Changes in the light tank branch: China. Chinese branch of tanks Vehicles with the word Type in the title got their right to be in service with the Chinese army

To date, World of Tanks has a wide range of light, medium, heavy tanks and a huge selection of tank destroyers and self-propelled guns. There are nine branches in total in this online game: Soviet, German, American, French, English, Japanese, Czech, Swedish and Chinese. We will just consider the latter in this article.

Branch overview

The entire line has a fairly high popularity among the players, and this is primarily due to the fact that Chinese tanks are similar to representatives legendary cars THE USSR. The main difference is the armor, which is less ricocheted and slightly worse than the Soviet counterparts. In addition, they have weaker weapons. But in comparison with other branches, Chinese tanks have a number of advantages that other vehicles do not have.

Reviews about the "Chinese" are rather ambiguous. Many claim that their branches of medium and light tanks are the best, but this cannot be considered a fact, because there are many who do not consider Chinese tanks worthy. The feedback from the players was highlighted in this rather difficult branch of the cars, which are presented in the table below.

Let's take a closer look at the Chinese tanks shown in the table above. Let's start, of course, with an excellent level 4 LT.

M5A1 Stuart - fast avenger

This light tank occupies the fourth position in the Chinese branch. In my own way appearance the car resembles the American M5 Stuart and has no less good mobility. In addition, the Chinese has an excellent weapon with good penetration and damage. Among the shortcomings, one should single out a feature that is characteristic of all light tanks in the game - very weak armor. However, the M5A1 has excellent visibility, which allows it to shine on all maps. Next comes the first medium tank Chinese branch, which can be considered good.

Reviews about this car are mostly positive. Many tankers take the first masters on the M5A1, and this is not surprising. Despite good performance, this machine has rather poor overall stats on the server, suggesting its use by players looking to raise their WN8. The characteristics are perfect for this.

Type T-34 - the brother of the legend

This ST is an excellent copy of the Soviet T-34, which has similar weapons and similar hull armor. A group of tanks can make a lot of noise in the enemy team, their hole punchers have excellent penetration and high enough damage for this type of vehicle. The disadvantage is usually bad UVN, but this is not so critical. The tank is walkable and leads to two excellent representatives of the Chinese branch. Reviews about this car are mostly positive. The gun helps the extras get a good WN8, while the average statistics on the server are very low. On this machine, the first warriors and Kolobanovs are often taken, and this is no accident - it is actually quite good, but it cannot be considered better than the legendary T-34.

59-16 - if he clings, then to death

This is very interesting car for lovers of dynamic play and active light. This light tank has an interesting drum and the ability to install a gun rammer (which is usually not available for drum tanks). Beginning players ask: why so? In fact, everything is simple. light tank 59-16 has a stock gun on gold shells, and the rammer is very useful in this case. The review of this LT is good and allows you to shine on all the maps in the game quite comfortably. But at the 7th level of the light vehicles branch, a real damage dealer will be waiting for you - the WZ-131, but it is not as interesting as the next WZ-132 after it, which we will talk about later.

Most players, according to reviews, have a record for illuminated damage on this firefly. If you use coated optics and stereo tubes as equipment, then you will certainly overexpose 100% of your enemies, which, of course, is a huge plus for this machine. The dynamism of this Chinese is amazing. Thanks to her, the car not only actively shines, but also shoots a lot of damage into the karma of enemies.

Type 58 - only forward!

This tier six medium tank has similar characteristics to its Soviet prototype T-34-85. It has less ricochet armor and different gameplay due to the weapons it installs, but it's quite interesting representative in the Chinese branch, which is worth extorting. The advantages of the type are high DPM rates, good dynamics and decent accuracy for the sixth level. It is worth installing a rammer, coated optics and reinforced aiming drives in the equipment slots. This will allow you to play comfortably enough and deal a large amount of damage in each battle. This medium Chinese tank leads directly to two vehicles that are interesting in their own way - T-34-1 and IS-2. All representatives of the branch are quite interesting, but, as always, the 6th and 8th levels are important, as well as the most basic - the 10th. Therefore, it is the tanks of these levels that we consider in the article.

WZ-132 - furious firefly

Despite their big sizes, this LT is very mobile and dynamic. Its main advantage is considered to be excellent weapons with high one-time damage and high armor penetration. The tank is very similar to the Soviet prototype T-54 "lightweight", but has weaker armor and less penetrating gun. Despite this, its vision quality surprises all players - it is one of the best in the game. The disadvantage is considered bad UVN.

The equipment here is the same as on any Chinese firefly: optics, rammer, stereo tubes. If you make a damage dealer out of this LT, then put a vertical aiming stabilizer instead of pipes. This light Chinese tank is similar to the previous vehicle - the WZ-131, except that it has higher performance in everything. Of course, if we compare this prototype with a lightweight one, then certainly the Soviet counterpart will be the winner in the dispute. Reviews about this car are extremely positive, and all thanks to a huge review, one of the best in the game, and excellent weapons that allow you not only to shine, but also to shoot damage.

T-34-2 - let's break through!

Like the LT WZ-132, this tank is the predecessor of the tier 9 CT - WZ-120. This vehicle is dynamic and mobile, but has relatively weak armor and weapons. The only advantage of this tank, which distinguishes it from all similar vehicles, is its high one-time damage at 390 HP. The vehicle is similar to the predecessor T-34-1, as it should be in the entire Chinese branch.

If you don't have 90% of tankers in your hangar - Type 59 - then 34-2 can be a great replacement. Of course, this medium tank has worse turret armor and less comfortable armament, but it can easily cope in the game against both tier 8 and 9. In addition, spare parts for this Chinese tank are inexpensive, which is also an advantage.

110 - find and kill!

After the excellent tier 7 heavy tank IS-2 in the Chinese branch, there are 110. This iron monster has good strong armor and relatively high dynamics. The disadvantage is weak armament, which is compensated by a quick reload. The equipment has an excellent overview, despite the fact that it is quite heavy. This makes it an ideal breakthrough machine like the Soviet IS.

Of course, this is not Soviet power in the form of the IS-3, but also a good car. This Chinese tank has a huge number of positive ratings from the players, and many tankers fell in love with it. Despite its excellent characteristics, the average WN8 on it is quite low, so it will not be difficult to raise it on your account using this machine.

121 - alpha male

Level 10 STs in the game have relatively low damage. But Chinese medium tanks have different characteristics. For example, the 121st has excellent weapons - the best among analogues. In addition, it is dynamic and well armored. The disadvantage of the 121st is its UVN and relatively low speed flight of projectiles. This car is often used as a breakthrough tank, it works especially well on city maps.

The 121's high damage output surprises many players who get slapped by this CT. Its gun is one of the best at its level, the dynamics are excellent, and the armor is relatively good. The review of the Chinese 121 tank is of interest to many gamers who can appreciate positive sides this machine.

113 - life winner

The Tier 10 heavy Chinese tank is very good. The 113th has excellent weapons, strong armor and a high DPM. In addition, it is dynamic. But among the shortcomings of the tank, its UVN and the presence of a large number weakened seats in the booking. This machine is used in different situations, mainly to break through enemy defenses. Chinese branch tanks ends up with great cars, and the 113th is definitely included in the list of the best Asian cars. But for a good and comfortable game, you need a crew with perks. It can be obtained using premium Chinese vehicles. Let's take a look at them.

Premium Chinese tanks

For pumping the crew you need good cars, bought with gold or received in shares. There are a lot of them in the Chinese branch, but mostly they are promotional. So, for example, the Chinese premium tank Type-59 has not been for sale for a long time. However, it has huge popularity and the highest ratings. This Chinese tank gets rave reviews. To date, this is the most expensive equipment that you can buy for real money. The price for an activation code starts from 20 thousand rubles and reaches a value of 60,000.

Of course, there are many other Chinese premium cars in the game:

  • LT - Type 64, Type 62;
  • ST - T-34-3, 59-Patton, 121B;
  • TT - WZ-111, 112.

Some of them are still on sale, and they can be purchased for gold. Chinese VT tanks are amazing vehicles that require active gameplay and constant movement. They are used as a breakthrough technique, and the feedback about the Chinese branch is mostly positive. Play and win! We hope you enjoyed the review. Good luck and great victories!

Chinese tanks appeared in WoT with the release of update 0.8.3. The Chinese school of tank building was strongly influenced by Soviet developments, and many combat vehicles are completely analogues of Soviet tanks. Late Chinese armored vehicles are their own designs, but based on basic Soviet designs.

For these reasons most Chinese tanks many features of Soviet combat vehicles are inherent. These are powerful guns that are not distinguished by excellent accuracy, and armor located at rational angles of inclination. The top Chinese tanks were medium - 121, and heavy 113.

The development tree of Chinese tanks in WoT

Research Tree Chinese tanks in World of tanks shown in the figure. Click on the picture to view.

Is it worth downloading Chinese tanks in World of tanks

The game on Chinese tanks is similar in style to the game on Soviet combat vehicles. If you successfully play on Soviet tanks, then you will be able to show class on Chinese ones.

New WoT they can start pumping from the Chinese development branch, high one-time damage and good armor will allow you to gain quite a bit of experience even in not the most successful battles.

28.3.2017 3400 Views

With the introduction of the Chinese branch to World of Tanks, many players were at a loss, because most of the equipment of the new nation was similar, and in some cases identical to Soviet vehicles. There is nothing unusual about this, since many Soviet cars were produced by the Chinese under license, they modernized some of the cars.

However, this did not last long, and soon after the 50s, China began producing its own armored combat vehicles. Here, the designers were clearly impressed by their Soviet colleagues and their early creations were very similar to domestic tanks. In the game, the Chinese branch is represented by heavy, medium and light tanks.

The light tanks in the Chinese branch are very reminiscent of medium vehicles in appearance and have a rather comfortable gun with high damage per minute and its excellent rate per minute. Compared to similar vehicles of other nations, Chinese light tanks have mediocre mobility and, in most cases, average camouflage among similar vehicles of other nations.

But such shortcomings are fully compensated by a comfortable tool. Rational slopes of armor plates lead to fairly frequent ricochets, which can be decisive in the battle with light tanks enemy. It should be noted that the rather compact layout internal modules often leads to crits of several of them at once, in case of penetration.

In the features of medium Chinese tanks, one can easily recognize similar Soviet vehicles. They also have good armor in the turret, almost identical in terms of driving performance, but radically different guns.

Chinese engineers preferred to install guns of a larger caliber on this technique than on Soviet counterparts. As a result, it appeared in more damage for the shot. But the setting is more powerful weapons also has its drawbacks.

When playing Chinese medium tanks, the player gets poor gun stabilization, accuracy, and aiming time. Despite this, many have fallen in love with Chinese medium tanks and have a lot of fun playing them. With more detailed information we will introduce the medium tanks of the Chinese player development tree later.

From the eighth level heavy tanks China are built according to the type of Soviet heavy vehicles of the IS project, which led to the appearance of the recognizable "Pike nose" on their equipment. Such an arrangement of armor plates increases the chance of a projectile ricocheting from them, which significantly increases survivability. However, when rolling out due to an obstacle or turning the hull, such an arrangement of armor plates leads to a sharp drop in the value of the reduced armor.

The heavy tanks of China have a fairly solid turret, which is ideal for battles on difficult terrain. One has only to hide a relatively vulnerable hull behind the folds of the terrain and the tank turret will be almost impossible to break through.

At the tenth level, players will be met by a car that got rid of the Pike Nose and retained only rational armor angles. She is quite significantly inferior in terms of armor to her Soviet counterparts, but significantly surpasses them in terms of mobility and comfort of the gun. It is also worth noting that the heavy tanks of the Chinese branch (however, like the rest of China's equipment), have rather mediocre vertical aiming angles.

Developers World games of Tanks also took care to introduce premium vehicles of all types presented in the Chinese research branch. Playing on such vehicles, players can be calm about the “farm” of silver, because all premium vehicles have an increased profitability. Also, playing on such vehicles, players pump the crews of other tanks of the same nation 50 percent faster.

The ability to transfer the crew to premium vehicles of the Chinese branch (without paying experience penalties) has huge advantages that many people use. After all, almost always players with an experienced crew, who have learned a lot of perks, have an advantage over those who have a stock crew planted on the car.

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