Typical exam tasks in Russian. Typical tasks for the formation of universal educational actions in Russian language and literature lessons

Unified State Exam 2019. Russian language. Typical test tasks. Doshchinsky R.A., Smirova M.S.

M.: 2019. - 144 p.

The authors of the assignments are specialists who are directly involved in the development of Unified State Exam assignments. Typical test tasks in the Russian language contain 14 versions of sets of tasks compiled taking into account the requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2019. The purpose of the manual is to give readers an idea of ​​the structure and content of CIM in the Russian language, the degree of difficulty of tasks. The collection contains answers to all test options. In addition, samples of forms used in the Unified State Exam for recording answers are provided. The manual is addressed to high school students for self-preparation and self-control, as well as teachers to prepare students for the Russian language exam.

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Model answer forms for Unified State Exam 4
Instructions for performing work 6
Option 1
Part 1 7
Part 2 15
Option 2
Part 1 16
Part 2 24
Option 3
Part 1 25
Part 2 33
Option 4
Part 1 34
Part 2 42
Option 5
Part! 43
Part 2 51
Option 6
Part 1 52
Part 2 59
Option 7
Part 1 60
Part 2 68
Option 8
Part 1 69
Part 2 77
Option 9
Part 1 78
Part 2 86
Option 10
Part 1 87
Part 2 95
Option 11
Part 1 96
Part 2 104
Option 12
Part 1 105
Part 2 113
Option 13
Part 1 114
Part 2 122
Option 14
Part 1 123
Part 2 131
Answers to tasks 132
Part 1 132
Information about the texts of part 2 136

The examination paper consists of two parts containing 27 tasks. Part 1 contains 26 tasks, part 2 contains 1 task.
3.5 hours (210 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination work in the Russian language.
The answers to tasks 1-26 are a figure (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers). Write your answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it using the samples below to answer form No. 1.
Task 27 of Part 2 is an essay based on the text read. This task is completed on answer sheet No. 2.
All Unified State Exam forms are filled out in bright black ink. You can use a gel, capillary, or fountain pen.
When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.
The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and gain greatest number points.

1. Indicate the answer options that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1) “History of the Russian State” N.M. Karamzin was not the first historical book in Russia, but it was she who opened the history of the Fatherland to a wide educated public.
2) Multi-volume “History of the Russian State” by N.M. Karamzin, although it was not the first historical book in Russia, it was she who, thanks to a number of advantages, served the formation of national self-awareness.
3) Book by N.M. Karamzin’s “History of the Russian State” tells about Russian history, but at the same time has exceptional literary merits, recognized by a wide educated public.
4) The formation of national self-awareness was facilitated by the multi-volume work of N.M. Karamzin’s “History of the Russian State”, distinguished by its scientific scrupulousness and literary merits, although it is not the first historical book in Russia.
5) “History of the Russian State,” which tells about events from ancient times to the reign of Ivan the Terrible and the Time of Troubles, was not the first historical book in Russia.

[…] New social demands reflected by the Federal State Educational Standard define the goals of education as general cultural, personal and cognitive development students. Due to this modern system Education sets the task of students mastering specific subject knowledge and forming universal learning activities that provide the competence to “teach how to learn.” The Federal State Educational Standard significantly expands the idea of ​​educational results. The purpose and meaning of education is recognized as the development of the personality of students, and a new educational result in this document is understood as both cognitive (educational) results and results relating to other aspects of the personality of schoolchildren, formed in the process of education - civic position, level of their socialization, value system relationships and orientations.

In a broad sense, “universal learning activities” are the self-development and self-improvement of the student through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower sense, it is a set of student actions that ensure his social competence, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

Following the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, a modern schoolchild should be focused on the values ​​formed by universal educational activities.

Curious, interested, actively exploring the world.

Possessing the basics of learning skills.

Loving motherland and your country.

Respecting and accepting the values ​​of family and society.

Ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions to their family and school.

Friendly, able to listen and hear a partner.

Those who know how to express their opinion.

Following the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for themselves and others.

The teacher must not only convey objective knowledge to students, but also promote the development of their initiative and independence, organize the activities of students in such a way that everyone can realize their abilities and interests. In fact, the teacher must create conditions in which it becomes possible for students to develop their intellectual and other abilities, experience in applying the acquired knowledge in various situations.

The main value guidelines for the content of modern general education are:

The student’s broad cognitive interests, desire and ability to learn, optimally organizing his activities, as the most important condition for further self-education and self-education;

The emergence of the student’s self-awareness as an individual: his self-respect, ability to individually perceive the world, have and express your point of view, determination, persistence in achieving goals, readiness to overcome difficulties, the ability to critically evaluate your actions and actions;

The formation of a child as a member of society, firstly, sharing the universal human values ​​of goodness, freedom, respect for man and his work, and secondly, striving to enter into cooperation with other people, to provide help and support;

Awareness of himself as a citizen of the country in which he lives;

Formation of a child’s aesthetic feelings and taste based on familiarization with the world of domestic and world artistic culture, the desire for creative self-realization;

Emergence of responsible attitude towards conservation environment, to yourself and your health.

The functions and types of universal educational activities are described in detail in the Federal State Educational Standard.

Functions of universal learning activities include:

Ensuring the student’s ability to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, search for and use necessary funds and ways to achieve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities;

Creating conditions for harmonious development personality and its self-realization based on readiness for lifelong education;

Ensuring the successful acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities and the formation of competencies in any subject area.

The idea of ​​the functions, content and types of universal educational actions should be the basis for constructing a holistic educational process. The selection and structuring of the content of education, the choice of methods, the determination of forms of training - all this should take into account the goals of forming specific types of universal educational activities. Students master personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative learning activities in the process of studying various academic subjects. Of course, each academic subject reveals various possibilities for the formation of universal educational actions, determined, first of all, by its function and subject content.

[…] The course “Russian Language” and “Literature” presents exercises and assignments that are varied in form and content about the Motherland, about the defenders Russian Earth, about maintaining peace in your country and throughout the world. Through texts, children get acquainted with the national values ​​of our fatherland, ancient monuments and their creators, Russian craftsmen, and learn about the great heritage of our people - the Russian language. In this regard, texts by I.D. Turgenev, A.I. Kuprin, A. N. Tolstoy, D. S. Likhachev, M. M. Prishvin, I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov, K. G. Paustovsky and A. I. Solzhenitsyn, poetic lines of A. S. Pushkin, I. A. Bunin, M. Yu. Lermontova, N. M. Rubtsova, N. I. Sladkova, S. Ya. Marshak, convincing students of the beauty, imagery, and richness of the Russian language. Students compose texts, stories about their small homeland- region, city, village, about their attractions, natural and cultural-historical features. With the help of special tasks, mental qualities such as the ability and habit of reflection are formed. For example, you can ask questions: “Imagine yourself in this situation. How would you behave if you were...?”

The Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education contains characteristics of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal educational activities:

[…]Personal universal learning activities provide value and semantic orientation to students. The student must be able to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, know moral standards and be able to highlight the moral aspect of behavior.

Personal universal educational actions include: a positive attitude towards learning, cognitive activity, the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills, improve existing ones, be aware of one’s difficulties and strive to overcome them, master new types of activities, participate in the creative, constructive process; awareness of oneself as an individual and at the same time as a member of society, recognition of generally accepted moral and ethical standards, the ability to self-assess one’s actions and deeds; awareness of oneself as a citizen, as a representative of a certain people, a certain culture, interest and respect for other peoples; the desire for beauty, the willingness to maintain the state of the environment and one’s health.

In relation to educational activities, three types of personal actions should be distinguished:

Personal, professional, life self-determination;

Meaning formation, i.e., the establishment by students of a connection between the goal of a learning activity and its motive, in other words, between the result of learning and what motivates the activity, for the sake of which it is carried out. The student should ask the question: what meaning and meaning does the teaching have for me? - and be able to answer it.

Moral and ethical orientation, including the assessment of the acquired content (based on social and personal values), ensuring personal moral choice.

The goal of personal universal learning activities is to form in students:

  • the internal position of the student;
  • personal motivation for educational activities;
  • orientation towards moral standards and their implementation;

To form personal universal educational actions, you can use the following tasks:

  • participation in projects;
  • summing up the lesson;
  • creative tasks;
  • visual, motor, verbal perception of music;
  • mental reproduction of a picture, situation, video;
  • self-assessment of an event, incident;
  • achievement diaries.

Task “What am I?”

Write a short essay about your qualities using only adjectives. Try to bring in everything you know about yourself. “I” can be multifaceted: external qualities(physical), conscious, behavioral. And also qualities can be good and bad. Next comes a discussion, comparing each student’s description with the opinions of peers.

Task “My opinion”

[…] Read the text, think about it main idea and express your own opinion.

Bonfire and ants.

I threw a rotten log into the fire, not realizing that the inside was densely populated with ants. The log cracked. The ants poured out and ran around in despair, ran on top and twisted, burning in the flames. I caught a log and rolled it to the edge.

Now many ants were fleeing - they fled to the sand, to pine needles. But it’s strange: they didn’t run away from the fire. Barely overcoming my horror. They turned, spun, and some force pulled them back to their abandoned homeland! - and there were many who again ran up onto the burning log, rushed about it and died there.

(According to A.I. Solzhenitsyn)

Regulatory universal learning activities ensure the student’s ability to organize his educational and cognitive activity, passing through its stages: awareness of the goal - planning of actions - implementation of the plan, self-control and self-assessment of the achieved result.

[…] Regulatory universal educational activities include:

Accept and save the learning task; plan (in collaboration with the teacher and classmates or independently) the necessary actions, operations, act according to the plan;

Monitor the process and results of activities, make necessary adjustments;

Adequately evaluate your achievements, be aware of the difficulties that arise, look for their causes and ways to overcome them.

  • goal setting;
  • planning;
  • forecasting;
  • control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard;
  • correction;
  • grade;
  • volitional self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy; the ability to exert volition - to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict and overcome obstacles.

In the sphere of regulatory universal educational actions, students will be able to master all types of educational actions, including the ability to accept and maintain an educational goal and task, plan its implementation, including internally, control and evaluate their actions, and make appropriate adjustments to their implementation.

Tasks for diagnostics and formation of regulatory universal educational actions:

  • "intentional errors";
  • searching for information in the suggested sources;
  • mutual control;
  • mutual dictation;
  • learning material by heart in class;
  • “looking for mistakes”;
  • quiz on a specific problem.

Quest "Detective"

For motivation, the meaning of the word “detective” is explained, and an individual competition for the title “Best Detective” is announced. Material: text with spelling and punctuation errors. Condition of the competition: whoever finds all the errors faster and correctly is declared the winner. Time is ticking.

Several hours And wandered owls A Hunter P A forest. The grass in this l And su n And R A strength e grinding sh O l by me X someone, light yellow moss, like a carpet. Occasionally O Some kind of branch under my foot crunches. It seemed like last O l half_ the forest, looking to see if there were any traces somewhere_ or broken A lazy some_ some branches are not about b Is there grass eaten anywhere? Start t And crumple. Old man p A chu f there was fatigue. But here I hear And there was a weak visa To dogs. Tomorrow ahead And branches and from behind And review f pok O The branchy antlers of the deer began to swell.

Task “Collect proverbs”

Each of the tasks is completed through discussion and presented to the class as a general solution. For motivation, you can use the form of a team competition. Material: cards with proverbs. The card shows proverbs in which the parts are mixed up: the first part is from one proverb, the second is from another. It is necessary to “collect” proverbs by combining the first and second parts.

Completely stupid

he can't get along with anyone.

There's something to listen to

Why not cook in a pot.

Boring day until evening

who doesn't know anyone.

Who knows how to rage

there's nothing to eat.

Silent no one

doesn't mind anything.

There's nothing to say about it

when there is nothing to do.

Russian appetite

you won't offend.

A similar task can be created with phraseological units. For example, different phraseological units with some keyword and their meanings are given. It is necessary to harmonize phraseological units and meanings.

Cognitive universal learning activities provide the ability to understand the surrounding world: the readiness to carry out directed search, processing and use of information.

Cognitive ones include universal educational actions:

Be aware of the cognitive task;

Understand information presented in pictorial, schematic, model form, use sign-symbolic means to solve various educational tasks;

Perform educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form;

Carry out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification to solve educational problems;

Establish cause-and-effect relationships, make generalizations, conclusions;
Cognitive universal ones are divided into actions:

General education,

Brain teaser,

Statement and solution of the problem.

General educational universal actions:

Independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal;

Search and selection necessary information; application of methods

Information retrieval, including using computer tools;

Structuring knowledge;

Conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral and


Choice of the most effective ways solving the problem depending on

Specific conditions;

Reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and

Performance results.

Logical universal actions:

Analysis to identify features (essential, non-essential);

Synthesis - composing a whole from parts;

Comparison to identify similarities and differences, correspondence and inconsistency;

Selection of bases and criteria for comparison, classification of objects;

Summarizing the concept, deriving consequences;

Establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

Construction of a logical chain of reasoning;


Proposing hypotheses and their justification;

Statement and solution of the problem:

Formulating the problem;

Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

Tasks for diagnostics and formation of cognitive universal educational actions:

  • "Find differences";
  • “what does it look like?”;
  • search for the superfluous;
  • "labyrinths";
  • ordering;
  • "chains";
  • clever solutions;
  • drawing up support diagrams;
  • work with different types tables;
  • diagramming and recognition;
  • working with dictionaries.


"Mini crossword" on the topic "Vocabulary"

[…]1. There is a mini crossword puzzle on the board. The crossword puzzle contains two words that start and end the same. Each word has 6 letters. Open Dictionary textbook starting with the letter “p” and find the words you have in mind.

2. State the lexical meaning of the first word. What is the meaning of the second word?

3. Write down the nouns stalls And glider, indicate the emphasis in them.

Why is there no accent mark over the second word?


Fill out the table “Letters ь and ъ”

  1. In winter I would eat a fungus, but the snow is deep. (Proverb)
  2. Flocks of birds fly away across the blue sea. (K. Balmont)
  3. Then our bear roared at the top of his lungs. (N. Nekrasov)
  4. The rain is pouring cold, like ice. Leaves are swirling across the meadows. (I. Bunin)
  5. The trees rustled cheerfully when spring returned to them; and only the spruce tree between them was silent and gloomy. (A. Pleshcheev)
  6. Neither an animal nor a bird, but the nose is like a knitting needle; flies - screams, sits - is silent. Whoever kills him will shed his blood (Riddle).

Communicative universal learning activities provide the ability to carry out productive communication in joint activities, showing tolerance in communication, observing the rules of verbal and non-verbal behavior, taking into account the specific situation.

Communicative universal educational activities include:

Enter into an educational dialogue with the teacher, classmates, participate in a general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior;

Ask questions, listen and answer questions from others, formulate your own thoughts, express and justify your point of view;

Construct small monologue statements, carry out joint activities in pairs and working groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.

Plan educational collaboration with the teacher and peers - defining the purpose, functions of participants, methods of interaction;

Be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with grammatical and syntactic rules native language;

Develop the ability to explain your choice, construct phrases, answer the question posed, and give arguments;

Form verbal methods of communication (see, hear, listen, answer, ask);

Form non-verbal methods of communication - through eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, intonation, etc.);

Develop the ability to work in pairs and small groups;

In the field of communicative universal educational activities, students will be able to

  • take into account the position of the interlocutor (partner);
  • organize and implement collaboration and cooperation with the teacher and peers;
  • convey information adequately;
  • display subject content and operating conditions

Tasks for diagnostics and formation of communicative universal educational actions:

  • create a task for your partner;
  • review of a friend's work;
  • group work on creating a crossword puzzle;
  • formulation of questions for feedback;
  • “prepare a story...”, “describe orally...”, “explain...”, etc.

Work on the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, and to master monologue and dialogic forms of speech is traditionally a priority in literature lessons. The development of the monologue form of speech is facilitated by work on retelling what has been read. In addition, literature textbooks contain many different tasks aimed at teaching children to create their own statements. These are tasks for creating an oral presentation with elements of an essay, tasks for continuing (adding to) a read text, tasks for creating your own text based on work of art(text by analogy), tasks to create short statements on a given topic in the form of narratives, reasoning, descriptions, as well as reviews, annotations, presentations.

Friend of my harsh days,

My decrepit dove...

In Mikhailovskoye, in the middle of winter, which covered the country roads and the poet’s old house with snow, Pushkin listened to his nanny’s sweet fairy tales - unusually simple and magical. (Paustovsky)

Re-read the poem by A. S. Pushkin “Nanny”. Explain the placement of punctuation marks in a sentence with an address. Conclude how you can use addresses to express your attitude towards the person you are addressing. What else language means(lexical, grammatical) serve as a means of expressing the author’s attitude? Find them in the text you wrote down. Indicate synonyms for the word in Paustovsky’s text "magic"

One of the students expressively reads Paustovsky’s text, having previously prepared, then analyzes it.

Task “Describe the object”

Students are shown indoor flower orchid. Describe the flower by choosing one of the topics: “Description of an orchid” or “Amazing flower.” Which style is characterized by the first name? And the second?

Mastery of universal learning activities ultimately leads to the formation of the ability to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, master skills and competencies, including independent organization of the assimilation process, i.e. the ability to learn to guide students, both in various subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself. Thus, achieving the “ability to learn” presupposes the full mastery of all components of educational activity.

  1. Federal state educational standard of basic general education: approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 (beginning) //Official documents in education. - 2011. - No. 8. - P. 9-35.
  2. Municipal budgetary educational institution Secondary comprehensive school them. D. Tarasova, Ozersk, Kaliningrad region. Program for the development of universal educational activities (basic education) Ozersk 2011
  3. Course "Work System" educational institution on the development of universal educational activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC" ANO DPO "Interregional Center for Innovative Technologies in Education" p. 22
  4. Module 2 “Universal educational activities” ANOO “Interregional Center for Innovative Technologies in Education” p. eleven
  5. Educational and methodological kit for the Russian language. L. A. Trostentsova, A. D. Deykina, S. I. Nevskaya; Publishing house "Exam"; Moscow. 2008 With. 114-115.
  6. Scientific and methodological journal “Russian language at school” No. 3, 1993, p. 50, 54.

Musina Albina Marsovna

Teacher of Russian and literature, school 61, Magnitigorsk

[email protected]

The sample tasks for forming flexible educational activities at the Russian and literature lessons

Annotation. The article is devoted to the problem of forming flexible educational activities under the requisition of National Education Standards. There are some typical assignments for forming the types of flexible educational activities: personal, regular, cognitive and communicative.

Keywords: Russian language, literature, proverbs, idioms, crossword, text analysis.

Typical tasks on the formation of UUD in Russian language lessons

  • Performed
  • teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU Secondary School No. 6, Pyt-Yakha
  • Polishchuk A.K.
Types of UUD
  • Personal (self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation)
  • Regulatory (goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, assessment, volitional self-regulation)
  • Cognitive (general education, logical, formulation and problem solving)
  • Communication (Communication and interaction, group work)
Personal UUD
  • Self-determination (student’s internal position, self-esteem)
  • Sense formation (formation of the motivational sphere of the individual)
  • Moral - aesthetic orientation
  • Task "Text Analysis". The topic of the lesson is “Language and Speech” (repetition).
  • Goal: to come to an understanding of the need to take care of your native language, value and protect it, to feel a sense of pride in the richness and inexhaustibility of the language.
  • Read the statement, answer the question: How do you understand it?
  • “Before you is a mass of Russian language! Deep pleasure calls you, the pleasure of plunging into all its immeasurability and grasping its wonderful laws.” Gogol N.V.
Typical tasks for the formation of personal UUD (self-determination)
  • "Look to the root"
  • Once upon a time there lived a pink elephant, and he was not like the others. All elephants are gray, but he is pink. The pink elephant was all alone. Like a snow-white cloud wandering in the sky, so he wandered in search of food and friends. The gray elephants did not accept him because the pink elephant could not sing gray songs like them. Dreaming of being with them, he thought: “The better I sing my pink song, the faster they will love me. He did not understand that gray elephants do not need pink songs and pink poems. They didn't want to know that there was pink in the world, like happiness. Rejected, he went into the forest and, taking pink paint, painted beautiful country. Everything in this country was pink, like cotton candy. Soft golden and pink clouds appeared above the blue sea, as if a fairyland was sparkling there too. Pink, like good wizard, made everyone really happy. It's a pity that the gray elephants didn't understand this.
  • Tasks.
  • 1) How would you title the proposed text?
  • 2) Why?
  • 3) Who is closer to you: a pink elephant or a gray one?
Typical tasks for the formation of personal UUD (self-determination)
  • Topic “Degrees of comparison of adjectives”
  • Task “Friends Questionnaire”
  • Create a “Friends Questionnaire”, Make up questions for the questionnaire using degrees of comparison of adjectives. Fill out the first page “About yourself” yourself, then pass the form on to your friends and family.
Typical tasks for the formation of personal UUD (self-determination)
  • Text analysis
  • 1. Read the statement, answer the question: How do you understand it?
  • “Before you is a mass of Russian language! Deep pleasure calls you, the pleasure of plunging into all its immeasurability and grasping its wonderful laws.” Gogol N.V.
  • 2. Give examples of the lexical, morphemic, syntactic richness of the Russian language.
  • 3. Prove that you know a variety of vocabulary to express thoughts. Continue the synonymous rows (who is bigger?). Which dictionary should you turn to in case of difficulty?
  • Game task “My Universe”. Task description: Students are asked to draw circles on a landscape sheet - one in the center, and eight around it. Then connect the central circle with the remaining circles-planets using ray lines. IN central circle write the letter “I”, and in others - the endings of the following sentences:
  • 1.My favorite activity...
  • 2.My favorite color...
  • 3.My best friend...
  • 4.My favorite animal...
  • 5.Mine favorite time of the year...
  • 6.My favorite literary hero...
  • 7.My favorite piece of music...
  • 8.My favorite movie...
  • Children compare their answers and a group discussion is held.
  • Issues for discussion:
  • - What new things have you learned about yourself?
  • - How can the knowledge you gained today be useful to you?
Typical tasks for the formation of personal UUD (meaning formation)
  • Assignment “Interview for a youth magazine.”
  • Imagine that you have been assigned to interview a popular performer. And you are faced with the task of creating questions that will allow the readers of the magazine to get to know him and his work better. Find out how the artist achieved such success? What kind of creativity famous people influenced his choice? What words would you use to describe your work, the music you compose? What influences the choice of topic for writing song lyrics?
Typical tasks for the formation of personal UUD (meaning formation)
  • Topic "Spelling"
  • Questions: Why do we need to know spelling rules? Where might they be useful to you in the future? Have you ever encountered cases where adults did not know the rules of spelling? What were you thinking at that moment?
Typical tasks for the formation of personal UUD (meaning formation)
  • Topic: “Spelling of verbs.”
  • Tasks: insert the missing letters
  • 1. He who loves to work cannot sit idle.
  • 2. (It’s not) good to boast about something bad.
  • 3. The one who (doesn’t) do nothing makes no mistakes.
  • 4. An ignorant person cannot be cured with any medicine..
  • Answer the questions:
  • 1.About which moral qualities person referred to in proverbs?
  • 2. Why are these qualities valued by people?
  • 3. Which proverb do you like best and why?
  • Topic: “The main idea of ​​the text.” Honest man.
  • Have you ever heard adults say about someone: “A decent person”? And have you ever thought about what the word “decent” means? Maybe a person who loves order, is neatly dressed, does not scatter his things around the apartment, comes to work or school on time? Yes, the root of this word is “order”. But we are not talking about simple order, but about the structure of life itself. This order is loyalty, honesty, nobility, the ability to understand someone else’s misfortune and rejoice at someone else’s luck as if it were your own. The more such order there is around us, the happier people will live.
  • Tasks:
  • 1.What does a decent person mean, according to Yu. Yakovlev?
  • 2. How do you understand the word “decent”?
  • 3. Which sentence states the main idea of ​​the text?
Typical tasks for the formation of personal UUD (moral and aesthetic orientation)
  • Read the story by V.A. Oseyeva “Bad.”
  • The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws. Right in front of her, pressed against the fence, sat a small, disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wide and meowed pitifully. Two boys stood nearby and waited to see what would happen.
  • A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away and angrily shouted to the boys:
  • - Shame on you!
  • - What's a shame? We didn't do anything! - the boys were surprised.
  • - This is bad! - the woman answered angrily.
  • Buildings to the text:
  • 1. What is the text about?
  • 2. Why is the story called “Bad”?
  • 3. Is the woman’s reaction to the boys’ behavior fair?
  • 4. Has a similar situation happened to you or your friends?
  • 5. What would you do if you were the boys in the story?
Typical tasks for the formation of personal UUD (moral and aesthetic orientation)
  • Working on an essay based on the painting “Deuce Again”
  • Questions:
  • What would you do if you were the boy? Have you ever been in a similar situation? What feelings did you have?
Typical tasks for the formation of personal UUD (moral and aesthetic orientation)
  • Students are asked to answer the questions in free form in writing: - Who do you think can be called a good student? Name the qualities of a good student. - Can you be called a good student? - How do you differ from a good student? -What does it take to be able to confidently say to yourself: “I am a good student”?
Regulatory UUD
  • Goal setting
  • Planning
  • Control
  • Correction
  • Forecasting
  • Volitional regulation
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory UUD (goal setting)
  • Lesson topic: “Spelling prefixes with z and s.”
  • Goal formulation and setting problematic issue lesson.
  • Reading keywords lesson: Prefix, spelling - letter of a consonant, voiceless consonant, voiced consonant.
  • Predict the purpose of the lesson.(To know the new kind spellings, what kind of spellings - consonant letters there are, learn to write a spelling - consonant letter in a prefix.)
  • Choose a suitable prefix for each word segment. Read the resulting words.
  • ...dealer, ...order, ...quiver, ...final, ...complain, ...chase
  • If you had to write down words, what problem would you face? Why?
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory UUD (goal setting)
  • Topic: “Noun”
  • Question: What could be the purpose of our lesson?
  • All student answers are written on the board. Discussion, identification of the main one.
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory UUD (goal setting)
  • Lesson topic: “Adjective as a part of speech.”
  • Assignment: choose from the proposed statements the one that reveals the purpose of our lesson:
  • 1.Remember what parts of speech we know.
  • 2. Identify independent and auxiliary parts of speech.
  • 3. Learn to identify morphological characteristics And syntactic role adjective name.
  • Lesson topic: “Adjective as a part of speech.”
  • Tasks:
  • 1.What morphological features of an adjective do you know?
  • 2. The adjective name has other characteristics. Conduct independent observation of the paragraph and look for these signs.
  • 3. Read the text, make a plan, retell it according to plan.
  • 4.Draw a conclusion, correlate it with the textbook definition.
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory control systems (planning)
  • Task “Make a plan for achieving the educational goal.” During the lesson, the goal was formulated: “We need to learn a new action: how to write words with alternating vowels a–o in the root -lag-, -lozh- without errors.”
  • Make a plan to achieve this goal. To do this, use the suggested actions: place them in order: 1, 2, etc.
  • a) Remember the rule and procedure for checking the spelling of doubled letters of consonants.
  • b) Remember the rule and procedure for checking the spelling of letters of unstressed vowels in the root.
  • c) Look in the textbook for the rule for choosing the letter a or o in the root -lag-, -lozh- to check your version.
  • d) Observe the actions of the teacher - maybe he will tell you how to write correctly.
  • e) Determine whether it is possible to check the spelling of the letters a–o in the root -lag-, -lozh by stress
  • f) Observe how words with alternating vowels a–o are spelled correctly in the root -lag-, -lozh and try to see the pattern: in which case it is written “a”, in which case it is written “o”.
  • g) Ask the smartest excellent student how to write correctly.
  • h) Based on the identified pattern, formulate a rule and procedure for checking the spelling. Write down the order of actions (plan): 1 2 3 4 5
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory control systems (planning)
  • Topic: “Parts of speech. Repetition"
  • Assignment: make a plan for an oral story about any part of speech, test yourself in the textbook.
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory control systems (planning)
  • Task 1. “Tell everything you know about this part of speech according to plan”
  • Lesson topic: “Noun”
  • Goal: develop the ability to correlate the result with a sample, find and correct errors.
  • Assignment: Tell everything you know about the noun according to plan:
  • 1.What does it mean?
  • 2. What questions does it answer?
  • 3.Morphological characteristics (constant, non-constant).
  • 4. Syntactic role in a sentence.
  • Is everything in your story true? (Read the rule in the textbook).
  • Task “Test your knowledge with your neighbor.” Lesson on systematization and generalization of knowledge in the section “Word formation and spelling.”
  • Plan.
  • What is word formation?
  • What word formation methods do you know? What is word-formation parsing?
  • What is a word chain?
  • Practice: Students receive task cards that are also graded by a neighbor. Students explain their mistakes to each other. 2 people do this task on the closed side of the board (for later checking).
  • Practical block:
  • 1. Conduct word-formation analysis: insensitive, sprout, exit, leaf, all-terrain vehicle, fly, snowless, fellow student, chair-bed, sunrise.
  • 2.Make a word-formation chain of words: insensitivity, heating.
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory control systems (control)
  • Assignment: copy the text from the card, inserting the missing spellings and punctograms. Check yourself on the control card, give a rating, make a list of topics that cause difficulties.
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory control systems (control)
  • “Test your knowledge with your neighbor.”
  • Theoretical task: compose an oral story according to plan, tell it to your neighbor at your desk. After completing the task, several people present their answer to the class.
  • Practical task: copy the text, highlight the verbs.
  • Students explain their mistakes to each other. Two people do this task on the closed side of the board (for later checking).
  • Lesson topic: “Noun.”
  • Assignment: write down vocabulary words and check their spelling using a spelling dictionary.
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory control rules (correction)
  • Assignment: Copy the words from the board, place the emphasis, check yourself in the spelling dictionary.
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory control rules (correction)
  • Theme: Alphabet
  • On the slide are the titles of works by A.S. Pushkin. Task: Write them down in alphabetical order. Compare your work with the reference slide.
  • Exercise:
  • 3.What difficulties may arise when performing analysis?
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory control systems (forecasting)
  • Topic: Outdated words
  • Suggestions given:
  • The lady drew attention to Gerasim’s zeal. Gavrila sent a postilion for the stranger, just in case. A quarter of an hour later the lady was resting soundly and peacefully.
  • Exercise:
  • What difficulties arise when reading these sentences?
  • Why are some words unclear?
  • What is special about these words?
  • In what dictionary can you find the meaning of these words?
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory control systems (forecasting)
  • Task: Read the sentences.
  • Talk about your feelings.
  • As you say, so it will be.
  • Questions:
  • What difficulties do you think might arise when writing these words?
  • What do you think will determine the spelling of these words?
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory control systems (forecasting)
  • Topic: “Phonetic analysis of words.”
  • Exercise:
  • 1. Perform a phonetic analysis of the selected word.
  • 2. Is it enough to know the order? phonetic analysis?
  • 3.What difficulties may arise when performing
  • parsing?
  • 4.What are the features of the sound composition of the highlighted word?
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory UUD (volitional regulation)
  • A slide show of bright rainbow pictures accompanied by wonderful music by Igor Krutoy will be created positive mood at the guys.
  • Assignment: Listen to a musical composition and verbally describe an imaginary picture
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory UUD (volitional regulation)
  • Theme "Particle"
  • Task "YES-NO"
  • Answer the questions with YES and NO (questions on the slide):
  • 1. A particle is a functional part of speech.
  • 2. Particles can only add additional shades to sentences.
  • 3. Particles are formative and semantic.
  • 4. WHETHER, UNLESS, REALLY are exclamation particles.
  • 5. There are parts of speech that are homonymous to particles.
  • 6. NOT and NOR are negative particles.
  • 7. The particle is a member of the sentence.
  • 8. – KA is a particle.
  • 9. WOULD, LI, SAME are written separately.
  • 10. Particles are HARDLY, HARDLY express doubt.
  • Look at the next slide, check yourself by putting a plus or a minus.
Typical tasks for the formation of regulatory UUD (volitional regulation)
  • A presentation with music is turned on, words of different parts of speech appear on the slides, and students are asked to make sentences describing their feelings while listening to the melody.
Cognitive UUD
  • General education
  • brain teaser
  • Setting and solving problems
  • Topic: “Phonetic analysis of words.” Tasks:
Typical tasks for the formation of cognitive learning tools (general education)
  • Topic: Polysemantic and unambiguous words.
  • Riddles given:
  • They are usually for sewing,
  • And I saw them on the hedgehog.
  • Happens on pine and fir trees,
  • And they are called... (Needles)
  • White flies were flying
  • They sat in courtyards and on roofs.
  • You won't count the white flies
  • That they fly like fluff. (Snowflakes)
  • In the notebook I am oblique and straight,
  • In a completely different meaning
  • I am a drawing plank.
  • And finally, sometimes I’ll line everyone up. (Ruler)
  • Exercise:
  • Guess the riddles.
  • Find spelling patterns in the guess words.
  • What do these words have in common?
  • What is their difference? Is there an extra word here?
Typical tasks for the formation of cognitive learning tools (general education)
  • Determine the part of speech of homonymous words. Justify your answer. Write your conclusions in your notebook.
  • The commander spoke simply and convincingly. “I was simply blinded by a bright flash of light.”
  • Small spool but precious. – Long live peace on the planet!
Typical tasks for the formation of cognitive learning tools (general education)
  • Topic: “Phonetic analysis of words.”
  • Tasks:
  • 1. Confirm with examples from the text that one letter can represent two sounds.
  • 2. Which letters and when can they represent two sounds?
  • 3. In what cases may the number of letters and sounds not be the same?
  • Lesson topic: “Indefinite pronouns.”
  • Assignment: Write a fairy tale or funny story using indefinite pronouns.
Typical tasks for the formation of cognitive UUD (logical)
  • Tasks:
  • 1. How is sound composition related to orthoepy?
  • 2. How is phonetics related to spelling?
  • 3. Compose a story or fairy tale using indeclinable nouns.
Typical tasks for the formation of cognitive UUD (logical)
  • Topic “Spelling of prefixes PRE-and PRI”
  • Creative homework: compose a fairy tale about how the prefixes PRE- and PRE- quarreled.
Typical tasks for the formation of cognitive UUD (logical)
  • Come up with a fairy tale about morphemes on the theme “The Kingdom of Morphemes.” Once upon a time there were morphemes and then one day.....
  • Come up with questions for the fairy tale.
  • Assignment: Read to yourself the letters that came to the forest school. Choose a letter that you like. Tell me why.
  • Assignment: read the text and guess who the author of the letter is.
Typical tasks for the formation of cognitive learning tools (problem formulation and solving)
  • Divide the words into two groups:
  • On what basis did you distribute the adverbs? Share your findings.
  • Topic: Root word
  • Exercise:
  • Why use a root word to explain lexical meaning words?
  • Topic: “Proper names”.
  • Long-term homework: Do a mini-research about unusual names your own, related to your family. Present the results of your research in class.
Typical tasks for the formation of cognitive learning tools (setting and solving problems)
  • one of the questions. Dictionaries and the following will help you do this:
  • sources (recommended in each specific case)
  • teacher).
  • Don't forget to illustrate scientific statements and conclusions
  • specific examples.
  • 1. Are the words the same root: piece, snack, bite, temptation, art, skillful?
  • 2. Are the words the same root: wasp, axis, aspen, donkey,
  • 3. Is it true that the given words can be
  • in different parts speeches: evil, good, oven, know, mine, bark, glue, three?
Communicative UUD
  • Communication and interaction
  • Group work
  • Assignment: Prepare a detailed answer-research on
  • one of the questions. Dictionaries and the following sources will help you do this (recommended by the teacher in each specific case). Be sure to illustrate scientific statements and conclusions with specific examples.
  • Discuss with your classmates:
  • 1. Are the words the same root: wasp, axis, aspen, donkey,
  • base, skeleton, island, sharp?
  • 2. Is it true that the given words can be different parts of speech: evil, good, oven, know, mine, bark, glue, three?
Typical tasks for the formation of communicative UUD (communication and interaction)
  • Assignment: Try to answer these questions yourself, then discuss in groups, and then read what reference dictionaries tell us and draw appropriate conclusions.
  • - Why sometimes, when characterizing a person, we say: “Lisa Patrikeevna”?
  • - We all know about Olympic Games, why is imperturbable calm called Olympic?
  • - Is discussion necessary? important issue, which nowadays is often called a round table, takes place at a round table?
  • (Lisa Patrikeevna. Disapproval. Or ironic. About a cunning, double-minded person, a deceiver.
  • Olympian calm. Undisturbed calm.
  • Round table. Book Meeting, discussing something with equal rights participants).
  • Subject. Letters s-and after ts. 5th grade.
  • Task 1. “Tell me the rule.” The first group discusses the rule for writing letters s after ts, and the second is the writing of the letter And after ts. Next, the captains of both teams change places and tell their rule in another group in such a way that all group members are able to tell it in front of the whole class. When the captains return to their seats, the teacher asks any member of the team to give a complete answer about the spelling of the letters. s-And after ts.
  • Functions in the group: 1) captain 2) time keeper; 3) speaker; 4) organizer of communication; 5) designer.
Typical tasks for the formation of communicative learning activities (group work)
  • Topic: “Phonetic analysis of words” (work in pairs).
  • Assignment: Prepare answers to the questions:
  • What letters can represent two sounds?
  • 2. In what cases do these letters represent two sounds? Give examples.
  • 3. What consonants are called sonorant? What are their features?
  • 4. Perform a phonetic analysis of the proposed words: sea, anchor, cabin, departure.
  • Students listen to the answer of their desk neighbor and evaluate it. The whole class listens to several answers. Then the students exchange notebooks, check the correctness of the phonetic analysis of words and evaluate it.
Typical tasks for the formation of communicative learning activities (group work)
  • Group project “Portrait of one word”
  • Instructions:
  • 1. Divide into 4 groups.
  • 2. Choose the word you will work with.
  • 3. Find this word in various dictionaries and encyclopedias.
  • 4. Find out how often and where this word is used now.
  • 5. Combine your search results into a presentation.
  • 6. Select a presenter.
  • 7. Present your project to your classmates.

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