Integrated lesson “picking berries” in the preparatory group for children with disabilities. Notes on educational activities for cognitive development in the senior group of kindergarten on the topic “Berries. Notes on berries in the preparatory group.

Kirillova Yu., teacher speech therapist.


Goal: - expansion and activation of the dictionary.
Tasks: - to form plural nouns;
- learn to form nouns with diminutive
affectionate suffixes;

- consolidation of understanding and practical use in speech

- consolidation of verbs in speech: “search”, “pluck”, “collect”

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment. Finger gymnastics.
One, two, three, four, five, (fingers of both hands “hello”,
starting with more.)
middle fingers on the table.)
For lingonberries, for viburnum.
We'll find strawberries
And we'll take it to my brother.

2. Introduction to the topic. Game “Walk in the Forest”. (Picture from the forest.)
A forest is a big house where different plants, animals and birds live.
We are going to the forest. “Who will you see in the forest?” or “What will you see in the forest?”
The children answer: “I will see trees. I'll see bushes. I will see flowers. I will see animals. I will see birds. I will see mushrooms. I will see the berries.”
We name mushrooms (based on pictures) - White mushroom, boletus, russula, honey fungus, chanterelles, boletus – edible mushrooms; fly agaric, toadstool are poisonous mushrooms.
We call wild berries (from the pictures) - lingonberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries.

3. Game “Big-small”
Mushroom - fungus, mushroom berry - berry
Tree - sapling - bush - bush
Leaf-leaf bird-bird
Flower-flower branch-twig.

4. Game “One - many”
Mushroom - mushrooms berry - berries
Tree - trees bush- bushes
Leaf - leaves bird - birds
Flower - flowers branch - branches
Bough-bough trunk-trunks.

5. Physical education minute. "FOR MUSHROOMS"

All the little animals are on the edge
They are looking for milk mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms.
The squirrels were jumping
The saffron milk caps were plucked.
The fox ran
I collected chanterelles.
The bunnies were jumping
They were looking for honey mushrooms.
The bear passed by

(They waddle, at the end of the line they stomp with their right foot.)

6. Game “What shall we cook?”
From mushrooms - mushroom soup
From raspberries - raspberry jam
From blueberries - blueberry jam
From strawberries - strawberry jam
From cranberry - cranberry jam
From lingonberries - lingonberry jam

7. Game “What is this?” (finish the sentence and repeat it completely).
Birch, aspen, oak are...(trees).
Hazel, rosehip, lilac are...(bushes).
Chamomile, cornflower, forget-me-not are...(flowers).
Honey fungus, russula, fly agaric are... (mushrooms).
A mosquito, a grasshopper, a beetle are...(insects).
Cuckoo, owl, eagle are...(birds).
A hare, a fox, a wolf are...(wild animals).

8. Game “Mosaic” (put a mushroom out of 6 triangles).

9. Game “Who, where, where” (answers to questions based on the picture).
Where is the caterpillar? And so on.

10. Summary of the lesson. Recall what they were talking about.
Answer the question.
In a clearing near an oak tree, a mole saw two fungi,
And further away, near the aspen trees, he found another one.
Who is ready to tell me how many fungi the mole found?


Goal: - development of coherent speech.
Objectives: - teach how to form gender of nouns. case;
- learn to form relative adjectives;
- consolidation of verbs in speech: “search”, “pluck”, “collect”;
- training in retelling;
- develop fine motor skills, auditory attention, thinking.

Equipment: pictures of a forest, mushrooms, berries, a ball.
Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment. Game “Give me a word””.
Near the forest on the edge, decorating the dark forest,
It grew motley, like parsley, poisonous... (fly agaric).

Look, guys, there are chanterelles here, honey mushrooms there,
Well, these, in the clearing, are poisonous... (toadstools).

There are many white legs along the forest paths
In multi-colored hats, noticeable from a distance.
Don’t hesitate to collect, these are... (russula).
Finger gymnastics.
One, two, three, four, five, (fingers of both hands “hello”,
starting with more.)
We're going for a walk in the forest. (both hands “go” with index and
middle fingers on the table.)
For blueberries, for raspberries, (Bend your fingers, starting with
For lingonberries, for viburnum.
We'll find strawberries
And we'll take it to my brother. (both hands “go” with index and
middle fingers on the table.)

2. Game “What is there a lot in the forest?” (drawing up proposals)
For example: “There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest. Mushrooms grow in the forest.”
Mushroom - mushrooms - a lot of mushrooms berry - berries - a lot of berries
Tree - trees - many trees bush - bushes - many bushes
Leaf - leaves - a lot of leaves honey fungus - honey mushrooms - a lot of honey mushrooms
Flower - flowers - many flowers branch - branches - many branches.

3. Game “What shall we cook?” (based on pictures)

I'll make mushroom soup from mushrooms.
I'll make raspberry jam from raspberries.
I'll make blueberry jam from blueberries.
I will make strawberry jam from strawberries.
I'll make cranberry juice from cranberries.
I will make lingonberry jam from lingonberries. And so on.

4. Physical education minute. "FOR MUSHROOMS"

All the little animals are on the edge
They are looking for milk mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms.
The squirrels were jumping
The saffron milk caps were plucked.
The fox ran
I collected chanterelles.
The bunnies were jumping
They were looking for honey mushrooms.
The bear passed by
The fly agaric crushed. (Children walk in a round dance.)

(They jump in a squat and pick imaginary mushrooms.)

(They run and collect imaginary mushrooms.)

(They jump while standing and “pick” mushrooms.)

(They waddle, at the end of the line they stomp with their right foot.)

5. Learning to retell. Ya. Tayts “For mushrooms”.
Grandmother and Nadya went to the forest to pick mushrooms. Grandfather gave them a basket and said:
- Well, whoever gets the most!
So they walked and walked, collected and collected, and went home. Grandma has a full basket, and Nadya has only half. Nadya said:
- Grandma, let's exchange baskets!
- Let's!
So they came home. Grandfather looked and said:
- Oh yes Nadya! Look, I've gained more than my grandmother!
Here Nadya blushed and said in the quietest voice:
- This is not my basket at all... it’s completely grandma’s.
Q: Why did Nadya blush and answer her grandfather in a quiet voice?

-Where did Nadya and her grandmother go?
- Why did they go into the forest?
- What did grandfather say when he saw them off into the forest?
- What were they doing in the forest?
- How much did Nadya gain and how much did grandma gain?
- What did Nadya say to her grandmother when they went home?
- What did grandfather say when they returned?
- What did Nadya say?
Repeated reading.
Children's retellings.
Analysis of stories.

6. Summary of the lesson. Remember what they talked about.
Answer the question.
As soon as I went into the bushes, I found an aspen boletus,
Two chanterelles, a boletus and a green moss.
How many mushrooms did I find? Who has the answer?

Homework for lexical topic“Berries, forest, garden” for older children speech therapy group include lexical material (dictionary), grammar exercises and tasks for the development of coherent speech (retelling small texts, writing stories, memorizing).

Lexical topic “Berry, forest, garden”

Items: strawberries, currants, raspberries, cherries, cherries, plums - garden berries; raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, rowan - wild berries; garden, forest, clearing, bush, tree; jam, compote, jam, marmalade, juice, etc.

Signs: garden, forest, edible, inedible, poisonous; color – red, yellow, green, blue, black, etc.; shape – round, oval, triangular; taste – sour, sweet, bitter; denominative adjectives – strawberry (aya, oe), etc., large, ripe, tasty, juicy, sweet, aromatic...

Actions: collect, wash, eat, cook, dry.


1. Select the signs (at least three signs):

strawberry (what kind?) – ...
cranberry (what kind?) - ...

2. Select actions (at least three actions):

strawberry (what does it do?) – ...

3. Call it affectionately:

strawberry - strawberry
raspberries - …
cherry - …
berry -
cranberry - …
Rowan - …
clearing - ...
bush - ...
tree - …

4. One is many:

berry - berries
bush - ...
tree - …
branch - …
bone -...
basket - …

5. Yes - no ( Genitive singular):

berry - no berry
bush - ...
tree - …
branch - …
bone -...
basket - …

6. Form signs (from objects):

berry - berry
raspberries - …
strawberry - …
cranberry - …
cowberry - …
cherry - …

7. Do the math:

one berry, two..., three..., four..., five

8. Draw or glue pictures of berries. Divide them into 2 groups: berries that grow in the garden and berries that grow in the forest. Show and name the parts:

leaves, stem, root, tail, seeds, seeds, peel, core.

Troyan Natalya Anatolevna,
teacher-speech therapist MBDOU kindergarten
combined type "Bell"
Noyabrsk (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug)

Lesson topic: Berries.

Goal: learn about berries, compare raspberries and cloudberries;

Learn to work with text, write a brief summary;

Improve your skills in solving riddles;

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment (the sound of forest birds singing, the sound of the wind).

2. Updating knowledge. Definition of the topic.

Guess what it says:

Red beads hang

They are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads very much

Children, birds and bears.

Today we will talk about berries. Let's check how you know the names and characteristics of the berries. We go to the village “Zagadkino”.

You put a serial number on pieces of paper and write the answer. Let's identify a berry connoisseur.

1) Red and grainy,

Sweet and fragrant.

In the summer I'm glad to be fresh

Bear berry;

And dried for stock

It cures us from colds.


2) I am a drop of summer

On a thin leg.

Weave for me

Bodies and baskets.

Who loves me,

He is happy to bow.

And she gave me a name

Native land.


3) I'm red, I'm sour,

I grew up in a swamp

Ripened under the snow.

Come on, who knows me?


4) What kind of bead is here?

Hanging from a pole?

If you look, your mouth will water,

And if you bite through it, it’s sour.


5) Low and prickly,

Sweet, but not smelly.

You pick the berries -

You'll rip off your whole hand.


6) Two sisters are green in summer;

By autumn one turns red, the other turns black.

(red and black currant)

7) Balls are hanging on the knots -

Turned blue from the heat.

8) Put red porridge in your mouth,

From the mouth - a knuckle.

Let's check your answers. The winner was(are)…..

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Let's watch the presentation "Berries" and remember appearance some berries.

To work, we will divide into 4 groups. Each will receive their own envelope with the task.

Envelope No. 1. Write a short summary about raspberries.

Envelope No. 2. Write a short summary about cloudberries.

Envelope No. 3. Make a craft of berries from plasticine and find the place of growth on the map.

Envelope No. 4. Make a certificate about the berries from a medical point of view.


We just entered the forest,

Mosquitoes appeared.

Hands up, clap above your head,

And we meet a bear.

We put our hands on our heads

And we waddle.

Ahead from behind a bush

The sly fox is watching.

We'll outwit the fox

Let's run on our toes.

The bunny jumps quickly into the field,

It's a lot of fun in the wild.

We imitate the bunny

Fidgets are naughty girls.

But the game is over

And it's time for us to learn.

5. Continued work.

Guys, choose material from the article that you understand.

Raspberry fruit

Common raspberry is a deciduous subshrub with a perennial rhizome, from which biennial above-ground stems up to one and a half meters high develop.

The rhizome is sinuous, woody, with multiple adventitious roots, forming a powerful branched system. Stems are erect. The shoots of the first year are herbaceous, green with a bluish bloom, juicy, covered with thin, usually frequent miniature thorns. The leaves are oval, alternate, petiolate, compound, with 3-7 ovate leaflets, dark green above, whitish below, pubescent with small hairs. The flowers are white, about 1 cm in diameter, collected in small racemes, located on the tops of the stems or in the axils of the leaves. The petals are shorter than the calyx lobes. IN middle lane In Russia, raspberries bloom from June to July, sometimes until August. The fruits are small, hairy drupes fused on a receptacle to form a complex fruit. The fruits are usually red (from pink to deep burgundy), but there are varieties that are yellow and even black (blackberry-shaped). Fruits appear not only on the shoots of the second year. In the southern regions, fruits also appear on the shoots of the first year in mid-autumn. These shoots become woody and acquire Brown color, fruit-bearing branches with flower buds grow from the axils of the leaves. Immediately after fruiting, the side branches dry out, but new stems grow from the same root the next year. There are also remontant varieties of raspberries, adapted to the conditions of central Russia, capable of bearing fruit on the shoots of the first year.

Grows in clearings, forests, bushes, and river banks. Often grown in gardens. Russia is the leader in raspberry cultivation on the world market.

Meaning and Application

Raspberry fruits are consumed fresh or used to make jam, jelly, marmalade, and juices. In medicine, dried fruits are used as a diaphoretic, and syrup is used to improve the taste of potions. IN folk medicine The fruits and leaves are used for colds, flu, and as an antipyretic.


(Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia)


Flowering plant cloudberries in culture

“Cloudberry” is both the name of the plant and its fruit.

In ancient times it was called “swamp amber”, “swamp eyes”, “swamp guard”. In the north the name “royal berry” has taken root.

Common names: moss currant, gloshina, northern orange, arctic raspberry.

Herbaceous or semi-shrub plant up to 30 cm high, with a creeping rhizome. Does not like rain and wind, especially frost.

The stems are thin, erect, with 2-3 leaves and one apical flower with white petals. Consequently, one berry is formed per stem. The leaves are rounded, kidney-shaped, five-lobed, irregularly crenate along the edge.

Flowers are unisexual, solitary, white. Staminate and pistillate flowers are on different plants, male flowers are somewhat larger. Flowers appear in June-July, and after 40-45 days the berries ripen.

The fruit is a clustered drupe with a diameter of 1.5 cm, its shape resembles raspberries, but has a special smell and taste, and is sweet; unripe berries are red, and ripe ones are orange color, almost transparent, reminiscent of pure bright amber. The berries change color three times. The yield of berries often reaches 1000 kg per 1 ha. The fruits are harvested in July-August, the roots are harvested in late autumn.

Cloudberries grow in the northern hemisphere in swamps and in the polar-arctic tundra. Found on peat bogs, swampy forests, moss and shrub tundras in the arctic and northern forest belt of the northern hemisphere, in the central zone of the European part of Russia, Siberia, Far East, in Belarus. Sometimes cultivated. Cloudberries coexist with lingonberries, wild rosemary often grows nearby, and there is a lot of sphagnum moss. Such places are favorite pastures of white partridges and showing capercaillie.

Meaning and Application

Cloudberry is a source of useful, healing substances; Thus, cloudberries contain three times more vitamin C than oranges. Fruits with good taste, are used in various types(fresh, in the form of jam, juice, marmalade, jam, compote). It can be stored for a long time when soaked. Cloudberry flowers provide nectar and pollen to honey bees.

Cloudberry jam (Northern Russian cuisine)

Cloudberries are used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition, for the treatment of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, burns and skin diseases, for heavy metal poisoning, as an antifever agent.

Cloudberry berries have antimicrobial, diaphoretic, antispasmodic effects. In terms of provitamin A content, cloudberries are superior to carrots. The berry is used as a thirst quencher, which is useful for colds. Cloudberries with honey can be given when feeding weakened patients. Cloudberries can enhance blood clotting and have a strengthening effect.

One of the common diseases of residents of polar countries is scurvy. The name of this disease among the Nenets - singa, sigga - was borrowed from the Russians, but methods of combating it were found long before the arrival of the Russians. Therefore, newcomers suffered more from scurvy until they borrowed from the Nenets, Khanty, and Pomors medicines, which included cloudberries. The Khanty and Nenets use cloudberry leaves as a dressing and hemostatic material. The Khanty apply cloudberry leaves, smeared with fish oil, to festering wounds to speed up their release from pus, changing them 2 times a day.

Let's check how the guys made models of berries from plasticine using photographs.

Show on the map where the berries grow.

Let's make a table comparing raspberries with cloudberries.


Each berry is good and healthy in its own way.

What new things have you learned?

7. Homework.

Write short information about other berries. Draw or sculpt a plant model. Make a selection of songs or proverbs on the topic “Berry”.

Final lesson in preparatory group children on the topic “Mushrooms and berries”

Goal: Generalize children's knowledge about mushrooms and berries of our forests.

To consolidate the understanding of the concepts of “mushrooms” and “berries”;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the gifts of the forest, mushrooms and berries growing in our forest;

Shape careful attitude to nature;

Learn to be careful with unknown objects, with inedible mushrooms and berries;

Arouse interest in living nature;

Develop children's skills in productive and playful activities;

Raise the emotional mood of children.

Progress of the event:

Hello guys! I suggest going to visit Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother. I want to bring her gifts of mushrooms and berries. Can you help me collect them? One, two, three, turn around and find yourself in the forest. Listen to the riddles.

1. Riddles.

I'm under a colored hat

I'm standing on my own leg.

I have my own habits:

I always play hide and seek.

Who has a hat without a head and a foot without a boot?

He was hidden deep

One-two-three - and he went out,

And he stands in plain sight.

White, I will find you (boletus)

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these -

Adults and children know -

They grow on stumps in the forest,

Don't forget these commandments:

Don't ruin the nest

Don't harm animals

Don't leave trash in the forest

Don't break trees

Don't deprive the earth of its beauty!

Everyone dances together to the song of Little Red Riding Hood (dance for show)

Business game “Parents’ readiness to educate their children at school”

1. Speech by a teacher on the topic “The role of fairy tales in the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children.”

Fairy tales are very popular among children.

Fairy tale is the oldest genre of oral folk art. It teaches a person to live, instills in him optimism, faith in the triumph of goodness and justice. Real human relationships are hidden behind fantasy and fiction. This is where the enormous educational significance of the fairy tale comes from.

A fairy tale has an advantage over other educational techniques. This is a kind of moral code of the people, their heroics are, although imaginary, but examples of the true behavior of an honest person who knows how to stand up for his dignity.

The fairy tale plays vital role in the development of imagination - an ability without which the child’s mental activity is impossible during the preschool and schooling, nor any creative activity of an adult. Fairy tales instill interest in reading fiction.

2. Business game “Parents’ readiness to educate their children at school.”

1) Warm up.

The morning begins with gymnastics. Look what our children can do.

2) Teacher and parents

Carrying out breathing, articulation and finger exercises with parents (with mirrors).

Conducting classes with parents.

1.Sound-letter analysis of words

Upbringing. Child – 13 letters, 12 sounds.

2. Game “Letters scattered.” Make up words.

Yames is a family. Deriloti - parents.

3. Make word diagrams. (Divide words into syllables)

4.Make sentence diagrams. Dima has the ball. We are going to walk?


1.Make an example.

2. Solve the problem.

3.More, less, how much, equal.

Development creativity parents.

Work with musical accompaniment: “Depict what you heard.”

Team 1 draws, team 2 makes appliqué.

Physical development

Russian folk outdoor games.


Presentation of certificates of completion of advanced training courses on the topic “Parents’ readiness to educate their child at school.”

Teaching visual arts is an important component educational program kindergarten. Drawing, sculpting and appliqué are children’s favorite activities, craving for creativity stronger year from year. Receiving positive emotions From the process of creating crafts, the children simultaneously develop the skills necessary for their future school life. By the age of 6–7 years, the fine motor skills of preschoolers are well developed, the ability to predict and analyze, to identify relationships between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world appears. In visual arts classes, children are given maximum freedom of choice in completing a task: independently thinking through a plan, planning actions for its implementation, determining execution techniques, necessary tools and materials. Today we will tell you how a lesson on the topic “Mushrooms and Berries” should be held in a preparatory group of children.

Preparation for a drawing lesson on the topic “Mushrooms and Berries” in the preparatory group of a kindergarten

Drawing is one of the main forms creative activity child. The classes held in kindergarten serve the harmonious and emotionally positive development of the preschooler, prepare for primary school and develop personal qualities. Working with a brush, pencils and felt-tip pens develops fine motor skills and prepares the hand for mastering an important skill for future life - writing. In drawing classes, a child gains knowledge about colors and shades, learns to see beauty in various color combinations. Spatial thinking develops, the concepts of composition and perspective are reinforced. Figurative memory and thought processes are activated.

Objectives of teaching drawing in the preparatory group

  1. Development of aesthetic feelings: color and compositional perception of objects, sense of form, rhythm, proportion. By directing children to a specific visual perception of objects, the teacher must teach them to see the beauty of objects and the unique properties of objects.
  2. Development of spatial thinking, consolidation of compositional abilities. Older preschoolers should be able to create a three-plane composition.
  3. Learning to highlight the main or most significant properties of an object using color, image size, and location in the foreground of the picture.
  4. Development of drawing skills based on ideas (on themes of the surrounding reality, based on fairy tales).
  5. Encouragement for independent creative activity, activation of the child’s imagination.

Pupils of the preparatory group are familiar with main types of drawing and use various techniques and techniques to realize the creative concept:

  1. Subject drawing.

    The guys learn to convey realistically in drawing characteristic shape an object or its parts, observing proportions, color, volume, movement. Children aged 6–7 years actively develop analytical thinking, they learn to identify general signs Objects also have features by which they differ from one another. Drawing is not carried out in classes in the senior and preparatory groups. It is possible to examine samples of finished works on a given topic, discuss execution techniques, and drawing techniques. There is no direct demonstration of actions. It is recommended that, while studying technology maps and visual instructions, together with students, build an oral plan for performing actions. Great importance is given to drawing objects from life: the children learn to convey the characteristic features of structure and form on specific examples. In the preparatory group, children draw objects based on their imagination, using images from their visual memory and following their imagination.

  2. Subject drawing.

    Preschoolers learn to convey their impressions and sensations by drawing objects and displaying their understanding of the connection between them and interaction. In the preparatory group, children are given the opportunity to independently come up with a plot (small scene) on the topic of the lesson. The compositional abilities of young artists develop: they arrange the drawing over the entire area of ​​the sheet, learn to determine the position of objects - foreground and background. In the graduating group of kindergarten, children master the ability to convey the characteristic movements of objects, overcome the conventionality and static nature of the image.

  3. Decorative drawing.

    Learning to decorate a paper blank or papier-mâché figurine fulfills the requirement of developing aesthetic taste in art classes. Preschoolers get acquainted with the folk crafts of our country, learn to see beauty in the products of craftsmen from the people. The children use the acquired knowledge about the features of Gzhel, Khokhloma, and Gorodets paintings in creating their own patterns based on folk painting.

For the topic “Mushrooms and Berries” in the preparatory group, the most relevant is subject drawing from life or from an idea: “ Fir branches", "Bunch of Rowan", "Fly Agaric", "Mushrooms in the Forest", "Family of Honey Mushrooms", etc. The children practice the skills of creating a composition, arranging objects on a sheet of paper, learn to fill the entire sheet with a drawing, and create an unusual background. Drawing from life will be the main method in school. In the preparatory group, students are not tasked with depicting the volume of an object or creating light and shade. The goal in teaching children 6–7 years old is to learn to identify the features of an object in front of them and display them in a drawing: the shape of the object, its parts, the relationship of parts with the main figure. Analyzing an object and conveying its details is successfully carried out by children 6–7 years old when the object is close to each other. Classes that have a game element at their core are effective. For example, in front of each student, a sprig of rowan is placed on the table, which, according to the assignment, must be drawn from life. Each person studies only his own branch, identifies and depicts its features (one or two clusters of berries, a forked branch, the number of leaves, fresh or withered foliage). At the end of the lesson, the teacher collects the twigs and places them on the common table, inviting the children to find from the drawings who drew which branch.

Work on this topic is often carried out using the method of plot drawing: “Bullfinches pecking a rowan tree”, “A squirrel jumped onto a branch”, “Mushroom hedgehog”, “Who hid under the fungus”, etc. Pupils of the preparatory group learn to depict the characteristic movements of birds and animals, think through small story scenes. In decorative painting, mushrooms and berries are also used to create floral patterns on the workpiece.

As a basis for the drawings, sets of white and colored paper, special for watercolor and gouache, and Whatman paper are used (usually for creating collective works or implementing creative projects). Tinted paper is rarely used for work, mainly to create a decorative pattern based on folk painting. In subject and subject drawing classes, children learn to create a background on their own (plain or with smooth transitions).

Drawing techniques and techniques

Let's consider in the form of a table what techniques senior schoolchildren should master as part of learning drawing in the preparatory group:

How a drawing is createdTechniques and drawing techniques
Pencils, felt-tip pensCreating a sketch: using a light line, without pressing on a sheet of paper, the contours of the object are transferred.
Pencil pressure adjustment.
Creating hatching with varying degrees of pressure and scope without going beyond the contours of the image.
Using colored markers to draw outlines and details of objects.
Paints: watercolor, gouacheMixing paints on a palette.
Blurring paint on a large surface.
Applying strokes and strokes to the shape of an object.
Baking (overlaying vertical strokes).
Drawing with the tip of a brush (overlaying lines or pokes).
Drawing on a wet background.
Dry pastelMastering graphic drawing techniques (pastels of one color).
Creating the main tone by shading using a hard brush.
Drawing smooth lines.
Developing accuracy when drawing with pastels: holding a sheet of paper while drawing, shaking off dust on a napkin.

Classes are held on the topic “Mushrooms and Berries” non-traditional techniques drawing: with wax crayons with sketches using watercolor paint, cotton swabs, chalk on sandpaper, using scratching techniques, monotype, etc.

Examples of drawings of mushrooms, branches and berries made using non-traditional techniques

Drawing with prints Scratchboard Blotography Finger painting Monotype Blotography Finger painting Drawing with wax and watercolor Dot painting Drawing with crayons on sandpaper “Poke” method

In progress educational activities a person-centered approach should be implemented. When preparing to conduct drawing classes in a preparatory group, the teacher must take into account the individual characteristics of each child. This is the degree of proficiency in specific drawing techniques, the ability to work in mixed media, the degree of involvement in collective activities. All students must achieve the goal set at the beginning of the lesson. For those who have difficulties in the process of creating a drawing, the teacher uses a form of individual demonstration. Successful students are additionally given tasks to decorate a finished drawing or design a general composition in a subgroup (creating a panel on a sheet of Whatman paper).

The personal approach is implemented through the freedom of choice by students of drawing materials. Children should be given access to sets of paper, pencils and markers, paints and crayons. Older preschoolers, based on an assessment of their capabilities, have the right to independently choose a drawing technique to complete the task.

The main thing in the implementation of a student-centered learning concept is to provide freedom of design. The child is given a topic that involves activating the imagination. Drawing with a plot is especially conducive to imagination: the child comes up with images for the drawing, a situation, the relationship of objects.

Options for individual and collective compositions on the theme “Berries and Mushrooms”

Lesson topicClass organization formTraining and development tasksTechniques and drawing techniques
"Rowan Branch"Individual.Formation of the ability to draw from life, analyze an object and identify its characteristic features.
Development of compositional skills.
Drawing with watercolors.
Honing the techniques of painting with a brush (all lint/bristles and tip).
"Mushroom hedgehog"Individual.Formation of artistic thinking, development of imagination.
Creating a preliminary sketch with a simple pencil.
Creating a background.
Elaboration of details (shading, lines, strokes, pokes).
"Mushroom Glade"Collective.Development of compositional skills.
Formation of the concept of perspective (foreground and background).
Consolidating the skill of object drawing with transfer characteristic features items.
Drawing on a common sheet of Whatman paper in subgroups.
Dipping technique with a brush (mushrooms).
Method of drawing with crumpled paper (grass).
Individual.Consolidating the skill of object drawing.
Development of visual perception.
As a rule, in the preparatory group a lesson on this topic is conducted using the finger painting technique:
Drawing vertical lines - long and short.
Drawing dots.
"Mushrooms in the Forest"Collective.Activation of memory and attention processes.
Consolidating the skill of object drawing.
Drawing in subgroups.
Drawing with pencils:
Hatching within the contours of the sketch with varying degrees of pressure.
Creating outlines with colored felt-tip pens.
"Who hid under the fungus"Individual.
Activation of memory and imagination.
Drawing in mixed media - watercolor and gouache.
Preparation of the background.
Drawing on a wet background.
Drawing with strokes of different directions.
Working on small details with a thin brush.
"Bullfinches on a Rowan Branch"Individual.Development of plot drawing skills.
Activation of figurative memory, development of the ability to analyze and predict.
Gouache painting:
Preparation of the background.
Drawing with strokes.
Drawing details with a thin brush.
"Fairy Mushroom"Individual.Development of drawing skills based on ideas.
Activating the imagination.
Drawing with colored pencils:
Creating a sketch.
Thinking through the background.
Hatching with varying degrees of pressure.
Drawing details (possibly with a felt-tip pen).

Motivating start to a lesson on “Berries and Mushrooms”

A mandatory stage of a visual arts lesson in a preparatory group is a motivating beginning. It creates an emotionally positive atmosphere, activates the pupils’ figurative memory, expands children’s knowledge about the surrounding reality, and sets them up for the subsequent creative process. The following are used as motivating material at the beginning of a drawing lesson:

  • Visual material: thematic posters, cards, illustrations in books, toys and figurines.
  • Reading poems, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, excerpts from prose works of art on the topic of the lesson.
  • Conducting a conversation.
  • Creation of problem and game situations, surprise moments.
  • Use of technical means: listening to audio recordings, showing slides on a projector.

Examples of using motivating materials at the beginning of a lesson on the topic “Mushrooms and Berries”

Lesson topicMotivating start
"Fairy Mushroom"Listening proverbs about mushrooms:
Mushrooms grow in the village, but they are known in the city too.
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with mushrooms.
Berries love day, mushrooms love night and shade. and etc.
Conversation with pupils: how they understand this or that proverb, where mushrooms grow, what kind of weather they like, etc.
Learning with students Tongue Twisters about mushrooms.
"Rowan Branch"Creation surprise moment:
A squirrel (bear cub, hare, hedgehog or other forest animal) comes to visit the children. She brought the children a bouquet of rowan branches as a gift. Squirrel hands out a branch to the guys and notices that they have sheets of paper, brushes and paints on their tables, but will the guys be able to draw rowan branches? After completing the task, the squirrel promises to play the game “Find your twig in the bouquet” with the guys.
"Mushroom clearing"At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher asks the children puzzles about mushrooms and attaches pictures with guesses to the board (or puts figures of guessed mushrooms on the table).
Carrying out conversations about mushrooms: where they grow, what places certain mushrooms like, which mushrooms are inedible. Children are given the task of dividing the images of mushrooms into two groups - edible and poisonous.
Physical education minute"For mushrooms".

Drawing up notes for a drawing lesson on the topic “Mushrooms and Berries”

Temporary plan for a drawing lesson in the preparatory group

The duration of a drawing lesson for pupils aged 6–7 years is no more than 30 minutes.

  • Organizational moment 1–2 minutes.
  • Motivating start 6-7 minutes.
  • Practical work 15–17 minutes.
  • Demonstration and discussion of finished works for 2–3 minutes.
  • Summing up 1 minute.

The teacher analyzes each lesson conducted according to the following criteria:

  • Achieving the goal of the lesson.
  • Fulfillment of educational and educational tasks.
  • The emotional mood of the pupils at each stage of the lesson (what caused this or that state of the children).
  • The presence of delays at any stage of the lesson: identifying the causes and ways of correction in subsequent educational activities.
  • Analysis of students’ work: which drawing techniques require additional reinforcement.
  • Self-analysis of the teacher’s work: which teaching methods and techniques were effective in conducting the lesson, which were not.

Outline of a drawing lesson (preparatory group) on the topic “Rowan Branch”.
Creating a drawing using various techniques (dipping, poking, drawing with the end of a brush, elements of finger painting). TasksCreate comfortable conditions for positive creative activity.
Improving watercolor painting skills.
Strengthening the skill of mixing paints on a plastic palette or sheet of paper.
Developing a sense of beauty through observing natural objects. Progress of the lessonThe teacher reads a poem about the beautiful mountain ash. Tells the children about the structural features of this tree and how the color of its leaves changes with the onset of autumn.
Study and discussion of visual material - pictures depicting rowan trees in different seasons.
Practical part:
Tinting a sheet of paper using paint and a piece of foam rubber.
While the paper is drying, the teacher once again examines the image of a rowan branch with the children, discussing the structural features, shapes of berries and leaves, and color qualities.
Drawing branches and leaves with a brush, rowan berries with fingertips.
Drawing small details with the tip of a brush: leaf veins with strokes, berry centers with dots.
Demonstration and analysis of finished works.
Gratitude to the students for the work done.

The order of drawings on the theme “Mushrooms and berries”

Pupils of the preparatory group actively develop the ability to follow the teacher’s oral instructions. Therefore, before the children complete the practical part of the task, the teacher should discuss with them in what ways and in what sequence they will draw the landscape, and through leading questions and tips, lead them to the recommended order of actions. You can look at examples of finished works on a given topic and invite the children to determine the techniques used to create these drawings. For those children who have difficulty completing the task, cards with schematic instructions for drawing objects can be offered. The teacher performs a direct demonstration of actions for pupils of the preparatory group only in the case of performing a particularly difficult element or individually in a situation of extreme difficulty for the pupil.

"Rowan Branch"

Creating a sketch Creating a sketch Coloring with shading Drawing with shading of leaves The process of shading Painting the contours of berries Painted brush The process of tracing the contours of a branch Drawing the contours Drawing leaf veins Tracing the contours of berries Brush with outlined berries Drawing berry cores (crosses or stars) Brush with drawn cores Drawing cores with dots Finished work

"Rowan Branch"

Drawing a sketch with a simple pencil Tracing the contours of a branch Coloring the branch Tracing the contours and coloring the leaves Painted branch and leaves Tracing the contours of the berries Coloring the berries Painted branch and bunches of rowan Drawing the veins Drawing the cores of the berries (crosses) Intermediate stage of drawing Drawing small details Finished work

"Mushroom hedgehog"

Creating a watercolor background While the background is drying, draw the body of the hedgehog Draw the grass with strokes Draw the legs of the hedgehog Draw the face and nose Apply brown strokes - needles Apply strokes with black paint Gouache draw the legs of the mushrooms Draw the caps of the mushrooms Let the gouache dry Use the tip of the brush to outline the legs of the mushrooms The mushrooms are also outlined on the hedgehog Ready Job

"Who hid under the fungus"

We draw the background of the sky with watercolor paint. We draw the grass in a smooth transition. On the wet background we draw clouds in the sky. We draw drops with strokes on the wet watercolor background. We draw grass and leaves with strokes on the wet watercolor background. With gouache we draw the leg of a mushroom. With gouache we draw the hat. beetles Draw details with the tip of the brush Finished work

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