Sri Lanka in October which coast to choose. Where to go in Sri Lanka in October? You can spend holidays in Sri Lanka in October at world-famous resorts

October in Sri Lanka is not considered " high season”, due to the monsoon in the south of the island. It rains every day, but most of the precipitation falls at night, while the day pleases tourists with sunshine and hot weather. summer weather. All the main and most popular beaches of Sri Lanka, such as Hikkaduwa, Unawatuna, are starting to get ready for the start tourist season. Is it true weather not yet the best for relaxation: humidity reaches 90%, air temperature 29-31 degrees during the day, 24-25 at night. Stuffy and hot, however, the water in the ocean is 29-30 degrees, warm and pleasant.

Sri Lanka beaches in October.

From the entire south coast, the most suitable beach for recreation it is . The beach is a coral bay, therefore it is reliably protected from huge ocean waves and currents. In principle, if you are not afraid of the heat and feel comfortable in a humid climate, then you can choose any beach in the south of Sri Lanka, heading to a hotel with a pool, you can even choose a hotel where the pool is filled with ocean water.

And on the beaches of the northeast, everything is fine with the weather, dry and warm, the sun is shining, the humidity is 75-80%. This part of the island provides a choice of beaches for different purposes of the trip, both just a beach holiday and riding the waves on the board.


One of the most popular beaches in Sri Lanka. is divided into 2 beaches: Upuveli and Nilaveli, the rest on which is comfortable in October. Nilaveli protected coral reef, so the beach here is intended for swimming, both for adults and for small children. The entrance to the water is gentle, sea ​​urchins and other living creatures are not here, so you can not worry and swim for your pleasure.


To the south, 110 km from Trincomalee, there is a beach. According to the reviews of tourists who have been here, the most beautiful, green, and pleasant beach on the east coast of Sri Lanka. If you did not plan to visit the beach, then we recommend that you make a short and short outing from Trincomalee. To do this, you take the bus that follows from Trinco, and drive about two hours to Pasikuda. Believe me, you will enjoy the tour.

Aruguam Bay.

For lovers of extreme pastime, Aruguam Bay beach is suitable. There are no corals or rocks to dampen the force of the waves, so indulging in the waves is a great pleasure for you. It is not surprising that in October, when the season is off, here you can see a large number of surfers catching a "good" wave.


October is not yet the season of high prices and crowds of tourists, so locals, will be very happy with your appearance, and will want to attract you with an interesting price. More interesting price, from the peak of the season, maybe twice. This applies to the entire service sector, from finding housing to buying souvenirs. People haggle and make significant discounts on goods and services. Yes, and ticket prices to Colombo can also be caught at discounts and fly for $ 350 to the pearl of the Indian Ocean. The only thing that never drops in price is that the state directly controls prices for it.


The most popular excursion in October can be called a trip to Pigeon Island, near Trincomalee. This is a coral island where for lovers of diving and snorkeling. Colourful, living, swaying corals in the water column, swarms of variegated different forms and the size of the fish, you can observe all this by visiting this excursion.

Trincomalee also offers a boat trip to the ocean, where you will see dolphins or blue cats. At dawn, you set off to watch the dolphins flock closer to the shore for breakfast. Beautiful views dawn and a flock of jumping dolphins will not leave indifferent any tourist.

And if you love and are fond of history, then you will like the march:

Dambulla - Sigiriya - Anuradhapura - - Trincomayel - Pasikuda.

Sri Lanka- a destination loved by many travelers, which has a lot of advantages. Thanks to being here all year round summer reigns, and there are so many interesting sights and first-class beaches around, you never want to leave this resort.

What is the weather like in October?

Tourists who decide to go on vacation in October should know that the weather this month, although ambiguous, will definitely not prevent you from having a great time at one of the many resorts in this country.

Air and water temperature during the month

Mid-Autumn in Sri Lanka is referred to as low season, which usually threatens with high humidity, constant rains and an unusual climate. It is important that such weather is not typical for every region of the country, and the only disadvantage of the rest will be the wind that forms the high waves of the ocean.

The more "wet" zone is located in the southwestern part of the island, while the rest of the resort has more or less dry weather with occasional "anti-aircraft" rain.

These features are due to high mountain range in the center of the island, which closes the north and west from the southwest monsoons.

In October there is a very comfortable temperature air. During the day, the thermometer shows a mark of +29 degrees, and in the evenings - +23 degrees. At the same time, showers characteristic of the rainy season occur mainly at night and last no more than 15 minutes, as evidenced by slightly wet sand on the beaches in the morning. The water temperature pleases with indicators of + 27 ° C, and in the south of the country the sea warms up to + 29 ° C.


Travel to Sri Lanka even in low season- This interesting and fulfilling holiday in one of the fabulous corners of the planet.


The main advantage of tourism in October is, of course, the fact that this month the cost of tours, booking air tickets and rooms in much lower, therefore, to arrange a vacation for a reasonable price is quite realistic.

Always warm ocean water, as well as high waves will provide an opportunity to engage in active sports.

Despite the fact that October is not suitable for a full-fledged beach holiday in Ceylon, no one can cancel a fascinating acquaintance with the cultural, historical and natural attractions of the country.

Where is the best place to relax in October?

Sri Lanka has many beautiful resorts with magnificent beaches and developed infrastructure, but not all of them are suitable for a holiday in October. high humidity near the capital city of Colombo makes it impossible to rest on the popular beaches of Negombo.

Leader in attendance Hikkaduwa is a resort that attracts divers, surfers, snorkelers, youth and couples. The best water activities, many attractions and fun night life made this place the most ideal place to relax.

Positive feedback about the best vacation in Ceylon you can hear about the resorts:

  • Unawatuna- small resort village with plenty of affordable housing and calm ocean waters;
  • Bentota- a favorite place for romantics and fans of secluded relaxation;
  • Wadduwa- a resort that has a wide range of active entertainment, including water sports, golf and excursions.

All Ceylon beaches are sandy, and many of them are surrounded by coconut trees, coral reefs and colorful fish, which makes the rest even more exquisite.

What to do in the off season?

Despite the fact that it is almost impossible to predict the off-season weather in Sri Lanka, nothing can ruin a vacation here even in October.

beach holiday

The most comfortable weather in Ceylon is formed in the east of the country - in Trincomalee And Nilaveli. In this region, the ocean behaves a little more calmly, so there is a great opportunity snorkel or sunbathe on the beautiful beaches. In October, they go to the northeast of the country for water sports, and to the south - to swim in the Unawatuna lagoon.

The beaches of the Unawatuna lagoon are a coral bay, well protected from high ocean waves and currents.

Luxurious but enough small local beaches attract tourists of all stripes. Couples with children, young people and romantic couples love to relax here.

Particularly pleasant conditions for recreation are observed on the beaches:

  1. Tangalla;
  2. Dikwella;
  3. Koggala.

In case it goes bad, you can choose a hotel with its own pool.

The best beaches, which are great for relaxing in October, are located on the south and west coasts, in particular, these include:

  • Bentota Beach- the favorite beach of all newlyweds who prefer it for complete privacy, a wide coastal strip and palm trees;
  • Mirissa– this beach is preferred by those who have chosen independent travel around the island;
  • Tangalla- an ideal place for a secluded holiday, since other vacationers are quite rare here;
  • Hikkaduwa- the longest beach in Ceylon with numerous cafes and private hotels.

Once on one of these luxurious beaches, do not forget that October still has a violent temper. The waves are so strong that it is hardly possible to go further than waist-deep.

Entertainment and excursions

Never in Sri Lanka never get bored- there may simply not be enough time for thoughtless lying on the beach. This resort has an impressive range of water activities such as diving, snorkeling, windsurfing, surfing and parasailing available all year round and even off season.

Local undersea world incredibly interesting. The waters of the Indian Ocean attract with a variety of coral bottoms, marine life With unusual names, dolphins, whale sharks.

IN water depths can also be seen rocks, grottoes And sunken ships(among them there are tankers, steamships, bulk carriers and even a modern ship).

Very interesting entertainment in Sri Lanka - shopping, thanks to which you can buy world-famous Ceylon tea, spices and jewelry. This country is valued for local jewelry made of gold and gems that have been mined here for many centuries. These include rubies, sapphires and topazes.

In cultural and historical terms, Sri Lanka is no worse. Scattered all over the island priceless historical relics world importance. These include jungle ruins, Buddhist temples, mountaintop palaces, royal botanical gardens and national parks.

All the best attractions in Ceylon are located in "cultural triangle"- in the territory between Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Kandy. There are cultural sites included in the list of UNESCO monuments.

Holidays and festivals

In October, Sri Lanka hosts several ancient religious holidays. These include:

  • « Festival of light»;
  • « Wap Poya».

These events are not without colorful processions, sets Sri Lankan rituals And traditional fireworks.

Travelers visiting Ceylon in October have a great opportunity enjoy good rest while relaxing on the beaches or visiting the country's traditional attractions.

Increasingly, Sri Lanka is chosen for spending their holidays by those who want to relax not only with their bodies, but also with their souls, feel the true spirit of freedom and go headlong into absolute world exotics. But is the middle of Russian autumn suitable for visiting this island? We will talk about this in our article on the Tour-Calendar.

Weather in Sri Lanka in October

October in Sri Lanka is a rather unstable month in terms of climatic conditions. In the northeastern regions, monsoons come into their own no earlier than November, and in the southwestern resorts they are already gradually completing their “work”. Nevertheless, tropical showers can affect the entire territory of Ceylon, and how! According to meteorological statistics, in the Southern and Western provinces this month, precipitation is 1.5-2 times more than in September, and in certain places in the North-Eastern and North-Central provinces - as much as 3 times. Nevertheless, the latter are still much drier. Record rainfall recorded in the capital. Rains there are marked about 16-17 days of the month. Thunderstorms and hurricanes are also not uncommon in Colombo, so it is more expedient to postpone a trip to this city for another visit to Ceylon. As for other resorts and tourist centers, it seems almost impossible to predict the weather there.

Colombo Marawila Bentota Hikkaduwa

Showers for several days in a row, short zenithal rains or a series of clear calm days - the likelihood of such a development of "events" exists almost everywhere. The reviews of some seasoned travelers who were lucky enough to visit Sri Lanka at this time are replete with enthusiastic epithets and tease with iridescent photographs with bottomless azure skies. So it's probably just a matter of luck. Relatively temperature regime in coastal zones, it becomes almost homogeneous. During the day, the air warms up to +31..+32 °C on average. The only thing is that in the south the heat is less intense - about +28..29 °C. In the evenings it weakens - +25..+26 °C, but this fact does not bring much relief. High levels of humidity make it a little difficult to breathe, which makes it difficult to fall asleep in a hotel at night without air conditioning. It's really good in the highlands. Nuwara Eliya is an oasis of coolness in the sultry tropics. The thermometer fluctuates here in the range of +11..+19 °C.

What to do in Sri Lanka in October?

Traveling to Sri Lanka causes a surge of feelings and emotions even in the unpopular low season. Clean stripes of snow-white sand and the endless warm ocean are not the only things that conquer this fabulous corner of the planet. At any time of the year, it gives tourists an invaluable experience of unity with untouched nature, strikes with the diversity of the animal world, reveals the mysteries of ancient civilizations, allowing you to hear the ringing silence of centuries, and amazes with the stunning beauty of these places.

beach holiday

When heading to Sri Lanka in October, fans of beach bliss should not expect the ocean to be idyllicly welcoming. During this period, he is distinguished by a very violent disposition: seethes, storms and worries. There is no talk of classic swimming and swimming. The waves are so strong and powerful that sometimes going further than the waist is an impossible task. Yes, to be honest, this is not safe, because you can quickly go to the bottom. Well, if you can’t swim, then frolic, jumping on the waves or riding a surf / bodyboard - quite.

At +28..+29 °C you can do this for hours. Just behind this fascinating activity, one should not forget that the sun is very aggressive near the equator, and it is even more active near the water. We recommend stocking up for these purposes with a T-shirt that would not be a pity to use in salt water. The most favorable conditions for a beach holiday are observed on the east coast. True, keep in mind that in the Trincomalee area there is a chance of meeting with poisonous jellyfish. Regarding diving, small islands are best suited for diving. For example, Pigeon.

Entertainment and excursions

There is no need to worry about the excursion component. Sooner or later the showers stop and the fertile time for a detailed study of the full hot sun of a distant island. Here you will undoubtedly discover in yourself a gamut of hitherto unknown sensations hidden due to the crazy pace Everyday life. Before those who are ready to open up to the new, Sri Lanka will appear in all its beauty and diversity, allowing you to choose what you like. At every step, unaccustomed to exotic Europeans, real miracles await.

Ancient cities-cradles of original culture, sacred ruins of monasteries guarded by long-tailed monkeys, Buddhist rock temples, impenetrable jungle, tea mountains and stunning waterfalls, colorful ceremonies and rituals - and all this can be presented by one piece of land! After an eventful day, there is nothing better than a romantic evening by the ocean, spent contemplating a fantastic sunset. A huge red disk of the sun flopping into the water is an exciting and unforgettable sight.

“Where to go for in October?” - a question that vacationers will have to think about, because from the point of view of climatic conditions, the 2nd month of autumn in these parts is an unstable month.

Where can I go on vacation in Sri Lanka in October?

In mid-autumn, almost the entire territory of Ceylon can be subject to tropical showers. Compared to September, in October in the southern and western provinces, precipitation is 1.5-2 times more, and it is subject to the greatest “bad luck” in this regard. It can be rainy there about 17 days a month (rainstorms are often accompanied by hurricanes and thunderstorms).

In Sri Lanka, showers are possible almost everywhere, lasting for several days, after which calm and clear days can come. In coastal areas, the air warms up to + 30-32˚C, and in the south it is a little cooler (+28-29 degrees). Despite the fact that in the evenings the air cools down to +25-26˚C, due to advanced level Humidity vacationers such temperatures do not bring relief.

If you consider yourself a fan of beach bliss, then in October at Sri Lankan resorts you should not count on a calm ocean - most likely, it will “worry”, seethe, and sometimes storm. On some days, swimming in strong waves is unsafe, but you can jump on the waves near the shore or go surfing. For a beach holiday, it is best to go to East Coast(water temperature +28-29˚C), where you can also devote time to the excursion program.

If desired, on the southern coast of Sri Lanka in October, you can find a suitable place to relax, for example, the beach in Unawatuna: it is protected from ocean waves and currents by a coral bay. If we talk about divers, they should take a closer look at Pigeon Island.

As for lovers more low temperatures, then they can relax in October in the highlands, for example, in the city of Nuwara Eliya, where the thermometer rises to + 11-19˚C.

Since the fishing season starts in October in the south and southeast of Sri Lanka, this month it is advisable to catch exotic fish (marlins, snakeheads, gourami, mackerels are found in local waters). Fans of event tours will not be left without “spectacles” in the second month of autumn: the Spicy Food Festival is held in Colombo at this time.


In October, the air temperature is + 33˚C, and the water is + 29˚C, which invites you to spend time on the following beaches:

  • Uppuveli Beach: there are no stones and few shells on the beach, the water is warm, and the entry into the ocean is gentle. From the infrastructure - sun loungers and beach cafes, and next to the hotels - showers, rental of masks, fins and other equipment.
  • Nilaveli Beach: on weekdays, the beach (clean sand + no stones and shells) is not crowded, and you can find sunbeds and umbrellas near hotels. There are very few restaurants and cafes, but there are shops with drinks and a market. In addition to the beach, tourists may be interested in English military bases from the Second World War, or rather their ruins. Well, those who decide to go diving will be offered to rent a boat so that they can go to Pigeon Island or Coral Island.

It is worth noting that Kanniya Hot Springs can be found 8 km from the beaches (bathing in any of the 7 springs will have a beneficial effect on people suffering from arthritis and rheumatism).

In Trincomalee, it is worth seeing Fort Frederick (it is open to tourists, despite the fact that it is under the control of the Sri Lankan Army; and from its walls and cape you can admire the bay and the surrounding area) and the Koneswaram Kovil Temple (was founded on the Swami Rock cliff in the 3rd century BC, it used to be called the Temple of a Thousand Columns, some of which were used to build Fort Frederick).


October Batticaloa pleases travelers with 33-degree heat, and the opportunity to see the Dutch fort (it was built in the 17th century), as well as spend time on local sandy and secluded beaches (shallow coastal waters are suitable for swimming with children). Vacationers who order drinks or snacks in beach cafes can expect to receive a sunbed and an umbrella.

Nuwara Eliya

Guests will be offered to go to the tea plantations (in the tasting rooms, guests try different varieties of tea) and the Ravana Ella waterfall (the height of its main stream is 9 m; nearby it will be possible to find the cave of the same name, where traces of people who lived here 25,000 years ago were found), explore the residence of Queens House (it is an example of architecture of the 19th century) and the Seetha Amman Temple (has a multi-colored dome, and sculptures of various deities are installed around the perimeter), take a walk in Victoria Park (here you can have a picnic and watch birds), climb Mount Adam's Peak (believers rush to a height of more than 2200 m to see the sacred footprint on the top and touch it, and tourists to enjoy panoramic views from there; stairs are provided for the convenience of climbing), play golf on the 18-hole course.

Sri Lanka is indeed a unique island in every way. This is not just a country of absolute exoticism, the birthplace of tea, elephants and coconut trees. This is something more: here you can find the last island of the relict forest; not far from Kandy to see dense, unspoilt Veddas; here you can see the ancient cities, the ruins of palaces and Buddhist sanctuaries lost in the jungle; here you can also find forests overgrown with dense lianas and ... rivers teeming with crocodiles. Enough to make it all a separate journey, right? Well, the beaches of this island stretch endlessly, and it will take at least a month to travel around them all ... So when and where will it be best?

In Sri Lanka all year round humid hot or at least warm climate, although not the same everywhere - the climate of the island is strongly influenced by the relief and the length of the island from north to south. The average annual temperature on the plains is about +29 - 31 degrees (seasonal fluctuations are very small), while in the mountainous part of the country the temperature is around +16 - 24 degrees. Water temperature in Indian Ocean around +25 - 27ºС all year round.

The rainy season falls on May to September(southwest monsoon) for west and south coasts and with October to April(northeast monsoon) for east coast.

Hence and best time for a beach holiday in the country: October - April for south and west coasts And May - September for East Coast. Based on the experience of its own travels, the Bamboo Club company notes that such a division is very conditional: at any time of the year, on any coast of the island, there is always enough sunny days a year for a comfortable pastime on the beach.

To stay on the beach

Trincomalee (east coast): May - September
Recommended hotels:* , +* , * , Chaaya Blu 4*

Wadduwa (west coast): November - March
Recommended hotels: Serene Pavilions 5*, Siddhalepa Ayurveda 5*, The Blue Water 4*, Villa Ocean View 3*

Kalutara (west coast): November - March
Recommended hotels: Royal Palms 5*, Mermaid 3*, Avani Kalutara 3*, Hibiscus Beach 3*, Tangerine Beach 4*, The Sands by Aitken Spence Hotels 4*

Beruvella (west coast): November - March
Recommended hotels: Eden Resort & Spa 5*, Lanka Princess 4*

Bentota (west coast): November - March
Recommended hotels: Bentota Beach (Cinnamon Beach) 4*, Vivanta by Taj Bentota 5*, The Surf Bentota (ex. Lihiniya Surf) 4*, Club Bentota 3*, Serendipity 4* (ex. Avani Bentota)

Ahungalla (southwest coast): October - April
Recommended hotels: Heritance Ahungalle 5*

Galle (southwest coast): October - April
Recommended hotels: Amanwella 5*, Cantaloupe Aqua Boutique 4*, Jetwing Lighthouse (ex. Lighthouse Hotel & Spa) 5*, Unawatuna Beach Resort 4*, Weligama Bay Resort 4*

Koggala (south coast): October - April
Recommended hotels: The Fortress 5* Boutique

Dikwella (south coast): October - April
Recommended hotels: Villa Jayananda 3*, Dickwella Village Resort 4*

Tangalle (south coast): October - April
Recommended hotels: Eva Lanka Hotel 4*, Talalla Retreat 4*, Ranna 212 4*, Palm Paradise Cabanas 3*, Buckingham Place 4* Boutique, Turtle Bay 4*

Must visit places in the country

Climbing the "Lion Rock" will require a lot of effort. But it's worth it: from the top you will have an amazing view of the surroundings, and on the top of the cliff you will see the ruins of the Kassapa palace (V century AD), carved pools and terraces.

Anuradhapura is the oldest capital of Sri Lanka. The exact date of the founding of the city is unknown. But archaeological excavations in Sri Lanka confirm that the first human settlements in the area date back to the 5th century BC.

"Not a single drop that fell from heaven should fall into the sea without benefiting a person" - such was the philosophy of those times when Polonnaruwa was the capital of the state. The kings built a complex irrigation system here, and to this day an artificial lake, canals, pools have been preserved here ...

Insanely beautiful alpine landscapes create unique landscapes, without which a trip to Sri Lanka is unthinkable.

A trip to Kandy will be very popular with lovers of cultural values. There is a special atmosphere in Kandy that attracts not only travelers on a spiritual quest, but also ordinary people who dream of seeing the milestones in the history of Sri Lanka with their own eyes.

Walk through the Royal Botanical garden in Peradeniya must be included in the program without fail. This is not just a garden with more than 4800 plants from all over the world, but also just very a nice place- a favorite place of the promenade among the townspeople themselves.

Pinnawala is the largest elephant orphanage in the country. Moreover, it contains the largest number of elephants in captivity in the world.

The cave temple complex at Dambulla is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Anyone who loves nature and wants to see wild animals in natural environment their habitat, may go to one of the country's national parks. The largest in Sri Lanka is Yala Park, which is located in the southeast of the country, overlooking the beautiful coast of the Indian Ocean.

Watching whales and dolphins in the open ocean.

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