The designation of sounds in the transcription of the Russian language. Phonetic transcription

Phonetic transcription in Russian- graphic recording of the sound of a word, a type of scientific transcription.

Phonetic transcription is written in square brackets, unlike phonological transcription, which is written in slash brackets.

It is widely used in school phonetic analysis words.

This type of transcription is special kind speech recording, which is used to fix the features of its sound in writing. Square brackets serve as a sign that the reader is dealing with a transcription of a sounding speech: .

When studying the sound side of a language, in order to convey the sound of words, one has to resort to a special phonetic letter, based on the fact that the same sound is transmitted by a certain icon. Such writing is called phonetic transcription.

Transcription(from lat. transcription - rewriting) - special kind writing, with the help of which sounding speech is fixed on paper.

The transcription is based on the alphabet of the language in which it is spoken, with the addition or change of certain letters. So, the basis of the transcription system that we will use is the Russian alphabet, but the letters e, e, d, u, u, i, and b, b denote special unstressed vowels. Separate letters of other alphabets are also used: j (yot) from Latin, ? (gamma) from Greek.

phonetic writing does not coincide with spelling, because spelling does not reflect living sound processes occurring in the flow of speech, does not reflect changes in the sound system of the language, but rests on traditions. Phonetic transcription reflects the change in sounds that occur depending on the position and environment.

In written speech, after soft consonants, instead of a, o, y, e, the letters i, e, u and e are written, the softness of the consonant at the end of the word is indicated by a special letter b, called the "soft sign" (before the Spelling reform of 1917-1918, this sign called "er"). In transcription, the softness of a consonant is always indicated in the same way - an apostrophe next to a soft consonant: [m "at"]. The softness of unpaired soft consonants [h "] and [w":] is also always indicated in transcription. The only exception is the designation in the transcription of the palatal (and therefore, by definition, soft) consonant [j] - it is not customary to put an apostrophe with it.

Basic transcription rules
In transcription:
1. A sound, word, part of a word or a segment of speech is enclosed in square brackets -.
The text is written as it is pronounced.
3. Capital letters are not used.
4. Punctuation rules do not apply, punctuation marks are replaced by pauses: a small pause is indicated by one vertical line - /; phrases are separated from each other by two lines - //, denoting a long pause.
5. Each sign is used to denote one sound.
6. Diacritics are used (Greek diakritikos - distinctive), which are placed above the letters, below them or near them. So,
a) the accent is obligatory: the main one is the acute sign ?, the secondary sign is the grave `;
b) a straight line above the letter indicates the longitude of the consonant - [s];
c) the softness of the consonant is indicated by an apostrophe - [m "];
d) service words pronounced together with the significant are connected by a chamber - [ E ]
e) the bow under the sign indicates the non-syllabic nature of the sound - [i].
IN individual cases, when necessary, other diacritics are also used: dots (upper right and left of the letter) to indicate the advancement of stressed vowels forward in the vicinity of soft consonants: me, mother, mint;
sign ^ to convey a closed, narrow sound of vowels between soft consonants: drank - [n "ul" and].
7. In the field of consonants, the letter u is not used, but is indicated as [w "]; in the field of vowels there are no letters e, e, u, i.
8. To designate the sound [th], two signs are given: [j] - yot and [i] - and non-syllable (a kind of iot):
[j] - a) at the beginning of a word
b) after dividing b and b
c) between two vowels before a stressed one.
In other cases - [i]
9. To designate voiced and deaf consonants, the letters corresponding to them are used.
10. Vowel sounds, depending on the position in the word, experience great changes in sound:
a) vowels [i], [s], [y] in an unstressed position do not qualitatively change, they only sound shorter than under stress, and such changes are not indicated in transcription
b) unstressed vowels [a], [o], [e] change both in quantitative and qualitatively:
unstressed vowels [a], [o] at the absolute beginning of a word and in the first pre-stressed syllable after hard consonants are indicated by the sign [U] - a short sound [a];
unstressed vowels [a], [o], [e] in the second pre-stressed and stressed syllables after solid consonants are indicated by the sign [b] - the sound is ultra-short [s]
unstressed vowel [e] in the first pre-stressed syllable after solid consonants is indicated by the sign [ye] - the sound is middle between [s] and [e]
unstressed vowels [e], [a] in the first pre-stressed syllable after soft consonants are indicated by the sign [ie] - the sound is the middle one between [i] and [e]
unstressed vowels [e], [a] in the 2nd pre-stressed and stressed syllables after soft consonants are indicated by the sign [b] - the sound is ultra-short [and]

To denote the sound [g], pronounced “without an explosion” in some words, and when voicing the sound [x], ["] is used - "g fricative"

Exist different systems transcription. Therefore, you need to choose one and stick to it consistently so as not to destroy the emerging transcription skills.

It should also be borne in mind that in transcription, in some cases, options are allowed that reflect the reality in literary language variant pronunciation. So, depending on the style of pronunciation, different vowels can sound at the absolute end of the word: in full style, with a clear pronunciation, - [U], [ie], [ye], and in colloquial, with fluent pronunciation, reduced [ъ] , [b].

What is transcription used for?
1. To learn to hear native speech and show the norms of literary pronunciation.
2. When learning foreign language, especially if the spelling does not make it possible to judge pronunciation. For example, in English language.
3. Transcription is also needed where the writing system is complex and little known to the student, especially where graphics are not intended to convey sound. For example, in hieroglyphic writing.
4. Transcription is used to record an unwritten language or dialect speech.

Phonetic writing does not coincide with spelling, because spelling does not reflect living sound processes occurring in the flow of speech, does not reflect changes in the sound system of the language, but rests on traditions. Phonetic transcription reflects the change in sounds that occur depending on the position and environment.

Once again, let's take a closer look at the Basic Rules and Signs of Phonetic Transcription:
1. The transcribed sound or segment of speech is enclosed in square brackets: oak - [dup], spoon. Speech measures are separated by one vertical line, complete sentences by two. Capital letters are not used.
2. In two-syllable and polysyllabic words, stress is placed, in monosyllabic words, stress is not placed: [in [el / young], [elephant].
3. Stressed vowels [a], [e], [y], [i], [s] are always denoted by the letters a, o, e, y, and, s.
4. The icon [^] (“a” with a lid) is used to indicate a weakened sound close to [a], which is pronounced at the absolute beginning of a word or in the first pre-stress! syllable in place of the letters a and o after solid consonants: cucumber [^ gur "ets], lampshade - [^ b ^ zhur], water - [e ^ yes], gardens - [s ^ dy (in school practice - [a] ).
5. The icon [b] (ep) denotes a reduced sound, intermediate between [s] and [a], which is pronounced in many unstressed syllables, except for the first pre-stressed and absolute beginning of the word, in place of the letters a, o, e; gardener - [sj ^ d ^ here], dear - [dar ^ goi], groove - [zhl ^ side], place - [m’est], stick - [palk], also - [identity].
6 The sign | ie] denotes a sound intermediate between [i] and [e], which is pronounced in the first pre-stressed syllable after soft consonants in place of the letters siya: forests - [l "iesa], five - [n" iet "th] ( in school practice [and]).
The sign [ye] is used to denote a sound that is intermediate between [s] and [e], which is pronounced in the first unstressed syllable after hard hissing and c: six ~ [shyes "t" y], the price is [tsyena] (in school practice - [s]).
7. The sign [b] (er) denotes a reduced sound close to [i], which is pronounced in all unstressed syllables, except for the first pre-stressed one, after soft consonants in place of the letters e and i: patch - [p" t ^ h "ok ], democrat - [d "bm ^ krat].
8. Unstressed sounds in place of the letters y, s, and are usually denoted in the same way as percussion, with the signs [y], [s], [and]: iron - [ut "uk], fisherman - [fisherman], go - [id "th].
9. The softness of the consonant sound is indicated by a comma to the upper right of the letter sign: webbing - [l "amk", roar - [r "jf], lion - [l "ef], buy - [purchase" y].
10. The longitude of the consonant sound is indicated by a horizontal line above the letter: bath - [van], buzz - [buzz].
11. The sign [j] denotes the consonant sound “yot”, which is pronounced before stressed vowels: pit - jam], ruff -, spruce - JEL "].

A weak version of this sound is pronounced in all other positions, usually indicated by the sign [and] (“and non-syllable”): mine - [my], flock [flock], (In school practice, the sign [th] is used in both cases)
Transcription can be not only complete, but also selective, when not all of its word is enclosed in square brackets, but only the element in question - a sound or a number of sounds. This method of transcription is used, for example, in dictionaries and reference books to indicate the correct pronunciation of sounds: steak - beefsh [te] k \ overcoat - shi [n "e] l.


For initial stage mastering phonetic transcription

Preliminary note. To learn how to transcribe, of course, you need to pronounce and hear speech correctly. However, for self-control, one should rely on the developed rules, norms, patterns. This manual has been compiled on the basis of such patterns.

I. Highlight the phonetic words in the spelling (in the text).

The concept of a phonetic word: phonetic word - this is a sequence of sounds (or syllables), united by one main stress.

Note that division into words is not always the same as division into phonetic words. Put stress on phonetic words.

For example:

In the north │ wild │ stands │ alone │

On the bare │ top │ pine. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

II. Start writing the text in phonetic transcription in square brackets: […]. Punctuation marks and capital letters are not used. Don't forget to take breaks.

III. Familiarize yourself with transcription rules.

Basic rules (principles) of transcription

1. Each transcription sign corresponds to the same speech sound.

2. Each transcription mark conveys only one sound. In this regard, the transcription does not use the so-called iotized letters e, e, u, i, which in certain positions (at the beginning of a word, after vowels, after separating hard and soft signs) are read as two sounds: [j] (iot) and the corresponding vowel.

3. The transcription does not use letters of the alphabet that do not have sound content: hard sign - ъ, soft sign - b.

4. In addition to the letters of the alphabet, additional icons are used in transcription ( diacritics): apostrophe - to indicate the softness of the consonant, the sign of the longitude of the consonant, and some others.

5. When transcribing a word (and even more so a phrase or a whole text), stress must be placed.

6. Transcription does not use punctuation marks; the pause and the end of the phrase are marked respectively by signs / and //.

7. Transcription usually does not use uppercase (large) letters.

8. Phonetic transcription is written in square brackets.

IV. Transcribe each phonetic word separately.

Text in phonetic transcription:

[on s'év'r'y d'ikm / stajit ad'inok /

on golj v’irshyn’ sasna //]

v. Transcription of consonants.

1. Study hard and soft consonants from the table: b - b ', p - p ', c - c ', t - t ', s - s ', etc. Mark soft consonants with an apostrophe.

2. Remember that some consonants do not form hardness/softness pairs, i.e. are only hard (w, w, c) or only soft (w’zh’, sh’sh’, h’, j).

3. Study the voiced and deaf consonants according to the table: b - p, b '- p ', c - f, c' - f ', d - t, d' - t ', s - s, s ' - s' and etc. Do not confuse voiced and unvoiced consonants. Remember that in Russian voiced consonants are stunned at the end of a word ( oak[du P], gas[ha With]). Voiced consonants are also stunned before the next voiceless consonant ( all fairy tales [f s'e ská With k'i]). Voiceless consonants, on the contrary, are voiced in a position before the next voiced ( turn in a book [h dat’ book’igu]). Consequently, in transcription, as in speech, voiced and voiceless (or, conversely, voiceless and voiced) consonants cannot stand side by side. In speech, these phonetic changes necessarily occur.

VI. Transcription of vowels.

1. Study the vowel sounds from the table. The table indicates which articulation determines the signs of a row, rise and labialization.

2. The pronunciation of vowel sounds in Russian is closely related to stress. Therefore, it is necessary not to make mistakes in setting the stress. In case of difficulty, you should look up the dictionary.

3. The most important principle of transcribing vowels is related to determining their positions.

4. Positions depend on the place of the vowel in the syllable: in a stressed syllable or unstressed syllables.

5. In the pronunciation of vowels stands out three types of positions.

6. Imagine a word consisting, for example, of 4 syllables, one of which (penultimate) is stressed.

For example: dear, catastrophe, will read, definitely and etc.

7. Symbolically denote each syllable by a square:

□ – unstressed syllable, ■́ – percussion syllable.

8. The syllable scheme of such a word looks like this: □ □ ■́ □

9. Positions in the word are distributed as follows:

1st position- the position of the vowel under stress (stressed syllable - ■́ );

II position- the first pre-stressed syllable (this is an unstressed syllable immediately before the stressed one);

III position II position), and shock.

10. If you place indices denoting positions, then the scheme will look like this:

□ □ ■́ □

11. Consider in detail each position of the vowels:

1st position- the position of the vowel under stress (stressed syllable).

under stress ( 1st position) all 6 vowels are pronounced unchanged (see table of vowels): and y

II position- the first pre-stressed syllable (an unstressed syllable immediately before the stressed one).

In this position, all high vowels are pronounced without noticeable qualitative changes: [i], [s], [y], as well as the vowel [a].

· Here not pronounced mid rise vowels [o] and [e], these vowels are pronounced only under stress (see. 1st position).

In accordance with each of the vowels of the middle rise, they are pronounced:

In accordance with [ó], it is pronounced [a]: home - home[home] - [d A ma],

In accordance with [é], it is pronounced [and]: forest - forests[l'es] - [l' And sá].

III position- all other unstressed syllables, as pre-stressed (except for the first pre-stressed, see. II position), and shock.

In this position, all high vowels are pronounced without noticeable qualitative changes: [and], [s], [y]:

blue[With' And n'iva], sons[With s nav’ja], situations[With' And tuatz s j And].


The remaining vowels - o, a, e - are subject to quality or quantitative changes.

This position is characterized by the pronunciation reduced vowels.

Vowel reduction is a shortening of the duration of the sound of vowel sounds.

In modern Russian 2 reduced vowels:

- reduced front vowel- in transcription it is indicated by the icon [b] (the transcription sign is called “er”),

- reduced non-front vowel- in transcription it is indicated by the icon [ъ] (the transcription sign is called “er”).

For example(see words in paragraph 6):

dear[dragáj], catastrophe[katastrof],


will read[prach'itájt], definitely[appointment]


Pay attention to the fact that in the last example the initial vowel is not reduced, although it is in the III position. Remember that reduced vowels are not pronounced at the absolute beginning of a word(regardless of position).

Let's summarize.

Phonetic transcription

When studying the sound side of a language, in order to convey the sound of words, one has to resort to a special phonetic letter, based on the fact that the same sound is transmitted by a certain icon. Such writing is called phonetic transcription.

Transcription- a special type of writing, with the help of which sounding speech is fixed on paper.

The transcription is based on the alphabet of the language in which it is spoken. With the addition or change of individual letters. (For example, [ĵ] - from the Latin language (iota); [g] - from the Greek language (gamma)).

What is transcription used for?

1. To learn to hear native speech and show the norms of literary pronunciation.

2. When teaching a foreign language, especially if the spelling does not make it possible to judge pronunciation. For example, in English.

3. Transcription is also needed where the writing system is complex and little known to the student, especially where graphics are not intended to convey sound. For example, in hieroglyphic writing.

4. Transcription is used to record an unwritten language or dialect speech.

The phonetic letter does not coincide with the orthographic one, because orthographic writing does not reflect living sound processes occurring in the flow of speech, does not reflect changes in the sound system of the language, but rests on traditions. Phonetic transcription reflects the change in sounds that occur depending on the position and environment.

Basic transcription rules

1. Capital letters are not used in transcription.

2. Punctuation rules do not apply here, pauses are indicated by vertical lines: a small pause is indicated by one vertical line - /; phrases are separated from each other by two lines - //, denoting a long pause.

3. The transcribed sound, word, part of a word or segment of speech is enclosed in square brackets -.

4. In transcription, the text is written as it is pronounced.

5. Each transcription sign is used to denote one sound.

6. In transcription, and are used diacritics signs (Greek diakritikos - distinctive), which are placed above the letters, below them or near them:

a) the emphasis is mandatory: the main one is the sign acute―́, side sign graphis ―̀ ;

b) a straight line above the letter [w̅] indicates the longitude of the consonant;

c) the softness of the consonant is indicated by an apostrophe ՚ after the letter - [m՚];

d) service words pronounced together with the significant are combined chamber- [would◡would], [v◡l՚es];

e) the bow under the sign indicates the non-syllable nature of the sound - [ṷ]

In some cases, when necessary, other diacritics are used: points(top right and left of the letter) to indicate the forward progression of stressed vowels in the vicinity of soft consonants:

crumpled[m՚al], mother [mat՚], wrinkle [m՚at՚];

sign^ to convey closed, narrow vowel sounds between soft consonants : drank-[P՚yul՚And].

7. In transcription, the letter u Þ [w̅٬] is not used in the field of consonants, in the field of vowels - the letters e, ё, u, i.

8. To designate the sound [th], two signs are used - [ĵ], [ṷ]:

[ĵ] - a) at the beginning of a word: [ĵа́], [ĵosh], [ĵel٬], [ĵuk];

b) before the stressed vowel: [v՚ĵun], [p՚ĵot], [с՚ĵel], [pÙĵu], [mÙĵaʹ].

In other cases - [ṷ] (a weak variety of iota): [moṷ], [moṷk].

9. Vowel sounds, depending on the positions in the word, experience great changes in sound.

So, a) vowels [and], [s], [y] in an unstressed position do not qualitatively change, they only sound shorter than under stress, and such changes are not indicated in transcription: ՚i onion meadows lugÙvoį].

B) Unstressed vowels [a], [o], [e] change both quantitatively and qualitatively:

[۸] - unstressed vowel [a], [o] at the absolute beginning of the word and in the 1st

prestressed syllable after hard consonants:

[٨rbus/ ٨р՚ех/ n٨ra/ zh٨ra]

[b] - unstressed vowel [a], [o], [e] in the 2nd pre-stressed and

stressed syllables after hard consonants:

[málÙko prÙhot kolkul zhalt՚izna tsalÙvat՚];

[s e] - unstressed vowel in the 1st pre-stressed syllable at the place of the sound [e] after solid consonants;

[zhy e l՚ez shy e lkatsy e poch՚k];

[and e] - unstressed vowels [e], [a] in the 1st pre-stressed syllable after soft consonants:

[With՚and e lo v՚i e sleep ch՚i e sy m՚i e s՚n՚ik];

[b] - unstressed vowels [e], [a] in the 2nd pre-stressed and stressed syllables after soft consonants:

[b՚rr՚and e ga g՚n՚i e ral ch՚sÙfsh̅՚ik d՚at՚yl d՚ad՚ь].

10. To designate voiced and deaf consonants, the letters corresponding to them are used:

[baby pap]

11. To denote the sound [g], pronounced “without an explosion” in some words, and when voicing the sound [x], use [Υ] - “g fricative”

[boΥъ sóΥ◡by bÙγatyį (dialect)].

In order to record as accurately as possible sounding speech, use a special notation called phonetic transcription. Its main principles are: 1) each letter should denote a sound, there should be no letters that do not denote sounds; 2) each letter should represent one sound, not a combination of sounds; 3) each letter must always denote the same sound. Segments of phonetic transcription are written in square brackets.

To master the principles of phonetic transcription of Russian literary pronunciation, you need to know the following:

1. The phonetic transcription system uses all vowels of the Russian alphabet, except for e, yo, yu, i, which in Russian graphics denote the same sounds as ['e], ['o], ['y], ['a] after soft consonants, or combinations of sounds , , , .

note- letters e, yo, yu, i represent two sounds in the following positions:

1) the beginning of the word: spruce [ je l’], south [ ju To];

2) after b and b: rise [pΛd ' jo m], dyak [d ' ja To];

3) after vowels: I sing [pΛ ju ], my [mΛ ja ].

In other cases, the letters e, yo, yu, i denote one sound and indicate the softness of the preceding consonant: five [p'at '], forest [l'es], carried [n'os], people [l'ud'i].

2. Badges s e, i e, Λ(lid) b And b are used in transcription to denote reduced vowels: water [vΛda], water [vd'i e nou], water [vΛd'ich'k], woodsman [l'sv'ich'ok], desires [zhy e lan'iu] .

3. The phonetic transcription system uses all consonants of the Russian alphabet, except for u, which in Russian graphics means a long soft sound[sh ']: shield [sh'it], tentacles [sh'upul'tsy].

4. In Russian phonetic transcription, u (and non-syllabic) is used to denote the letter y: mika [maik], voi [voi].

In transcription icon j used before a stressed vowel: drink [n'jy], hedgehog, lighthouse [mΛjak]. In other cases, u is used: teapot [ch'ain'ik], mine [my], green [z'i e l'onyu].

5. In phonetic transcription, the following diacritical (superscript and subscript) signs are accepted:

1) ['] - means the softness of the corresponding sound: elk [los '], mint [m'at].

2) [g] - denotes the length of the consonant sound: [g] - squeeze, [h] - behind.

3) [a] - a vowel advanced forward and up at the beginning of the sound: crumpled [m 'al], hatch [l 'uk], swept [pΛdm 'ol].

[a] - a vowel advanced forward and up at the end of the sound: mother [m'a t '], elk [lo s '], ray [beam ch'ik], wash [we t '].

[ a ] ​​- a vowel advanced forward and up at the beginning and end of the sound: knead - [m 'a t '], Lucy [l 'u s'], Lenya [l 'o n'b].

Attention! Advancement forward and upward is associated with the adaptation of the sound of the stressed vowel of the non-front row to the adjacent soft consonant and is called accommodation. Only applies to vowels [o], [a], [y], [s].

4) The ^ sign above the vowel means closeness, tension of the corresponding front vowel [e], [i], located in a position between two soft consonants: laziness [l'en '], blue [s'in '].

Attention! Superscript accommodation signs are indicated for vowels only in a strong (stressed) position. In an unstressed position, accommodation is neutralized by reduction.

5) The sign ^ under the letter of the sonorant consonant p, l, m, n denotes the stunning of this consonant: see [tr], microko [cm].

6) Some words in speech do not have stress. They adjoin other words, making up one phonetic word with them, and are formed in transcription with the sign "-". proclitic: downwind [pΛ-v'etru], don't say [n'n-gvΛr'i], through me [ch'r'z-m'i en n'a]. An unstressed word after the stressed word to which it is adjacent is called enclitic: hardly [vr'ád-l'i], look [lΛtr'i-kj], downhill [down-gru], there was no [n'e-byl].

Attention! The position, called the absolute beginning of a word, indicates the beginning of a phonetic word, for example: Father left the house (There are 4 words in this sentence - a preposition, two nouns, a verb. From the point of view of phonetics, - 3 phonetic words, because the preposition does not have an independent accents). [ Λ home Λ tΛshol Λ t'etz] - the absolute beginning of each word is highlighted.

7) When transcribing a coherent text, it should be divided into phrases and speech measures.

Phrase- this is a segment of speech, united by a special intonation and phrasal stress and concluded between two rather long pauses. The phrase corresponds to a statement that is relatively complete in meaning, but it cannot be identified with a sentence. Phrase and sentence may or may not coincide linearly. A phrase can be divided into phonetic syntagmas, or speech measures, which are also characterized by a special intonation and stress, but the pauses between speech measures are shorter than interphrase pauses.

The boundaries between phrases are indicated by two vertical lines. // , and between bars - one line / .

Nov 25

What are the rules of phonetic transcription for schoolchildren studying the Russian language in depth?

Phonetic transcription - 1) is a system of signs and rules for their combination, designed to record pronunciation; 2) transcription is also called the very spelling of a word or text according to transcription rules.

The process of recording speech using transcription is called transcription.

Phonetic transcription is used to record sound speech.

Phonetic transcription at school

1. Transcription is enclosed in square brackets.

2. In transcription, it is not customary to write capital letters and put punctuation marks when transcribing sentences. Pauses between speech segments (usually coincide with the punctuation mark) are indicated by a double slash // (significant pause) or a single / (shorter pause).

3. In words consisting of more than one syllable, stress is placed: [z'imá] - winter. If two words are united by a single stress, they make up one phonetic word, which is written together or with the help of a league: to the garden - [fsat], [f_sat].

4. The softness of a consonant sound is indicated by an apostrophe: [s'el] - sat down.

5. Recording of consonants is carried out using all the corresponding letters, except for u and y.

Special superscript or subscript icons can be placed next to the letter. They indicate some features of the sound, for example: o [n '] - an apostrophe denotes soft consonants: [n'obo] - palate;

The length of the sound is indicated by a superscript: [van¯a] - bath, [cas¯a] - cash desk.

The letter u corresponds to the sound that is conveyed by the sign [w ’] y [w ’] spruce - gorge, [sh ’] etina - bristles.

The sounds [w ’], [th], [h] are always soft. Note. For sounds [th], [h], it is not customary to denote softness with an apostrophe, although in some textbooks it is indicated.

Sounds [g], [w], [c] are always solid. Exceptions: soft [w ’] sounds in the words: jury - [w ’] yuri, Julien - [w ’] Julien, Jules - [w ’] Julien.

The letters ъ (hard sign), ь (soft sign) do not denote sounds, i.e. there are no such signs in the transcription for consonants: [razyom] - connector, [triangular] - triangular.

6. Recording vowels

Stressed vowels are transcribed using six characters: and - [and] - [p'ir] feast, s- [s] - [ardor] ardor, y - [y] - [beam] ray, e - [e] - [ l "es] forest, o - [o] - [house] house, a- [a] - [garden] garden.

The letters e, yo, i, yu denote double sounds [ye], [yo], [ya], [yu]: [ya] block - apple, water [yo] m - reservoir, [yu] g - south, [ ye] l - spruce. Letter and after separator soft sign also denotes a double sound [yi]: sparrows [b'yi] - sparrows.

Unstressed vowels [and], [s], [a] are not necessarily used in place of similar letters - you should carefully listen to the pronunciation of the word: mod [s] lier - fashion designer, d [a] ska - board, [and] skursant - excursionist , [a] search - search.

Phonetic transcription in manuals for in-depth study of the Russian language.

1. In some textbooks, additional signs are used to indicate vowels: [Λ], [ie], [ye], [b], [b].

In place of the letters o, and in the first pre-stressed syllable and the absolute beginning of the word, the sound [Λ] is pronounced: [vΛda] - water, [Λna] - she.

In place of the letters e and i in unstressed syllables, after soft consonants, a vowel is pronounced, intermediate between [i] and [e], but closer to [i], it is denoted [ie] (called “i, prone to e”): [l 'iesá] - forests, [r'ieb'ina] - mountain ash.

In place of the letter e, after solid hissing [w], [w], [c], it is pronounced [ye] (“s, prone to e”): w [ye] lat - to wish, sh [ye] ptat - whisper, q [ ye] on - the price. Exception: dance [a] wat - dance.

The sound [b] (“er”) is pronounced after solid consonants in the non-first pre-stressed and stressed syllables and is indicated by the letters a (locomotive [pravos]), o (milk [milako]), e (yellowness [zhlt "izna]).

The sound [b] (“er”) is pronounced after soft consonants in the non-first pre-stressed and stressed syllables and is denoted by the letters e (transition [n" pr "ihot]), i (ordinary [r" davoj]), a (hour [chsavoj) .

2. The Latin letter j denotes the consonant “yot” in transcription, which sounds in the words blocko - an apple, water - a reservoir, sparrows [b "ji] - sparrows, language - language, sara [j] - barn, ma [j] ka - T-shirt, cha [j] nickname - teapot, etc.

Sample phonetic transcription for school.

[bal’sháya plosh’at’ / na_katorai raspazhy’las’ tse’rkaf’ / was completely zan’itá dl’ i´nym’i r’idam’i t’il’e´k //]

A sample of phonetic transcription for in-depth students of the Russian language at school.

The large square on which the church was located was completely occupied by long rows of carts.

[bΛl’shájъ square’t’ / n_kΛtórj r’splΛzhy´ls’ tse´rkf’/was completely zn’ieta dl’i´n’m’r’iedam’i t’iel»e´k //]

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