Which sea is the cleanest in the world? Which beaches suit you best

Washes the shores of Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel and Jordan.

In the north, the Red Sea is connected by the Suez Canal with the Mediterranean Sea, in the south - by the Bab el-Mandeb Strait with the Arabian Sea.

The peculiarity of the Red Sea is that not a single river flows into it, and rivers usually carry silt and sand with them, significantly reducing the transparency of sea water. Therefore, the water in the Red Sea is crystal clear.

The climate on the Red Sea coast is dry and warm, the air temperature in the most cold period(December-January) during the day is 20-25 degrees, and in the most hot month- August, does not exceed 35-40 degrees. Due to the hot climate off the coast of Egypt, the water temperature even in winter does not drop below +20 degrees, and in summer it reaches +27.

strong fumes warm water turned the Red Sea into one of the saltiest on the globe: 38-42 grams of salt per liter.

Until recently, it was considered the most transparent of the seas SARGASSOVO.
Metal objects are visible in it from a depth of 66.5 m. However, in autumn
1986 German scientists on the ship "Polyarnaya Zvezda" ("Polarstern")
tanovili that the champion in this "form" is SEA WEDDEL off the coast
In reality, there are not as many algae in the Sargasso Sea as rumor ascribes to it. Moreover, the sea is not at all motionless, it is in a constant state of flux. roundabout. The water in it rotates clockwise, pushed to the north by the Gulf Stream flowing to the east, and to the south by the western currents that carry their waters along the Southern Tropic.
"Weddell Sea"; "When Dutch researchers, working at the German Alfred Wegener Institute, carried out measurements in 1986 in the Weddell Sea off the coast of Antarctica (71N S, 15N W), a white "Secchi disk" with a diameter of 30 cm was visible there right up to up to a depth of 80 m. This is due to the fact that the concentration of chlorophyll (green plant dye) even in the upper layers of sea water due to low temperatures does not exceed 0.01 mg per cubic meter. For comparison, in distilled water, the Secchi disk remains visible up to a depth of 80 m. Thus, we can assume that sea ​​water near Antarctica is absolutely clean.

For more than 100 years, the transparency of sea and lake water has been determined using the Secchi disk, invented by an Italian scientist who first determined the transparency of water in this way in 1865. A white disk with a diameter of 30 cm is immersed in water and determine at what depth the stain remains visible....

I did not find official confirmation (the number of meters at which the Secchi disk remains visible) of the maximum transparency of the Red Sea, so "officially" these 2 seas: Weddell and Sargasso ... (although in my opinion the Red is much more transparent than the Sargasso)

The most transparent are the waters of the Atlantic (66 m), Indian (50 m) and Pacific (62 m) oceans. The seas included in their composition are distinguished by the natural purity of the waters. But human activity has its impact on the environment, once polluting the most crystalline waters with waste products. Every year the situation worsens. The cleanest seas in the world may soon be on the list of the dirtiest. So here is the list of top 10 clean seas in the world.

1. Weddell Sea

The purest salty water This is the Weddell Sea. The transparency of Wedell is 79 meters deep, which is much more than that of other seas. Only distilled water is more transparent. Its area is 2920 thousand square meters. meters, maximum depth- 6 thousand meters. In addition, Wedell is considered one of the coldest seas in the world. Practically all year round it is fettered by two-meter-thick Antarctic glaciers. winter temperature water here reaches -2 degrees. The sea was discovered in 1823 by the expedition of J. Wedell, after whom it was named.

2. Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is not only the cleanest, but also the most salty. Due to this, its "sterility" is ensured. It is located between Jordan and Israel. Its total area is 810 sq. kilometers. There is no marine fauna here. Even bacteria cannot exist here. In the waters of the Dead Sea, it is impossible to drown because of the high density. Many tourists come here every year, as the dead waters have amazing healing properties.

3. Sargasso Sea

The uniqueness of this sea lies not only in transparency, but also in the absence of clear boundaries without coasts. The total area of ​​occupied waters is about 7 million square meters. kilometers, 6 of which are covered with sargassum algae (hence the name Sargassum). Unlike the next representative of the rating, there is a rather rich marine fauna here: various representatives of the fish family, sea ​​turtles, crabs, etc. The water here is very warm, and does not fall into winter time years below +26 degrees. The maximum recorded depth in Sargassovo is 7 thousand meters. The sea was discovered by Christopher Columbus, who referred to it as "a jar of algae." Every year the ecological situation in these waters is deteriorating, which soon threatens with severe pollution.

4. Red Sea

The waters of the Red Sea are not only one of the most transparent, but also the most salty and warm. The average temperature is +30 degrees, and salinity in some places reaches 42%. This is the only sea on the planet that does not have freshwater tributaries. Its bottom is covered with corals, which give the sea the appropriate shade. The underwater world is incomparably rich and beautiful here, which attracts tourists every year. Incredible Coral reefs attract a huge number of fish here. Under the water here you can meet dolphins, green turtles and many other representatives of the living world. The most beautiful sea in the world is currently under serious threat of pollution due to waste being thrown away.

5. Cretan Sea

The Cretan Sea, which is part of the Mediterranean, is considered one of the cleanest. It is located between the islands of the Cyclades and the island of Crete. It also borders on Aegean Sea. North Crete is very popular with tourists because of the crystal clear waters of the coast and the well-being of beautiful sandy beaches. Many beaches of Crete have been awarded the Blue Flag of Europe for the cleanliness of the sea.

6. Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea is part of Atlantic Ocean. The purity of the sea is considered relative. The clean zone mainly includes the coast of Greece, where the water is really incredibly clear. As for the coasts of the same sea, which adjoin Spain and Italy, they are very polluted. Spain was fined for non-compliance with environmental regulations, which did not stop the country from further polluting mediterranean waters. Despite this the sea is different species diversity fauna. There are about 550 species of fish alone here.

7. White Sea

Water White Sea are considered the most transparent in Russia. It is part of the Northern Arctic Ocean. Due to the curved coastline The sea is also called the "Bay of Serpents". The total occupied area of ​​"white" waters is more than 90 thousand square meters. kilometers, and the maximum depth is 343 meters. The average water temperature here is rather low - +16 degrees, and in winter the temperature drops to -1.7 degrees below zero. For half a year, the sea is bound by glaciers up to 1.5 meters thick.

8 Arabian Sea

In eighth place among the cleanest seas in the world is the Arabian. It is part of indian ocean. The total occupied area is about 4 thousand square meters. kilometers, and the maximum depth is about 6 thousand meters. Most clear waters are off the coast Maldives and the uninhabited island of Astola, which is one of the most popular ecotourism destinations. The waters of the Arabian Sea are very warm all year round: in summer average temperature is +27, in winter it does not fall below +22 degrees. Sailors Arabian was known under several names: Omani, Persian, Green, Sindhu, etc.

9. Philippine Sea

The Philippine Sea is part of Pacific Ocean. After Sargasso, this is the second largest sea on the planet with a total area of ​​5726 thousand square meters. kilometers. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the sea does not have clear land boundaries, like Sargasso. It washes the coasts of the Japanese Islands, the Philippine Islands, as well as the coast of the island of Taiwan. It has a relatively low salinity. The Philippine Sea is rich in living fauna. Whales live here, which is why fishing and whaling are developed here.

10. Andaman Sea

Opens the top ten cleanest seas that can boast of transparency, the Andaman Sea. It is part of the Indian Ocean and is located between the Malacca and Indochina peninsulas. The total occupied area is 605 thousand square meters. kilometers. According to some sources, it is known that the sea got its name in honor of the mythical god Anduman, who was revered in Malaysia. Here is one of the richest underwater worlds, which has over 400 species of fish alone. Among the marine representatives living here, you can meet the Irrawaddy dolphins, flying and reef fish, dugongs, sailboats, etc.

A few centuries ago, a list with the title "The cleanest seas in the world" could have been quite impressive. However, thanks to humanity, the picture today has changed, and much for the worse, and this process, unfortunately, is progressing.

The developing industry and the growing availability of tourism are doing their job. Technical waste and a huge amount of steel waste integral part seas. However, the hopes of people to plunge into the waters of the pure sea do not leave them. What is the cleanest sea in the world, and what is the cleanest place in the seas washing the shores of Russia? In this article, we will try to answer these important questions.

The cleanest seas in the world

Before we talk about the cleanest sea in Russia, we will provide brief information about the most best seas peace. Unfortunately, swim in the most clear waters planets is quite difficult different reasons. Judge for yourself:

  1. which is the cleanest in the world, located off West Antarctica. This purest natural reservoir is covered with ice and icebergs all year round, so it is also one of the coldest in the world (-1.8 ° C - water temperature in winter).
  2. The Sargasso Sea is the second cleanest. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it has no shores, and its boundaries are indicated approximately, correlating with ocean currents.
  3. The Dead Sea is more like a lake, but because of the increased salinity of the water, it is still called the sea. Life in its waters is impossible even for bacteria, and a fish that accidentally gets into it dies almost instantly. People can swim in it, but it is quite difficult to do this - the water immediately pushes it to the surface.

Southern Russian Seas

Among warm seas washing the shores of Russia, the most popular are the Azov and Black. How clean are they? In this regard, things are worse here than in the world.

  1. The Black Sea is one of the polluted seas. On its Russian coast, it is better to relax in places as far away from civilization as possible. A huge number of ports, developed shipping, discharges industrial waste- the main factors negatively affecting the ecology of these places. In addition, at the bottom of the Black Sea there is a layer of hydrogen sulfide, which, according to scientists, was formed as a result of the decomposition of living organisms at a time when the waters of the sea flooded nearby territories. There is practically no life in this layer, and all living organisms of the sea are forced to live in its surface waters.
  2. The Sea of ​​Azov is much smaller and warmer than the Black Sea. And it also has sections both clean and heavily polluted, especially at the end beach season. With all this, it is almost as popular as other seas.

Rating of the cleanest seas in Russia

But within the framework of one of the projects of the ScanEx Center, water areas of 5 seas, the coasts of which are adjacent to Russia, were studied. The research was carried out with the help of radar satellite imagery. The purpose of such an important project is to assess the ecological state of the Black, Baltic, Caspian, White, Okhotsk and Black Seas. After careful processing of more than fifty images, it was found that among them only Beloe does not have anthropogenic pollution. It is scientifically substantiated that this is the cleanest sea in Russia.

The media also made some attempt to identify the cleanest Russian sea through voting. After the poll, the following distribution of votes was received:

  • Kara (formerly Narzem) Sea - 37.5%;
  • Caspian Sea - 12.5%;
  • Barents - 12.5%;
  • there are no clean seas on the territory of Russia - 37.5%.

It turns out that the seas beloved by Russians - the Black, Azov and Baltic, are not at all included in the list of such a rating.

White Sea

The cleanest sea for recreation in Russia is White. This natural reservoir is quite well studied by Soviet and Russian scientists. In their opinion, the purity of this sea has no equal in Russia.

In hot summer period the water in it warms up quite well, and rest on its beaches differs little from the usual rest on. Here you can enjoy not only warm sun getting a wonderful tan, but also swimming in the cleanest Russian sea waters. You can also beach holiday perfect to combine with a hike for mushrooms and berries and fishing. In the summer they come to the shores seals, seals and beluga whales from the cetacean family.

The cleanest sea in Russia, however, is also subject to anthropogenic impact. Factories and plants producing paper, cardboard, pulp and lumber are located in the river basins that feed the smallest and shallowest White Sea in the north.

Particular interest and attention to its ecology arose in the spring of 1990. At that time, a huge number of small inhabitants ( starfish etc.), was thrown onto the coast of the Dvina Bay by a storm, and the resulting rampart orange color then stretched along the edge of the surf for tens of kilometers.

The best beaches in Russia

The cleanest sea in Russia is White, but the most a large number of the best beaches located on the coasts of the Black (Crimea) and Baltic (Kaliningrad region) seas.

So, the cleanest beaches in Russia (not only on:

  • "Imeretinsky" (city of Sochi) - a beach occupying fifth place, of artificial origin, which is one of the the best resorts Russian coast of the Black Sea.
  • "Sudzhukskaya Spit" (Tsemesskaya Bay, Novorossiysk) - occupying fourth place the beach is a magnificent bay, closed on all sides from the winds.
  • "Dzhemetsky" (Anapa) is one of the best and cleanest beaches on the Black Sea coast of Russia, occupying third place in the ranking, has a gentle smooth descent into the water.
  • "Golden" (Crimea, Feodosia) - a huge 15-kilometer sandy strip about 100 meters wide.
  • "Massandrovsky" (Crimea, Yalta) - the first beach in Crimea, which earned the "blue flag" and occupies first place in the ranking.


Where is the cleanest sea in Russia? Black Sea coast today it is the most popular place among Russians who prefer to rest on the territory of their country. But, as you can see, this is not the most the best option in terms of environmental cleanliness.

Even the White Sea, which was formed about 12,000 years ago, which, by geological standards, speaks of its youth, also needs protection due to the fact that every year the danger of an environmental catastrophe is approaching, affecting most of all the seas on the planet.

The Weddell Sea is a rarely visited and least explored sea of ​​the oceans. Its waters are the cleanest and most transparent among all the seas of the world.

This is the most beautiful area of ​​Antarctica. Here are penguin rookeries, home to many seals and seabirds. edge wildlife and huge icebergs. Unusual place and unusual state sea ​​ice. In the vicinity of the Larsen Ice Shelf, the ice in the Weddell Sea is densely packed, with few patches open water. Compared to the ice in the Weddell Sea itself, the sea ice in the north is very scattered, broken, and thin—north of the Weddell Sea is usually almost free of ice.

Compared to sea ice in the Arctic, Antarctic sea ice generally exhibits greater variability. Unlike Arctic sea ice, which has a limited ocean basin and is surrounded by land, Antarctic sea ice has more space to grow in winter and melt more completely in summer. In addition, Antarctic ice is subject to a wider range of atmospheric influences from land and ocean.

Its land boundaries are defined by the bay, from the coasts of the Land of Palts and the Antarctic Peninsula. The easternmost point is Cape Norway on the coast of Princess Martha (Dronning Maud Land). To the east of Cape Norway is the kingdom of Haakon VII (the coast of East Antarctica).

Much of the sea is covered by a permanent massive field of the Filchner-Ronn Ice Shelf (not pack ice). The sea is in two overlapping Antarctic and UK territorial claims, as well as a territorial claim. At its widest point, the Weddell Sea measures about 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles) and covers an area of ​​2.8 million square kilometers.

The Weddell Sea has been recognized by scientists as having the cleanest and clearest water of any sea in the world. Dutch researchers from the German Alfred Wegener Institute found that the Secchi disc was visible at a depth of 79.86 meters (262 feet) on October 13, 1986, and determined that the clarity matched the purity of distilled water.

In his 1950 book The White Continent, historian Thomas R. Henry writes:
The Weddell Sea, according to all who sailed its velvety waters, is the most treacherous and gloomy region on earth. The Ross Sea is relatively peaceful, predictable and safe compared to the Weddell Sea.

IN icy waters seas, crews were unable to navigate their way until 1949, and traitorous "frost flashes" flatten ships: so the polar explorer who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic, and one of the main figures of this period, known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic exploration, Ernest Shackleton, at the mercy of the ice, was forced to abandon the Endurance.

The sea is named after the Scottish sailor James Weddell, who entered it in 1823 and originally named it after King George IV; but the sea was renamed Weddell in 1900. In 1823 American captain Benjamin Morrell claimed to have seen land about 10-12° east of the actual eastern limit of the sea. He named it New South Greenland, but its existence was disproved when the sea was explored more fully in the early 20th century.

The farthest southern penetration into the Weddell Sea was made by the Scotsman William Spears Bruce in 1903. Otto Nordenskiöld, leader of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition 1901-1904, spent the winter on Snow Hill with a party of four; his ship was crushed by ice. The crew managed to get to Paulet Island, where they spent the winter in a primitive hut. Nordenskiöld and others were finally raised by the Argentine fleet in Hope Bay. All but one survived.

The Antarctic Cape is named after the expedition ship Otto Nordenskiöld. The cape separating the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula from Dundee Island is also called "" because of the huge icebergs that are often seen here. Snowill Island is located to the east of the Antarctic Peninsula. It is almost completely covered in snow, hence its name.

The Weddell Sea is an important area of ​​deep-water mass formation, the main driving force of thermohaline water circulation. Like other neighboring areas of Antarctica, the Weddell Sea has a common geological history with South America.

The Weddell Sea is teeming with whales and seals. Characteristic fauna of the sea includes Weddell and killer whales, fibula whales, leopard seals and crabater seals. Adélie penguin is the dominant species

Reading time: 5 minutes.

The current ecology leaves much to be desired, and resting in a clean, unexplored place would be priceless... BigRating magazine will help you choose the right place for summer holiday from the top of the cleanest seas.

andaman sea

It is located within the Malacca and Indochina peninsulas. Local legends say that the name of this sea comes from the name of the god Anduman, revered in Malaysia. The sea is rich in flora and fauna. There are more than 400 species of fish here alone.

Philippine Sea

Refers to the basin of the seas of the Pacific Ocean. This sea ranks second on the planet in terms of size, since its area is 5726 thousand square meters. kilometers. The Philippine Sea is unique because it does not have a clear land border. hallmark is also low level salt in the water column.

Arabian Sea

The sea has a small area with a huge depth: the area is 4 thousand square meters. kilometers, depth - 6 thousand meters. The most transparent waters can be found off the coast of the Maldives, as well as near the deserted island of Astola. These are the most popular places among fans of ecotourism.

White Sea

This sea is part of the Arctic Ocean and washes the territory of Russia. Moreover, the White Sea is considered the most transparent in Russia. Interesting fact: thanks to a very curved coastline, the sea has a second name - "Bay of snakes".

Mediterranean Sea

Part of the Atlantic Ocean. Status this sea is ambiguous, since its purity is very relative. So, the part of the sea, which belongs to Greece, is quite clean and transparent. At the same time, the coasts of Spain and Italy are incredibly polluted. Moreover, Spain even received a fine for violating environmental regulations.
Luckily, the pollution didn't kill the inhabitants. mediterranean sea. There are approximately 550 species of fish alone.

Cretan Sea

The Cretan Sea is distinguished by its amazing purity. It is thanks to him that northern Crete is so popular, because the waters in that part of the island are incredibly transparent and impeccably clean.

Red sea

In addition to impeccable purity, the waters of the Red Sea are also characterized by extraordinary warmth and high salinity. On average, the water temperature fluctuates within +30, and the salinity is about 42%. The uniqueness of this sea lies in the absence of freshwater tributaries. The bottom is covered with corals, so the sea water has a peculiar shade. Corals also attract a huge number of fish in the sea. Unfortunately, in last years The Red Sea is under the threat of pollution due to waste thrown out annually.

Sargasso Sea

The Sargasso Sea is amazing and unique in its own way, because it has no clear boundaries. The sea has a colossal area - 7 million square meters. kilometers, 6 of which are completely covered with sargassum algae, which gave the name to the water area.

The undisputed leader of the list is the Wedell Sea. The water is translucent 79 meters deep, and this significantly exceeds the performance of other seas. The sea area is 2920 thousand square meters. meters, depth - 6 thousand meters. Wedell's water is extremely cold, since the sea is shrouded in Antarctic glaciers for almost the entire year.

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