Famous men who left faithful companions for young girls. Sergey Kristovsky and Natalya Zemtsova: exclusive footage from the wedding Sergey Kristovsky personal life divorce

The wedding of musician Sergei Kristovsky and actress Natalya Zemtsova took place last Monday, June 13th.

Photo: Owen Farell

The newlyweds at first did not want a magnificent celebration, but then they decided to arrange for themselves and their close friends little holiday in Spanish Marbella. On the eve of this event, Sergey and Natalia gave OK! exclusive interview.

Organizing a wedding is a serious and tedious business, not everyone decides to take this step: they sign quietly, celebrate with loved ones.

Natalia: And we wanted modestly. At first. ( Smiling.) But one wonderful evening in Spain (we have friends there) we were sitting with guitars, it was good and fun, and we accidentally mentioned that we want a wedding. So we found an organizer in the evening - Tatyana Polikanova, the owner of the Events Couture Marbella wedding agency. The next day I met her.

The date you accidentally missed lunar calendar chose? Still the thirteenth.

N .: This is our favorite number with Seryozha! If you come across a wagon or seat number thirteen, I believe that the trip will be successful. And it's Monday, and Seryozha will not have a concert.

Sergey: It's probably main reason. Although the number thirteen does not cause any bad associations for me either. Good number.

wedding photo session usually accompanies a series of mandatory questions. About an acquaintance, about a marriage proposal ... Let's start?

S: Ask.

Who proposed to whom?

N: All right. Seryoga flew in from the tour, sat down near the bed, gave me this ring. ( Shows the ring.) It is, however, on the other finger, but not the essence ... It seems to me that a girl always wants a wedding more. Although I never had such an idea fix. I, on the contrary, said: "I'd rather have a good role than a husband." ( Laughs.) Apparently, everything changes when you meet the person you want to marry. I have never been married. This is my first wedding. This is Sergey's third...

And Wikipedia says that you were already married.

N .: I don’t know who wrote it, it’s a lie. I did not get married, now for the first time. And in order, probably, so that in old age, reviewing the pictures, remember: “Do you remember how you fell into the pool?” ( Laughs.) Then, I have all my friends different countries, it’s very cool to gather everyone, such an occasion is wonderful. I'm generally such a person - I love the holidays. Of course, we do not have a wedding-wedding. No ransom, no rice in your hair...

It's time to tell the story of your acquaintance.

N: Seryozha, tell me.

S: How did you meet? By chance, at a concert in Minsk.

N .: I was there on the set. And my actor friends are friends with Vova, so they invited me to the Uma2Rman concert. At first I doubted - I was tired, I did not want to go, but then I still thought of it. Another taxi driver took me in the other direction, I almost got lost and therefore arrived at the very end ...

Sergey, does Natasha always say “Seryozha, tell me” and then she tells herself?

N.: ( Laughs.) Yes, I like to talk. And Seryoga, on the contrary, is silent, he listens more.

S: There is. I remember that she and Anya Tsukanova-Kott were standing almost at the stage, and Natasha's face seemed familiar to me ... Then I realized that I had seen her on TV in some movie. Well, after the concert, the girls went into the dressing room and we met.

N .: I remember Anka, then she decided to become a singer, she told me: “Let's go, show Seryoga a song.” We came, showed a song, just sung on a dictaphone on a macbook. I thought that he would kick us out with this song.

Didn't get kicked out?

N .: No, he calmly said: “We still need to work on this, we need to learn how to sing.” ( Laughs.) And then we went to a cafe, sat down all together, had dinner, and then everyone disappeared somewhere. The two of us chatted for a while, and then parted ways. And we met for the second time already in Moscow, at some event.

S .: We started dating unexpectedly and finally met.

I understand that your relationship developed according to the scenario "Not with you, not without you."

N .: I remember we already met and one of the friends had a crisis in the family - they filed for divorce. Seryoga, talking about this, said: "I will never leave the family." He said "never", and I realized that there were no prospects and would not be, so I did not expect anything. We either talked or didn’t communicate ... I still sometimes wonder that we are still together. It's funny, my mother, when she hypothetically discussed her future husband with me, she always said: "Natasha, if only she didn't have a balalaika player." My dad plays the guitar perfectly, he is the soul of any company. They parted in due time, although they managed to keep great relationship. We communicate with his wife, I have a favorite stepsister Sasha. But apparently, my mother knew that guitarists in our family are karma.

S .: I never thought that I could leave the family. Apparently, somehow covered me. I didn't understand what was going on, how this was even possible. I've just never been in that situation. I couldn’t even without Natasha, and I couldn’t get away from the children, from the family, so I rushed back and forth.

N .: Therefore, we parted often.

S: It's very a difficult situation. A situation where any solution seems like a disaster. But then I realized that I don’t give life to anyone in my family, and then everything collapses. I could no longer stay, because I was in such a terrible state ... At some point, I decided that if I didn’t leave, I would ruin everything here and there. And now, it seems to me, I spend even more time with children than before. I used to have so many things to do ... Now I'm very worried about this and that's it free time I try to give to my children.

N: It's true! Seryoga is well done, he is a wonderful father. He spends a lot of time with the children and helps me a lot with our son Vanya. When I began to play in the theater, so as not to call the nanny by eight in the morning, Seryoga stayed with his son until dinner. And we have such a freaky child!

S .: Yes, Vanka is a plague! Somehow he chipped two teeth on the refrigerator - he stumbled. The child's pain threshold is underestimated, it beats madly against everything. We play hockey with him, he is a desperate hockey player. First he hits the puck, then he starts hitting us. We are already always on the lookout, because from an excess of feelings, he splashes out emotions so much. At the same time, he wants to. I even know who he is. Me Vova (brother of Sergey Vladimir Kristovsky. - Note. OK!) bit in childhood on the legs. Out of great love, he did not know what to do, ran up and bit my thigh. I always ran away from him shouting: “Mom, what is he doing?” “He loves you so much,” Mom said.

I'm not sure that Natasha plays hockey with you, but do you also have a common sports hobby?

S: We play together. tennis and golf.

N .: I have a goal to beat Seryoga in tennis. And I work out with a coach, but he doesn’t go to training, once he comes and will definitely beat me. Of course he has hit harder, but that day will come... And Seryozha teaches me more about golf. And we all swim together, go to the pool with small ones. He is a fierce swimmer. Runs, jumps into the pool, drowns. Nothing is afraid.

Something tells me he looks like you in this. Natasha, and Sergei has not yet told you that after the wedding, no filming for men's magazines, no explicit scenes?

N .: When I was filming for Maxim magazine, Seryozha was not against it. It seems to me that he will never categorically be able to say “no” to me. Or can you?

S: We'll see, we haven't had to.

N .: When I started working in the theater, Sergey somehow came for me, and the director then asked me: “Natasha, does Sergey mind that you work in the theater? He's so harsh." Sometimes you want everyone to know that he is dangerous, to have protection. ( Smiling.)

S .: By the way, I would not let her into the theater anymore. Natasha was invited to leading role, and therefore everyone there immediately “loved” her very much.

N .: They invited me to the main one and gave another main one to rehearse. I came from rehearsals and sobbed: there were always some intrigues, nasty things were said about me. I’m still such a person: I don’t show feelings in public, I walk with my head held high, and then I come home - and come on ...

S: She tells me everything. And at some point, I just could not stand it. Why endure? For the sake of a salary of five thousand rubles?!

N: Fourteen! In fact, just not very lucky with the theater this time. But somehow Seryozha knows that I cannot live without work ...

S .: Yes, sitting at home, she will take out my brain.

N .: No, of course I will find something to do at home, but not for too long. ( Laughs.) I, by the way, for the time life together discovered her culinary talent. Before you open the refrigerator, and there are yogurts. And then during pregnancy (we then rented a house), I realized that I can and should eat everything. After the move, we probably didn’t go out anywhere for a month, but only sat and ate. I started cooking pasta, frying cutlets, baking pies. Solyanka learned to cook!

S: True. She cooks well. She says to her grandmother. I don’t trust only kebabs - this is not a woman’s business. ( ulyafraid.)

Sergey, tell me, is it true that it is easier to write songs in a state of euphoria?

S .: Now there is no time for simple, I'm in this moment I'm torn. Although I have a new album ready, I can't record it. We just completed the Uma2Rman album, and then I have everything scheduled by the minute, because I need to go to the children, there is a child at home, concerts, tours ...

N .: The album "Tomorrow" was written in a month.

S: Yes, it was written quickly.

N .: I remember Seryoga flew to Cyprus, sent me the song “February” from there. I listened to it all night, now it's my favorite song.

Does Sergei have your favorite role?

N .: Seryoga has my favorite films, but mostly at home he watches Interns. And I am very offended.

Is he probably watching Okhlobystin?

S .: I love it since the time when Down House came out. I just fell in love. Vanya is such an extraordinary friend for me, smartest person.

N.: ( Whispers.) I actually watch Interns too. Good series, well done. Maybe because they didn’t take me there - and I auditioned for Bykov’s daughter - I’m a little jealous. ( Laughs.)

Are you still renting a house, or do you already have a family nest?

S .: For now, we are renting housing, because I left everything to the children, but soon a family nest will appear.

N .: I had a small apartment in my stash, one-room. We sold it, added it and bought it in the same place where we shoot it, already new house. Recently we walked around it, it is already ready, but the keys have not been given to us yet. I wanted to look at him at least through the keyhole ... I already figured out everything, how it will be there.

Sergey, be strong: when a woman says “I have already thought of everything”, you can’t argue with that.

S: I'm aware. She looks at the pictures: “I want this.” And I'm just counting the costs...

N .: Everything is already clear in my head. I also had to discover my design talent. We have already bought a sofa and a baby bed in the shape of a bus. So almost everything is ready. I also designed the kitchen. I am in favor of doing normal repairs right away.

S .: It will still be like with an album: you write, write, and after a year you listen and think that everything should have been done differently.

Style: Zoya Sohor/Cotton Candy Styling Bureau

June 22, 2016

The celebration was held in a narrow circle of relatives and close friends in Spain

The celebration was held in a narrow circle of relatives and close friends in Spain.

Sergey Kristovsky (group Uma2Rman) and actress Natalya Zemtsova (TV series "Eighties") on June 13 became husband and wife.

The newlyweds did not want to make a fuss about such a personal and very important event for them, so it was decided to arrange a celebration in Spain, in the city of Marbella. The closest people were also invited there.

Sergei and Natalia met at one of the concerts. Feelings arose between them. The problem was that Sergey was officially married.

“I never thought that I could leave the family,” Sergey said on the eve of the wedding in an interview with OK magazine. Apparently, somehow covered me. I didn't understand what was going on, how this was even possible. I've just never been in that situation. I couldn’t even without Natasha, and I couldn’t get away from the children, from the family, so I rushed back and forth. This is a very difficult situation. A situation where any solution seems like a disaster. But then I realized that I don’t give life to anyone in my family, and then everything collapses. I could no longer stay, because I was in such a terrible state ...

In the end, the decision was made. And a few months ago, Natasha and Sergey decided to formalize their relationship.

Unfortunately, the newlyweds failed to enjoy the bright Spanish sun after the wedding. It's all the fault of Sergei's busy tour schedule. Therefore, the newly-made wife is now celebrating her honeymoon alone, staying in Marbella. But of course Honeymoon will take place a little later. Natalia admitted that they decided to return to Spain in a couple of months.

Uma2Rman bass player Sergey Kristovsky married the actress, remembered by everyone from the TV series "The Eighties", Natalya Zemtsova. The lovers chose not to advertise the wedding, so they simply registered the relationship with the registry office and flew abroad. The musician and his chosen one, in the company of friends, went to Spain, to Marbella, where they continued the celebration.

Zemtsova posted in in social networks holiday photos. In the company of her friends, she enjoys fun on the beach, relaxes at the local spa and tries dishes local cuisine. Natalya does not show photos with Sergey, probably wanting to avoid unnecessary gossip.

For several months, journalists saw the star couple together at one of the parties. A number of publications then wrote that for the sake of Natalia, Sergei left his wife and four children. The musician and actress did not comment on such rumors.

According to Kristovsky, it was difficult for him to decide to leave his family. “Without Natasha, I couldn’t, and I couldn’t get away from the children, from the family, so I rushed back and forth,” Sergey said. The musician realized that his marriage to the mother of four children could not be saved. “Now I am very worried about this and try to give all my free time to the children,” Kristovsky noted. The musician has three wonderful sons, Vladislav, Evgeny and Ilya, and daughter Alice.

The relationship between Natalia and Sergey became known in 2015. The 45-year-old soloist of the rock band and the 28-year-old actress came to Sochi together for the 2015 Night Hockey League amateur hockey tournament. Then the media representatives managed to find out that Natasha and Sergey have a son, Ivan, who was born in 2014. “We left our nine-month-old son Vanya at home. Natasha energizes me when she is sick in the stands. Thanks to her, I changed, I began to go to the gym, the pool, ”Kristovsky explained to one of the publications.

Parents gradually teach their little son in sports. At the age of one and a half, Ivan already understands chess and knows how to ride a bicycle. Natalya takes her son for jogging, and sometimes for training in a fitness club.

By the way, about the pregnancy of the star of the series "Eighties" for a long time No one knew. In the seventh month, she starred in a film, and experienced dressers customized outfits to make her interesting position was invisible to the audience. When Natalia realized that she could take a break from work, she decided to radically change her image - the actress made a short haircut. She really liked new hairstyle, but after a while she had to grow her hair back because of filming in new projects.

Childhood and family of Sergei Kristovsky

Sergey Kristovsky's mother Olga Vladimirovna, an engineer by profession, was fond of composing poetry all her life. Sergei's father, Evgeny Visvaldovich, played hockey in the Dynamo-Gorky team in his youth. Together with him, the future captain of the USSR national team Valery Vasilyev also played in the same team. Evgeny Visvaldovich was a candidate master of sports in swimming, volleyball and hockey. Therefore, it is not surprising that Seryozha was also fond of sports in childhood.

At the age of one and a half, the boy picked up a stick for the first time, and at the age of six he began to seriously play hockey. In parallel, Kristovsky went to swimming and football.

During one of the games in Chkalovsk, Sergei was seriously injured - a broken collarbone, after which he had to leave the sport. It was then, at the age of 19, that he first picked up the guitar. Love for music, as well as for sports, Sergey inherited from his father, an amateur musician.

In the house of the Kristovsky family, friends of Sergei and his younger brother Vladimir constantly gathered. Parents did not even get angry when friends of their sons spent long evenings rehearsing their performances, emptying the refrigerator at the same time.

Vladimir and Sergey still consider their parents the most the best people in the world and are infinitely grateful to them for everything they have done for their children.

Life experience of Sergey Kristovsky, non-musical career

After graduating from school, Sergei for a long time could not decide on the choice of profession. He worked as a turner in a factory. Later he got a job as a postman and delivered correspondence, then became a loader at a champagne factory.

Sergey also visited in the role of a "mustachioed nanny" - he managed to work as a nanny in kindergarten. For some time he worked at a construction site. Finally, he began to fulfill the duties of a DJ in one of the clubs. This work was especially pleasant, because after the injury, music became Kristovsky's most serious passion.

Sergey always sang well. This is what helped him get a job as a singer in a local restaurant. The work was not tricky: Kristovsky and his comrades took the "branded" "backing tracks" and superimposed Russian text on them. With these songs, he was invited to perform in other clubs and restaurants.

At the same time, Kristovsky began to write his own songs. He managed to organize his own musical team called "Broadway". Ryabyata recorded an album, began to go on tour.

Sergey Kristovsky sang a new song

The group did not exist for a long time and soon broke up. However, this did not prevent Sergei from taking part in the Nizhny Novgorod song contest. The main prize of the competition was a trip to music Festival to Germany. Sergey performed as part of one of the country groups.

The two-day preparation gave a brilliant result - victory in the competition and the right to travel to Germany. During the ten days of their stay in Germany, the musicians gave five concerts, which were a great success.

Achievements of Sergey Kristovsky, the first musical group, "Uma2rman"

In 1995, Sergei creates a new group called Sherwood, which has become very popular in Nizhny Novgorod. In Sherwood, Sergei did not perform "covers", but sang exclusively his own songs. The group came under the patronage Russian Union youth and traveled with tours almost the whole country. The demand and popularity of the group was so high that the guys even got a helpline.

Then I needed help younger brother Sergei - Vladimir, who was also fond of music. He came to his older brother with his songs. In long disputes, in search the best options the recording of 15 songs was "born". This was the start joint work brothers, and after a while a new group of the Kristovsky brothers was formed - "Uma2rman", which quickly began to gain popularity.

Sergey Kristovsky(Uma2rman) Girls

In October 2004, the Uma2rman group won the Best Debut nomination at the Russia Music Awards. The band's debut album "In the city of N" is dated the same year. In November 2008, Sergei released his solo album Through the Cities, in which he included his songs.

In 2009, the Kristovsky brothers became the authors of the song with which each new film of the popular TV series "Daddy's Daughters" begins. and the authors of the soundtrack to the film "Oh, lucky." In 2010, the brothers took part in the work on the cartoon Belka and Strelka. Star Dogs.

The fourth album of Uma2rman "Everyone is crazy in this city" was nominated for the "Muz-TV" award (2011) in the nomination "Best rock group", but, unfortunately, the group lost the palm to the "Mumiy Troll" group, which is headed by Ilya Lagutenko.

In 2012, the Kristovsky group voiced a new screensaver for the popular sitcom "Daddy's Girls".

Personal life of Sergei Kristovsky

Sergei is very sensitive to everything related to his personal life. It is only known that his wife Natalya gave Sergei four children over the years of their life together: Vladislav, Evgenia, Ilya and daughter Alice. The sons inherited a love of music from their father: the eldest son Vlad plays the bass guitar, the middle son Zhenya learns to play the piano and acoustics. But the biggest fan of dad's talent is Alice.

Another hobby of Sergey is biker. For his son's tenth birthday, father Evgeny Visvaldovich bought him a moped as a gift. Since then, the passion for motorcycles captured Sergey. At first he had Voskhod, later (already in the tenth grade), Sergey bought Java with the money he earned. Now Kristovsky already has the sixth motorcycle. But the biker period, apparently, is ending. Sergey recently acquired a BMW.

Due to the fact that at a certain period of his life Sergey had problems with alcohol, at present the musician rarely drinks strong drinks. The same music became the salvation from this addiction. When Sergei had a choice: either drink or sing, Sergei chose the latter.

The Kristovsky brothers have a younger sister, Nadezhda, born in 1984. Somehow, Nadezhda also had a desire to follow the example of her star brothers. But they managed to convince her. Fortunately for the older brothers, Nadia adequately accepted the criticism, left attempts to make music and is now a quite successful designer.

Sergey Kristovsky today

In 2013, the presentation of the song "Muse" and the release of an expensive video for this song took place. In the same year, in June, Sergey released his second solo album "Tomorrow", which contains the best songs of the musician over the past few years. Sergey does not leave work on the Uma2rman repertoire, arranging and recording songs.

She secretly married musician Sergei Kristovsky.

As it became known, the star of the series "Eighties" Natalya Zemtsova and the bass guitarist of the Uma2rmaH group Sergey Kristovsky officially became husband and wife.

The couple privately formalized the marriage in one of the registry offices of Moscow last week. They decided to do it in a secret way in order to protect themselves from rumors and gossip as much as possible. After the wedding, the couple flew away to rest in Marbella (Spain) together with Natalia's son Ivan - there, together with friends and relatives, they plan to arrange a small celebration.

Natalya Zemtsova is 28 years old, she is 16 years younger than her husband.

In Spain, Natalya Zemtsova and Sergey Kristovsky try local delicacies, visit spa treatments and enjoy chatting with friends.

Recall that earlier the media had already convicted Zemtsova and Kristovsky in a relationship, however star couple did not comment on these rumors. However, later Sergei Kristovsky agreed to comment, who claimed that it was hard for him to “rush back and forth” between Natalya and his wife, who gave birth to four children in marriage (three sons and a daughter).

“I couldn’t leave the children, but I couldn’t even without Natasha. I am very worried about this, so I try to devote all my free time to children, ”said Kristovsky.

Natalya Zemtsova and Sergey Kristovsky

Recall. Zemtsova was married to Viktor Rybintsev, who was the director of the film group on the set of the TV series Missing. In February 2014, they got married. In August 2014, the actress gave birth to a son, Ivan. But the couple broke up very quickly.

In 2016, it became known about Zemtsova's romance with Sergei Kristovsky.

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