Severe pain during intercourse. Pain during and after intercourse: what does it say and what to do? Insufficient release of lubrication

The appearance of pain of various origins, intensity, localization during sexual intercourse is a manifestation of diseases of the genital and urinary organs, the result of injuries, childbirth, psychological dysfunctions

Sexual relations are a delicate area that requires a delicate approach. Harmony or disharmony in sex is reflected in all aspects of the life of both partners. Physical problems during sexual intercourse are more typical for women. Pain during intercourse (dyspareunia) can occur in almost all women of all ages, constitution, regardless of the intensity of sexual relations.

For men, the well-being of the intimate sphere, for the most part, is associated with psychological aspects: self-affirmation, awareness of one's attractiveness, self-confidence. Irregular or unsatisfying sexual intercourse can provoke the development of depressive states, emotional lability.

For correct diagnosis and determination of the algorithm of therapeutic measures, it is necessary to collect an anamnesis as carefully as possible, examine the patient, provide consulting assistance from a psychologist and a sexologist to both partners.

Causes of pain during intercourse

The predominance of the proportion of women among patients who feel pain during intercourse is very significant. The ratio of men and women suffering from this problem is approximately 15% to 85%, respectively. This is due to the characteristics of the physical device female body, the difference in psycho-emotional characteristics associated with gender.

It is customary to divide all causes according to the preferred source of origin:

  • diseases of the genital, urinary organs, inflammatory and non-inflammatory;
  • psychological aspects related to sexual life.

It is also customary to divide pain problems during sexual intercourse according to localization as superficial and deep, extending to the lower abdomen, the area of ​​​​the pubic joint, and the sacrum.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

The female genital area is made up of complex system reproductive organs associated with the central nervous system multi-stage regulation by hormones. This structure is influenced by factors of age, development of the body, the presence of stress, emotional overload, childbirth, sex.

Pain during intercourse can be triggered by inflammatory changes in the mucous membranes of the genitals of women of a bacterial nature. These diseases include the following nosological forms:

  • vaginitis, vulvovaginitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane in the vagina, or its vestibule;
  • endometritis - infection of the inner lining of the uterus;
  • salpingitis, oophoritis - inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries;
  • urethritis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the channel that removes urine from Bladder;
  • cystitis is an infection of the bladder.

Inflammation of the genital organs

The mucous membrane in the vagina is lined with stratified epithelium, which is updated several times during different phases. menstrual cycle. If there are infectious agents, the epithelium in the vagina ceases to perform its protective function normally, microcracks and hemorrhages appear on it.

Usually, in acute vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, manifestations are expressed in a manifest form. The patient complains of discharge, itching, discomfort, burning. If these diseases are present, then pain during intercourse is given to the lower abdominal cavity and occurs in women suffering from chronic forms of these diseases.

Inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs are salpingitis, oophoritis, endometritis. As a rule, the acute form of these infections is a direct contraindication for sex. In the chronic form, the symptoms are mild, so women often write off abdominal pain, radiating to the bottom, pulling pain in the vagina for menstrual disorders. Chronic forms of salpingitis, oophoritis, endometritis can provoke.

Inflammation of the urinary tract

Acute infectious diseases the urethra and directly the bladder (cystitis) do not allow sex, any intimate relationships. Since they are characterized by symptoms such as:

  • burning;
  • acute pain reaction of organs located in the small pelvis;
  • frequent "urges to the bottom";
  • pain during urination.

Chronic forms are manifested by pressure over the pubic joint, mild intermittent discomfort during urination, general state not changed. During sex, pains appear that radiate through the vagina to the bottom of the pelvic floor.

Non-inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area

These problems include the following diseases:

  • neoplasms benign and malignant;
  • abnormal location of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • endometriosis;
  • menopausal atrophic processes in the vagina;
  • injuries, surgical interventions, including after childbirth;
  • prolapse of the uterus;
  • insufficient work of the gland of the vestibule of the vagina (lack of lubricating secretion).

All these anomalies require consultation, treatment by a specialized specialist. Almost all of them can give such a symptom as pain after intercourse, since the organs of the reproductive system located in the abdomen are involved.

During pregnancy and childbirth, the female reproductive organs undergo serious changes. The growing uterus, increasing in size, presses on other organs in the lower abdomen. The vagina during childbirth is stretched, there are tears that are surgically eliminated, there are deformations of the genital tract, and often there is such a complication as the omission of the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Psychological aspects

The emotional side of the formation of sexual relations in women directly affects the physical. Often the first intimate contact is associated with violence, which forms a negative perception of sex, pain during intercourse appears as an unconscious defensive reaction of the body.

Such pain is often manifested in young girls who need to overcome the fear of sex. Our body often unconsciously reacts with pain reactions to psychological problems. In this case, it is necessary to consult a psychologist, a sexologist together with a partner.

It happens that negative perception of sex is associated only with specific person, and change sexual partner helps to get rid of negative reactions.

Pregnancy changes emotional condition women, there is a powerful hormonal restructuring of the body. Often there is a rejection of sex during this period, a sharply negative attitude towards the partner appears. Sometimes it comes to manifestations of vaginismus - a painful involuntary spasm of the muscles in the vagina, which makes sexual intercourse almost impossible.

Lack of experience in sexual relations, thoughts about not being in good physical shape can lead to a blockage of the gland of the vestibule of the vagina, which produces lubrication during arousal before entering into an intimate relationship. A woman feels an unpleasant soreness during intercourse, a negative perception of sexual relations is formed.

The same situation occurs with menopausal changes in the genital area, the function of the glands fades away, there are problems with the implementation of intimate relationships, there may be pain in the vagina, abdomen.

Diagnostic methods

In order to save the patient from pain during sexual intercourse, it is necessary to correctly establish the diagnosis. Find out what is the source of pain, perhaps the problem may turn out to be complex: psychological and physical at the same time. Diagnostic measures are carried out in the following order.

  1. A detailed history of the sexual life of the patient.
  2. Examination of the genital organs, examination of the small pelvis.
  3. Appointment of the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies.
  4. Appointment of consultations of specialized specialists (if necessary).

After receiving the results of the examination, clinical, laboratory studies, instrumental diagnostic methods, recommendations of specialists in narrow medical specialties, a decision is made on the appointment of adequate treatment.


The choice of one or another method of treatment depends on the cumulative result of the examination. If the problem is in inflammatory or non-inflammatory diseases, an appropriate course of therapy is prescribed. Surgical pathologies are eliminated by surgery. If there is a deviation in the emotional and psychological status, further treatment is carried out by a psychologist-sexopathologist. Imbalance in the hormonal sphere is compensated by appropriate drugs. Doses and duration of administration are prescribed only by a gynecologist.

From 15 to 60% of women face complaints of pain during intercourse, but most of them do not go to the doctor because of the delicacy of the problem. But pain during sex is often accompanied by a specific gynecological disease, which can only be identified by a specialist. Gynecologists of the Yauza Clinical Hospital will conduct a modern and in-depth examination (ultrasound, colposcopy, hysteroscopy) of the genital area, determine the cause of dyspareunia (painful intercourse) and help get rid of the problem as quickly as possible.

Causes of pain during intercourse

Inflammation of the genitals

  • Colpitis, vulvovaginitis. Pain during intercourse is caused by an infectious and inflammatory process of the vulva (external genitalia) and vagina. Inflammation pain / discomfort occurs at the beginning of intercourse, when trying to insert the penis, which is due to irritation and swelling of the mucosa of the external genital organs. In addition to pain, the patient is disturbed by abundant vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, itching and burning of the vulva.
  • Inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis) or uterine appendages (salpingoophoritis or adnexitis). During sexual intercourse, a woman feels aching pain in the lower abdomen, on the right or left (depending on the side of the lesion of the fallopian tubes and ovaries) or above the pubis (with bilateral inflammation). Other signs are fever, pain in the lower abdomen at rest and during exercise.
  • Inflammation of the lining of the uterus (endometritis). Sexual intercourse causes pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes bleeding may occur. The nature of the pain is aching, pulling. The development of endometritis is provoked by intrauterine interventions (curettage and abortion, insertion and removal of the IUD).

Gynecological pathology of non-inflammatory genesis

  • Endometriosis. With this disease, endometrial cells grow in places atypical for it (in the muscular layer of the uterus, in the ovaries, in the abdominal cavity or on the cervix). Endometrial lesions during the menstrual cycle undergo the same changes as the uterine mucosa ( bloody issues during menstruation and pain before menstruation). In the case of cervical endometriosis, acute pain appears during sex, and in case of endometriosis of the ovaries or uterus, the pain is aching, localized above the pubis, in the lower abdomen.
  • Malignant tumors of the cervix. Cervical cancer in an advanced case (stage 3-4) is also accompanied by dyspareunia. In addition to pain, a woman notes bloody or dark brown discharge from the genital tract after intercourse.
  • Atrophy of the mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina. Such changes due to pain sometimes make it impossible to have sex.
  • Tumors and cysts of the ovaries. At rest and in the absence of complications, aching or pulling pains in the right or left iliac region are disturbing. During sexual intercourse, the development of complications is possible - torsion of the leg of a tumor-like formation or rupture of a cyst, which is accompanied by a sudden sharp pain in the lower abdomen. Later, nausea and vomiting, weakness and pallor of the skin appear.

Other reasons

  • Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis). Pain during intercourse can cause cystitis, which is associated with the proximity of the bladder and uterus. The inflamed bladder comes into contact with the uterine wall, which causes pain.
  • Adhesive process of the small pelvis. Pelvic adhesions almost always provoke dyspareunia. The nature of the pain is dull, monotonous, the intensity of pain changes with a change in body position.

Methods for diagnosing pain during intercourse

Gynecologists of the Clinical Hospital on Yauza carefully study the patient's history and carefully examine the external genitalia, vagina and cervix, as well as bimanual palpation of the uterine appendages. Of the additional diagnostic methods are assigned:

  • Research on sexual infections. Taking smears from the vagina and cervix, determining hidden sexual infections by PCR (for colpitis, vulvovaginitis).
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Safe and effective method detection of many gynecological diseases.
  • Colposcopy and vulvoscopy. Examination of the cervix, vulvar and vaginal mucosa under magnification helps to identify various pathologies mucous membranes of the genital organs.
  • Hysteroscopy. A hardware study is performed if endometriosis of the uterus is suspected.
  • Laparoscopy. It is performed to diagnose adhesive disease and dissect adhesions through punctures in the abdominal wall.

Benefits of examination at the Yauza Clinical Hospital

  • conducting a comprehensive survey;
  • modern diagnostic equipment (video colposcope, three-dimensional and four-dimensional ultrasound);
  • extensive experience of gynecologists;
  • quick and accurate determination of the cause of pain during intercourse;
  • consultations of related specialists, if necessary.

Service prices You can look at or check by phone listed on the site.

Dyspareunia - otherwise "painful intercourse", this terminology is used for all types of pain during sexual contact. Pain during sex in a woman can occur during penetration, during intercourse and / or after intercourse. It can be localized anywhere in the intimate zone: the clitoris, labia or vagina, etc. The pain can be any: sharp, burning, burning, dull or paroxysmal, it depends on individual susceptibility.

How are dyspareunia and vaginismus related?

There are many causes of pain during intercourse, with dyspareunia and vaginismus being the most common. characterized by involuntary contraction intimate muscles vagina. When attempting intercourse, vaginal spasm can cause discomfort in the perineum, burning, pain, and inability to insert the penis.

Any cause of sexual pain can provoke vaginismus. In these cases, vaginismus remains even after the initial problem is corrected.

Possible causes of pain during sex in women

  • vulvodynia or vestibulodynia;
  • inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • neoplasms of the genitals or small pelvis;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • complicated by ruptures independent childbirth;
  • vulvar cancer;
  • radiation therapy in history;
  • vaginal infections fungal or bacterial, some, etc.;
  • skin diseases - lichen sclerosus,;
  • side effects when taking certain medications;
  • in the pelvis and genitals;
  • during ;
  • allergic reactions to pads, condoms, birth control pills local action and / or spermicides;
  • condition after diagnostic painful pelvic examinations;
  • trauma due to sexual abuse;
  • female genital mutilation;
  • Bartholin gland cyst;
  • sports injuries;

It is important to note that vaginismus can coexist with the above pathologies and remain after their elimination.

Pain during sexual intercourse in women in most cases can be eliminated if the cause is identified and eliminated.

With dyspareunia of psychological origin, the development of pain is determined by several aspects:

  • predisposing factor;
  • formation of a stable reflex;
  • waiting syndrome.

In this case, individual therapy with a psychologist will be effective.

Which women are more likely to experience pain during intercourse?

There are no special parameters by which it would be possible to unambiguously determine a woman's predisposition to pain during sex, but it is believed that problems may arise in those representatives of the weaker half who experience significant discomfort during a gynecological examination or the introduction of a tampon. Psychological features women who suffer from dyspareunia may have in common:

  • negative attitude towards sexual intimacy;
  • discord in family relationships;
  • possible diseases of the female genitourinary system;
  • concomitant extragenital pathology.
  • Often there is traumatization, surgical interventions, psychological trauma after sexual violence.

Types of dyspareunia

There are two types of pain during sex: primary and secondary dyspareunia.

Primary implies a complete lack of orgastic discharge ever and receiving positive emotions from proximity, secondary - loss of pleasure from sex as a result of certain reasons.

Dyspareunia is also divided depending on the place of manifestation during sex, isolated superficial (lesion of the vestibule of the vagina, labia) and deep (deeply located internal structures, uterus, appendages, bladder, rectum, etc. are affected).

How to be examined if you are worried about pain during sexual contact

If it is painful for a woman to have sex, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. And only if a physiological reason is excluded, a consultation with a psychologist is recommended.

For gynecological examinations, narrow speculums and moisturizers are used to reduce the likelihood of pain.

It is mandatory to examine smears: for atypia, microflora and sexually transmitted infections, preferably by the PCR method.

It is possible to sow discharge from the vagina on nutrient media and determine sensitivity to drugs.

Diseases that provoke pain during sexual contact


Pain in the vulva can be the result of any infection, including a fungal one. Discomfort of the vulva manifests itself against the background of decompensated diabetes, bacterial vaginosis and other diseases.

Once having experienced pain during sex, there is a possibility that pain will manifest itself outside of sexual contact.

Vulvodynia is characterized by a lack of response to therapy.

Inflammation of the vestibule of the vagina vulvar vestibulitis- a chronic process, accompanied by pain during sex, often develops against the background or when it is affected by fungal pathogens.

Insufficient hydration

Vaginal dryness can be one of the causes of pain during intercourse. Normally, before the introduction of the penis, the glands abundantly produce a secret, this contributes to a better glide of the penis, and facilitates the penetration of spermatozoa to the egg. The hormonal background of a woman changes with age, so the level of estrogen, starting from 39-45 years old, begins to gradually decrease, which leads to vaginal dryness and tissue atrophy. A slight traumatic factor is enough for microcracks to appear, and with them pain. This condition can be corrected in two ways: using special lubricants during sexual intercourse, irrigating the vagina with decoctions of calendula and chamomile, or performing hormone replacement therapy as prescribed by a doctor.

Pain during sex after childbirth

After uncomplicated spontaneous childbirth, subject to the necessary recovery period before resuming sexual activity, women rarely experience dyspareunia. Sometimes discomfort in the intimate area appears against the background breastfeeding, which is caused by a change in the hormonal background and a state of hypersensitivity.

Postpartum dyspareunia, if there were no tears and injuries, usually resolves on its own within a few months from the start of regular sexual activity.


Pain during sex that occurs against the background requires hormone therapy. As a rule, pain in endometriosis is associated with the phase of the menstrual cycle. With the appointment of hormonal therapy, the patient's well-being improves.

Adhesions and idiopathic dyspareunia

The cause in the small pelvis can be transferred inflammatory and infectious diseases or surgical interventions. To improve the condition, use with dissection of adhesions, physiotherapeutic effect.

When it is not possible to establish the cause of pain during intimate relationships in women, we are talking about the so-called idiopathic dyspareunia. Experts believe that the leading factor in the development of this pathology is a psychological disorder.

Bartholin gland cyst

A rounded formation filled with a secret produced by the Bartholin's gland. A woman can palpate it on her own. A Bartholin gland cyst, upon reaching a significant size, can interfere not only during sex, but even while walking. More often, the excretory duct becomes blocked against the background of sexually transmitted infections, for example, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, but it can also appear against the background of non-specific inflammation or violation of hygiene rules. Small cyst may be observed conservatively, Bartholin's cyst large sizes(up to 4 - 5 cm) implies surgical treatment.

Postradiation colpitis

Some tumors of the female genital organs and intestines are treated with radiation therapy. Exposure to rays is detrimental not only to cancer cells, but also to normal ones. Radiation therapy leads to atrophic processes. With radiation colpitis, pain is a frequent companion not only during sexual contact, but also at rest. Oncogynecologists in this situation prescribe suppositories with Methyluracil for a course of up to 30 days and laser therapy.

allergic reactions

Soreness during sex often develops on contact with an allergen, which can be anything:

  • condom latex;
  • detergent for intimate hygiene;
  • lubricants;
  • spermicides;
  • scented pads;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • sexual devices.

Fortunately, this phenomenon is temporary, and when contact with an intolerable substance is eliminated, itching, swelling, redness and pain during sex in the vagina go away on their own. If the body reacts too violently, and the manifestations are significant, the doctor may recommend antihistamines for systemic and local action.

What else can cause pain during intercourse

During the first sexual intimacy, the hymen breaks, which is accompanied by minor pain. If the hymen has just torn, pain is possible during the next sexual intercourse. The problem is solved simply: the doctor can eliminate the defect with a scalpel.

Pain during intercourse is a problem that both beginners and experienced women face. They don’t always guess to go to the doctor with this complaint - the first believe that at the beginning this is the norm (but how long can the onset last?), the second analyze that this didn’t happen with the past partner, so it’s a man or incompatibility "- and as a result, everyone experiences their feelings literally within themselves, without receiving help.After a while, the body gets used to pain as a given and begins to wait for it in advance - a conditioned reflex is fixed - a woman begins to be afraid and avoid intimacy or experience pain even when the cause eliminated, and the doctors tell her - "nothing should hurt" - but she remembers that in this situation it hurt - and the body gives out the expected sensation from the archives of memory. Therefore, it is not necessary to delay, endure, heroize with pain, this “health watchdog”, as academician I.P. Pavlov called it, should make you immediately consult a doctor and find out the reason.

Causes of pain during intercourse (in chronological order during a woman's life):

1. Defloration. main reason- fear. It causes all the muscles of the body to contract, especially the muscles of the vagina. There are cases when the hymen is thick and richly supplied with nerve endings, but most often it is elastic and extensible, at first proximity it does not tear, but stretches, and does not cause sharp pain (therefore, the absence of bleeding during defloration is rather the norm than pathology). So the main pain sensations arise from fear. Only you can overcome it yourself, if you know what is happening to you, trust your first man, firmly know that you are reliably protected from unwanted pregnancy and infection. For the first time, you need to protect yourself with a condom - foreign microbes, normal for one organism (men), entering a new organism (female), cause an inflammatory reaction in it - inflammation of the vagina (colpitis) and bladder (cystitis) - the most common complication of defloration. To relax and help prevent spasm, a warm, familiar, calm environment, a warm bubble bath, a glass of relaxing wine / champagne, trust in a partner (fear is often caused not only by the unknown, but also by the fear of seeming not the way he would like), sufficient foreplay and receiving pleasure girl before the sexual intercourse itself. But the main cure for fear, which binds the muscles and causes pain, is love. In women who have lost their virginity out of love, and not out of curiosity or because the age / partner / situation has come up, everything happens in appropriate conditions, without haste, unnecessary nervousness, gently and painlessly.

2. Vaginismus. If intimacy (the first in life or the first with a specific partner or there was rape) was unsuccessful, the fear of it can gain a foothold in the subconscious and cause muscle spasm in advance, making sexual intercourse impossible. The pain does not arise from the penetration of the penis, but from the compression of one's own muscles (the same pain sometimes occurs during a gynecological examination - fear of the situation causes the muscles to contract so that modern plastic speculums break :). When a woman trusts a gynecologist and relaxes, everything happens painlessly. There is only one mechanism - the pain does not arise from a foreign body in this case, but from a spasm of one's own muscles - i.e. and in this case you need to treat yourself, change your attitude to the issue, find partners, trust in which will allow you to relax. Vaginismus, which the woman herself cannot cope with, requires treatment by a psychotherapist and a sex therapist.

3. The integrity of the hymen. Proximity is not the first for a long time, but it hurts like the first time. True, it passes in the process, but at the beginning it is always unpleasant. As a rule, the hymen does not tear at the beginning, but only stretches or tears a little, but remains. Sometimes virginity in the anatomical sense is violated for the first time only in the process of childbirth. And before that, some discomfort? At the entrance "at the beginning of sexual intercourse remains. With an understanding of the situation, a sufficient amount of lubrication and gentle treatment of the partner, this problem is easily solved.

4. Inflammation. If discomfort (pain, burning, itching, friction, feeling of dryness) occurs in the vagina during intercourse or immediately after, the cause is most likely an inflammatory process. You need to go to the doctor and get tested for infections. Sexual life at this time should be limited and carried out only under the protection of a condom. To be treated for what they find, it will be necessary for the two of them to use the same drugs at the same time, protecting themselves with a condom during treatment, regardless of the results of the analysis of the man. Routine tests in men rarely reveal an infection, the main focus of which is in the prostate gland, so you need to either do bakposev after provocation and prostate massage, or not examine anything, but simply treat both, based on the rule that the microbes of partners are always the same. Inflammation is not necessarily caused by pathogens, sexually transmitted diseases, ie. it is not necessary to immediately blame the partner for treason if inflammation is suspected: most often inflammation is caused by the normal flora of the human body: fungi, E. coli, staphylococcus and other normal microorganisms. Just when it enters a "foreign" environment (into the female genital tract from the male or from the skin, from the intestines, oral cavity etc.) and an insufficient level of protection (reduced immunity, menstruation, pregnancy), they begin to multiply and cause inflammation. They just need to be treated correctly, and not to look for someone to blame.

5. Spikes. The result of previous inflammation of the appendages or intestines. If you have ever had periodic aching pains in the lower abdomen during hypothermia or episodes of delayed or loose stools or bowel disease in childhood, then you have the right to have an adhesive process in the small pelvis. If you have never had such complaints, he also has the right to be, because the inflammation could be asymptomatic. Most adult women have spikes, and for many they do not bother or cause harm. For some, they hurt when stretched v when viewed on a gynecological chair and during intimacy - while the pain, unlike the above cases, is in the depths of the abdomen and depends on the posture and aggressiveness of the act. In most cases, the selection of comfortable postures saves if the pain persists constantly and worries outside of sexual life - it is necessary to treat a chronic inflammatory process - including with the help of physiotherapy.

6. Injuries, ruptures, stitches after childbirth and operations. The solution to the problem can be surgical or not: the use of lubricants, the development of the muscles of the pelvic floor, the selection of postures and pace.

7. Endometriosis. This diagnosis is often made by women themselves on the basis of spotting before or after menstruation. However, the main symptom of endometriosis is pain that appears or increases before menstruation and passes with it. If these discharges are painless, it is not endometriosis. If they are painful + there is pain during sexual activity and during bowel movements on the eve of menstruation, these may be signs of endometriosis. Pain during intimacy is also felt inside and is strong enough to make sexual life impossible or painful at this time of the cycle.

8. Venous congestion. Irregular sex life, insufficient satisfaction, abstinence, dissatisfaction with relationships - as a result, blood rushes to the organs, but there is no proper outflow. At first it is a feeling of heaviness, dissatisfaction, pulling pain after intercourse without sufficient discharge. Over time, the only cure - regular sex life with satisfaction becomes not a deliverance, but, on the contrary, an aggravating factor: the edematous walls of the vagina hurt from the sexual intercourse itself, there is an acute pain with proximity. This condition is not only unpleasant - it is also dangerous: it is a predisposing factor in the development of many gynecological diseases: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, mastopathy, ovarian dysfunction, etc. Try not to bring the emerging dissatisfaction to anatomical changes: learn to please yourself and teach this partner: You will bring joy to yourself and to him, while maintaining a healthy body and healthy relationships in the family. The main treatment by the doctor is physiotherapy and gynecological massage - in fact, a surrogate for sexual intercourse - so it is more pleasant to cure yourself of venous stasis at home with the help of your beloved man and toys from the sex shop. This cause of pain is particularly predisposed to women with varicose veins leg veins.

9. Neuralgia of the pelvic nerves. Pain along the walls of the pelvis, aggravated by touch (sexual intercourse, examination on a chair, ultrasound with a vaginal probe), often sharp, shooting, radiating to the leg. Neuralgia happens anywhere: facial, intercostal - there is pelvic neuralgia: the nerve can become inflamed from hypothermia, from a present infection, from stress. It is treated in the same way as other neuralgia: pepper plaster, warming ointments, physiotherapy.

10. Insufficient release of lubrication. It may be a consequence of a psychological state (unwillingness of intimacy, subconscious rejection of a partner - sometimes a woman does not realize this consciously, and then the body hints to her in this way; fear of becoming pregnant), removal of the Bartholin gland, which secretes lubricant (its inflammation is bartholinitis, transferred earlier) or hormonal disorders (postpartum, taking hormonal contraceptives, menopause). With hormonal disorders that require correction, taking drugs of female sex hormones helps, if they are not contraindicated. In other cases, in the process of disassembling with your I, you need to use artificial moisturizers (lubricants) - special intimate gels sold in pharmacies and intimate shops, for example, Montavit gel.

Painful sensations during intercourse are experienced by both young girls and experienced women. This problem did not leave aside and men. If you have this phenomenon, then you need to visit a doctor. The cause of pain during sex can be a serious disease of the pelvic organs.

Common myths about the causes of pain during intercourse

As a rule, most men and women visit a gynecologist or urologist only when absolutely necessary. The need for preventive examinations is often forgotten. And, by the way, any disease is easier to cure at the initial stage than in the chronic one. Consider the most common myths about the causes of pain during intercourse:

1. In women, at the beginning of sexual intercourse, this is the norm.

This is wrong. With an insufficient degree of arousal, the partner may indeed experience discomfort, sometimes painful, at the beginning of sexual intercourse. But this cannot be the norm. In this case, sexual intercourse can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, to the occurrence of colpitis, vaginal dysbacteriosis, since the vaginal mucosa suffers from a lack of lubrication.

2. Pain occurs due to the incompatibility of the size of the partners' genitals.

In this case, the pain can only be in exceptionally rare cases, and then if the partner can not control their actions. Otherwise, with sufficient arousal, a woman should not experience pain, since the entrance to the vagina, like it itself, becomes elastic.

3. Pain is present due to cervical erosion.

By virtue of anatomical structure female body pain during intercourse cannot occur due to erosion. Erosion may indicate the presence of an infection that causes an inflammatory process characterized by pain during sex.

When is pain normal?

Minor pain sensations are the norm only during the first sexual intercourse, when defloration occurs - rupture of the hymen. But, most often, women experience only unpleasant sensations.

Pain during sex in women as a cause of serious disorders of the reproductive system

Pain during intercourse in women may occur due to the presence of:

1. vaginismus (pain during sex does not arise from the penetration of the penis, but from the compression of one's own muscles);

Vaginismus may appear with an unsuccessful first sexual intercourse, for example, accompanied by violence (in the case of rape), ridicule. Vaginismus sometimes occurs during a pelvic exam. Fear causes muscles to contract so that modern plastic speculums sometimes break. With a woman's confidence in the gynecologist and sufficient relaxation, the examination is painless.

2. inflammation of the genital organs;

During sex, with inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system, not only pain is possible, but also an unpleasant odor, uncharacteristic discharge, and a feeling of dryness. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, get tested for infections. At the time of treatment, sexual activity will have to be postponed, and when it is resumed, a condom must be used. If an infection is present, treatment is necessary for both partners, even if the other does not have symptoms, as he may be a carrier of the infection.

Inflammation can be caused not only by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), but also by microorganisms that every organism has: fungi, E. coli, staphylococcus and others. When the protective functions of the immune system are weakened (for example, during colds, during menstruation, during pregnancy), the ratio of these microorganisms is disturbed, which also causes inflammation.

Inflammation often appears when microorganisms enter a "foreign" environment (into the female genital tract from the male or from the skin, from the intestines, or mouth).

3. adhesions;

Most adult women have spikes. Many don't care. For some, they hurt when pulled during examination on the gynecological chair and with proximity. Pain during adhesions is localized in the depths of the abdomen and depends on the posture and "aggressiveness" of sexual intercourse. If the adhesions interfere with a normal lifestyle, then treatment is necessary.

4. postpartum sutures;

In this case, the pain will go away on its own within a year. If this does not happen, it is necessary to look for the cause, and, most likely, eliminate it surgically.

5. endometriosis;
The main symptom of endometriosis is pain that appears or increases before menstruation and passes with it. Pain during sexual activity, during bowel movements on the eve of menstruation can be signs of endometriosis. Pain during sex with endometriosis is felt inside the vagina, making sexual life impossible due to high degree soreness.

6. venous congestion;

Most often, it occurs due to irregular sexual life, with insufficient satisfaction, abstinence, dissatisfaction with relationships. If given state observed for a long time - treatment is necessary, since it is dangerous for the occurrence and development of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, mastopathy, ovarian dysfunction.

7. neuralgia of the pelvic nerves;

With neuralgia, pain is felt and aggravated by touch (sexual intercourse, examination on an armchair, ultrasound with a vaginal probe). Often it is sharp, shooting, giving in the leg. The nerve can become inflamed from hypothermia, in the presence of infection, from stress.

8. insufficient release of lubrication.

Lack of lubrication may be the result of a psychological state (reluctance to be close, subconscious rejection of a partner - sometimes a woman does not realize this consciously, and then the body hints to her in this way; fear of becoming pregnant), removal of the Bartholin gland that secretes lubricant (its inflammation, bartholinitis, transferred earlier) or hormonal disorders (postpartum period, taking hormonal contraceptives, menopause). With hormonal disorders that require correction, taking drugs of female sex hormones helps, if they are not contraindicated.

If you have pain during intercourse, do not blame your partner for this, consult a gynecologist. An experienced doctor will identify the cause and prescribe treatment in case of a gynecological disease. You can make an appointment with a gynecologist by calling the numbers listed on our website.

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