portfolio, excluding impairment allowance, grew at a faster pace than in 2014, which in turn led to a reduction in the share of SME and retail business loan portfolios from 27% at the end of 2013 to 20% as of December 31, 2014.

The share of non-performing loans (overdue over 90 days) in the bank's loan portfolio decreased to 2.9% at the end of 2014 compared to the same indicator of 3.6% at the end of 2013. The NPL coverage ratio as of December 31, 2014 was 165% against 125% in 2013. The main reasons for the decrease in the share of non-performing loans in the bank's portfolio were a significant increase in the loan portfolio in the second half of 2014, the write-off of fully reserved corporate and SME loans, as well as the application of a policy to write off the bulk of retail loans with overdue over a year.

The portfolio of trading securities decreased by 71% in 2014 and amounted to 16 billion rubles. compared to 57 billion rubles. at the end of 2013. The share of the securities portfolio decreased in 2014 from 8% to 2%.

The investment property portfolio in 2014 amounted to RUB 23 billion. compared to 2 billion rubles. a year earlier. The main reasons for the growth were the acquisition of a share in the net assets of subsidiaries in the amount of RUB 12.8 billion. and transfer to investment property of construction in progress office building in the amount of 8.6 billion rubles. Funds on customer accounts grew in 2014 by 35% and amounted to RUB 660 billion. compared to 488 billion rubles. at the end of 2013. About 2/3 of the growth for the year is explained by the effect of the devaluation of the ruble. Due to a sharp increase in deposit rates at the end of 2014, many clients placed part of their balances on demand in short-term deposits, which led to a decrease in the share of demand accounts in the 4th quarter by 4 p.p. up to 26% (2013: 30%).

Accounts and deposits of banks and other financial institutions grew in 2014 by more than 2.5 times and amounted to 159 billion rubles. compared to 58 billion rubles. at the end of 2013. The main reason for the growth of this source of funding is the increase in the share of deposits from the Central Bank in liabilities from 1% to 7% in 2014. About a quarter of the total increase in interbank balances for the year is explained by the effect of the devaluation of the national currency.

The ratio of loans to deposits increased by 2 p.p. at the end of 2014 to 114% compared to 112% at the end of 2013. Own funds increased by 4% in 2014, mainly due to the profit received, and amounted to RUB 69 billion.

2.3. Analysis of the main directions of development

Over the considered horizon, the bank plans to develop as a universal financial institution, maintaining its leading positions in the corporate business. At the same time, since the retail and small business markets have the greatest potential, the bank will focus on the development of these areas, thereby significantly increasing the diversification and sustainability of its business.

Within the framework of the type of strategy chosen by the bank, further improvement in the quality of customer service is a priority for all business lines. The Bank will focus on building more long-term, proactive and personalized relationships with customers, increasing the speed of decision-making and service in general, customizing the product line, developing a multi-channel approach to sales and service through the creation of a network of "light" and technological offices, innovative electronic channels , development of its employees.

corporate business

Corporate business - A business built on the principle of a corporation

Promsvyazbank intends to maintain its position in the "Top-10" corporate banks and, in particular, its leadership in factoring and international financing. Thanks to maintaining these positions, as well as the active development of the transaction business, the bank plans a significant increase in fee and commission income. Promsvyazbank will compete with other market players, focusing on working with actively growing clients who need long-term support for their business development and solving non-standard tasks. The bank will provide a more flexible and faster process of interaction with the client, one of the best product lines on the market for business development, as well as the highest quality of service.

A strong corporate brand is also a driver of cross-selling in other business segments through access to tens of thousands of corporate clients' partners as well as their employees.

Small and medium business

Small and medium business business based on the entrepreneurial activities of small firms, small enterprises that are not formally members of associations.

The bank plans to more than triple its SME customer base by the end of 2016. The bank's competitive advantages in this business lie in the high quality of customer service and speed of decision making. Building on these strengths, Promsvyazbank's strategy will focus on individual interaction with the client, convenient and flexible package offers that take into account the specifics of various client sub-segments and include, among other things, a wide range of commission and non-banking services, as well as further increase in the speed of service and the development of multichannel.

The Bank already has a wide national network of branches for sales and servicing of SME clients, but seeks to increase the density of the network through specialized offices, as well as actively use remote banking channels for sales and service to clients in this segment. One of the essential directions of the SME strategy will also be work with a new sub-segment micro-enterprises.

Retail business

Retail business trade in goods and services with individuals.

The retail business is a key element of the bank's portfolio and income diversification strategy. By the end of 2016, the bank plans to achieve a position in the "Top-10" in the Russian retail lending market. In accordance with strategic goals, the share of retail business in Promsvyazbank's loan portfolio should exceed 20% over the next 3-4 years.

Competitive strategy Promsvyazbank in retail will also be based on building long-term relationships with customers, a proactive approach and customization of the product offer. The Bank plans to actively absorb the client base through the highest quality of service, a comprehensive loyalty program, a wide range packages focused on various sub-segments and stages of customer life cycles, pricing based on customer risk assessment, as well as an expanded sales network (introduction of new “light” office formats) and innovative remote banking channels (Internet and mobile banking, contact center, network ATMs own and partner).

In the medium term, the bank plans to increase profitability and strengthen its position in the "Top-10" investment Russian private banks.

The Bank plans to implement its long-term client-oriented strategy, including by providing clients with all business lines of investment services at more mature stages of their life cycle. In the corporate business, the bank will act as an organizer of transactions to raise debt financing, a consultant on international and domestic issuance of shares and bonds, M&A activities and private equity transactions. IN retail business Promsvyazbank plans to become one of the leading players in the retail brokerage market, provide a full range of services in the foreign exchange market and the cash market, as well as individual asset management.

Investment business

Investment business is a type of activity that involves the investment of financial resources by interested persons.

To increase the profitability of the business, the bank also plans to trade in securities, in particular market-making (including increasing volumes and expanding the client base) and offering high-quality information support for transactions in the secondary market for debt instruments.


PJSC "Promsvyazbank" - a bank whose activities are based on the provision of banking services legal entities. As of December 31, 2014, the bank's assets amounted to 1.1 trillion rubles, own funds - 69 billion rubles.

As a result of the internship, knowledge was gained about:

Types of organizational structures for managing an organization

Appointments and functions of the main divisions of the organization

Features of the formation of the organizational structure of the enterprise

The economic foundations of the organization

Gained experience with contracts

In the process of practice, skills were gained on:

Preparation of documents for receiving debit cards

Types of financial documents


1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation. Adopted by a popular vote on December 12, 1993 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, December 25, 1993, No. 237.

2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part 2) No. 14-FZ dated January 26, 1996 // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, January 29, 1996, No. 5, Art. 410.

3. Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" dated July 10, 2002 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, July 13, 2002, No. 127

4. Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" dated 02.12.1990 No. 394-1 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, No. 27, 10.02.1996.

5. Federal Law "On the securities market" dated April 22, 1996, No. 39-FZ // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 04.25.1996, No. 79.

6. Federal Law “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation” dated 23.12.2003 No. 177-FZ // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 27.12.2003, No. 267.

7. Instruction of the Bank of Russia "On the mandatory ratios of banks" dated 03.12.2012 No. 139-I // Bulletin of the Bank of Russia, 21.12.2012, No. 74

8. Aleksandrova N.G., Aleksandrova N.A. Banks and banking activity for clients. St. Petersburg, 2013.

9. Banks and banking. / Ed. I.T. Balabanova. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2013.

10. Banking / Ed. Babicheva Yu.A. M., 2012.

11. Banking. / Ed. Lavrushina O.I. M., 2014.

12. Official website of the Bank of Russia: URL: http://www.cbr.ru/

13. Official website of PJSC Promsvyazbank URL http://www. psb. en

14. Informational portal Wikipedia URL http://www. wikipedia. org


(published form)
for 01.01. 2012-2015
(thousand roubles.)

Line number











18 126 825

12 641 651

19 566 201

Due to credit institutions in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

13 115 064

14 646 002

20 816 967

Required reserves

5 455 526

2 567 026

5 762 248

Funds in credit institutions

5 156 888

12 892 857

25 357 904

Net investments in securities at fair value through profit or loss

23 621 413

35 349 061

26 179 401

Net debt

439 416 084

335 122 484

738 135 689

Net investments in securities and other available-for-sale financial assets

23 408 109

19 409 329

14 411 022

Investments in subsidiaries and affiliates

221 926

136 926

1 442 280

Net investment in securities held to maturity

768 749

1 821 900

26 668 440

Fixed assets, intangible assets and inventories

25 498 845

25 704 956

1 729 791

Other assets

12 371 942

14 343 532

3 520 216

Total assets

561 483 919

471 931 772

23 833 028


Loans, deposits and other funds of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

55 730 942

Continuation of Appendix 1

Funds of credit organizations

83 618 625

73 297 034

70 932 381

Due to customers other than credit institutions

385 499 406

328 474 779

626 502 247


Deposits of individuals

121 889 504

102 972 351

208 159 299

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

1 285 682

1 558 383

19 992 998

Issued debt

38 698 930

23 994 693

57 706 546

Other liabilities

6 920 431

7 234 320

13 585 007

Provisions for possible losses on contingent credit obligations, other possible losses and transactions with residents of offshore zones

490 967

420 202

1 184 947

Total liabilities

516 514 041

434 979 411

845 635 068


Funds of shareholders (participants)

11 133 855

10 443 008

11 133 855

Own shares (shares) redeemed from shareholders (participants)

Share premium

20 534 152

17 224 998

556 693

reserve fund

522 150

522 150

40 646

Fair value revaluation of securities available-for-sale

44 832

59 428

1 865 865

Revaluation of fixed assets

3 381 828

3 300 774

24 970 258

Retained earnings (uncovered losses) of previous years

5 472 100

5 780 159

94 227

Unused profit (loss) for the reporting period

3 970 625

378 156

59 195 696

Total sources own funds

44 969 878

36 952 361

59 195 696


Irrevocable obligations of a credit institution

224 152 049

123 840 518

928 681 796

Guarantees and guarantees issued by a credit institution

82 384 256

68 814 583

133 343 243

Contingent non-credit related commitments


Indicators of the statement of financial results

for 01.01. 2012-2014






Return on equity




Return on assets




Net interest margin




Cost to income ratio




Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio




Overall capital adequacy ratio




Net fee and commission income



Share of net fee and commission income




Net interest income



bank assets




Loan portfolio




Net profit





Change in balance sheet indicators






690 billion rubles

739 billion rubles

1.1 trillion rubles

Loan portfolio

462 billion rubles

545 billion rubles

603 billion rubles

Share of non-performing loans




Funds in customer accounts

445 billion rubles

488 billion rubles

660 billion rubles

Loans to deposits ratio




Own funds

62.4 billion rubles

66 billion rubles

69 billion rubles

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The movement of personnel is intended to balance the needs of production in terms of replacing vacant jobs and the need for labor of the appropriate quality, promotion, etc. At the same time, intra-factory relocations are associated not only with the availability of vacancies of the appropriate quality, but also with the possibility to fill them with hired workers, i.e. with the level of general and professional training of those accepted, with their demographic characteristics, experience, etc. .

From the rational organization of internal movements at the enterprise, the possibilities of qualifying advancement, obtaining work according to interests with optimal working conditions and wages largely depend.

Table 4.- The dynamics of the movement of personnel of Makfa OJSC

Rice. 5.

Table 4 shows that the enterprise in the period of formation of 2007-2009. was in the process of forming a team. And only in 2009, the influx of new personnel begins, although the number of dismissed is also growing. Staff turnover affects the decrease in the efficiency of production and economic activities.

Staff turnover is the movement of the workforce, due to the dissatisfaction of the employee with the workplace (life, working conditions, etc.), and the dissatisfaction of the organization with this employee (systematic failure to fulfill duties without a good reason, his lack of discipline).

The staff turnover rate is calculated using the following formula:

Ktk \u003d (ChRu / ChRsr) * 100, (1)

where Ktk - staff turnover;

CRU - the number of laid-off workers;

HRav - the average number of employees.

The data for calculating the staff turnover of Makfa OJSC are presented in Table 5.

Table 5.- Data for indicator calculations

Let's calculate the staff turnover at OJSC Makfa

KTK 2007 = 10 / 240 * 100 = 4.16%;

KTK 2008 = 20 / 240 * 100 = 8.3%;

KTK 2009 = 50/ 240 * 100 = 20.83%.

Staff turnover is very low, as evidenced by the following figures: in 2007, turnover was 4.16%; for 2008 - 8.3%; for 2009 - 20.83%, so we can conclude that the process of recruitment and selection of personnel, as well as the motivation of employees, is effective at the enterprise of ChTPZ OJSC. Turnover indicators indicate the satisfaction of employees, which in turn shows how effective the motivation methods undertaken by the director of the enterprise are.

To calculate the turnover ratio for the admission (Kreception) of personnel (the ratio of the number of employees hired for the period (Nprin) to the average number of personnel in the analyzed period (ASC)) the formula below is used:

Kreception \u003d Chprin / SCH * 100, (2)

Calculate the turnover ratio for acceptance at Makfa OJSC

Kreception 2007 = 60 / 240 * 100 = 25%;

Kreception 2008 = 55 / 240 * 100 = 22.9%;

Kreceipt 2009 = 44/ 240 * 100 = 18.3%.

Obviously, in 2009 the recruitment turnover ratio decreased by 6.7% compared to 2007, which indicates low costs for recruitment and selection of personnel, which were made rationally.

The placement and professional adaptation of an employee in a team is usually organized in such a way that the employee is appointed to a position with strictly defined responsibilities, with clear requirements for professional and personal qualities. The management staff is formed according to the team principle, which implies compatibility, complementarity and focus on group work. Such an approach generates initiative, creates a favorable organizational and psychological environment, strengthens the cohesion of small groups, develops mutual assistance and competition, and increases the prestige of productive work. When considering the promotion of an employee on career ladder not only his experience, the results achieved and the opinion of senior managers are taken into account, but also the employee's self-assessment of the possibility of professional and qualification growth. Improving the qualifications of employees can occur both vertically and horizontally, i.e. the opportunity is given to perform the duties of colleagues of the same level in this and related departments, lower-level employees, a certain part of the functions of the immediate supervisor. The promotion of young and promising employees up the career ladder, who can get high positions, is widely developed.

Under such a concept as the movement of personnel of the enterprise, they understand the change in the payroll number of employees of the enterprise in connection with hiring and dismissal.

The movement of personnel is divided into external and internal.

The external movement of personnel includes:

Receipt turnover;

Dismissal turnover;

Staff turnover (shift) ratio.

The internal movement of personnel characterizes:

Intershop traffic;

Interprofessional mobility;

Qualifying movement and transition of workers to other categories.

Turnover rates are widely used to characterize the overall size of the movement of personnel. At the same time, the total and private (for hiring and dismissal) turnover ratios are calculated.

The overall turnover ratio is determined by the ratio of the sum of hired and dismissed workers to the average number of workers or employees.

There are several types of intra-company movement:

1. Intershop movement. It is based on technical shifts in production, organizational restructuring, rearrangement of some workers as a result of leaving the enterprise of others, as well as dissatisfaction with the conditions and organization of work and life, relations with the administration or with the team, the desire to work in another unit with friends, family members and etc.

2. Interprofessional mobility - the transition to a new profession. These movements are connected both with technical progress and with the realization of personal interests. Professional mobility occupies a significant place not only in the internal turnover of personnel.

3. Qualification movement - the transition from one category to another within the existing tariff system.

4. The transition of workers to other categories (to specialists, employees). The movement is implemented within the framework of dividing the employees of the enterprise into accounting categories of personnel, reflecting the socio-economic differences in the position of these employees.

The total intra-company turnover of employees is determined by the coefficient, which is calculated by the number of employees who took part in the intra-company movement, regardless of the number of changed positions. Thus, the intra-company turnover ratio by the number of employees is defined as the ratio of the number of workers who took part in the intra-company movement, regardless of the number of changes in their positions, to the average headcount.

For rate personnel policy firms determine the total number of hired and retired workers, as well as build distributions by source of income and direction of departure. On the basis of these data, a balance of personnel movement (balance of labor resources) can be built (Table 1).

Table 1. The structure of the balance of movement of personnel of the enterprise

The number of employed includes persons enrolled in the reporting period in this organization by order (instruction) on employment.

Among the sources of labor force usually allocate: taken on the initiative of the enterprise; taken in the direction of employment services; taken on vouchers after graduation from educational institutions; accepted in the order of transfer from other enterprises.

The number of retired employees includes all employees who left work in this organization, regardless of the grounds (termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employee, the initiative of the administration; agreement of the parties; conscription or admission to military service; transfer of an employee with his consent to another organization or transfer to an elective position, etc.), whose departure or transfer is formalized by an order (instruction), as well as those who left due to death.

The number of voluntary leavers includes employees who left the organization at the initiative of the employee, as well as in the following cases:

Election to positions filled by competition;

Moving to another area; transfer of a spouse to another locality, abroad;

Illness or disability that prevents you from continuing to work or live in the area;

Enrollment in an educational institution, graduate school or clinical residency;

Voluntary dismissal with the onset of retirement age or those receiving an old-age pension;

The need to care for sick family members or disabled people of group I;

Agreement of the parties;

Voluntary dismissal of pregnant women, women with children under the age of 14, single mothers with a child under the age of 14 or a disabled child under 16.

The number of hired and retired employees on the payroll does not include:

Employees recruited under special contracts with government organizations(military personnel and persons serving sentences of imprisonment);

External part-timers;

Employees who performed work under civil law contracts.

In accordance with the regulatory documents of the authorities statistical observation to characterize the movement of workers, the total number of hired and retired workers, including those who left of their own free will, is determined.

To assess the intensity of the movement of personnel of an enterprise, as well as for a comparative analysis of the movement of personnel over long periods of time or between enterprises, it is necessary to use relative indicators calculated as a percentage of the average number of employees of an enterprise:

Total turnover ratio - the ratio of staff turnover to the average number of employees.

The indicator of the average headcount (r) is used at the enterprise to calculate and plan other economic indicators, such as wages, labor productivity, production volume, etc.

K total. vol \u003d K vol. by SW + K vol. reception, or

To total about = (all dismissed + all accepted) / r

Retirement turnover ratio - the ratio of the number of retired for the reporting period to the average headcount:

Cob. by uv \u003d r uv / r

where ruv - all retired workers for a certain period.

Recruitment turnover ratio - the ratio of the number of people hired for the reporting period to the average headcount:

Cob.reception \u003d rprin / r

where rprin - all hired workers for a certain period.

Personnel retention ratio - the ratio of the number of employees on the payroll for the entire reporting year to the average number of employees:

Kpost \u003d rn / r

where rn - employees on the payroll for the entire calendar year.

To determine the employees on the payroll for the whole year, it is necessary to exclude from the payroll number of employees at the beginning of the year those who left during the year for all reasons (except for those transferred to other organizations), but not to exclude those who left from the number of those accepted in the reporting year, since in the lists there were no organizations at the beginning of the year.

Shift ratio of workers - the ratio of the total number of man-days worked by workers in all shifts to the number of workers in the busiest shift


where ΣD - total man-days worked by workers in all shifts;

rmax. cm - the number of workers in the busiest shift.

When calculating CSM for one day, the numerator and denominator can use data on the number of workers who worked in each shift. The shift ratio is calculated both for the shops and for the enterprise as a whole.

A positive value of this coefficient indicates that the process of hiring new employees compensates for the loss of labor resources, while additional new jobs are created at the enterprise. The negative value of the coefficient occurs when the number of dismissed exceeds the number of accepted.

The efficiency of the enterprise, along with other factors, is significantly influenced by the selection and placement of personnel, their level of qualification, number, labor discipline, rational use of working time.

Accounting and analysis of the use of personnel is necessary to develop management decisions when planning the optimal number of employees, determining the loss of working time and eliminating their causes, finding reserves for the fullest use of working time and increasing labor productivity.

A number of indicators serve the purposes of accounting and analyzing the use of personnel. Some of them will be considered in this chapter.

The movement of employees on the payroll of the organization is characterized by a change in the payroll of employees due to hiring and leaving for various reasons, the so-called staff turnover.

List number of employees at the end of the reporting period N c.p. can be determined by the formula:

N k.p. = . N n.p. + N pr - N vyb, (2.1)

where N n.p - payroll number of employees at the beginning of the reporting period, people;

N pr - the number of people accepted for the reporting period, people;

N vyb - the number of those who left for the reporting period, people.

The strength accepted includes persons enrolled in the reporting period in this organization by order of employment.

The strength retired all employees who left work in this enterprise, institution, organization are included. The grounds for exclusion from the number, for example, can be:

Termination of the employment contract (contract) at the initiative of the employee or administration or by agreement of the parties;

Conscription or entry into military service;

Transfer of an employee with his consent to another organization;

Transition to elective office;

Withdrawal due to death.

The average number of employees for the reporting period can also be determined by the following formula:

Where - average number of employees for the reporting period, people;

T neg - the number of man-days worked by employees in the billing period;

T imp - the number of absenteeism of employees for work for all reasons, person/day;

T cp - number of whole-day downtime, person/day;

T cal - amount calendar days in the billing period, days

The average number of employees is equal to:

The movement of workers is characterized by indicators turnover And constancy staff composition.

Personnel turnover- this is a set of hired, that is, enrolled in the payroll, and retired employees, considered in relation to the average number of employees for the reporting period.

The intensity of personnel turnover is characterized by coefficients total turnover, turnover on acceptance, turnover on disposal.

The coefficient of total turnover of personnel (K o.o.) can be determined by the formula:

, (2.4)

where N pr - the number of people accepted for the reporting period, people;

N vyb - the number of those who left for the reporting period, people;

Average number of employees for the reporting period, pers.

The recruitment turnover ratio (K o.pr.) is determined by the formula:


The turnover ratio for the retirement of personnel (K o.selection) is determined by the formula:


At the same time, the number of those dismissed of their own free will, for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline forms the absolute size of staff turnover.

Replenishment of employees who left their organization for different grounds by newly arrived workers, characterizes the coefficient of replacement of workers (K resp.).

, (2.7)

where N pr - the number of hired employees for the reporting period, people;

N vyb - the number of retired workers for the reporting period, people.

A more accurate analysis will be facilitated by the calculation of the replacement rate for categories of workers, taking into account their qualifications.

The staff retention ratio is the ratio of the number of employees on the payroll for the entire reporting year to the average number of employees for the reporting year. The number of employees on the payroll from January 1 to December 31 inclusive, i.е. who have worked the whole year is determined as follows: from the number of employees who were on the lists at the beginning of the year (as of January 1), those who left during the year for all reasons (except for those transferred to other organizations) are excluded, but those who left during the year are not excluded from the number of employees in the reporting year, since they were not on the lists of the organization as of January 1.

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