Where is the best place to relax in Vietnam in October. Traveling to Vietnam in October is a great vacation opportunity! Entertainment and excursions


Summer is over and the calendar "tells" us that a dull autumn has come. Maybe for some it is dull, but for those who are going on vacation in October, autumn - best time in a year. Moreover, they will have a vacation in Vietnam in October 2018, which is good news. The price and weather in the resorts of Vietnam at this time of the year are ideally combined with each other. About all this and a little about something else, in our interesting article.

Vietnam is a very large country. And in this country there are enough resorts to receive a million tourists annually. Among the many resorts, one can single out such famous ones as Nha Trang and Hoi An. And there is also a beautiful island called Phu Quoc. It is interesting because the water near its coast is much warmer than the air. Sometimes the difference reaches 3-4 degrees!
Which resort should you choose? This is up to you. After all, we do not know your preferences. We recommend that you first read the guides to the resorts of the country. Also listen to the recommendations of the travel agency workers. And, and this is one of the main things, carefully study our article.

Difference in time.
Vietnam is located in Asia, so time goes forward in the country. For example, the difference with Moscow is four hours. And in other cities of our country even more. With Samara, the difference will be five hours, and the farther to the West, the greater the difference. But the time difference with the eastern cities of Russia is not great, or it does not exist at all. If you live in Novosibirsk, then you will not have a time difference. There is the same time zone, and there is no temporary acclimatization.

How much to fly to Vietnam from Moscow by direct flight.
If you are flying to Vietnam from Moscow, then the flight time will be 9 hours. The closer the city is to the country, the less travel time you will have. And the further to the west the city, the longer it takes to fly.

Weather in Vietnam in October.
Vietnam has resorts in different parts countries. There are northern resorts, there are southern resorts.
First, let's talk about the northern resorts.
Here are such famous resorts like: Haiphong, Hanoi and Halong Bay. In October, there is still quite a lot of rainfall. It rains for almost a third of the month. On average, it is 9 rainy days. The air becomes warm, sometimes hot up to +30 degrees. The nights are still cool and it is better to close the window. Since only +18 degrees.

If you decide to relax in the center of the country in the resorts of Da Nang, Hoi An and Hue, then you should know that the monsoons are still coming here - the rainy season. A strong wind is blowing, the gusts of which are such that they knock people off their feet. A typhoon could start at any moment. There is practically no sun in local resorts in October, and the air is warmed up to +23 degrees. If you want to swim and sunbathe, then it is better not to come here.
Another thing is the south of the country. The weather here is sunny, there is little rain, only 3-4 days a month, and then at the beginning. In Nha Trang, Mui Ne and Vung Tau, it is warm up to +31, and on the island of Phu Quoc it is slightly cooler than +29 degrees.
It is in the southern resorts that tourists arrive in October. But still, be prepared for the fact that the weather can change, and it can rain with the wind. In October, the weather along the entire coast of Vietnam is unpredictable. So take on vacation warm clothes that you will definitely need.

Prices in Vietnam in October.
Despite bad weather in October, tourists still fly into the country. The fact is that the prices for the tour this month are much cheaper. You can save approximately 30% of the face value. And if you buy a last-minute tour, then the rest will be almost free.
IN winter months prices rise significantly, and not everyone dares to pay such an amount for a vacation in Vietnam.
See approximate prices for holidays in Vietnam in October for two:

As you can see, the prices are high and not very high. Approximately the same prices await you on vacation in Goa or Sri Lanka. Remember - if you book a tour in advance, you can save a lot!

Where is Vietnam located on the world map?
Many tourists, going on vacation to Vietnam, do not know where this country is located. Yes, they have an idea that you need to fly to Asia. That is, towards the sun. But where exactly the country is located, many do not know.
See below the map of the world, on which we have marked where Vietnam is located.

And so, let's sum it up. In October, you can relax in the resorts of Vietnam. But rest here is a risk with the weather. It may lead, it may not lead. But there is a plus - the price of the rest. If you are flying here in the middle of autumn, then discounts on everything are waiting for you: for flights, for food. For lodging and souvenirs.

Fly here or not, again, you decide for yourself. Weigh everything, and only then make a decision. Still, the prices, albeit at a discount, are quite high, and paying such an amount to stay in hotels for ten days is not very interesting.

Despite the fact that Vietnam stretches far from south to north on the map, the weather in October is warm everywhere, and sometimes even hot. Therefore, you can safely choose any region for this time of year. So, for example, for the northern part, in October, the beginning of the dry season is typical, when the rains already stop and the sun begins to shine actively. In the south, maritime monsoons give way to continental ones, which also marks the end of rainy season. And only the central part of the country is flooded with rain, storms do not subside, floods rage.

Weather in Vietnam in October

Northern part of the country (Hanoi, Halong and Sapa)

Hanoi, Halong and Sapa are located in the northern part of Vietnam, but the weather in October in these cities is different, and this should be taken into account when choosing a resort where to go to rest.

  • In Halong, the weather is dry and hot. The air temperature in October warms up to +30 degrees on average. Considering that this resort is located on the northern coast of Vietnam, in the second month of autumn it is ideal to go there with your family on beach holiday.
  • The same cannot be said about Sapa, which is located high in the mountains, so the temperature here will not rise above +13 ... +19 degrees during the day. The October air in Sapa is fresh and cool, its humidity reaches 93%, despite the fact that autumn is considered the dry season here. Also, no one is surprised here by periodic rains, the monthly amount of which reaches 190 mm. Sapa is not particularly spoiled by the bright sun, giving only three hours a day of bright weather.

Center of the country (, Hoi An, Hue)

For the central regions of Vietnam, the peak of precipitation falls just in the middle of autumn. In October alone, Da Nang, Hoi An and Hue receive up to 600 mm of precipitation, which sometimes leads to floods. Another natural disaster October can be called typhoons, during which you can’t even approach the beaches: high waves, cloudy water, the strongest surf will stop even the most daring. Despite all these cataclysms, the air temperature in October in the central part of Vietnam warms up to +28 degrees, and the water in the sea up to +27 degrees. Therefore, in principle, swimming in resorts in October is possible, but only in between typhoons.

South of the country (Nha Trang, Phan Thiet, Phan Rang, Mui Ne, Con Dao, Ho Chi Minh City)

In the south of Vietnam in October it is warm and even hot. The rainy season is already over, and the air temperature warms up to +30 degrees. Despite all this grace, the rains still periodically visit there, gaining up to 250 mm of precipitation per month. Also, sometimes the sea can be stormy, but very rarely.

  • beautiful weather: warm air up to +29 degrees, pleasant water in the sea, with a temperature of +28 degrees, sometimes there can be a storm, but it subsides very quickly. Therefore, already in October you can relax and swim there.
  • There are almost no storms in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet in October, but otherwise the weather is the same as in Nha Trang. The air temperature during the day is up to +30 degrees, at night up to +23 degrees, the water warms up to +27 ... +28 degrees. Despite the fact that the indicator of the number of hours of sunshine per day is one of the smallest for the whole year, and is only 4 hours, this will still be enough time to enjoy the sun and lie down, sunbathing on the beach.
  • As with all of Vietnam, Phu Quoc also says goodbye to the wet season in October. Rains begin to fall less often, they are no longer so protracted, and the wind ceases to be so strong and weakens to 7 m / s. October in Phu Quoc will mark the beginning of the "high season".
  • Despite the fact that Ho Chi Minh City also says goodbye to the rainy season in October, precipitation still falls periodically, on average up to 225 mm per month. The city has been in smog all this time due to overcast, hot, but damp weather. The air on average warms up to +33 degrees during the day and +23 degrees at night, humidity exceeds 80%. In Ho Chi Minh in October one of the most low scores sunshine per year, it does not exceed 180 hours per month.
  • October on the island of Con Dao can hardly be called a dry season, since up to 200 mm of precipitation falls per month, and the number of sunny days does not exceed 14 per month. But there are definitely shifts in his direction. The air temperature during the day warms up to +30 degrees, at night - up to +23 degrees. The water in the sea becomes warmer, heating up to +28…+29 degrees.

Vietnam October reviews


It is best to start learning the culture and history of Vietnam from the capital, Hanoi. This city has absorbed the oriental spirit with elements of European culture inspired by the French colonialists. To see the ancient architecture of the country, you just need to visit the Old Quarter.

To feel the change in the views of the Vietnamese, it is worth a trip to Ho Chi Minh City. To understand spiritual world Vietnamese people should go to Hoi An.

The extraordinary beauty of nature can be discovered by visiting National parks, crocodile farms and rice plantations.

For outdoor enthusiasts, there is an opportunity to go on a jungle safari or rafting, or you can take a boat ride to the neighboring islands and fish there.

In Vietnam, very low prices, so shopping should be included in the list of excursions as the main item.


Since the weather begins to improve by October, the rainy season ends, the summer heat subsides, then the prices for tours begin to grow steadily. This is especially noticeable from the second half of the month, so if you want to save money, it is better to choose a tour at the beginning of the month.

Vietnam is an amazing and charming country in every sense, and in last years All more tourists prefer Vietnam to neighboring Thailand. This country has everything have a nice rest: good tourist infrastructure, beaches, attractions, entertainment for children and adults and much more.

If your vacation falls in October and you have chosen Vietnam as your holiday destination, read the information below.

October is considered favorable time for relaxation, but this month nature loves to be capricious. To begin with, you need to decide on a vacation spot, because Vietnam is a rather big country, and the weather is different everywhere. For example, the dry season begins in the north, and the wet season comes to an end in the south, and the situation is somewhat different in Central Vietnam.

In the northern part of Vietnam precipitation is already half as much as in September, but still, sometimes strong typhoons hit this part of the country. And yet, October is a very good time to travel to the north of Vietnam.

IN Hanoi there is little rain (about three rainy days a month), but the sky does not promise to be clear and cloudless. Most likely, the sky will be covered with a light haze for almost the entire month. At the same time, it will be very warm in Hanoi, one might say hot: the daytime air temperature is about + 30 ° C (sometimes up to + 35-36 ° C, sometimes a little cooler, up to + 20 ... 25 ° C). It happens that powerful typhoons come here, but, fortunately, this rarely happens.

IN Halong, as usual, hot and humid, but it is believed that here the dry season is in full swing. It rarely rains (but there will be light rains five times, nevertheless), it shines more often bright sun and the water in the sea is very warm - about +30°C at the beginning of the month and up to +26°C by the last days of October.

In the mountainous regions of the north of the country, including Sape, cooler, but this is definitely not a frozen Moscow autumn. During the day in Sapa, on average, + 25 ° С, but sometimes the thermometer rises to + 30-32 ° С, and it does not happen below + 19 ° C during the day in these parts (however, at night the air cools down to + 12-13 ° C).

At that time in the central part October is the most rainy month. Resting here at this time is not particularly recommended, since there are strong storms at sea, and due to constant showers, floods are often frequent (after strong typhoons settlements remain submerged for several days). It is unlikely that you will be able to sunbathe or swim comfortably, and yet, the most extreme tourists travel to those parts to see how the sea is raging. And yet, not all of October is chaos here: it may be that you will find a “break” with a clean and transparent sea and clear skies. And since it is hot here at this time, and always, you will have time to spend at least a short beach vacation in the central part of the country.

Temperature in Da Nang, Hue, Hoi An approximately the same - + 28-30 ° C during the day and about + 20-23 ° C at night. IN Nha Trang, which is located to the south, is a little more comfortable in October. It rains there, however, for almost a third of the month, the sea often storms, and it is still hot (above +30 degrees). At this time, local and rare tourists prefer to drive 45 kilometers from the city to swim in the Yang Bai waterfall.

In the south of Vietnam the wet season is coming to an end. At this time, prices are relatively low here, and it is quite comfortable to relax on the south coast, except that the sea is not always calm. But still sunny days- not uncommon, so you can enjoy a beach holiday. IN Ho Chi Minh City hot and damp. The air temperature during the day is about +32 degrees, at night - almost +25 degrees above zero. Short rains overcome the city for almost half a month.

IN Mui Ne it is calm and it rains infrequently (a quarter of a month), although there are sometimes storms here at this time of the year. Heavy but short rains come every other day or every day for Phu Quoc Island: At the end of October, the dry season begins here.

As you can see, the October weather, with its heat, humidity and rain, is still a good time to travel to Vietnam.

Holidays and festivals in Vietnam in October

October may be a very curious event, mid autumn festival. We can say that this is the evening of admiration full moon, accompanied by a treat of "moon gingerbread". The ritual side of the festival is the burning of Chang'e incense for the mythical inhabitant of the moon. This event is second only to the Chinese New Year in terms of brilliance and scale. The holiday falls on the 15th day of the 8th month (full moon) according to the Chinese calendar, which roughly corresponds to the second half of September or the beginning of October. The Vietnamese (and the Chinese, who also hold this holiday in high esteem) are sure that on this day the lunar disk is “the brightest and roundest of the year.” And at this time, the harvest is completed (and the moon is a symbol of the feminine and a symbol of fertility).

In September-October, Vietnam celebrates Kate Festival, which is also called Mbang Kate. This is a holiday of tyams (or chams), people in South-East Asia. The festival is held in the three Cham towers Po Nagar (near Nha Trang). The main purpose of the festivals is to honor the memory of their heroes, after whom these towers are named, as well as a great chance to relax and unwind. This is one of the biggest and most important Cham events in Vietnam. And for a tourist - a great opportunity to learn more about the beauty of the culture of this nation, from architecture to costumes, instruments and traditional songs.

In September-October (on the sixteenth day of the eighth lunar month), Vung Tau celebrates Whale Festival(Lang Ca Ong), a highly revered animal in those parts.

Things to do in Vietnam in October

There are a lot of interesting things in Vietnam: there is something interesting in literally every city of this country! In Nha Trang, for example, there are famous cham towers Po Nagar(which are more than 10 centuries old), and nearby is hon che island who is famous for Winpearl amusement park(the island can be reached by cable car, one of the longest in the world).

In Hanoi definitely worth a visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum and Hoan Kiem Lake Temple. To Hue whole line tombs, pagodas and palaces(many of which are under the protection of UNESCO). To Vung Tau there are not so many attractions, but the town is very colorful: if you find yourself there, be sure to visit Thich Ka Phat Dai with its huge Buddha statue. Near Fanrang there are also old tyam towers, A in Hoi an- pretty houses, bridges and craft shops. Dalat, a city in the mountains, does not look quite like other cities in Vietnam - it is more European, clean, calm, with flower gardens and a pretty Xuan Huong Lake, off the coast of which newlyweds are constantly photographed.

IN Phan Thiet you can famously ride on a sled from the sand dunes or go to the impressive 50 meter reclining Buddha. IN Da Nang take a look at the divorce unusual bridges, V haiphong-for beautiful temples, V Halong- on extremely picturesque limestone rocks in the bay(this is perhaps the main attraction of the country and business card Vietnam).

At many resorts in Vietnam, tourists and locals arrange water theater show with plots reflecting the life and way of life of the Vietnamese - very interesting! In addition, trips to craft villages (for example, where only clay or fabric products are made) are not without interest.

If to be traveling with children, then know that in Vietnam it will be comfortable and interesting with them. locals extremely friendly to tourists with children, and you will have a free babysitter in five minutes.

By the way, children, as a rule, tolerate heat more easily, so in October, children are unlikely to complain about their well-being. Not that there are a lot of specific entertainments for children in Vietnam, but the same Vinpearl is a real paradise for kids. If you find yourself in Ho Chi Minh, visit there is a large local Dam Sen park water park And amusement park "Đại Nam Văn Hiến"(the largest entertainment complex in the country). Just as big there is a water park in Hanoi.

Thus, despite some obvious disadvantages of October, such as capricious nature, high humidity and rain, even at this time you can have a very good and quite inexpensive rest. The main thing is to choose the right resort!

Where is the best place to relax in Vietnam in October?

This table will help you determine which resorts in Vietnam are warmest in October, find out where there is less rain and more clear days. Do you want to know where is the warmest sea? We also provide information about the water temperature in seaside resorts.

Resort name Air temperature
day / night
Cloudiness Rainy days /
water in the sea
watch *
Winperl 30.6°C 24.8°C 32.1% 7 days (101.4 mm.) 28.2°C 09h. 02m.
Vung Tau 31.7°C 23.3°C 41.6% 20 days (279.0 mm.) 28.8°C 07h. 56m.
Dalat 23.0°C 17.8°C 63.6% 22 days (406.8 mm.) - 05h. 19m.
Danang 29.3°C 23.7°C 44.8% 13 days (327.7 mm.) 28.1°C 07h. 29m.
doclet 30.8°C 25.1°C 33.8% 8 days (119.0 mm.) 28.3°C 08h. 50m.
Cam Ranh 30.1°C 26.0°C 32.5% 9 days (133.6 mm.) 28.1°C 09h. 00m.
cat ba 29.6°C 25.9°C 31.8% 5 days (122.6 mm.) 28.1°C 08h. 57m.
Ke Ga 32.0°C 23.8°C 29.7% 10 days (133.9 mm.) 28.6°C 09h. 21m.
Condao 30.7°C 28.4°C 37.8% 16 days (236.3 mm.) 28.8°C 08h. 24m.
Mui Ne 32.0°C 23.8°C 29.8% 9 days (132.9 mm.) 28.5°C 09h. 20m.

October in Vietnam is characterized by a transitional period between dry and important seasons. Northern and South Vietnam are gradually freed from the power of rains, and the Center of Vietnam is still vegetating under and strong winds.

North Vietnam in October

In the north of the country, there is almost no rain anymore; for the whole of October, precipitation can accumulate for only six days. Moreover, the northern and central parts North Vietnam may be dry as early as September. Precipitation increases closer to Central Vietnam. The average temperature in the region fluctuates around +24 - +28 degrees.

In Hanoi, the air temperature calmly reaches +32 degrees. Quite stuffy, but after constant rains you rejoice in such weather. But sometimes typhoons can appear here and then the weather deteriorates dramatically: the air cools down to +26, it rains, there are floods. The good news is that such incidents in October in the north are quite rare.

In Halong Bay, temperatures are slightly higher: average temperature air - +27 degrees, - +26 degrees. The sea is quite clean. The sun meets the first vacationers.
The mountainous part of North Vietnam will be cooler: during the day up to +20, at night up to +13 degrees. Humidity within 80%.

The general trend in the northern part of Vietnam is that a "winter" cooling comes here gradually (along with the dry season). But in October you can still swim and sunbathe.

Center of Vietnam in October.

Nature continues to rage in the Center of the country in October: heavy and prolonged downpours, gusty winds, typhoons, large waves on the sea, floods. The floods here are so strong that the flooded areas remain in muddy slush for several more days. The sea during typhoons is muddy and frankly dangerous. It's obviously impossible to swim in it. Only the brave can come here. Although there are short-term lulls between regular storms. The average air temperature is about +27 degrees and water - about +26 degrees.

In Da Nang, Hoi An and Hue, the temperature indicators are approximately the same, around +28 degrees (air and sea). The first two resorts have strong tidal waves during storms.

Due to the isolated location, it does not pour from the sky so often here (more often than in the rest of the central part of Vietnam, the sun appears in the sky). It will rain for about a week and a half out of a whole month. And by nature they are plentiful, but short-lived. The sea in Nha Trang is muddy and everything is covered with waves - a consequence of typhoons that settled to the north.

The air temperature is +29 degrees, - +28 degrees.

South of Vietnam in October.

The wet season is gradually leaving the south, but it rains for about 12 days out of the whole month. The rains themselves are no longer so intense and in some places even short-lived. Air and water temperatures are high, about +30. But the sea is still sometimes stormy and quite muddy.

In Ho Chi Minh City, the rains are still regular and lingering. Day temperature
air rises to +33 degrees, and at night it drops to +25. The differences are significant. Due to the rather cool night and high humidity (about 85%), it sometimes becomes disgustingly cold. If you come to this city in October, be sure to bring waterproof clothing and shoes with you.

In Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, it rains with enviable regularity, but less than, for example, in. Clouds practically do not open the sky. But the air warms up to +33, and water - up to +27 degrees.

Precipitation is infrequent, but plentiful. For the whole month there can be up to 10 days with rains. Rain comes here along with strong winds and the sea after all this is dirty for a few more days. On sunny days, the air is warmed up to +33, water - +30.

In October, if you have already decided to fly to Vietnam, it is best to go to the north of the country. It is not so suffocatingly hot there, and there is almost no rain anymore. If periodic rains with winds do not scare you and you want warmth, then go to the south of Vietnam. We strongly do not recommend coming to Central Vietnam. The typhoon season there endangers your life. An exception may be. It is calmer here than in the Center, and there is less rain.

With the onset of autumn, the mood is increasingly becoming gloomy. The weather is not at all happy: the days are getting shorter, and the sky is increasingly covered with gray clouds. And if the vacation also falls in the fall, then it’s a real disaster ...

It turns out that choosing a direction for a trip is not so difficult, because not all countries are cool and cloudy at this time of the year. For example, you can go to Vietnam. In October, it is quite warm and comfortable here, although not all parts of the country are suitable for recreation this month.

in October

The country can be conditionally divided into 3 climatic regions, in each of which weather may vary slightly depending on the season. But this difference significantly affects the quality of rest.

The beginning of October is often accompanied by rain, but the amount of precipitation varies. In the northern regions of the country, the dry season gradually begins from the middle of the month. The air temperature during the day reaches +27 ... +28 ° С, at night it is a little cooler. Sea water is heated up to +24 °С. Typhoons can slightly overshadow the rest in Vietnam in October (in the northern region): they fall suddenly, immediately become cloudy, swimming is prohibited. On the other hand, this is an amazing sight that can be captured on a video camera to save an unforgettable experience from the trip.

In the south and closer to the center of the country, the weather is much more conducive to the day, the weather is clear, although the air is quite humid. It is the southern resorts of the country that are the most suitable for visiting Vietnam in October. The air heats up to +31 ... +33 ° С, but short rains are possible.

Which beach to choose?

most popular southern resorts Vietnamese are Nha Trang, Phan Thiet and Mui Ne.

The Nha Trang resort is protected by mountains, so hurricanes and typhoons are extremely rare here. The beaches are covered with fine sand gray color, and along the coast stretches a beautiful promenade with coconut palms.

Phan Thiet resort is great for families. Particular attention of tourists is attracted by multi-colored (white, red and pink) sand. Coconut palms are planted in the vicinity, and therefore the beaches are literally buried in greenery.

Coming to Vietnam in October, you can choose the resort of Mui Ne. Comfortable and calm weather always reigns here, and the rest will not be spoiled by sudden showers and sharp gusts of wind. For vacationers there are restaurants and bars, discos, shops and massage parlors.

Perhaps the main thing to focus on when choosing a trip to Vietnam in October is the reviews of those tourists who happened to visit this calm and hospitable country. For example, many advise visiting the picturesque Halong Bay. Despite the fact that the bay is located in the north of the country, tourists come here all year round. And this is not surprising, because on the territory of the bay, many (about 3000) islands look out directly from the water surface. various shapes. This unique natural monument appeared about 250 million years ago.

Alternative activities in Vietnam

Many tourists come to Vietnam in October. Reviews of some of them allow you to learn more about the country and choose a convenient direction. For example, not all vacationers are attracted by a beach holiday. There are tours that allow you to plunge deeper into the philosophy, culture and history of the country, visit significant places and attractions. Vietnam will be of interest to those people who are interested in alternative medicine or suffer from ailments and hope for the help of local doctors.

In addition, in the mountainous part of the country there are thermal springs with mineral water. Traveling to Vietnam in October a great opportunity visit health resorts and clinics where they effectively treat various diseases. Many resorts, such as Nha Trang, also offer spa treatments and mud therapy sessions.

Extreme tourism

The coast of the country is the best suited for surfing. Fans of such a holiday do not miss the opportunity to "catch a wave" on the beaches of the popular resorts of Nha Trang, Phu Quoc or Mui Ne. Unlike favorable surfing in the southern regions of the country, the resorts of the central part are absolutely not designed for extreme sports: sea ​​water here is dark and muddy because of a large number precipitation.

Diving classes also diversify your holiday in Vietnam in October. Before anyone who dares to descend into the depths of the sea, the incredible beauty of the local underwater world will open.

Variety of fish and amazing coral gardens, algae different colors And rare representatives marine fauna... You should definitely take a special camera with you to capture the beauty you see.

Benefits of visiting Vietnam in autumn

The first thing that especially attracts tourists who choose a trip to Vietnam in October are prices that are much lower than the usual cost of tours and entertainment. For example, the cost of a tour with an air flight in August is $4800-5100. A similar ticket in October will cost $4300-4600. At the same time, the cost of the flight remains unchanged, but the price of accommodation decreases. Of course, there are much fewer vacationers at this time of the year, which means that October is ideal for a trip for those who are looking for peace and solitude, who avoid the seasonal influx of tourists.

At the same time, the number of excursions remains at the same level, as well as the quality of service. If you are interested in trying the dishes local cuisine- Take a look at a small diner. We promise you will be delighted with their exotic taste!

Excursions and entertainment

Those who cannot imagine traveling without visiting architectural sights can go to Khomishin and Hanoi (the capital). In the picturesque Old Quarter there are buildings of ancient architecture. Famous Buddhist buildings are located in Hoi An.

Excursions to colorful national parks will give you a lot of positive emotions. It is interesting to visit rice plantations and crocodile farms. Fans of outdoor activities can be advised rafting, fishing and boat trips, jungle safari.

A trip to Vietnam will give an unforgettable experience, because this tourist destination is relatively new and very interesting!

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