Broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory drugs for pregnant women. Features of the use of drugs during pregnancy. Painkillers: which can be taken during pregnancy and which are strictly prohibited

Is that all painkillers allowed for pregnant women? Maybe it's easier to endure, to suffer a little? What is the right thing to do in this situation?

Future mother analgesic drug may be needed for toothache or headache (with a cold), sore throat, stomach, bruises and sprains.

Of course, with the development of the above symptoms, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor who will conduct adequate treatment, taking into account the pregnant woman's condition. However, there is not always a momentary opportunity to meet with a doctor, so the expectant mother should have safe, effective and proven painkillers.

Before proceeding to detailed description anesthetics, it is necessary to dwell on those situations when taking painkillers forbidden:

if emergency hospitalization in an obstetric hospital is necessary;
if the medication is ineffective and may lubricate clinical picture happening to the pregnant woman.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy

If you experience pulling or sharp pains in the abdomen, especially if they are accompanied by spotting from the genital tract, at any stage of pregnancy, you need to urgently go to an obstetric hospital, since such symptoms are likely to be a manifestation of a threatened abortion. These pains are localized in the area of ​​the uterus: they can be pulling and located in the lower abdomen (for short periods), and for long periods they are accompanied by increased tone (tension) of the uterus, which at the same time seems to turn to stone.

headache during pregnancy

headache during pregnancy, especially starting from the 20th week, may be a symptom of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia- This is a serious complication of the second half of pregnancy, in which there is a violation of the normal blood circulation in the smallest blood vessels. As a result, the blood supply is interrupted internal organs, kidney, placenta, heart and brain. Headache with gestosis is the result of a pathology of normal blood flow in the vessels of the brain and, as a rule, is accompanied by an increase blood pressure, severe edema, a change in the analysis of urine (protein appears in it), "flies" before the eyes and other visual disorders. The above situation is very dangerous, as it is a manifestation of a severe course of preeclampsia and may result in placental abruption, the most dangerous complications for both mother and fetus.

However headache during pregnancy- not always a symptom of gestosis. After all, the body of a future mother, like any other woman, can thus react to fatigue, a cold, a change in weather, etc.

A pregnant woman should make it a rule to measure blood pressure when a headache occurs: if it is normal and there are no other manifestations of preeclampsia (swelling, pain in the epigastric region, “flies” before the eyes, blurred vision), it is allowed to use painkillers. With frequent attacks of headache, a specialist consultation is necessary.

Pain relief during pregnancy

Most pain relievers approved for use during pregnancy belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The analgesic effect of these drugs is based on blocking the synthesis (excretion by the body) of prostaglandins - special substances, the appearance of which can cause a feeling of pain. In addition, the elimination of inflammation also relieves pain.

The optimal non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug is considered paracetamol. Numerous studies have been carried out to prove the absence of negative impact on the fetus and the course of pregnancy, so this drug is an effective and safe pain reliever at all stages of pregnancy. Contraindication for use paracetamol during pregnancy will be his individual intolerance.

Drugs based on paracetamol(Efferalgan, Fervex), can be used for various pain sensations, but these medicines are most effective for pain of inflammatory origin, for example, for headaches and sore throat against a cold.

Most commonly used anesthetic drug analgin It is also a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. It has a pronounced and rapid analgesic effect, but in large doses it can adversely affect the blood. Single use during pregnancy analgin justified in case of severe pain (for example, toothache or trauma) until qualified assistance is provided.

However analgin contraindicated in the first trimester and from the 34th week of pregnancy. Diclofenac(Voltaren) is another non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The gel with diclofenac (voltaren-gel), which quickly and effectively helps with pain in the joints and ligaments, back pain. The drug is approved for use in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy, in the 3rd trimester - under the supervision of a doctor. A contraindication to taking this medication is its individual intolerance.

Another universal and safe pain reliever for pregnant women is no-shpa. It is an antispasmodic that relaxes smooth muscle tissue in various organs and systems. Therefore, this drug is highly effective for pain caused by spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, tension headaches (headaches spreading to the neck, shoulders). Contraindications to the use of the drug no-shpa are its individual intolerance, pronounced cardiac arrhythmias, angle-closure glaucoma.

The above funds have been used for many years, and the experience of their use has shown high efficiency and safety during pregnancy. That is why these drugs can and should be in the medicine cabinet of every expectant mother and be at hand in various unforeseen situations. Other pain medications, which are abundant on the pharmaceutical market, are not safe to use during pregnancy, or their use during this critical period for a woman has not been studied.

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When pregnancy occurs, women are of the opinion that it is better not to take any drugs or try to take a minimum of drugs. But no one is immune from situations in which you need to take painkillers even during pregnancy.

Many may say that pain during pregnancy can be tolerated so as not to endanger the baby once again. I can object to this that it is dangerous to endure pain for a long time both for the mother herself and for the fetus.

What should a pregnant woman know about pain?

Prolonged pain creates a stressful situation for a woman. When you feel pain, your body releases stress hormones. But since a pregnant mother and her child are almost a single organism, stress is inevitably transmitted to the child.

Stress hormones have a stimulating effect on the muscles, including (and especially) the muscles of the uterus. In this regard, a pregnant woman with chronic pain may experience a miscarriage or premature birth.

This is one side of the coin. On the other hand, stopping the pain simply by taking painkillers and not going to the doctor is unacceptable.

Pain is a signal from the body that something is wrong. This signal must be received in time by a person in order to find true reason this symptom. Influencing directly on the cause, we can count on getting rid of pain, recovery.

Moreover, taking painkillers can mask, lubricate the clinic of many diseases, for example, acute appendicitis. As a result, time may be lost during which a woman could be helped and prevent the disease from progressing.

In other words, you need to be reasonable in taking any medication. That is, you do not need to self-medicate, and you can take painkillers without a doctor's recommendation only when there is no way to see a doctor here and now. For example, if you are waiting for an ambulance for a long time on a weekend or holiday. Or if there is no way to apply for acute pain when your teeth hurt.

Situations that may require pain medication

Toothache, earache, headache, pulling pain in the abdomen, pain in the lower back and joints, pain with sprains, with bruises and fractures, burns, as well as acute appendicitis, renal colic - this is an incomplete list possible causes pain in pregnancy.

Toothache is a topic that is especially relevant for expectant mothers, since during pregnancy the female body experiences a lack of calcium and phosphorus.

By nature, everything is so arranged that the child can be guaranteed to receive all the microelements and vitamins he needs. The kid will still take everything that he is supposed to, even at the expense of the reserves of his mother's body. Therefore, the destruction of dental tissue, the addition of caries during pregnancy is not uncommon for women.

Ideally, of course, you need to sanitize the oral cavity before planning pregnancy. But even this step, unfortunately, does not provide one hundred percent protection against the occurrence of painful problems with the teeth of the expectant mother.

The first trimester is a dangerous period

In the first trimester, you always need to once again think about whether it is worth taking any medications, especially painkillers. It is during this period that the risk of a negative effect of drugs on the fetus is especially high, since in the first months of pregnancy the child develops rapidly, most of the vital systems and organs of the baby are formed, the development and formation of which can be negatively affected by any factor from the outside.

Also, in the first months of pregnancy, metabolic processes are intensively going on in the organisms of both the mother and the child, and the not yet fully formed placenta cannot adequately perform its barrier function. That is why most drugs, including painkillers, are contraindicated in the first three months of pregnancy.

Painkillers: which can be taken during pregnancy and which are strictly prohibited?

Of the painkillers, the safest is considered Paracetamol. Its safety for pregnant women and children is confirmed by the World Health Organization. It is contraindicated in women with kidney, liver and erosive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Paracetamol, in addition to the analgesic effect, also has an antipyretic effect. Paracetamol is recognized worldwide as the drug of choice for fever in young children. This also indicates a high confidence in the drug.


A single dose of Paracetamol should not exceed 500 mg. The doctor observing your pregnancy will tell you the daily dose.

It is important to understand that even in such cold powders as Theraflu, Coldrex, Fervex is included Paracetamol. And if they were recommended to you to relieve the symptoms of a cold, then you no longer need the additional use of Paracetamol and other analgesics. Otherwise, additional intake of painkillers can lead to their overdose.


If it is impossible to take Paracetamol, the doctor may prescribe to a pregnant woman ibuprofen. This drug may be available under different trade names such as Nurofen, Ibufen.

A drug Nurofen Plus pregnant women are contraindicated, since the drug contains additional components and a large dose of the main substance, it can have a negative effect on the fetus.

Ibuprofen is approved for use in pregnant women in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. In the third trimester of pregnancy, it is forbidden to take it, since it significantly affects the amount of amniotic fluid in the direction of their reduction.

Analgin is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation. IN European countries it has already been discontinued. We use it quite widely. Analgin is included in the so-called triad, or lytic mixture, which is used as ambulance at very high temperature, severe intoxication as a result of administration. The use of such a potent agent once when providing emergency care permitted under medical supervision. In other cases, resorting to Analgin is not worth it.


Diclofenac It is also a potent analgesic. Pregnant women are better off using its analogue Voltaren. His appointment to future mothers is possible for health reasons in the first and second trimester. In other words, it can be used only when the health benefits of the mother outweigh the undesirable effects of the drug on the fetus.

In the third trimester, Valtaren should not be taken, as it can further provoke weakness in labor and disrupt blood flow in the mother-placenta-fetus system.

No-shpa or Papaverine

No-shpa or Papaverine belong to antispasmodics, that is, to drugs that eliminate spasm of smooth muscles. If the pain is associated with spasm (drawing pains in the lower abdomen with uterine tone, throbbing headache), then these drugs will cope with it. In all other cases, they will be useless. As prescribed by a doctor and under his direct supervision, No-shpa can be taken regardless of the duration of pregnancy.

Aspirin is contraindicated in pregnancy

Pro Aspirin pregnant women in general should be forgotten, as about an anesthetic and antipyretic. The drug has many side effects, and therefore the possibility of relieving pain with it by pregnant women should not be considered at all. Aspirin is prescribed to patients with cardiovascular pathology in small doses at night as a blood-thinning agent. It is its blood-thinning effect for a pregnant woman that can lead to irreparable consequences.

Very common and effective analgesics Nimesulide (Nise, Nimesil), Ketorolac (Ketorol, Ketones) future mothers are contraindicated.

What form of painkillers is preferable for expectant mothers?

Many analgesics are presented in several forms at once: tablets, capsules, suppositories, injections, ointments, gels and others. You involuntarily think: what is the advantage of this or that form of release, in which case which form of the drug is better suited?

Each form is intended for different cases according to the degree of urgency of assistance, according to the stage and severity of the process. The best form of release for your specific case will be prompted by the doctor prescribing pain medication for you.

I will dwell on some points that every pregnant woman should know. Tell me about speed various forms drugs, about whether a topical drug is so safe, in contrast to the same remedy, but taken orally.

Tablets and capsules begin to act approximately the same time after ingestion. Now they produce coated tablets that dissolve only in the intestines. So manufacturers want to reduce the irritating effect of drugs on the gastric mucosa. Thus, there is no significant difference between capsules and tablets.

When using candles in the treatment of your pain, be prepared for the fact that it will take a little longer to wait before the onset of the effect of the drug. But the action of candles will last longer than tablets. That is why suppositories are so often recommended to be taken at night so that the pain does not interrupt your rest.

Only a doctor has the right to prescribe injectable forms of drugs, and it is necessary to carry out treatment with injectable forms only directly under his supervision.

Injected intramuscularly or intravenously, the drug begins to act faster, and its bioavailability is higher. That is, the active substance of the drug enters the bloodstream with the help of injections much more. Due to these effects of injectable analgesics, they are prescribed for the treatment of acute, urgent and severe cases pain syndrome in various pathologies.

Ointments and gels, that is, topical painkillers, have a limited number of indications. More precisely, not with everyone pain syndrome they can handle.

The current opinion among non-specialists that the topical application of ointments does not give as many side effects as drugs taken in the form of tablets is fundamentally wrong.

The principle of action of any drug is based on its absorption into the blood and moving with it to the diseased organ. And if the active substance still enters the bloodstream, it means that with maternal blood it will enter the placenta, and from there directly to the fetus. Thus, the drug, circulating in the blood, can have its negative effect on the body of the mother and fetus, regardless of the form in which the substance entered the body.

In summary, I will say that if you are pregnant, then any use of drugs should be agreed with your doctor. Self-medication and self-administration of any medications during pregnancy is unacceptable. If a pregnant woman is worried about pain, the right tactic would be to find out its causes, and only then the issue of dealing with the consequences - the pain syndrome - is decided.

Back pain, leg pain, and headaches can become even more annoying during pregnancy, when many women, fearing the negative effects of drugs on the fetus, refuse to take any painkillers. But chronic, acute pain can cause high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression, all of which are not conducive to a healthy pregnancy.

Very few drugs can be used during childbearing due to their immediate or delayed effects. side effects. So what painkillers can you drink during pregnancy, taking into account the requirements for safety and effectiveness?

Severe or chronic pain, if not treated at all or done with inadequate methods, can have an adverse effect on the body of the woman and the fetus. Even if we forget about the emotional connection and the fact that the child feels the mood of the mother, in any case, the fetus is completely dependent on female body receiving oxygen and nutrients for growth and development. Long-term negative events such as pain interfere with normal functioning of cardio-vascular system women and adversely affect the development of the child.

If possible, non-pharmacological agents should be used, but if they do not work, the most effective painkillers appropriate for the severity of the condition are selected for the pregnant woman, taking into account known or suspected risks to the fetus.

Release form

There are 4 main forms of release of painkillers used during pregnancy:

  1. When taken orally, passive diffusion through the intestinal wall is the main route of absorption of the active substances of the drug. After entering the bloodstream, they spread through the vessels, tissues and cells, and then eliminated through the liver and kidneys. Painkillers during pregnancy are an effective and fast-acting remedy, but physiological changes in a woman’s body can become a problem when using them: delayed gastric emptying and small intestine, toxicosis with concomitant vomiting, an increase in blood volume and the rate of metabolic processes. All this affects the absorption of drugs, their concentration in the blood and the rate of withdrawal, so the effectiveness does not always meet expectations.
  2. Injections. Used for severe pain, as they enter directly into the bloodstream and begin to act quickly, as well as when it is impossible to use other forms of drugs.
  3. Candles. As a rule, in terms of the speed of the onset of the effect, they are inferior to tablets, but they last longer. Active substances penetrate through the mucous membrane of the rectum and enter the circulatory system.
  4. Ointments and creams. Many believe that topical remedies are less effective and safer than suppositories and tablets. In fact, they also penetrate into the bloodstream and to the fetus through the placenta, although in lower concentrations and much more slowly.

What can be dangerous painkillers for the fetus

Not all drugs are suitable for use during pregnancy, as they can adversely affect the fetus and even lead to miscarriage. Thus, opiates can cause disorders in children. mental development, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs taken in the 1st trimester carry the risk of miscarriage. In 2010, a study appeared on the effect of paracetamol on ADHD and undescended testicles in boys, which requires careful handling of the drug.

From the point of view of safety for the fetus, painkillers belong to one of the following groups according to the international classification:

  1. Category A- absolutely safe. Such remedies could include herbs and homeopathy, but the problem is that serious scientific research on this topic is not, including for ethical reasons, since it is difficult to involve pregnant women in research and experiments.
  2. Category B- Safe when used according to the dosage and methods of application. These are drugs based on Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.
  3. Category C- a slight effect on the fetus, but the benefits of the use outweigh the risks:, Papaverine. It also includes drugs that have not even been tested on pregnant animals, therefore, unpredictable.
  4. Category D- affect the fetus, but can be used when assessing the comparability of risks and benefits for the mother: Acetylsalicylic Acid, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Baralgin. Used in extreme cases.
  5. Category Xdangerous drugs forbidden even when planning a pregnancy.

What painkillers can you take during pregnancy

All painkillers can be divided into narcotic or non-narcotic analgesics. The former include morphine and codeine. They are used only for severe pain.

During pregnancy, non-narcotic analgesics are used:

  1. Paracetamol. It is available at any pharmacy and is used throughout pregnancy. The products of its metabolism are toxic, but are present in low concentrations and are rapidly excreted.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Ibuprofen and Indomethacin. They are contraindicated in the 1st trimester and are prescribed with caution in the 2nd trimester, since their use can provoke premature closure of the arterial duct, neonatal pulmonary hypertension,. The latter effect is sometimes used for therapeutic purposes with. High doses of these medicines in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy can adversely affect the baby's kidney function.
  3. Ointments and creams. Ointments based on Ketoprofen, Diclofenac, Ketorolac are applicable in the first two trimesters. In the third, herbal preparations are used, with the exception of ointments with bee and snake venom. Local remedies that warm and stimulate blood circulation are prohibited, especially those used in the abdomen, pelvis and chest, as they can cause and.

Alternative Methods for Pain Control

To alleviate painful conditions, it is worth using massage, it will alleviate pain in the back, joints, help to cope with insomnia and general stress. It is better to consult a specialist, but if you follow the precautions, it can be done at home.

Some experts advise patients to try essential oil frankincense to relieve joint or head pain. It is added to the bath or applied to the skin.

A warm compress will help relieve a headache. A napkin moistened with water on the forehead, eyes and cheeks will relieve painful throbbing for 3 minutes. With, pain and bruising from sprains and bruises, an ice compress will save.

Pregnancy yoga is especially helpful for reducing lower back pain, nausea, and carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches and increased anxiety.

Chiropractic can reduce back pain associated with pregnancy. It involves using hand pressure to gently correct spinal misalignments.

Acupuncture is an effective and safe option for pregnant women who complain of pelvic pain, back and joint discomfort, and sciatica.

Pregnancy is not a disease. But pregnant women are not immune from diseases. In most cases, they are at risk of "catching a sore" even more than everyone else. The reason is reduced immunity. Therefore, pain during this period is a common occurrence, for whatever reason it may appear.

The expectant mother out of habit wants to drink painkillers, but no such luck! The annotations of most of these drugs say that they cannot be taken during pregnancy and lactation ... Sometimes the discomfort can be endured, and sometimes it is not possible. What to do?

Not all painkillers are strictly prohibited for those who are "in interesting position". Even from the annotation, you can understand how safe or dangerous the drug is. There are some that cannot be used at all. Others can, if the benefit outweighs the risk to the fetus. Ideally, the doctor of the antenatal clinic should prescribe pills for such cases. But since painful sensations do not warn that they will appear soon, sometimes you have to choose on your own.

Any pills, including painkillers, can be dangerous for the unborn baby. Even doctors do not deny that medicines contain and harmful substances, and they are usually the cause of side effects.

They can affect the baby's body in the following ways:

  • In the first trimester of pregnancy - disrupt the course of fetal development. Using strong drugs, the expectant mother runs the risk of getting anything, up to deformities and congenital pathologies in the child.
  • Getting through the placenta, the medicine provokes the struggle of the child's body with substances harmful to it, and it is not yet ready for this. Complications of the course of pregnancy may begin.

Before listing drugs that are allowed by doctors during pregnancy, here is a list of contraindications. If a pregnant woman has any of them, then you can’t take any painkillers! However, this does not mean that a woman should die of pain. She needs to see a doctor urgently. If it's night outside, call an ambulance. If it is day, but she is not able to reach the clinic, call the doctor at home.

Taking any painkillers during pregnancy is prohibited if the pregnant woman:

  • serious violations of the kidneys or liver;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you have diseases from this list, taking any painkillers is contraindicated for you.

What to do with complications from taking painkillers?

A medicine designed to relieve you of pain may "not work" and give by-effect. This doesn't happen very often, but it does happen. Signs:

  • Chills
  • Fever

Appear within a few hours after ingestion. If you find at least one in your home, immediately call an ambulance.

Most often, doctors prescribe:

  • Riabal;

even about the last World Organization The health authority has stated that it does not harm the fetus. But it's an anti-inflammatory. It can help very well if there is some inflammatory process in the body, but if it is not there, then this is an extra burden. Then you need to choose something from the first two in the list. No-shpa is harmless for pregnant women, it is even prescribed in the first trimester. But she is not one of the strong drugs.

If the above options are too weak, use Nurofen. It is allowed in the first and second trimester, in the third it is undesirable.

It also happens that the pain is simply unbearable: a fracture, neuralgia, and so on. In these cases, doctors sometimes prescribed analgin.

Analgin with prolonged use is dangerous and reduces hemoglobin due to blood thinning.

And in the most extreme cases, when the pills do not give an effect, injections are prescribed to the pregnant woman. Usually this Spazmalgon and Baralgin. In the first trimester, they are categorically contraindicated.

Situations in life can develop in different ways - it happens that a woman had to take pills or give injections for pain, which she was forbidden to. Sometimes this is done in those weeks when she does not yet know about the pregnancy ...

The most important thing is not to go to extremes. You should not let everything take its course and even more so run for an abortion. Write down on paper the names of the drugs, the number of times you took them, and with this sheet go to women's consultation. The doctor will help you find a way out of this situation. If the application was not long, there is reason to believe that everything will be fine.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time of waiting for the future of a person. During this period, everything that affects a pregnant woman is very important. Unfortunately, even at this time future mom not immune from colds, especially in cold weather. How to protect yourself and your unborn baby from such troubles, as well as cope with such diseases without serious consequences, this publication will tell.

The common cold is an infection that is transmitted by airborne droplets. The entrance gate of this infection is the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

As a rule, a cold during pregnancy develops due to:

  • hypothermia;
  • overwork;
  • contact with the virus.

Usually a cold is manifested by local symptoms of the following nature:

  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • a sore throat;
  • sneezing
  • nasal congestion.

And common symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • muscle aches;
  • headache;
  • increased sweating.

Immunity during pregnancy

A feature of pregnancy is the reduced reactivity of the body's immunity, as a result of which it becomes more vulnerable to any kind of external negative influences, so women in an "interesting position" should exclude any possibility of unwanted contacts with viruses and infections, especially during mass epidemics.

Reduced immunity is dangerous because:

  • there is no active immune response to the pathogen;
  • there is a significant risk of rapid spread of infection;
  • increases the likelihood of complications.

Colds during pregnancy at different periods

Colds are especially dangerous during pregnancy in the first trimester. It can get complicated:

  • fetal hypoxia in utero;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • bleeding;
  • miscarriage;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • developmental disorders of the fetus.

At different stages of fetal development, a cold has a different effect.

Quite dangerous is the effect on the fetus of a cold during pregnancy 1 trimester. It is in the first weeks that the future baby is formed, organs and tissues are laid. Often during this period, a woman does not yet know that she is pregnant, especially during the first three weeks, and resorts to traditional treatment in this case, which can later have irreversible consequences.

Therefore, you should be careful about your health and take into account possible changes in the body associated with the onset of pregnancy.

By the second trimester, the main organ laying has already occurred, and the heart is already starting to beat by the twelfth week. By this time, the placenta is fully formed and the hematoplacental barrier is formed.

Thanks to the placenta, the blood of the mother and the unborn child do not touch, and the exchange of oxygen occurs by diffusion. It follows that a cold during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is somewhat less dangerous than in the initial stages. Infections have less effect on the fetus, but in this case the placenta takes the whole blow, as a result of which its insufficiency may develop. As a result, the supply decreases nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.

This may affect the development

  • nervous system;
  • skeletal system;
  • endocrine system;
  • reproductive system;
  • trophism of fetal tissues.

In the third trimester, everything that is needed has already been formed, but the maturation of the fetus continues, especially such important systems as the nervous and reproductive systems. A cold at this stage can affect the maturation of these systems.

Cold medicine during pregnancy

There are medicines that cannot be taken categorically during the bearing of a child. At the same time, not all cold medicines for pregnant women can also be taken.

It should be remembered that during pregnancy are prohibited:

  • almost all antibiotics;
  • antipyretics;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • immunomodulatory agents;
  • alcohol preparations.
  • all tetracyclines, including doxycycline;
  • all ciprofloxacins;
  • streptomycin preparations;
  • furozolidones;
  • levomycetin, including ointments containing it;
  • all sulfa drugs.

Antipyretic drugs are represented by three substances:

  • analgin;
  • aspirin;
  • paracetamol.

Analgin and pregnancy

Analgin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Its second name is metamizole sodium. The action of this remedy is based on the blockade of the synthesis of prostaglandins. It is contraindicated in the first trimester and in the third trimester of pregnancy. Analgin penetrates the blood-placental barrier and can affect the formation of the bone marrow in the fetus, which is responsible for hematopoiesis. It also has a toxic effect on the tissues of the fetus.

aspirin during pregnancy

Aspirin is called differently acetylsalicylic acid, is available as a tablet:

  • Askofen,
  • Citramon.

Aspirin during pregnancy can:

  • increase the risk of bleeding;
  • in the first trimester can lead to fetal deformities;
  • in the third trimester can cause fetal heart disease.

Other drugs during pregnancy

Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as:

  • ibuprofen,
  • Diclofenac.

may lead to fetal death.

  • All types of hormones
  • sleeping pills,
  • Streptomycin,
  • Sulfonamides,
  • iodine preparations,
  • Quinine.

What can be taken?


In the case of bacterial infections, doctors prescribe antibiotics to women in an "interesting position", while taking into account the risk of complications in the woman's health and harm to her child.

Of the antibiotics in this case are prescribed:

  • penicillin antibiotics;
  • antibiotics of the cephalosporin group;
  • macrolide antibiotics.

You should be aware that not all antibiotics from the above groups are allowed to be taken, and not at all times. Therefore, such therapy should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited!


Of the antipyretic drugs, only paracetamol does not have a significant effect on a pregnant woman and her fetus, but its intake should be reasonably limited and taken under the supervision of a physician.


You need to be careful with vitamins, especially A and E. They affect female sex hormones and their excess can cause pregnancy disorders.

Also vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, can cause bleeding or premature birth when taken in large quantities.

How to cure a cold during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, when almost all medicines are contraindicated?

This will help the recipes of traditional medicine.

Given all the contraindications when taking drugs, it is better to give preference to folk remedies. The most important thing at the first signs of a cold is to detoxify the body. This is achieved by drinking a large number fluids according to the state of the body.

You can drink:

  • herbal teas;
  • mineral water;
  • milk;
  • juices;
  • fruit drinks;
  • compotes.

However, it should be remembered that any liquid in an increased amount should be taken under the supervision of a doctor, not to the detriment of the well-being of the pregnant woman, avoiding the risk of withdrawal.

To combat nasal congestion, cough and sore throat, you can use home inhalations:

  • over boiled potatoes, onions, etc.;
  • over a solution of soda;
  • decoctions medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage, rosehip);
  • over a solution of eucalyptus.

But the use of mustard plasters and dry mustard in socks, hot foot baths is better to exclude. Hot baths are also contraindicated. All this can cause bleeding or miscarriage.

With a runny nose, it is better for pregnant women not to use vasoconstrictor drops. They can be absorbed into the bloodstream and affect not only the mother, but also the fetus. Good for this case sea ​​water or saline. Also, decoctions of astringent plants can be used as drops.

You can also bring down the temperature of pregnant women with the help of folk remedies. You can not bring down the temperature above 38.5. This temperature is sufficient to fight infection, but does not harm the baby much.

A good effect in this case is provided by teas with a diaphoretic effect based on:

  • raspberries;
  • honey (in the absence of allergies);
  • coltsfoot;
  • plantain herbs;
  • lindens.

Also, at high temperatures, you can apply an ice pack to the head. Wiping with a weak solution of vinegar helps well.

If the throat hurts or the tonsils are reddened, pregnant women should undergo local therapy. These are mainly gargles and lubrication of the throat.

Gargle throat:

  • herbal solutions;
  • salt solutions;
  • Antiseptic solutions.

You can take lozenges:

  • Pharyngosept,
  • Stopangin.

But drugs based on streptocide during pregnancy can not be taken.

In addition, the throat can be lubricated with herbal preparations based on eucalyptus, or Lugol's solution can be prepared.

Cough during pregnancy is allowed to be treated with the use of mukaltin or thermopsis solutions. You can use inhalation.


To prevent a cold, you should follow preventive measures, do not overcool, ventilate and quartz the room, and clean often.

Colds in pregnant women can be treated, although this task is quite difficult. Therefore, it is better not to get sick and take preventive measures.

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