Why does the nose itch? Signs. The nose itches constantly: possible causes, symptoms of itching, methods of treatment

As soon as you even casually mention your nose that itches for no reason, one of the listeners will immediately respond: “to look into a glass soon!” In other words, a feast awaits you with an immoderate amount of alcohol and funny songs. But folk omens are far from being as meager in fantasy as it might seem. According to beliefs, a combed nose indicates the most various events your future life. It all depends on where and at what time he itched.

Why does the nose itch?

Along with the ears, cheeks, palms and other parts of our body, the nose got the proud role of a "locator" of future events. According to the idea of ​​our ancestors, this most protruding part of the face sensitively catches the emerging tricks and gifts of fate and informs the owner about them sometimes with a subtle, and sometimes unbearable itch - apparently, it all depends on the importance of the expected event. Do you notice that you began to scratch your nose involuntarily? Pay attention to which part of it the sensations that disturb you are concentrated.

Interpretation at the site of itching

  • End combed? One of three things awaits you: either really copious libations, or good news, or success. Moreover, happiness can come from any direction - joy in your personal life, career take-off, unexpected financial profit ... Look forward to joyful events and do not worry about anything.
  • Itching attacked the nostrils and wings of the nose? Remember if it happened Lately additions to the family of one of your relatives or friends, as this sign promises an invitation to christening. Perhaps in the role of a godfather or godmother (which, in fact, also promises acquaintance with alcoholic beverages, although not so unrestrained). By the way, not necessarily a joyful event should happen to someone else. There is a chance that you will soon have to organize the christening!
  • There are also more "local" predictions. For example, right wing nose, itchy in splendid isolation, promises good news from loved ones and profit in business. The left in the same situation signals negative news from somewhere far away and financial losses. In this case, folk wisdom recommends immediately folding a fig out of your fingers and scratching the disturbing place three times. It is believed that after such a disrespectful reception, the coming trouble will be offended and immediately turn away from you.

A combed bridge of the nose does not necessarily bode bad

  • Some signs change over time. Even 100 years ago, itching in the bridge of the nose was considered a bad sign and foreshadowed quarrels, contention, illness, losses, and even death. However, now the sign has rehabilitated itself. Those whose occupation is somehow connected with trade, after its appearance, can count on profits. All other owners of itchy noses are advised by belief to knock on wood and calm down. The less attention you pay to this event, the better.
  • Nostrils itchy from the inside are always a good sign. Unless, of course, you have already managed to exclude a runny nose and allergies.
  • It wasn't the nose itself that itched, but the area around it? Expect minor troubles in the service along with vivid love experiences (everything is logical: what's the deal when a magical feeling is literally on the nose!). It can be either a new hobby or an unexpected return of romance to a bored family life. As they say, "I'm not lucky in cards - I'm lucky in love"!

By day of the week and time of day

There is no desire to constantly check with the detailed “instruction”, exactly finding out the place of the itch? Then pay attention to the day of the week on which he disturbed you.

  • The nose itches on Monday - difficulties are expected that you will have to overcome.
  • Tuesday - you are already in a hurry old friend. Put the tea on and collect the treats, getting ready to spend time in good company.
  • Wednesday - expect gifts.
  • Thursday - tune in for a romantic date with someone you've liked for a long time.
  • On Friday, which is not surprising, the nose calls for a fun party with alcohol and fervent dances.
  • On Saturday, the itching that has appeared at the wrong time will move you to serious spending. Your wallet can get empty!
  • On Sunday, signs prophesy strife and an unpleasant showdown. Watch your language and react less to the attacks of others.

A particularly true sign is considered if the nose is combed inside. And when you, moreover, sneezed - that's it! The prediction of a personal "prophet" must inevitably come true, unless you give up on him and do not occupy your thoughts with something else. As you know, what we are eagerly waiting for is more likely to come true.

As for the time of day, signs do not indulge in diversity. But they are categorical: if itching appeared in the morning, a guest will arrive in the evening. Combed in the middle of the day - tomorrow you will receive a salary or a bonus. Do not despair if the sign did not justify itself. Better remember the day of the week on which the nose made itself felt: there is a high probability that the financial profit will come in exactly seven days.

Depending on gender

For women, the nose predicts the emergence of new fans

And that is not all! To chiseled female noses and strong male noses, signs predict a different fate.

  • The lady's tingling right nostril promises her a stunning success with the opposite sex. If you are going to a party, go in full confidence: there will be no one equal to you at it.
  • The left nostril portends a stormy and passionate romance with a not too pleasant personality. The nose raised to the wind warns: the chosen one will not be restrained in terms of strong drinks and strong words.
  • For the stronger sex, itching in the nose hints at the possibility of an imminent fight. If your immediate plans do not include a fist fight, ask someone you know to lightly tap you on the nose. The sign will come true and the nose will calm down. No health effects!

Opinion of physicians

It does not matter for what reason you turned to signs - out of curiosity, for fun, or because you firmly believe in the ability of the nose to receive messages from fate. The main thing is not to miss the really important changes in your physical condition. Here, the nose, without any mysticism and otherworldly forces, will predict really important events. True, for the most part unpleasant:

  • Itching in the nose is caused by the most primitive cold. Does the tickling sensation persist and is accompanied by sneezing? Maybe it's time to stock up on nasal drops and stock up on disposable handkerchiefs.
  • Allergy leads to it. Even if you still haven’t caught yourself hypersensitivity to cat hair and the smell of someone else’s perfume, there is always a first time for everything. Look to an allergist.
  • It would seem that diabetes, little associated with the nose, often causes itching of the mucous membrane.
  • Skin diseases on the outside and polyps inside the nose also for the time being do not manifest themselves as anything but slight irritation and tickling.
  • Scabies mites and even mosquitoes that have managed to get close to a hard-to-reach place while you were sleeping harm your nose.
  • Too dry, and even more so smoky air in the room dries out the mucous membrane. Ventilate the room more often, buy a humidifier and special drops to prevent drying out.
  • Itching is caused by thick hair in the nose - usually in men.
  • Stress does not spare any part of our body. Perhaps in your case, it manifested itself by attacking the nerve endings in this part of the face.
  • Do you know that the nose grows slowly throughout life? That is why, in old age, its tip sometimes seems to be slightly lowered, as if with a fabulous Yaga. Growth can also cause itching.
  • And finally, psychologists have deduced a certain relationship between a person’s desire to be cunning and itching. It has been noticed that those who tell a lie intuitively touch the tip of the nose, scratch or tap it with a finger. Almost like a Pinocchio effect!

Now an itchy nose will no longer confuse you. Check with folk wisdom learn from it and compare it to what is happening in your life. Or give up on old superstitions and create your own collection of signs, where every event will only be good. Look, it starts to come true. But what if?

Itchy nose does not always have a medical justification. The manifestation of this symptom can be explained in terms of folk signs. Moreover, only prolonged itching should be taken into account, the cause of which is not obvious. Consider why the nose itches, according to signs.

If the nose itches, you should be especially patient and attentive. According to folk beliefs, this promises disputes and conflict situations. To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, you will have to moderate your ardor and not show discontent.

When the wings of the nose itch, this indicates that the person will soon be invited to christening. Sometimes a sign means the likelihood of becoming a godmother / father or organizing this event yourself.

thinner and detailed interpretation is:

  1. If the left wing is concerned, bad news is worth waiting for. Sometimes the event is accompanied by financial difficulties.
  2. Itching on the right side promises an improvement in financial situation. Pleasant, positive news will not keep you waiting.

If a person is left-handed, he can interpret itching in the indicated area exactly the opposite.

To neutralize the effect of negative beliefs, it is supposed to scratch the disturbing area three times, after twisting the fingers into the muzzle.

A good omen is itching inside the nose. If this area is of concern, you can count on financial well-being and upcoming positive changes.

Signs can explain why it itches under the nose. Here are the most common interpretations:

  • Minor difficulties in the professional field.
  • Bright and positive emotions in a romantic way.
  • New acquaintances that will develop into a love relationship.

Sometimes the olfactory organ and the area under it itch before the upcoming deception. And the one who showed discomfort will be insincere.

When both nostrils are disturbed at the same time, this may portend an addition to the family. If the right nostril began to itch first, it is worth waiting for a girl, if the left one, a boy will be born.

The gender of the person who is concerned about itching also plays a role:

  • When a lady's right nostril itches, this portends the increased attention of males to her person at the next social event. In another variation - the nostril itches to failures, family problems and conflicts. Men, on the contrary, are waiting for success, fun and joy.
  • If the left nostril itches, a stormy but fleeting romance awaits a woman. Moreover, the second participant will be a man whom the lady was not interested in earlier. A different interpretation promises wealth and recognition. For a man, the left nostril itches to poverty, difficulties at work.

In males, such an itch portends conflicts that can end in assault. It will be possible to avoid a fight if a nearby person lightly knocks on the combed area.

Different interpretations of signs about what the tip of the nose can itch for are as follows:

  • Financial well-being, receiving unexpected profits.
  • Career growth, success in the professional field.
  • Establishment of personal life.
  • New pleasant and useful acquaintances.
  • Good news, long-awaited letter.

In a different interpretation, if the tip of the nose itches, its owner will receive an invitation to a large feast. If the tip of the nose is already combed during gatherings, it is important not to overdo it with alcoholic beverages.

When the bridge of the nose itches

Signs interpret what the bridge of the nose itches for in different ways:

  1. Negative - quarrels with loved ones, material difficulties, troubles and troubles at work. Serious illness and death are sometimes possible.
  2. Positive - a favorable environment in the family, making big profits (especially for trade workers). In a different interpretation - it will be possible to make good deal or purchase.

To avoid the fulfillment of a negative prediction, before scratching, you should cross the bridge of your nose three times.

The sign about what the nose itches for can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the day of the week. Here are the main options:

  • A nose combed on Monday promises serious problems in the near future. Difficulties will arise in solving work issues.
  • If the nose began to itch on Tuesday, be pleasant gatherings with old acquaintances.
  • An unexpected receipt of gifts and surprises awaits a person whose discomfort manifested itself on Wednesday.
  • On Thursday, the symptom may predict a romantic date. Moreover, a potential partner will be a person who has long been of interest and sympathy.
  • Itching on Friday, the organ of smell portends fun, dancing and drinking.
  • If discomfort manifested itself on Saturday, you should prepare for the loss of your wallet or a major purchase. A sign, one way or another, promises serious financial losses.
  • On Sunday, itching predicts conflicts and a violent showdown between loved ones and relatives. To avoid a quarrel, you will have to show tolerance and watch your language.

Signs on the days of the week can be interpreted a little differently, given the time at which the nose itches. The manifestation of a symptom in the morning promises the arrival of guests in the late afternoon. Itching in the afternoon promises an improvement in financial situation. Scratching in the evening is usually for money, as it promises a win in a money dispute or lottery.

Folk signs about a pimple on the nose

If a pimple pops up on the tip of the nose, it is good sign, since popular beliefs promise an unexpected declaration of love. Sympathy can be shown by a completely unexpected person. By the size of the jumped-up inflammation, one can judge the viability of a potential partner.

Pimples on the wings of this organ indicate excessive assertiveness in love affairs. Achieving someone's sympathy, you have to moderate the ardor a little.

When there are several acne and they are located on the bridge of the nose in a neat path, you should prepare for an emergency (usually within a month or two) trip. The journey ahead can be very long.

One portends pleasant and joyful messages. The subject can be a secret admirer or long-awaited news from distant relatives.

If inflammation has formed under the nose, this is a reason to think about a possible split in romantic relationship. Change of partner is not ruled out.

There are many popular beliefs about why we feel judgment in one or another part of the body. These signs have not bypassed the nose, which, as the people believe, very subtly feels what is ahead of us. So what's the point itchy nose, and what do folk experts tell us about this?

Itchy nose: signs and superstitions

If your whole nose itches, then it is popularly believed that he sensed something was wrong. Such a sign portends conflicts, quarrels, showdowns. That is why, feeling the scratching of the entire nose, be careful.

Try not to be aggressive towards other people and be careful about what you say yourself.

If your nostrils began to itch along with the wings of your nose, then remember if any of your friends had a replenishment in the family. The fact is that such a sign is a promise that you will be invited to the christening.

You can act as just a guest or a godfather / godmother. And it is not necessary that such an event will concern someone else. Perhaps you will plan and organize the christening yourself.

There are also narrower interpretations. So, if only the right wing of your nose itches, you can rejoice, because this sign promises good news as well as financial returns. The left side of the nose, on the contrary, suggests that the news may be bad, and also hints at possible financial losses.

To prevent all negative predictions from coming true, twist your fingers into a “muzzle” and scratch the place where itching appeared three times. There is an opinion that such disrespect for the upcoming trouble will push it away from you.

Many signs change their meaning over time. So, some hundred years ago, the itching that manifested itself in the region of the bridge of the nose was considered an extremely negative sign and promised conflicts, health problems, all kinds of losses, and, according to some sources, death. Today, this sign has become more positive.

And this is a particularly good sign for those whose activities are related to trade - they can expect profit. And the folk sages advise everyone else to knock on a wooden surface and relax.

The less you think about the negative, the less likely it is to appear in your life. If the nostrils itch from the inside, this is a very good sign. Naturally, in case of excluding the common cold and allergies as causes.

It also happens that it is not directly the nose that itches, but the skin around it. In this case, either minor troubles in respect of professional activity or vivid emotions associated with love relationship. A sign can promise both a new hobby and bringing freshness to a relationship that has been going on for a long time. In general, you can rejoice.

Signs can be interpreted differently depending on the gender of the person who felt itchy. For men and women, the value may be different:

  • If a woman has an itchy right nostril, she can expect success in men. Going to a party, be sure of your own irresistibility. You can be sure that you will shine, and no one will outshine you.
  • But a lady who felt an itch in her left nostril may suddenly get carried away by a person who is not very pleasant to her, and all this will turn into a stormy and emotional romance.
  • A man's itchy nose hints that in the near future possible fights. If you don’t like to sort things out with your fists, ask someone who is nearby to lightly hit you on the nose. So the example will symbolically come true, your nose will calm down, and you will avoid negative consequences.

Why does the tip of the nose itch?

In accordance with many signs, the nose senses events that may happen to your future. If we talk specifically about the tip of the nose, then, as it is believed by the people, it remarkably feels exactly the upcoming feasts and booze.

Even if no festivities were planned, but the tip of the nose began to show a reaction, get ready for an invitation. If the tip of your nose begins to itch already in the process of noisy festivities, then this tells you that you will have to have fun for a long time, but in the morning everything you drink will make itself felt.

In this case, the itchy tip of the nose can be taken as a warning that alcohol should not be overdone, otherwise the hangover will be too severe.

In addition, it is believed that in addition to alcohol, the nose has a good flair for money. So, many noted that on the day when the salary is to be received, the nose may itch, therefore, among the people, this symptom is also a harbinger of financial profit.

In general, the sign of itching at the tip of the nose is considered positive, because among its other meanings, success in personal life, career and monetary terms stands out.

The meaning of signs by day of the week

The interpretation of the meaning of the sign may differ not only depending on the location of the itch, but also on the day of the week on which you felt it.

Here is what popular beliefs say about this:

  • If you feel itchy nose on Monday, then get ready to take will into a fist, because soon you will there will be problems that need to be addressed, and as soon as possible.
  • If you had such a feeling on Tuesday, then soon you will meet with one of your old friends. Therefore, you can prepare treats in advance. By the way, pastime promises to be pleasant.
  • Feeling an itchy nose on Wednesday, you can expect gifts. It is this meaning that this sign received among the people.
  • A nose that itches on Thursday promises you a date with a person you have been sympathetic for a long time. So prepare an outfit and think about how you will win a potential soul mate.
  • On Friday, the meaning of the omen will be classic - to be fun party with dances, songs and, of course, alcoholic drinks.
  • If your itching appeared on Saturday, then this symptom portends a large expenditure of money. What exactly it will be, the sign does not explain, but in any case, the money in the wallet can become much less.
  • The meaning of such a sign on Sunday is not very positive. In this case, you quarrels threaten and not the most pleasant showdown. It is worth paying close attention to what you say and not showing a violent reaction to what you hear from others.

For some reason, the most truthful among the people is considered a sign, according to which the nose itches inside. If at the same time you also sneeze, the accuracy only increases. Therefore, if the meaning of the sign is good, remember this and rejoice in the upcoming positive changes.

The values ​​\u200b\u200bare slightly different depending on the time of day when the itching appeared. So, the morning symptom promises guests in the evening. If your nose began to itch in the middle of the day, this is more likely to be associated with financial success. By the way, do not worry if what the omen promised did not come true.

Remember the specific day of the week on which you felt itchy - perhaps the belief will come true in the next seven days.

What does science say?

Everyone refers to signs different reasons. To some, they just seem curious, others draw analogies for fun, and still others really believe in popular beliefs and try to follow their advice. But, no matter how much you believe in signs, it is important not to miss important physiological state of the body.

What reasons can lead to an itchy nose, according to science?

  • First, scratching can provoke the most common cold. If the unpleasant tickling lasts for a long time and is combined with constant sneezing, then buy some nose drops and prepare handkerchiefs, because a runny nose will not keep you waiting.
  • Allergy This is also a very common reason. If up to this point you have not noticed a sensitivity to some plant, animal hair, product, smell, then you still cannot exclude such a risk. Perhaps the allergy simply did not manifest itself before, so it’s worth visit an allergist.
  • Diabetes seems to be completely unrelated to the nose, however, it can provoke a sensation of itching in the nasal mucosa.
  • Please note that many external skin diseases, as well as polyps located inside the nose, can also manifest themselves for a long time only as a simple irritation and slight itching.
  • All kinds of insects, such as mites and even simple mosquitoes, can also get close to your nose while you sleep.
  • If for a long time you were in a room with very dry or smoky air, your mucous membrane could dry out and itch. It is important to provide the room with an influx of clean air into it more often and to humidify the air in it.
  • In men, the reason may lie in the thick hairline in the nose, which provokes unpleasant itching.
  • stress- a real horror for the whole human body. They can work and nerve endings in the nose, which is manifested by itching in this area.
  • Not everyone knows that the nose grows a little throughout life, and this physiological growth can also provoke itching.
  • Psychologists also contributed to the explanation of this sign. They identified a connection between an itchy nose and a person's desire to hide something or lie a little. It has been observed that people who lie unknowingly touch the tip of their nose at this time. There is something in common with the famous tale of Pinocchio.

As you can see, there are quite a few other causes of itchy nose. Therefore, if it bothers you often and for a long time, and is also accompanied by additional symptoms, it makes sense to turn not only to signs, but also to specialized medical specialists. So you can prevent many health problems and eliminate their unpleasant manifestations.

As for signs, to believe in them, or not to believe, is a personal matter for everyone. But if good omen, why not tune in to its implementation, thereby increasing your chances of positive changes?

Most people will answer the question of why the nose itches more than unambiguously. After all, judging by folk signs, the nose itches for the upcoming drink. And although at first glance such reasoning may seem ridiculous, in fact, such a prophecy often comes true. In today's article, we will look at the main signs that will help us answer the question, why does the nose itch and what can it mean?

Why does the nose itch: signs

Of course, the most famous sign associated with scratching the nose is that it itches for the upcoming drinking of strong drinks. But besides this, there are other omens. It turns out that in the place of the "center" of itching, you can determine what awaits you in the near future.

  • If the wings of the nose itch, then grief, illness and joyless news await you. But to avoid trouble, put a combination of three fingers (fig), and scratch your nose three times with your thumb.
  • If the tip of the nose itches, then from day to day you are waiting for funny company relatives and drinking alcoholic beverages. Also, some psychics believe that this may be a sign of good news that you have been waiting for so long.
  • If your nose itches, then this is not a good sign. In the future, trouble awaits you, perhaps one of your relatives or friends will become very ill. Of course, fate cannot be deceived, therefore, in order to somehow ward off troubles from yourself, you can rub the bridge of your nose with a pectoral cross.
  • If the skin under the nose itches, then expect love adventures. You can expect both a new acquaintance and the likelihood that old feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

Why does the nose itch on the right and left sides

As it turned out, which nostril itched plays a very important role. If your right nostril itches, then expect good news, a long-awaited meeting with a person dear to you, unexpected and pleasant gifts. But if the left nostril, then ahead of you are troubles, a showdown, a quarrel with a person close to you, and financial losses.

Notes by day of the week

Depending on what day of the week the nose itches, signs promise different events in your life.

  • Monday. Trouble and excitement lie ahead of you. There is a possibility of conflict situations.
  • Tuesday. This day promises you an unexpected meeting with an old acquaintance, a nostalgic mood.
  • Wednesday. Nice gifts. Perhaps your significant other will give you a small but memorable present, or you will win the lottery.
  • Thursday. Romantic date.
  • Friday. Fun, booze, good mood.
  • Saturday. Unforeseen expenses. If you are planning some major purchase these days, then know that you will spend much more money than you are going.
  • Resurrection. A surge of emotions and a showdown.

Constantly itchy nose: causes

Some people complain that their nose is constantly itchy. This may happen due to various diseases. Let's consider some of them:

  • allergic reaction to dust, animal hair, flowering plants;
  • nervous shocks;
  • fungal diseases of the skin;
  • due to insect bites;
  • due to scabies mite bites;
  • as a consequence of certain diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus).

If your nose is constantly itching, and this causes you great discomfort, then you should better contact your doctor or dermatologist with this problem.

Why does the nose itch? This sign is of interest to many. The most common interpretation is that if a person has an itchy nose, then he will drink alcohol one of these days. But this is not the only interpretation, there are several more, taking into account which part of the nose itches and at what time.

What part of the nose itches

People who are well developed psychic abilities, they say that a person’s nose can itch, depending on what processes take place in his body. Based on which part of the nose makes itself felt, it is possible to predict what kind of events will happen to a person:

  1. If the wings of the nose itch, it means that in the near future a person is expected to change in life. He may perceive these changes at first as negative, but then they turn out to be good for him. The fact is that the human brain, in principle, does not accept changes; for it, everything new signals danger. But then, when time passes and a person realizes how his reality has changed in connection with these changes, he himself evaluates what happened as a blessing. That is why you should not strain if the wings of the nose itch.
  2. If the very tip of the nose itches, then this is also a change, but this time the person will rate them as extremely positive. Usually, if the tip of the nose itches, this means that a fun pastime awaits the person, possibly with the presence of alcohol. The tip of the nose itches also to the news that you have been waiting for a very long time.
  3. If the skin under the nose itches, it means that a meeting will soon happen, which is likely to develop into a stormy and passionate romance. Interestingly, this does not always mean a romance that will begin with a new person. Sometimes this area of ​​skin can itch if you and your current partner manage to re-ignite each other's feelings.
  4. If the bridge of the nose itches specifically, then this means not very good news related to the family. In order for suspicions not to become true, you can perform the following ritual: scratch your nose with a cross three times, this will help prevent a negative event.
  5. The sign where the bridge of the nose itches can be deciphered in another way. Its modern interpretation is not as sad as the first. She says that to meet a person who wants to get a certain benefit from dating.
  6. If the skin around the nose itches, then this is a sign that you will soon be in love. It is suitable for a young girl or guy. Perhaps in the environment will appear completely new person, which you pay attention to, or maybe it will be someone who is already known. This sign can be interpreted in another way. The skin around the nose itches and a frank conversation with the authorities.

If your nostrils itch

Other signs for the nostrils:

  • If one of the nostrils itches, and for a long time, then this may mean that an explanation in the relationship awaits you with someone. The outcome of such an explanation is unknown, it will depend on what strategy of behavior you choose. The outcome of an explanation in a relationship can also portend which particular nostril itches.
  • If this is the right nostril, then, most likely, the relationship will go to a qualitative level. new level, and two of them will get more pleasure.
  • If this is the left nostril, then it is possible that you will generally part with the person in different directions. But parting is not always sad, perhaps you and the person have already given each other everything you need, you can part with light sadness.

Interpretation from psychologists

Psychologists interpret a sign when this part of the face itches in its own way. They say that this happens when a person wants to lie. The fact is that according to physiognomy it is considered that if a person is lying, then he instinctively covers his face. The nose is also part of the face, and when it itches, the person touches it and, accordingly, covers up.

You can mark this habit in yourself. If you notice that during a conversation you often want to touch your nose, then ask yourself the question of how frank you are with people in communication. There is a high probability that you are either lying to them about something, or simply persuading yourself to communicate, although you really don’t want to. This is where being honest with yourself is important.

Why does the nose often itch?

Sign by day of the week

You can interpret this sign by the days of the week:

  • There are signs that if the wings of the nose itch on Monday, then you will have to lie to the boss so as not to get a dressing from him. Don't strain yourself because the wings of your nose itch, just be on your guard.
  • On Tuesday, the tip of the nose may itch, because the day before you met a person who is still thinking about you.
  • On Wednesday, if the tip of the nose or the skin inside makes itself felt, then passionate kisses await you the next evening. Even if there is no partner with whom you kiss, it means that this evening you will meet someone who will be a worthy candidate.
  • On Thursday, if the right wing itches, this means that it is advisable for you to confess. Most likely, you have a lot of unpleasant feelings in your soul regarding some specific person. Do not carry this burden in yourself, go to confession so as not to launch a wave of evil and revenge into the world.
  • On Friday, if the nose itches on the outside, then this means that you and your friends will have a good time, not necessarily with alcohol. Perhaps a very fun trip is suddenly organized, maybe for a whole weekend with an overnight stay.
  • On Saturday, folk signs say that if the tip of the nose itches, then the sweetheart or sweetheart will give you a very pleasant surprise. Well, if such a sign makes itself felt on a holiday, then it will come true with almost one hundred percent accuracy.
  • On Sunday, folk signs say that if the wings itch, it means that there will be frost from Monday. Folk omens they say that there is a high probability of frost if the right wing itches. Or it may mean that you are remembered by relatives with whom there has been no communication for a long time.

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