Prince Andrew son of Elizabeth II. Members of the British Royal Family. Red-haired beast with a ruby ​​ring

Prince Andrew, Duke of York, British Prince, Rear Admiral.

Prince Andrew: "Azerbaijan is a country of 'great opportunities' and the more British politicians and commercial enterprises get in touch with colleagues from Azerbaijan, the greater will be the material benefits.”


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Is Prince Andrew being pleasured in Baku by a "blind Russian masseur"?

An article in the British The Independent says that Prince Andrew, Duke of York's close personal relationship with Azerbaijan is "unacceptable and shameful." The newspaper writes that the regime "bathed in petrodollars" has "stained itself with repressions and violations of human rights." Therefore, the desire of the prince to cooperate with Baku is “incomprehensible and inexcusable”, and close friendship with the “Absheron dictator”, considered one of the most cruel and corrupt leaders in the world, is also “shameful”.

However, the chest opens easily. According to another newspaper, The Telegraph, "the Duke of York continues to have a personal interest in Azerbaijan." In particular, he is closely connected with the golf resort being created on the Caspian coast, but, of course, the “personal interests” of the second son of the queen are much more extensive.

In Baku, the prince is received royally. For example, Ilham Aliyev took him to his own “luxury spa center, where a blind Russian masseur works, rumored to be the best in the world.” It is no coincidence that “Prince Andrew has visited President Aliyev eight times over the past five years.” He also invites the British ambassador to Baku to Buckingham Palace, demanding reports on the situation in Azerbaijan.

“We can only hope that Prince Andrew… will use these 'private meetings' at Buckingham Palace to convince the ambassador of the need to express serious concern about the many human rights violations in Azerbaijan,” said Amnesty International spokeswoman Natalia Nozadze. How naive some people can be!



According to The Guardian, Azerbaijani newspapers call Prince Andrew a "dear guest" who intends to visit Baku in the summer.

On Monday, after Prince Andrew lobbied in favor of increasing business cooperation between Britain and Azerbaijan, a storm of negative publications swept around his name. The newspaper called Azerbaijan an authoritarian regime in Central Asia, which is accused of repressions against demonstrators.

Despite concern over his willingness to do business with foreign dictators, the prince met with Conservative MP Mark Field, who heads the Parliamentary Friendship Group for Azerbaijan, and asked to lobby for more British investment in Azerbaijan. Field told the Guardian that Prince Andrew told him that Azerbaijan was a Cinderella with enormous potential.

The prince's behavior will raise questions about whether he is using his position for British or foreign interests.

Field and Buckingham Palace denied suggestions that the prince is taking steps based on the interests of the Azerbaijani leadership.


British Prince Andrew and his Baku connections

The close attention of the British edition of the Independent was attracted by the long-term ties between the Duke of York Andrew and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, who, according to the newspaper, "is called one of the most cruel and corrupt leaders in the world," the BBC Russian service reports. The Independent says Prince Andrew has recently officially been Britain's special envoy for trade and investment.

However, according to the publication, "lavish spending on taxpayer-funded private jets, not to mention his many reprehensible friendships with disreputable leaders and convicted pedophiles" forced Prince Andrew to resign. “The expenses of one of his visits to Azerbaijan included the rental of a private jet, which cost 60,000 pounds (nearly $100,000),” the Independent explains.

Officially, the prince was supposed to promote British business abroad. However, in practice, the newspaper notes, his activities "brought embarrassment and embarrassment to the government." “Over the past five years, Prince Andrew has visited President Aliyev eight times. According to sources at Buckingham Palace, all of his dealings with Azerbaijan and other countries accused of violating human rights in recent years have been through the British government, ”writes the Independent.

“The media in Azerbaijan have been circulating rumors for a long time that the prince has his own business interests in the region, including a golf club on the coast of the Caspian Sea. Buckingham Palace denies such rumors. Even in retirement, the Independent has found that the Duke of York continues to demand reports on the situation in Azerbaijan directly from the British ambassador in Baku, whom he recently had a face-to-face meeting with inviting him to the palace.

"We can only hope that Prince Andrew ... uses these 'private meetings' at Buckingham Palace to convince the ambassador of the need to express serious concern over the many human rights violations in Azerbaijan," Amnesty International spokeswoman Natalia Nozadze told the Independent.

Prince Andrew is heir to the English throne. Served in navy. Has the rank of Rear Admiral. His full name- Andrew Albert Christian Edward.

Biography of the prince

Prince Andrew was born on February 19, 1960. According to the Chinese calendar, it was the year of the Rat. He became the third child in the family of the British Queen Elizabeth II after Prince Charles and Princess Anne.

From childhood, he was brought up in Buckingham Palace and was perceived as one of the likely heirs to the throne. Now, however, such a development option is practically impossible. He is 6th in the order of succession to the British crown.

Title of the Duke of York

At the age of 26, he was granted the title of duke. It happened on the day Prince Andrew married Sarah Ferguson. This is the title given by the kings of England and later Great Britain to members of their families. It has been leading its history since the end of the 14th century. Almost always it is received by the second son of the monarch. During this time, an exception was made only once. The name of the title comes from the British city of York, located in the county of North Yorkshire.

The title was first given in 1385 to Edmund Langley, the fourth son of Edward III. He became the founder of the House of York. A war broke out between this dynasty and the Lancasters in the 15th century, known as the War of the Scarlet and White Roses.

The military confrontation, which lasted from 1455 to 1487, ended with the triumph of the Tudors, who marked the beginning of the New Age in English history.

Today, Prince Andrew is the Duke of York.

Unhappy marriage

The duke's wife was the famous English writer and philanthropist Sarah Ferguson. She is actively engaged social activities is a TV presenter and film producer. At the time of her marriage, she was 27 years old.

She was born in London to Major Ronald Ferguson and his wife Susan. After the divorce, her mother married a polo player and moved permanently to Argentina.

Sarah received an excellent education at the College of Royal Secretaries and has been working in a public relations company since the age of 18.

The wedding of Prince Andrew and Sarah took place in Westminster Abbey. After her marriage, she became the Duchess of York. However, the marriage was not successful. After 10 years they divorced. During this time they gave birth to two children - Beatrice and Eugene.

After breaking up with Andrew, Sarah lost her royal title, but retained her ducal one. She can part with him only in the event of a second marriage. Prince Andrew, Duke of York, whose personal life worries most British subjects, after the divorce decided not to start a new relationship. To this day, he remains single.

Another interesting fact about the duchess. In the popular series Friends, in the fourth season, she made a cameo appearance when Joey asks for compliments on Chandler's hat. There is a clear allusion to the passion for headdresses of the current British Queen Elizabeth II.

Eldest daughter

Prince Andrew's children this moment are members of the royal family, are seventh and eighth respectively in the list of succession to the throne.

The eldest daughter, Beatrice, was born in 1988. She was educated at Winsor School. As a child, she was a quiet and withdrawn child. The big tragedy was the divorce of the parents, the separation from the mother happened when she was 8 years old. At the same time, she attracted the eyes of others with her modesty, natural beauty and charm. Over time, she became one of the most talked about beauties of the British Empire.

Unlike many other children of royalty, especially outside the UK, Beatrice lives a full life, often appears in public. She loves to go to fashion shows.

Work experience, which all members of the royal family must receive, Beatrice acquired at the age of 19 in a popular London supermarket. She served important clients. She spent a month at this job without getting paid for it.

In 2009, her car was stolen from the parking lot while the princess herself went shopping. Despite the fact that the car was left open and with the keys in the ignition, many were surprised by the theft of the car. After all, it was an exclusive BMW with unique numbers. This gift was made by her father - Prince Andrew.

At the age of 19, just like her mother, she appeared on television. Beatrice played an episodic role in Jean-Marc Vallee's drama Young Victoria. She played one of the royal ladies-in-waiting.

Today in the UK, the issue of the expediency of maintaining the royal family is being actively discussed. Only the protection of princesses annually takes a lot of budgetary money. At the same time, Beatrice often leads nightlife, visits clubs and discos.

Princess Eugenie

British Princess Eugenie is eighth in the British crown's list of succession to the throne. She was born in 1990.

Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson baptized their daughter at St. Magdalene Church. This was the first public baptism of a royal in the history of the British crown. She has the title of princess.

In her full name, she goes by the name Victoria. It was the will of the famous British Queen Victoria, but few of her descendants in the female line carried it out. Eugenie became the first Princess Victoria since the time of Princess Marie, who lived at the beginning of the 20th century.

Order of succession

Prince Andrew, son of Elizabeth II, is sixth in the line of succession to the British crown. The current monarch is followed by the son of Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, who is already 68 years old. It is he who, in the event of the death of his mother, will become the British monarch.

The next two of his sons on this list are William and Harry. William has the title of Duke of Cambridge, he is 34 years old. He was born from the marriage of Prince Charles to Princess Diana. He graduated from Eton College, visited many countries of the world, even reached Chile. Labor service took place on a British dairy farm.

Getting a second higher education, defended his thesis on coral reefs. His second university was the Scottish University of St. Andrew. And after that he did not leave his studies, he decided to receive military education. At the Royal Military Academy he was awarded the rank of officer, served in the air force.

He is currently serving in a rescue helicopter with the rank of captain.

Prince Harry scandals

His brother Prince Harry is the Prince of Wales, as is his father Prince Charles. He is 32 years old. At the same time, in the future, the title of Duke of York will most likely pass to him, since Andrew has no sons. It is followed by the glory of a difficult child, constantly getting into trouble. At the age of 17, he was caught using marijuana. Like his brother, he graduated from Eton College and went to travel the world. Traveled to Australia and Africa.

On the Black Continent, he made a documentary about the plight of orphans in one of the poorest countries in the world - Lesotho.

In 2005 he got another into one scandalous situation, to which for a long time received close attention from the press. He came to a private costume party in military uniform German Wehrmacht with a swastika on the sleeve. As a result, he had to issue a formal apology through mass media.

In 2011, media attention was again riveted to him, but this time on a positive occasion. Prince Harry tried himself as a broker on the world stock exchange and closed the largest deal in the world - for 18 billion euros.

In 2012, he was on a business trip to a British military base in Afghanistan. According to the tabloids, it was Prince Harry who flew the Apache helicopter that destroyed one of the leaders of the Taliban terrorist movement.

Title transfer

Most likely, it will not be possible to inherit your title to its current bearer. Prince Andrew, Duke of York has no official sons. Therefore, after his death, the title will return to the crown and in the future may be assigned to another person of royal blood.

This will happen if Andrew does not marry again and have a son. Only in this case will a new, young Duke of York appear.

Personal coat of arms

Britain's Prince Andrew has his own coat of arms. It is based on the coat of arms of the United Kingdom, like the rest of the royal family.

The emblem itself is a shield divided into four parts. Diagonally, in the first and fourth fields, is the English coat of arms - three golden leopards are depicted there. In another part - the Scottish coat of arms. It depicts a lion overgrown with lilies. In the rest of the shield, the Irish coat of arms is a harp shining with gold, located in an azure field. It also has silver strings.

On the shield are silver breezes (these are heraldic elements that distinguish representatives of the younger generation of a noble family). At their ends are sea anchors.

The shield itself is surrounded by the Order of the Garter. Heraldic animals hold it around the edges. On the left, the symbol of Scotland is a unicorn, on whose head is a crown with such breezes that are depicted on the shield. And on the right - the British lion, with exactly the same silver breezes.

Prince Awards

Like all British royalty, Prince Andrew has a large number of awards and titles from almost all territories that make up the United Kingdom.

Most of the awards, of course, were awarded to him in the UK. These are medals of the silver, gold and diamond jubilees of Queen Elizabeth II, three royal Victorian orders - a knight of the Grand Cross, a knight commander and a commander.

England awarded him the Order of the Garter - this is one of the oldest orders in the world, considered the highest award for British knights. The number of people to whom it can be awarded is strictly limited. In addition to the monarch and members of the royal family, there cannot be more than 24. It was established by King Edward of England III more in 1348.

In Norway, Prince Andrew was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Olaf, in New Zealand - a commemorative medal, in Canada - a badge of the Armed Forces, in the United United Arab Emirates- Order of the Federation.

There are also special, rare awards. So, Canadian province Saskatchewan awarded the Prince a commemorative medal commemorating the centenary of the founding of Saskatchewan.

Prince Andrew, whose biography is of interest to all fans of the royal family, in addition to various titles, occupies rare positions.

In 2000, HRH The Duke of York became President of the English Football Association. It is the oldest sports association in the world and has been in existence without interruption since 1863. Since then and to this day, she has been organizing football competitions in Foggy Albion and managing football affairs.

The position of President of the English Football Association is an honorary mission originally reserved for members of the royal family. True, such a tradition appeared only by the middle of the 20th century. The first president, in 1863, was Arthur Pember, an athlete, writer and journalist, who simultaneously played for the No Name Kilburn team. Until 1939, the presidents were active athletes, football referees.

Alexander Cambridge, Earl of Athlone, became the first member of the royal family to become president of the Football Association.

Prince Andrew stepped down as president in 2006, and the current president is Charles's son, Prince William.

The family of Elizabeth II in full force: Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, Duke of Edigburg, The Queen, Prince Edward and Prince Charles, 1972

This year, the whole of the UK is celebrating the 70th birthday of Prince Charles, and it's quite significant date not only because we are talking about the heir to the throne. 70 years ago - namely on November 14, 1948 - the beloved Queen Elizabeth II became a mother for the first time. However, then she was just Princess Lilibet, who gave British subjects a real National holiday- something like Kate Middleton in 2013.

Coronation of Elizabeth II, June 2, 1953

The first child of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip appeared almost exactly one year after the couple's wedding ( read also: "A Feast After the Plague: How Britain Married the Future Queen Elizabeth II"). In August 1950, Princess Anne was born, and three years later, Elizabeth II officially ascended the throne (after her coronation). Having taken the throne, Her Majesty chose to focus on the affairs of the kingdom and thought about the third heir only by 1960. So Prince Andrew was born, and four years later - Prince Edward.

“This is the only job that really matters,” the monarch described the joy of motherhood in a conversation with actress Kate Winslet. But what did those words mean to her? Indeed, despite the fact that the Queen had special relations with each heir, these relations were far from being equally warm and close with all.

Prince Charles

Elizabeth plays with Prince Charles, September 28, 1952

The Queen's relationship with her first child has often been the subject of heated debate. Prince Charles was barely five years old when his parents embarked on the first tour of the Commonwealth since Her Majesty's coronation, which lasted six months. Charles and Anne stayed at home - the Queen was part of a generation that preferred to leave the care of young children to the palace staff. Until now, there is a version that the Prince of Wales never formed a strong enough connection with his mother, and the nannies and his grandmother, the Queen Mother, turned out to be closer to him.

According to historian Robert Lacey, the Queen thought it best to leave her children in the care of nannies rather than take them around the world: “After all, she herself was brought up in a similar style. Her parents left her at home and entrusted her education to visiting teachers and governesses.”

The Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and Princess Anne outing, 1951

Columnist Jonathan Dimbleby, in his controversial biography of Charles, quotes His Highness's words about the "inevitable nannies" who taught him to play, witnessed his first steps, punished him and encouraged him.

Historian Sally Bedell Smith takes a similar view. “When Elizabeth became queen after the death of her father, her commitment to royal duties meant that she would devote even less time to her children. She increasingly relied on her husband for important family decisions and was always dependent on nannies.” According to the historian, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh saw the children after breakfast and at tea parties, but "in the manner of the upper class, without showing any feelings."

Elizabeth with her eldest son, 1969

And, most likely, this is how the relationship between mother and son remains to this day. How else can one explain Her Majesty's genuine reaction to the word "mommy" uttered by the Prince of Wales on her birthday?

Prince Charles, however, was very close to his grandmother, the Queen Mother. At her funeral in 2002, the heir gave an emotional speech, emphasizing: “For me, she meant everything, and I was afraid, afraid of this moment, like many others. For some reason I never thought this would happen. She seemed invincible, I adored her since I was a child.

Princess Anna

Little Princess Anne walks with her mother, Queen Elizabeth, and aunt, Princess Margaret, August 21, 1951

The Queen's only daughter recently revealed that as a child she "hated" acting as a princess. However, she also spoke out publicly against the traditional notion that her mother was not as caring and involved in her upbringing as perhaps she should have been. “I just don't believe there is any evidence that she didn't care. It doesn’t fit in my head, ”Anna said in an interview with the BBC on the occasion of the Queen’s Golden Jubilee in 2002.

Elizabeth with her daughter and son walks on the grounds of Balmoral Castle, September 1, 1952

According to Lacey, Anna was very attached to her mother when she was a teenager: "With a shared love of horses, Anna developed a particularly close relationship with her mother." The historian also clarifies that the princess often discussed fashion and clothing with Her Majesty.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip with Prince Charles and Princess Anne at Sandrigem, 1970

Lacy also cites the recollection of Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip's uncle, who spoke of "a night without Mabel". When Mabel - the nanny of Charles and Anna - received a day off, Elizabeth could bathe the children herself before going to bed, read to them at night and put the children to sleep in her bed. It was the Queen's favorite day of the week.

Elizabeth II and royal princess in Austria, 1969

However, there is an opinion that Princess Anne has always been more like a daddy's daughter. So, royal biographer Ingrid Seward notes that it was Prince Philip, for example, who encouraged her daughter to go in for equestrian sports. The Duke of Edinburgh generally admired the iron character of the girl, while Elizabeth herself paid much more attention to the state of Charles, crushed by the authority of her father - so much so that, according to some reports, she was once even politely advised not to create situations in which children would compete for her attention.

Prince Andrew

Elizabeth II with little Prince Andrew, 1960

Elizabeth had ruled the country for eight years when Prince Andrew was born, and, according to Lacey, by this time Her Majesty had become “more flexible”, she began to treat family members warmer. She even gave up some royal duties in order to spend more time with her young sons.

Elizabeth II with Princes Andrew and Edward, 1971

“In the early 60s, Her Majesty decided that she had fulfilled her duty towards the country and for 18 months for the most part enjoyed her “second family” - communication with the little princes Andrew and Edward, ”explains the historian.

Prince Edward

The Queen and Prince Philip with baby Prince Edward at Trooping the Colour, June 13, 1964

Her Majesty's youngest son was born in 1964. In the late 60s, the royal family allowed the BBC to film documentary film about themselves at home, and the British saw their Queen in a very unusual role - "a cheerful mother who relaxes with her children." There was footage in the film that showed Her Majesty gently holding her hand. younger son while walking through the grounds of Windsor Castle. To this day, the Queen maintains a particularly close relationship with her fourth child.

Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward, Duke of York, the middle son of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, who is divorced from the much-hated royal family Sarah Ferguson (pictured right), has come under the spotlight of the world press because of the scandal surrounding the sale of his Sunninghill Park estate , built of red brick in the town of Ascot, famous for its hippodrome, in the county of Berkshire, bought by him as wedding gift in 1986.

Energy tycoon Kenes Rakishev, 29, has reportedly bought the Sunninghill Park estate from the prince for £3m more than the estimated £12m.

also in Lately The British press has repeatedly drawn attention to the friendship of Prince Andrew with pictured a prominent and wealthy representative of the Kazakh business community, who holds the post of executive director of Munaigas Engineering, Goga Ashkenazi (Gaukhar Berkaliyeva, IA Ruspres: the mistress of Timur Kulibayev, the husband of the daughter of the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Dinara).

The Duke of York introduced Goga Ashkenazy to Queen Elizabeth last year, they spoke together at a trade conference in Qatar, and last December they were seen dining together at a restaurant in Ascot.

Of course, this is not the first mention of the prince in scandalous relationships. Before that, there were many articles about his love affairs.

Then youngest daughter(pictured left) middle son of the Queen of Great Britain Prince York Andrew and, accordingly, the granddaughter of Elizabeth II presented her grandmother with an unpleasant surprise on her official birthday - one of the school teachers found 18-year-old Princess Eugenia frolicking in the college courtyard in the nude, reports the British tabloid "Sun".

According to the newspaper, the teacher woke up in the middle of the night from an unexpected noise - under his windows, about ten girls were dancing in the costume of Eva, including the princess. Fortunately, there were no young people nearby. Later it turned out that the girls did not take drugs, but were under the influence of alcohol.

The name of Princess Eugenie appears from time to time in the gossip column, but not as often as the name of her sister, Princess Beatrice, who loves nightclubs and wild entertainment.

Goga Ashkenazi (Berkalieva)

Born in the Dzhambul region. Kazakh. Mother - Saule Aralbaeva.

She was educated in England, where she has been living since the early 1990s. Studied recent history and Economics at Oxford.

The international media called her " ex-wife Aidar Akaev, son of ex-president of Kyrgyzstan Askar Akaev" (in 1998-99), "wife of American millionaire Stephen Ashkenazy", "mistress of Prince Andrew of York", "girlfriend of international playboy and Formula 1 organizer" Flavio Briatore (with 2002)".

Since 2007 - chief executive officer in the London office of the Kazakh oil and gas company "MunayGas Engineering Ltd" and, according to the tabloid News of the World, the owner of a 5% stake in the Altyn Almas corporation, a 5% stake in the Kazturboremont plant, the MunaiGaz Engineering company, which is building the fourth workshop of the Opornaya compressor station and oil and gas pipelines in the Mangystau region ... she is credited with friendship with T .A. Kulibaev" ("Megapolis", No. 43 (408) dated 01.12.2008).

Lives with mother and son country house in Surrey, then in a $56 million mansion in Holland Park in London.

In present time (12.2008) - divorced. Son - Adam Berkaliev (born December 27, 2007, London, father, according to the newspaper "Events and People", No. 5, April 7 - 14, 2008 - Timur Kulibaev).

Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward, Duke of York, the middle son of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, who is divorced from the much-hated royal family Sarah Ferguson (pictured right), has come under the spotlight of the world press because of the scandal surrounding the sale of his Sunninghill Park estate , built of red brick in the town of Ascot, Berkshire, famous for its racetrack, bought for him as a wedding gift in 1986.

Energy tycoon Kenes Rakishev, 29, has reportedly bought the Sunninghill Park estate from the prince for £3m more than the estimated £12m.

Also recently, the British press has repeatedly paid attention to the friendship of Prince Andrew with pictured a prominent and wealthy representative of the Kazakh business community, who holds the post of executive director of Munaigas Engineering, Goga Ashkenazi (Gaukhar Berkaliyeva, IA Ruspres: the mistress of Timur Kulibayev, the husband of the daughter of the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Dinara).

The Duke of York introduced Goga Ashkenazy to Queen Elizabeth last year, they spoke together at a trade conference in Qatar, and last December they were seen dining together at a restaurant in Ascot.

Of course, this is not the first mention of the prince in scandalous relationships. Before that, there were many articles about his love affairs.

Then the youngest daughter (pictured left) of the middle son of the Queen of Great Britain, Prince of York Andrew and, accordingly, the granddaughter of Elizabeth II, gave her grandmother an unpleasant surprise on her official birthday - one of the school teachers found 18-year-old Princess Eugenia frolicking in the college courtyard in the nude reports the British tabloid The Sun.

According to the newspaper, the teacher woke up in the middle of the night from an unexpected noise - under his windows, about ten girls were dancing in the costume of Eva, including the princess. Fortunately, there were no young people nearby. Later it turned out that the girls did not take drugs, but were under the influence of alcohol.

The name of Princess Eugenie appears from time to time in the gossip column, but not as often as the name of her sister, Princess Beatrice, who loves nightclubs and wild entertainment.

Goga Ashkenazi (Berkalieva)

Born in the Dzhambul region. Kazakh. Mother - Saule Aralbaeva.

She was educated in England, where she has been living since the early 1990s. She studied modern history and economics at Oxford.

International media called her "the ex-wife of Aidar Akaev, son of the ex-President of Kyrgyzstan Askar Akaev" (in 1998-99), "the wife of the American millionaire Stephen Ashkenazy", "the mistress of Prince Andrew of York", "the girlfriend of the international playboy and the organizer of the Formula -1 "Flavio Briatore (since 2002)".

Since 2007, he has been the chief executive officer in the London office of the Kazakh oil and gas company MunayGas Engineering Ltd and, according to the News of the World tabloid, the owner of a 5% stake in the Altyn Almas corporation, a 5% stake in the Kazturboremont plant, and the MunayGas Engineering company , which is building the fourth workshop of the Opornaya compressor station and oil and gas pipelines in the Mangystau region ... she is credited with friendship with T.A. Kulibaev "(Megapolis, No. 43 (408) dated 01.12.2008).

He lives with his mother and son in a country house in Surrey, in a mansion worth $ 56 million in Holland Park in London.

In present time (12.2008) - divorced. Son - Adam Berkaliev (born December 27, 2007, London, father, according to the newspaper "Events and People", No. 5, April 7 - 14, 2008 - Timur Kulibaev).

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