DW I \ DW II Heavy tank. Experimental heavy tanks Durchbruchswagen (Germany) Advantages and disadvantages of the machine in the top configuration

Durchbruchswagen 2 is a Tier IV German heavy tank in World of Tanks. Created on the basis of the medium tank Pz.Kpfw. III and therefore differs from the latter in reinforced all-round armor, increased HP and a good gun. Strong armor came at the cost of reduced movement speed.


The heavy tank Durchbruchswagen 2 is being researched on the Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. E for 5,020 XP.

You can put the pre-top radio station FuG 7 on a tank you just bought. free experience we study the tracks, and then we install a new tower, where we immediately place a 50-mm cannon. After that, you can improve your driving characteristics, and only then we pump out the top radio station!

Top equipment


  • Sturdy gun mantlet
  • High rate of fire
  • Comfortable combat level


  • Missing gun penetration
  • Mediocre armor
  • Weak driving performance
  • Front transmission


Durchbruchswagen 2 as a whole is a well-balanced heavy tank. Due to the strong armor of the sides, it is possible to place the tank in a rhombus at 45 degrees to the enemy and catch ricochets due to the reduced armor of 70 mm. The presence of a gun mask adds 25 points to the armor of the turret forehead, which obviously will not be superfluous.

The lowered level of battles means that we will not be thrown to tanks of the 6th level. The downside of the tank is certainly a wide bottom armor plate without a slope, which easily breaks through and often with a fire, so a fire extinguisher is required.

Historical reference

At the end of January 1937, the German military leadership commissioned Henschel und Suhn to develop and manufacture a prototype heavy tank weighing 30 tons. Designated Durchbruchwagen I, it was the first German heavy tank. Simultaneously with the development of the DW I, work was underway to create a weighted version - the DW II tank with a mass of 33 tons.

Both tanks were equipped with a Maybach HL 120 engine, which allowed them to move at a speed of 35 km/h. DW II, like DW I, saw the light of day in only one copy - a prototype built in 1938. The turret for the DW II was not made, but it was planned to use the turret from the Panzer IV Ausf C.

At the end of 1938, the development of the DW was discontinued, and on September 9, 1938, work began on the VK 30.01 (H) project. The DW I and DW II were intensively tested until 1941, and gave Henschel und Suhn a lot of experience for the development of the VK 30.01 (H) and future projects.

By analogy with Soviet and British tank designers, in the 30s, German designers were hard at work on the projects of new tanks. And the initiative by no means came primarily from Adolf Hitler, who urged the German High Command to set out new and new requirements for the young Panzerwaffe. So, in the winter of 1937, the GVK formulated the next technical task for the creation of a prototype of a 30-ton tank, then it qualified as a "heavy tank". At that time, the well-known German tank engineer Ernst Knikamp worked in the German GVK, and it was from him that the initiative to create the latest heavy German tanks came. A distinctive feature of the newly created tank was the use of components from finished tanks in its manufacture in order to reduce the cost of production of a new tank. Basically, typical solution for many "tank schools": unification of production military equipment. For new projects, as it should be, the well-known company Henschel and Son AG immediately took up. Henschel's designers designated the prototype of the new tank as DW I (Durchbruchwagen 1) Durchbruchwagen I.

At that time, the most difficult serial tank was the T-4 (Pz IV) of the first modification, it was then taken as the basis, moreover, it had excellent opportunities modifications with a weight of 17300 kilograms. Based on the terms of reference, tank designers decided to strengthen the armor by installing additional armor plates, attaching them to the hull by welding. By the way, the shape of the T-4 hull remained practically unchanged, and the angles of inclination of the hull also did not change. The thickness of the frontal armor of the DW I tank was increased to 50 mm, and I remind you that for the T-34/76 tank it was 45 mm (although the thirty-four armor was at a different angle). The sides of the new tank, together with additional armor, reached as much as 50 mm. The bottom and roof underwent increased armor, which increased to 25 mm. The layout of the tank, like most German tanks, remained classic and was not changed in the new tank. The driver was located in front of the tank body (the transmission was located in front of him). The entire middle part of the hull of the DW I tank was occupied by the warhead, which housed the commander, loader and gunner. A 12-cylinder, V-shaped, 280-horsepower Maybach HL-120 carburetor engine was installed in the stern of the tank. The fuel tanks in the new tank remained in the same place in the engine compartment (3 tanks: 170, 110 and 140 liters). The transmission of the tank consisted of a mechanical 5-speed (+1 rear) gearbox, cardan shaft, onboard brakes, 2 onboard clutches, a planetary turning mechanism and a three-disk main dry friction clutch. As for the tower, Henschel's designers decided to take the model of the tower from experienced tank BW (VK 20.01), it was a seven-sided box, the frontal part of which was 50 millimeters thick, and side surfaces were also 50 mm thick (some sources indicate the figure 30 mm). By analogy with the Pz IV, both front side surfaces received a reverse bevel from the designers, and the side walls received hatches for evacuating the tank crew. A commander's cupola with a round hatch was installed on top of the tower. The turret had 8 viewing slots, and itself had a cylindrical shape.

Tactical and technical characteristics German medium tank DW I/DW II

Two 7.92-mm MG-34 machine guns were used as weapons, one of them was installed on the right side of the hull, the second was paired with a cannon. A 75 mm KwK40 cannon, 24 caliber barrel length was installed in the frontal sheet of the turret.

Unlike the borrowed hull and turret, the designers created a completely new undercarriage. In this case, the DW I suspension design was very similar to soviet tanks(and on the suspension of the Christie tank). So, instead of traditional small rollers, the designers installed 5 rubber-coated rollers increased in size, each of which had its own torsion bar suspension. 6 supporting rollers were installed on top. Behind was a guide gear, leading in front.

The DW I tank was designed in 1936 and the first sample was assembled in 1937, after which it was immediately sent for testing. The turret with weapons ordered from Krupp was not delivered on time, therefore, the first sample of the DW I tank was tested with a comparable weight on the hull with ballast. Chassis and the suspension of the tank as a whole during the tests proved to be very worthy. If we compare DW I with Pz IV (modifications A and B), then it was practically not inferior in technical qualities. The tank had good mobility and could move as much as possible along the highway at a maximum speed of 35 km / h. However, later there were minor problems with the caterpillar engine, which broke down from time to time.

German medium tank DW I/DW II

In the spring of 1938, an order came from the GVK to the Henschel Design Bureau to create a new heavy tank, the mass of which should not exceed 33 tons. They did not give up on the DW I project. The tank was modernized and the first tank modified to meet the new requirements was built by the end of 1938. The DW II tank received a modified ZW-38 transmission, an improved power plant and a more elaborate hull. Unlike the DW I, the new tank received a standard track with a toothed drive wheel. One more distinctive feature DW II was the addition of another crew member, he became a gunner-radio operator (to the right of the transmission in front of the hull). Changes to the upgraded tank primarily affected the general armor, for example, the frontal part of the DW II was increased to 60 mm. According to the test results, the commission liked the DW II tank as a whole, but it was decided to stop further work on it. The reason for this was the emergence of projects for new tanks, namely the VK 30.01, which showed the best results in tests.

German medium tank DW I/DW II

And in September 1939, the DW II project was finally curtailed. Ironically, the created prototypes of the DW series were not sent for scrap. In Henschel's design bureau, they did not wait for the delivery of the ordered turret from Krupp, and instead they put a turret from Pz IV Ausf B, after which they conducted tests on firing. Looking ahead, it can be noted that the DW II tanks with a short-barreled 75-mm gun were weak opponents against the British Matildas and Soviet T-34s. The Soviet 76.2 mm cannon of the T-34 tank could not resist the 50 mm armor of the DW I tank. However, the DW I and DW II tanks were not destroyed, they were tested almost until 1941. And we can say that it was these tanks that played a role in the design of the new generation of German tanks, which led to the creation of the famous Panther and Tiger. To this day, the tanks of the DW series did not survive, apparently, they were dismantled for various needs during the war.

German medium tank DW I/DW II

10-03-2017, 19:05

Good day to all and welcome to the site! Friends, today we are focusing on a car with an absolutely unpronounceable name for a Russian person, a German heavy tank of the fourth level, in front of you Durchbruchswagen 2 guide.

The abbreviation for this terrible word looks like D.W. 2, which is much easier to pronounce and understand, because this is how the car is signed in the ears of the teams during the battle. Generally D.W. 2 World of Tanks is quite an interesting machine, it is one of the few strands at its level and let's get to know it better.

TTX D.W. 2

I would like to get started with interesting fact, the fact is that the heavy German tank D.W. 2 has a reduced level of combat (4 and 5), meaning you will never have to fight against sixes. In addition, we have at our disposal a standard safety margin for the TT-4 and a good basic view for this level.

Talk a lot about what D.W. 2 characteristics you won't need much booking, as the German "kvadratish praktish gud" explains everything. This means that both in the turret and in the hull in a circle we have 50 millimeters of armor without any slopes.

All this suggests that D.W. 2 World of Tanks should always become a diamond to increase its reduced armor, or tank the harp, again showing the side at an angle. In addition, we have a 50mm gun mantlet followed by another 50mm of main armor, which means that this section is stronger.

On the whole, Durchbruchswagen 2 tank is able to perfectly tank vehicles of a lower level, copes well with classmates, but the fives sew us effortlessly, that is, at the bottom of the list, this device cannot boast of good security.

As for mobility, in this regard, the German turned out to be more than mediocre. The maximum speed at D.W. 2 WoT maybe not bad for a heavy one, but the dynamics are frankly weak, but with maneuverability, on the contrary, everything is very good.


I would like to call the situation with weapons incomprehensible or indistinct, although, by the standards of the fourth level, the gun is quite ordinary, not distinguished by particularly strong or weak sides.

First of all at D.W. 2 gun has a small alpha strike by the standards of most classmates, as well as a high rate of fire, which allows it to deal about 1750 damage per minute, this is a worthy indicator.

With penetration, things are mediocre, that is heavy tank D.W. 2 is able to confidently fight with most of his classmates, using only armor-piercing shells. But against the fifth level strands, you will always have to charge the gold, that is, you need to have 30-40 sub-calibers with you.

The accuracy in our case is also far from perfect, the gun D.W. 2 World of Tanks endowed with a large spread, poor stabilization, and its aiming speed is not the best, these parameters need to be adjusted.

But the vertical aiming angles D.W. 2 tank got very good, we have the ability to lower the barrel 10 degrees down, which allows you to comfortably play from the terrain.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is rather difficult to clearly divide the parameters of this unit into pros and cons, if only because in the battle against the fifth levels it is very weak and in general its performance characteristics are average. But to complete the picture, it is still worth highlighting the most important strengths and weaknesses D.W. 2 WoT by matching this tank with classmates.
Good margin of safety;
Decent circular booking;
High rate of fire and damage per minute;
Excellent vertical aiming angles;
Preferential level of fights.
Shed dimensions;
Low mobility;
Mediocre accuracy;
Weak penetration by the base projectile;
Poor competitiveness of the fifth levels.

Equipment for Durchbruchswagen 2

To make the gameplay on this device more comfortable, you have more opportunities to realize its potential and achieve good results, you need to choose the right additional modules. In our case, there are plenty to choose from, so on D.W. 2 equipment let's put the following:
1. - in our game, there is practically nothing more important than the amount of damage inflicted, that is, increasing this parameter will never be superfluous.
2. - we have already talked about the mediocre accuracy of the gun, which needs to be improved, so everything is obvious.
3. - a win-win module, because it gives a good increase to several very important characteristics at once.

However, the third point still has a very worthy replacement -. The fact is that only this option will allow us to completely correct the situation with the missing view and gain an advantage over most opponents.

Crew training

Another effective, but thorny way to improve the initial parameters of a combat vehicle. Fortunately, we have at our disposal a universal crew of 5 people, thanks to which you don’t have to sacrifice anything, that is, for D.W. 2 perks download in the following order:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment for D.W. 2

In this aspect, there are no restrictions, however, as well as changes, because the purchase of consumables is carried out according to the standard scenario, where if you have little silver, you can take , , . But when stocked with loans all in in perfect order, there is no need to skimp, that is, D.W. 2 equipment it is better to carry in the form,,. By the way, the tank does not suffer from frequent fires, that is, if you wish, you can spur it on by buying a crew.

Durchbruchswagen 2 game tactics

To achieve good results on the battlefields, you should always try to use strengths tank and level its weaknesses. It's very good that D.W. 2 tank has a preferential level of fights, but even so, getting down the list, we feel extremely uncomfortable, needless to say, a lot depends on this factor.

So when we are talking about the fight in the top, on D.W. 2 tactics combat may well be in contact combat. To tank opponents of levels 4-3, we set up a diamond and try to dance a little. However, it is even more effective to hide the main part of the hull behind some cover, showing only part of the side at a good angle.

When it comes to dealing damage, remember that D.W. 2 World of Tanks there is an excellent rate of fire, but the accuracy is not the best and you have to lose a little time before the shot to close down to the end. Otherwise, we are able to perfectly keep any enemy on the harp, not giving him a chance to escape.

At the bottom of the list, the actions change, if only because here heavy tank D.W. 2 no longer looks armored. You need to play much more carefully, forget about tanking and fire from the second line. In addition, you will often lack penetration, that is, in order to deal damage to the fifth levels, you will often have to charge gold.

As a result, I would like to say that German tank Durchbruchswagen 2 is an interesting and strong machine when it comes to the top of the list. Here we can deal a lot of damage, make good use of our armor and influence the outcome of the battle. But our German has a hard time with fives, and this is a fact.

Otherwise, for a more effective game, you should always keep an eye on the mini-map, beware of artillery and remember your large dimensions.

Durchbruchswagen II (DW 2) in WoT— the smallest (level 4) German heavy tank in the game. It has a number of advantages and disadvantages among its brethren, which you will learn about from this article.

Durchbruchswagen 2 - pumped over Pz 3


At the end of January 1937, the German High Command formed TTT (Tactical Technical Requirements) for a new heavy tank for the Panzerwaffe. The car had to have good armor, decent speed and weigh no more than 30 tons. The father of the project was engineer Ernst Knickamp from WaPruf 6 (tank design bureau), to create new car started at Henschel, which at that time did not yet have experience in creating tanks.

They decided to compensate for the lack of experience with old developments, so they decided to make a new tank based on the chassis from the already proven Pz. 3. The device got a name Durchbruchswagen or abbreviated DW, which in translation means "breakthrough tank". He wore armor reinforced to 50 mm and had to overcome the protected lines of the enemy. In the long run, DW would replace averages panzer tanks III and Panzer IV.

The first prototype had a circular armor of 50 mm. Krupp was responsible for building the turret, which looked like the turret from the Pz. 4. Armed with a DW gun 75 mm KwK 37 L/24. The movement of the car was provided by the power plant Maybach HL120, with a capacity of 280 hp, which allowed him to reach a maximum speed of 35 km / h. They created only the chassis DW, because the Krupp company (as they often do) disrupted the delivery time of the tower.

While the running gear was being tested (ballast was used instead of the turret), where the vehicle performed well, in general, new TTTs were received from WaPruf 6, which assumed the creation of a heavy tank weighing 33 tons. They gave him a name Durchbruchswagen 2. The differences from the first car were insignificant: the transmission was replaced with a ZW-38, the tracks of the tracks of the traditional form were returned, and the crew was replenished with one more person - a radio operator.

The Durchbruchswagen 2 project was canceled at the end of 1938. The two prototypes were most likely broken up for scrap, but this does not mean that all efforts were in vain. Henschel gained invaluable experience, which later helped them to create such heavy vehicles as the Tiger tank.

Schemes Durchbruchswagen 1/2

Durchbruchswagen 2 in WoT


DW 2 in World of Tanks— heavy tank of Germany of the fourth level with the next language-breaking name :). It is shaped like a Pz. 3, because it was created on its basis and will be pumped from it in the game, namely from an easy Pz. III A(level 3). We will be provided with a standard set of modules, you can verify this by looking at the picture below. Pumping a tank will not big problems, and you can make it a top one in a few fights.


As many as two top (they are stock) weapons of level 4, so there will be a choice. One of the guns is a 75mm stump blaster, and the other is a 50mm long "sewing machine", although calling it that would be a bit of an exaggeration. You must choose the right gun for yourself, since each of the guns radically changes the tactics of playing a tank. I will help you with this, below, under the spoiler, there is a comparison of both guns, so weigh the yes and no and buy what you liked more. I'm leaning towards the 5 cm option.

If you hit an enemy of the fifth or higher level, confidently charge the gold, the armor penetration of the guns is simply disgusting.

Comparison of DW 2 guns


Durchbruchswagen 2 has excellent all-round armor, from all sides, the hull and turret have 50 mm each, so you can tank either astern or sideways. but the most best option this is a rhombus setting, with a slight “dancing” of the car.

After playing the tank, it's safe to say that its armor will save you from enemies of the same level and below. If you get pushed to the bottom of the list, and this will be quite often, since the balance weight of DW is too high, immediately hide in the bushes and do not get caught by the enemy.

Booking DW 2

Positive and negative sides:

  • Good circular booking;
  • Not a big machine
  • Decent dynamics and speed;
  • Good rate of fire.
  • Small armor-piercing of the gun;
  • Overestimated balance weight;
  • Frontal armor is weak.

Equipment, equipment and ammunition:

I advise you to put a fan, a stabilizer and a rammer on the tank. Create a real lead hail for enemies :). Although the configuration options are very large, up to the installation of lugs.


The main thing in the tank is mobility and armament armor, DW 2 boasts only the latter, so you are a king and a god when you are at the top of the list or a piece of metal when you are at the bottom. I didn’t really like the tank, the speed of 35 km/h and pretty good dynamics won’t help you quickly get to the right shelter, and the gun will only allow you to fight fast cardboard enemies, well, or allies, it all depends on your orientation :).

The tank burns very often, it will not be difficult to set fire to it, and it burns because of the criticism of the engine, namely from hitting the transmission, which is located in front of the chassis.

If we compare the DW 2 and the average Pz 3, then the “groove” clearly wins: the speed is faster, the frontal armor is better !!!, it burns less often.

Below I will present you the stock and top specs of the Durchbruchswagen 2 in WoT:

Stock characteristics

Top features



There are simply a huge number of German tanks in World of Tanks, eight can be distinguished

Heavy tanks

Of course, it’s worth starting the review with a review of the branch that ends with the legendary Mouse. Unfortunately, this machine has long lost its relevance. Once upon a time, Mouse was a real "thunderstorm of randomness", on many cards it was possible to put a competent rhombus and not be afraid of opponents at all. Over the four years of the game's existence, the situation has changed dramatically: the widespread use of Tier 10 tank destroyers and the widespread use of gold shells have greatly reduced the value of armor. Unfortunately, some tank destroyers are capable of penetrating the upper frontal part of the Mouse with cumulatives.

But this does not mean that all machines in the branch have lost their relevance. At the fifth and sixth levels are medium tanks Pz. IV H And VK 30.01 P. In general, these are pretty passable cars without bright pros and cons. Playing them does not require any special skills but not remembered. Once upon a Pz. IV H had a much more powerful gun (from a single-tier tank destroyer), then it turned into a real imba with a high-explosive gun when they introduced the possibility of buying premium shells for silver... But now, after several nerfs, it's a completely ordinary tank.

At the seventh level there is already a heavy tank Tiger (P), which is also called "Pygro". And this machine, with proper application, can show outstanding results. The fact is that the thickness of the forehead of the hull is 200 mm, the placement of the tank in a rhombus allows you to tank against tanks and the eighth level. At the same time, the gun pierces 203 mm with an ordinary projectile, but one-time damage is only 240 units. But pleases with accuracy (0.34) and visibility (380 meters). All this is balanced by weak dynamics and large dimensions, but the Tiger (P) is still a very comfortable car. He can both play the role of a sniper and tank in close combat.

VK 45.02 A, which received the nickname "Alfatapok" among the players. This is due to the fact that a car with a rear turret goes further, which makes it look a bit like slippers. The VK 45.02 A itself does not have any bright advantages. In general, it combines the features of medium and heavy tanks: maximum speed mediocre (38 km / h), but the specific power is quite high (almost 15 hp). The armor can hardly be called good (for example, in the front of the hull 120 mm at a slight slope), but good dynamics often allow the tank to be fired at an advantageous angle. Frankly small is the penetration of both a conventional projectile (200 mm) and a sub-caliber (244 mm). One-time damage is 320 units, this is the standard for this level and class.

At the ninth level is the very "Slippers", that is, VK 45.02 B. In patch 9.2, this car was heavily uplifted. Now the thickness of the forehead of the hull is 200 mm (this applies to both the upper and lower frontal parts), the thickness of the roof of the tower was increased to 60 mm, where the Slipper easily made its way. You have to pay for such a booking with very poor dynamics. And the gun leaves much to be desired. It has good penetration (246 mm for a regular projectile) and one-shot damage (490 HP), but the rate of fire is low (less than 4 rounds per minute), and long convergence (2.9) leads to frequent misses in dynamic firefights.

VK 45.02 B

Pro Mouse, which is at the tenth level, we have already said. On this tank and modern realities, you can play from armor and tank out a huge amount of damage. But, unfortunately, this can be done literally on several maps. On some Prokhorovka, Mouse is an easy target. Its record margin of safety (as much as 3000 units!) Will only please opponents.

The second branch of heavy tanks starts from the fourth level. D.W. 2 is one of the few heavy tanks at this level. He has good armor, but he has to pay for it with a weapon with weak penetration. In this way, it resembles the French B1. VK 30.01 H and VK 36.01 H are on the fifth and sixth levels. By the way, they used to be medium tanks (and both were on the sixth level), but the developers decided to change that. Unfortunately, when changing the class, the booking remained the same. These tanks don't hold up well in close combat. On the other hand, they perfectly show themselves as "snipers", because they can be equipped with the famous Konik gun (Waffe 0725), which has good penetration (157 mm for a regular projectile and 221 mm for a sub-caliber), which is complemented by excellent accuracy (0.34) .

On the seventh level is the famous Tiger I. This machine is notable for its large size and weak armor (for example, only 100 mm in the front of the hull), but this is compensated by a simply magnificent gun. It is identical to the one mounted on the Tiger (P), but it has a much higher rate of fire. Damage per minute is as much as 2150 units, which even machines of the eighth level can envy. The margin of safety in the top configuration is 1500 units, with many opponents you can simply go “for an exchange”. Right now, the Tiger is one of the best tier 7 heavy tanks, although realizing high damage per minute can be difficult for inexperienced players.

At the eighth level is Royal tiger, which is a fairly versatile heavy tank. A gun with a penetration of 225 mm with a conventional projectile (and a 285 mm sub-caliber one) and good accuracy (0.34) allows you to successfully hit targets from any distance. The view is 390 meters, which is 10 meters less than the maximum value for this level. There are several vulnerable zones in the armor (lower frontal part, turret roof and observation devices), but with proper use of the terrain, they can be hidden. But the upper frontal part has a thickness of 150 mm and is located at a good slope. If you put the tank in a rhombus, then only tank destroyers of the tenth level will be able to break through it with great difficulty.

Tiger II

E 75 is a logical continuation of the Royal Tiger and is located on the ninth level. This is one of the few "real" heavy tanks with good armor. The gun is identical to the one on the VK 45.02 B. Good dynamics are also pleasing, which allows, for example, to return to the base if opponents have begun to capture it. Finally, it completes the E 100 branch, which can often be found in random battles. This heavy tank has several vulnerable areas in the frontal armor (a huge lower frontal part, the forehead of the turret), but if you put the right diamond and turn the turret a little, it will be difficult to penetrate you. Low penetration by a conventional projectile (only 235 mm) forces the constant use of cumulative ones (they already penetrate 334 mm). But the high one-time damage is very pleasing (as much as 750 units). The margin of safety is 2700 units, E 100 shows itself well in punching directions.

medium tanks

Medium tanks are also represented by two branches. First we will look at the one that leads to the E 50 M, because it appeared a long time ago. It starts from the sixth level, on which it is located VK 30.02M, it opens with the VK 30.01 H. The VK 30.02 M is a good medium tank that can both be active in the front line and play the role of an "ambush sniper". The top gun can penetrate 150 mm with a conventional projectile; against tanks of a higher level, sub-caliber ones with penetration of 194 mm can be used. Dynamics also makes a favorable impression.

But about Panther, which is located on the seventh level, you can’t say that. It drives frankly badly for a medium tank, which is aggravated by its rather large size (the famous German “shed”, which is typical for all tanks above the level). The top gun, nicknamed the “fishing rod” for its long length, penetrates as much as 198 mm, but the one-time damage is 135 units, but the accuracy is simply excellent (0.32). Panther suggests a peculiar style of play: you need to keep a respectful distance from the enemy in order to realize the advantage in accuracy. But playing the role of a classic tank destroyer turns out to be bad, because this requires a lot of one-time damage.

At the eighth level is Panther 2, which drives even worse, and the dimensions are about the same. The weapon was inherited from the Tiger of the seventh level. The upper frontal part has a thickness of 85 mm at a good slope, but this is not enough to tank the shots of single-level tanks. Parts of the turret front that are not covered by the gun mantlet are easily penetrated (other tanks of the branch have this problem as well). Another problem is the location of the transmission behind the frontal part, because of this, the tank often burns when it is penetrated in the forehead. Overall, the Panther 2 is a fairly mediocre medium tank of its tier.

Panther II

But about E 50(ninth level) this cannot be said. The one-time damage has increased to 390 units, while the thickness of the upper frontal part is as much as 150 mm at a good slope, which allows for good tanking, this makes the E 50 look like a heavy tank. Unfortunately, the lower frontal part is only 80 mm thick, and the forehead of the tower also breaks through well. The E 50 is also large, but it also has positive side: the combination of large mass and high speed (up to 60 km/h) allows you to ram an enemy with a huge amount of safety margin. Unfortunately, this is not done so often: a competent enemy immediately shoots at the caterpillar.

At the tenth level is E 50 M, which is an improved version of the ninth level tank. The armor has not changed at all, as well as the one-time damage, but the specific power and safety margin have increased. E 50 M almost does not burn when penetrating in the forehead, because the transmission has been moved to the rear of the hull. The gun remained the same, but reloading was accelerated, accuracy and aiming speed improved. Sub-caliber shells are now the main shell, HEAT shells are available as premium ones. E 50 M can't boast of high damage per minute, but this is compensated by excellent accuracy.

The second branch appeared relatively recently. More precisely, this can be said about vehicles from the eighth to the tenth level and some tanks below the level. It makes no sense to consider cars from the second to the fourth level: they do not stand out in any way, and they are passed in a few dozen battles. On the fifth level is Pz.Kpfw. III/IV, which combines good dynamics with high one-time damage for its level (110 units). The review and armor cannot be called outstanding, but still Pz.Kpfw. III / IV is a very comfortable machine to play, which leaves mostly positive emotions behind.

The same can be said about VK 30.01 D, it is on the sixth level and is a logical continuation of its predecessor. The one-time damage increased to 135 units, the gun is identical to the one installed on the VK 30.02 M. It performs well both in long-range firefights and in close combat. But at the seventh level there is a rather controversial tank VK 30.02D. His the main problem in low penetration. For example, an ordinary top gun projectile penetrates only 132 mm! You can put a gun from the predecessor, but penetration of 150 mm is not enough for the seventh level. This should be compensated by good dynamics and good (especially for a medium tank) armor, but in modern realities it is penetration gun is the main merit.

Next comes Indian-Panzer Nicknamed "Indian". The top gun can penetrate 212 mm with a regular projectile, which is a good indicator for the eighth level, but you have to pay for this with mediocre dynamics and cardboard armor. The forehead of the hull has a good slope, but the thickness is only 90 mm, so the "Turkey" shells rarely beat off. This tank easily penetrates directly into the gun mask, so it is difficult to achieve good vertical aiming angles.


At the ninth and tenth levels are Leopard PT A And Leopard 1 respectively. A huge drawback of these machines is the complete lack of armor: they easily break through even the sixth levels directly into the forehead of the tower, and high-explosive projectile always deals full damage on hit. This is compensated by excellent dynamics, which some light tanks will envy, but on many maps it is of little use. Level 10 Leopard differs from its predecessor by a slightly higher margin of safety, aiming speed, etc. Penetration and one-time damage are identical. The problem with these two tanks is that they often have to portray tank destroyers firing from behind the bushes, but medium tanks are still expected to have active gameplay...

Leopard PT A

Leopard 1

tank destroyer

The German nation also has two branches of tank destroyers. Cars of one are characterized by good frontal armor on high levels, these are real assault tank destroyers, while the vehicles of the other branch are the implementation of the “crystal gun” concept, they are almost completely devoid of armor, but are capable of simply inflicting a huge amount of damage. We will start the review from the first branch, assault tank destroyers start only from the eighth level, while vehicles low levels are fairly classic ambush tank destroyers.

Worth mentioning is the famous Hetzer which is on the fourth level. It has good frontal armor (60 mm at an angle), good dynamics and a low silhouette, which allow both successful shooting from behind the bushes and tanking, if necessary, on the first line. Of the guns, both a punching "hole punch" and a "fugaska" are available. The latter once made Hetzer a real imboy because of the gold HEAT rounds, but they were nerfed, so that Hetzer became a balanced car. You can no longer call him Imba, but you can still show excellent results on it.

Next comes Stug IIIG, which can no longer boast such good booking. The cutting front is covered with 80 mm thick plates, but the large lower frontal part breaks through without difficulty. But the Stug III G has a low silhouette, which means a good stealth coefficient. The top gun with an ordinary projectile pierces 150 mm of armor and deals 135 damage. Good dynamics allows you to act actively and quickly change position.

At the sixth level is Jagdpanzer IV, about which there are many conflicting reviews. Some praise this tank destroyer for its low silhouette, which allows it to go unnoticed for a long time. Others speak negatively about the top-end gun, which only pierces 132 mm with a regular projectile, and the one-time damage is 220 units. Both sides are right: on the Jagdpanzer IV, you have to carefully choose the position so as to remain unnoticed and shoot the enemy in the side, because it will be very difficult to break through many tanks in the forehead.

On the seventh level is Jagdpanther, which also causes conflicting feelings. The main problem with this tank destroyer is that it combines the large size of assault vehicles with the weak armor of an ambush tank destroyer. Thus, Jagdpanther is easily detected by opponents and quickly destroyed. You can only hope for rare ricochets from the frontal armor, which is located at a good slope. You have to keep at maximum distance and look for double bushes. There are two top guns to choose from, they have almost identical penetration (200 and 203 mm), but the one-time damage is different (320 and 240 units).

At the eighth level, this branch has two cars at once: Jagdpanther II And Ferdinand. The first is a logical continuation of the seventh level tank destroyers. The armor still does not hold a blow, but sometimes it pleases with ricochets. The gun has been significantly improved: now it pierces 246 mm with a regular projectile, and one-time damage is 490 units. Ferdinand has the same gun (only the rate of fire is slightly lower), but its armor is noticeably better: 200 mm in the forehead allows you to quite confidently tank the same level tanks, if you put the car in a rhombus and hide the vulnerable lower frontal part. Ferdinand can sometimes even lead the attack, but you need to keep an eye on the flanks: this tank destroyer does not have a turret, and its dynamics make it very similar to a heavy tank.

Jagdpanther II


At the ninth level is Jagdtiger, it continues the concept of a heavy assault tank destroyer, which in the branch starts with Ferdinand: large dimensions, terrible dynamics and good frontal armor. The Jagdtiger's frontal armor is 250 mm thick, the upper frontal part is 150 mm thick and is located at a good slope. Unfortunately, the lower frontal part is very thin (only 80 mm) and is pierced by almost everyone, even at a large angle. Because of large sizes and sluggishness Jagdtiger loves enemy artillery, because a high-explosive projectile deals full damage through a thin roof. On the other hand, the gun of this tank destroyer is simply magnificent: it quickly converges, pierces 276 mm with an ordinary projectile, and one-time damage is 560 units. This is not so much, but the damage per minute reaches almost 3000 units.

Finally, at the tenth level is Jagdpanzer E 100(PT-SAU based on the heavy tank E 100). This tank destroyer also differs simply giant size. Booking boards has improved somewhat, but still leaves much to be desired. The lower frontal part easily breaks through, cumulative shells hit the Jagdpanzer E 100 right in the front of the cabin without any problems. But all this is compensated by a very powerful gun that deals an average of 1050 damage per shot, which is slightly more than the HP of top medium tanks. Penetration is standard for tank destroyers of the tenth level (299 mm for armor-piercing and 420 mm for sub-caliber). In general, this is a balanced car with bright pluses and minuses.

Jagdpanzer E 100

The second branch of the German tank destroyers is fundamentally different from the first. There is no need to talk about booking here, even a vehicle of the tenth level makes its way through some kind of MS-1 right into the wheelhouse. But first things first. The third and fourth levels are Marder II And Marder 38T respectively. The first one was once a real imba for its level, but it has long been nerfed. Nevertheless, both tank destroyers are distinguished by good guns and completely cardboard cabins. You have to constantly stand behind the bushes, but this can be said about all the machines of the branch in general.

Pz.Sfl. IVc is located on the fifth level, for a peculiar appearance this tank destroyer received the affectionate nickname "Coffin". This vehicle simply does not have armor, but it has good mobility and excellent guns. The top one pierces as much as 194 mm of armor with a conventional projectile (this is a real record), but you have to sacrifice poor horizontal aiming angles for this. And a rather long mixing exacerbates the problem even more. Many players go through the "Coffin" with the previous gun, which only pierces 132 mm with a regular projectile, but this is enough at the fifth level.

Nashorn, which goes further, completely repeats this concept: the complete absence of armor, which is compensated by a powerful weapon. It came from the Jagdpanther, a Tier 7 vehicle from another branch. A penetration of 203 mm is enough even for tanks of the eighth level, and damage per minute is as much as 2250 units. Accuracy also allows you to consistently hit the enemy from a distance of 500 meters. Pz.Sfl. V, which is at level seven, also suffers from extremely weak armor. The dynamics has greatly decreased, which is compensated by a one-time damage of 490 units and a penetration of 231 mm. There are simply no premium shells for this tank destroyer, and they are not needed, because ordinary armor-piercing shells are more than enough.

At the eighth level is Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager, who received the affectionate nickname "Borschik". This machine has the best disguise among tank destroyers at the eighth level. The stock gun is similar to the one on the tier eight tank destroyer from another branch. The top one has a gigantic one-time damage of 750 units. Penetration by a conventional projectile is low (only 215 mm), but the cumulative pierces as much as 334 mm. The Borschik still has no armor, but it boasts a tower with full rotation. This allows you to sometimes even shoot around the corner with the enemy. A significant advantage of Borshchik is that it is absolutely not necessary to upgrade the top gun on it, it is better only in terms of one-time damage. Most players use stock.

Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager

Next comes Waffentrager auf Pz. IV, which also has a full rotation turret. The dynamics improved slightly, while the dimensions and armor remained practically unchanged. The gun is similar to the one on the Jagdtiger, although you can also put a gun from E 100. Waffentrager auf Pz. IV is the best ambush type tank destroyer at tier 9, and the turret allows for occasional firefights from behind cover. But the lack of armor leads to the fact that after the light you will be instantly destroyed. Sometimes only small sizes save, from a long distance it can be difficult to hit this tank destroyer.

Waffentrager auf Pz. IV

Finally, at the tenth level is the famous Waffentrager E 100: a tank destroyer with a loading drum and a wheelhouse rotating 360 degrees, which is made on the basis of the heavy tank E 100. In general, this combination looks a bit strange: the body holds a good blow, but everyone shoots at perfect cardboard cabin, which can be pierced even by a tank of the first level. You can put both a gun from Jagdtiger and from E 100. The drum of the first holds five shells with one-time damage of 560 units, the drum of the second - only four, but one-time damage is 750 units. Thus, this German tank destroyer can deal about 3000 damage from the drum. Perhaps this is the most iconic car of the tenth level, which has already been nerfed several times. Huge size and cardboard cutting force you to stay at the maximum distance from the enemy, but this is redeemed by the ability to inflict about 3000 damage in 8 seconds.

Waffentrager E 100

Light tanks

The branch of light tanks cannot be called full-fledged: there is not enough vehicle of the eighth level, the developers simply have not found a suitable tank yet. Level 4 car Luchs) is absolutely passable, the tanks of the fifth ( VK 16.02 Leopard) and the sixth level ( VK 28.01) is not outstanding either. They have a decent mass for light tanks, which sometimes allows them to ram other fireflies, but perhaps this is where their advantages end. The Leopard (don't confuse it with a tier 10 medium tank) used to be a real imba, but it's been heavily nerfed.

At the seventh level of the branch is the infamous Aufcl. panther: light tank based on the Panther. Perhaps this is the worst firefly at its level: huge size means a weak masking factor, and for light tank this is the most important feature. A large mass sometimes makes it possible to successfully ram even medium tanks, but it greatly reduces the dynamics. Big and slow light tank, what could be worse? The famous Konik (Waffe 0725) is installed as the top gun, but at the seventh level, penetration by a 221 mm sub-caliber weapon will not surprise anyone, and the damage per minute leaves much to be desired. With Aufkl. Panther you can open "Turkey", but it's better to go along the branch of medium tanks.

Aufklärungspanzer Panther

The ACS branch turned out to be quite controversial. Up to the seventh level, inclusive, there are vehicles with good accuracy, aiming speed and reloading, which is compensated by not the highest penetration and one-time damage. Some also have good horizontal aiming angles, and mobility leaves a pleasant impression. SPGs of the eighth and ninth levels are fundamentally different: huge one-time damage is balanced by a long reload time, terrible accuracy and poor mobility. They are very similar to the Soviet level eight and ninth self-propelled guns. And the German top self-propelled guns are " golden mean”: mobility is not the best, but it can no longer be called terrible, the gun is not very accurate, but this can be said about almost all artillery.

There are really a lot of German tanks in World of Tanks. A beginner can easily get confused in the intricacies of branches, between which there are many transitions. But this nation can offer the player really different cars: there are also well-armored heavy tanks, and something in between heavy and medium vehicles, and tanks with a complete lack of armor.

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