What zodiac sign is next to Pisces? Detailed characteristics and description of the zodiac sign Pisces. What the zodiac sign Pisces needs to learn

To the question, which zodiac sign is more suitable for Pisces? given by the author Munira the best answer is Until the age of 29.5, you should look for the most suitable partners among the signs of Cancer and Scorpio. All three are water signs and until the age of 29.5 their relationships are very close, emotional, passionate and often stormy. In their youth, Pisces are attracted to the domineering personalities of Scorpio and the childish, impractical personality of Cancer.
After 29.5 years they can be compatible with the sign of Libra. Libra attracts Pisces with its calm grace and sense of balance. Mature Pisces are attracted to Aquarians, who expand their world of communication and help suppress their over-emotionality.
After 41.5 years, Pisces have already acquired greater stability and have come close to their best partner and friend - Virgo. opposite sign Pisces. Both signs are birds of a feather, under the harsh astrological skin, together they stabilize each other. Both signs are indifferent to sex.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: which zodiac sign is more suitable for Pisces?

Answer from Irina Vorobyova[guru]
fish! Scorpio Cancers! and also Taurus Capricorn Virgo! with air attraction but a lot of scams!

Answer from Space[guru]
Never call fish fish!! ! It's like shit is candy

Answer from China[newbie]
There are many, almost all suit us! However, we are unique!

Answer from Elena Khanamiryan[guru]
Ideal marriage: Taurus, with the sign of Cancer there is a very favorable friendship, cooperation and marriage, a lot unites Pisces and Capricorn, these signs gravitate towards each other, marriage would have a chance for happiness, with Scorpio the union is harmonious and strong, there is sympathy between Virgo and Pisces , but physical interest in each other is not strong, the same can be said about Libra, although there is respect between them, favorable cooperation and friendship, unfavorable - the sign of Aries strongly attracts Pisces, but the difference in character makes itself felt, the union is therefore not very favorable, Despite the sympathy that exists between Leo and Pisces, as well as the strong attraction, marriage is not recommended. The impulsiveness and passion of Leo sometimes offends Pisces. There is a great affinity for Gemini, an alliance is possible due to the great flexibility of both signs. Pisces encounters great difficulties in their relationship with Sagittarius, cases happy marriages are rare, the physical attraction that exists between these signs is not enough for strong union. There is rarely a harmonious marriage with Aquarius: the coldness of nature interferes. Good relationships rarely develop with the sign of Pisces.

Answer from PAT[guru]
Pisces won't care, but yours will be water signs...

Answer from Marinka The Best[guru]
just not the air!

February 19 - March 20. 12th sign of the Zodiac. 3rd water sign. 4th mutable sign. Ruling planet: Neptune. Lucky number: 7 and everything is...

  • February 19 - March 20.
  • 12th sign of the Zodiac.
  • 3rd water sign.
  • 4th mutable sign.
  • Ruling planet: Neptune.
  • Lucky number: 7 and all numbers divisible by 7.
  • Astrological symbol: fish swimming in opposite directions.
  • Astrological colors: sea green, blue, steel and red-violet.
  • Astrological stones: sapphire, emerald and amethyst.
  • Pisces rules the 12th house of the horoscope.


The great astrologer E. Adams told people of the Pisces sign: “The fact that you, Pisces, is one thing, the fact that you are two fish is another, but the fact that one of you swims with the flow, and the other against, is completely different.” This is the type of complexity of the personality of the Pisces sign.

Many astrologers will agree that Pisces are the most eccentric personalities of the entire Zodiac. Their ruler is Neptune - a revolutionary, mystical sign, romantic, sometimes deranged, but always distant. He causes his subordinates nervousness and anxiety.

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and usually these people put themselves in last place. They selflessly cater to the desires of others. Pisces is the 3rd water sign and people of this sign are extremely emotional and passionate in their own way. Their strong emotions and passions, when positively directed, are powerful elements for creation, but if they are relaxed, then these qualities can lead Pisces to self-destruction.

Pisces must fight and protect themselves from harsh criticism from those who do not understand their mystical world. The mental wounds of Pisces do not heal for a long time.

Pisces enjoy playing the role of martyr and must guard against the tendency to feel sorry for themselves, as well as low self-esteem. Pisces are modest and shy, but they are also nervous and full of energy, all together giving them the appearance of always being indecisive and perplexed. They tend to rage too much and worry too much about all sorts of trifles.

Pisces are very dependent on the people with whom they are in close relationships, they have very trusting natures and for this reason they can be easily deceived. However, if they realize that they have been deceived, they can become unusually suspicious and secretive. Their intellect sways like a flame: sometimes it is restrained, sometimes joyful and witty, sometimes, on the contrary, sluggish, sleepy, melancholic.

But Pisces should not be upset about the shortcomings that I described, because... there were many people of this sign who escaped or defeated them, and from them they became famous people: George Washington, Michelangelo, Victor Hugo, Albert Einstein, Enrique Caruso, Chopin.


Of all the 12 signs of the Zodiac, Pisces is the most difficult to describe. If there are any clues to their sex. life in general, it can be found in the influence of Neptune in the field of sex, as well as in the highest octave - Venus, which makes Pisces over-idealistic and spiritual. Pisces will readily agree that finding a person with all the virtues they are looking for is almost impossible. That's why they don't even try.

Another way to describe their sex. life is to study the various traditional characteristics attributed by astrologers to the 12th house of the horoscope, which is ruled by Pisces (it is called the house of secret enemies and doom). He deals with mental illness, sexual deviations. It also controls unforeseen tragedies in a person’s life, damage to the senses, and solitude. Therefore, they are often compatible with people of knowledge. Virgo and Libra, especially in the spiritual emotional area, because... these signs also have their difficulties regarding the physical side of love.

Pisces are prone to relationships between a man and a woman of the “slave-master” type; they themselves often act as a slave. Their desire to be under someone's power makes them look for strong-willed people who rule over them with almost military severity in all areas of life.


Pisces, of course, with some exceptions, are among the most cunning and unfortunate people in non-sexual maneuvers. Neptune makes them masters of deceiving other people. They use all unworthy means to achieve well-being and emotional release. But in defense of Pisces, I can say that in most cases they themselves do not suspect that their behavior is dishonest.

Most Pisces achieve their goals by trying to manipulate emotions and sexual desires others.


Most Pisces live in a world of illusions. No matter how liberal they are in sex. relationships, you need to play pretend with them. They often behave as if sexual intercourse is not really happening or as if their participation, even the most insatiable, is only a gesture to satisfy the partner. For the sake of consent, it is better to allow them to be indifferent to sex.

Many Pisces women are sexually frigid and behave cunningly, domineeringly, rudely with any man, insulting him in order to compensate for their unhealthy attitude towards sexual passion. Such people most often put on a mask of virtue and self-sacrifice.

This behavior is not typical for Pisces men. They are usually romantic, attentive and devoted lovers, husbands who want to please their partner. If incompatibility is revealed in their marriage, they rarely get divorced. Instead, they enhance the positive aspects of their relationship.

Since Pisces is a water sign, they are extremely emotional. Pisces are completely dependent on their loved ones. They constantly test their partners so that they prove their love and prove that the fears and suspicions of Pisces are just a fantasy. Pisces must guard against paranoia and feelings of being betrayed. They must develop their own positive traits: sympathy, hospitality, generosity. They should also beware of hypersensitivity and incessant chatter.


Pisces has a lot positive traits, but because of their susceptibility to self-permission and negativity, they have to struggle more than others to express their good qualities.

Their intentions are usually honest, and they do not expect them to be found in other people. They are forgiving of mistakes. They love the beauty of nature. They seem to acquire knowledge subconsciously and often state facts and truths that they have not fully comprehended, but which will still turn out to be true. They have a highly developed sense of humor. They are often too conscientious in their work, but they must learn to be more methodical and organized. They also need to have more faith in themselves and their abilities, and trust their intuition. They are sympathetic to shortcomings; they cannot see or even hear about the suffering of others.


Perhaps their biggest flaw will not be called a flaw by other people, but for Pisces it is negative quality: they would rather retreat into their fantasy world than meet face to face with real life. They would be calmer if they learned to live for today.

Pisces must try to stabilize their personality and resist the winds that blow them in all directions. They should also try to be less distracted in their thoughts and take a stand. Sometimes they may feel that their mood has suddenly changed dramatically and that they will regret it later. wrong choice. But this is even better than their constant indecisiveness.

If everything I have already said about Pisces in this regard makes you think that they are weak and helpless, then I have misled you. They are among the most skilled players in the economy of love.

Due to feelings of uncertainty and fluctuating moods, they learn even in early childhood about the power of money. If they don't always know how to do a lot of it themselves, they skillfully manipulate those who can make money. If there is such a person who has an excess of money and he does not know how to spend it, he should come in contact with a fish who has a luxurious art and will help him get rid of the excess money quickly and in a good style.


Until the age of 29.5, you should look for the most suitable partners among the signs of Cancer and Scorpio. All three are water signs and until the age of 29.5 their relationships are very close, emotional, passionate and often stormy. In their youth, Pisces are attracted to the domineering personalities of Scorpio and the childish, impractical personality of Cancer.

After 29.5 years they can be compatible with the sign of Libra. Libra attracts Pisces with its calm grace and sense of balance. Mature Pisces are attracted to Aquarians, who expand their world of communication and help suppress their over-emotionality.

After 41.5 years, Pisces have already acquired greater stability and have come close to their best partner and friend - Virgo, the opposite sign of Pisces. Both signs are birds of a feather, under the harsh astrological skin, together they stabilize each other. Both signs are indifferent to sex.

In conclusion, I encourage Pisces to try each of the 12 signs, since Pisces are the most difficult to find a partner.


Pisces are usually very loyal people, especially in their youth, when they have deep and lasting connections with strong personalities who will guide and dominate their relationships. But the latter must endure the modest and shy nature of Pisces.


Astrologers call two representatives the most unsuitable zodiac signs for Pisces fire element– Sagittarius and Leo. Pisces need a sensitive and reliable partner with whom they will feel a spiritual kinship and who will be able to support them in any situation. Neither Sagittarius nor Leo is able to bind themselves to such obligations.

Sagittarius is too independent, so even when in a long-term relationship, he remains emotionally distant from his partner. And since Pisces does not represent relationships in which there is no deep emotional connection, this union is doomed to failure in advance.

Leo also has a very developed independence and is not ready to dissolve in a partner as much as Pisces demands. In addition, Leo is prone to selfishness and loves to command, while Pisces strives for elevated relationships in which there is no place for such base manifestations.

Another zodiac sign with which Pisces is incompatible is Gemini. True, at first this union can be passionate and sensual, but after some time, Pisces will feel their partner moving away. Gemini is too fickle and irresponsible for a relationship with sensitive Pisces, who require a lot of attention.

Which zodiac signs are not suitable for Pisces for friendship?

Pisces does not have the most successful partnerships with representatives of the air and fire elements. The air signs - Aquarius, Gemini and Libra - are characterized by inconstancy and frivolity. They are very sociable and have many acquaintances, and therefore prefer unobtrusive friendships, more reminiscent of friendly relationships. Pisces, on the other hand, strive for true friendship and are convinced that a friend is the kind of person who at any moment must drop everything and come to the rescue, so they are unlikely to find a common language with these zodiac signs.

The fire signs - Leo, Sagittarius and Aries - are also unable to satisfy Pisces' need for close and open relationships. However, they can develop good partnerships with Aries, who is also inclined to idealize relationships between people and show sufficient sincerity in them. The remaining representatives of the fire element, in the minds of Pisces, are too superficial and unreliable for true friendship. They have a complete lack of mutual understanding with Sagittarius, and Leo seems too narcissistic and arrogant to Pisces.

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