Chinese development branch here. Chinese branch of tanks. we will find and kill

With update 8.1, British tanks appeared in the game, but the developers do not stop there, and in update 8.2 we again meet new equipment. Now this is a line of Chinese cars. Here we are waiting for truly unusual tanks with complicated history their creation. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves. The tank industry in China developed in a rather unusual way. Chinese engineers independently developed original armored vehicles based on licensed samples purchased from other countries. Besides, greatest influence had an impact on industry in China in general and tank building in particular. Soviet Union. Therefore, it is not surprising that Chinese tanks have much in common with Soviet vehicles.

The first-born of Chinese tank building was, in fact, a . The Republic of China, just recovering from Civil War received drawings and tank production technology from the friendly USSR; based on this model, Chinese engineers developed their own vehicles. They were supposed to surpass the Soviet T34-85, which were in service with the Chinese army at that time, and compete with the main tanks of the USSR and T10. Thus, Chinese design thought gradually developed in the creation of its own medium and heavy tanks with anti-ballistic armor. This whole process can be followed in. It starts with cars purchased from other countries or received as trophies. At the middle levels of the branch there are tanks that were provided by the Soviet Union, or built according to Soviet drawings. And finally, on higher levels original Chinese developments are presented, which have no analogues in other countries and were created taking into account the Soviet approach to tank building.

One of the features of the Chinese line is the presence of light tanks up to level 8 inclusive. Vehicles of this type have appeared in the game before, but unlike them they do not use a drum automatic loader, so they firepower more evenly distributed over time, which, taking into account high mobility, expands the possibilities of using vehicles in combat. Medium tanks will surprise you with high damage. This picture can already be observed on the Soviet tank of the 8th level with the 122 mm D25T gun, however, on Chinese medium tanks such guns appeared later, so they are more effective and convenient to use.

All Chinese tanks in the game are divided into 4 large groups:

Group 1 is borrowed vehicles, it includes tanks purchased, received from allies and captured in battles, that is, tanks that were not produced in China at that time. This group of tanks covers the first 7 levels. The names of these tanks include or even completely repeat the names of the originals.

Group 2 is design vehicles and prototypes. Tanks of this group are easy to recognize by their names, which consist of digital designations.

Group 3 presents tanks sent for state testing; a distinctive feature of such tanks is two letters VZ added to the digital index in the name.

And finally, in group 4 there are tanks that entered service Chinese army, their name begins with the word Type.

Low-level Chinese tanks are already well known to players from branches of other countries. The only innovation at low levels will be the Type 25-97 ChiHau, through which you can get acquainted with the example of Japanese tank building. At the 5th and 6th levels, tanks similar to the Soviet T34 and T34-85 await us. The most interesting things begin for light tanks at level 6, where original Chinese designs appear for medium and heavy tanks at level 7. Here appear STs that have gone from the T34-85 to the T54 analogue, as well as those that have a pedigree from the IS-2 and are machines equivalent to the Soviet IS-8, and in some ways even superior to it. The branch of light tanks in China is represented by tanks with a characteristic low silhouette, reminiscent of the T54 from afar. These tanks have excellent technical characteristics and good guns, which are practically not inferior to similar guns on medium tanks. Starting from level 7, Chinese light vehicles can carry a stabilizer, but they also have disadvantages, namely low weight and thin armor, similar to . Distinctive feature Chinese medium tanks are equipped with a gun with high base damage, as well as cast ricochet turrets with very good armor.

Let's look at medium tanks of the 9th and 10th levels as illustrative examples.

At the 9th level there is a tank, in the game it represents various options design developments for the modernization of the Type59 tank. The top configuration of this tank is notable for its Tier 10 heavy tank gun, which gives it the highest armor penetration and damage ratings of all its classmates, with the exception of the Centurion. However, these excellent characteristics are balanced by such shortcomings of the tank as low mobility and maneuverability, as well as slow aiming and small vertical aiming angles of the gun.

Let's move on to the crowning achievement of the development of Chinese medium tanks. is a prototype of a medium tank intended to replace the Type59. It is distinguished from previous vehicles by enhanced turret armor and even more powerful weapons. It is equipped with perhaps the most powerful of all Chinese guns presented in the game - a complete analogue of the Soviet M62T2 gun. In terms of armor penetration, it is not inferior to other guns of tier 9 medium tanks, while at the same time featuring higher one-time damage. It should be noted, however, that as a result of using such weapons, the tank becomes slightly overloaded, which does not have the best effect on its dynamics. China's high-level medium tanks are a unique combination of TTs, and accordingly, their characteristic disadvantages are poor dynamics and small vertical aiming angles. This means that it will be more difficult for the game to take advantage of the terrain features. The exception is small bumps and stones, precisely due to the low silhouette of the Chinese top-end STs. Otherwise, you will have to pay attention to artificial shelters: rubble, piles of garbage and the remains of damaged armored vehicles.

Among heavy tanks, vehicles of the 8th and 10th levels are perhaps of greatest interest to players. For example, at the 8th level there is the 110 model, which is a modernization of the IS-2 with more powerful armor and a progressive pike-nose hull shape. This form is distinctive feature Chinese heavy tanks, as a result we get the most powerful armor in front projection compared to its classmates. Weak point However, the tank's sides are long and quite vulnerable. It should also be noted that it is equipped with a weapon more typical of medium tanks. The top heavy tank for the middle line is the 5A model. This is the third heavy tank of level 10, which has the ability to upgrade in game. And unlike, players will enjoy both of his weapons. One of them is a slightly weakened analogue of the M62T2, similar to the armament of a tier 9 medium tank. The second gun is the Chinese answer to the C70 and has comparable damage and other characteristics to this gun, but slightly less armor penetration. The armor of the tank resembles, and the style of play is similar to the IS-8. The vehicle is actually the result of the development of mobile heavy tanks, which combined the design features of both TT and ST.

Chinese tanks appeared in WoT with the release of update 0.8.3. The Chinese school of tank building was greatly influenced by Soviet developments, and many combat vehicles and are completely analogues of USSR tanks. Later Chinese armored vehicles are their own designs, but based on basic Soviet designs.

For these reasons to the majority Chinese tanks many features of Soviet combat vehicles are inherent. These are powerful weapons that are not distinguished by excellent accuracy, and armor located at rational angles of inclination. The top Chinese tanks were the medium 121 and the heavy 113.

Development tree for Chinese tanks in WoT

Research tree Chinese tanks in World of tanks shown in the figure. Click on the picture to view.

Is it worth downloading Chinese tanks in World of tanks?

The style of playing on Chinese tanks is in many ways similar to playing on Soviet combat vehicles. If you successfully play on USSR tanks, then you can show your class on Chinese ones.

WoT newbies They can start leveling up precisely from the Chinese development branch; high one-time damage and good armor will allow them to gain quite a bit of experience even in not the most successful battles.

28.3.2017 3290 Views

With the introduction of the Chinese branch in World of Tanks, many players were at a loss, because most of the equipment of the new nation was similar, and in some cases identical, to Soviet vehicles. There is nothing unusual about this, since many Soviet cars were produced by the Chinese under license, and they modernized some of the cars.

However, this did not last long and soon after the 50s China began producing its own armored combat vehicles. Here the designers were clearly impressed by their Soviet colleagues and their early creations were very similar to domestic tanks. In the game, the Chinese branch is represented by heavy, medium and light tanks.

Light tanks in the Chinese branch are very similar in appearance to medium vehicles and have a fairly comfortable weapon with high one-time damage and its excellent per minute rating. Compared to similar vehicles of other nations, Chinese light tanks have mediocre mobility and, in most cases, average camouflage among similar vehicles of other nations.

But such shortcomings are fully compensated by a comfortable weapon. Rational tilts of armor plates lead to quite frequent ricochets, which can be decisive in a battle with light tanks enemy. It is worth noting that the rather compact layout internal modules often leads to crits of several of them at once, in case of penetration.

The features of medium Chinese tanks can easily be recognized as similar Soviet vehicles. They also have good armor in the turret, almost identical in performance, but they differ radically in their weapons.

Chinese engineers preferred to install a larger caliber gun on this vehicle than on its Soviet counterparts. As a result, this was displayed in more damage per shot. But the installation is more powerful weapons has its drawbacks too.

When playing with Chinese medium tanks, the player experiences poor gun stabilization, accuracy, and aiming time. Despite this, many people have fallen in love with Chinese medium tanks and have a lot of fun playing them. With more detailed information We will introduce the medium tanks of the Chinese player development tree later.

Starting from the eighth level, heavy tanks of China are built according to the type of Soviet heavy vehicles of the IS project, which led to the appearance of the universally recognizable “Pike nose” on their vehicles. This arrangement of armor plates increases the chance of a projectile ricocheting off them, which significantly increases survivability. However, when rolling out due to an obstacle or turning the hull further, this arrangement of armor plates leads to a sharp drop in the value of the reduced armor.

China's heavy tanks have a fairly strong turret, which is ideal for battles on difficult terrain. Once you hide the relatively vulnerable hull behind the folds of the terrain, the tank’s turret will be almost impossible to penetrate.

At the tenth level, players will be greeted by a vehicle that has gotten rid of the “Pike Nose” and has retained only rational armor angles. It is quite significantly inferior in armor to its Soviet counterparts, but is significantly superior to them in terms of mobility and gun comfort. It is also worth noting that heavy tanks of the Chinese branch (as well as all other Chinese equipment) have rather mediocre vertical aiming angles.

Developers Games World of Tanks also took care to introduce premium vehicles of all types presented in the Chinese research branch. When playing on such vehicles, players can be confident in their silver farming, since all premium vehicles have increased profitability. Also, when playing on such vehicles, players upgrade the crews of other tanks of the same nation 50 percent faster.

The ability to transfer the crew to premium vehicles of the Chinese line (without paying penalties based on experience) has huge advantages that many take advantage of. After all, almost always players with an experienced crew who have learned many perks have an advantage over those who have a stock crew on their vehicle.

Hello, fellow tankers! Today we will look at Chinese branch of tank development(in the game World of Tanks), or rather, I will describe to you all its pros and cons in as much detail as possible from my point of view and, perhaps, help you decide on the choice of nation.

The popularity of Chinese tanks in World of Tanks

On this moment Chinese equipment is the newest in the game (except for the premium Type 59) and is in good demand. After updating with input Chinese technology it became the most popular (which usually happens after the introduction of new tanks - their popularity increases sharply against the background of other equipment). Chinese tanks are a complete copy of tanks of other nations(nothing can be done - this is how it happened historically) and often these are very good copies of tanks. But not all of China's tanks are simple copies; this nation has its own vehicles, based on vehicles for the most part. This is a good experience and as a result we get improved USSR tanks. Top cars- the most popular, as well as many others, but they stand out a little from other tanks with their dynamism, ricochet armor and guns.

Advantages and disadvantages of Chinese tanks

As already mentioned, Chinese tank building developed by copying tanks of different nations. Accordingly, they have a “collection” of advantages and disadvantages different equipment different nations. But basically, the Chinese have pros and cons similar to the Soviets. To find out the pros and cons of the technology, let’s dive into the history of Chinese tank building.

A little history

In 1937, Japan began a war with China that lasted until 1945. During this war, both sides purchased tanks from other states, or captured them from each other in battle (whoever is stronger gets their slippers). They purchased the most Soviet tanks.

China purchased Vickers from Britain. From the French, China bought an equally famous car - the Renault FT 17. This tank can generally be called an outstanding phenomenon, since it was in it that the layout that later became classic was first used: the engine in the rear of the car, central location fighting compartment and a gun housed in a fully rotating turret.

Since China was at war with Japan, it was inevitable that a certain number of captured tanks from this state would appear in the Celestial Army.
With the outbreak of World War II, the range of Chinese tanks was replenished with American M5s. As part of the Lend-Lease program, these tanks were supplied to China in fairly large quantities. In the game, they are presented with a less rich selection of guns (there is no high explosive), but the main gun, the 47 mm Gun Type 1, is superior to its original in damage and penetration.

Then China entered into an agreement with the USSR on the supply of tanks. After the end of World War II, the Soviet Union and China were in such friendly relations that Chinese leaders directly asked the Soviet Union to help update the country's armored fleet. IS-2, T-34-85, T-34 self-propelled tanks began to arrive in China anti-tank installations SU-100 and IS heavy tanks. But the real date of birth of Chinese tank building as a completely independent one should be considered 1957, when the Soviet Union sold China several copies of the T-54 tank and technical documentation for its production. These copies, both in history and in the game, did not differ much from the original. Then, based on these vehicles, China began producing its own armored vehicles.

Now let's return to the advantages and disadvantages, based on historical significance.

  • A definite plus Chinese tanks should be called guns. They are similar to the Soviets, they have big damage, but the difference is that most guns have excellent penetration. Also, the advantages include the armored hull (large angles of inclination and a “pike nose” on some vehicles, which gives a high probability). The Chinese have the strongest armor in the tower. It has high armor rates, is streamlined and therefore very difficult, almost impossible to penetrate. Also, Chinese technology has positive dynamics, which gives it an advantage on the battlefield.
  • Cons is a traditional Soviet overview and vertical gun aiming angles (it doesn’t go down well, you can’t shoot much because of the hillocks).


The technique is extended to one initial branch WoT development: light tanks. Then it diverges into three directions.

Light tanks

The first light tanks of China in this development branch are copies of different nations, but still have obvious differences in armor and guns. All the differences, classifications and “menagerie” of tanks from different nations go down to the Type T-34. Only light tanks with excellent guns and good armor go before it. The guns have good armor penetration and damage. The armor is quite strong in itself, without much inclination. Starting with type T-34, copying is underway Soviet tanks and attempts to build/develop own ideas. From the T-34 type there is a branch for light tanks from 59-16 to WZ-132 (almost entirely developed in China), and the second branch is the development of medium tanks from Type 58 (Soviet T-34-85) to T-34-2 (T-34-1 and T-34-2 were already China’s own development, with some use of the “Type 58” experience). Both branches lead to the top and very interesting medium tanks WZ-120 (the same T-54) and 121. The vehicles are maneuverable, have good guns and are cheaper to maintain than their Soviet originals. The Type 58 also gave rise to the heavy tanks IS-2 (the same Soviet IS), 110 (the beginning of Chinese tank building), WZ-111 model 1-4 (a copy of the IS-3) and 113 (a tank based on medium tanks).

Bottom line

Chinese technology is quite attractive for the game. Heavy and medium tanks have good armor and guns, medium tanks also have dynamics, and light tanks have both dynamics and excellent guns. Top light tanks can be used in the manner of medium tanks, actively advancing with the general group, or you can actively shine and fight. Medium tanks work well both alone and in a “pack” and can become a serious problem for any type of equipment. Heavy tanks The Chinese are not the slowest and, due to their armor and guns, can keep the direction, even if the enemy outnumbers combat vehicles.

As a result, we can say that although the cars were copies, Chinese engineers of that time and modern developers World of Tanks games They did a good job and even the copies became a little better than the originals. It is recommended to upgrade the Chinese branch if you are a fan of Soviet tanks in order to feel the full power of Chinese tank building.

The branch of Chinese light vehicles begins with a tank 59-16 at level VI. Excellent camouflage good review and small dimensions make it a first-class “firefly” that can remain undetected for a long time. Good speed allows this tank to move around the map and quickly react to the situation. The 59-16 tank no longer has a 76 mm gun with a magazine loading system. Two guns are available: 76 mm 54-76T and 57 mm 55-57FG. The 76 mm 54-76T is superior to the 57 mm gun one-time damage and damage per minute, while the 57 mm provides more comfortable shooting due to accuracy and aiming.

Next in the branch is a fast and dangerous tank VII level WZ-131. The powerful 85-mm 64-85T gun is a serious advantage in a duel against enemy fireflies, and high mobility and small dimensions allow it to “twist” the target, remaining a difficult target for return fire. With decent visibility and firepower, this tank can effectively fire from the second line. Having received the standard level of battles, the WZ-131 will no longer play against the “ten”, so we revised its firepower and left the 85-mm 64-85T gun as the top gun. In addition, the power of the top engine has been increased to 550 hp. With.

Tank WZ-132 (VIII level) will receive a more powerful top-end engine with 700 hp. s., which will increase the mobility of the vehicle, but the accuracy and rate of fire are slightly reduced. Overall the car remains versatile. The WZ-132 is a firefly with a powerful weapon, capable of transmitting intelligence or supporting fire for allies, as well as destroying single targets. An excellent weapon allows the tank to make a significant contribution to the team’s victory, and decent dynamics combined with its small size make it an inconspicuous “predator” that strikes when the enemy least expects it.

First of the newcomers, tank WZ-132A, does not drop out of the team. Excellent mobility, high firepower for a light tank and decent visibility - everything a real firefly needs. Compared to the WZ-132, this vehicle has a greater safety margin and improved gun parameters.

Completes the line of Chinese light tanks WZ-132-1. A true "universal soldier", he is good at both detecting the enemy and dealing damage with a powerful 105 mm gun, and the turret is able to withstand hits from more than low level. If you are a fan of simplicity and reliability, WZ is exactly what you need.

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