Yana Rudkovskaya said that she was on excellent terms with her ex-husband, Viktor Baturin, who was trying to take her children away from her. Who are the children of Yana Rudkovskaya and Baturin now living with? The age of the children of Rudkovskaya and Baturin

Yana Alexandrovna Rudkovskaya - successful business lady. She was educated as a dermatovenereologist and thanks to this she was able to open a network of beauty salons. She gained fame in the world of show business after she agreed to become a producer of the popular singer Dima Bilan and her husband. Many questions are raised not only by her career, but also by the children of Yana Rudkovskaya.

The girl herself is the only child in the family of a military man and a doctor. She grew up as a quiet, obedient child, without causing much trouble to her parents. After graduating from school, she entered the medical institute. Having received a diploma, the daughter decided to sell the apartment she inherited from her grandmother. With the proceeds, she opened her first beauty salon.

Later, she created her own chain of stores selling branded clothing. At the same time, the girl marries Evgeny Mukhin, a businessman who helped his wife at first.

Together with him, Rudkovskaya moved to Sochi, where they lived until the divorce. In the first marriage, the young girl never knew motherhood - the couple did not have time to have children.

It was in the resort town that the meeting of Yana and Viktor Baturin, a millionaire who became the girl's second husband, took place. In marriage, the couple raised two sons - Andrei and Nikolai. The union of two people lasted six years, after which they decided to divorce. divorce proceedings dragged on for many years, as the ex-husband and wife could not agree on which of them the children would remain with.

Yana Rudkovskaya was able to pick up the children from Baturin. To do this, she had to endure more than two hundred court hearings. Now they are already quite old young people trying to find their niche in life.

Producer - mother of many children. Two years after breaking up with the father of Andrei and Nikolai, she registers a marriage with Evgeni Plushenko, the Olympic champion in figure skating. In this union, their joint son Alexander was born.

The eldest son of Rudkovskaya - Andrey

For many years, everyone considered the eldest son of Rudkovskaya to be their own. But later the public became aware that she was the foster mother of the boy. The secret became public after own mother Andrey - Yulia Saltovets told about it.

As it turned out, Julia and Yana were friends. It was Yulia who introduced her husband Victor to Rudkovskaya. At the time when she was already in the last months of pregnancy, Saltovets found out that her husband was cheating on her with Yana. The girl filed for divorce, and after the birth of her son, she wrote a refusal from him in the maternity hospital.

Baturin marries Rudkovskaya, a year later she gives birth to his second son, and adopts Andrey.

In the interviews that Yana had to give after the truth became known, she admitted that they were both her relatives, she never shared boys, raised and loved them equally.

There are a lot of rumors and gossip around this story, denigrating the reputation of Rudkovskaya. But it was Yana who persuaded her adopted son Andrei to see his biological mother. Their meeting took place in a cafe and with witnesses. As it became known later, Andrei behaved dryly and restrainedly with Yulia, because of which she concluded that he was not very happy about this event.

Now Saltovets with his new family live in England. She hopes that someday the boy will tell her mom.

Andrei does not like to post his photos, although many call him a real handsome man and there is every reason for this:

  1. He is slim.
  2. She has thick luxurious hair.
  3. Nature endowed him with large expressive eyes.

Despite the fact that Andrei was adopted, he always felt the love and care of Yana.

The first child of Rudkovskaya and Baturin was born a year after their wedding. The boys had a common children's room, as well as toys that the brothers liked to play with. The girl loved them equally and wanted everyone to think that both sons were Yana Rudkovskaya's own children.

As a teenager, Nikolai suffered a little from being overweight, but his passion for football helped the boy lose weight. excess weight. The journalists became aware that the training was carried out the best coaches Spanish, well-known club "Barcelona".

Nikolai was getting older and his addictions also began to change. The stage has replaced the sport. He has already managed to sing together with the talented singer Vlad Ramm. Their producer is Rudkovskaya. Under her leadership, young performers have already managed to record several songs, and shoot a video clip for one of them.

Yana supports Nikolai in all his endeavors, believing that this is the only way to find exactly the occupation that you want to devote your whole life to.

After the divorce of his parents, five-year-old Nikolai suffered greatly, he missed his father. He was replaced by his stepfather Evgeni Plushenko, who found mutual language with the children of his beloved, becoming a good friend to them.

Today, Nikolai and his older brother Andrei see their own father. Yana was able to forget all the insults and forgive her ex-husband. Children sometimes even live with him.

Rudkovskaya raised children and at the same time managed to run a business, learn new professions for herself. She says she was able to succeed in life because of three things:

  • Purposefulness.
  • Perseverance.
  • Support of loved ones.

This, according to her, helped not to give up in the most difficult periods in her life.

The son of Rudkovskaya - Alexander

Everyone who closely follows the life of a successful producer is interested in how many children Yana Rudkovskaya actually has. On January 6, 2013, Yana and Evgeny had their joint, long-awaited son who was named Alexander.

The photo of the son was published almost immediately in in social networks. The girl does not believe in any prejudices, therefore, since childhood, the number of pictures of the baby has pleasantly pleased subscribers on Instagram. Also, his photos often appear in many glossy publications.

After the skater and producer had been officially married for several years, they decided to get married.

Whether there will be more children in marriage, the spouses have not yet decided, but they know for sure that no matter how many there are, they will become as desirable for their parents as their eldest sons.

All the children (Andrey, Nikolai and Alexander) of Yana Rudkovskaya look happy in the photo, and this is the most important indicator of what kind of atmosphere reigns in the family.

In an interview with the site, the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and aspiring hip-hop artist Nikolai Baturin, aka Kolyas, spoke about his work, relationship with his mother and self-confidence.

The name of Nikolai Baturin has been known for more than a year. But only if earlier the media wrote about the guy as the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and Viktor Baturin, today the young man is ready to curl about himself. Yes, so that they will definitely hear him - and not only in Moscow.

Not so long ago, Nikolai took the pseudonym Kolyas and switched from football, adored since childhood, to music.

His track Enough Spirit, recorded in a duet with ex-MBand member Vlad Ramm, quickly became popular on the Web. We decided to get to know the aspiring artist better and asked him about the famous mother, plans for the future and, of course, star disease.

website: Kolya, you have been playing football professionally for many years, but last year you decided to become a hip-hop artist. Do you want more attention?

I can't say it's all about attention. I just don't think football would make me happy. At first, I had a passion for exercising, but over time, daily workouts ceased to be a thrill. I realized that this is no longer mine. And I have always been drawn to music. And I decided: “Why not!”. In addition, I had every opportunity to try.

website: Now you are 16 years old. This is the age when preferences change rapidly. Aren't you afraid that the music will get boring?

N. B.: No, I’m not afraid at all, because I have already identified for myself the activity that I want to do. I plan to devote my life to her.

“I don’t think that music will ever bore me - there are so many opportunities for development in this direction!”

website: Many people know and perceive you first of all as the son of Yana Rudkovskaya. Are you afraid that people will be biased towards your work?

NB: This is already happening. I often hear in my address: “You do everything only thanks to the famous mother and the money of your parents.” What should I tell them in response? This is their opinion. I will prove something not with words, but only with my creativity. And nothing else. Now I have almost completed my first solo album, which will contain tracks written by me. I'm a beginner musician, I write songs, and you can't argue with that.

“If I don't like a track, I won't release it. Now I want to do what is really fun"

website: What is it like to be the son of a famous producer?

N.B.: There are two sides of the coin. I have everything, and above all, endless possibilities. On the other hand, there are also many restrictions. For example, I cannot commit a rash act. If I mess up, then everyone will decide that it was my parents who raised me wrong. And so I live like everyone else, and the thought does not sit in my head that, since I am the son of Rudkovskaya, then others compared to me are nobody. I ordinary kid, which are many.

website: Are you proud of your mom's success?

N.B.: Yes, of course. She is very hardworking. I know what show business is and how hard everything is given to her. Therefore, I am certainly proud of her achievements.

website: With the release of your first track, for sure, you have not only fans, but also haters. How do you feel about harsh statements addressed to you?

N.B.: I'm so used to it that I don't care anymore. They write and write.

"How more people hate me, the more successful I become.”

They have the right to do whatever they want. And in general, if you think about it, the haters themselves are already to some extent dependent on the fact that they are following me.

website: Do you read comments?

N. B .: Not all, but it happens, I run my eyes. Sometimes I look there to see if people like what I do or not. Sometimes I see something pleasant, and it also makes me feel warm in my soul.

website: That is, do you listen to criticism?

N. B.: If it is objective, then why not. Only I try to listen to those who understand something in music. Sometimes guys my age write to me that I'm gay and ugly: it makes me very happy. Such comments are of no interest to me. And if someone says something like that personally, then we will understand it differently. (smiles - approx. site).

website: You represent a new generation with your views. And yet you listen to your mother's advice as an experienced producer?

N. B.: My mother and I have slightly different views on creativity - we listen to different music. Despite this, I know that my mother understands much more about the promotion of artists and sees this market on a much larger scale. So I always try to listen to her.

“But I'm not one of those who will do what he doesn't like. Neither my mother nor anyone else can influence my decision.

If I don't like a track, I won't release it. Now I want to do what is really fun.

website: How advanced is mom in terms of music?

NB: In this sense, our tastes certainly differ. She is a fan of pop music and Russian hits. But I'm still a representative new school.

website: Today there are new bright artists who are ready to compete with you. How will you win the audience?

N. B .: I think I will be one of the youngest representatives of the hip-hop genre. This fact in itself should arouse the interest of the listeners, so that they ask themselves the question: “What is he capable of at that age?” And there has always been and always will be competition. You just need to constantly surprise people with something new. And I will try to do it.

Vlad Ramm, Yana Rudkovskaya and Nikolai Baturin

website: Today there are 46 thousand subscribers on your Instagram, and the clip “Enough Spirit” has one and a half million views. Do you feel the growing popularity?

N. B.: I just like it when people listen to my music, I can influence people and their mood. If someone felt bad, but my work made it easier, I am pleased. Soon I will release a solo album, as well as a video. I think they will arouse the interest of many.

Website: What do you think? star fever are you not threatened?

N. B .: I live in a family where, wherever you look, there are celebrities, so I am not at all afraid of star fever. I grew up in this society, I saw the industry from the inside, so I will remain who I have always been.

website: Have there been cases when fans confessed their love or waited for you after the performance?

N. B.: Yes, of course, my entire direct on Instagram is filled with messages from them. After speeches, especially in shopping malls, they always wait for me at the exit. But it's cool and even nice. I like (smiles - approx. site).

website: What feelings did you experience when you first went on stage?

N.B.: It was unrealistic. Last year, at the beginning of the summer, Vlad Ramm and I performed at the Vegas City Hall at the Party Zone. On that day, it seemed to me, we were greeted very violently. The audience knew the words to almost all the songs, and it was very cool. I'm looking forward to going on tour so that I can experience those emotions again. It's moments like these that give you the motivation you need to keep doing something new.

website: Tell us about your creative plans.

N. B .: In the near future I will release a solo album “Unknown World”, now we are starting to shoot a video for the lead single from the album, and after that I want to completely immerse myself in concert work. My listeners are waiting for a lot of new and interesting (smiles - approx. site).

A well-known business woman and simply charming woman Yana Rudkovskaya often calls on the net negative emotions among Internet users. It is difficult to accurately answer a simple question - why did the people so dislike a hardworking woman who, in fact, did not annoy anyone with anything. However, the fact remains that ordinary people do not favor Rudkovskaya.


It is worth paying tribute to Yana, because she almost does not react to regular attacks against her and continues to enjoy life. But, if a celebrity is ready to endure criticism against him, then he cannot allow society to somehow speak negatively about his children. To put some Internet upstarts in their place and sober up the haters a little, under the title "Who are the judges?"


However, instead of the expected positive results, the producer faced even greater aggression from the Internet community. The wife of Evgeny Plushenko was openly reproached for taking the child away from his own mother. Certainly, we are talking O adopted son Yana - Andrey. The boy's mother, Yulia Saltovets, according to Rudkovskaya, herself abandoned the child while still in the hospital for a decent amount of money.


“I never take anything from anyone! Saltovets was a client of my salon, she was never my friend! She abandoned the child for a lot of money even before I became the wife of Viktor Baturin, then disappeared for a long time, then appeared and I myself helped her with meetings with Andrey! She came to us in Sochi 3 years ago, and then she began to go on programs and pour dirt on my family, again for money, a criminal case was opened against her, she knows why in Russia! I want you who writes this to know! It is impossible to take a child away from any normal mother, Yulia - she did it and I don’t blame her, then she really needed money, she signed a waiver at the maternity hospital, and her brother removed this comedy from the roof, I found out about this many years later! After all, in the war with Baturin, she ran either to my side or to his! I have been raising Andrey for a month and he considers me a mother, I take care of him! Well, actually, as in the proverb “Not the mother that gave birth, but the one that raised”! Good luck to you!", - Yana unexpectedly frankly wrote in response to the reproach of a person she did not know.

Many subscribers immediately took the side of Rudkovskaya, noting that no one has the right to stir up someone else's past, and Andrei, if desired, could have left for a long time to live in the house of his own mother.


“You deserve respect! Unconditional!”

“That’s what got you hooked on this tactless remark! Why are you making excuses? It's only your business and no one else's!"

"I can't stop admiring you! Your wisdom! Character, fortitude, patience and tolerance "

“I always wanted to know the details of this story. You have grown in my eyes"

“If the boy wanted to, he would have gone to his own mother long ago. But here’s the thing – his mom is Yana.”

Recall that Yana has three sons: five-year-old Alexander Plushenko, 16-year-old Nikolai from his ex-husband Viktor Baturin and 16-year-old Andrei, whom Rudkovskaya adopted. The young man's father is Viktor Baturin, and his mother is his ex-wife Yulia Saltovets.

Yana Rudkovskaya wrote a statement to the police demanding that Yulia Saltovets, the biological mother of her adopted son Andrei, be prosecuted for libel.

But once, according to Yulia, she and Yana were good friends. What happened between the two women - the biological and adoptive mother?

The background is as follows: six months ago, Yulia Saltovets became the heroine of Oksana Pushkina's program “Mirror for a Hero”, in which she frankly spoke about many facts of her life. According to Yulia, Yana Rudkovskaya took her son away from her and forbade her to see him. According to Saltovets, the refusal of the child that Rudkovskaya has is fake, and she issued guardianship "in order to receive alimony from Baturin."

The woman also said that her son Andrey "does not live with Rudkovskaya, who spends all her time at parties and fashion weeks." Well, the conclusion from the program could be drawn as follows: Rudkovskaya "destroyed her life and the life of her child."

It is clear that much of what was said outraged Yana. After the release of the program, she wrote a statement to the police demanding that Saltovets be prosecuted for libel. The charges were investigated. Recently, a criminal case was opened against Yulia under article 128.1 part 2 (Slander). And now the matter is in motion...


Once Saltovets and Rudkovskaya really were friends. Both lived in Sochi, where Yulia worked as a dancer in a nightclub, and Yana was just starting her career in the beauty business. Viktor Baturin saw Yulia in the club, and almost immediately proposed to her.

Saltovets was then 21, Baturin - 45. However, even today Julia assures: it was a marriage not of convenience, but of love. And she reproaches herself very much for not being able to save him at one time. After all, according to the woman, she and Victor could have a good family ...

When they began to live together, Saltovets, of course, left the nightclub. And so as not to get bored, Baturin designed a coffee shop for her, where Yulia began to conduct all business. In the same building there was also a beauty salon owned by Rudkovskaya. Therefore, Yulia and Yana then communicated often and tightly: either Yulia went to Yana for procedures, or Yana treated herself to coffee with Yulia.

And later, Saltovets admitted, she learned with horror: a friend had an affair with her husband! And Julia was then in her sixth month of pregnancy. Hormones play, passions seethe: offended, she packed her things and went to her parents in the Kuban. Baturin, of course, tried to return his wife, persuaded: "There will be no more such a man in your life." But when Yulia resolutely filed for divorce, he promised that he would not leave this matter like that.

The son of Baturin and Saltovets was born in the Seversk Central District Hospital Krasnodar Territory. However, Julia did not have time to enjoy motherhood: Baturin immediately, from the hospital, took the boy to him. Later, information appeared that he paid money to his ex-wife so that she abandoned the boy. True, today Julia assures: there was no talk of any payoffs, the child was taken from her by force (they say that Baturin’s guards promised her shoot), and the refusal of the child, allegedly signed by her own hand, is fake.

One way or another, she saw her son only seven years later, when Baturin and Rudkovskaya had already divorced. Of course, the boy did not recognize her. He believed that this was just a friend of her parents, who from time to time comes to visit them.


And then Viktor Baturin ended up in places not so remote - in November 2011 he was detained as part of a case initiated under the article "Attempted Fraud on a Large Scale." Rudkovskaya immediately issued custody of the children (her son Nikolai, born of Baturin, and adopted Andrei), and Yulia again lost contact with her son.

According to her, Yana did not allow her to see Andrei. The conflict then also reached the police.

“Yana’s phone began to receive calls from Yulia Saltovets,” said Rudkovskaya’s lawyer Tatyana Akimtseva. - The woman demanded 50 million rubles from Rudkovskaya. Like, pay, then I'll leave your family alone. Yana ignored these requests. Then direct threats rained down: “I will pour acid on you”, “I will gather everyone who wishes evil to Rudkovskaya”, etc. Yana had to turn to the Presnenskoye police department for help .... "

However, Julia assures that she does not know about any calls and about the cases brought against her - too. At this time, she had already remarried and moved to Spain for permanent residence. Her husband Pedro is the owner of a ham factory, a wealthy man. Therefore, according to Yulia, she could not extort any money from Yana. All she wants is to see her son.

In any case, it was precisely when Baturin was in the colony (he spent four years there and was released in January 2016) that something like a truce came between his ex-wives. On the eve of 2015, Yana even unexpectedly contacted Yulia. She asked why she did not write, was not interested in the affairs of her son, and offered to see Andrei.


The meeting took place after a while in Sochi, where Yulia specially flew. Of course, in her dreams, she imagined everything a little differently: her son would throw himself on his neck, they would cry, comfort each other ... In reality, everything looked different. Three hours were allotted for the meeting. Son Andrei and Evgeni Plushenko, the current husband of Yana Rudkovskaya, were waiting for her in the hotel lobby. The boy answered questions in monosyllables. He even refused to be photographed together - referring to the fact that he does not like photos at all. And in general, if it were not for the presence of Plushenko, then, perhaps, the dialogue would not have happened at all. But Eugene was always there, trying to somehow defuse the situation, joking, laughing ...

Nevertheless, even such a somewhat cold reception was a great gift for Yulia.

“After meeting in Sochi with my beloved Andryushenka, it was as if a stone had fallen from my shoulders. I really want our story to have a happy ending. I’m waiting and hoping that someday he will call me mom, ”Saltovets said then.

And so - new turn stories. Revelations throughout the country, Rudkovskaya's accusations of uncleanliness and ruined life ...

After it became known about the criminal case brought against Yulia, she herself stopped getting in touch, did not appear at interrogations. And the woman's father replied that she had gone to her place in Spain and was not going to come to Russia.


It is clear that this story is not an easy one. Finding right and wrong is almost impossible. But everyone agrees: for some reason, the boy itself is the last thing in all these showdowns. That is, the mother tells for a long time that she wants to be close to her son, that it is difficult for her without him. And - not a word about where he could be better. Rudkovskaya, in turn, sues to protect her dignity. And again - nothing is said about the feelings of the son. Meanwhile, Andrei will turn 16 this year. It's time for him to say his weighty word ...

"SHE REJECTED THE BABY IN THE Maternity Hospital!"

From an interview with Yana Rudkovskaya in 2012

Then, for two nights in a row, the country followed the ups and downs of the scandal in star family. The theme of the program “Let them talk” was the fate of the adopted son of Yana Rudkovskaya, to whom she claimed her rights biological mother. After the release of the program, Andrei recorded his video message, and Yana commented on the situation ...

- Yana, what did Andrey say in his video message?

Andryusha said: I feel good here, I am happy here. I want to live with my mother Yana Rudkovskaya, with my brother and grandmother. That's all he said.

- And how does he feel about Yulia?

Firstly, I asked him: was it, as Yulia said in the studio, that he constantly asked about her, waited all the time? He says: “I was waiting for another Julia, Julia the masseuse, who came to me. And I saw this one only a few times ... "I ask:" Do you have any feelings for her? He answers: “For me, this is a stranger, an outsider who does not know how to behave, who says bad things about you. And how can she say such things about you if you care about me ... "

You see, my child is studying in elite school, plays football amazingly, speaks excellent English. We recently arrived from the Seychelles, rested there. We were in Courchevel - the guys went skiing for the first time ... That is, my children live in a completely different world. And for them, this woman is an outsider.

Andryusha asks me: “Why then did she refuse me, and now, when I grew up, when so much time has passed, when I consider you my mother, did she suddenly appear? She betrayed me, and I don't know who that person is."

- The people who defended Yulia said that all these 10 years she fought for Andryusha, begged Baturin to return her son to her ...

This is an absolute lie. Firstly, Julia lived in Spain for six years. And I know what kind of life she led there. Throughout this time, she was engaged in an ancient profession and striptease ...

- Under the most ancient profession you mean prostitution?

Certainly. I received incriminating photographs from which everything becomes clear. Some of them were shown in the program - unfortunately, not all of them, only the most decent ones. Therefore, I do not understand what one can claim with such a past and present. She says: I will buy an apartment in Moscow. For what finances? Officially, Yulia is on the labor exchange, she is unemployed. Every time she came to Russia, she demanded money from Baturin ...

"But what's the point now?" Baturin is declared bankrupt, he is in prison. Doesn't smell like money.

Listen! Vitya was detained on November 28. Exactly a month later, she called me. First, the question: “Where is Andrey?” - Andrey is with me. Further: “When will Vitya be released?” - "How do I know?" - "It's clear. Vitya owes me money. I'm flying to Spain, I don't have money for a ticket." “Julia,” I say, “you have some kind of agreement with Viktor Nikolayevich. Please don't drag me into this. And a child you have nothing to do with." - "I need money. Will you give them to me or not?" - "I'm not giving it. I have very serious information on you: do not touch me, and I will not touch you. Then she told me: “Make a decision: I can write a refusal of a child in your favor for 50 million rubles.” I hung up. She kept calling: every day, ten times a day. Then the threats began...

You know, I have filed a case against her in the Presnensky Department of Internal Affairs. It so happened that when Once again Julia called, I turned on the speakerphone. People heard her words, and everyone went to testify. And she shouted into the phone: “I will douse you with acid! I will cut (literally repeat) the skin on your boots until the blood comes out. Listen normal person can you say that?

I had a problem with Vitya, now I have a problem with this crazy woman. And most importantly - that purely legally she has no chance. You see, there is a legal basis. Behind every word I have a document, a photograph. She has nothing.

- With the exception of native blood, the fact that she is a real mother.

So what! Wait a second! She also abandoned the child in the hospital. And after that, she did not fight for the right to be a mother!


December 25, 2011, 13:30

After the scandalous arrest of businessman Viktor Baturin, his ex-wife Yana Rudkovskaya was finally able to accomplish what she had dreamed of for so long. She took her children to her - 10-year-old Andrei and 9-year-old Kolya. Now the boys live in Yana's Moscow apartment. However, in an interview, one of Viktor Baturin's lawyers said: Rudkovskaya, they say, abandoned her children! She flew to St. Petersburg to her husband, Evgeni Plushenko, and left the boys with their mother. Baturin himself, they say, is extremely outraged by this fact and is going to sue the "careless mother." Hearing about these statements, Yana burst into righteous indignation and declared: all this is a blatant lie! owed $4 million."I don't understand where these monstrous talks come from!" - Rudkovskaya was indignant. - That, supposedly, strangers take Kolya and Andrey to school, that I left them. Are the people who spread this out of their minds?! Yes, I am not an ordinary mother who sits around the clock at home, I am a working mother. I have a million things to do, filming, projects ... But every day I get up at 7 in the morning and collect my boys for school. It so happened that they study outside the city - in a specialized " British school". This institution was chosen for them by my ex-husband - Viktor Nikolaevich. In this school, the learning process takes place entirely on English language, so Kolya and Andrei now freely communicate on it. By the way, they only communicate with each other in English... So, I collect them, feed them, escort them to the car and the children go to school with a driver and tutor. I go with them out of town and lose half a day, alas, I can not. I have business trips. In addition, my husband Evgeni Plushenko is now training in St. Petersburg - I go to him. But when I am in Moscow, in the evening I always meet my sons at home. And these are the happiest moments for me, because I have been deprived of these simple maternal joys for many years ... - Did the Baturin family try to interfere when you decided to take your sons?- How?! I am the children's second legal guardian. There were courts, the decision of which read: children should live with their mother, that is, with me. But Viktor Nikolaevich did not comply with these decisions. Then we signed a settlement agreement. According to him, due to the fact that the children study outside the city, they will live with their father in the house - next to the school, and on holidays and weekends - with me. True, I will clarify: this house is not Baturin, it is rented - Viktor Nikolaevich does not have his own housing, he is now a debtor. For example, he still owes me 4 million dollars - under a marriage contract during a divorce. As soon as it became known that Baturin was taken into custody, I got a call from law enforcement, they asked if I was ready to pick up the children. I replied: of course I'm ready! - Do Kolya and Andrei know that their dad was arrested?- At first we tried to hide ... But then I realized that it does not make sense, the guys are already adults, they understand everything. You know, they reacted calmly to this news, with restraint, like a man. They don’t show it, but, of course, they worry. For me, the most important thing is that with me they forget about it and behave like all children: they rejoice, they play. We have already decorated the Christmas tree with them for the new year. - What will happen if Baturin is imprisoned for a long time?- If this was his first fraud story, of course, he would have been released on bail. But since he already had an outstanding conviction - 3 years probation, then ... I emphasize that I do not want any new war because of the children. For me, the main thing is that the children are happy, despite the fact that Viktor Nikolayevich, apparently, is ready to take revenge on me even from the grave. You know, he didn’t even let his sons to Dima Bilan’s recent concert, although they really wanted to. Alas, for Viktor Nikolaevich Dima, like Zhenya Plushenko, is a taboo. But now, when former spouse in the dungeons of the prison, I want him to think and finally understand that if something suddenly happens to him, only I will be left with the boys. And vice versa: if something happens to me, God forbid, they will have only him. I understand that this whole war for children is just revenge on me. Because he still loves you?- For me, Viktor Nikolaevich is a mystery. It is not clear whether he has any concept of love at all. I want to ask him just one question: why is he doing all this towards me? After all, with other wives, Baturin does not allow himself anything like this. He now has a wife - very beautiful woman, Ilona. My daughter is growing, I saw her in the photo - a copy of her father. Mom - Yana- In the program of Andrei Malakhov, everyone saw a monstrous video recording in which Baturin insults you in the presence of children. How did the boys react to you when they returned home? - Yes, alas (sighs sadly). There are such psychological moments. It hurts me, but they completely stopped calling me, as they used to, - mom. - What is it called?- Janoy. I put them to bed, kiss them, scratch their backs ... And now, after massages, bathing in the bath, they can call me, for example, "mother Yana." I really expect that they, as before, will tell me "mommy." I think that someday their children's hearts will melt. But I have a rule: do not push them to call me mom. And don't talk bad about their father. This summer, once in Sochi, where we rested, Kolya clung to me and said: “You are my mommy!” - For me it was a great happiness. The boys are already big. I notice how they fight among themselves for my attention, even jealous of each other. They are very yearned for maternal caress - it shows. Dad, alas, had an almost Spartan upbringing. - What are they interested in?- Kolya is a fan of Eminem. Dreams of becoming a rapper and singing a duet with him. Andrew is an amazing dancer. I am very glad that they creative personalities. I went to their school for a holiday - they played pipes there. They waited for me very much, met me at the school. - How do they feel about Zhenya Plushenko?- They are friends, he is their senior friend. They have already spoken several times. At first, of course, cautiously, apparently they were afraid of "cheating on dad." But I explain to them that Zhenya does not want to be their second dad. They have one dad - Viktor Nikolaevich, whatever he may be. Zhenya is now preparing New Year's gifts for them. Now Zhenya and I have finished the renovation in our new apartment in St. Petersburg. The one that Zhenya gave the president. The entire apartment is designed in white and silver tones. - Big flat?- Five rooms. I hope we will soon celebrate the housewarming and take the kids there. Lost Ring - Have you already bought Christmas presents for the children?- Yes. And I know that the children have already ordered gifts for themselves and me on the Internet - on my credit card (laughs). Kolya and Andrey are well versed in the Internet - alone computer games already bought for 17 thousand rubles. I know that my boys really want to surprise me on New Year. Give me the ring that I lost. - What's the ring?- This is the “Graff” diamond ring that Zhenya gave me for my wedding (sighs). It’s terrible, I still can’t understand how I could lose him ... I was terribly worried, the children helped me look for him. The most surprising thing is that it was lying on a sideboard in a Moscow apartment and suddenly disappeared. - Is it one of the servants?- Excluded! I trust my housekeeper 100 percent. I have had her for 10 years. We are still looking for him, in the corners, cracks - Kolya and Andrey help. But it seemed to have vanished into thin air. The kids can see how upset I am about this. They brought all their piggy banks with euros and dollars - what they had been saving for two years! It is clear that this is not enough. But they want to contribute to the purchase of a new ring. True, it costs 65 thousand dollars. Zhenya, by the way, still thinks that I will find him. - Are you and Zhenya planning your children?- Certainly. We are working on it. Not yet... I would really like twins. I believe we will have our own kids! Zhenya really wants this. When he learned that our friend Philip Kirkorov had a daughter, he was very happy for him. - Somewhere they wrote that he even said that he was ready to teach her figure skating.- Yes, that would be great! I know that Zhenya discussed this with Philip. It seems to me that Philip's daughter will be very talented. Either a ballerina or an athlete! When he brings his daughter to Moscow, we want, of course, to come to the bride. Zhenya has already said that he will give her the most expensive skates. At 4 years old, the girl can already be put on the ice - so it won't be long to wait!

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