St. Anne's Church, Budapest. About the place Church of St. Anna. Great Synagogue of Budapest

Dam Sen Amusement Park is the largest in Ho Chi Minh City. Not its area of ​​50 hectares has everything that has been invented in the leisure industry today. Moreover, all kinds of attractions, a water park, various shows, a bird garden, a lot of cafes - all this is located in beautiful garden and park areas among many lakes and ponds.

"Dam Sen" - favorite place family holiday, so on weekends it is full of city dwellers with children. But on weekdays, tourists can try out all the entertainment. The infrastructure is divided into 30 zones, each attractive in its own way.

Vietnam Water Park has an incredible number of water activities for any age and courage. The amusement park has breathtaking slides, a huge Ferris wheel and dozens of less extreme amusements. In the Vietnamese analogue of the park jurassic you can see about 200 life-size dinosaur models, up to four meters high. Most of them are moving.

You can spend time in the park without attractions: take a walk in the orchid garden, look at a small copy of the Zak Vien pagoda, visit the contact mini-zoo, puppet show, ride a boat on the numerous lakes of the park. On one of the lakes you can fish, on the other you can feed the crocodiles from a special boat.

An ice town is considered exotic. The room is covered, it constantly maintains sub-zero temperatures. Here you can see ice sculptures of world-famous buildings and various animals. For lovers of physical education, a well-equipped sports Complex.

In the evening, the park hosts a show of singing fountains and a laser show - enchantingly beautiful.

Since the territory of Dam Sen is huge, there are means of transportation for every taste: a monorail, an electric car, a four-wheeled bicycle, and even a vintage train.

It seems that today I will finally master the last part of the almost two-year-old Marleson ballet, i.e. a story about Budapest in the summer of 2009. I can't even believe it - it was a global trip, judging by the photo parts that I went through. :)
The last part will be devoted to cathedrals, temples and churches, which are countless in Budapest. Although, probably, as in any other European city.
About the main cathedral of Budapest - the Basilica of St. Stephen, so I'll start with the other most important cathedral of the city, towering on the Castle Hill - the Church of St. Matthias.
Unfortunately, when I was in Budapest, the building was almost entirely scaffolded, which hid the main beauty of the cathedral.
The first church on this site was erected as early as 1015. During its history, the church was rebuilt many times, was conquered by the Turks and turned into a mosque, recaptured, and between 1874 and 1896, a large-scale reconstruction of the building was carried out under the direction of the architect Fridesh Schulek, the main goal of which was to bring appearance churches to the original Gothic look of the 13th century. During the reconstruction, a number of surviving medieval fragments were discovered, which were built into the new building of the temple. In the church of St. Matthias held the coronations of the last Hungarian monarchs (the Habsburg dynasty), including Franz Joseph I and his wife Elisabeth.

We will continue to walk around the old town on the top of the Buda Hill.
Opposite the Matthias Church is the ugly huge building of the Hilton Hotel.
The ruins of a 13th-century Dominican monastery and part of the church with the Miklós tower are part of the hotel. How do you like this neighborhood of styles? :)

There, on the Castle Hill, is the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, or rather, what was left of it after the bombings during the Second World War. And there is not so much left - the bell tower and one Gothic window, which rises above the foundation. Looks pretty unusual.
Bell tower.


Also part of the church, but I don't remember which one...

The Baroque Church of St. Anne on the corner of Bathany Square is one of the most beloved churches in Budapest. Well, at least that's what the guidebooks say. The church is rather strange, in my opinion... some guidebooks write that the architect is unknown, others call the architects K. Hamon, M. Nepower. Above the entrance are sculptures symbolizing Faith, Hope and Love. But, to be honest, I was more attracted by the Masonic symbol between the towers... For some reason, the Internet is silent about this detail of the exterior of the church...

Calvinist-Reformed Church on the banks of the Danube.
There will be a wedding here.

Now let's move on to Pest. There is another very unusual Calvinist church here. Address: Városligeti fasor, 5-7 [Varosligeti Fasor]. It is decorated with colorful tiles in the Hungarian national style, both outside and (according to the guidebook) inside. It was built in 1913, and its design combines Hungarian and Finnish motifs. The portico is decorated with ceramic tiles in the Hungarian folk style.

And this is the Lutheran church on the same street. Her address is Városligeti fasor, 17 [Varosligeti Fasor]. The church was built in neo-gothic style in 1905.

Church of St. Elizabeth of the Arpad dynasty. Here I walked already on the very last day, a few hours before flying home.

Opposite the church is the square of roses. It is not easy to call it that, roses really bloom here. :)

Some small church directly opposite.

The first parish church of Pest - the Church in Belváros, is located on south side Marciusz square.

Ferencvárosi Assisi Szent Ferenc Templom

Jezus Társasaga Magyarorszagi Rendtartomanya

Another church on the way to the airport.

Church of St. Anne in Budapest (Hungary) - description, history, location. The exact address and website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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The elegant Baroque church of St. Anne towers stately over historical square Batthyani, although everything went to the fact that this ancient part of Buda would remain without the usual dominant. Its construction was begun by the Jesuits in 1740, and it was completed only in the next century - the Catholic order had already ceased to exist, and architectural styles others dominated. Subsequently, the temple suffered from floods and fires more than once. In the middle of the 20th century, the church was in such a terrible state that it was intended to be demolished to lay the subway line. But - still preserved and restored. Now the church of St. Anna is one of the most beautiful on the left bank of the Danube.

What to see

Temple, perhaps main monument Baroque in Budapest. The church is made according to the canons of the unique "Danube school", so the impression that you have already seen similar ones in the Czech Republic or Slovakia is not deceptive. This style is characterized by a three-level facade with an abundance of details, but in the church of St. Anne there are even more of them. Above the main portal there are three statues, symbolizing faith, hope and love, and a little higher in a niche is a sculpture of the Virgin Mary. Between the towers, right in the middle - a triangle with an all-seeing eye, "guarded" by two angels and the old coat of arms of Buda. Another feature of St. Anne's Church is its two patina-covered bell towers. They are exactly the same, even the clocks on both show the same time.

St. Anne's Church is famous for its excellent acoustics and organ, so classical concerts are often given within its walls.

Inside the church is also impressive - it combines authentic decoration of the 18th century and new details that have appeared in our time. The gilded altar, created in 1773, is decorated with skillful marble columns, icons and a sculptural group "Entering the Temple". A small dome is covered with frescoes made already in the 1930s.

Great Synagogue, St. Anne's Church, F. Liszt Museum, Mammoth Shopping Center, sights and interesting places Budapest, scheduled to independently visit today. The weather is hot this summer, so walks along the pedestrian streets are overshadowed not by rain, but by the hot sun. The itinerary of the day was drawn up the night before, it did not take into account only where we would have a snack. Since we had no recommendations, and there are enough cafes around the city, the decision is made on the spot based on our desires. In the morning it was decided to swim in the pools. Széchenyi, as the hotel is located near the baths.

Day six (Tuesday)

  • Walk along Andrassy street /Andrassy utca
  • Franz Liszt Museum / Liszt Ferenc Memorial House (Vorosmarty u.35) (
  • Great Synagogue and Memorial Park /Zsinagoga(Dohany u.2-8)
  • Walk along the streets of Karolyl M., Szerb utca, Vaci utca
  • Károlyi Palace (Museum of Hungarian Literature and S. Petőfi) / Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum (
  • Angolkisasszonyok Temploma Church (
  • Calvinist Church/Szulagyi Dezso ter reformatus templom (
  • Church of St. Anna / Szent Anna templom
  • Shopping mall Mammoth / Mammut (

From the Hosok tere square, you can walk along Andrassi/Andrassy utca street and see the villas that are located on both sides of the street, they now house embassies and hotels, we went to one of these villas to visit the Asian Museum/Hopp Ferenc Kelet-Azsia, but it turned out that it only works Thursday-Sunday, so we couldn’t see it and went further to the F. Liszt Museum-Apartment / Liszt Ferenc Memorial House, which is located on the same street near the metro station Vorosmarty utca entrance from Vorosmarty utca 35.

Entrance fees (adult) - 1200Ft.

Entrance fees (student) - 600 Ft.

The museum is small, it is located on the second floor of the house, it has three rooms where the composer's things and a piano are presented.

Great Synagogue of Budapest

After going to the metro station "Oktogon" or more precisely to Terez krt. We got on tram number 4 or number 6, got to Blaha Lujza ter metro station, changed to bus number 7 (although there are a lot of them), we probably had to drive 2 stops to Astoria metro station, got off the bus, went around the building on the right side and came to Bolshaya synagogue / Zsinagoga.

Great Synagogue of Budapest
Interior of the Great Synagogue of Budapest
Hungary Great Synagogue

Ticket price for synagogue and memorial park (adult) – 2650 Ft.

Ticket price (student) - 1900 Ft.

Tour of the Synagogue English language, you can take pictures. Great synagogue in Budapest is considered the second largest in the world, inside is very beautiful.

In the courtyard of the Great Synagogue there is a monument in the form of a metal weeping willow. Each leaf has Jewish surname a man who became a victim of the Nazis.

Monument to the victims of the Holocaust

Not far from the synagogue there is a very interesting house, you just don’t pass by it.

Hungary Budapest House of seasons or House with mosaics
Budapest House of Seasons or Mosaic House

On the Internet, it is called as the "House of the Seasons" or "The House with a Mosaic" because of the image of girls in different times years and made images from the mosaic. The house is located on Károly körút.

Further, our path was to the Museum of Hungarian Literature and S. Petofi / Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum, since it was located in the Károlyi Palace (residence of the first President). We came to the same Astoria stop, took bus number 5 and drove to Ferenciek tere (metro) square. We got off the bus and walked along Karolyl M.utca to the museum.

Entrance fees (adult) - 600Ft.

Entrance fees (student) - 300 Ft.

The museum occupies a small part of the palace, it presents the things of Hungarian writers, almost all under glass. I liked one exposition, where the heroes of the 19th century seem to be talking to each other (in Hungarian).

Concerts are also held in the palace, but this is already in other halls.

The weather was good, so it was possible to take a walk: we turned onto Szerb unca and walked along it to Vaci utca,

Vaci Pedestrian Street / Vaci utca

On the way we visited the church Angolkisasszonyok Temploma at Vaci utca 47/b.

Angolkisasszonyok Temploma Church

It was built sometime between 1700 and 1765. Further along Vaci utca we reached Szabad sajto utca, i.e. came to Ferenciek tere square.

We had to visit another Szulagyi Dezso church, which we were interested in during the excursion on the boat.

Therefore, we took bus number 7, crossed the bridge over the Danube and took tram number 19 or number 41 (the board shows where you can change) and drove along the embankment to Hatazs utca. On the way we stopped at the Hungarian Heritage House and also looked at the Calvinist Church / Szulagyi Dezso ter reformatus templom. This church is unusual in architecture and its interior decoration.

Calvinist church in Budapest

Then we reached Batthyany ter Square, went into Church of St. Anne/Szent Anna template. This church has a beautiful baroque interior.

From Batthyany ter square, take the subway to Szeil Kalman ter to the Mammut shopping center. I liked this shopping center most of all both for its design and for the shops that it has. Lots of restaurants, near the market where you can buy fruit.

Mammoth Shopping Center / Mammut

After visiting Mammut, we returned by tram number 4 to Oktogon and by subway to Hosok tere.

In the evening we walked along the other part of Vaci utca and the Danube embankment.

Cave Church in Gellert Hill is one of the caves located under Gallert Hill. It is known that the cave was used as a shelter in ancient times. But due to all sorts of wars and population changes, historical objects that have been here for thousands of years have not been preserved in the cave.

Once upon a time in the Middle Ages, a hermit named Istvan lived in the cave. According to legend, he could treat people for diseases with water from a cave source. Today, this water is destined for the Gellert Baths, which is on the other side. Subsequently, Istvan was colonized, and the cave became known as St. Stephen's Cave.

In the 19th century, a very poor family, the head of the family at the entrance to the cave built a small adobe house, the cave was used as a backyard. A famous painting by Michal Mayr from 1860 depicted given family and a cave.

The founding of the cave church took place in 1924, when a group of Paullin monks made a pilgrimage to Lourdes. In 1925 the cave was redone. Pauline monks lived in the cave for 17 years.

Nowadays, the church cave has acquired the status of a museum, and many tourists visit this historical place with pleasure!

Church of St. Anne

The church of St. Anne is built in the Baroque style, if you go inside, you will see several statues of the Virgin Mary, as well as St. Anne and other saints. The church captivates with its unsurpassed beauty.

The church has oval frescoed ceilings and wonderful altar statues.

There are also two bell towers in it, the sound of which is emitted throughout the district, and near the main entrance there are benches for parishioners, where you can also relax.

This place is considered very popular among tourists, as well as local residents By visiting the church you will experience many positive emotions.

Serbian church Graboc

Graboc is a wonderful town located in the western part of the Hills Zhekzhard district, nine kilometers east of the town of Bonyhada. Back in 1300, there was a small village known for its Serbian Orthodox monastery. In 1580 fugitive Turks moved here and built the first wooden church. Already in 1587, with the permission of Pasha Buda, it was restored and rebuilt from stone. By the end of the 18th century, the local Serbian population, together with the Germans of the Catholic faith, added a chapel to the temple and completely expanded the building so that it could accommodate all the parishioners.

In 1974, the monastery with the church ceased to exist, the government made social homes out of them, in which elderly citizens lived. After the change of power in 1994, the temple was returned to the monks, to this day services are conducted here, and a church parish is open. The main building of the church is built on two floors. last time it was modified during the reconstruction of 1787.

On the way to the monastery you will pass through an old stone bridge. Previously, this was the only crossing of a large stream, but now it has begun to dry up. In the temple itself, you can see unique icons of the 18th century, painted by Hungarian monks. Most of them were restored in 1922.

Matyasha Church

Everyone who enters Matthias Church will be impressed by her interior decoration, especially colored stained-glass windows and wall paintings by artists K. Szekely and B. Lotz.

In the temple stands the sarcophagus of King Bela III, who survived the Turkish yoke, as well as the royal gallery, in which the members of royal family during worship. The church is decorated from the inside with several chapels in honor of the Hungarian saints - Istvan, Laszlo, Imre and Gellert. The church also houses a museum of religious art.

Church of St. Matthias

Catholic church in Budapest, part of the Buda Castle complex. It was built in the magnificent late Gothic style in the second half of the 14th century. And

In the 13th century, the Church was burned down, then the new rulers changed something or completed construction.

The names of King Bela IV, Louis the Great, Matthias Korvin are inscribed in the history book of the church. During the time of the latter, the church began to be called the Church of St. Matthias.

The church was heavily destroyed during the Ottoman yoke, according to legend, during the war the wall that led to the secret room collapsed and the Turks saw the statue Holy Mother of God, they left the city on the same day, believing that they had been given a sign from above.

Restoration work began in the 19th century, after which the church had to acquire the form that it had in the 13th century.

The architect Friedesh Schulek was the head of the church, he successfully managed to combine medieval fragments with new ones, and supplemented them with elements stylized as Gothic.

Inside the church there are colored stained glass windows, wall paintings, mosaics, decorated chapels, sculptures and columns.

Outside, you can see the beautiful central gate and the 80-meter bell tower, and in the church of St. Matthias itself, King Bela III and his wife Anna Shatillonskaya are buried.

The church is known for the coronation of Franz Joseph and his wife Elisabeth.

Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria

The Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria, more commonly called the Church of Thabana (due to the area in which it is located) is one of the rare remnants of the beautiful old quarter that was located south of the Castle, near the Buda side of the Elisabeth Bridge.

Sights of Budapest

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