A story about autumn leaves for 3. The story of an autumn leaf. Book pages - tales about an autumn leaf

Morozova Anastasia, Lifanova Anna

Have you ever thought about how a leaf lives in late autumn? What feelings does he have? My students have turned to this topic. Each of them came up with their own story. We bring to your attention some of them.



Hello Lera! I want to tell you a story that the breeze brought me.

The last maple leaf hung on high tree and still could not tear himself away from his branch. All his brothers had long since left the maple and lay quietly down on the dark earth. And a small yellow leaf swayed high above them and sighed sadly. The branch he grew up on didn't want to let him go. She firmly held the trembling leaf and whispered to him: “Stay with me! You remind me of a warm summer sun!” The leaf felt sorry for the twig and did not fly away.

One morning the first snowflakes fell. Vetka looked at them and suddenly noticed drops of water on a leaf. He cried bitterly. Leaf understood that the snow would hide his family forever. Then the twig released its captive. The yellow leaf spun merrily among the snowflakes and, like a little sun, sank to wet ground to your loved ones.

This is the story the breeze brought me.

Goodbye, Lera.

This fabulous letter was written by Anastasia Morozova.

Autumn leaf

At the edge of the forest there grew a tree with carved leaves. Those who passed by admired the beauty of the maple tree. In summer it stood in lush green decoration. With the onset of autumn, the maple tree changed its outfit. One leaf in particular stood out. From green, it was the very first to change its color and become crimson. One day autumn wind, wandering among forest trees, picked this beautiful leaf. When our little hero flew, he was able to see all the beauty autumn forest. But then the wind died down. Our little traveler, smoothly spinning, sank to the ground next to a forest path, which was dotted with colorful autumn leaves. Walking through the forest, schoolchildren collected bouquets of bright leaves. Among them was our maple leaf. The children brought these bouquets to school and decorated their classroom. The autumn holiday has arrived at school.

This amazing story written by Lifanova Anna.

Autumn is the most beautiful time. Autumn means warm days, rain and the first frosts. Autumn means fallen leaves that constantly tell us that cold weather is approaching. It's so nice to watch the leaves on the trees change color. Leaves constantly show us how things can be rich nature how many colors there are on the planet.

The leaves indicate that in summer they are lush and green, and in autumn they are bright yellow or noble red. Leaves teach us to appreciate any time of year and enjoy any weather, because every season is beautiful in its own way and every day of life is unique and unrepeatable.

Essay No. 2

Autumn is the brightest time of the year. Summer is behind us, the warm days are a thing of the past and the regal weather is upon us. Nature turns colorful and the autumn leaves begin to speak. Autumn begins with cool weather, the first rains and cold weather. Then Indian summer comes, and the leaves on the trees begin to change color. They turn yellow, red, and orange, thereby reminding us that winter is approaching.

It's always nice to walk along an alley strewn with autumn leaves. It's always nice to hold them in your hands, feel their smell and hear their rustling. Leaves show us how rich autumn nature. The leaves indicate that you should not be mopey. After all, absolutely any time of year is wonderful and your mood should not depend on the weather outside the window.

Autumn leaves say goodbye to us, falling from the trees. They fade, dry, rustle. The leaves are driven by the wind, the first frosts cause them to fall and the trees remain bare. Nature freezes and prepares to meet winter weather. Therefore, it is extremely important to enjoy the beauty of autumn leaves, walk through autumn parks and dry an autumn leaf as a souvenir, preserving the memory of a warm summer and a rich and bright autumn.

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Theme description: Autumn is a touching time when all nature slows down, calms down and prepares for the long winter ahead. Autumn is a warm Indian summer, prolonged rains, a light cool wind and, of course, falling autumn leaves.

Falling autumn leaves

Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees are rapidly turning yellow, although even in the summer the first yellow leaves began to emerge from the green foliage. It's warm days outside Indian summer, and I want to find time to go to the park to collect fallen leaves.

The park is very beautiful in autumn, but the most charm of Russian autumn will come in October. After all, it is during this period that the amazingly beautiful time of golden autumn begins. The trees are full of colorful autumn leaves. With a light breeze, the wind picks leaves from the trees and spins them in the autumn waltz of leaf fall.

If you go to the park early in the morning, when not all the paths have been cleared, you can enjoy the rustling of fallen leaves. What kind of leaves can you see under your feet? These are red-yellow maple leaves, small oak leaves, yellowed chestnut leaves, and very small red rowan leaves. You can collect a bouquet of leaves, then carefully put them to dry between the pages of a large book, and then you will get a beautiful herbarium.

And in my favorite park there is a pond. In the summer, ducks swim there, but in October the pond is empty, the ducks fly to warmer climes to beat the cold winter period. At this sad time, it’s nice to sit on the shore and enjoy how another autumn leaf falls on the water, spreading small circles in different directions.

Alas, extraordinary beautiful time The golden autumn is quickly passing. A series of rainy, cool days is coming. On days like these, you don’t really want to go outside anymore. Rain and wind outside the window will quickly tear off almost all the leaves, and the forest will become damp and dark. Last traces late autumn in the form of wet leaves on the asphalt, a few more days will remind us of the beauty and romance of this amazing time. And very soon the snow will fall, tearing off the most persistent leaves from the branches, and now winter will definitely come to power.

Tale about autumn leaf: writing with preschool children.

A fairy tale about an autumn leaf: we compose with preschool children

In this article, I am very happy to present the experience of using materials from the “Native Path” website by the family of our regular readers from Hungary. Meet Olga Zagoratz and little son Daniel (Hungary, Pecs). Dana is 2.5 years old. competitors

How my child and I composed a fairy tale about an autumn leaf

Olga writes: “I have found your site for more than a year now and I never cease to rejoice at this “accident.” Your wonderful materials help us a lot in everyday life - how and what to play with, develop speech, etc.

One rainy October morning, Danka and I sat in the kitchen as usual and had breakfast. The tea was almost finished. It was time to decide what we would do today. We were so used to good weather, long walks and searching for autumn treasures that we were even a little surprised by the grayness and cold. Having discussed that the weather was still NOT bad, and most suitable for autumn, we decided to stay at home.

Usually we discussed this topic on the street or somewhere in line. Home came to the rescue Stuffed Toys(and, of course, substitute items): the bears were carefully fed with berries and fish and put to bed, the squirrel was helped to collect mushrooms and berries for drying, the stork flew “to the Limpopo”... We really didn’t get to the badgers, but, as they say, how old are we? !

And then we decided make up your own fairy tale! Armed with the advice of “Native Path” (), with the help of leading questions and clarifications, we together came up with the story of one autumn leaf and immediately began to implement the book.

I first wrote down the text on a rough draft. Together we decided what illustrations needed to be made, and immediately began to paint. I must say, we immediately set our sights on a large work - 3 spreads. It took about a week to draw, cut, and then paste all the necessary pictures. I wrote the text into the book last, then sewed the pages together, and the manuscript was ready!

Danka was very pleased with the result! We have read the book many times, and we still leaf through it often. Needless to say, with what pride the book was presented to dad and grandmothers! There was a full house!

Despite the fact that the plot turned out to be simple, we were able to beat current topics. And further I saw that twinkle in my baby’s eyes that happens when you get excited about an idea and can’t stop. It's worth a lot!

Thanks to your materials, my son and I discovered the new kind leisure time with inventing stories (this is at 2 years old!), getting to know nature, creative activities and speech development - all in one! Such activities are useful not only for the baby, but also for the mother. I feel like I'm moving in the right direction in terms of harmonious development baby :).

This is the kind of book Olga and Dani came up with.

Book cover - fairy tales about an autumn leaf

Book pages - tales about an autumn leaf

Page 1

In the nursery near our house there grew a tall birch tree. Its thick crown - branches and leaves - delighted the children all summer. The birch tree covered the playground so that one could play outside even on the hottest day. If the summer rain started to drizzle, the birch tree could hide everyone from it.

Page 2

All the leaves on the tree were a beautiful, lush green color. But one leaf was special... It didn’t just want to hang on a branch and rustle in the wind. Leaf really wanted to do something useful and help someone.

Page 3

But summer was coming to an end, Golden autumn with its rains, winds, colds. Our leaf turned from green to multi-colored - blue-yellow-purple. Many of his brothers also changed color and flew away from the tree in a gust of wind. But the leaf still hasn’t managed to do a good deed and help someone.

Page 4

He was completely sad. But then one fine day a butterfly flew up to him. “Oh, how cold I am!” - she whispered. - “The sun is no longer warm at all!”

Then the leaf showed the butterfly a crack in the bark where it could hide and wait out the cold winter.

Page 5

Soon another guest came running - a ladybug. "Oh. my little tummy hurts so bad!” - she complained. - “I can’t get to the hospital on my own!” Then our leaf, together with the ladybug, waited for the next gust of wind, took off from the tree and flew... Like an airplane, it flew by ladybug over the nursery, over the store and the road and landed near the hospital.

Page 6

The leaf was very happy! Still would! After all, his dream - to help someone - came true. First, he told the butterfly where it could warm up. And now I’ve brought the ladybug to the doctor! And while the leaf was lying on the road, one came up a little boy, said: “How beautiful!” And he took it home to give to his mother.

You will find all the master classes and letters from regular readers of the site - participants in the competition “Growing with the Native Path - 2016”

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"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

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    Autumn is that time of year when trees put on their festive outfits of autumn leaves. Autumn leaves are the true decoration that all plants put on in autumn. The foliage shimmers in different shades, ranging from light yellow to burgundy tones. But when things begin to move closer and closer to winter, the trees gradually shed their leaves, in which children can often be seen frolicking.

    In the story about autumn leaves You can compare leaves with travelers, talk about how light leaves are, how the wind carries leaves, and compare the flight of leaves with the flight of birds. We can say that the flight of leaves is so beautiful that this flight can be called fabulous.

    I would write a story about how once upon a time, in early spring, they were small, small, like, hatching from a bud, they saw a ray of sun for the first time, smiled and reached out to it, like the first time they felt a drop of dew on themselves. I would remember the first butterfly, the first bee, the tiny chicks on the next branch.

    Then there was summer: bright sun, abundant warm rains, a riot of colors and bright, rich life around. Who did the leaves see at this time: a squirrel making supplies, a hedgehog hurrying somewhere about its business, a nightingale lulling with its songs.

    And now it’s autumn. Cold, damp, lonely. Strong wind undresses the trees. The leaves are falling, huddling together, trying to keep warm. Will something happen later?

    I would write a story like this:

    In autumn, the leaves fall from the trees and they fly like birds obedient to the wind. The leaves are so light and airy that the wind carries them far, far away. And they, like travelers, carry out their fabulous flight.

    travelers, light, obedient to the wind, like birds, airy, fabulous flight

    Summer is over, autumn has come. Need to go to school again. And do homework after school. On one of these days, Masha sat at her desk and looked out the window, remembering her summer adventures. There were trees outside the window. The leaves on them have already turned yellow. Then the wind blew and the air currents tore off several leaves from the branch. Light leaves obedient to the wind began to swirl like birds. Masha admired their fabulous flight and dreamed of spinning in the wind like these leaves. Then the wind became stronger and the leaves rushed off into the distance, like mysterious travelers.

    In your essay you can focus on the special and unique beauty of autumn leaves.

    One gets the feeling that each leaf is the creation of an artist who, sparing the entire palette of colors, tried to give the leaf a special individuality.

    Autumn leaves are so good that they are used to make stunning herbariums, or simply dried for crafts.

    Autumn forests give the mood a special sublimity and poetry, as you are immersed in fabulous atmosphere, where the play of bright, rich colors always makes us happy.

    And against the backdrop of such a riot of colors, the shedding of foliage does not seem so gloomy.

    In a story about autumn leaves, using these words you can write like this:

    Leaves are fabulous travelers who set off on a light and airy flight with a light breeze. This is how they are, obedient to the wind and able to fly just like birds. Their fabulous flight is extremely beautiful.

    All summer, the leaves on the tree delightedly watched the flight of birds, butterflies and dragonflies, dreaming of one day also flying somewhere far, far away and finally seeing the world that lies beyond the forest.

    And then autumn came. The leaves quickly began to turn yellow and the native branch held them weaker and weaker. The leaves were excited - soon, very soon they, like real travelers, will set off on their first and only fabulous flight!

    All it needed was a gust of wind and it came. The leaves, one after another, tore off the branch and flew, flew, flew like birds. Almost airy, they were so light that in everything they turned out to be obedient to the wind, which playfully drove them further and further.

    Finally, the edge of the forest appeared and the leaves flew up with a final effort, they saw a wide yellow field and a blue ribbon of the river, some strange trees, devoid of branches and leaves, with numerous hollows, and suddenly the wind died down. The leaves swirled smoothly and fell to the ground and fell silent.

    They were happy, their lives had not been lived in vain, and all their dreams had come true.

    Autumn leaves quietly swirl and fall to the ground. The round dance of leaves does not frighten passers-by and delights children. The ginger cat hid among the colorful foliage and cautiously looks out at the suddenly heard rustling.

    There are maple leaves on the bench, I want to collect them in a beautiful bouquet and give them to my mother. Autumn leaves smell like autumn and a little bit like summer. It becomes sad at the sight of flying leaves that have lost the color of the trees. There is silence.

    Oh, these travelers! They love all sorts of mysterious and inaccessible places. So this time we came across an old abandoned park. The trees have already lost some of their leaves. And the remaining yellow leaves slowly fall like golden rain. Light as pimples - obedient to the wind, they soar like birds in the clear autumn air. The fallen leaf will end its fabulous half on the ground. Airy scatterings of yellow leaves, like snowdrifts, attract cheerful children.

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