Who killed princess diana psychics. Who ordered the death of Princess Diana? Royal family astrologer: Princess Diana was a wonderful person

Princess Diana is a modest girl from the family of Earl Spencer, was brought up in strict rules. Diana - even in childhood showed leadership traits of character, was kind and sympathetic, had a strong and firm character.

Psychics about the death of Princess Diana say that the tragedy that claimed the lives of three people shocked the whole world occurred on August 31, 1997, at about three in the morning local time. What happened that day, no one knows for sure. There are many versions, but which one is correct? Could it be drugs? Psychics know the answer to this question, and are ready to tell the truth.

Who is Princess Diana?

On July 1, 1961, the future Princess Diana of Wales was born. WITH early childhood Diana talked with Andrew and Edward, the sons of Elizabeth 2. What is divorce and not full family Diana found out at the age of 7 when her parents divorced. At that time, only she and her brother in her school were from an incomplete family. Studying was very difficult for Diana, she was more interested in dancing, especially tap dancing, which she beat very professionally. After leaving school, she went to study housekeeping in Switzerland. She was not interested in the wisdom of cooking and sewing, languishing with boredom. During this period, the first acquaintance of Diana and Prince Charles took place, but as just friendly, because at that time the prince met with her older sister Sarah Spencer.

Psychics about the death of Princess Diana, this tragedy shook the whole world, Lady Di, as the princess was called, crashed in one of the tunnels of Paris. There were different versions of what happened, and after a long time there are doubts that the accident was an accident. One of the versions of the accident, the paparazzi chasing the car, could blind the driver with camera flashes. But, the driver of Diana, was a professional in his field. The second version is an unknown car that caused the accident.

Diana's life seems like a fairy tale, at the age of 18 she moved to live in London, began working as an educator in kindergarten. During this period, Prince Charles began to show sympathy, already as a bride.

The wedding took place in 1981, she was happy, dreaming of a happy married life and children. But having not lived for a long time in marriage, Diana learned about her husband's relationship on the side, the relationship between Prince Charles and his mistress Camilla lasted a very long time before the wedding and did not stop after marriage. Psychics spoke about the "fabulous" life of Princess Diana, watching from the side, we can conclude that she is happy: loving wife who gave birth to two sons, doing charity work, many hours of visiting various hospitals, communicating with more than one hundred people a day, constant attention from the press, which obliged you to always look good and not show negative emotions in public. But no one even imagined how unhappy she was. And like any woman, Diana could not resist and started a short-term relationship on the side of her husband. Such a relationship between husband Charles and wife Diana led to a divorce, they were officially divorced in 1992. After the divorce, Princess Diana remained the same public figure. Her personal life was monitored around the clock, not a single step was missed by reporters.

The princess was the favorite of the people, everyone loved her. She kept a low profile, but always found time for the poor. All this gave her the fame of a protector of the poor. Now Kate Middleton is trying to become like her, and it's good when people take their cue from positive personalities. You can read more about the princess in the article Psychics about Kate Middleton: how to marry a prince

The crash that killed Princess Diana

On the night of August 31, a terrible tragedy occurred. Princess Diana has died in a terrible accident. Until now, the world is wondering whether the accident was rigged or still an absurd accident.

Psychics about the death of Princess Diana put forward different versions, but most are inclined to believe that the driver lost control and crashed into the tunnel supports at high speed, the death of the princess was instantaneous.

The version of the paparazzi, who allegedly blinded the driver with flashes, was immediately rejected by psychics. Presumably, they were moving on a motorcycle behind the princess's Mercedes, and simply could not overtake the car and blind the driver. In addition, the driver was quite experienced and already used to annoying journalists. But why then he could not cope with the management?

Princess Diana and her companion, billionaire friend Dodi al-Fayed, were traveling together. They died immediately, with them and the driver. Psychics say that at that time they were tied much stronger than friendly relations, and even foresaw Diana a second happy marriage which could take a very long time.

Psychics about the death of Princess Diana

Psychics about the death of Princess Diana said that they still tend to believe that at that moment there was another car in the tunnels, it was moving in the oncoming lane, at a sharp turn it blinded the driver because of this he crashed into the wall.

Psychics say that she had a small life line. Indeed, on that fateful evening, Princess Diana and her companion Dodi al-Fayed arrived for just one evening. Psychics say that that evening Diana received a marriage proposal from Dodi. And his father was against their relationship and could well set up an accident.

Princess Diana, shortly before the tragedy, said that something terrible could happen to her, as if she foresaw her imminent death. Psychics see that for a short time she was haunted by the shadows of death, and subconsciously Diana felt that she should not get into the car that evening. All passengers of the car died immediately at the scene of the accident, but Diana was taken to the hospital where she was still alive but in serious condition, her injuries were incompatible with life. But as psychics see, Diana could have been saved, the ambulance took her from the accident site to the hospital for almost an hour, although the hospital was closer. Having visited the scene of the accident, psychics concluded that her death was beneficial to influential people, and the lack of haste in helping the victim played a cruel joke. It also turned out to be more strange that there were no witnesses to the accident, although earlier it was said about the persecution of the paparazzi, only one person who followed Diana's car testified about the driver's unprofessionalism. Also in the protocol, the police indicated that drugs were found in the car, but this is not so.

And yet, more than 15 years after the accident, there is no official version of the death of Princess Diana. And more than one generation of psychics will visit the place of death and make their predictions. Repeatedly conducted before investigation terrible tragedy, where more and more new information appeared, but all of them are not convincing enough to give an official conclusion.

It has been 20 years since the tragic death of Princess Diana in Paris. Much water has flown under the bridge since then. ex-husband Prince Charles nevertheless married his mistress Camilla Parker Bowles, and her sons Prince William and Prince Harry grew up and continued their mother's work - they took up charity projects around the world. Many fans of Lady Di often think about how the fate of the heirs to the British throne would have developed if the catastrophe had not claimed the life of the "Queen of Hearts" on that fateful August night. Would Diana have approved of William's marriage to a girl from a non-aristocratic family? Would she like American actress Meghan Markle, who seems to have every chance of becoming the wife of 32-year-old Harry? These and other questions were recently answered by Simone Simmons, a clairvoyant and close friend of Diana. According to Simmons, the Princess of Wales still gets in touch with her and discusses topics that concern her.

Almost 20 years ago, one of the most beloved representatives of the British royal family, Princess Diana, passed away. During her life, a slender blonde with a languid look was a real mystery that many are still trying to solve. Only a few people knew what Lady Dee really was. She trusted her secrets only to a select circle of close associates, in which for four extra years included British clairvoyant and healer Simone Simmons.

The acquaintance of the Princess of Wales and the medium took place in the early nineties in the clinic alternative medicine. The women quickly became close and began to meet almost every day, and also could communicate with each other on the phone for 10 hours a day. Diana shared with Simone everything that worried her. Moreover, Lady Di quite calmly discussed with her friend the details of her personal life, which the media often twisted in their own way. According to Miss Simmons, their friendship with ex-wife Prince Charles was so strong that Diana continues to get in touch with her to this day - from the other world.

Kate Middleton VS Meghan Markle

Recently, Simone Simmons, who has devoted several biographical books to Princess Diana, decided to remind the journalists of the British edition of The Daily Mail about how much Miss Spencer used to be attached to her. The clairvoyant claims that Lady Dee to this day discusses with her current events taking place in the country (according to the medium, the Princess of Wales is seriously concerned about Brexit issues, and believes that it will only benefit the UK), as well as the personal life of her beloved sons.

“We didn’t have taboo topics: we discussed absolutely everything. Surprisingly, I still hear it. It is very strange. She talks to me about the situation in the world, and also that she loves her little grandchildren George and Charlotte very much,” Simmons told reporters.

By the way, Princess Diana also treats her daughter-in-law Kate Middleton very well. Simone claims that Lady Dee fully approves of the choice of the eldest son. She is not embarrassed that the wife of her heir was born into a non-aristocratic family without a hint of a title. “Katherine is the perfect match for William. She is very happy with her fiancee. True, Diana used to worry that Kate was too thin, but now everything is wonderful, ”said the clairvoyant.

And if William's wife suits Diana in all respects, then his current passion younger brother makes her less happy. Apparently, Lady Dee is not happy that Harry is dating a divorced American actress Meghan Markle - supposedly she does not suit him at all in terms of status or character.

“She told me that she wants Harry to be with a woman who can be relied upon, because he is a very sensitive and vulnerable young man. He had many lovers, but keeping him is not an easy task. Some time ago, Diana told me the name of the girl who was perfect for him. Dee told me that Harry knew right away that his girlfriend was the one. Unfortunately, their relationship did not work out, because his fiancee could not withstand the pressure from his family and increased public attention to himself, ”said the words of the titled girlfriend Simone Simmons.

Personal experiences

The Princess of Wales from time to time reflects on her love affairs. According to Simone Simmons, Diana never loved billionaire playboy Dodi Al Fayed, who died in a car accident with her. Allegedly, Lady Dee and Dodi had exclusively friendly relations, and she, being a person with a very kind heart, only wanted to help him understand himself.

“Men like Dodi never attracted Diana. I am sure that there was nothing serious between them, ”the clairvoyant said.

According to the British psychic abilities, the last couple of years of her life, the "queen of hearts" was in love with the heart surgeon Hasnat Khan. One of the few who knew about this was, of course, Simone: “Diana had a favorite type. She could not resist smart and caring men. She carefully concealed her novels, so her relationship with Hasnat for two years was a secret.

After high-profile divorce with Prince Charles, Diana was sure she could live normal life. She even planned to move with Hasnat to another country and give birth to a baby. However, the talented surgeon did not agree to such an adventure and completely left her.

Oddly enough, but it was after the break with Mr. Khan that Diana improved relations with Charles. Simone insists that her friend continued to have tender feelings for the heir to the British throne, even after breaking up with him.

“She loved Charles until her death. Of course, Diana was angry with him, but she never stopped loving. After the discord with Hasnat, she even assumed that they had former spouse there is every chance of a reunion. However, Camilla would not allow this. In 1996, Diana even asked Charles to "make Parker Bowles an honest woman"And marry her," said the clairvoyant.

According to Simmons, the marriage of the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II and his first wife would never have broken up if Diana were five or six years older. Lady Di was too young and naive when she got married.

On August 31, 1997, exactly 19 years ago, Princess Diana died.

When Diana died, her sons were still teenagers. William was then 15, Harry - 13 years old. But during his recent visit to one of the British hospitals, Prince William admitted: although years have passed since the death of his mother, not a day goes by that he does not remember her and does not yearn for her. And his brother Harry also admits: the pain from the death of his mother is still strong ...

Many who cared for Diana could not come to terms with her departure - too suddenly, the tragedy ended her life. And, most surprisingly, there are still people who refuse to believe in the accident of her death. And some people are completely sure: Diana is still alive!

About what really happened then in the Alma tunnel, the most insane theories are being built. And it must be admitted that they do not arise completely from scratch. After all, much of what is known about the tragedy really looks very strange.

Here are the most unexplained facts concerning this story.

Diana was taken to the hospital only an hour and a half after the accident.

First of all, the conspiracy theorists that they believe killed Diana refuse to believe that everything possible was actually done to save the princess. The fact that in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel a car crashed into the 13th pillar became known at 12 hours and 26 minutes. And she was brought to the Pitie-Salpetriere hospital only at 2 hours and 6 minutes. But the princess was still alive 3.5 hours after the accident, and with more efficient medical care, it is quite possible that she could have been saved.

Doctors justified themselves by the fact that a lot of things interfered with them. For example, it took half an hour to extract the unfortunate Diana from the car. And this is extremely strange, given the fact that she, like her boyfriend, was sitting in the back seat, and the back of the car was the least affected. Further: the transportation itself took an unreasonably long time. First of all, the fact that, as the doctors claimed, in several (!) hospitals located much closer to the hospital, they allegedly did not find the necessary equipment. In addition, the ambulance was driving extremely slowly for two reasons: firstly, because of traffic jams, and secondly, one of the doctors decided that fast driving could harm the wounded!

It is hard to believe that the resulting delay, which may have cost Diana her life, was accidental. Besides, air ambulance did not appear yesterday, and when it comes to such important people as the princess, it is logical to expect that a helicopter will be called in, which would take her to the hospital in a matter of minutes. However, this did not happen.

Strange story with the driver of the car

According to the official version, Henri Paul, who was driving the ill-fated car, was recognized as the main culprit in the accident. According to the police, forensic experts found that he was very drunk at the time of the accident. But here a number of questions arise. First of all, why didn't anyone notice his condition that day and why was he allowed to drive? But if you believe the tests, according to the level of alcohol in the blood, he should have drunk at least three bottles of strong wine that day. Such intoxication would be difficult to hide.

But the main problem consisted just in strangenesses with analyses. A vial of blood allegedly taken from Paul was for some reason originally labeled "blood of an unknown man". Further: an abnormally high content of CO - in other words, carbon monoxide, was found in the blood of the deceased driver. And finally, the analysis revealed the presence of an antihelminthic drug, which Paul never took. He, as the doctors testified, is usually discharged to the homeless ...

As a result, conspiracy theorists concluded that the blood sent to the laboratory for research was taken from another person, whose corpse was in the morgue at that moment. Perhaps the "homeless" who committed suicide with carbon monoxide. What was the purpose of the whole hoax? It’s very simple: in order to shift the blame for the incident onto the supposedly “in the insole” drunk driver ...

Mysterious flash of white light

Another incomprehensible story is related to the fact that one of the drivers of another car, also in the tunnel at the time of the accident, saw a strange flash of blinding white light in the mirror - just before the crash. The witness's name was Francois Levistre, and he tried to explain to the investigator that the driver of Diana's car was blinded on purpose so that he lost control of the car. Alas, the police did not believe a single word of Francois, because in the past he had problems with the law. As the law enforcement officers reasoned, since he was once accused of theft and forgery of checks, his testimony cannot be trusted. True, there was another witness who supported Levistre's testimony - the American tourist Brian Anderson. But after a short time, for some reason, he retracted his words ...

The seat belts in the car were faulty

Another incomprehensible moment: the passengers at the time of the accident were not wearing seat belts. But Diana always maniacally ensured that she herself and her loved ones observed this elementary safety technique. But it turned out that she simply could not buckle up that day, because the belts of the luxurious Mercedes did not work. But shortly before the incident, the car passed inspection and was recognized as serviceable! Could such a sudden breakdown be accidental?

The appearance of the mysterious white "Fiat"

According to a forensic investigation, on the side of the car in which the princess died, traces of a collision with another car were found, because of which, according to the police, the Mercedes crashed into a support. Traces of paint were identified, and it was determined that Diana's car collided sideways with a white Fiat of a certain model. The problem is that for some reason this car could not be found, although the police seemed to have done everything possible. True, one similar car was found: it belonged to James Adanson, a photographer and, allegedly, an employee of British intelligence MI 6. But Adanson was provided with an alibi by his wife, who stated that he spent that day with her, and their car allegedly did not leave garage. And the fact that corresponding damage was found on his car was subsequently refuted. A few months later, Adanson was found dead under suspicious circumstances. The death was ruled a suicide. But a hole in his temple was discovered, and the weapon with which he allegedly killed himself was never found ...

Given all of the above, or at least some of the facts that seem suspicious, then we can actually come to the conclusion that Diana was killed, and not died as a result of an accidental accident. What are the possible culprits of her untimely death?

royal family

The first and most important version: Diana was killed on the orders of one of the members of the ruling dynasty. Someone suspected a spouse Queen Elizabeth, Duke of Edinburgh. It was alleged that he had heard rumors about the soon-planned engagement of the princess with Dodi, the son of a millionaire, a well-known figure in the Muslim movement, Mohammed Al-Fayed. And the queen's husband could not come to terms with the fact that the mother of William, heir to the throne, would become the wife of such a man. In addition, there were rumors that Diana was already pregnant by Dodi. And this turn of events - that the princes will grow up with Al Fayed's son - turned out to be completely unacceptable.

Others - and there are many more - believe that Diana's ex-husband, Prince Charles, could have given the order. An indirect confirmation of this version is the fact that Diana herself spoke about this shortly before her death. In one of her letters, she said: “I am afraid that my ex-husband Charles is planning to kill me!”

How could Diana interfere with Charles, who at that time was already officially divorced from her? There was one subtlety. Queen Elizabeth, who for a long time did not hide her dislike for Camilla Parker-Bowles, bluntly declared to her son that she would not allow his new marriage with her still alive, albeit already ex-wife.

And, finally, there was another argument that could push Charles or his family to organize an assassination attempt on the princess. The fact is that, as they claimed, Diana not only planned to get engaged to Dodi, she wanted to leave with him forever in America and take William and Harry with her. And the export of both heirs from the country could not be allowed ...

Enemies of Mohamed Al Fayed

A much less popular version is that Diana was not the main, but a "side" victim. That is, the enemies of Al-Fayed Sr. decided to inflict a mortal blow on him by killing his son. And Diana, unfortunately, just happened to be nearby ... Of course, such a rich and influential person like Mohamed, there were many dangerous enemies. But which of them was so angry as to conceive such a crime, conspiracy theorists never thought of.

Everything was staged

And finally, the craziest version. Some of the fans, who especially loved Diana, generally refused to believe that the princess was dead. A theory has been put forward that the princess faked her death. In fact, neither she nor Dodi was in the crashed car that day. And the bodies found belonged to a pair of their doubles. This was done to escape the inevitable assassination attempt. Supporters of this version also have a very popular assumption that Diana was pregnant from Dodi. And that it was for this child that Diana allegedly sacrificed fame, position in society and even the peace of mind of William and Harry. This version is the most convenient, it allows you to weave anything into the story: the participation of special services, the pressure of the Windsors, the insidious plan of the Al-Fayeds to raise Diana's child and then usurp the throne with his help...

Life is more amazing than any movie. Tragic death Diana - the very case when the truth is somewhere in the middle. It is unlikely that we will ever know the whole truth. And is it really necessary if the Queen of Hearts is still alive in the memory of a huge number of people?

Princess Diana by Annie Leibovitz

“This is not an accident,” Mohammed Al-Fayed said publicly after he learned about the death of his son Dodi and his beloved Princess Diana, “It was all set up. And it was murder." The words of a grief-stricken parent could be written off as a state of passion, but since August 31, 1997, the Egyptian billionaire has stubbornly stood his ground for almost fifteen years. After all, he had facts on his side - strange, inconvenient for the official investigation, confusing the entire chain of events of that night and for some reason not taken into account by anyone.

Father Dodi Al-Fayed arrives for the hearing on the death of Princess Diana and his son, February 18, 2008

Officially, Diana was investigated twice - in France (in 1999) and in the UK (in 2008). Both of them came to disappointing and rather superficial conclusions. They can be summarized as follows: the tragedy occurred due to the extremely careless driving of Henri Paul (driver of the Mercedes), in whose blood alcohol was found, due to a malfunction of the seat belts, and also due to the irresponsible behavior of the paparazzi, because of which Monsieur Paul had to exceed speed.

Judge Lord Baker near the crime scene, October 8, 2007

The investigation was reopened by the UK in connection with new details of the accident.

Meanwhile, more than 20 years later, enough data has accumulated, as well as various hypotheses, confirming that the scenario of the accident in the Alma Bridge tunnel could not be at all what the French and British investigators presented it to. All of them are designed to prove that Diana's death was not accidental and lies on the conscience of the highest British circles (including the royal family). Lady Dee knew too much and behaved too irresponsibly.

A protester with a banner "They were killed" outside the Royal Courts of Justice, December 12, 2007

The number of such theories has long exceeded a hundred, but we have selected the most interesting of them - from those that have a right to exist to absolutely fantastic. And at the same time, they told how they were “parried” by the official investigation.

London police spokesman Lord Stephens demonstrates a report on the findings of the re-investigation of the death of the Princess of Wales. The report spans over 800 pages and explains a dozen conspiracy theories put forward by Mohammed Al-Fayed and his supporters, December 14, 2006

Henri Paul was not drunk and was on an MI6 assignment that night

As a rule, the first person to fall under the microscope when investigating an accident is the driver. It happened that time too. Henri died on the spot, and when the French investigation announced that the level of alcohol in the blood of the driver of the princess was three times higher than the norm, the conclusion seemed so implausible to everyone that many immediately began to wonder what was really behind this statement.

The only paparazzi picture taken shortly before the accident on August 31, 1997

Indeed, could Diana, her bodyguard Trevor Rhys-Jones and Dodi Al-Fayed actually put themselves at risk and get into a car driven by a man who, according to the British investigation, drank at least 5 glasses of Ricard aperitif?

So there were thoughts that Henri did not actually consume alcohol that night, but official version was fabricated only to hide the fact of his service to MI6. Like, British intelligence instructed him to set up an accident and thus kill the princess and her lover, and since Henri himself could not be saved, the investigation invented the story that he was drunk.

Funeral of Henri Paul, 20 September 1997

Meanwhile, an investigation by the Metropolitan Police Service of London did not reveal any evidence that Henri Paul really worked for British special agents. The fact of a single bribe of a Frenchman was also excluded, because the chances of surviving such an accident for an unprepared person are zero. Moreover, the Metropolitan Police found that on that night, Henri Paul did not even suspect that he would have a night shift at Diana and Dodi. His working day ended at 7 pm, and only a couple of hours later he received a call from the Ritz hotel service with instructions to take high-profile customers to a restaurant.

The restaurant, by the way, was changed by Dodi Al-Fayed at the very last moment (since the previous one was already crowded with paparazzi). Accordingly, the route has also changed. So it was certainly impossible for the driver to plan a competent operation to eliminate the princess that night - there was too little data.

Funeral of the Princess of Wales, September 6, 1997

As for alcohol in the blood, later several tests confirmed that Monsieur Paul did indeed drink more that night than was required by law, which, in principle, is quite consistent with the fact that his shift came to an end long before his called for overtime. Meanwhile, the question of why none of the Ritz service or Mercedes passengers smelled alcohol from the driver and entrusted him to carry the princess remains open.

By the way, Diana's bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones was also accused of working for MI6, who just survived, but did not remember any details due to a head injury. According to the version presented by the former British spy Richard Tomlinson, his physical fitness quite allowed him to survive the accident, and the "fabricated" amnesia served as an excellent help in order not to rely on him as a witness.

Princess bodyguard Trevor Rhys-Jones arrives for a hearing at the High Court in London, January 24, 2008

Diana was killed by the royal family because she was pregnant by a Muslim

This version is also defended by Mohammed Al-Fayed. According to him, information about the affair of the former daughter-in-law with a Muslim so angry royal family(they say, the mother of the future king cannot connect her life with a representative of the Islamic faith), that some of her representatives - first of all, Prince Philip and Diana's sister Lady Sarah McCorquodale - decided to intervene. Moreover, according to the testimony of Father Dodi and some servants from his villa, Diana was expecting a child from her lover, and on September 1, the couple, along with the news of the engagement, was going to announce this as well.

Diana and Dodi Al Fayed on holiday in Saint-Tropez, July 1997

Bastard born to a Muslim mother of the future king of Great Britain - for British royalties it would be too much

The Metropolitan Police cited several counterarguments to Mohammed's accusations. Firstly, by this time Diana already knew the art of communicating with the press, and it was not in her style to talk about such high-profile news from her life without prior preparation. No preparations were made for a possible press conference at that time.

Dodi Al-Fayed in Canada, March 20, 1997

On August 30, Dodi Al-Fayed did indeed visit the Alberto Rossi jewelry boutique, however, judging by the CCTV footage, he left only (!) with a catalogue. Particularly meticulous calculated: Diana and Dodi had known each other for only seven weeks, and judging by the schedule of both, they spent no more than 23 days together - not the most respectable period for announcing an engagement. And in order to scare the royal family, because Diana had previously met with a representative of the Muslim faith.

His name was Hasnat Khan. He worked as a cardiologist in a London hospital and dated the princess for two years. Then Diana seriously thought about connecting her life with a Pakistani doctor and changing her religion for him, and, as the investigation found out, even Prince Charles gave her his blessing for this marriage. And how could it be otherwise? After all, despite their separation, The Prince of Wales still could not reunite with his beloved Camilla, and Diana's potential happiness could well save him from popular hatred and give him a chance for a quiet life with the woman he loves.

Dr. Hasnat Khan, early 1997

As for Diana's pregnancy, Mohammed announced it only in 2001 - you must admit, too important information, to keep her hidden for three and a half years (of course, only if this is not another ploy to reopen the investigation). But, despite the skepticism, the investigators checked this version. The princess's blood test for hCG was negative. In addition, judging by the testimony of her friends, Diana did not seek to marry Dodi and carefully monitored contraception.

On the other hand, the version that Diana got rid of for her excessive amorousness continued to grow stronger in the minds. During court hearings in 2007, Mohammed Al Fayed's spokesman Michael Mansfield read to the jury a list of Diana's alleged lovers, based on the testimony of the Princess' private secretary, Michael Gibbons. There were four names on Mansfield's list, and it ended with an ironic "and so on ...", which hinted that in fact the number of Lady Dee's men cannot be adequately calculated (see also: Favorite men of Princess Diana). In any other situation, such information could play against the Princess of Wales, but this time they became part of the accusation against the royal family and the British authorities and are presented as a possible motive for the murder of Lady Spencer.

Renowned British doctor John Loughery outside the High Court on April 27, 2007

Diana was killed by a journalist (and he also worked for British intelligence)

Another "mystical" story hovering around the Parisian tragedy is connected with an old white Fiat Uno, whose traces were discovered by forensic experts at the collision site of the Mercedes, in which the princess was. According to eyewitnesses, there really was a Fiat in the tunnel, but after the accident, the car instantly disappeared from the “crime scene” ... and it was no longer found within Paris (or was it poorly looked for?).

Suspicion immediately fell on French photographer James Andonson, who previously photographed the couple at the Al Fayed villa in Saint-Tropez and owned the exact same white Fiat. According to Dodi's father, the accident could have happened because Andonson's car "cut off" the Mercedes, causing the driver to lose control and crash into the tunnel wall.

The alleged culprit of the accident - photographer James Anderson - with his wife. In the background is the same white Fiat that cut off Diana and Dodi's car.

Andonson himself denied any involvement in the tragedy. According to him, he had not used the car for a long time, and it was not in that condition (she was already in her ninth year) to catch up and “cut” the Mercedes, which was racing at a speed of about 150 kilometers per hour. And the investigation agreed with him. Soon, however, the journalist hurried to urgently sell his Fiat, but this did not arouse suspicion. There were still no traces of Mercedes paint on Andonson's car.

Meanwhile, Mohammed stood his ground. Intelligence could well have bribed a photographer with extensive experience in spying on people, so that he only slightly pushed the princess's car to the side. His life, unlike the same Henri Paul, was practically not in danger.

The real car was never found, Andonson had some kind of alibi (his wife confirmed that on the night of the accident he was with her in Lignier, 177 miles from Paris, but, as you know, the spouses do not testify against each other), so that the photographer was soon forgotten. And they remembered only three years later - in May 2000, when his incinerated body was found in a car parked in the middle of the forest. Investigators found a bullet mark in the back of his head, and based on testimonies from friends that Andonson's work had been very depressing for him in recent weeks, they quickly issued a verdict - "suicide."

The gates of Kensington Palace on the eighth anniversary of the Princess's death, August 31, 2005

However, the photographer's relatives hastened to refute the words of his friends, stating that Andonson, on the contrary, Lately was in excellent spirits, and demanded an investigation into the murder. Mohammed Al-Fayed agreed with them, as well as conspiracy theorists supporting him, who put forward the version that the “suicide” of the photographer was the work of MI6, who removed an inconvenient witness.

The special services killed Diana themselves (without anyone's help)

In fact, conspiracy theorists have not yet decided whose intelligence - Britain, France or the United States - took care of the elimination of the Princess of Wales. In any case, supporters of this theory have no doubt that special agents are to blame for the death of Diana. In their opinion, for the secret services to arrange such an accident is not a dusty business. It is enough just to prepare the scenery and props in advance.

Princess car, August 31, 1997

The first thing that raised questions from the investigation after the accident was the unscheduled replacement of the princess's Mercedes. The fact is that all day on August 31, Diana and Dodi rode in another car, but in the evening the servicemen suddenly found some kind of mystical breakdown in the car and took it in for repair. Instead, the Ritz guests were given another Mercedes, which, by the way, also had its own malfunctions (the car had already been in an accident before) - for example, the seat belts did not work, and for some reason only in the back seats, where Diana was just located with lover. The princess, by the way, as her acquaintances testify, was always very scrupulous about her safety, so if the belts were in good order, she would probably have fastened herself and (who knows?), maybe even survived. After all, the death of Diana's fastened guard has passed.

Due to the fact that the car had already experienced an accident, the driver was forbidden to reach speeds of more than 60 kilometers per hour, but, as luck would have it, that night the paparazzi overtook the Princess’s Mercedes (by the way, according to one of the same theories, these were not photographers, and hired killers, so that if plan A fails, complete the mission), and you won’t tear yourself away from them at such a modest speed.

Finally, the culmination of the operation is the entry of the car into the tunnel, in which none of the 14 cameras work. The latter is explained by the fact that outdoor surveillance in the area is not controlled by the police or private owners, but by the urban transport society of Paris, an organization that closes at 11 pm. The cameras stay on, but they don't record anything, and the only chance to see what's going on is to have a person sitting in front of the monitor. There was no such person that night.

The driver is “helped” to lose control: first he is “cut off” (which has been proven for sure), and then they are blinded by a bright flash of light (this was confirmed by witnesses). Such a technique, as former MI6 officer Richard Tomlinson later told the investigation, is a favorite technique of the special services. According to him, intelligence invented this method specifically for the assassination of Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic in 1992. Although later the Metropolitan Police, to which intelligence graciously opened the doors of their offices specifically to verify the testimony of their former employee, Mr. Tomlinson denied the words. It turned out that the British had no plans to kill Milosevic (which the former agent himself later admitted). The police then found a plan to assassinate another Serbian politician, but there were no hints of using a flash there either.

Former employee British intelligence officer Richard Tomlinson gave a lot of compromising testimony to MI6, but was later arrested himself in the Diana case in 2006

Meanwhile, eyewitnesses admitted that there was an outbreak. But what was not there was an ambulance that quickly arrived at the scene of the accident. Doctors were then called at 12:26 at night, but Princess Diana was taken to the hospital only at 2:06 - too slowly for such a high-ranking patient. And quite suspicious.

That night they wanted to kill Dodi, not Diana

One of the most implausible theories, but still her conspiracy theorists put forward for consideration. According to this hypothesis, that night "Target No. 1" was not Diana, but Mohammed Al-Fayed. More precisely, his son, by killing whom, the enemies of the Egyptian billionaire could settle scores with him. Diana's death was only a cover for the operation, so that the police would not even think of involving the businessman's ill-wishers as witnesses.

Dodi Al Fayed, March 1997

A few years before the tragedy, Mohammed really managed to make enemies. He fought to get the London department store Harrods for himself, was convicted of illegal financing of the British Conservatives, and also became a defendant in several criminal cases on suspicion of embezzlement and fraud.

Mohammed Al-Fayed in court, January 6, 2004

The Egyptian businessman always avoided justice, but, according to some conspiracy theorists, his enemies could well take revenge on him on their own - by arranging an accident in the Paris tunnel for his heir.

Diana faked her death and now lives happily away from prying eyes

And for dessert - the most fantastic theory of the death of Diana, which, however, also has its followers. According to her, the Princess of Wales specially staged own death to start new life away from the paparazzi, royal court and fans.

Several facts prompted this idea of ​​some science fiction conspiracy theorists at once. Firstly, some time before the tragedy, Diana repeatedly admitted to her close associates that they wanted to kill her - and just by organizing the accident. Such evidence is available, for example, from the butler of Princess Paul Barella, to whom Diana sent a letter back in 1993, in which she admitted that she foresees her death. In her opinion, it was supposed to be an accident that would open the way for Charles to marry ... no, not with Camilla. Then Lady Dee was sure that her husband was cheating on her with the nanny of their children - Tiggy Legg-Brook. But now it's not about that.

Diana's butler Paul Barrell presents another book about the life of the princess. In one of his books, he cited a photograph of that very scandalous note from 1993

Perhaps this is how Diana prepared the ground for her own “death” and this is how she set up the Charles she hated? Well, the script, pulling on a quality thriller, but still difficult to execute outside the stage.

Secondly, supporters of this theory complain that the body of the princess general public nobody showed it. Her body was buried in a closed coffin, and only a few had a chance to see her in the last minutes before she went to the secluded Spencer Island in Northamptonshire.

Yes, knowing the eccentric nature of the Princess of Wales, such an idea could well visit her. But for her to put it into practice? Such a scenario is only suitable for crazy conspiracy theories.

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