Atlas-determinant of plants for children "from earth to sky" to the textbook Pleshakov's world around. How to identify the trees of central Russia? Deciduous trees of central Russia Leaves of forest trees

Norway spruce and Scots pine are the best known conifers. Cedar pine grows in Siberia. People often call her Siberian cedar. Larch differs from other coniferous trees in soft, falling needles for the winter. Fir - similar to spruce, but the needles of the fir are flat, with two rows of stripes below. When we hear the name "maple", we imagine a tree with large, beautifully carved leaves.

Norway spruce And Scotch pine- the most famous coniferous trees.

Cedar pine grows in Siberia. In the people it is often called the Siberian cedar.

Larch differs from other coniferous trees in soft needles falling for the winter.

Fir- it looks like a spruce, but the needles of a fir are flat, they have two rows of stripes from below.

When we hear the title maple", imagine a tree with large, beautifully carved leaves. However, there is Tatar maple with oval leaves with small protrusions, American maple, in which each leaf consists of 3 or 5 individual leaflets.

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Perhaps no country in the world is as rich in forests as Russia. Legends are made about the trees of the forest, poems and songs are dedicated to them. Forest trees and shrubs are the "lungs" of our planet, thanks to the endless forest expanses, the air is saturated with oxygen, and harmful carbon dioxide impurities are actively absorbed from the atmosphere.

Below you will find out which trees are often found in forests. middle lane Russia, and you can see in the photos how they look.

Trees growing in the forest: pine, spruce and larch

Such names of Russian trees as pine, spruce and are familiar even to preschoolers, they are one of the most common in our country.

forest tree Scotch pine (Pinus silvestris L.) distributed in the European part of Russia, in the Urals, in Siberia, as well as in other regions.

Pine reaches 20-40 meters in height. Trees have slender trunks covered with red-brown bark. The crown of young trees is cone-shaped, while that of old trees is wide and rounded.

In trees growing in the forest, the crown is highly raised, and in those growing on open places the crown is low.

In medicine, unopened spring buds of pine, needles, resin are used. They contain essential oil, resins, starch, tannins, vitamins. Pine oil has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, general stimulating properties.

Norway spruce(Picea abies Karst) distributed almost throughout Russia. Forest breed.

Spruce reaches 30-35 m, there are trees 50 m high and up to 1 m in diameter. Spruce grows all its life, the maximum age of spruce is 300 years.

This evergreen forest conifer tree with a shallow root system.

Shade-tolerant, in a dense forest the crown is preserved in the upper part of the tree, and in trees growing in open places, the crown starts from the ground itself.

European larch(Larix decidua) common in Siberia and Far East Russia.

Larch grows up to 50 m in height and up to 1 m in diameter. Lives 300-400 years.

This type of forest tree has a cone-shaped crown. The root system is deep. Does not tolerate waterlogging.

The needles are annual, soft. Flattened, bright green, located on elongated shoots in a spiral, and on short ones - in bunches.

Cones are egg-shaped, 1.5-3.5 cm long, ripen in autumn in the year of flowering. Mature cones open either immediately, or - having overwintered - in early spring. Seeds are small, ovoid, with tightly attached wings. Fruiting begins at the age of about 15 years.

Larch wood is elastic, durable, resinous, very resistant to decay.

What trees grow in the forest: fir, cedar and juniper

The following photos and names of Russian trees, which are not inferior in importance to pine, spruce and larch, are fir, cedar and.

fir(abies) distributed in the European part of Russia, in Siberia, in the Caucasus.

Tree 40-50 m in height, trunk diameter about 1 m. Lives 500-700 years.

The crown is pyramidal. The bark is light gray, sometimes with a reddish tint.

The needles are flat, located in two rows, comb. The upper side is dark green, the lower side is with white stripes.

Fruits for 25-30 years.

Siberian cedar(Pinus sibirica) - evergreen tree 30-44 m in height, trunk diameter about 1.5 m. Lives up to 500 years.

The crown is multi-apex, dense.

The needles are dark green with a bluish bloom, 6-14 cm long, soft, triangular in section, growing in bunches, five needles in a bunch.

Mature cones are large, elongated, egg-shaped, first purple and then brown, 5-8 cm wide, up to 13 cm long.

Each cone of this forest tree species contains from 30 to 150 seeds - cedar "nuts".

Common juniper (Juniperus communis) found almost throughout Russia.

Evergreen coniferous multi-stemmed tree or shrub 2-6 m in height.

The crown is multi-apex, dense.

The needles are sharp-needled, located in whorls of three needles, which are pressed against the shoot and stick out to the sides.

"Fruits" of juniper, cones, green at first, in the second year blue-black with a bluish bloom and resinous pulp.

Cones are used in cooking as a seasoning and for the production of tinctures. Pine needles and cone berries are used for smoking fish and meat.

Trees in the forests of central Russia with photos and names: oak, birch and linden

Of course, everyone knows such names of trees in central Russia as oak, birch and linden.

Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) reaches a height of 20-40 m. It can live up to 2000 years, but usually lives 300-400 years.

The name of such a tree in Russia as common birch (Betula pubescens), is strongly associated with our country. Birch grows throughout the European part of Russia, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the mountains of the Caucasus, is one of the symbols of the state.

Reaches 25-30 m in height and up to 80 cm in diameter. The bark of young trees is brownish-brown, and from 8-10 years it turns white. Lives up to 120 years.

The root system of birch is highly developed, but does not penetrate deep into the soil.

Leaves ovate or rhombic-ovate, 3.5-7 cm long, 2.5-5 cm wide.

The tree is monoecious, but the catkins are dioecious. Fruiting catkins 2.5-3 cm long, on pubescent legs, seed scales 3-5 mm wide, ciliated along the edge.

Leaves and buds are used in folk medicine.

Linden heart-shaped, or small-leaved linden (Tilia cordata) distributed in the European part of Russia, especially in the Urals.

20-38 m tall with a tent-shaped crown.

The bark is dark, furrowed on older trees.

The leaves are alternate, heart-shaped, long-petiolate, serrated, green above, bluish below.

The flowers are regular, bisexual, with a double five-parted perianth, up to 1-1.5 cm in diameter, yellowish-white, odorous, collected in drooping corymbose inflorescences of 3-11 pieces. Blooms from early July 10-15 days.

The fruits of this tree of the forests of Russia are spherical, pubescent, thin-walled, one- or two-seeded nuts. The fruits ripen in August - September.

Linden blossom is used as a flavoring agent in perfumery, in the production of cognacs and liqueurs, and as a substitute for tea.

Honey plant. Linden honey has long been considered the best in terms of taste and healing qualities.

What trees are found in the forest: aspen, maple, elm and beech

The following photos and names of central Russia, which are not inferior to the rest in their significance, are aspen, maple and beech.

Common aspen, or trembling poplar (Populus tremula) widely distributed in temperate and cold regions of Europe and Asia.

Aspen has a columnar trunk, up to 35 m in height and up to 1 m in diameter.

Lives 80-90, rarely up to 150 years.

The bark of young trees is smooth, light green or greenish-gray, cracking and darkening with age.

The leaves are rounded or rhombic, 3-7 cm long, sharp or obtuse at the apex, with a rounded base, crenate margins, pinnate venation.

The fruit is a very small capsule.

Bees collect pollen from aspen flowers in April, and glue from blossoming buds, which is processed into propolis.

Aspen is credited with the ability to drive away evil spirits.

Norway maple, or sycamore maple (Acer platanoides) - deciduous tree height 12-28 m with a dense spherical crown.

The bark of young trees is smooth, gray-brown, darkens and cracks with age.

The leaves are simple, palm-shaped, opposite, with 5-7 serrated, coarsely serrated lobes, pointed at the ends of the lobes, glabrous, up to 18 cm in length.

Elm, or elm (Ulmus)- Predominantly deciduous plant. The height reaches 40 m with a trunk diameter of 2 m, some species grow as a shrub. The crown is wide-cylindrical with a rounded top to compact-spherical.

Life expectancy is 80-120 years, live up to 400 years.

European beech, or European beech (Fagus sylvatica)

Deciduous tree up to 30-50 m tall with a slender columnar trunk up to 1.5 m in diameter (centuries-old trees up to 3 m), ovoid or wide-cylindrical crown.

Lives 500 years, sometimes up to 950 years.

Leaves are elliptic, broadly pointed towards the base and towards the top, 4-10 cm long, 2.5-7 cm wide.

In autumn, the leaves are yellow, then brown, fall off at the end of October.

Nuts are used in food: in their raw form they in large numbers harmful, it is better to use them fried.

All about forest trees hornbeam and ash

What other trees grow in the forest in Russia? This section of the article describes hornbeam and ash.

Hornbeam ordinary, or European (Carpinus betulus)

Tree 7-12 m high, sometimes up to 25 m. Trunk up to 40 cm in diameter, ribbed. The crown is dense, cylindrical. The bark of young trees is silver-gray, deeply cracking with age.

The leaves are oval, pointed, up to 15 cm long, 5 cm wide, dark green above.

Made from hornbeam musical instruments, veneer, tool handles, parquet.

Poplar (Populus)

Genus of fast-growing trees of the willow family. Large trees with a height of 40-45 m and a trunk diameter of up to 1 meter.

The genus includes about 90 species.

Common Ash (Fraxinus excelsior)

Distributed in the European part of Russia.

A tree 20-30 m high and with a trunk diameter of up to 1 m. The crown is highly raised, openwork.

The bark is grey. The leaves are pinnate, consist of 7-15 leaflets. The leaves are lanceolate, bright green above and light green below. Flowers small, bisexual.

Honey plant.

Types of forest trees willow and alder

Speaking about what trees are found in the forest, of course, it is worth mentioning willow and alder.

Willow(Salix) represents a tree up to 15 m high or less tall shrub. There are about 170 species of willows.

Due to the ability to give adventitious roots, willows are easily propagated by cuttings.

Leaves alternate, petiolate.

The stem is branched, the branches are thin, twig-like, flexible, brittle, with matte or shiny bark.

The flowers are dioecious, small, collected in dense inflorescences. They bloom before the leaves open.

The fruit is a capsule that opens with two flaps.

Willow bark and twigs from some shrub willows are used to make basketry.

Alder measured, or sticky alder (Alnus glutinosa)- a tree up to 35 m high, with a trunk up to 90 cm in diameter. The crown is pyramidal.

Lives up to 80-100 years.

The root system is superficial.

The leaves are opposite, simple, rounded, 4-9 cm long, 6-7 cm wide.

blooms in early spring until the leaves appear. The fruit is a cone 2 cm long and 2-2.5 cm wide.

Forest shrubs wolfberry, heather, wild rosemary and hazel

Wolfberry ordinary, or wolf's bast(Daphne mezereum)- deciduous, slightly branched, 60-120 cm high, shrub growing in the form of a small tree.

The fruits are red oval drupes with spherical shiny seeds. Fruits in late July - August.

All parts of the plant, especially the fruits, contain poisonous juice.

heather (Calluna vulgaris) grows in the European part of Russia, Western and Eastern Siberia.

Evergreen, strongly branching shrub with small triangular leaves.

Honey plant. Heather honey is a good antiseptic.

wild rosemary (Ledum)- an evergreen shrub, about ten species grow on the territory of Russia.

The leaves and branches of wild rosemary emit a sharp intoxicating smell, cause dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes loss of consciousness.

Common hazel, or hazel(Corylus avellana)- deciduous, woody shrub, 2-7 m high. The crown is ovoid or flat-spherical. The bark of the trunks is smooth, light, brownish-gray.

The leaves are rounded, 6-12 cm long, 5-9 cm wide, usually narrowed at the apex.

Staminate catkins up to 5 cm long; covering scales densely pubescent, anthers glabrous, with tuft of hairs above.

The nut is almost spherical or somewhat elongated, 1.8 cm long, 1.3-1.5 cm in diameter.

Russian expanses are characterized by oak and beech forests. For example, the terraces of Tisza, Borzhava and Latoritsa are characterized by oak-ash floodplain forests (Querceto roboris-Fraxinetum). These forests are affected by the level of groundwater. But the southern territories are covered with oak forests with the participation of southern European species oak.

In addition, oak forests are also common in the uplands. And in several of these forest areas from tens to hundreds of hectares, hornbeam-oak forests (Carpineto-Quercetum roboris) can be recognized. Due to the influence Agriculture the number of oak forest stands has been significantly reduced. An extremely strong change in the germination conditions of most of the remaining oak forests, due to drainage and other land reclamation measures, as well as grazing, leads to their mass drying.

And the optimal conditions for the growth of beech are the altitudinal zone from 350 to 1450 meters above sea level. They are so clean, having a poor understory (undergrowth) and they are called "Fagetum pauper" or "Fagetum nudum". In the grass cover, anemone oak (Anemone nemorosa), female ferns (Athyrium filixfemina) and Austrian shieldwort (D. austriaca), oxalis (Oxalis acetosella) and blackberry rough (Rubus hirtus) are common. Also characterized by high closeness; timber stock - from 400 to 650 m?/ha. Along with them, there are many transitional options up to mixed forests. In the warm lower belts, sessile oak appears as an admixture due to the reduced competitiveness of beech. (Querceto petraeae-Fagetum). Within the beech belt itself, on open limestone massifs or outcrops, depending on the proportion of fine-grained soil, linden is attracted to it.

In addition, the cooling upper belts contribute to the formation of beech stands mixed with fir and spruce. They are even richer than pure ponds. Some photos reach up to 1200 m?/ha. These types of forests are also highly resistant to windbreaks and snowfall. For a long time, beech stands were out of the sphere of economic interest. Large, interconnected massifs belonged to large landowners and were used by them only for private hunting. Only from the beginning of the 19th century did the time come for their large-scale felling, followed by reforestation with spruce.

White acacia

(genus "robinia")

White acacia is often called by its real name - Robinia pseudoacacia. This tree grows 22-27 (33) meters high and up to 120 cm in diameter, lives 220-250 (350) years. The crown is openwork, spreading, rounded, short, sometimes with several separate tiers of branches. The trunk in plantations is relatively straight, highly debranched, but in the wild it is strongly curved and strongly branched. The bark of the trunk is grayish-brown with dark, thick, in old age with deep cracks. The leaves are alternate, compound, pinnate, 12-25 cm long, with 7-19 opposite elliptical leaflets. The flowers are predominantly white, fragrant, collected in multi-flowered drooping racemes 10-20 cm long. It blooms after the leaves bloom, profusely and annually (within 2 weeks). The fruit is a flat, bare, dark brown bean 5-12 cm long and 1-1.5 cm wide. Seeds (5-15 pieces) ripen in August. The breed is photophilous, thermophilic and heat-resistant. And also fast growing. Acacia is a good honey plant. And due to its unpretentiousness to soil conditions and the ability to give root shoots, it is highly valued in forest reclamation.

birch fluffy

(genus "birch")

Its second name is white. The tree is 17-22 (25) m high and 50-60 cm in diameter. Lives 100-120 years. The crown is elongated-ovoid, of medium density. Thin branches of the first order depart from the trunk almost at a right angle, the shoots do not hang down. The trunk is straight, covered with white bark to the very base. Leaves are 4-6 cm long and 3-5 cm wide, ovate or oval-rhombic with a rounded base, obtusely pointed. Young leaves are fragrant. The fluffy birch is not indifferent to light, therefore it often grows in the 2nd tier of pine and spruce forests. It is very demanding on soil moisture - it does not grow on dry soils. Extremely frost-resistant, so this birch can be seen even in the forest-tundra.

Forest beech

(genus "beech")

The tree is 25-45 m high and 80-100 (160) cm in diameter. It lives 450-500 years. The trunk is straight (sometimes saber-curved from below), full-wood. In young trees, the crown is narrow-conical, peaked, and in old ones - irregular shape. Longitudinal shoots are bare, thin and yellowish-brown. The needles are 1-4 cm long and 1.5 mm wide, light green, with a sharp yellowish tip. Needles appear in March-April, turn yellow and fall off in autumn. Propagated by seeds. Fruits in 15-20 years and repeats every 3-5 years. Very light-loving breed. Relatively frost-resistant and winter-hardy. Windproof, tolerates air pollution well, is not demanding on moisture and soil.

Black alder

(genus "beech")

Alder black is also called sticky. It is a deciduous tree 25-30 (35) m high and 60-70 cm in diameter. It lives 100-150 (300) years. The crown in youth is dense, cylindrical, and later ovoid or rounded, of medium density. The bark on young trees is smooth, dark gray or greenish gray, and later dark brown, with shallow cracks. The leaves are simple, alternate, obovate, obtuse or blunt-pointed. The length of the leaves is 4-9 cm, and the width is 3-7 cm. The leaves are dark green above and light green below. The fruits are placed in dark brown cones up to 2 cm long, which open at the end of winter. Blooms before the leaves open. This breed frost-resistant and winter-hardy. But demanding on soil fertility. There is a fast growing breed especially in the first 15-20 years.

common hornbeam

(genus "hornbeam")

The tree is 20-25 (30) m high and 60-70 cm in diameter. It lives up to 150-200 (350) years. The crown of the tree is spreading in space, up to 25 meters in diameter, but in plantations it is more compact, long and dense. The trunk is ribbed, often curved. The bark is thin, in young trees silver-gray, smooth, in old trees - dark gray, fissured. The leaves are simple, alternate, oblong-oval or ovate, round or slightly unequal-heart-shaped at the base, doubly dentate at the edges, distinctly marked nerve of 910-15 pairs of veins. The length of the sheet is 5-15 cm, and the width is 3-5 cm. The leaves are dark green above, bare, light green below, slightly lowered along the veins. The common hornbeam blooms in April. And the seeds ripen in September. The fruit is a nutlet up to 9 mm long, flattened, oval, with longitudinal ribs. The breed is generally mild oceanic climate, relatively thermophilic. And demanding on soil fertility. Tolerates drought and even temporary flooding. The root system is predominantly superficial, widely procumbent with anchor roots, making the breed wind-resistant.

Common oak

(genus "oak")

Tree 30-36 (40) meters high and up to 1.5 m in diameter. Lives 400-500 (1500) years. The crown is highly developed, large branched. In youth, obovate or round, in the old - obovate-hip-shaped. The trunk at a young age is often curved, in the old it is well formed. The bark is smooth, shiny, olive-brown in youth and thick (up to 10 cm), deeply fissured, brown-gray or gray in old age. The leaves are simple, alternate, and at the ends of the shoots are collected in bunches, oblong-obovate, 3-7 rounded-lobed, dark green above, shiny, light green below. Acorns oblong, oval. Brown, shiny, on long petioles, 2-3 pieces. Blooms along with the leaves. Productivity is 0.7-2.0 tons / ha. It is well restored by seeds and sprouts from stumps (up to 80-100 years). The root system is taproot, deep (up to 12-15 meters, and sometimes up to 22 m), with strongly developed lateral and anchor roots. Common oak as a forest-forming and forest reclamation species. Forms predominantly mixed stands. Widely used in field-protective afforestation.

northern oak

(genus "oak")

Tree 30-35 meters high and 1.3-1.4 m in diameter. Lives up to 400 years. The crown can be narrow and wide (depending on the planting density). The branches extend from the trunk at almost a right angle. The trunk is straight, highly delimbed. The bark is thin, light gray or dark brown, for a long time smooth, and on old trees in the lower part it has a thickness of 5-7 cm, shallow-fissured, dark brown. Shoots are shiny, as if varnished, red-brown. The leaves are simple, alternate, with 7-11 pointed lobes. Acorns ovoid or almost spherical, up to 3 cm long, with a sharp top, light brown, shiny. As in other types of oak, wines also sit in a cup. Northern oak is moderately demanding in light, but requires an open top. He is a fast growing breed.

Rock Oak

(genus "oak")

A tree 28-35 meters high with a diameter of up to 1 meter. Lives 400-500 years. The crown at a young age is correct, ovoid, with uniformly placed branches and leaves. Trunks in plantations are slender, highly debranched and well pronounced towards the top. The bark is light gray or gray to dark, relatively thick (5-7 cm) and soft, and deeply fissured below. Run naked. Leaves up to 12 cm long and 4-8 cm wide, simple alternate, oblong-obovate, dark green above, shiny, light green below, occasionally covered with hairs. The fruits are acorns, ovoid, 1.5-3.5 cm long, and up to 1.5 cm in diameter. The silvicultural value is similar to that of ordinary oak.

Maple white

(genus "oak")

The tree is 30-37 m high and 90-110 cm thick. It lives 150-200 years. The crown is of medium density, broadly ovoid or tent-shaped, highly raised along the trunk. The trunk is well formed, straight, but at the base, in most cases, saber-shaped curved. The bark is grayish-brown, thin, smooth when young, thick and fissured when old. The leaves are deeply heart-shaped at the base. On the upper side they are dark green, dull and bare, and below they are whitish-green or bluish-green, mostly hairy. It blooms after the leaves open, the flowers are yellow-green, in dense multi-flowered racemes. The fruits are naked lionfish with a spherical seed nest. The wings diverge at an angle of 45-40 degrees and are about 5 cm long. The root system is not deep (up to 1.5 m), without a tap root, compact, branched in top layer soil.

Norway maple

(genus "maple")

A tree 25-28 m high and up to 1 meter in diameter. Lives up to 200 (400) years. The crown is dense, wide and low lowered. The leaves are cross-opposite, 6-18 cm long and 8-20 cm wide, heart-shaped and glabrous at the base. Blooms in late April with the leaves blooming. The flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences, greenish-yellow, melliferous. The root system consists of a shallow tap root and large lateral superficial ones. The breed is shade-loving, frost-resistant, demanding on moisture and soil fertility, cold-resistant, but in harsh winters gives frost cracks.


(genus "birch")

Aspen is called trembling poplar. The tree is 25-30 (35) m high and up to 1.3 m in diameter. It lives 90-120 (120) years. The crown is openwork, first ovoid, and then rounded, irregularly shaped, short and with thick branches. The trunk in plantations is straight, cylindrical, highly delimbed. The leaves are simple, alternate, rounded to oval. They are dense, naked, dark green above with yellowish-white veins, bluish below. Aspen flowers in early spring before the leaves open. The fruit is a capsule, ripens in May. Seeds with tufts of hairs. The root system is very branched (up to 20-30 m), pivotal and not deep (up to 1 m). The breed is photophilous, not whimsical to heat and soil, frost-resistant. The breed is fast growing.


(genus "ash")

The tree is 30-40 m high and up to 120-150 cm in diameter. It lives 300-400 years. The crown in dense plantations is poorly developed, short, narrow and openwork, long, wide. The trunk is straight, highly debranched, with a well-defined apex. The bark in youth is thin, smooth, in old trees it is gray or dark gray to brown, 8 cm thick. The leaves are compound, pinnate, up to 20 cm long, consists of 7-15 almost sessile or oblong-elliptical leaflets. The fruits are oblong yellow-brown achenes, 4-5 cm long, slightly expanded towards the apex, sometimes with a notch at the apex. The seeds at the base of the lionfish are narrowed towards the base. The root system is shallow (up to 2 m), but highly developed and branched, greatly dries up the soil. The breed is demanding on fertility and soil moisture. thermophilic.

We are surrounded by a huge number of trees and shrubs. Sometimes we do not even think about how many species of these plants exist. Our article will describe the most popular representatives of deciduous trees and their varieties.

Acacia belongs to the genus Robinia in the legume family. There are more than 600 species of this plant in the world. On average, the height of the tree reaches 25 meters, but sometimes shrub-like representatives are also found.

Important! All parts of the acacia contain a toxic substance - the alkaloid robinin, therefore it is not recommended to use it on its own for therapeutic purposes.

homeland of acacia North America, but today the tree grows in countries such as New Zealand, in African states, in Europe.

The leaves are ovoid in shape. The upper part of the plate is green, has a smooth structure, and the bottom resembles velvet, gray-green in color.

The flowers of the plant are predominantly white or yellow, they smell pleasant.

Consider the most common varieties:


There are about 120 species in the family. It has a smooth bark that peels off thinly and has alternate, petiolate leaves. The flowers are represented by staminate hearts, and the fruit is a flattened one-seeded nutlet, in which there are two membranous wings.

The most common varieties include the following:

Did you know? Karelian birch was used to make one of the Faberge eggs in 1917. The egg was named - "Birch".


Elm is a tall deciduous tree with ovate leaves, curved at the base. The height of the plant can be different and depends on the height of the graft. The crown is usually very wide, can reach 10 meters with a tree height of 5 meters.

It has a weeping shape. The inflorescences have an inconspicuous appearance, rather small, but the fruits are represented by large greenish lionfish. Foliage marsh color. Grows well in damp fertile soils, has good frost resistance, often found in city parks.

Consider the most common types of elm:


The tree grows on the mainland of Europe, in Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Transcaucasia. The habitat covers broadleaf forests. Plant height can reach 12 m, trunk diameter - up to 40 cm. On average, a tree can live 150 years. It has a dense crown, which has a cylindrical shape.

The trunk is ribbed, the branches are rather long, thin. The tree has a surface root system, lateral anchor roots that go deep into the ground and grow slowly.

The leaves are oval, about 15 cm long and 5 cm wide. The upper part is painted dark green, the lower part is pale green. With the advent of autumn, the foliage acquires a lemon-yellow color.

Consider the most common types of hornbeam:


There are about 600 species in the genus, which grow in temperate and tropical zone northern hemisphere.

The tree has a powerful tent-shaped crown, leathery leaves, deep roots. Loves light, grows well on rich soils, has good wind resistance, drought resistance, longevity.

The most common types include:

Important! It is not recommended to grow red oak in large quantities - it has too hard leaves that decompose for a long time, forming a “film” on the ground that will not allow other plants to grow.


Willow grows in Siberia, northern China, northern Europe, northern America. The height of the tree is approximately 15 m, but sometimes species can be found up to 35 m in height. Willows prefer damp places, so they most often grow on the banks of rivers and lakes.

The most common include:


The height of the tree is different and depends on its type. On average, it can reach 30 meters. Maple is a long-liver - lives for about 200 years. The bark is dyed grey colour, and the trunk diameter can reach 1.5 m. It has large, sinewy leaves with 5 lobes and pointed lobes.

IN autumn time the foliage becomes amber in color. After leaf fall, seeds begin to fall, resembling appearance dragonflies. Flowering occurs in May and lasts about 10 days.

Consider the most common types of maple:


Belongs to the Malvaceae family. The place of growth is moderate and subtropical zone northern hemisphere. Includes about 45 species. It has alternate leaves arranged in 2 rows.

Consider the most common:


Growing in Europe Western Siberia, in the Caucasus and North America. It is a tree, whose height is about 20 m. It has a narrow ovoid crown and light gray smooth bark. Often used as a fortification of the river bank.

Among the most common types are:


Rowan includes about 100 species. The area of ​​growth is Europe, Western Asia, North America, the Caucasus. The tree has a height of 5 to 10 meters, a width of 4 to 6 meters. It can be either one or several trunks.

Consider the most common types of mountain ash:

Did you know? The taste of fresh rowan fruits is bitter, but after the first frost, the bitter glycoside of sorbic acid is destroyed, and the berries lose their bitterness.


The height of the trees can reach 40 meters. They have small flowers that are collected in earrings. The fruit is represented by a box with very small seeds, in which there are bundles of hairs, the so-called " Poplar fluff". It is worth noting that down is present only in female specimens, so they should be avoided when gardening.

Atlas of ornamental trees and shrubs

Konovalova T.Yu., Shevyreva N.A.

The choice of trees and shrubs offered to gardeners is so huge that it is not surprising to get confused. How reliable is this or that species or variety in our conditions? Does it require shelter for the winter? The answers to these and many other questions can be found in the book by Natalia Shevyreva and Tatiana Konovalova, research fellows at the Main botanical garden RAN.

The uniqueness of this atlas lies in the fact that you will draw from it information about both ornamental trees and shrubs already known to gardeners, and about the newest varieties. The color of the foliage (variegated, yellow, red, bluish or silver) and the originality of its shape will help you navigate the book.

Ten years ago, the authors wrote the book " decorative trees and shrubs." Her second edition, called "Atlas ...", has been heavily revised. The new version is distinguished by a large number of species and varieties. In addition, plants that did not pass the test for decorativeness and winter hardiness were excluded from the book.

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