How to do phonetic analysis. How to do phonetic parsing of a word

How to do it right phonetic parsing words?

- this is a characteristic of the structure of syllables and the composition of a word from sounds.


Phonetic parsing plan

  1. Write the word spelling correctly.
  2. Divide the word into syllables and find the place of stress.
  3. Note the possibility of transferring words into syllables.
  4. Phonetic transcription of the word.
  5. List the sounds in order: a. consonant - voiced - deaf (paired or unpaired), hard or soft, what letter it is designated by; b. vowel: stressed or unstressed.
  6. Count the number of letters and sounds.
  7. Note cases where the sound does not match the letter.

Samples phonetic parsing of words:

I love to eat carrots.

Phonetic analysis of the word love:

  1. I love
  2. love - lu (stress falls on the second syllable, 2 syllables)
  3. I love
  4. [l"ubl"y]
  5. L - [l "] consonant, soft, voiced and unpaired;
    Yu - [y] - vowel and unstressed;
    B - [b] - consonant, solid, voiced and double
    L - [l "] - consonant, soft, voiced and unpaired;
    Yu - [y] - vowel and stress
  6. The word has 5 letters and 5 sounds.

Phonetic analysis of the word carrot:

  1. carrot
  2. carrots (stress falls on the second syllable, 2 syllables).
  3. Transfer: carrot
  4. [markoff"]
  5. M - [m] - consonant, solid, voiced and unpaired.
    O - [a] - vowel and unstressed.
    Р - [р] - consonant, solid, voiced and unpaired.
    K - [k] - consonant, solid, deaf and double.
    Oh - [o] - vowel and stress.
    V - [f "] - consonant, soft, deaf and double.
    b —————————–
  6. There are 7 letters and 6 sounds in a word.
  7. o - a, c - a dull sound f, b softens c.

Video about phonetic transcription

Helpful Hints:

  • When doing phonetic analysis, you need to pronounce the word out loud.
  • It is important to always check the transcription.
  • Be sure to pay attention to spelling in phonetic analysis.
  • Also pay attention to sounds that are pronounced in weak positions, such as: a consonant cluster or a vowel cluster, hissing consonants, unpaired consonants for hardness and softness or sonority and deafness.

You may also need

In a word online:
1. 2 syllables (o-nla yn, he-la yn);
2. stress falls on the 2nd syllable: online

  • 1st option

1 ) Transcription of the word "online": [ʌnla j❜n].

O - [ʌ] - vowel, unstressed; see below. § 32.
n - [n] - acc., solid. (par.), The sound [n] is pronounced softly only before soft [t❜], [d❜], [n❜], [h❜], [sh ❜].
l - [l] - acc., solid. (par.), ringing (unpaired), sonorous. The sound [l] is unpaired voiced, so it is pronounced the same way as it is written.Before letters A, O, at, uh, s syllables paired in hardness-softness are always pronounced firmly.
A - [A ] - vowel, percussion; see below. § 15.
th - - acc., soft (unpaired), ringing (unpaired), sonorous. Before sonorants, the deaf do not sound (see Musatov V.N., p. 73). See § 69 below.
n - [n] - acc., solid. (par.), ringing (unpaired), sonorous. At the end of a word, sound replacement occurs only in voiced pairs.At the end of a word, all consonants, except for unpaired soft ones ([h❜], [u❜], [y❜]), are pronounced firmly.

6 letters, 6 sounds



§ 15

§ 15. Letter A denotes a stressed vowel [a] in the following positions: a) at the beginning of a word: act, arka, aly; b) after vowels: zaahat, poahat; c) after solid consonants: there, ladies, myself, din, you, poppy, tank, marriage, step, toad, prank, pity; d) after soft hissing [h] and [u]: hour, head, pump, mercy.

§ 32

§ 32. In the 1st pre-stressed syllable, after solid consonants, except for the vowels [s] and [y], and at the beginning of a word, except for the vowels [i] and [y] (for them, see §§ 5-13), it is pronounced vowel [a]. The vowel [a] in this position on the letter is indicated by the letter i or o.

Thus, in place of the letters a and o, the vowel [a] is pronounced: 1) after solid consonants: a) gardens, gifts, mala, pashu, old man, grass; naughty, hut, fry, hot e, tsar zm, scratch; b) water (pronounced [vada]), leg (pronounced [naga]), thunderstorm (pronounced [graza]), fields (pronounced [pal❜ a ]), seas (pronounced [mar❜ a ]), tables (pronounced [ steel]), fruits (pronounced [plady]), please (pronounced [prashu]), went (pronounced [pasho l]), driver (pronounced [shaf❜ o r), juggler (pronounced [zhangl ❜ o r]); 2) at the beginning of a word: a) pharmacy, Armenian, arshin, chord, barn; b) window (pronounced [akno]), one (pronounced [adin]), cucumber (pronounced [agurchik]), wasps (pronounced [asiny]), dress (pronounced [ade t❜]) .

The vowel [a] of the 1st pre-stressed syllable is somewhat different from the stressed [a]: when it is pronounced lower jaw less pubescent, mouth opening narrower, back of the back of the tongue slightly raised. Therefore, with a more accurate transcription, these sounds should be distinguished, for example, to designate unstressed [o], use the sign Λ, retaining the letter a for stressed [a]: [vΛda] (water). In this reference dictionary, the letter a is used to denote both unstressed [a] (more precisely [Λ], and [a] stressed.

§ 69

§ 69. Consonants [h], [u], [zh❜ w❜], [th] are only soft. For sounds [h] and [u] in Russian graphics there are special letters h And sch: cf. chin, vat, forelock, boat (pronounced [choln]), niello, shit, pike, silk (pronounced [sho lk]), sliver, food. However, the consonant [u] is also indicated in the letter by combinations of sch, zch and some others (see § 124 on this): account (pronounced [schot], driver (pronounced [converter]).

1 Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: Pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms / S.N. Borunova, V.L. Vorontsova, N.A. Eskova; Ed. R.I. Avanesov. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. lang., 1988. - 704 p.

Tasks for phonetic analysis of a word are very common, they are also included in the USE tickets in the Russian language.

What is needed in order to correctly do phonetic analysis?

Develop phonetic hearing (the ability to distinguish speech sounds, distinguish between them, highlight phonemes).

Know what sounds are present in the Russian language, be able to designate them with special symbols.

To be able to analyze the phonetic structure of the word, pronouncing it aloud.

In Russian, words are spelled differently than they are spoken - a fact that children encounter when they learn to write and read. Later, they begin to study phonetics and learn to do phonetic analysis. In educational texts, words that need to be analyzed from a phonetic point of view are marked with the number 1.

The purpose of phonetic analysis is to highlight syllables, determine the sound composition of a word, and perform elements of graphic analysis. When making phonetic analysis, you must definitely pronounce the word aloud, listen carefully to each sound. When you advance in this kind of analysis, you will be able to say the word to yourself, acquiring an automatic skill.

The spelling of a word, which we have become accustomed to since learning the alphabet, has a serious impact on us. It is important to learn to abstract from it, to listen to the sound. For this reason, many schoolchildren experience serious difficulties in performing phonetic analysis. To overcome this problem, you need to constantly train, parse words regularly.

Phonetic analysis plan:

1. Write out a word.

2. Say the word out loud several times.

3. Break the word into syllables, put stress.

4. Write the word in transcription, that is, the way it sounds. Having recorded the transcription, you may be surprised unusual look a familiar word (remember that letters and sounds are not the same thing, spelling and phonetics are different disciplines.). You can’t make changes to the transcription just because the word has become “strange”.

5. Write the letters in a column and opposite each indicate the sound that it stands for. Describe each sound from a phonetic point of view. Vowels - stressed, unstressed. Consonants - hard-soft (paired, unpaired), voiced - deaf (paired, unpaired).

When doing phonetic analysis, you need to remember some important patterns of Russian phonetics, for example:

- the letters i, e, e, u denote two sounds (y-a, y-e, y-o, y-y), if they are at the beginning of the word, after the vowel, b and b;

- the softness of the consonants is indicated by the subsequent letters i, e, i, e, u, b. But there is also a softening of the subsequent soft consonant, as in the word ahead [f` p` and p` and d` and];

- consonants have a complex characteristic, there are paired and unpaired consonants in terms of softness-hardness and deafness-voicedness. There are only soft (h, u, d) and only hard consonants (w, w, c) - these sounds are unpaired in terms of softness and hardness. Only deaf (x, c, w, u) and only voiced (d, l, r, n, m) - unpaired in deafness-voicedness;

- b and b denote "zero sound";

- in some positions, consonants are stunned or voiced. As in words - a pond [pr u t], run away [zb` and zha t`];

Unstressed vowels do not sound the same as stressed vowels. Instead of o, one hears a, instead of e - and, instead of I - and;

- in some words, the sound th can be heard, which is absent in the letter. As in the word nightingale - [sala v` y and ny]

- the number of letters and sounds may not match.

An example of phonetic parsing.

Let's take the word whiten.

From-be-pouring - 3 syllables


o - [a] vowel, unstressed

t - [d] consonant, solid (pair), voiced (pair)

b - [b`] consonant, soft (paired), voiced (paired)

e - [and] vowel, unstressed

l - [l`] consonant, soft (paired), voiced (unpaired)

and - [and] vowel, stressed

t - [t`] consonant, soft (pair), deaf (pair)

8 letters, 7 sounds

Having made a phonetic analysis, pronounce the word again, repeat it. This will help identify and correct possible errors.

Some users may need to parse a word by letter and sound, in a word, what is called "phonetic parsing of a word" in linguistics. To carry out this analysis, it is necessary to adhere to a certain plan with a template sequence of actions, which differs quite insignificantly in various methods. In this article, I will talk about how to parse words by letters and sounds, and explain the sequence of steps to carry out such an analysis.

Parsing a word by sounds and letters allows you to determine the number of sounds and letters used in the word, the specifics of stress in the word being parsed, identify vowels and consonants, and create a transcription of the word.

Despite the fact that the specifics of phonetic parsing are studied at school, many people feel a lack of knowledge when performing such an operation. And this is not surprising, because such an analysis requires knowledge of the corresponding rules of phonetics, in accordance with which one or another point of this analysis is implemented.

Phonetic parsing plan

When starting the phonetic analysis of a word, first of all, clearly pronounce the word aloud in order to audibly designate and separate the totality of the sounds it contains.

The phonetic parsing plan involves the following steps:

  • Write the word correctly. Pay attention to the corresponding spellings (that is, the correct spelling of the word according to the corresponding rule);
  • Divide the word into syllables, write down their number;
  • Find the place of stress in the word ();
  • Note the possibility of transferring words by syllables;
  • Complete phonetic transcription words (recording sounds in a word, i.e. how the word is pronounced correctly). When writing a transcription of a word, make sure it matches the actual sound of the word. Don't forget that the transcription is written in square brackets;
  • Describe in order all the sounds in the word.

If given separate sound vowel, then determine whether it is voiced or deaf, paired or unpaired, soft or hard, what letter it is designated.

If the sound is a vowel, then indicate whether it is a stressed or unstressed sound.

Pay attention to the sounds pronounced in the so-called. “weak positions”: for example, these are hissing consonants, a confluence of vowels or disagreements, unpaired consonants in terms of sonority and deafness, or in hardness and softness;

Schematic of the division of sounds during parsing

  • Count the number of letters and sounds;
  • Note specific cases of inconsistency between the sound and the letter.

At the same time, when performing such parsing of a word, various elements of graphical analysis can be used.

Examples of word parsing by letters and sounds

Let's analyze for good example Few words:

The word "ice"

This word consists of two syllables: (1) ice floe - (2) ka . The second syllable can be hyphenated.

The emphasis falls on the letter "and".

The transcription of the word is [l`d`i n to a].

Let's analyze the sounds in the word:

l [l`] - consonant sound, voiced, soft, unpaired;

b - soft sign;

d [d`] - consonant, voiced, soft, paired;

And [And] - vowel, percussion;

n [n] - consonant, voiced, solid, unpaired;

To - [k] - consonant, deaf, solid, double;

A - [a] - vowel, unstressed.

The word includes 6 sounds and 7 letters (of which 2 are vowels and 4 are consonants).

The word "carrot"

The word consists of two syllables: (1)mor - (2)kov. It is possible to transfer another syllable.

The stress falls on the sound "o" in another syllable - carrot.

Let's analyze the sounds in the word:

m - [m] - consonant, voiced, solid, unpaired;

o - [a] - vowel, unstressed;

p - [r] - consonant, voiced, solid, unpaired;

k - [k] - consonant, deaf, hard, unpaired;

o - [o] - vowel, shock;

in - [f '] - consonant, deaf, soft, double

b is a soft sign.

The word includes 7 letters, 6 sounds.

The best services for phonetic word parsing online

Also, several domestic online network tools will help us to decompose the word into letters and sounds, namely:


It is necessary to decompose words into sounds and letters using the implementation of a template plan, the implementation of the points of which is impossible without knowledge of the corresponding phonetic rules. If you experience difficulties in the phonetic parsing of a word, I recommend using the functionality of the corresponding network services ( level), which will help you quickly analyze words by letters and sounds online.

In contact with

Phonetic analysis of the word is included in the mandatory school curriculum. This type of analysis often causes difficulties, since in this case it is not enough to learn the theory and know all the terms. It is imperative to develop phonetic and phonemic awareness. To do this, you need to regularly perform practical tasks, and pronounce the words aloud. In higher educational institutions phonetic analysis is also given much attention. It is performed as part of the study of phonetics in the course of the modern Russian language. Students of philological faculties make the most detailed phonetic analysis of the word, use more terms and notation in the analysis. However, in general, the parsing rules are the same for everyone, with the exception of some additions.

The basic principle of phonetic parsing of a word
The main problem that arises in the phonetic analysis of a word is the influence of the letter form of the word. It is difficult to abstract from letter writing and not to confuse letters with sounds.

The main principle of phonetic analysis is to concentrate all attention on the sound of the word. It must be written in transcription so that it is as close as possible to the sound. Some simple tips help you spell the word correctly.

  1. Be sure to say the word out loud several times, think about the features of its sound.
  2. Write the transcription of the word as you hear it.
  3. Do not make corrections to the transcription if the word has become different from its letter designation. The sound “s” after “zh” and “sh”, the appearance of “y”, violation of spelling norms should not be the reasons for corrections: the transcription of the word does not correspond to the rules familiar to us.
  4. After recording, try to pronounce the word again, pronouncing each sound separately. Then you will probably make additional adjustments.
  5. If any sounds are in doubt, choose one option or record both. Often a word can be transcribed in different ways, since the pronunciation itself allows for an alternative. Some sounds are intermediate between the two.
In order to perform the phonetic analysis of a word correctly, it is very important to accurately transcribe it using the recommendations.
Characteristics of sounds in phonetic analysis

When performing a phonetic analysis of a word, it is necessary to characterize each sound recorded in the transcription. All sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. Vowels can be stressed or unstressed. When describing consonant sounds, the following features should be indicated in this sequence:

  • deafness / sonority;
  • paired / unpaired;
  • hardness/softness.
You will need to learn voiced and voiceless consonants, always hard and always soft consonants, and pay special attention to unpaired consonants. It is better to have a special memo where all consonants will be listed by position:
  • voiced pairs: b, c, d, e, g, h;
  • voiced unpaired: d, l, m, r, n;
  • deaf steam rooms: p, f, k, t, w, s;
  • deaf unpaired: x, c, h, u;
  • only solid ones: w, w, c;
  • only soft ones: th, h ', u '.
The graphic designation of softness is an apostrophe. It must be remembered that softness should not be indicated in the “th”.

When performing a phonetic analysis of a word, one must constantly take into account that the vowels “e”, “e”, “yu” and “ya” do not exist. Try to pronounce them - you will see that these are two sounds: “th” and, accordingly, “e”, “o”, “y” and “a”.

When transcribed, letters have two sound variants.

  1. After the consonants, the letters "e", "e", "yu", "I" correspond to the sounds "e", "o", "y", "a". They soften the consonant in front (except those that are always hard). It must be remembered that in borrowed words, the consonant sound before “e” can also turn out to be hard. Before denoting softness and proceeding to characterize the sound, one must listen to the sound of the word and, if necessary, refer to the dictionary.
  2. After a vowel, a soft and hard sign, at the beginning of a word, the letters break up in transcription into two sounds: “y” is added to the vowel in front of it.
The sound "y" can occur where it is not in the usual letter designation, as in the previous examples. It's connected with historical development language and its changes, is discussed in detail in the course of the history of the Russian language at the philological faculties. Most often, the phenomenon is observed in possessive adjectives that answer the question whose?:

canine [sabach’yi]

foxes [l'is'yi]

Listen carefully to the sound of the word, saying it out loud: then you will definitely find the sound “y” in it, if it is there.

Phonetic processes
When analyzing a word as a phonetic unit, one needs to know what phonetic processes exist. At school, 4 main phonetic processes are studied.

  1. Stunning consonants at the end of a word. Voiced consonants become deaf, which is reflected in the transcription of the word and the characteristics of the sound. Mushroom [flu].
  2. Softening hard consonants before soft ones. It is important to remember that mitigation does not always occur. Most often, s, s, d, t, n are softened. Here [z'd'es'].
  3. Assimilation (similarity) of voiced consonants before deaf ones. The voices are deafened. Sponges [gupk'i].
  4. Assimilation of deaf consonants before voiced ones. The deaf are speaking. Shoot down [zb'it'].
In specialized gymnasium classes with a linguistic bias, as well as in philological faculties, the phenomena of accommodation, dissimilation and reduction are studied. They need to be learned, it is good for applicants to navigate them. During accommodation, a partial adaptation of the articulation of the stressed vowel and consonant that are nearby occurs: the beginning of the articulation of the vowel adapts to the end of the articulation of the previous sound, the beginning of the articulation of the next sound. Dissimilation is the dissimilarity of sounds. In the process of reduction, the articulation of the vowel sound is weakened and its sound changes. Reduction can be quantitative (sounding strength decreases, longitude, timbre is preserved, vowels and and y are affected) and qualitative (signs of sound timbre are lost, vowels e, a, o are affected).

Algorithm for phonetic word parsing
Phonetic parsing of a word must be carried out in strict accordance with a given algorithm. In school, the word as a phonetic unit should be analyzed as follows:

  1. Write down the word first.
  2. Say it and listen to the sound.
  3. Then, in square brackets, write the transcription of the word, reflecting all the sounds in it and denoting the syllable division with a hyphen.
  4. Write how many syllables are in the word, which syllable is stressed.
  5. Write down all the letters of the word in a column, and indicate the sounds in square brackets next to the corresponding letters.
  6. Give a description of each sound, starting with a designation, whether it is a vowel or a consonant.
  7. Vowels and consonants are characterized differently:
    • for vowels, you need to indicate whether they are stressed;
    • for consonants, indicate deafness / voicedness, pairing / unpairing, give paired sound, designate hardness / softness and pairing on this basis, write a hard or soft pair.
  8. Draw a horizontal line under the columns of letters and sounds, count the number of letters and sounds, indicate it.
Students of philological faculties give more than detailed description sounds. Vowels are divided into rows (front, middle, back) and rise (upper, middle, lower), as well as into labialized and non-labialized. Consonants differ in the way they are formed, the participation of the voice. Allocate noisy and sonorous, labial and lingual consonants, which, in turn, fall into a number of groups.

Phonetic parsing of a word requires the development of phonetic hearing and knowledge of the basic characteristics of sounds. It is enough to follow the principle of parsing and adhere to the algorithm in order to execute it correctly.

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