Elena Proklova: “I am such a nasty woman, but an honest one. Elena Proklova - personal life, biography, photo, divorce, latest news Proklova's husband how old

A naive, addicted child, she first got on the set. Before approving the 12-year-old Proklova for the role of a charming pioneer in the film “They Call, Open the Door”, Alexander Mitta reviewed almost ten thousand Soviet schoolgirls! Not finding his heroine among them, the director was indignant and appealed to the team. After another such scene, assistant director Viktor Proklov responded: “Well, what should I take my granddaughter to you now?”

Lenochka gave the impression of a meek and naive child, but the entire film crew noted her extraordinary endurance and character. Professional sports presented their girl: at the time of filming, Lena was already a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. The coaches predicted high achievements for her, but fate had other plans for Lena.

A novel covered in mud

Proklova herself recalls her pure, first love with tenderness, never mentioning whether the affair with the brilliant Tabakov had intimate details.

Elena was barely 16, Oleg Pavlovich - 34, when Alexander Mitta approved both of them for the shooting of "Burn, burn, my star." There, they say, a serious romance began between the actors, burning in which, Tabakov seduced the young Proklova.

She protests. Say, it's gossip around intimate life underage actress and already famous actor prevented them from taking decisive action. But he recognizes the fact that Tabakov became her first true love, taught to feel and got a place in her heart for life.

I wanted a dress

And Elena will get married a little later - at 17. The wedding was scheduled with her brother. With her future daughter-in-law, the actress was organizing a celebration, and suddenly she herself wanted to show off in a “princess” dress. The then young man Proklova is a friend of her brother Vitaly Melik-Karamov parents liked it very much. The marriage was blessed. The sister and brother of Proklov played the wedding on the same day.

Family life found Elena in her first year at the Moscow Art Theater School. The husband from the first day began to demand children. At the age of 18, the couple had a daughter, Arina.

It was a time of constant offerings and hard work. Elena left her daughter in the care of her parents, and she herself was constantly on the set. “It seemed normal to me to be a Sunday mom. You bring sweets on the weekend, jeans from abroad, and now you have fulfilled your duty. In general, I am a relative mother. I must say that Arina's daughter argues with this statement.

Spouse Proklova was a supporter of the classical patriarchal family and tried to make Elena take care of the house and children, and not creativity.

One day, in the heat family quarrel, he put her before a choice: "Either me, or the theater!" "Theater!" Lena, tired of such a relationship, shouted, packed her things and the child and immediately left.

Love to death

Start new serious relationship after such a marriage, the actress was in no hurry. But it never ceased to be popular with men. It seemed that the most talented actors, roam around her in flocks, love to madness.

For example, who received leading role in "Be my husband" Andrei Mironov chose a partner for filming himself, and settled on Proklova. Trying to hit on the actress, he was surprised to find that she had an affair with the father of the boy Philip, who participated in the filming, a decorator Alexander Adamovich.

married man love for Proklova forced her to leave the family. They lived together for two years, after which the debt of husband and father returned Adamovich to his French wife and two children.

Soon Elena received news of the death of her lover. In her circle, they still say: "Adamovich died of longing for Lena."

Dr. Sasha

For a long time, Proklova perceived her second official husband only as an annoying admirer. He really fell in love with her acting talent at first, filled up with flowers, met at the theater, which only caused the actress's displeasure. But for ten whole years he firmly believed that this was “his” woman and that she herself would come to him.

As time went by, my daughter grew up. Once Arina was hospitalized with a disappointing diagnosis: the girl had an ulcer. Some of the actors, sympathizing with Elena, gave the address of the famous doctor Alexander Deryabin. Elena rushed over to him. What was her amazement when the door was opened by the same admirer.

First, Arina went on the mend, and then a serious passion flared up between Sasha and Lena. Soon they got married, but Arina did not like her stepfather: he put her on a tasteless diet, what kind of child would love such a doctor Sasha ?!


That marriage marked the beginning of a drama that would force Elena to leave the stage for eight long years. But everything started well: the young began to dream of a child. The happiness of the spouses knew no bounds when it turned out that Proklova was pregnant with twins at once! But after the birth, it turned out that both sons were too weak to live. They died less than a minute after birth. Realizing this, Proklova lost consciousness.

Elena went to deep depression the meaning of life was lost. She thought that God was punishing her in this way for her early glory, for her successes.

Instead of being there and comforting his wife, Deryabin also withdrew into himself. Later, Elena will say that then both of them had a place to get away from grief, and serious family traditions and warmth at that time they have not yet acquired. The tragedy ended in divorce.


For reassurance, Elena went to her brother. After some time, she had to receive a guest. A brother's friend, eight years younger than Proklova, struck her heart at first sight. The day after meeting Andrey Trishin took her with him to St. Petersburg, and after - to a long happy life.

However, it didn't start well. The marriage of an ordinary builder and a famous actress was called a misalliance. The daughter's new stepfather seemed very young - he was only 25, the girl did not accept him. But that wasn't the worst either.

The black streak that began for Elena in her last marriage continued with Andrei. The long-awaited pregnancy ended with the birth of a weak son, who spent a whole week in a special box, and then suddenly died. This time the right words for consolation were found. The tragedy brought the lovers closer and forced them to fight for their happiness. But the next pregnancy brought Proklova to the hospital already at the sixth month, and an incorrect diagnosis deprived the happy couple of another child.

By the age of forty, the actress terminates all contracts and takes her health seriously. She will never regret the decision to leave both the stage and the frame. But a careful examination will reveal the cause of a series of tragedies: Lena's blood is too thick, which simply does not pass through the placenta, which prevents the development of the fetus.

Second wind

Elena spent all nine months of her next pregnancy in the hospital. She withstood 700 injections in the stomach, necessary to thin the blood and pass the vital elements for the child, gave birth to a charming girl, Polina. Eight years out of work full force. For the first six, she left the acting party altogether and devoted herself to her family and children.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Elena Igorevna returned to the profession, began acting again, and also got on television as a presenter. Her career is now in perfect order.

Everything would be fine if a year ago all the media had not announced that the actress had divorced her husband. She stated on camera that after thirty years of marriage, their relationship had cooled, and predicted a new family for her ex-husband.

Name: Elena Proklova

Date of Birth: 02.09.1953

Age: 66 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow city, Russia

Height: 1.64 m

Activity: actress, TV presenter

Family status: Married

There are a lot of outstanding actresses in our country, and in this article we will tell you about the beautiful actress, Elena Proklova, about her biography and personal life. Accidents are not accidental - this is exactly what can be said about the talented theater and film actress, TV presenter and Honored Artist of the RSFSR, Elena Proklova. Having visited her grandfather, who at that time was an assistant director, 12-year-old Elena could not imagine that this day would be fateful for her.

Proklova Elena Igorevna was born on September 2, 1953 in Moscow. Father, Proklov Igor Viktorovich, taught at the military-political academy of V.I. Lenin, and my mother, Anna Mikhailovna Proklova, was a teacher at school.

Elena is not the only child in the family, she has an older brother with whom she spent a lot of time in her childhood. Elena grew up surrounded by actors and others famous people, because her great-grandparents also devoted themselves to cinema, and therefore, from childhood she was surrounded by an atmosphere of theater and cinema.

Childhood and youth

In her childhood, Elena was very active and restless, and then it was decided to send Elena to sports section. When she was 4 years old, she was already engaged in gymnastics, taking part in competitions, having received the title of master of sports at the age of 11. Elena was not deprived of peer attention, because of this her classmates did not like her, so in the fifth grade Elena transferred to home schooling coming to school only for exams.

Elena Proklova in her youth

Elena Proklova graduated from school as an external student, since from the age of 12 she began vigorous activity to the cinema. Leaving school at the age of 15, she decides to enter the Moscow Art Theater School, but because of such young age the girl did not want to accept.

But Elena was helped by her acting skills. At the time of her studies, she had to stop her activities in the cinema, as this was forbidden by the educational institution. In the future, Elena Proklova will enter the second higher education, having graduated from the Institute of Architecture, Faculty of Landscape Design.

Elena Proklova in her youth

Film career

The biography of Elena Proklova is very rich, like her creative activity. As already mentioned, Elena Proklova began her acting career at the age of 12. It was during this period that her work in cinema began. The film by Alexander Mitt “They Ring, Open the Door” became decisive in her fate, because as a child, Elena dreamed of being a gymnast, and after this role in the film, she devoted herself to cinema. A. Mitta for a very long time could not find the very girl who would play Tatiana in this picture, but when he saw Elena, he realized that she was the one he was looking for.

Actress as Gerda in The Snow Queen

After the film “They Call, Open the Door” appeared on the screens, Elena Proklova was recognized as the best actress of Mosfilm.

Offers poured in to Elena, she became famous. After filming, she was invited to play the role of Gerda in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen". In 1968, Elena was invited to play a major role in the film "Transitional Age", and 2 years later, together with Oleg Efremov and Yevgeny Leonov, she played in the film "Burn, Burn, My Star".

Elena Proklova in the movie "Be my husband"

In the film "The Only One", Elena Proklova will also play a role along with Vladimir Vysotsky. In addition to the main roles, she also played episodic roles. After Elena played in the melodramatic story “Is it good to sleep with someone else's wife !?”, She will stop working in the cinema for 6 years due to problems in her personal life. In 1998, playing episodic roles in the series "Chekhov and Co", as well as "The Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky", Elena Proklova returns to the cinema. In 2001, Elena will play a major role in the comedy "Yellow Dwarf", as well as take part in the TV series "Happiness by Prescription".

Frame from the film "Dog in the Manger"

In the early 2000s, Elena Proklova will try out for television, which will turn out to be an unsuccessful project. For the first time she will take part in the project " Last Hero", Then, in 2006, she will become co-host of Gennady Malakhov in the Malakhov + program. In 2012, she takes part in the social project "Housing and Public Utilities", on the central channel. Elena also participates in advertising for Desheli, which deals with cosmetic products.

Shot from the film "Mimino"

Personal life

As we can see, Elena Proklova's biography is very rich, as is her personal life. The first time Elena Proklova married at the age of 18 was documentary filmmaker Vitaly Melik-Karamov, who at that time was courting the actress. Elena told on Elena Malysheva’s program “Alone with Everyone” that she got married in order to forget her love for, who was 18 years older than her, married and raised two children.

Elena Proklova and Vitaly Melik-Karamov

The actress became pregnant only a year later, as she was inspired by the shooting. Elena gave birth to a daughter, who was named Arina, but the girl was raised by her grandparents, since Elena was busy filming a movie. Her husband did not like this situation, and he put her before a choice, either a family or a career, but Elena chose a career.

Their marriage lasted 4 years. The relationship between Elena and her daughter Arina was very strained. Elena said more than once that it was difficult for her and her daughter to understand each other, but nevertheless, having crossed this barrier of misunderstanding, they were able to improve relations, although Arina was already an adult girl at that time. Now, as Elena admits, everything is fine with them and she is already a grandmother, which she is very happy about.

Alexander Savelov-Deryabin - the second husband of Elena Proklova

Elena has never been deprived male attention and soon she began an affair with Alexander Adamovich, a decorative artist. For her sake, he left the family, leaving two children. But they did not live together for long, two years later he returned to the family.

The second husband of Elena Proklova was Alexander Deryabin, whom she met as a student. Fate again pushed them together when Elena's daughter fell ill and she turned to Alexander for help, who cured her. During this time, between them appeared mutual feelings and she signed at the registry office.

Elena Proklova and Andrey Trishin

Elena's planned pregnancy was a joyful event for both spouses. Elena and Alexander became the parents of two twin boys, but a few days later the boys died in the hospital. Elena was very upset by the death of her children, and her husband Alexander was a reminder of what Elena could not come to terms with, the couple soon divorced.

In the majestic capital of Moscow in 1953, on September 2, the girl Gerda from the beloved fairy tale "The Snow Queen" was born. This, of course, is a figurative expression, just on this day the theater and film actress Elena Proklova was born. Soviet viewers remembered her for a wonderful winter fairy tale about Kai and Gerda, whose friendship was unbreakable.

How old is Proklova

Now the little actress has become an adult, Elena is 63 years old. For my creative career she managed to play many roles and establish herself as a TV presenter.

Family of Elena Proklova

The birth of the future actress was completely unplanned. The fact is that Elena's mother, having given birth to a son, no longer wanted to have children. This spectacular and ambitious woman plunged headlong into her career. When she found out that she was pregnant for the second time, she did not go for an abortion, considering it a great sin. As a result, after 9 months, her husband happily took his wife and little daughter from the hospital, whom they decided to name Lenochka.

Although Elena, one might say, unwanted child, but they loved the nimble artistic girl in the family very, very much. Most of all, the paternal grandfather “glued” to the granddaughter. He doted on Lenochka. When she was offered to act in films for the first time, her grandfather was categorically against it. He himself spent his whole life in the very cycle of cinema, he knew how difficult it is to succeed and survive in the world of art. That is why he did not wish his little favorite an acting fate. Despite all the protests of her grandfather, eleven-year-old Elena made her film debut.

Enchanting success in cinema

The first acting lesson was given to the schoolgirl Lena hard. The girl's debut picture was "They are calling, open the door." According to the plot of the film, Proklova was supposed to portray great sorrow. Without experience, and even at the age of 11, it is difficult to enter into such an image, and even under the gaze of the film crew. The director, wishing to help the little actress, advised her to imagine that her native person will die soon. Lena was very attached to her grandfather. Here he was presented on his deathbed. As a result, grief and tears would be enough for 10 stories. The schoolgirl who entered the image was barely reassured, but the episode was shot at 100%!

After the premiere of the picture, in which Proklova starred for the first time in her life, the girl woke up famous. It was a terrific success, a debut role and immediately popular love. The start was really successful. It is not surprising. After all, Elena's partners and, at the same time, mentors were such celebrities as Oleg Efremov, Rolan Bykov, Iya Savvina.

If after the debut there were some doubts about the choice of profession, then after the second work in the cinema, Proklova had no doubt that she would enter a theater university and become a famous actress, although she already was one. All that was missing was a diploma and years to enter the institute. The second time the schoolgirl was called to the set to work in the film "The Snow Queen". Lena, like all children, liked fairy tales, and here she herself had to play fairy tale character. She got the main role of Gerda, a girl who so boldly and selflessly defended her friend Kai. This magical adventure served as a good impetus on the road to the top of fame. Now the young actress was recognized on the streets, and her peers wrote heaps of letters to her. Isn't that every schoolgirl's dream?

Unfortunately, the coin also has a downside. The fact is that due to the constant filming, Proklova practically stopped attending classes at school. In the end, the management of Mosfilm helped the teachers to come to the young talent at home with individual lessons. Can you imagine that in Soviet time a high school student-daughter earned on an equal footing with her parents. Only at the same time she missed the opportunity to stay longer as an ordinary carefree child.

Teen student

At the age of fifteen, Proklova, again with the assistance of Mosfilm, was accepted into the Moscow Art Theater School. At that time, life seemed to Elena a complete fairy tale: shooting, scenery, cameramen, a sea of ​​​​fans and such a desired fame as a film actress! It was not too upsetting even that the students of the Moscow Art Theater did not have the right to act in films. Although the film set was pulled with terrible force.

Before entering the institute, Lena starred in two more films. After graduation educational institution an actress with a legal diploma in her pocket is invited to the main role. In the film "The Only One" Proklova played a girl who lost everything due to an accidental love story. The partners in this work were Zolotukhin and Vysotsky. Many actresses would give anything to be on the same set with such legendary people.

Work on television Elena Proklova

The seventies were for Proklova the peak of her artistic career. She was considered one of the most sought after actresses. Since the beginning of the 2000s, Elena often appears in various television projects. Viewers could watch her adventures in the TV show "The Last Hero" and "Housing and Public Utilities". She also showed herself well as a presenter on Channel One, where she worked for 4 years.

Elena Proklova: personal life today

When Elena's brother decided to marry, the actress was closely involved in the preparations for the wedding. As people close to her later joked, the girl was so imbued with the wedding spirit that she herself hurried down the aisle. After that, she will remember that she agreed to marry Vitaly Melik-Karamov not so much out of love, but because of an irresistible desire to show off in wedding dress. And what did you expect, the girl was barely 17 years old at that time. After 2 years, Elena gave birth to her husband's daughter. But this did not save the family from divorce.

Filming was taken away from the actress almost all the time, of course, when did she have to think about her personal life. The daughter had to be placed in the care of her grandmother. But when the doctors put the baby terrible diagnosis, Proklova gave up everything to find a way to heal her daughter. All methods of traditional medicine have been tried, but the result of the treatment has not pleased. On the advice of knowledgeable friends, Elena turned to a healer for help, who healed with herbs. Alexander Deryabin was not in vain famous for being an unsurpassed herbalist, he was able to cure the girl of the disease. While the treatment was going on, Alexander and Elena became close, a little later the healer makes an offer to the actress, to which she agrees.
It was not possible to give birth to Proklova from her second husband. Their children died in childbirth, it is surprising that such a famous herbalist could not help his own kids and wife. Elena began to have health problems. She was forced to abandon filming and leave the cinema for a while. All attempts to give birth to a second child were unsuccessful, only at the age of forty, happy Elena successfully endured and gave birth to a baby.

In her interviews, the actress always says that everything is in order with her personal life. Well, this one doesn't like it. Strong woman complain about fate. The third husband of Proklova was businessman Andrei Trishin. Elena lived with this man for more than 30 years. Rumors about their divorce swirled around the couple all the time, then rumors were replaced by information about family reunification. In a word, everything, like all public people. Fans always want to be aware of the details of their idols' personal lives. According to the latest information, Proklova lives happily with Trishin. So it would be time for passions to subside because of their disagreements.

Elena Igorevna Proklova is a famous Russian and Soviet film actress. She played in a large number of the most diverse films. At one time, this woman was idolized by the most popular actors of Soviet cinema. For example, she was in love with Andrei Mironov, Oleg Yankovsky, Mikhail Volontir.

For some time there was no information about Elena Proklova. In the harsh 90s, some movie lovers considered her dead. But it turned out that the woman herself purposefully left the film industry in order to devote her life to her husband and daughters. At the beginning of the new millennium, she becomes a TV presenter.

Recently, information appeared that Elena Proklova was seriously ill. But her family and numerous admirers of her work hope that the woman will be able to pass through this test with honor and win.

After the release of the television program on health, hosted by Elena Proklova and Gennady Malakhov, on Russian television screens, interest in the personality of the once popular actress flared up with new force. Numerous viewers wanted to know everything about the woman, including height, weight, age, how old is Elena Proklova.

The TV presenter did not hide her age, but the public does not believe that she is already aged. In 2017, in a quiet family circle, the actress celebrated her 64th birthday. The woman looks amazing for her age. With a height of 165 cm, she weighs 65 kg.

A friend and colleague of the popular TV presenter Tatyana Eduardovna Kravchenko loves to talk about the diet of Elena Proklova with humor. She says that it was thanks to the advice of her friend that she began to go towards her goal in spite of difficulties.

Elena Proklova, a photo in her youth and now loved by many admirers of her talent, says that now she is happier than ever before.

Biography of Elena Proklova

The biography of Elena Proklova is very popular among her fans. A charming daughter appeared in the Proklov family in 1953. First, the girl, even before her birth, they decided to call Masha. But when she saw her daughter, her mother, Anna Mikhailovna Proklova, decided that she would have a different name - Lena. Neither the husband nor the parents objected. Father - Igor Viktorovich Proklov taught at the VPA named after Lenin. Mom worked at the school.

At the age of 4, Lenochka began to attend the gymnastics section. She was predicted a good sports future.

In 1965, the girl made her debut in the film "They Call, Open the Door", after which she began to seriously think about the career of an actress. Then the filmography of the young artist was replenished with a number of significant roles. For example, she played snow queen”,“ Transitional age ”,“ Burn, burn, my star.

After school, the girl studies on the course of V.P. Markov at the Moscow Art Theater School. A talented young actress was invited to work at the Moscow Art Theater, where she worked until the early 90s of the last century. At this time, the actress played a large number of the most diverse roles. For example, her works include "Sentimental Romance", "Mimino" and others.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Elena Proklova also becomes a TV presenter. She, together with Gennady Malakhov, leads a health program. Currently, the actress only occasionally appears on television screens. She is a member of the Public Chamber of Russia.

Personal life of Elena Proklova

The personal life of Elena Proklova is interesting and eventful. According to the popular actress, for the first time she fell in love with Oleg Tabakov, but he did not respond to the feelings of a young girl.

For the first time, she married at the age of 18 for the famous director Vitaly Melik-Karamov. But after 4 years the marriage broke up.

Then the artist married the doctor Alexander Savelov-Deryabin. But after the death of newborn sons, Elena Proklova left her husband.

In the late 70s of the last century, the popular artist had romances with Oleg Yankovsky and Andrei Mironov, but these relationships were fleeting.

In the 80s, Elena Proklova got married for the third time. Andrey Trishin became her husband. The couple recently divorced. But just a few months later they began to live together again.

Family of Elena Proklova

The family of Elena Proklova is her beloved daughters, husband and granddaughter. A woman tries on holidays so that they all sit together at the same table, talk about everything.

The girl's parents loved Lenochka and her older brother. They did not wish them an acting fate, as they were born and grew up in an artistic family. The girl was fond of sports. But after the injury, she was forced to leave her favorite gymnastics.

Proklova considers her family to be numerous friends, who are mainly actors.

Children of Elena Proklova

The children of Elena Proklova are her beloved daughters. The woman believes that everything in our life is fleeting, so children should know that their parents love them.

The popular artist could have four more children. But the twin boys she was waiting for died on the first day of life due to medical error. Then Elena Proklova could have a child from Oleg Yankovsky, but her beloved was married at that time and was not going to leave the family. Then the artist herself went for an abortion to untie her beloved man's hands.

The next son died, as he was born prematurely, and the doctors could not do anything. Last daughter Polina has become a real outlet, a hard-won child who pleases her parents every day.

Daughters of Elena Proklova - Arina and Polina

The daughters of Elena Proklova - Arina and Polina, according to the most popular actress and TV presenter, are her main treasures. The girls appeared in different marriages. The age difference between them is decent, but they are really friends.

The eldest daughter was born to Elena Proklova when she was just 18 years old. The girl was constantly on the set, so she rarely saw her daughter. After a divorce from her first husband, Elena Proklova's daughter lived with her father. But at the first opportunity, a popular artist came to visit them. In 1994, Arina got married, and soon she gave her mother a charming granddaughter, whom it was decided to call Alice.

Proklova's youngest daughter was born when she no longer hoped to become a mother for the second time. The actress left everything, wanting one thing - to raise Polina, as they called the girl, a worthy person. Currently, the daughter of Elena Proklova is 23 years old. She meets a guy who will soon become her husband.

Elena Proklova loves both her daughters and wants only the best for them.

Former husband of Elena Proklova - Vitaly Melik-Karamov

For the first time, young people met when Elena Proklova was only 15 years old. For some time there was no relationship between them, other than friendly ones. But in youth the girl blossomed and got prettier, which aroused genuine interest in Vitaly. He openly confessed to Elena his feelings. Proklova answered them.

After the wedding, the couple lived for some time without scandals. Friends called their relationship ideal. But after the birth of her daughter, everything changed dramatically. Vitaly was jealous of his wife. This soon led to a breakup.

The ex-husband of Elena Proklova, Vitaly Melik-Karamov, did not give his wife a daughter, although he did not interfere with their communication.

Former husband of Elena Proklova - Alexander Savelov-Deryabin

Soon after the divorce from her first husband, Elena accidentally met Alexander. He was a doctor. They dated for a while. The popular actress herself believed that this relationship would lead to nothing. But after she became pregnant, she agreed to marry her beloved. Alexander literally blew dust particles from his wife.

After the death of newborn sons, the relationship of the spouses went wrong sharply. Elena did not want to communicate with anyone. The husband tried to bring his beloved back to life, but she decided to leave him, plunging into her grief with her head.

After divorce ex-husband Elena Proklova - Alexander Savelov-Deryabin remained her friend. They still communicate. Alexander after a while got married and became the father of a charming boy.

Former husband of Elena Proklova - Andrey Trishin

Elena had known Andrey since childhood. He was one of her older brother's best friends. At first, Elena looked at Andrey's courtship with irony. He was young, and she already had two marriages behind her back, and the best artists were among her lovers. But the guy managed to attract Elena's attention. After the wedding, they lived happily for some time, expecting the birth of a child. But tragedy recurred. The son died shortly after birth. Andrei did not let his beloved completely protect himself from him. His efforts paid off. She began to smile. 10 years after the tragedy, the couple had a charming daughter, Polina.

The couple appeared together at all events. It seemed that their happiness was cloudless. In 2016, Elena filed for divorce, for relatives and friends it was very unexpected. The couple parted ways. In 2017, the couple began to communicate normally again, and then live.

The ex-husband of Elena Proklova, Andrei Trishin, according to the artist herself, has changed a lot. He tries to anticipate all her desires. Spouses do not make plans for the future, they live one day.

Elena Proklova is sick with cancer

A few years ago, information appeared that a popular artist was seriously ill. But what disease Elena Proklova was fighting for a long time was unknown.

Elena Proklova has cancer. Newspapers and magazines came out with this headline in 2016. The most popular actress herself came to the studio to Andrey Malakhov, where she spoke frankly about everything. The woman repented before all whom she offended in this world.

Elena said that she lives one day. She and her loved ones hope that she will be able to overcome a serious illness.

In her youth, a popular actress could undress in front of the camera without any hesitation. Naked Elena Proklova starred in several films that showed men the stunning body of a popular artist.

In 2012, a photo of Elena Proklova in Maxim magazine graced the pages of the publication. But the woman starred not in nude style, but in a swimsuit. Although they were not made so candid photos, but the fans were amazed at her skin, the perfection of the lines. The woman showed that, although she had already crossed the 55-year mark, she remained as beautiful and attractive as in her youth.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Proklova

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Proklova are visited every day by numerous fans of the talent of the popular actress.

Wikipedia contains all the information about life and creative way popular artist. Here are listed all the works in which Elena Proklova has ever played.

On the woman's Instagram page, you can admire photos of the Russian movie star. Here she posted pictures taken with the most enviable men Soviet Union, with some of which she was associated love relationship. On the page you can see the beloved daughters of Proklova and granddaughter Alice, who is the same age as her youngest daughter Polina.

Not so long ago famous actress and TV presenter Elena Proklova decided to reveal some intimate details of her personal life. She admitted that once she had relationships with many famous men. And now, after a while, she did frank confession on the air of one of the television programs. The actress spoke about the novels with the actors. Elena Proklova admitted that she once had a relationship with Oleg Yankovsky, Oleg Tabakov, Mikhay Volontir, Andrey Mironov.

“Mihai was a decent person, and I do not believe that he cheated. We lived with him for 50 years. We had love at first sight, and no Proklova could stop us. She could fall in love with him, but they didn’t have anything serious, ”the widow of the star of the film Gypsy expressed her point of view.

Elena Proklova also spoke about her relationship with Oleg Tabakov. Then she was only 16 years old, and he was 33 years old. He was already famous actor, so Elena was flattered by his attention, but she was not going to take him away from the family. Proklova knows that it is unpleasant for him to remember this passion of his youth, but nevertheless did not hide this fact from the public.

// Photo: Frame of the film "Burn, burn, my star"

On the air of one of the programs, Elena admitted that the affair with Oleg Yankovsky had gone too far - she was expecting a child from him. However, the man had a family, so Proklova did not want to beat him off from his legal wife and decided to have an abortion. Moreover, she was personally acquainted with the wife of her lover Larisa Golubkina and respected her very much. For the widow of Mironov, Elena's frank confession was not a surprise. Proklova asked for forgiveness from all the women with whose husbands she had affairs. The widow of Mironov does not hold a grudge against the actress for her relationship with her husband.

“I forgave you a long time,” Golubkina replied to Proklova’s apology to the journalists of the publication "TVNZ".

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