Weather conditions in the Dominican Republic today. Dominican Republic: monthly weather and water temperature. When is the best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic? Specifics of summer holidays

Before visiting such exotic destinations, like the Dominican Republic, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the main features of the local climate. After all, in different times Years, temperature, rainfall frequency and humidity vary. In this regard, it may be necessary to adjust the date of the trip, moving it to a time more suitable for recreation and tourism.

The water temperature here fluctuates around 27 degrees throughout the year, which makes this destination incredibly attractive for lovers beach holiday. With the exception of rare storms and typhoons, the sea is ideal for swimming in any season.

Winter - the beginning of the high season

The most favorable climate for relaxation in the Dominican Republic is observed from the end of November and continues until February. Fully installed in December favorable weather, and there is practically no rain. This time seems to be the beginning high season, since the air and water temperatures at this time are the same and reach 26–28 degrees. At night it is somewhat cooler, up to +24, which allows you to take a break from the daytime heat.

The weather in January improves noticeably, precipitation falls only 1–2 times a month, and the thermometer rises to +30. A noticeably decreasing air humidity helps to cope with the heat, and the water temperature reaches +26. At night the temperature drops less than in December and settles around +25 degrees.

In winter, the air temperature in the Dominican Republic reaches only +22 degrees.

February is perhaps the driest and sunniest period. There is no rain at this time, and the air warms up to +26–30 degrees. The nights become noticeably cooler and allow you to take a complete break from the heat. The typical temperature for the dark time of day is around +19, but in some areas like Puerto Plata and Santo Domingo it drops slightly lower. This month seems to be an opportunity to visit this country during the high season.

Spring in the Dominican Republic

Weather conditions here in spring are extremely ambiguous, since at the beginning of the season there is a relatively small amount of rain and high air and water temperatures. However, over time, these indicators deteriorate significantly: it rains more often, and the huge number of different insects makes this period not very suitable for excursions and sightseeing.

In March, it is possible to relax comfortably on the beach, since this month is rightfully considered dry and cloudless. The combination of high daytime temperatures reaching +30 degrees, as well as cool night temperatures, allows you to enjoy all the benefits of a beach holiday. Water in Caribbean and Atlantic coast islands, warms up to +26 degrees, which allows you not to experience any discomfort while swimming.

After a month, in April, it enters full force rainy season lasting until November. This month is characterized by increasing air humidity and rising temperatures, which are very difficult for tourists to tolerate. Starting from this month, insects become more active, which is why you should think about means of protection in advance.

The situation rapidly worsens in May, when air humidity reaches its maximum values ​​and rains occur very often, but their duration is relatively short.

Since May is characterized by a combination of high temperatures and humidity, this month is not suitable for visiting the Dominican Republic.

Summer months on the island

The period is perhaps one of the most severe in terms of climatic conditions, as the rainy season is still ongoing and temperatures are gradually increasing. In June, 2/3 of the entire month falls on rainy days, which makes a normal beach holiday impossible. In addition, visiting attractions and excursions at this time is also not recommended, because the abundance of insects and high humidity create serious inconvenience.

In July, there is a decrease in travel costs, and the number of tourists in the country drops to its minimum. This is due to both the ongoing rainy season and rising air temperatures. A positive aspect is the fact that the sea in July warms up to +28. If you want to visit the country this month, you should make sure that there is an air conditioning system in the hotel where you plan to stay for the holiday period.

If you want to relax in the Dominican Republic in August, you should consider such a decision. After all, it rains constantly this month, and the temperature is +32 making this period the hottest of the year. At night, you won’t be able to completely take a break from the heat, because the air warms up to +23 degrees, and high humidity makes it difficult to stay outdoors. In addition, it is during this period that the island is exposed to strong gusts of wind and hurricanes, which makes staying on the beach or street dangerous. However, you can still find an opportunity for a beach holiday, especially if you plan a visit to the coast in the morning.

Autumn and rainy season

The onset of autumn in the Dominican Republic is almost not felt, since the rains continue constantly, and high humidity does not allow you to feel a slight drop in air temperature.

The climate of the Dominican Republic in September involves thunderstorms and hurricanes, which must be kept in mind when planning a trip for this period.

Similar phenomena are especially frequent on the southern coast of the island. However, the low cost of the trip and the modest number of tourists make it possible to compensate for such unsuitable conditions for recreation.

But in October the rainy season gradually begins to fade away, and sunny days making local residents happy more and more often. The weather at this time is terribly changeable and rain can start at any moment. That's why best choice tourists will enjoy short walks, as well as relaxation in hotels on the coast.

The holiday season begins in November, due to rapidly improving weather conditions. November here seems to be an unpredictable period, since, despite the gradual stabilization, the weather is still capable of presenting unpleasant surprises to tourists. However, towards the end of the month the rains stop completely, delighting travelers with cloudless skies and characteristic heat.

We'll tell you when is the best time to go to the Dominican Republic to catch the ideal season for a vacation. Let's break it down by month. Read this to avoid the rainy season.

The Dominican Republic has found fans among amateurs different types recreation. On the one hand, it attracts active tourists with a mixture of history, authentic culture and incredible natural beauty. On the other hand, the Dominican Republic is an ideal destination for those who prefer package tours and a stress-free experience. Although this country has a rainy season, you can come to the Dominican Republic all year round. The main rule is to know climatic features every month.

Comfortable season in the Dominican Republic

In the Dominican Republic there is a holiday season that begins at and ends at. It is during these months that rain in the Dominican Republic is rare, and the sun is almost never hidden behind the clouds.

December - January

While winter is in full swing in many countries around the world, the dry and sunny season begins in the Dominican Republic. The daytime temperature of +30 °C is conducive to relaxing on the coast, and the nights are pleasantly warm - about +20 °C. Almost nothing reminds us of the last rainy season, strong wind There are no things that could ruin your vacation. The water at this time is heated to +27 °C. In December, precipitation in the Dominican Republic is rare, and after a short rain the sun immediately appears. This happens most often on the north coast. So, in Puerto Plata it will be a couple of degrees cooler than in the resort of La Romana.


In April, there are noticeably fewer tourists in the Dominican Republic. This is the last month before the start of the wet season, but there are no showers or strong winds yet. The night temperature is about +18 °C, during the day the thermometer shows +28 °C, and the water is heated to +26 °C. When choosing a resort, it is worth considering that in the north the humidity increases noticeably - it can be stuffy and less comfortable here than in previous months. Rapid weather changes make themselves felt, and there is a high probability of rain. But the precipitation is not so heavy as to ruin your vacation. April - great time to enjoy a beach holiday in the Dominican Republic, diluting it with diving, excursions or exploring wildlife.

Rainy season in the Dominican Republic by month

The beginning of the rainy season does not mean that you will have to give up traveling to the Dominican Republic. You can still swim here, and the prices for vacations are noticeably reduced.


The humidity rises sharply, but a light wind makes it easier to bear. The air temperature fluctuates and depends on the location of the resort. For example, in Puerto Plata it is +19 °C at night and +28 °C during the day. In La Romana the air is heated to +31 °C, and in cities far from the coast - up to + 33 °C. The water is heated to a comfortable +26 °C. As for a beach holiday, it is better to choose resorts caribbean. There are much fewer waves here than in Atlantic Ocean. Windsurfing enthusiasts should choose resorts near the ocean.


The wind on the Dominican coast becomes gusty, and rain showers occur more often. But not everything is so hopeless, although the weather in June is changeable: rainy days give way to dry ones. On the north coast high humidity, so it is better to choose southern or eastern resorts. The air temperature in most cities is +31 °C, the water is heated to +26 °C. When weather permits, you can go swimming or diving. If the sea is rough, it comes best period for surfers.

July August

These months in the Dominican Republic are not the most ideal time for a beach holiday. Therefore, there are fewer and fewer tourists on the coast due to increased wind, rain and storms. Also in August, hurricane season begins here and will end. The air temperature is little different from what it was in June. But the weather is unpredictable, and tourists better have backup options. On clear days you can spend time on the coast. If the weather turns bad, it will be a good time to explore the Dominican Republic. You can rent a car and travel around the most interesting places this country, visit museums and spend time in traditional restaurants.


In September-November the Dominican Republic is hot and humid. Dry days give way to storms and hurricane winds. On the southern coast the thermometer shows +32 °C, the water is heated to +27 °C. But in the north, which is more exposed to the influence of winds, during the day the air warms up to +28 °C. In the evening the air quickly cools to +19 °C. Yet there are differences between these months. Towards the end, the heat subsides a little - you can not only sunbathe on the beach, but also go on excursions. By the end of November, on the eve of the high season, there are fewer weather surprises in the Dominican Republic.

When to go to the Dominican Republic on vacation

For those who prefer stability, it is better to buy a tour to the Dominican Republic in December-April, when you can enjoy all the benefits of a holiday on the heavenly beaches. If you want to save money and see the sights of Central Dominican Republic, where there is noticeably less rainfall, you can plan your trip during the rainy season. For a beach holiday in low season It is worth choosing resorts in the Caribbean, where showers are less frequent than on the ocean coast.

The Dominican Republic is a country with a tropical climate. Where the summer rainy season gives way to a dry and mild winter season.

It is also worth noting that the weather conditions on the island itself differ significantly, depending on the location you choose. The most popular resort is located in the south of the Dominican Republic, in the city of Punta Cana (Bavaro). The temperature here is higher than in the north of the country, and there is much less precipitation. This is what makes this place so attractive to tourists.

Below we provide a table with the average temperature in Punta Cana (Bavaro)

Weather in the Dominican Republic (Punta Cana)

Average temperature during the day

Average temperature at night

Water temperature



The best time to visit the country is winter period(from November to April). At this time, the least amount of precipitation falls, and short-term rains are quickly replaced by the scorching sun. You'll also be less likely to encounter algae on the beach and will be able to take in one of the most amazing excursions - humpback whales (swimming from late January to mid-March).

An interesting feature of the Dominican Republic that will help make your vacation better: even if it’s cloudy and rainy outside, you just need to drive 15 minutes in any direction to get to a sunny and hot day. And your day will probably become sunny and hot.

Rain season. Although the Dominican Republic belongs to tropical countries, but the amount of precipitation that falls here differs significantly from Asian countries located at the same latitude. And the rains during this period are so short-lived and insignificant that many local residents they forget about its existence.

Hurricane season- coincides with the rainy season and passes rather imperceptibly. During this period, small cyclones may be observed near the Dominican Republic, bringing cloudy and windy days to the island.

Also, we have compiled for you short table what awaits you in the Dominican Republic during the period you choose.


High season (mildest climate)


Rain season

Hurricane season


Whatever month you choose for your holiday, the Dominican Republic will greet you with a mild climate, snow-white beaches and people sparkling with positivity.

The weather by month is presented in the temperature table and in tourist reviews; in June in Santo Domingo 31°C, Punta Cana 30°C.

The climate of the Dominican Republic is tropical, so tourists are attracted by the gorgeous hot weather, and beautiful landscapes and sea. It is worth noting that the Dominican Republic is one of the most expensive resort destinations in the world. The Dominican Republic is famous not only for its tropical climate, but also for its privacy, beauty, as well as high service and first-class hotels. The Dominican Republic is characterized, among other things, by a humid climate. It is worth noting that it is always summer in the state, so tourists can visit this country at any time convenient for them, regardless of the season.

Average statistical air temperatures in the Dominican Republic show the thermometer at +28+31°C; you can take a break from the daytime heat by taking an evening or night walk; at night the air temperature drops to +22°C. During the day, as a rule, tourists spend their time on the beach or by the pool, and at night the most interesting things begin: festivities, exotic entertainment, bars, restaurants, as well as a variety of entertainment shows. During the day, rains practically do not spoil the rest of tourists. The main rainy season occurs in the northern part of the Dominican Republic. An afternoon or evening shower passes very quickly, and thanks to high temperature, moisture evaporates quickly. Weather in the Dominican Republic in July: Santo Domingo 31°C, Punta Cana 31°C.

The Dominican Republic is located in the zone tropical climate. The weather varies from month to month in the Dominican Republic. Having studied the features of each period, you can choose the most best time to relax in this beautiful country. But even at the height of the rainy season, you can sunbathe and swim in the sea here. Several things attract tourists to this country:

  • magnificent beaches;
  • the cleanest sea;
  • carnivals and other exciting entertainment;
  • Great opportunities for diving and other water sports.

For each of these activities, you can choose the most favorable period. If you are interested in everything at once, go to Dominican Republic in winter.

Month t air day/night
t water
Number of rainy days
January +30°C /+19°C +26°C ~7
February +29°C /+20°C +26°C ~6
March +30°C /+20°C +26°C ~5
April +30°C /+21°C +26°C ~7
May +30°C /+22°C +26°C ~12
June +31°C /+23°C +27°C ~12
July +31°C /+23°C +28°C ~11
August +32°C /+23°C +28°C ~11
September +31°C /+23°C +29°C ~11
October +31°C /+22°C +29°C ~11
november +31°C /+20°C +29°C ~9
December +28…+30°C /+20°C +27°C ~8

Winter in the Dominican Republic

Reviews about holidays in the Dominican Republic in winter are extremely good. Winter months in this country the majority gives preference. And this is completely understandable, because the weather in the country in winter is ideal for everyone to relax. It’s not too hot here, it rarely rains, the sea is warm - all the ingredients have a great holiday on the beach.

December– the beginning of the “high season”. Hurricanes, thunderstorms, heat and rain go away. If it rains, it starts at 14.00, rarely at 17.00 and ends quickly. Thunderstorms are possible, but they are rare and occur at night. December is the month in which the price of tours to the Dominican Republic increases significantly. But the number of inhabitants northern countries eager to escape from harsh winter to the gentle sun and warm sea increases every year.

January weather is comfortable. Happy average temperature The air is hot, at night the thermometer rarely drops below +19°C. January– the height of the “high season”. The country is ideal for spending the New Year holidays.

IN February The Dominican Republic is very dry, with only 42 mm of precipitation. It rains mainly at 17.00.

Spring in the Dominican Republic

In spring, the “high season” ends and the rainy season begins. But the weather conditions are still comfortable, and the opportunities for recreation are good. Reviews about holidays in the country in spring are good. From April, prices for travel packages begin to decrease slightly, and therefore many people decide to spend their holidays in the Dominican Republic in the spring.

March gives ideal conditions for those who love to sunbathe. Quantity sundial in the day the largest is 7.4. March is also very comfortable for swimming; the Caribbean Sea warms up well. The number of rainy days in March rarely exceeds 5, but the air humidity is slightly higher compared to winter and reaches 60%.

March is interesting not only because of the opportunity to sunbathe on the country's beaches. It is also good for sightseeing.

March will also delight you with the abundance of holidays, which are bright and interesting in the country. Arriving here at the beginning of March, you will still have time to have fun at the carnival, dedicated to the day independence of the Dominican Republic.

March will also delight fans of classical music. In Santo Domingo, in the first ten days of the month, a very interesting International festival. The most interesting concerts take place at the National Theater, so it’s worth bringing evening dresses for your vacation.

March is the end of the “high season”; many people are trying to snatch the opportunity to enjoy ideal weather conditions and the prices of tours will be high. It is worth booking tours for March in advance.

April– the month in which the rainy season officially begins in the Dominican Republic. But air humidity increases by only 2% compared to March. Thunderstorms are extremely rare and pass in the late afternoon. The sea water is warm.

weather in May continues to be hot. But the beginning of the rainy season can be felt palpably. Average air humidity is 65%, the number of rainy days per month doubles. Precipitation should be expected at dawn or in the evening. The sea, as always, is warm.

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