Description autumn mood. Autumn is a time of contrasts! We combine the incompatible in an unusual decoration “Autumn mood. Composition-description “How beautiful is the autumn birch”

A lot is written about autumn in poetry, which is justified. After all, it is the poem that briefly, but capaciously, is able to convey the charm of this time, the charm of the autumn landscape (“Forests dressed in crimson and gold ..”, “Birches with yellow carving / Shine in blue azure ...”). It is the poem with its lyricism that can convey a special autumn mood, longing for summer, notes of sadness and anticipation of the coming spring. However, all the shades of the autumn mood and the beauty of the landscape are also conveyed by the prose about autumn especially in the performance of the classics who wrote "autumn" books,that are of interest to the public to this day.


A.S. Pushkin "A sad time! Eye Charm!

Alexander Sergeevich is rightfully recognized as the most harmonious Russian poet. Describing autumn, Pushkin balances the melancholy with the beauty of the autumn landscape, a forest dressed in gold adjacent to dark skies covered with mist. If you want to discover in autumn not only inclement weather and sadness, but the brightness of colors and freshness autumn wind, then you should reread the poems of the poet.

I.A. Bunin "Leaf fall".

The poem is very beautiful and well remembered. Nature is described vividly and juicy, amazing comparisons are selected. If we talk about the mood conveyed in the poem, then it is rather contemplative and joyful. Everyone who loves nature and who is not upset by the onset of autumn will be impressed by it.

B.L. Pasternak "Golden Autumn"

If you have ever read Doctor Zhivago, then you know how Pasternak can describe nature, how he can translate feelings into words. Pasternak is an amazingly lyrical poet. In his poem, he accurately conveys colors (“In the yellow maples of the wing ...”), light (“And the sunset on their bark / Leaves an amber trail ...”), sounds. Such a poem can be learned and recited aloud with eyes closed, imagining that you are in the autumn forest, you see the colors of the sunset, you hear the rustle of leaves under your feet. It will turn out very realistic.


I.A. Bunin "Antonov apples"

The view of the autumn garden is wonderfully described, even the aroma of foliage is conveyed. This memory story just fits into the nostalgic atmosphere of autumn. The autumn of life is also shown - the impoverishment of the nobility, the destruction of the "noble nests".

M. M. Prishvin

Prishvin is a famous master of describing nature. His series of poetic miniatures in prose breathes the spirit autumn nature. The philosophical "Separation" tells of humility before the course of life.

Not only the classics wrote about autumn. "The Case of Autumn"- fantasy novel E. Shumskoy, included in the humorous cycle "Family". The hero of the book is Jaiko Tatsu, the head of the magical investigation. He is investigating the mysterious case of autumn.

Some readers may find the beginning of this book somewhat boring and drawn-out, but the story picks up pace towards the end.« Autumn covered Oya, as one day love covers - completely and completely. And, like love - a person, made the city incredibly beautiful, "- this is how it starts autumn book, filled not only with intrigue, but also with bright colors of the autumn landscape.

Autumn is early.
Leaves are falling.
Step carefully into the grass.
Each leaf is a fox face...
This is the land where I live.

Foxes quarrel, foxes yearn,
foxes celebrate, cry, sing,
and when they smoke their pipes,
That means it will rain soon.

Burning runs through the trunks,
and the trunks disappear into the moat.
Each trunk is the body of a deer...
This is the land where I live.

Red oak with blue horns
waiting for an opponent out of silence...
Be careful:
ax under your feet!
And the roads back are burned!

But in the forest, at the pine entrance,
someone actually believes in him...
Nothing to write:
This is the land where I live
(B. Okudzhava)

Is in the autumn of the original
Short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...
The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
To the resting field...

F. I. Tyutchev

Autumn. Thickets of the forest.
Moss of dry swamps.
The lake is white.
Pale sky.
The water lilies have bloomed
And the saffron blossomed.
paved paths,
The forest is empty and naked.
Only you are beautiful
Though dry for a long time
In the bumps by the bay
Old alder.
You look feminine
In the water half asleep -
And you will become silver
First of all, spring.

(I. Bunin)

autumn morning

The speeches of lovers are cut off,
The last starling flies away.
Falling off the maples all day long
Purple heart silhouettes.
What have you, autumn, done to us!
The earth freezes in red gold.
The flame of sorrow whistles underfoot
Stirring heaps of leaves.

N. Zabolotsky

And every autumn I bloom again;
The Russian cold is good for my health;
I again feel love for the habits of being:
Sleep flies in succession, hunger finds in succession;
Easily and joyfully plays in the heart of blood,
Desires boil - I'm happy again, young,
I am full of life again - this is my body
(Allow me to forgive unnecessary prosaism).

A.S. Pushkin

Indian summer

Indian summer has come -
Days of farewell warmth.
Warmed by the late sun
The fly came to life in the crack.

Sun! What in the world is more beautiful
After a chilly day?
Gossamer light yarn
Wrapped around a knot.

Tomorrow it will rain fast,
A cloud covering the sun.
Silver gossamer
There are two or three days left.

Have pity, autumn! Give us light!
Protect from winter darkness!
Have pity on us, Indian summer:
These cobwebs are us.

(D. Kedrin)

And again, as in lovely years
longing, purity and miracles,
stares into the desolate waters
ruddy thinning forest.

Simple as God's forgiveness
transparent expands far.
Ah, autumn, my ecstasy,
my golden sadness!

Fresh and cobwebs glisten...
Rustle, I pass along the river,
through the branches and bunches of rowan
I look at the quiet sky.

And the vault is blue wide,
and flocks of wandering birds -
that timid childish lines
in the desert of old pages...

(V. Nabokov)

Golden autumn

Autumn. Fairy tale,
All open for review.
clearings of forest roads,
Looking into the lakes

Like in an art exhibition:
Halls, halls, halls, halls
Elm, ash, aspen
Unprecedented in gilding.

Linden hoop gold -
Like a crown on a newlywed.
Birch face - under the veil
Wedding and transparent.

buried earth
Under foliage in ditches, pits.
In the yellow maples of the wing,
As if in gilded frames.

Where are the trees in September
At dawn they stand in pairs,
And sunset on their bark
Leaves an amber trail.

Where you can not step into the ravine,
So that everyone does not know:
So raging that not a step
A tree leaf underfoot.

Where it sounds at the end of the alleys
Echoes at the steep slope
And dawn cherry glue
Freezes in the form of a clot.

Autumn. ancient corner
Old books, clothes, weapons,
Where is the treasure catalog
Flips through the cold.

September 12, 2012, 18:49

I wanted to make a post with the title "In anticipation of autumn", but, like a slowpoke, I slowed down, so "Autumn mood", although the meaning does not change. I wanted to show in illustrations why I love autumn, which I couldn’t stand before. It would seem that it could be good when it’s gray, damp, slushy and windy outside the window, and you have to go to work, but you don’t have a car and you can’t call a taxi. And I don't know what to wear. And the styling falls apart after 15 seconds of being on the street. Whole foo foo. But there is no way out, and we must go. But when you have already arrived, you can make yourself a big cup of hot delicious tea, get cookies or cakes bought on the way, discuss the latest gossip and purchases with your favorite collegues, etc. This may not be an equal reward, but when there is no way out, as with the onset of autumn, one must look for positive aspects in everything. Sometimes you need so little for joy)))) So, my reasons for joy in the fall: 1. I can put on my favorite shoes again. And buy some new ones. I really love boots. And I love autumn because I can wear boots - all sorts, different, but so beloved!
2. For beautiful golden-red landscapes, in which every decent girl should arrange a photo session for herself (st:) s))). But the landscapes are really beautiful, they exude peace and perfection, I really like to walk along the yellow alleys and breathe in the fresh cool air, in my favorite shoes, of course)))

3. The time of trips to the forest with friends or a loved one, or in general, simply because you want to take a break from the noisy city and dirty air. If with a company, then barbecue, evening gatherings around the fire, hiking, jokes, jokes are encouraged in every possible way)) And most importantly, the mood should be good)

4. Try mulled wine in all the nearest cafes and choose the most delicious one. Grog is good too. Last fall, we did not cope with this task, so it is transferred to this one))

5. The ability to re-wear your favorite things that are not suitable for summer - cozy sweaters, soft gloves, fun knitted hats, golfs, jackets and more.
I want red leather pants

and even so))
6. Fly to warm countries which is too hot in the summer or the rainy season or the locust or some other bullshit that makes you not able to visit it.

7. Have homemade dinners for your friends. And every time you can cook dishes from the cuisine of different countries - pasta with seafood, lasagna, pizza, fajitas, risotto, cheese creamy soup, sushi and, of course, a Russian dinner - dumplings, dumplings, herring, potatoes, black chl:) shek, salted cucumbers)))) Last autumn we did it quite often, everyone really liked it until everyone got fat, and it's good that no one remembers that I was the instigator of this))) This year we can hold tea ceremonies)) Puer and all such))

8. Halloween with dress-ups, fun contests and a competition for the most stupid / funny / glamorous costume.
9. Buy new bright rubber boots and an umbrella. To be honest, I don't have either. I don’t wear umbrellas in principle, I’m uncomfortable, I forget them all the time, but somehow I didn’t come across such boots that I wanted to put on. But in my dirty city this is a must, so I'll look))

10. During a dreary lingering rain, dirty dullness outside the window and an uncomfortable howl of the wind, sit at home with an interesting book, drink fragrant freshly brewed coffee with a delicious home-made cherry pie.

11. It's time to resume sports for those who are hot / lazy / have no time to exercise in summer))) Which will help reduce body fat earned during dinner parties))

12. The beginning of the club season - the dance floors that were closed for the summer are reopening, new parties, acquaintances, communication, dancing until you drop and music, music, music! Hooray!

13. Come up with a hobby at last. A hobby is not only interesting, but also useful. Drawing, singing, dancing, cooking, embroidery, macrame weaving can all brighten up your long autumn evenings. But seriously, this might be really interesting for you. Well, you can finally learn English, not exactly a hobby, of course, but it is necessary, important and prestigious)))

14. Begin preparations for the sacred holiday in the CIS-Great New Year!!! Think about what to give to whom New Year what will they give you, where, in what, with whom to celebrate and do all sorts of other New Year's chores)))

Well, in general, in the fall, don’t get sick, don’t get sick, don’t mope, get enough sleep, dress up, love yourself and rejoice !!!

Back in the city, you can again feel how low the sun has become. Because of this, at noon it seems that it is a little dark outside, and the evening will come very soon.

And yet the light is very bright and warm, it saturates the colors and shades of the autumn palette.

This is what happened to me in the autumn mood - with a photo walk and peace. I hope I managed to convey all the enchanting beauty and charm of my favorite season. Why do I get high from such autumn respite with ringing silence and calmness? Because autumn is the time to start. Together with schoolchildren and students, you can start learning something. And not necessarily with the goal of making a new skill the meaning of life. And just for the soul - this is also very important. It is in autumn that various interest clubs and schools not only for children open their doors. You can make an important decision in your life that will allow you to enjoy life in some yet unfamiliar, unexplored area. If you decide, I wish you success!

I don’t know if you like autumn, but I think you don’t mind the little pause that you agreed to when you started reading the article. May you always be warm and light! And I offer a few more seconds of autumn - my amateur video of leaf fall. Cosiness and tranquility, joy and inspiration to all readers!

creative living room

"Autumn mood"

Scenario of an educational and entertainment event

for 5th grade students.

Subject : The image of autumn in painting and music


1.Educational: show the picture of autumn by masters different types art, to form the skills of perception, interpretation, evaluation of classical works.

2. Developing: to develop emotional memory, attention, active creative, associative thinking; oral speech; the ability to analyze, compare, the ability to formulate one's emotional and value judgments. Contribute to the formation of the language and communicative competence of students. To introduce children to the world of music, poetry, painting, to form a delicate aesthetic taste.

3. Educational: to cultivate love for all things beautiful, a sense of love for nature, thoughtful, careful attitude to her, the ability to see beauty in modest corners native nature.

Formation of universal learning activities(UUD)

Personal UUD:

  • increasing the level of motivation for educational and creative activities;
  • development of aesthetic feelings on the basis of acquaintance with works of art;
  • spiritual and moral development of children through the formation of a special relationship to nature - the source of beauty and inspiration.

Regulatory UUD:

  • develop the ability to accept and maintain a creative task, planning their actions in accordance with it;
  • develop the ability to distinguish between the method and the result of an action;
  • set new creative and educational tasks.

Cognitive UUD:

  • develop the ability of semantic perception of music and works of art.
  • analyze objects, establish analogies.

Communicative UUD:

  • adequately use communicative (speech) means to solve various communicative tasks, master the dialogical form of communication;
  • ask significant questions, formulate your own opinion;
  • negotiate and come to a common decision joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interest;
  • adequately assess their role in the collective creative activity.

Equipment:- multimedia projector, screen;

  • reproductions of paintings: I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", V.D. Polenov "Golden Autumn", I.S. Ostroukhov "Autumn Landscape", "Golden Autumn";
  • audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky, A. Vivaldi, F. Chopin, G. Sviridov.
  • Brushes, paints, pencils

Leading homework: pick up poems by Russian classic poets about autumn and prepare to read them expressively or recite them by heart.

Event progress:

The hall is decorated in the style of a modern living room: there are autumn paintings (children's works) on the walls. There is an armchair in the corner, in which the hostess of the living room (leader) sits, dressed in accordance with the theme. There is a small table nearby, on it: a lamp, a dish of apples, a cup of tea. Music sounds. Participants of the living room enter and sit down in predetermined places.

Vedas:Dear Guys! Today we have gathered in our cozy living room to enjoy the variety of colors, sounds, shades that the Sorceress of Autumn is so rich in. After all, autumn is an extraordinary time, it is no longer summer, but not yet winter. And I think you will agree with me that no other season, except for autumn, can boast of such extraordinary beauty! Even poets in their poems sang the beauty of autumn.

And now I would love to listen to the wonderful poems that you have prepared for today's meeting.

Music sounds. Against the background of music, children read poems about autumn


Vedas:What is it, autumn mood? With a slight sadness for the passing summer, for bright colors and aromas, and perhaps for unfulfilled dreams.

Everyone has their own autumn mood. It lives in nature, in art and in people. In everyone who is able to understand and feel the beauty of autumn.

The poem "A sad time .."

Vedas:Autumn… Golden time of the year, striking with the richness of flowers, fruits, a fantastic combination of colors: from bright, eye-catching to blurry-transparent halftones ... Today, our living room is decorated with beautiful masterpieces, and we can get acquainted with the brilliant creations of artists and composers. And teachers of music and fine arts will help us with this.

Music teacher:

Music will tell us about everything in the world

About snow-white clouds, about the sun, and about summer.

About how the stormy river in Rocky coast beats,

As the mountains look down, the road winds like a ribbon.

The crane wedge flies away, and the snowflake melts on the hand.

About how the yellow leaf is spinning, and the light in the window is on all night.

As the lights go out in the morning, the ships go to sea.

As friends sing around a campfire, and flowers bloom in the meadows.

How the pages of books rustle, how precious every moment in life is.

Fine art teacher:

No, it's not the landscape that draws me

Not the colors I seek to notice,

And what shines in colors:

Love and joy of being.

She's scattered all over the place...

She is everywhere beauty is...

Music teacher:

Music and painting, architecture and literature, poetry and theater are forms of art and each of them excites the hearts of people, awakens the best feelings in them. They all do it with their own language or as we say with our own means. Today we will talk about painting and music, about whether it is possible to “hear” a picture and “see” music.

Music is one of ancient species art. We do not always notice the beauty of the world around us, we see and hear the beauty of our native nature. And often artists help us in this, teach us to peer and listen to the world around us.

Fine art teacher:

All sounds and colors of correlation,

As well as transfer methods

Any shades of color in notes, sounds.

Love and joy of being.

She's scattered all over the place...

She is everywhere beauty is...

Presentation of paintings

Let's turn to the Golden Autumn period and talk about how Russian artists saw autumn.

  • Before you is a reproduction of the painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

The picture was painted in the autumn of 1895 - at a time when Levitan lived in the Gorka estate, located one and a half kilometers from the village of Ostrovno. The painting depicts the Syezha River, which flows near Ostrovno. This place was only half a kilometer from the Gorka estate. Levitan loved to paint autumn landscapes - he had over a hundred paintings associated with this time of year. Among them, the painting "Golden Autumn" is one of the most famous works artist. It depicts a small river surrounded by trees covered with yellow and red autumn foliage. Visible in the distance village houses, fields, and further, on the horizon - autumn forest painted in shades of yellow. The bright, major, optimistic colors of this picture are not characteristic of Levitan's work - he usually used softer and more gentle tones. The painting is in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

  • What autumn did the artist see?
  • What did you like about her?
  • What thoughts and feelings does the painting give rise to?

Consider a reproduction of the painting by Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov "Golden Autumn";

“How I would like to show you our Oka,” Polenov wrote to Konstantin Korovin in 1914. “After all, you and I were the first to discover its beauty and chose a place to live.” Many years of life on the banks of the Oka did not disappoint the artist in her beauties. Polenov continued to tenderly love this nature and, above all, for the harmony poured into it. He captures the Oka at various times of the year, in its various states, giving a real chronicle of her life, full of poetry and deep truth: “Early snow”, “In summer on the Oka”, “Golden autumn”, “Autumn on the Oka near Tarusa”.

Polenov's "Golden Autumn" is a symbol of Russian nature. Polenov managed to convey the beauty of autumn like no other in Russian art.

A wide picture of nature opens up to the eyes of the viewer. Calmly rolls his transparent blue waters majestic river. Its high bank turns into a slightly hilly plain, stretching to the very horizon. The hills, outlined by smooth, flowing lines, gradually fade away and sink into the blue distances. Only a small part of this plain falls into the artist's field of vision - the hills, trees and the river turn out to be, as it were, accidentally cut off by the frame of the picture. Thanks to this, the viewer can mentally continue the image, imagine the whole view as a whole and feel the boundlessness of the Oka meadows depicted by the artist.

What words can you choose for the picture, speaking about the landscape.

One of the many artists depicting the autumn landscape can be called

Ilya Semyonovich Ostroukhov. At the first glance at the picture, it is clear that I.S. Ostroukhov loved autumn. With such tenderness, he painted the leaves, all different: both in color and in shape. And this love is passed on to us. Here's what the author himself said:

“... It makes you want to walk along the autumn carpet strewn with gold, pick up colorful foliage, breathe in the coolness of the forest, which has a slight smell of dampness and mycelium, and remember the forest so solemn and bright. After all, very soon the trees will throw off their outfits and fall asleep, enveloped in a winter sleep ... "

Consider the work "Autumn Landscape"

What mood does the painting evoke?

One of the autumn landscapes is the work "Golden Autumn". Consider.

Listen to one of the schoolgirls describe her impressions of the painting.

It makes you want to walk along the autumn carpet strewn with gold, pick up colorful foliage, breathe in the coolness of the forest, which has a slight smell of dampness and mycelium, and remember the forest so solemn and bright. After all, very soon the trees will throw off their outfits and fall asleep, embraced by a winter sleep.

  • You have examined reproductions of paintings, where the artists depicted autumn in their own way, with their own mood. Many artists, poets, composers often sing of the wonderful pictures of nature. If, reading books, peering at paintings, listening to music, we pay attention to everything connected with nature, we may even be surprised at how often and deeply nature penetrates art, how closely they are connected with each other. . That is why any person has a love for art and a love for nature - very close and kindred feelings.

Vedas:Sad October stretches its business card, where the lines of a brilliant Russian poet are written in colorless ink of fogs:

October has already come - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their bare branches.

The autumn cold has died - the road freezes through,

... And the pond has already frozen ...

Vedas: we all call autumn differently: someone calls it cold, rainy. And someone - generous and golden, and no matter how it was on the street - cold or warm - motherland always beautiful, attractive, charming! And even folk wisdom says: "Autumn is sad, but life is fun!"

Music teacher:

Do you believe that the unique beauty of the autumn landscape can be conveyed through music ?

Teacher's speech:
- Let's imagine that you are composers and you also want to portray autumn. What means of musical expression would you use?
Students are divided into pairs, and they are given a few minutes to draw up a hypothesis according to the scheme:
tempo, dynamics, registers, musical instruments.

What, in your opinion, would be the nature of the work, the mood and why?
Their assumptions are written in notebooks, optionally voiced at the blackboard.

Many composers depicted the mood of autumn in their works. The history of music knows four famous interpretations of the theme of the seasons. These works are called "The Seasons". These are a cycle of concerts by Vivaldi, an oratorio by Haydn (1801), a cycle of piano pieces by P. I. Tchaikovsky (1876), a ballet by A. K. Glazunov (1899).
Today we will listen to fragments of works by P.I. Tchaikovsky and A. Vivaldi. While listening, note for yourself which of your assumptions coincided with the thoughts of the composer, and which did not.

Students listen to "Autumn Song" P.I. Tchaikovsky

When listening to music, pay attention to the rhythm, dynamics, timbre (sound color). Analysis of the work according to the scheme. Question: What did the music add to the description of autumn? Whose assumptions coincided with Tchaikovsky's music?

- “Autumn Song” occupies a special place in the cycle. This is a dull landscape, the autumn dying of nature and sadness for the passing summer as a symbol of life. The melody is dominated by sad intonations - sighs. In the middle part, there is a certain rise, a quivering enthusiasm, as if a flash of hope for life. But the third section, repeating the first, again returns to the initial sad “sighs”.

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)

The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi is one of the most popular works of all time. For many, the very name "Vivaldi" is synonymous with "The Seasons" and vice versa (although he wrote a lot of other works). The composer prefaced each of the concerts with a sonnet - a kind of literary program. It is assumed that the author of the poems is Vivaldi himself. This is how the sonnet begins "Autumn" (L "Autunno):

Noisy peasant harvest festival.
Fun, laughter, fervent songs ringing!..

Students listen to the concert "Autumn" by A. Vivaldi, part 1

Analysis of the work according to the scheme. Question: Whose assumptions coincided with Vivaldi's music?

First part. "Dance and song of the peasants" - explains the author's remark at the beginning of the part. Cheerful mood is conveyed by rhythm. The brightness of the images is given by the use of the echo effect, so beloved not only by Vivaldi, but by all baroque composers. This is played by the whole orchestra and the soloist along with it. Such is the peculiarity of the baroque instrumental concert..

The conclusions are summarized. What do these pieces of music have in common? What is the difference?

Vedas:Rain again ... Hits the keys cleanly.

I fell hopelessly in love with this music.

Undoubtedly, he is the best of all pianists,

That once we heard with you happened.

On the ledge, as if on a black piano,

He plays Vivaldi's rainy "Autumn"

Unable to hold back his tears, and, hardly ashamed of them,

And dropping them gently among the maples and pines.

Well, we enjoy the music of sadness,

We get lost in the high and low notes.

Something breaks out: shrink, let go

From the pianist's playing piercingly clean...

Vedas:How pleasant it is to sit in a soft cozy chair on a rainy autumn evening with a cup of delicious tea. And if guests drop by for a light, it is doubly pleasant, you can laugh and talk with them. Well, for example, about music. What do you think about music?

Presentation of the projects "What I think about music"

Vedas:I want to see music

I want to hear music

What is this music?

You see, the maple leaf is spinning,

Quietly spinning to the music.

You see, a cloud is spinning in the sky -

There will be rain music.

Both the wind and the sun

And the clouds, and the rain,

And the little seed

Also the music...

Fine art teacher:

And now let each of you make a musical palette. Let's translate the experience of composers into color. (Students are given blanks in the form of a palette.) We make an autumn palette in color.

Music will help you with this. When listening to music, pay attention to the rhythm, dynamics, timbre (sound color).
1) prepared paints, brushes, water.

Here we are with you and captured the moment of the outgoing autumn. Let's show our work. Autumn turned out to be different, but for the most part you painted a bright, solemn autumn. But after all, if there were no sadness and sadness, then we probably would not appreciate the joyful and pleasant moments of life so much.

Vedas:They say that autumn is sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather ... Today we have understood completely the opposite. Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. It brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, brings unique beauty into our lives! We have visited the world of autumn beauty and harmony. Maybe one of you, when you grow up, will become a famous poet, artist, musician, composer or fashion designer, and our meetings in the creative living room will help him. We thank this AUTUMN for bringing us all together in her living room. Ahead of winter, spring, summer ... and then autumn again. How many more will be in our life! I hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Living Room will be lit for all of us more than once in our school. See you soon!

Music sounds, the guys leave the hall.

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