Effective planning and organization of the working day: methods, rules and why it is important. Calendar-thematic planning for the day

Olga Koshevaya
Work plan for the day in the 2nd junior group

Group Individual

1. Musical No.

2. cognitive development

pp. 18-20, O. A. Solomennikova

Topic 4. I have a kitten (natural environment)

Program content: continue to introduce children to pets, to form the ability to properly handle animals. Develop the desire to watch the kitten. Learn to share your experiences. S-k, R. r. 1. D / i "Geometric Lotto": develop attention, fix geometric shapes. P. R. R.

2. Offer coloring pages for free coloring - exercise the ability to hatch with a pencil.

3. Board-printed games - develop attention, perseverance, logical thinking. P. S. to.

Gymnastics No. F. r. 1. D / i "Whose baby?" ___

Expand your horizons, enrich your vocabulary. Etc. R. r.

2___ suggest "Mosaic" for folding. P.

3. Exercise "Get in the hoop"

F. r. Puzzle pictures, coloring books, board games


1. Observation in the flower garden: to develop interest in natural phenomena, to broaden one's horizons. Etc.

2. D\u "Where were we we will not say?": expansion of vocabulary. R. r.

3. P / s "Traps"

4. Exercise "Jump off the bench"- practice jumping. F. r. 1. Conversation through pictures on topic: "Transport" ___: enrich vocabulary, learn to generalize. P. R. R.

2. Didactic game "Seasons and Holidays" ___ - activate speech, expand horizons. R. r., P. r.

3. Exercise "Roll the ball between the pins" ___ - exercise in rolling the ball. F. r. hoops

2nd half of the day

1. D / i "Find an item by description": develop attention, expand horizons. Etc. S-to.

2. Games with the constructor Lego- develop imagination, perseverance, the ability to play with someone. P., S-to.

3. P / s "The mother hen and the chicks" "Whose baby?" with ___ - develop attention, broaden your horizons. P., S-to.

2. Exercise "Crawl Under the Rope" with ___ develop coordination of movements. F. r.

3. Game “Find a strip wider, already…” with ___ exercise in determining the value. P. Constructor Lego, ball, skittles

Directly educational activities

(integration educational areas)

Cooperative activity educator and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Educational activities carried out during regime moments

Group Individual

1. Artistic and aesthetic development. (Drawing)

p. 66, T. S. Komarova

Topic 4. Trees in the snow

Program tasks: teach children to convey a picture of winter in a drawing. Practice drawing trees. Learn to arrange several trees on a sheet. Strengthen the ability to wash the brush. Develop aesthetic perception.

Etc. S-to. R.

2. Sports No.

F. r. 1. Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"- continue to acquaint children with the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky, to cultivate a desire to listen. R. r.

2. Examination of illustrations about fire: continue to acquaint children with safety rules. Etc.

3. Independent games with cubes. - continue to learn to play in a team. S-to. R.

4. Offer coloring pages for free coloring - exercise in drawing with pencils. Heh. R.

Gymnastics No. F. r. 1. D / i "Find the item according to the description?" ___

Develop imagination, observation. Etc.

2___ suggest educational pictures "Dishes": activate speech, enrich the vocabulary of R. r.

3. Suggest "Mosaic" for folding ___ - develop attention, perseverance. Etc. S-to. R. baby books


1p/i "My cheerful sonorous ball": exercise in catching and throwing the ball, the ability to respond to a signal. F. r.

2. D\u "Who lives in the house?": the formation of speech hearing, the expansion of vocabulary. R. r.

3. P / s "Swan geese": to develop motor activity of children, coordination of movements. F. r.

4. Independent activity children: learn to play together without quarreling. S-to. R.

5. Game-situation "At the barbershop"-continue to acquaint children with the peculiarities of the profession of a hairdresser. P. r., S-to. R. 1. Conversation through pictures on topic: "Cloth" ___: activate speech. R. r.

2. Didactic game "Geometric Lotto" ___ - activate speech, exercise in determining geometric shapes. R. r., P. r.

3. Exercise "Roll the ball between the pins" ___ - exercise in rolling the ball between objects. F. r.

4. Suggest ___

Disassemble and assemble liners: exercise in performing sequential actions. Etc. Didactic games, ball, skittles

2nd half of the day

1. D / i "What does it look like?": develop observation, expand horizons. P. r., S-to.

2. Playing with dolls and machines: learn to play by creating a story. Etc. S-to.

3. Conversation with children on topic: "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy": continue to introduce children to dangerous situations. Etc. 1. D / i "find one" with ___ - develop attention. Etc.

2. Suggest stencils for hatching ___ - develop fine motor skills fingers. F. r.

3. Offer a puzzle picture for folding ___ develop attention, logical thinking. Etc.

Direct educational activities

(integration of educational areas)

Joint activities of the educator and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Educational activities carried out during regime moments

Group Individual

1. Sports No.

2. Cognitive development (FEMP) p. 29, I. A. Pomoraeva

Program tasks: learn to compare two unequal groups objects in an overlay way, designate the results of the comparison with the words more - less, so much - how much.

To improve the ability to compare two contrasting objects in height in familiar ways, to indicate the results of the comparison with the words high - low, higher - lower. P. R. R. 1. Observation in a corner of nature for a blooming geranium: to cultivate interest and desire to care for indoor plants P. p. S-to. R.

2. P / s "At the bear in the forest": learn to act on a signal, develop orientation in the environment. F. r.

3. Construction games: develop imagination, desire to build for (dolls, cars, birds, etc.). Etc.

Gymnastics No. F. r. 1. D / i "Find a similar item" ___

Develop attention, consolidate the ability to determine the shape of objects. P. r., S-to.

2___ look at subject pictures "Cloth": activate speech. R. r.

3. "Catch the ball"-exercise ___ to develop physical activity. F. r. Building material machines, dolls


1. Conversation with children on topic: "Rules of conduct on the carriageway"»: teach the rules of the road. Etc. R. r.

2. P / s "Catch up"- develop motor activity. F. r.

3. Watching floating clouds - broaden your horizons. Etc.

4. Reading familiar verses: exercise in memorizing a small text. R. r.

5. Independent activity children: fostering friendships. S-to. R. 1. Finger gymnastics "Cabbage" with ___: development of fine motor skills. R. r.

2. D / i "Seasons and Holidays" with ___ broaden your horizons. Etc.

3___ consider storylines Pictures: Match image with speech text. R. r.

Toys at the request of children

2nd half of the day

1. D / i "Forms and Figures"- reinforce knowledge geometric shapes. Etc. R. r.

2. Examination of subject pictures according to topic: "Cloth"-to teach children to generalize P. r. R. r.

2. Building games material: develop creativity using design techniques. Etc.

3. P / s "Carp and pike": develop attention, coordination of movements. F. r. 1. D / i "Which?" with ___ - enrich the vocabulary. R. r.

2. Suggest "Mosaic" for posting___

develop attention, perseverance. P. r., S-to.

3. Game "Magnetic rod" with ___ to develop fine motor skills of hands. F. r.

Days of the week


Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Information about the holding of the autumn exhibition of handicrafts. Offer to parents

Conduct supervision with children

"Puddles after


Objectives: to tell what

Puddlesthere are deep and shallow, for this they are measured with a stick; in puddles you can not wet your hands and feet, as you can get sick.

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

1. The mobile game "Yellow (red) leaf, fly to me."

2. Game situation "Leaves in the garden." Objectives: to introduce children to each other, to learn to call peers by name, to develop a sense of self-confidence.

3. finger game"Rain, rain, drip-drip-drip"

4. Water houseplants, rub the ficus leaves.

Individual task for the child "Bring a lot of leaves (one leaf)"

    The plot game situation "Misha got his feet wet."Goals:develop colloquial speech children and communication skills, arouse a desire to help.

    Watching autumn leaves fall (slowly in calm weather, quickly -

windy), note the richness of the shades of the leaves

Didactic games: "Magic bag", "Recognize and name vegetables."

Target:enrich children's vocabulary and sensory experience

Drawing"Beautiful ladders" To teach children to draw lines from top to bottom, draw them straight without stopping, learn to pick up paint on a brush, dip it with all the pile in paint, remove excess on the edge of the jar, rinse the brush in water, dry the brush on a napkin, continue to introduce flowers. T.S.Komarova p.49

Music according to the plan of the music director


to a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work,

1. Game situation "Let's help collect the leaves."

Objectives: to develop a coherent speech of children, to cultivate a desire to help adults.

2. Observation of the work of the janitor. Objectives: to enrich the vocabulary of children, to arouse a desire to help.

Mobile game "Let's harvest".

"Pick up a leaf" Conversation with children

What has autumn brought us?

    Consideration of "Buds, flowers in a flower bed."

    Labor assignment.

Children running along paths with fallen leaves, listening to their rustling. Invite children to choose one sheet they like.

Work before bed

Developing game situation "Vegetables, fruits, berries" (using Yu. Tuvim's poem "Vegetables", fairy tales by K. Ushinsky "Know how to wait").

Objectives: to show children that some vegetables are visible, they show off in the beds, others need to be looked for in the foliage; invite children to examine vegetables: stroke (smooth turnip, rough cucumber), press (hard), taste.

Evening: games, leisure activities, communication and activities of interest, preparation for


    Mobile game "Sun and rain".

    Didactic game"Let's collect a beautiful bouquet of leaves."

Polina B, Dima E. - a conversation on the toy "Ball", "Doll".

Help situation "Mushrooms crumbled."

Purpose: to develop interest in the actions of adults, the desire to help.

Looking at pictures on the topic “Where what grows” in a corner of nature.


Job assignment "Acorns and cones". Objectives: to teach to collect natural material, to maintain children's interest in figurative actions and comparisons: a cone looks like a hedgehog, an acorn has a hat like a person's.



and children-


behind the fall.

Goals: to walk

with kids

leaves, listen

how they rustle



per color

and the shape


1. Situation-staging "Leaves". Purpose: to invite children to depict leaves flying in the wind.

2. Didactic games: “Such a leaflet”, “Leaflet, fly to me”, “Collect yellow leaves”.

Objectives: to form color perception, encourage children to participate in joint activities, develop interest in natural objects, in leaf fall.


play with children

“What do we have

did you bring Mishutka?

Purpose: to fix the names

familiar vegetables and fruits.

Game with folk collapsible toys "Collect

mushrooms in a basket.

Purpose: to form game

actions, learn to interact with adults and peers.

Didactic game "Find

and name the vegetables in the picture.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables, their shape, size, color.

Organized educational activities

FEMP Quantity. To consolidate the ability of children to distinguish between the number of objects, using the words one, many, few. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A., p.12

motor activity according to the plan of the physical instructor. culture


to a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work,

individual work, physical culture and health work

1. Observation "What has grown in the garden?".

2. Outdoor games: "Rain and leaves", "The locomotive takes us to the autumn forest."

3. Observation "Mushroom".

Learn with children

tongue twisters

1. Labor order.

Help adults remove dried plants from a flower bed or garden bed, put them in a cart and take them to a certain place.


game "Wave, wreath."

Purpose: to teach

Composefrom leaves multi-colored paths.

Work before bed

Fun hand washing:

Roll up your sleeves, open the faucet - water.

They took soap in their hands to wash away the germs.

My fingers and palms!

Look, little ones, at your palms.

And we have hands! Clean hands!


food, afternoon tea,


    Conversation with children about the rules of behavior in the forest.Target:continue to form elementary ideas about how to interact with plants and animals. Pantomime "Autumn Leaves"

"Take one toy (many toys)"


Children's stories "How we went to the forest." Purpose: to form the need to share their impressions, to cultivate respect for the narrator.

Stencil drawing "What grows in the garden?".


    Game of low mobility "Leaf fall".Target:consolidate knowledge about color, size autumn leaves; learn to move around the site, following the instructions given in the form of a game; to concretize the concept of “leaf fall” Reading the poem by V. Mirovich “Leaf fall

Acquaintance of parents with outdoor games recommended for holding

with children of preschool age.

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

Didactic exercise "Laying out the leaves in the likeness." Objectives: to clarify and consolidate the concept of "sheet"; introduce the concepts:

smooth, prickly, long, short.

Conversation with children

on the theme "A walk in the garden

and vegetable garden"

Welcome Ritual:

Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Hello free breeze!

Hello little oak tree!

We live in the same area

I welcome you all!

Board game

"Find a couple

leaf (mushroom, cone).

Organized educational activities

Speech development

Sound culture speech: sound at Exercise children in a clear articulation of sound (isolated, in sound combinations); work out a smooth exhalation; no6y wait to pronounce a sound in a different key with different volume to imitate). Gerbova V.V. "Speech development classes in the second junior group"

Physical development according to the plan of the physical instructor


to a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work,

individual work, physical culture and health work

1. Developing educational situation on the basis of the game "Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves are flying."

Purpose: to learn to determine the weather

by outward signs.

2. Didactic exercises: "Find the most beautiful leaf", "Know the tree by the leaf".

3. Thematic walk "Where what grows?". Purpose: to consolidate the concept of a variety of plants, their structure and benefits for human health

Individual task


which of these

the tracks are longer, and which ones are shorter; which is wider and which is narrower

    Observation of the work of the janitor - harvesting autumn foliage.

    Help the janitor in collecting foliage at the kindergarten site. Objectives: to provide a holistic perception by the child of the simplest labor process (motive

and the purpose of labor, tools, a sequence of 2-3 actions, the result of labor); develop focusing attention, observation, accuracy, the ability to act side by side, together

mobile game

"Run to that

what I'll call."

Purpose: to introduce the concepts of "tree"

and "bush".

Work before bed

Functional exercise "Compote": We will cook compote,

You need a lot of fruits - here:

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear

Let's wring out lemon juice,

Put the drain and sand.

We cook, we cook compote,

Let's treat honest people!

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.)

Evening: games, leisure activities, communication and activities of interest, preparation for the reception

food, afternoon tea,


    The game “Pick the fruit” (children are offered to listen to the words; as soon as they hear the name of the toy, they need to clap their hands, the name of the fruit is to raise their hands up).

    Learning etudes: “The wind is blowing”, “Rain.

Children's educationfastening


Plot- role-playing game"Doll for a walk" Objectives: To encourage children to be independent in dressing and undressing; to develop skills of accuracy.

Equipping the play environment with clothes and shoes for dolls according to the season.


    Thematic walk "Flower garden". Purpose: to introduce the appearance and names of several flowers, to show the structure of the plant (the flower hasstem, leaf, flower ); to consolidate the concepts of "high" - "low".

    Outdoor games: "Horses", "Shaggy dog".


with parents

role-playing dialogues

songs and dances

for a matinee





parents in activity


in the role


autumn morning.

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

1. Dramatization games: “Standing in the field

Teremok", "Turnip".

2. Conversation about the signs of rain: “What

less raindrops, the longer it

will go", "Beavers work all night before the rain, and the frogs crawl out onto the shore."

Game controlYou are intimately familiar with me.
I am a friendly kitty.
Above - tassels on the ears,
The claws are hidden in the pillows.

Conversation with children

about signs


D. game "Fold the pattern"

2. Dining room duty.

Learn to lay out spoons to the right of the plate with a ladle up;

participate in cleaning dishes after meals: collect teaspoons,

take to serving table

napkins and breadbaskets.


book exhibitions with children

about autumn

in the bookstore


Organized educational activities

The world“Clothes” Exercise children in the ability to identify and distinguish clothes, highlight the main features of clothing items (color, shape, structure, size); group objects according to characteristics. O.V..Dybina str.14


to a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work,

individual work, physical culture and health work

1. Thematic walk "At the flower bed".

Objectives: to introduce the names of several flowers - phloxes, marigolds (calendula); show the structure of the plant, consolidate the concepts of "high" -"low" (flower), "long" - "short" (stem).

2. The outdoor game "Cucumber". Purpose: to train children in bouncing on two legs and running in a given direction


with children poems about autumn

1. Observation "Wind and leaves".

Purpose: to teach to understand and evaluate

vat natural phenomena.

2. Mobile game "Leaf fall".

3. Experiment "Can our

hands feel the sun?

Workshop of children's creativity "Composing bouquets of leaves and flowers."

Work before bed

    Exercise "We are already big."

Objectives: to improve the ability to hold a spoon correctly, eat a second course, alternating meat with a side dish, swallow food without leaving it behind the cheek.

    Duty in the dining room: learn to lay out spoons to the right of the plate with a ladle up; participate in cleaning dishes after eating: collect teaspoons, take napkin holders and bread bins to the serving table.

    Sleep training: first take off your dress or shirt, then your shoes, take off your tights correctly, hang clothes on a chair or in a closet, turn things inside out

Evening: games, leisure activities, communication and activities of interest, preparation for the reception

food, afternoon tea,


    Entertainment "Garden".

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children

about vegetables appearance, shape, size, color.

    Exercises: "Let's go to the store for balls", "The ball is rolling."

Goals: develop physical qualities; create conditions for interaction and development of motor activity, accumulation and enrichment of motor experience of children in ball games.

Child's individual task

"Put a lot of pyramids (few pyramids, one pyramid)"

    Reading and learning the nursery rhyme "Clever, Katya."

    Conversation on the questions: “Who is the nursery rhyme about? What didn't Katya want to eat? What kind of porridge? What are you going to eat for dinner?"

Objectives: to cultivate the ability to follow the development of the action, to empathize with the heroes of the work; create conditions for memorizing nursery rhymes; develop basic self-care skills

Drawing "What grows in the garden?".


Sun watching. Purpose: to learn to note the warmth of the gentle sun while reading a story about golden autumn.




for questions



and learning


based on work

in the Postal group




in preparation


to the competition.

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

Talking to children about:

When you entered the kindergarten site, who did you meet first?

What did he do?

What did he work?

What is the job of a janitor?

What tools does a janitor need?

What is a broom for? What is a shovel for?

Individual task

to kid

Find in the picture what


many, which



1. Reminder about the rules of washing hands, about the rules of conduct

while eating.

2. Demonstration of washing techniques

hands, methods of possession of cutlery, causing difficulties.

The game of low mobility "Find a toy."

Purpose: to promote the emergence

and the development of endurance and observation.

Organized educational activities

"Artistic creativity" (application).

"Balls (apples) big and small" Learn to stick circles on the strip. To consolidate children's ideas about different sizes of objects. Learn to alternate images of different sizes. Practice in application right tricks sticking. T.S.Komarova p.47

motor activity. (according to the plan of the physical manager)


to a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work,

individual work, physical culture and health work

Job assignment "Let's collect the leaves in the basket."

Objectives: to teach children to perform simple assignments, to take precautions when performing labor assignments.

Expansion of ideas about characteristics autumn nature and weather and related seasonal changes in people's clothing

Individual task

to kid


who is higher:

Sasha or Tanya

Thematic walk "Leaf fall".

Objectives: to develop in children interest, curiosity, purposefulness of perception and emotional responsiveness to natural phenomena, to show the variety of colors of golden autumn;

reveal the meaning of the new concept of "leaf fall".

Labor activity: Sweeping areas exposed to the sun.

Goals: keep learning


brooms, to bring the work begun to the end

Work before bed

Add-ons game. The teacher reads the sentence, and the children finish:

    Dirty always helps out ...;

    Lyudmila went to wash her hands, she needed to..

    You, baby, do not touch it - it is very sharp ..

    Mom picked up the threads, immediately fell out ..

    I folded my little things, saw in my pocket ... .

Objectives: to form children's ideas about dangerous objects, to teach them to select rhymes according to their meaning

Evening: games, leisure activities, communication and activities of interest, preparation for the reception

food, afternoon tea,


Drawing "Rain, rain, thicker, I'll give you thick"

Objectives: to learn to apply strokes rhythmically, placing them all over the sheet; acquaint with a natural phenomenon (rain); learn to find the similarity of strokes with raindrops; develop the ability to draw with a pencil.Summary: introductory conversation with Pencil, a poem about rain, finger gymnastics “Drip, drip, drip ...”, singing the song “Rain” (music by V. Ferre, words folk), accompanied by playing the metallophone, practical work children, summing up: a choice of drawings with strong and weak rain

Child's individual task

"Find a long strip, find a shorter strip, the shortest"

The plot game “Doll Katya meets and treats guests with tasty and healthy dishes”, a situational conversation about healthy food.

Purpose: to encourage the participation of children in joint games; development of interest in various toys; assisting in grouping children into groups based on personal sympathies; enrichment of knowledge about useful products.

Putting things in order by children in the doll's corner: washing dishes, laundry bed linen for dolls, wiping shelves from dust, folding doll clothes on shelves in a closet, arranging furniture, etc. d.


Mobile game "On a flat path."

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements.

Day of the week

Educational activities in regime moments

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Individual work

(activity centers, all group premises)

Group, subgroup













physical culture, health


socialization, labor

knowledge, communication

reading x/l

Creating Problem Motivation

morning exercises

d / and "Walk in the garden"

viewing the album "Vegetables"

Finger gymnastics "Cabbage"

Educator with children

(according to the teacher's plan)

Work in the center of creativity:

coloring pages


Scarecrow toy

Contribute demo albums on the topic "Vegetables"

Exhibition of visual material for parents: "Crafts from natural materials"


educational activities



reading x/l

Learning the Scottish song "Buy a Bow"

P / s: expand children's ideas about vegetables using works foreign poets; activate speech, develop expressiveness of speech (subgroup).





Physical culture,







Examination of vegetables brought by parents.

D / and "How are they similar and how are they different"

(fix color, shape, size)

P / and "Hurry vegetable run to me."

D / and “What is superfluous?”

on the development of movements: throwing the ball to each other.

Fixing the names of vegetables and fruits with Sasha, Katya, Oleg.

Work on sound pronunciation (according to the teacher's plan)

Plates (wooden, plastic) for the construction of roads and bridges,

Removal of equipment for labor on the site (collection of fallen leaves).


physical culture, health


socialization, labor

knowledge, communication

reading x/l

artistic creativity, music

Design "We plant vegetables."

Supervision of the work of the caregiver for plant care (loosening)

Experimenting with water

(warm - cold). "Watering the vegetables"

Watch how children clean toys, put things in order in activity centers.

Create conditions for the s / r game "In the garden":

Models of vegetables

small fence

Bed layout, tools

Ask to prepare photos for a photo essay

“And we have a garden” (family photos, drawings, stories).

Organize joint work on cleaning the site.


physical culture,

P / and “Garden”, “Rather, vegetable, run to me”, d / and “Paired pictures”, c / r game “We are harvesting”, observing the weather.

Day of the week

Educational activities in regime moments

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Individual work

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

(activity centers, all group premises)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup









physical culture, health


socialization, labor

knowledge, communication

reading x/l

art, music

morning exercises

Didactic games "Find your vegetable", "Where did the vegetable hide?", "Name it right"

Looking at pictures of vegetable dishes.

Games with Kuizener's sticks "Building a fence for the garden"

(set value)

On the development of speech: compiling a short story with a teacher about a vegetable with Yura, Sasha, Dima

Choose material for making a garden layout: playing around

"In our garden."

Bring in dummies of vegetables and fruits, Kuizener's sticks, D / and "Find your vegetable", "Where did the vegetable hide?", "Name it correctly."

Album "Cooking dishes from vegetables"

Consultation: "The work of a child in the garden"


Mini-consultation "Create a collage"


educational activities

Cognition, health


reading x/l

First steps in mathematics: "Vegetables and fruits." P / s: consolidation of the concepts of "one", "many", "the same", "more", "less"; mastering by children the ability to navigate in space, develop the ability to find and name objects of round and oval shape, stimulate cognitive activity, activate children's dictionary.

Health, music

physical culture

Motor activity: according to the plan of the instructor in PHYSICAL).


Physical culture,







Observation of the work of older preschoolers in the garden: preparing beds for winter.

P / and "Vegetables and fruits".

D / and "Wonderful bag".

Playing (children's games with models of vegetables and fruits).

For ISO:

drawing rounded shapes "What kind of vegetable?" with Katya, Dima, Masha.

Take out the attributes for the s / r game "Family": we will prepare vegetables for the winter.

Removal of material for sand play:

- scoops, rakes, buckets, molds


physical culture, health


socialization, labor

knowledge, communication

reading x/l

art, music

Improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths.

Follow the sequence of dressing Sasha, Kolya, Vitya for a walk. D / and "Dressing for a walk"

Bring in equipment for the game "Fences of different heights."

Offer the children pencils and paints of red, yellow and green colors.

Individual consultations.

Conducting a master class for parents on making crafts from vegetables

"Magic zucchini"


physical culture,

knowledge, socialization, work, communication

P / and "In the garden or in the garden." Round dance game "We have a garden."

Remind them to be friendly to each other. Supervision of the work of the janitor. To consolidate children's ideas about the work of a janitor.

Day of the week

Educational activities in regime moments

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Individual work

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

(activity centers, all group premises)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup







physical culture, health


socialization, labor

knowledge, communication

h/l reading,

art, music

morning exercises

D / and "Vegetables and fruits: their differences." Reading riddles about the gifts of autumn. D / and "Wonderful bag".

Mosaic games "Vegetables": fixing the main colors and shapes. Coloring the silhouettes of vegetables and fruits.

With Sasha, Dasha, Katya to talk about fruits, fixing the names.

Make a mosaic "Vegetables". Silhouettes of vegetables and fruits.

Creating a subject-developing environment for the game "Family": the plot is cooking fruit compote.

Exhibition of children's books about the gifts of autumn.

Exhibition of children's literature for reading on the theme "Autumn": poems, stories, proverbs and sayings.


educational activities



labor, communication

Labor, communication

reading x / l, art. creative.


Physical culture,







Y/n "What's missing?"

P / and "Harvest in a basket", "Vegetable-fruit", "Scarecrow"
D / and "Paired pictures"

In mathematics: the concepts of "more", "less", "many", "one" with Yulia, Dasha, Nikita. (with vegetables and fruits)


physical culture, health


socialization, labor

knowledge, communication

reading x/l

art, music

Improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths.

Reading S. Marshak "Vegetables"
Choice games.

by nature: the names of vegetables and fruits with Kolya, Dasha, Masha.


physical culture,

knowledge, socialization, work, communication

Causal relationships.

Day of the week

Educational activities in regime moments

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Individual work

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

(activity centers, all group premises)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup









physical culture, health


socialization, labor

knowledge, communication

h/l reading,

art, music

Morning gymnastics.

Consideration of illustrations about the work of people in the garden and in the garden.

Di "Pair Pictures".

Games with natural material: examination, choice for making handicrafts.

For music: repeat the text of songs about vegetables and fruits with Nastya, Katya, Sasha, Misha.

Make coloring pages about vegetables and fruits.

Illustrations depicting fruits and vegetables.

D \ and "Paired pictures".

Natural material.

Ask parents to bring audio recordings with stories and songs about vegetables and fruits.


educational activities



labor, communication

social world: "What autumn has brought us." Purpose: to encourage children to answer the teacher's questions; consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits; introduce people to the work in the garden in the fall; cultivate industriousness.

Labor, communication

reading x / l, art. creative

Application "Vegetables and fruits". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to create images of objects using ready-made forms; master the sequence of work; to cultivate accuracy when working with glue.


Physical culture,







Supervision of the unloading of vegetables brought to the preschool educational institution.

Construction of beds from sand, playing around.
Y/n "What's missing?"

P / and "Pick the harvest in the basket",

"Vegetable-Fruit", "Scarecrow"
D / and "Paired pictures"

in mathematics: the concepts of "more", "less", "many", "one" with Yulia, Dasha, Nikita. On the example of vegetables and fruits.

Removal of equipment for collecting leaves on the site.

Removal of material for sand play:

- scoops, rakes, buckets, molds


physical culture, health


socialization, labor

knowledge, communication

reading x/l

art, music

Improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths.

Reading S. Marshak "Vegetables"
Choice games.

by nature: the difference between vegetables and fruits with Sasha, Dasha, Kolya

Together with the children, select equipment for the game "Family": we make preparations for the winter

Together with parents, hold a photo session "Autumn landscapes".


physical culture,

knowledge, socialization, work, communication

Independent play activities of children on the site, games of choice. P / and "In your place", "Pick the harvest in the basket", "Vegetable-fruit", "Scarecrow"
Weather observation: windy. Condition of trees in windy weather.

Causal relationships.

Day of the week

Educational activities in regime moments

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Individual work

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

(activity centers, all group premises)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup









physical culture, health


socialization, labor

knowledge, communication

h/l reading,

art, music

morning exercises

Examining and talking on pictures depicting dishes from vegetables and fruits.

Finger gymnastics "Cabbage".

ZKR: pronunciation of hissing sounds with Masha, Natasha, (cards depicting vegetables).

D / and "Puzzles", "Find the mistakes of the artist."

Ask parents to help create a collage of children's work.


educational activities



Musical activity: according to the plan of the music director.

Artistic creation

reading x/l

communication, work

Drawing: "Tomato and cucumber." Purpose: To continue to develop the ability to draw round and oval objects, to develop the ability to distinguish objects by shape, to develop the small muscles of the hand.


Physical culture,







Watching the work of the janitor cutting branches, tell the children why this is done.

D / and “What is superfluous?”

Collection of flower seeds, making handicrafts.

C / r game "We harvest"

P / and "Who will harvest the crop faster", "Catch and name"


rules of behavior in nature: how to eat vegetables and fruits.

Removal of material for sand play:

- scoops, rakes, buckets, molds.


Phys. culture, health


socialization, labor

knowledge, communication

reading x/l

art, music

Improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths.

The game is a dramatization based on Marshak's poem "Vegetables"

Display and presentation of the photo collage “What autumn has given us”, tea drinking with fruit jam.

In mathematics: the concepts of "more", "less", "many", "one". On the example of vegetables and fruits.

Organization of the environment for the display and presentation of the photo collage "What Autumn Gave Us"


Phys. culture,

knowledge, socialization, work, communication

Independent play activities of children on the site, games of choice. P / and "In your place", "Pick up the harvest in a basket", "Vegetable-fruit", "Scarecrow", observing the trees in autumn, what has changed.

Similar works:

svetlana sidelnikova
scheduling for every day junior group)

Junior group №11

Wednesday "4" May 2016


Conversation:"Today we have a guest" introduce children to nesting dolls, involve children in role-playing interaction, develop playing skills.

Story - role-playing game: plot "In the toy store" develop friendly interactions between children.

Individual work Repeat with children familiar nursery rhymes, poems. encourage children to repeat texts familiar to them after the teacher.

: Continue to develop the skills to properly break off the bread in small pieces on your individual napkin, do not crumble it. Bring up careful attitude to bread.

Canteen duty: Invite the children to help an adult arrange the individual napkins under the plates.

Listening to music "Bird", music M. Rauchverger, ate. A. Barto. To evoke an emotional response in children to music, to teach them to sing along, listening to the voice of an adult, to take their breath correctly. Develop auditory perception, modal feeling

OOD: Speech Development Card No.

OOD: Physical culture by physical plan. instructor


Observation of objects nd not alive nature: Observing the sky - teach children to note that the sky is blue, white clouds slowly float across it.

activity: learning to compare objects by size. Strengthen the ability of children to distinguish objects by size, compare them different ways. To teach to convey the results of comparison in speech, to form the grammatical structure of speech.

Individual work:. Didactic game "More less". Exercise children in distinguishing and comparing objects by size, continue to introduce different ways of comparison, learn to use familiar methods.

Story - role-playing game:"Let's dress the doll Katya for a walk" to help children remember the sequence of dressing and undressing, to teach children to hang and fold clothes neatly, to encourage them to use the names of clothing items in speech.

Building the foundations of security (Safety of own life activity): To form children's ideas about safety rules during games: do not push, do not grab each other's clothes, etc.

children: Construction Games material: "Houses for nesting dolls", learn to create buildings, different in size and beat buildings.

Labor education: encourage children to collect toys after a walk, put them away

Education of cultural and hygienic skills (during lunch and getting ready for bed): Continue to develop the skills to use a fork, after finishing the meal, put the fork on the edge of the plate; undress and undress independently.

2nd half of the day

Gymnastics-awakening. Complex No. 2. Hardening procedures. Education of cultural and hygienic skills.

Independent play activity children: offer games in the development corners according to the interests of children.

Theatrical activities:exercise "Geese".To teach children to convey the features of the movement of the animal, its characteristic actions, to imitate its voice. Develop imagination and creativity.


environment: digging up a vegetable garden. Expand children's ideas about seasonal work in the garden, talk about the purpose of this operation. To form primary ideas about the work of adults, its significance in life each person.

Independent play activity children: offer children games with sports equipment.

mobile game:"Hit the target".Teach children to throw sandbags at a horizontal target, navigate in space, act on the command of the teacher. Develop gross motor skills of the hands, eye, increase joint mobility.

Individual work: learn to compare objects by size. To consolidate the ability of children to distinguish objects by size, to compare them in various ways. To teach to convey the results of comparison in speech, to form the grammatical structure of speech.

Evening. Work in group.

Didactic games: Didactic game "Count - ka"- Activate in speech and clarify concepts "a lot of", "one", "no one".

Reading fiction literature:Reading fiction. "In the toy store" Ch. Yancharsky, translated from Polish by V. Prikhodko. Teach children to listen and perceive a literary work.

Story - role-playing game:"Family": plot "Preparation for the holiday".To form in children the ability to act within a certain plot, choose game actions, interact with other participants in the game, take into account their interests. Encourage children to use in the game personal experience, singing songs, reciting poems.


Individual work:Formation of friendly relations between children

Interaction with parents pupils: Recommendations for parents "Children's clothing for the season"

Junior group number 9

Thursday "5" May 2016


Conversation, speech situation:What are toys for?.clarify ideas about what toys are for.

Story - role-playing game: « Kindergarten» : plot «» . Help children build a single plot, combine game actions. Learn to reflect actions with objects and human relationships in the game.

Individual work: Didactic game "Who's Hiding Where". Teach children to use spatial prepositions correctly in speech "under", "above", "behind", "V", correctly build speech constructions. Develop the grammatical structure of speech, learn to act in accordance with the game task.

Morning gymnastics. Complex No. 1

Education of cultural and hygienic skills (during washing and breakfast): Gaming situation: "Clean Hands"- continue to form the ability of children to properly wash and dry their hands with a towel, rinse their mouth after eating.

Canteen duty: To teach children to lay out spoons neatly and accurately perform their duties. To form primary ideas about the role of work in people's lives

Breathing exercises: "Geese", "Pump"- to help strengthen the nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract and lungs.

Organized educational activities

OOD: Cognition-FTsKM map no.


Observation of objects of wildlife. Observation: insects in spring. Teach children to distinguish between representatives of various groups(beetles, butterflies, ants, identify similarities and differences, correctly name the body parts of insects. Introduce interesting facts, features of vital activity of various insects. Develop cognitive interest, enrich the vocabulary of children.

mobile games:

1-s subgroup(with running)- "Run to the flag". To exercise children in running, to promote the development of the functional systems of the body, to teach them to quickly respond to a signal.

2 - from all over group(climbing)"Mice in the pantry"- Introduce the rules of the game, form the skills to pronounce the text, develop flexibility, dexterity.

Informative - research activities (sensory development, d\i): "Wonderful bag"- continue to develop children's skills to determine the shape of an object by touch.

Individual work. exercise in throwing at a distance with the right and left hands, develop an eye, cultivate a desire to perform exercises

Story - role-playing game "Pishcheblok".Expand children's ideas about the work of a cook, update knowledge about the names of objects kitchen utensils. Enrich the gaming experience of children, contribute to the emergence of games on scenes from the surrounding life.

Independent play activity children: To teach children to find an activity according to their interests, to unite in pairs, microgroups.

: "Baby in the Street"- looking at the illustration of the road. To form in children the skills of safe behavior on the road, to clearly demonstrate the essence of the basic rules for crossing the street. Continue to learn to distinguish between traffic lights

Labor education: cleaning the site. Organize an inspection of the site by children, a discussion of what needs to be put in order. To form a conscious attitude to order, to support the desire of children to be useful.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills : We continue to form the skills of correct behavior - wash your hands thoroughly before eating, do not push, carefully put things on the chairs before going to bed.

2nd half of the day

Gymnastics-awakening. Complex №1. hardening procedures. Education of cultural and hygienic skills.

Independent play activity children: offer children games with a designer.

To form skills in children to put the designer in a special container, put it on the shelf after the game. Cultivate a conscious attitude to order, the desire to maintain it.

Entertainment:fairy tale "Masha and the Bear". To form in children the desire to improvise based on a familiar fairy tale, to teach them to convey the emotional state of the characters, to develop the desire to imitate movements, to speak to peers.

Organized educational activities

OOD: Physical culture by physical plan. instructor


Observation of nearby objects environment: Birdwatching. To teach children to compare birds by size, color, plumage, make short story. Supplement children's knowledge about different types of birds.

Independent play activity children: Invite the children to clean up the veranda. To support in children the desire to be useful, to be independent, to teach them to see and enjoy the results of their work

mobile game: "Sparrows and a cat". Contribute to the improvement of children's performance of the main type of movement - running, to teach to maintain cross-coordination of the movements of the arms and legs.

Individual work:.Jumping on two legs moving forward. Learn to push off, keep balance.

Evening. Work in group.

Structurally - modular activity: Construction Games material: construction of buildings at the choice of children. Encourage the development of play activities in children with building material, fantasy, creativity. Encourage to beat buildings.

Reading fiction literature: poems by A. Barto "Toys"-To instill in children a love for the artistic word, develop memory attention.

Story - role-playing game "Family": talk about "My family"; contemplation family albums; drawing on the topic "My house". Continue to form children's ideas about the family, teach them to name family members correctly. Cultivate a good attitude towards loved ones, a sense of pride in the good deeds of loved ones. Enrich children's play experience.

Independent play activities of children in the corners development: Contribute to the organization of children's games with large building materials, favorite toys, learn to negotiate interaction.

Individual work:exercise "The girl is a bow, the boy is a button". To form self-service skills in children, to consolidate the ability to lace up shoes, fasten buttons on a shirt, tie bows on pigtails. Develop fine motor skills.

Interaction with parents pupils: Rules of conduct in public transport

Junior Group No. 11

Friday "6" May 2016


Board games:. Lacing, Lotto, Gyenes blocks - develop memory, attention, perseverance of children and fine motor skills of fingers

Story - role-playing game:plot "Mom goes to the beauty salon".To teach children to take on a role, to act in concert within the framework of a single plot. Develop dialogical form of speech, empathy.

Individual work:Didactic game "A toy shop". To teach children to write short descriptive stories about toys, to answer the question of what they like about this toy. Develop connected speech.

Morning gymnastics. Complex No. 1

Education of cultural and hygienic skills (during washing and breakfast): Continue to develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, teach them how to use soap correctly, wash their hands after going to the toilet, walking, before eating, etc.

Canteen duty: learning to set the table. Teach children to follow the instruction containing two tasks (arrange the cups and lay out the spoons). Cultivate responsibility, diligence, encourage the desire to be useful.

finger games: "Kids", "Family"- to promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Organized educational activities

OOD: Artistic creation - drawing card no.

OOD: Physical culture in the air.


Observation of non-animal objects. Observation, storytelling "What is the weather today?" To teach children to distinguish the nature of the weather, to select the appropriate definitions (clear, cloudy, sunny, windy, rainy, name natural phenomena. Develop coherent speech, observation, cognitive interest.

mobile games: 1-s subgroup: "Get in the circle" (with small ball)- to form skills in children to throw the ball into the hoop. Develop eye, accuracy

2-s subgroup(for orientation)"Find Your Flag" develop skills to navigate in space. Cultivate interest in the game.

round dance game "Spiderbug". To teach children to perform game actions, expressively convey the movements of the character of the round dance game. Develop emotional responsiveness to music.

Cognitive - research activity:

Individual work:exercise "My Shoes".To form self-service skills in children, a conscious attitude to order. Learn how to wrinkle shoes, untie shoelaces, unfasten Velcro and fasteners on shoes, carefully put shoes on a shelf.

Story - role-playing game: "Shop"- plot "toy department"- To continue to form the ability to adhere to the plot during the game, to promote the development of game actions. To teach children to build interaction with peers, play together, take into account the wishes of comrades.

Building the foundations of security: Game situation "Be Careful and Careful"- to form the skills of safe movement in the room (carefully go down the stairs, holding on to the railing, open and close the doors, holding on to the door handle, etc.)

Independent play activities of children. sand games. Develop fine motor skills and tactile mnemonic sensitivity. Contribute to stabilization emotional state, prevention of nervous tension

Labor education: planting peas. To expand children's ideas about labor operations carried out when growing cultivated plants, to learn to lay out pea seeds on a hole prepared by a teacher, to form appropriate labor skills

Education of cultural and hygienic skills (during lunch and getting ready for bed): to form skills in children to observe posture at the table, rinse their mouth after eating, undress on their own.

2nd half of the day

Gymnastics-awakening. Complex no. hardening procedures. Education of cultural and hygienic skills.

Independent play activity children: invite children to look at books, albums in the reading corner.

Use of TCO: "Seasons". Enrich children's ideas about natural phenomena characteristic of spring, teach them to name them correctly. Activate the vocabulary on this topic, form the grammatical structure of speech.


Observation of objects in the immediate environment. herbaceous plants in May. To teach children to distinguish herbaceous plants, to introduce some types of herbs. Discuss with children the benefits of grass for people and animals

Independent play activity children: offer children games in the development corners of interest.

mobile game:"Catch a Mosquito". Contribute to the improvement of children's performance of basic movements, teach them to correctly perform jumps on two legs up. Develop the muscles of the legs and back, speed of reaction.

Individual workCompilation of a story about spring. Teach children to answer questions in detail, make a sentence of 2-3 words. Activate vocabulary by topic "Spring" to develop coherent speech.

Evening. Work in group.

Structurally - modular activity: Construction Games material: we are building a toy store-To teach children to carry out a three-dimensional building collectively, to coordinate their actions with the actions of other players. To form the ability to beat the building.

Reading fiction literature: Reading Russian folk amusement "Three Hens Outside". Continue to acquaint children with the culture of the Russian people, to form interest in it. Learn to expressively repeat the lines of nursery rhymes after the teacher.

Story - role-playing game: plot "Buying a dress for my daughter".Teach children to take on a certain role, encourage them to use substitute objects in games. To stimulate the use of personal experience by children in the game, to develop a dialogical form of speech.

Independent play activities of children in the corners development: offer children printed board games.

Individual work: Didactic game "Tell me how much".Reinforce children's understanding of categories "a lot of", "one", exercise in using them in speech. Teach children to find one or more similar objects in the environment.

Interaction with parents pupils: Talking with parents of children about handkerchiefs

If you clearly know what you want and when, your energy, efficiency, and speed of progress towards the goal will increase many times over. Therefore, it is extremely important to have plan for every day. And you need to do it V writing , because:

  • the plans of the day that are contained in the head are easy to break, change, postpone, reject, forget;
  • a written plan for each day will provide an unloading of memory, which means it will free up energy that would otherwise be spent on remembering things;
  • a written plan allows you to concentrate on business, you act more purposefully, completing the program point by point;
  • thanks to control, you do not lose unfinished business;
  • You better estimate the time needed for each case, and make more and more realistic plans;
  • You try to rationally use your time, and do the necessary things without being distracted by irritants;
  • You really do get things done, because a realistic plan for each day only includes what you can do.

Alpa Method

Alpa Method is one of the main methods of managing your time, along with. This method is very simple, it takes no more than 10 minutes per day, but it is incredibly effective.

The Alpa method includes 5 stages:

  1. Making a to-do list.
  2. Estimate the duration of each case.
  3. Reservation of time in the ratio of 60:40, where 60 is the time to complete the task, 40 is the window for urgent, current affairs, rest.
  4. Prioritization and decision making on delegation of cases.
  5. Control and accountability.

There are various abbreviations you can use when compiling a to-do list, for example:

! - very important or very urgent matter;
? - to figure out;
O - communication, personal meeting, conversation;
H - writing texts, letters, articles;
P - trip;
H - reading books and watching videos;
D - delegation;
K - control.

Come up with your notation. Try this abbreviation system, and if it suits you, use it. With abbreviations, you can link similar activities together, such as making a block of phone calls, or doing several tasks in one trip.

After prioritizing and sorting the list, assign each task a time. Everyone knows that work often requires as much time as is available. Setting a specific time for each case forces you to fit within these time frames. You begin to look for ways to work more efficiently in order to meet these limits.

Finally, consider 10 reasons that prevent us achieve the goal:

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Dear readers, I am glad to welcome you to the site. You must have come across such situations when there was a catastrophic lack of time, and the plans outlined in your head collapsed like sandcastles. Similar events can happen to anyone, even a very disciplined person.

The idea of ​​making a schedule every day is not new, but for all its old-fashionedness, for some reason, many people still do not know how to properly plan for every day in order to be on time. And if they do know, then for some reason they do not use this planning.

Although a detailed schedule of the day is a guarantee not only of successful promotion career ladder, but also the constant content of their affairs in in perfect order and under control.

Let's be clear about this issue. Why is this so important and how does it help you succeed?

First of all, ready plan helps you deal with own desires. In your mind, you may be torn between going out with friends and going on a date with your loved one, or between going to the gym and going out into the countryside. But by making a plan for tomorrow on paper, you are thinking and making a conscious decision about what you want more. Thus, your brain is freed from heavy thoughts of choice. You do what you wish.

The ideal day plan should be written down on paper and there are good reasons for this:

  • A plan written on paper cannot be erased, forgotten or changed. He will always be before your eyes;
  • writing a schedule will free your brain from a large number information and protect against forgetfulness;
  • thanks to an accurate schedule, you can solve cases in a row by simply following the list;
  • on paper, you can accurately calculate the time for each case, without stretching it for the whole day;
  • usually the plan of the day successful person includes only the number of cases that he is sure to be able to do. A written to-do list allows you not to burden yourself with too many different tasks that have piled on.

A fair question arises: how to draw up a plan correctly so that it reflects all the necessary tasks and leads to their effective implementation?

There are various methods that help a person achieve incredible success in a short period of time. IN modern world there are many special courses on time management, which supposedly reveal the secret of time management. Of course, among them there are those that really work and can turn you into the king of your life. And I will talk about such a course below.

In the meantime, ask yourself this question: Am I disciplined enough to follow a plan that exists only in my head? Be as honest with yourself as possible and don't be upset if the answer is no.

A very small number of people in the world are able to strictly adhere to the schedule in their head, while remembering all the details. As a rule, these are people with excellent memory and they have long been under the gun of the special services 🙂

I made a plan, what's next? How to follow your schedule?

One popular method suggests dividing writing a to-do list into 5 steps:

  1. Direct listing.
  2. Determine the time to be spent on each task.
  3. The distribution of time at the rate of 1 hour for business, and 40 minutes - time for rest, small but urgent matters.
  4. Assign each case and identify people who can complete the task for you. I wrote about how to prioritize in life.
  5. Accounting for completed tasks.

In principle, everything is quite simple. To make it easier for you to remember this method, it will be presented in a schematic form below.

The next question that needs to be addressed is how to follow the daily plan?

Everything seems to be clear, but even here difficulties can arise, especially for lazy people.

Related articles:

If you classify yourself as one of them and delay doing the work until the last moment, you can be given simple advice: having drawn up a plan on paper, print it out and place it throughout the apartment. Let your affairs remind you when you get out of bed, go to the toilet, cook your breakfast, drink coffee, paint your lips or put on a tie. Lie in this scenario, you definitely won’t forget about them 🙂

Also, I recommend duplicating the list of tasks in the phone, which will remind you when you need to call N., wash the floor, cook dinner or write an article in the blog. Over time, you will get used to the fact that your deeds are very persistent and will not leave you until you do them, and you will begin to do everything yourself, without reminders.

It will be difficult to maintain discipline only at the beginning, and then you will enjoy how many things you manage to do in a day.

If you still don’t understand how to make a plan for the day, my example is at your service. Take a pen, notepad, phone, sit down at the table, you can pour yourself a cup of invigorating coffee.

Although you can cheer up without it. How about reading the article.

Make up your own mind if we are talking about the day off. For example, wash the dishes, wash the floor, cook dinner, go for a walk with the dog, wash / iron clothes, set up a blog. If you're a busy person and don't need to think of things to do, just write down everything you need to do and the time it will take.

Always start the plan with easy things. What easy things can be, you ask? Easy tasks are those that take less than 30 minutes a day. For example, among the options “wash the dishes” and “cook dinner”, the easy option would be “wash the dishes”. From the options "call N." and "write an article" will make it easier to make a call. I always accept telephone conversations for an easy job, even if you have to talk with unpleasant people.

A sales manager, blogger, secretary is very often cited as an example of a person who knows how to plan a daily routine. Why? Because these professions need organized people. A sales manager should structure his day in such a way as to get as much profit as possible. The plan of the working day of the head, therefore, the fate of the company depends on the secretary.

And the blogger... the blogger builds his day so that people know about him. more people. His salary depends on his schedule. Everything is simple.

Related articles:

How to become the master of time when planning

Ways to plan the day can be completely different. If you have not found your favorite yet, I advise you to seek help from the time management course from Evgeny Popov " master of time».

The author's course is aimed at helping a person cope with lack of time and chronic lateness. Own system, created by the author, is based on his personal achievements, which he shares with the whole world. By mastering the technique, you can put your affairs in order and get rid of chaos.

After reviewing the training, you will understand that any task facing you is very valuable. And each of the tasks requires an individual approach.

But how do you find time for everything?

Explore Evgeny Popov's course and become the master of your time.

Friends, I am sure you have learned a lot from this article, and I hope that now you can master the basics of making a plan for the day. Share with us your methods for writing a to-do list. I'm very interested in your perspective on this issue.

Do not forget to share the article and add me as a friend in any social network. And for those who have not yet subscribed to blog updates, I advise you right now, because there are still so many interesting things ahead.

Until we meet again and interesting conversations on the blog.

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