Zumrud Rustamova is a famous Russian top manager. Zumrud Rustamova is the wife of Arkady Dvorkovich. A brilliant Jewish-Dagestan family union. Deputy General Director of the Russian mining company Polymetal

Political scientist Viktor Krestyaninov in Arguments of the Week.

He, like many others, notes that on the sidelines they are already joking that all the real work for the “theorist” Arkady Dvorkovich will be done by his wife Zumrud Rustamova ..http://www.apn.ru/opinions/article26792.htm ..)

I just found out about a new steep turn in the career of the young Russian genius Arkady Dvorkovich

and wanted to write a post about him under the tag Social Lifts....

Under this tag, I talk about the most glorious sons and daughters of Russia, who made the most significant contribution to her fate and showed by their personal example that t Only hard work and talent are really the only conditions for a career in today's Russia. .
But it turned out that no matter how bright the glorious career path of Arkady to the very heights of Russian power, the career of his wife Zumrud Khandadashevna Rustamova looks no less, if not more, brilliant ...
I have never seen such a powerful family tandem in Russia, not counting, of course, Golikova and Khristenko, but Golikova and Khristenko are still somewhat older ....
And Arkady and Zumrud are some kind of unprecedented geeks, and in my opinion, not only in Russia ....
Which one to start with?
Out of respect for the lady, let's start with Zumrud....

When back in 1970 in Moscow, the girl Zumrud was born in the family of Khadadash Gadzhievich and Tatyana Abdullovna Rustamov, hardly anyone could have imagined what a brilliant career in power in the country awaits this crumb ....
And there were no such rapid careers in the 60s-70s ...
Judge for yourself...
In 1992, she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics with a degree in Statistics...
There is a collapse in the country, who in 1992 needs these statistics for the hell of it, they weren’t conducted at all then ....
But then, in 1992. she heads the private firm "Zumrud", founded by her father Khadadash Rustamov...
Here it must be added that Zumrud's parents came to Moscow from Dagestan ...
What did the exits from the North Caucasus do in Moscow in the early 90s and what kind of companies did they open a separate conversation ...
In fact, their very main line of activity in those years was fictitious advice notes, where then billions of dollars amassed on them ....
And always, all the North Caucasians in those years (and now too) relied in their any business on the power component of the North Caucasian lads, then they shot and cut the mermaids right and left, otherwise business conflicts were not resolved at all in those years ...
But I can’t imagine a serious khacha-papa Zumrud leaving his 22-year-old daughter, brought up in Dagestan traditions, at the forefront of commercial showdowns in the early 90s, in principle ....
Moreover, I can't imagine a serious male khach who will give his main serious business into the fragile hands of his young daughter, an aspiring statistician...
Yes, and a serious hack will not name his main business structure after his daughter, extra exposure is not needed, they usually always opened their companies in those years on lost passports with Russian names ...
Most likely, dad khach really had, among many others, a company called "Zumrud" ...
But it is unlikely that this company conducted any real activity in gangster Moscow in 1992 ....
At least Zumrud herself says everywhere that she headed this company from 1992 to 1995, but nowhere does she mention a word about what exactly this company was doing ...
Most likely nothing, if such a company even existed ...
Most likely, young Zumrud, as it should be for a decent Dagestan girl, sat at home after graduating from her university, and her parents actively wooed fellow tribesmen ...
But then either the Zumrud marriage was unsuccessful and was very short, or the matchmaking for some reason did not take place at all ..
At least in 1995, Zumrud for the first time goes to work, about which we can say with certainty that it existed in nature ...
She is already 25, and she is, in fact, a very young specialist, with no work experience in her specialty, she graduated from the institute three years ago, and what the hell is an institute, what kind of profession is such a statistician ....
But further in her career, some inexplicable things begin to happen ...
Firstly, she immediately gets to work in the State Property Committee, where they took the hell out of the street with the most brilliant track record ...
And she, with no work experience at all, gets into ...
And just two years later, in 1997, she was already there the head of the department for regulatory and methodological support of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation. The department was engaged in the development of a regulatory framework for privatization and state property management, land reform, regulation of valuation activities ...
Let me remind you that in Soviet times, for the first three years of work, a person was considered a young specialist who only essentially continues his studies ...
And after only two years of work, she is already the head of a whole department in the thieves-preblatny State Property Committee, in the office where they decided who to be an oligarch ...
But it was only the beginning of a brilliant career....
Just two years later, in 1999, she was already deputy chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund (RFBR). This position was offered to her personally by the then head of the RFBR, Igor Shuvalov. ...
Igor Shuvalov is perhaps the most corrupt character in Putin's entourage....
In the sense that the most arrogant there, pizdit in the open ...
How much he took from the Rustamov clan for this appointment, I’m even afraid to guess ...
But the bill definitely went to millions of dollars, Shuvalov was never interested in numbers of a smaller order
But this is not the crowning achievement of young Zumrud's career...
Just a year later (!!!) a new appointment, since 2000 she has been Deputy Minister of Property Relations in Russia (then there was another handsome man to match Shuvalov - Farit Gazizullin) ...
Just four years later, in 1995, she crossed the threshold of the State Property Committee as a green young specialist with no work experience in her specialty (apart from an incomprehensible entry in the work book about working as the director of an LLC named after herself beloved) and in 1999 she was deputy chairman of the entire Russian Property Fund ...
And a year later - Deputy Minister of the country !!!
Fuck a career for a girl
from a humble family of migrants from Dagestan....
And let someone say after that that social elevators do not work in Russia ...
Yes, science fiction writers did not invent such high-speed elevators upstairs!
She was not thirty, and she had already become a deputy minister
This actually started working at the age of 25...

And a year later, in 2000 she married another, even younger (born in 1972) star of the Russian political scene, Arkady Dvorkovich. ..
(Continued http://oldfisher-mk.livejournal.com/132854.html)

(SUEK) According to the Vedomosti newspaper, Rustamova moved to SUEK at the suggestion of the company's president Vladimir Rashevsky...
In May 2006, she became a member of the Board of the Russian Development Bank. According to the Vedomosti newspaper, Rustamova moved there at the suggestion of their family friend Yuri Isaev (who headed the bank in December 2005). Represented the interests of the state in the boards of directors of a number of companies: Rosgosstrakh, All-Russian Exhibition Center, ALROSA, Rosagroleasing.
Since 2006 — Deputy General Director of OAO Polymetal. In April 2006, at the annual meeting of shareholders of OAO Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, she was elected to the board of directors of the company as an independent director.
In July 2008, she became a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Sheremetyevo International Airport, from April 2009 - to the Board of Directors of OJSC Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, from September 2009 - to the Board of Directors of OJSC Polyus Gold (a leading Russian gold mining company ).
Since June 21, 2011, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC PIK Group of Companies.
Coal and steel companies, banks, major diamond and insurance companies...
When does she get it right?
And why are such diversified structures so in need of her services?
She is a statistician by education, why is there such an acute shortage of statisticians in the metallurgical and coal industries?
But now she shows her annual official income of millions of dollars, which allows this family to legalize the property acquired in the civil service and, in general, their entire fortune ...
As is customary in the family of all Russian top officials without exception, the income of a businesswoman-wife is hundreds of times higher than that of an honest government official of her husband ....
Well, I want to please dear Russians - in the family of Arkady and Zumrud, two worthy little prodigy sons Pavel and Vladimir are growing up ...
With a heredity like theirs, I wouldn’t be surprised if they become the ruling Russian tandem by the end of school ... http://oldfisher-mk.livejournal.com/ ...
Zumrud Rustamova is a real emerald in the family of presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich. It is she who feeds the family: in 2010, the woman earned more than 41 million rubles.

Dvorkovich's wife has been in business for 20 years. Back in 1992, she became the director of the individual private enterprise "Zumrud", established by her father. The enterprise was engaged in the organization of accommodation and cultural services for groups. Rustamov's groups are also serving now - however, not simple ones, but industrial and financial ones. Today she is a member of the board of directors of OJSC Polyus Gold, Suleiman Kerimov and Mikhail Prokhorov (one of the largest gold mining companies in the world).

Rustamova is also a member of the management of the PIK development group of the same Kerimov, OAO Polymetal Alexandra Mamuta, cooperating with PIK, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank,
Sheremetyevo State International Airport
and the private Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK). And after all succeeds everywhere! ...

Political scientist Viktor Krestyaninov in Arguments of the Week.

He, like many others, notes that on the sidelines they are already joking that all the real work for the “theorist” Arkady Dvorkovich will be done by his wife Zumrud Rustamova ..http://www.apn.ru/opinions/article26792.htm ..)

I just found out about a new steep turn in the career of the young Russian genius Arkady Dvorkovich

and wanted to write a post about him under the tag Social Lifts....

Under this tag, I talk about the most glorious sons and daughters of Russia, who made the most significant contribution to her fate and showed by their personal example that t Only hard work and talent are really the only conditions for a career in today's Russia. .
But it turned out that no matter how bright the glorious career path of Arkady to the very heights of Russian power, the career of his wife Zumrud Khandadashevna Rustamova looks no less, if not more, brilliant ...
I have never seen such a powerful family tandem in Russia, not counting, of course, Golikova and Khristenko, but Golikova and Khristenko are still somewhat older ....
And Arkady and Zumrud are some kind of unprecedented geeks, and in my opinion, not only in Russia ....
Which one to start with?
Out of respect for the lady, let's start with Zumrud....

When back in 1970 in Moscow, the girl Zumrud was born in the family of Khadadash Gadzhievich and Tatyana Abdullovna Rustamov, hardly anyone could have imagined what a brilliant career in power in the country awaits this crumb ....
And there were no such rapid careers in the 60s-70s ...
Judge for yourself...
In 1992, she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics with a degree in Statistics...
There is a collapse in the country, who in 1992 needs these statistics for the hell of it, they weren’t conducted at all then ....
But then, in 1992. she heads the private firm "Zumrud", founded by her father Khadadash Rustamov...
Here it must be added that Zumrud's parents came to Moscow from Dagestan ...
What did the exits from the North Caucasus do in Moscow in the early 90s and what kind of companies did they open a separate conversation ...
In fact, their very main line of activity in those years was fictitious advice notes, where then billions of dollars amassed on them ....
And always, all the North Caucasians in those years (and now too) relied in their any business on the power component of the North Caucasian lads, then they shot and cut the mermaids right and left, otherwise business conflicts were not resolved at all in those years ...
But I can’t imagine a serious khacha-papa Zumrud leaving his 22-year-old daughter, brought up in Dagestan traditions, at the forefront of commercial showdowns in the early 90s, in principle ....
Moreover, I can't imagine a serious male khach who will give his main serious business into the fragile hands of his young daughter, an aspiring statistician...
Yes, and a serious hack will not name his main business structure after his daughter, extra exposure is not needed, they usually always opened their companies in those years on lost passports with Russian names ...
Most likely, dad khach really had, among many others, a company called "Zumrud" ...
But it is unlikely that this company conducted any real activity in gangster Moscow in 1992 ....
At least Zumrud herself says everywhere that she headed this company from 1992 to 1995, but nowhere does she mention a word about what exactly this company was doing ...
Most likely nothing, if such a company even existed ...
Most likely, young Zumrud, as it should be for a decent Dagestan girl, sat at home after graduating from her university, and her parents actively wooed fellow tribesmen ...
But then either the Zumrud marriage was unsuccessful and was very short, or the matchmaking for some reason did not take place at all ..
At least in 1995, Zumrud for the first time goes to work, about which we can say with certainty that it existed in nature ...
She is already 25, and she is, in fact, a very young specialist, with no work experience in her specialty, she graduated from the institute three years ago, and what the hell is an institute, what kind of profession is such a statistician ....
But further in her career, some inexplicable things begin to happen ...
Firstly, she immediately gets to work in the State Property Committee, where they took the hell out of the street with the most brilliant track record ...
And she, with no work experience at all, gets into ...
And just two years later, in 1997, she was already there the head of the department for regulatory and methodological support of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation. The department was engaged in the development of a regulatory framework for privatization and state property management, land reform, regulation of valuation activities ...
Let me remind you that in Soviet times, for the first three years of work, a person was considered a young specialist who only essentially continues his studies ...
And after only two years of work, she is already the head of a whole department in the thieves-preblatny State Property Committee, in the office where they decided who to be an oligarch ...
But it was only the beginning of a brilliant career....
Just two years later, in 1999, she was already deputy chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund (RFBR). This position was offered to her personally by the then head of the RFBR, Igor Shuvalov. ...
Igor Shuvalov is perhaps the most corrupt character in Putin's entourage....
In the sense that the most arrogant there, pizdit in the open ...
How much he took from the Rustamov clan for this appointment, I’m even afraid to guess ...
But the bill definitely went to millions of dollars, Shuvalov was never interested in numbers of a smaller order
But this is not the crowning achievement of young Zumrud's career...
Just a year later (!!!) a new appointment, since 2000 she has been Deputy Minister of Property Relations in Russia (then there was another handsome man to match Shuvalov - Farit Gazizullin) ...
Just four years later, in 1995, she crossed the threshold of the State Property Committee as a green young specialist with no work experience in her specialty (apart from an incomprehensible entry in the work book about working as the director of an LLC named after herself beloved) and in 1999 she was deputy chairman of the entire Russian Property Fund ...
And a year later - Deputy Minister of the country !!!
Fuck a career for a girl
from a humble family of migrants from Dagestan....
And let someone say after that that social elevators do not work in Russia ...
Yes, science fiction writers did not invent such high-speed elevators upstairs!
She was not thirty, and she had already become a deputy minister
This actually started working at the age of 25...

And a year later, in 2000 she married another, even younger (born in 1972) star of the Russian political scene, Arkady Dvorkovich. ..
(Continued http://oldfisher-mk.livejournal.com/132854.html)

(SUEK) According to the Vedomosti newspaper, Rustamova moved to SUEK at the suggestion of the company's president Vladimir Rashevsky...
In May 2006, she became a member of the Board of the Russian Development Bank. According to the Vedomosti newspaper, Rustamova moved there at the suggestion of their family friend Yuri Isaev (who headed the bank in December 2005). Represented the interests of the state in the boards of directors of a number of companies: Rosgosstrakh, All-Russian Exhibition Center, ALROSA, Rosagroleasing.
Since 2006 — Deputy General Director of OAO Polymetal. In April 2006, at the annual meeting of shareholders of OAO Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, she was elected to the board of directors of the company as an independent director.
In July 2008, she became a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Sheremetyevo International Airport, from April 2009 - to the Board of Directors of OJSC Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, from September 2009 - to the Board of Directors of OJSC Polyus Gold (a leading Russian gold mining company ).
Since June 21, 2011, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC PIK Group of Companies.
Coal and steel companies, banks, major diamond and insurance companies...
When does she get it right?
And why are such diversified structures so in need of her services?
She is a statistician by education, why is there such an acute shortage of statisticians in the metallurgical and coal industries?
But now she shows her annual official income of millions of dollars, which allows this family to legalize the property acquired in the civil service and, in general, their entire fortune ...
As is customary in the family of all Russian top officials without exception, the income of a businesswoman-wife is hundreds of times higher than that of an honest government official of her husband ....
Well, I want to please dear Russians - in the family of Arkady and Zumrud, two worthy little prodigy sons Pavel and Vladimir are growing up ...
With a heredity like theirs, I wouldn’t be surprised if they become the ruling Russian tandem by the end of school ... http://oldfisher-mk.livejournal.com/ ...
Zumrud Rustamova is a real emerald in the family of presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich. It is she who feeds the family: in 2010, the woman earned more than 41 million rubles.

Dvorkovich's wife has been in business for 20 years. Back in 1992, she became the director of the individual private enterprise "Zumrud", established by her father. The enterprise was engaged in the organization of accommodation and cultural services for groups. Rustamov's groups are also serving now - however, not simple ones, but industrial and financial ones. Today she is a member of the board of directors of OJSC Polyus Gold, Suleiman Kerimov and Mikhail Prokhorov (one of the largest gold mining companies in the world).

Rustamova is also a member of the management of the PIK development group of the same Kerimov, OAO Polymetal Alexandra Mamuta, cooperating with PIK, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank,
Sheremetyevo State International Airport
and the private Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK). And after all succeeds everywhere! ...

When asked if his brother Mikhail would have been in the position he occupies, if not for the high post of Arkady Dvorkovich himself, Arkady Vladimirovich Dvorkovich replied that he considers his brother a very energetic and talented person ...

18+ Compromising evidence on Arkady Dvorkovich and his wife Zumrud Rustamova.

Dvorkovich's wife became the leader in terms of income for 2015 among the wives of senior officials.
The wife of Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev has the lowest income among the wives of government officials.
in the government, Dvorkovich's wife became the richest among all wives. The amount of her declared income for 2015 amounted to 141 million 903 thousand rubles. In second place is the wife of Deputy Prime Minister - Head of the Government Staff Sergei Prikhodko. Her income in 2015 amounted to 132 million 609 thousand rubles. The wife of First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov closes the top three with 92 million 463 thousand rubles of income. The life companions of government officials turned out to be much richer than the Kremlin ones.
Among the wives of high-ranking officials of the Presidential Administration, Tatyana Navka, wife of the press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov, received the highest income last year. The famous figure skater earned 89 million rubles. In second place is the wife of the presidential aide - head of the Kremlin Control Department Konstantin Chuichenko. Her income amounted to 23.5 million rubles. In third place is Andrey Lipov, the wife of the head of the President's Office for the Application of Information Technologies and the Development of Electronic Democracy, with an income of 14 million 162 thousand rubles.
The lowest income among the wives of government officials is that of the wife of Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev: 81,000 rubles. She is followed by the wife of the Minister of Natural Resources Sergei Donskoy - 181 thousand rubles. In third place is the wife of the richest minister of the government, Mikhail Abyzov. In 2015, the amount of her declared income amounted to 678 thousand rubles.
The wife of the Prime Minister, Svetlana Medvedeva, and the wife of the Minister for the Development of the Far East, Alexander Galushka, received no income in 2015.
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich earned 6 million 962 thousand 754 rubles in 2015, while his wife earned 141 million 390 thousand 378 rubles. This information about income is presented on the website of the government of the Russian Federation.
Recall that in 2014 the gap in their income was smaller - then Dvorkovich earned 5 million 703 thousand 340 rubles, and his wife - 49 million 809 thousand 190 rubles, respectively.
Dvorkovich owns a land plot, a residential building, an apartment and a garage, as well as a GAZ car.
The wife owns two plots of land, two apartments and another apartment in shared ownership, as well as two Lexus cars.
Today, Dvorkovich's star shines brighter than ever: he is a government vice-premier in charge of a number of strategic industries. And, as "Ko" notes, his area of ​​responsibility clearly intersects with the business interests of his friends. Experts call Dvorkovich closest to his classmate at Moscow State University - Ziyavudin Magomedov, owner of the Summa group. The group recently acquired the privatized United Grain Company (OZK) for RUB6bn (50% minus 1 share). However, Ko notes, the competition was non-transparent, so that the state, quite likely, could have received a much larger amount for the OZK.
The Summa group has already worked with state contractors more than once, and very often with the "light hand" of Dvorkovich. In 2008, when Dvorkovich was on the board of Transneft, a subsidiary of Summa received contracts in the landmark Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipeline project. In 2009, Summa gained control over SUIproekt, the general contractor for the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater. Dvorkovich was in the presidential administration at that time. As a result, a project worth more than 21.6 billion rubles. turned out to be under the control of Summa, ”Ko notes. Now the total assets of the group are estimated at about $5 billion.
Vitaly Yusufov is considered another "close" businessman. “Here it would be appropriate to recall the deal on VTB's purchase of shares in the Bank of Moscow,” writes the weekly. - VTB did not dare to buy the papers directly, but instead attracted Suleiman Kerimov (3.38%) and Igor Yusufov's son Vitaly (19.31%), who used borrowed funds. On the resale of shares, Vitaly Yusufov, according to some estimates, could earn 5 billion rubles. (about $170 million).” However, Yusufov's other project is of greater importance - the 4G networks of Osnova Telecom. In June 2010, the Osnova company was registered, created by Voentelecom of the Ministry of Defense (25.1%) and Aykominvest (74.9%) to build networks at frequencies claimed by the Big Three. “Vitaly Yusufov's fortune is still estimated at $700 million, but the potential of the same Osnova Telecom is quite large,” the Company's experts assure.
In addition, Akhmed Bilalov and Mikhail Abyzov are also called close to the new prime minister and deputy prime minister. At least both of them made their fortune during Medvedev's presidency. Abyzov's company, created on the basis of the assets of the former RAO UES, is today one of the largest infrastructure companies, and Abyzov received a ministerial portfolio in Medvedev's office. The state official today is estimated at $ 1.3 billion. Akhmed Bilalov met Dmitry Medvedev back in 2006, when the future president headed the government commission on religious associations. Since then, his career has only gone up. Now Bilalov is trying to make a European-level resort out of the North Caucasus. What was the budget money for? The project costs almost $15 billion, of which $2 billion will be invested by the state. "Funds allocated for the region, go, including through people close to Dmitry Medvedev," notes "Ko".
However, the most prominent among the president's entourage is another businessman, Suleiman Kerimov. The man who lost everything in the 2008 crisis is again worth more than $6.5 billion in 2011. Kerimov's largest project was the purchase of Uralkali and its merger with Silvinit. "Both Russian producers of potassium chloride are valued at $24 billion, and their annual revenue exceeds $2 billion. It is clear that without the approval of the Kremlin, it would be simply impossible to carry out such transactions," the newspaper notes. In addition, he received the development company PIK almost for nothing. Kerimov received 25% from the owners under the promise to settle debts for 14.2 billion rubles. Sberbank agreed to provide a loan. After settling the debt with creditors, Kerimov received another 20% of PIK.
Quite expected, taking into account the activities of Dvorkovich, the ex-head of Kalmykia Kirsan Ilyumzhinov turned out to be in the "clip" of the prime minister's entrepreneurs. After his resignation in 2010, he began investing in foreign assets: he entered telecommunications projects in Southeast Asia. Recently, Ilyumzhinov acquired 50% of Vip, a telecommunications company operating in Poland and Ukraine, bought 52.5% of Petrol Holding, Bulgaria's largest fuel supplier, and a stake in Sucden, the Russian subsidiary of Groupe Sucres & Denrees, the world's largest sugar trader. Also, together with the largest British fund Ashmore Group, Ilyumzhinov created a private equity fund with a starting capital of $1 billion.
The connection with Dvorkovich is not accidental: chess professionals remember how, in a swift move, the presidential aide saved the chair of the head of FIDE, the international chess association, for Ilyumzhinov in 2010. An armchair that almost went to the world champion Anatoly Karpov. Why is this place so important? “FIDE gives legitimization to business,” explains the interlocutor of “Ko”, “it is the largest federation after FIFA. It includes more than 200 countries, and the presidency makes it possible to move freely around the world, and to negotiate not only about chess.” FIDE actively supports the tournament named after Vladimir Dvorkovich (the father of an official, a famous grandmaster), as well as the already mentioned Ziyavudin Magomedov. Its official website states that the owner of Summa has invested at least several tens of million rubles in chess.
The ex-owner of RussNeft, Mikhail Gutseriev, also turned out to be in the cohort of "praetorians". "Ko" recalls: a criminal case was opened against him for tax evasion. But the businessman was given the opportunity to hide abroad. He lived in London for several years. “Everything changed in 2010,” Kompaniya writes. - They say that German Gref and the owner of AFK Sistema Vladimir Yevtushenkov, known for his good relations with Dmitry Medvedev, put in a good word for the disgraced businessman. In January 2010, Gutseriev returned to the board of directors of RussNeft, and in the spring of the same year he came to Russia.” And now - at the end of last year, Gutseriev's fortune was again estimated at $ 6.7 billion. And his nephew Mikhail Shishkhanov, who bought 430 hectares of land in 2007 and a construction project of about 5 million square meters. m of real estate in "New Riga", agreed on the help of "Sberbank".
The Company's experts estimate the total assets of a group of close businessmen at $50 billion. However, the newspaper notes, in the second stage of privatization, which is constantly lobbied by Arkady Dvorkovich, significantly larger amounts of budget funds will pass through this financial group. The magazine summarizes: “Today we can say that Dmitry Medvedev has created a “personal” pool of businessmen. It includes Ziyavudin Magomedov, Suleiman Kerimov, Akhmed Bilalov, Mikhail Abyzov and Igor Yusufov. The growth of their assets occurred during the presidency of the current prime minister, and now they are trying to maintain their influence and property.”
Anatoly Karpov in 2010 made a statement in an open letter that, in his opinion, Dvorkovich had committed a raider takeover of the Russian Chess Federation. He explained that in May 2010 the RCF Supervisory Board decided to nominate Karpov for the position of the ICF President. It turns out that Dvorkovich opposed this decision. Arkady Vladimirovich himself explained this by saying that such a decision was made without his participation, so he considered it illegal.

Birthday September 21, 1970

Deputy General Director of the Russian mining company Polymetal

Member of the board of directors of a number of large Russian companies (as of 2010, he is a member of the board of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, the Polyus Gold gold mining company, Sheremetyevo airport).


She was born on September 21, 1970 in Moscow. In 1992 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics (MESI). According to Rustamova herself, she graduated from the evening department of MESI, starting to work immediately after school. In 1987-1988 she worked as an economist, operator of the Sokolniki District Statistics Department of Moscow. In 1988-1991 she worked as a senior economist, specialist of the 1st category of the planning commission of the executive committee of the Soviet District Council of Moscow. In 1992-1995, she headed the Zumrud individual private enterprise (Moscow), founded by her father Khandash Gadzhievich Rustamov.

civil service

Since 1995, she has worked at the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management. She started working as a specialist of the 1st category, having reached the level of the head of the department. In 1997-1999 - Head of the Department of Regulatory and Methodological Support of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation. The department was engaged in the development of a regulatory framework for privatization and state property management, land reform, and regulation of valuation activities.

In 1999-2000 - Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund (RFBR). The position was offered by the then head of the RFBR, Igor Shuvalov.

In 2000-2004 - Deputy Minister of Property Relations of the Russian Federation (Head of the Ministry - Farit Gazizullin).

In business

In 2004-2006, he was Vice President of Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK). According to the Vedomosti newspaper, Rustamova moved to SUEK at the suggestion of the company's president, Vladimir Rashevsky.

In May 2006, she became a member of the Board of the Russian Development Bank. According to the Vedomosti newspaper, Rustamova moved there at the suggestion of their family friend Yuri Isaev (who headed the bank in December 2005). Represented the interests of the state in the boards of directors of a number of companies: Rosgosstrakh, All-Russian Exhibition Center, ALROSA, Rosagroleasing.

Since 2006 - Deputy General Director of OAO Polymetal. In April 2006, at the annual meeting of shareholders of OAO Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, she was elected to the board of directors of the company as an independent director.

Since July 2008, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Sheremetyevo International Airport, since April 2009 - a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, since September 2009 - a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Polyus Gold (a leading Russian gold mining company).


Married to Russian presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich. Rustamova and Dvorkovich got married on August 11, 2001, three months after a business trip to Tübingen (Germany), where both were speakers at the conference. Previously, they had known each other for about a year. The family has two sons: Pavel and Vladimir.

Father - Khandadash Gadzhievich Rustamov (born 1947), businessman, grew up in Derbent (Dagestan). In 1992, he founded the individual private enterprise "Zumrud", the director of which was Zumrud Rustamova, the main activity was the hotel business. In 1994, he founded Gravar LLP, which was engaged in hotel and intermediary services.

Mother - Tatyana Abdullovna Rustamova, previously was a shareholder of Sberbank and Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Center.


In 2008, Rustamova's income amounted to 27.28 million rubles, in 2009 - 27.62 million rubles. (according to the declaration of income, which must be submitted by family members of officials), in 2010 - 41.316 million rubles.

Zumrud Handadashevna Rustamova(September 21, 1970, Moscow) - Deputy General Director of the Russian mining company Polymetal. Former Deputy Minister of Property Relations of the Russian Federation (2000-2004). Wife of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich.

Member of the board of directors of a number of large Russian companies (as of 2010, he is a member of the board of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, the Polyus Gold gold mining company, Sheremetyevo airport).


She was born on September 21, 1970 in Moscow. In 1992 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics (MESI). According to Rustamova herself, she graduated from the evening department of MESI, starting to work immediately after school. In 1987-1988 she worked as an economist, operator of the Sokolniki District Statistics Department of Moscow. In 1988-1991 she worked as a senior economist, specialist of the 1st category of the planning commission of the executive committee of the Soviet District Council of Moscow. In 1992-1995, she headed the individual private enterprise "Zumrud" (Moscow), founded by her father Khandash Gadzhievich Rustamov. Azerbaijani by nationality.

civil service

Since 1995, she has worked at the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management. She started working as a specialist of the 1st category, having reached the level of the head of the department. In 1997-1999 - Head of the Department of Regulatory and Methodological Support of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation. The department was engaged in the development of a regulatory framework for privatization and state property management, land reform, and regulation of valuation activities.

In 1999-2000 - Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federal Property Fund (RFBR). The position was offered by the then head of the RFBR, Igor Shuvalov.

In 2000-2004 - Deputy Minister of Property Relations of the Russian Federation (Head of the Ministry - Farit Gazizullin).

In 2001, she married Arkady Dvorkovich (at that time he was Deputy Minister of Economic Development in the department of German Gref).

In business

In 2004-2006, he was Vice President of Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK). According to the Vedomosti newspaper, Rustamova moved to SUEK at the suggestion of the company's president, Vladimir Rashevsky.

In May 2006, she became a member of the Board of the Russian Development Bank. According to the Vedomosti newspaper, Rustamova moved there at the suggestion of their family friend Yuri Isaev (who headed the bank in December 2005). Represented the interests of the state in the boards of directors of a number of companies: Rosgosstrakh, All-Russian Exhibition Center, ALROSA, Rosagroleasing.

Since 2006 - Deputy General Director of OAO Polymetal. In April 2006, at the annual meeting of shareholders of OAO Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, she was elected to the board of directors of the company as an independent director.

Since July 2008, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Sheremetyevo International Airport, since April 2009 - a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, since September 2009 - a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Polyus Gold (a leading Russian gold mining company).


Married to Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich. Rustamova and Dvorkovich got married on August 11, 2000, three months after a business trip to Tübingen (Germany), where both were speakers at the conference. Previously, they had known each other for about a year. The family has three sons: Pavel, Vladimir and Denis.

Father - Khandadash Gadzhievich Rustamov (born 1947), businessman, grew up in Derbent (Dagestan). In 1992, he founded the individual private enterprise "Zumrud", the director of which was Zumrud Rustamova, the main activity was the hotel business. In 1994, he founded Gravar LLP, which was engaged in hotel and intermediary services.

Mother - Tatyana Abdullovna Rustamova, previously was a shareholder of Sberbank and Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Center.


In 2008, Rustamova's income amounted to 27.28 million rubles, in 2009 - 27.62 million rubles. (according to the declaration of income, which members of the families of officials are required to submit), in 2010 - 41.316 million rubles, in 2014 - 49.8 million rubles

  1. “We will come to the conclusion that exclusion from a self-regulatory organization will be like death” // Money, No. 27 (432), July 14, 2003.
  2. 1 2 "Finance." 40 Outstanding Women Under 40
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kommersant Directory
  4. 1 2 “The Power of Families-2011. The President and his Circle”, Dvorkovich Arkady Vladimirovich
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Irina Reznik, Yulia Govorun, Evgeniya Pismenny. Close up: Dear halves // Vedomosti, No. 192 (2462), October 12, 2009
  6. 1 2 3 4 Rustamova Zumrud Khandadashevna, Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works
  7. "Finance." Appointments and dismissals
  8. AK&M - News
  9. Kommersant-Gazeta - Sheremetyevo
  10. And emerald love | Information and analytical portal PROFILE | PROFILE.RU
  11. Ludmila Romanova. Authorities and business submitted declarations of their family income // Vedomosti, No. 13 (151), April 13, 2009
  12. How to earn a billion - - Interfax
  13. Wife of Vladislav Surkov earned 18 times more than him: Kremlin tax returns
  • “We will come to the conclusion that exclusion from a self-regulatory organization will be like death” // Money, No. 27 (432), July 14, 2003.
  • Zumrud Rustamova: “Many promising projects would not have had a chance if the investment fund had not appeared” // Profile, No. 22 (483), June 12, 2006.
  • And emerald love, "Profile", No. 10 (328) dated 10.03.2003.

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