Andrey Kasatkin is the husband of Maria Shukshina. Creative personality: Boris Vishnyakov about his strange marriage. Who is Makar Kasatkin? How old, photo? What social networks are there?

14-year-old Makar ran away from his mother

14-year-old Makar ran away from his mother

Maria SHUKSHINA seems to have difficulty combining her career with the role of a mother of many children, which is not surprising, since the actress has four children. From her first husband, Artyom TREGUBENKO, a daughter, 23-year-old Anya, from her second husband, businessman Alexei KASATKIN, a 14-year-old son, Makar, twins Foma and Foka (born July 31, 2005) - from her third husband, lawyer and businessman Boris VISHNYAKOV. More recently, the battles over the younger ones, whom the former common-law spouse The actress wanted to take her home when new problems fell on her head, now with her eldest son.

14-year-old Makar spent the last week with her third ex-husband Boris Vishnyakov. The businessman himself spoke about what happened.

Makar lived with me for a week. “And Shukshina knew about it,” he told the magazine StarHit . - But she didn’t do anything. Why did you come to me, and not to your grandmother, Lydia Fedoseeva, or to your own father, Alexei Kasatkin? Therefore, it turns out that no one needs the child.

As it turned out, Makar was sent to cadet school, but he doesn’t want to study there.

But this is not a reason to put a child on the street, in my opinion! - Vishnyakov is outraged. - That week Makar was on sick leave. On Monday I went to study. He has a five-day period. Then he returned home. What's wrong with Makar's behavior? He was taken to the police station more than once - taken straight from the street. Shukshina realizes that she missed Makar. They made a cut piece out of the boy, the businessman believes. - But the reason for what is happening to him now is not the child.

Let us remember that in September last year, another scandal in the family of Maria Shukshina was summed up. After the separation, the actress and Boris Vishnyakov could not share their children - twins Foma and Foku. Soon after their birth, the couple began to live separately, while the boys were at Vishnyakov’s dacha. He spent a lot of time with them until ex-wife filmed. However, in April last year, a scandal suddenly broke out. Shukshina took the children from Vishnyakov, saying that she was going to relax with her sons in the south. But after a month and a half, Boris found out that Maria and the children had not gone anywhere, but had been living with them at home all this time. Later, a court hearing took place where Shukshina and Vishnyakov entered into a settlement agreement, distributing parental responsibilities among themselves ().

In court, about 50 points were voiced concerning the upbringing of twins, described down to the smallest detail: which parent will spend it with the children and how New Year, holidays and weekends,” said Shukshina’s lawyer Oleg Golubev. - For example, with some of them, Foka will spend weekdays, and with some - weekends. Yes, the schedule of communication with children is literally detailed, but let’s not forget that Vishnyakov and Shukshina had very difficult relationships and the process of moving towards each other finally happened. Vishnyakov will communicate with his sons, which is what he sought. The only thing Masha does not want under any circumstances is for Boris to make the boys’ lives public.

Maria Vasilievna Shukshina is a hereditary actress. She got her talent from famous parents, father of Vasily Shukshin, cult director and mother famous actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. The girl’s acting career was generally successful from the first years of her life.

First steps in life and cinema

Almost immediately after birth (05/27/1967) and her first steps, Masha literally took her first steps in cinema. When the girl was one and a half years old, her father cast her in his own work - the film novel "Brother", which was included in the anthology "Strange People". Then, with a break of several years, there were shootings in the films “Bees-Shops” and “Birds Over the City”. Then Maria went to school and no longer acted, but already had experience working on the set.

Maria Shukshina in childhood with her parents and sister

The period of study at school was unremarkable; Masha received a certificate of maturity, like her other peers. After this, there was no admission to a theater university, a prestigious school acting or to the directing department. The girl chose the profession of translator. I entered Inyaz.

Maria's parents raised her strictly. The girl did not bathe in luxury and was not spoiled with gifts, although her famous father and mother had such an opportunity. Subsequently, Shukshina will raise her children according to the same principle.

This action was partly due to the stories of his mother, who said that for successful career The actress needs a director husband. Only in this case will she be provided with roles, otherwise she will remain unknown, without permanent work.

Return to cinema - the call of the ancestors

After receiving a diploma as a translator, Maria got a job at a commodity exchange, but did not work there for long. The genes of her parents played a role, and the girl decided to return to cinema. She made this decision in the mid-90s of the last century.

Maria Shukshina in the film "What wonderful game"

Maria Shukshina in the film " American daughter"

Immediately after returning to the set, Maria received offers from famous directors Karen Shakhnazarov and Pyotr Todorovsky. She starred in the films of the masters “American Daughter” and “What a Wonderful Game.” These works were the last before Shukshina went on maternity leave and started raising her son.

Maria Shukshina on the set of the program "Wait for me"

Maria Shukshina in the film "Stanitsa"

But the break was short-lived; already in 1998, Maria became the host of the popular television project “Wait for Me.” At the same time, the actress refused several equally attractive offers received from other TV channels. Shukshina fit perfectly into the TV project and became a favorite of TV viewers. She was loved for her sincere feelings and active participation in the destinies of people who are looking for relatives, friends, loved ones. Maria herself says that she decided to try herself as a TV presenter due to the lack of offers from directors.

Maria Shukshina and Konstantin Vorobyov in the film "Bury me behind the baseboard"

But this calm did not last long. In the early 2000s, the actress starred in the multi-part project “ Perfect couple" The next work was the series “People and Shadows. Secrets of the puppet theater." Since the mid-2000s, there has been no shortage of offers from directors, Maria has become a sought-after actress.

Maria Shukshina in the series "The Stone Guest"

Maria Shukshina in the TV series "A Stranger's Own"

It was during this period that her stage role was formed. strong woman who is able to overcome all obstacles and adversity, but at the same time she is very vulnerable. Critics see this as the influence of her mother, who has a similar stage persona.

Maria Shukshina in the series "Snoop"

Maria is proud that she is not a certified actress. She believes that the theatrical stage kills the organic nature of actors. The result is pretense, which manifests itself on stage and in life. The actress loves to experiment during filming and tries to remain natural.

Personal life – family, children

In Maria’s personal life, not everything was as smooth as in her career. The first 2 marriages quickly fell apart. The actress’s husbands were her educational colleagues; they both studied at the same university as Maria. From her marriages, Shukshina left a daughter and a son.

Alexey Kasatkin is the second husband of Maria Shukshina

Boris Vishnyakov with children - the third husband of Maria Shukshina

Only the third marriage with lawyer Boris Vishnyakov became happy; the couple had twins. This time the actress was in no hurry to get married. But her common law husband insisted on formalizing the relationship.

Maria Shukshina with her eldest daughter

According to Maria, children are an incentive for her, for them she develops and tries to look good. But the actress does not spoil them and raises them strictly, as she herself once grew up.

Biographies of famous people Russian actors read

Mashenka Shukshina was born in a very creative and world-famous Soviet Union family. Her father, writer Vasily Shukshin, acted in films, gave concerts and read excerpts from his books from the stage. He was a complex and at the same time very kind person.

Acting dynasty

Masha’s mother, Shukshin’s second wife, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina, was a sociable, bright and colorful woman. Popular Soviet actress, universally recognized beauty and beloved wife famous person. Even as a child, using the example of her parents, Maria learned the entire “cuisine” of theater and cinema, and when choosing the path to the stage, she already knew what hard work lay ahead.

Vasily Shukshin died early, the children were raised by Lidia Nikolaevna and she was against her daughter becoming an actress. Masha entered easily and studied conscientiously at the institute for 5 years foreign languages named after Maurice Thorez. Despite the fact that it was not her personal choice, studying was easy. Now Maria knows four foreign languages ​​- English paired with Spanish (mastered at the institute), German, and French (learned independently). Having received her diploma, Maria got a job in a prestigious office, performing the duties of a translator and secretary, then she decided to go “free swimming” and received the profession of a broker.

First roles

In 1990, Masha's life changed dramatically. Young Shukshina was invited to star in the film “Eternal Husband” directed by Evgeny Markovsky. Her appearance turned out to be simply created for the camera - Maria looked organic and attracted glances. After Karen Shakhnazarov’s film about the desire to find oneself in the “land of great opportunities” “American Daughter”, filmed in 1995, the aspiring actress became an idol of the younger generation. Maria was filmed by Pyotr Todorovsky and Vladimir Bortko, and in each film her heroines were femme fatale women, bright, contradictory and captivating.

The television period began for Maria Shukshina in the year the dollar fell - in 1998. She was invited as the second presenter in the “Wait for Me” program. Maria again quickly won the love and appreciation of millions. The program found missing people and helped those who had separated to reunite, which is why it was on prime time and was very popular. The ORT television channel beat all the popularity ratings when the invariably elegant Maria Shukshina appeared on the screens.

By the way, in 1998, the actress simultaneously received invitations to 4 programs on various TV channels, but she intuitively chose “Wait for me” and never regretted it. Her sincerity and ability to empathize captivated both the program participants and the audience. Maria left the program in 2014 due to emotional fatigue. She experienced every story with the characters and more than once left the studio in tears.

Restless noughties

Celebrating the advent of the new century, in 2001, inspired by her first successes, Maria Shukshina played in the dynamic series about family troubles “The Ideal Couple” by Alla Surikova. The role was small, but the actress was actively invited to act and she shone in TV series on everyday and mystical themes “People and Shadows. Secrets of the Puppet Theater", "Adventures of a Magician", about the everyday life of the modeling agency "Dear Masha Berezina" (her role is the director Ekaterina Kruglova). A journalist, a witch, a businesswoman - Shukshina’s images became bright, passionate, and bewitching. In the historical series "Brezhnev" Maria played last love Secretary General, nurse Nina Korovyakova.

Of the films in which Maria Shukshina appeared in the last decade, critics highly praised the drama “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard.” The actress deeply organically conveyed the tossing and turning of a woman with a complex destiny, torn apart by contradictions, desires and aspirations, a sense of duty and a strict internal censor - conscience. Series about love and fidelity “Take Me with You”, “Departing Nature” allowed Shukshina to immerse herself in creative search, create a portrait of a modern Russian woman that is understandable and close to many.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Maria has participated in the following projects:

  • “People and shadows. Secrets of the puppet theater";
  • "Take me with you";
  • "The Adventures of a Magician";
  • “Dear Masha Berezina”;
  • "Departing nature";
  • "Brezhnev";
  • "Stanitsa".

The personal life of the actress and her four children

It is not for nothing that children are believed to repeat the fate of their parents. IN family life and love, Maria Shukshina has traveled an equally difficult and bumpy path. She married several times.

Maria’s first husband was Artem Tregubenko, a classmate at the Institute of Foreign Languages. The wedding was truly a fateful day, since the groom’s witness was her future second husband, the handsome Alexey Kasatkin. None of them were associated with cinema or theater at that time.

From her first husband in 1989, Maria had a daughter, Anya, but this could not strengthen the marriage, which was very shaky from the very beginning. The actress divorced her husband and in 1995, at an exhibition in the capital, she met Alexei Kasatkin. Kasatkin was able to capture the spirit of the 90s and by that time was already a successful businessman. The romance between them developed rapidly. However, before moving to life together More than a year of courtship has passed.

On November 20, 1998, the happy and still in love couple gave birth to a baby - son Makar. Almost simultaneously they got married, but from that moment on a crack arose in the relationship. The husband's parents received actress Shukshina coolly. She actively filmed, toured, and worked a lot. Almost all 4 years of family life, scandals broke out every now and then. A few years later, Maria was again expecting a divorce.

The actress's next husband was Boris Vishnevsky. She was afraid now marital relations and agreed to go to the registry office only after the birth of her sons, twins Foma and Foka in 2005. This time, the reason for the divorce was the collapse of the husband’s business, who took out his business failures on his wife.

Maria had to for a long time fight with Boris for the right to keep the children. In the end, she won, but the intervening years turned out to be very difficult.

Life is a theater

Having gone through a divorce, litigation and ordeals with children, Maria finally lost faith in traditional marriage. Now she plays in the Russian Song Theater. The actress received a role in the play “Kalina Krasnaya”. The same role was played in a movie by her mother, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, more than 40 years ago. Most recently, Shukshina devoted a lot of time to filming a historical series called “Silver Forest.” Maria Vasilievna appeared before the audience in one of the main roles in this detailed narrative about the choice between the personal and the general, between love and duty, between eternal values ​​and earthly goods.

She bears the proud title of mother of many children. For the first time, Maria Shukshina married her classmate Artema Tregubenko, in 1989 their daughter was born Anna. However, a few years later the couple separated. The actress's second husband was another classmate of hers. Alexey Kasatkin, in marriage with whom she had a son Makar. In August 2005, Maria Shukshina and her third husband, a lawyer Boris Vishnyakov, twins were born Thomas And Foka. Unfortunately, this marriage of the actress did not last long. In 2011, Maria and Boris divorced.

Yesterday the actress published on her microblog in Instagram photo from the birthday of his grandson Vyacheslav, in which she is photographed with her 28-year-old daughter Anna, the boy’s mother. In less than 24 hours, the photo collected about five thousand likes and more than two hundred enthusiastic comments. Fans of the actress note that mother and daughter look simply wonderful, like sisters: “ Two beautiful sisters!”« Mashenka, what beauties you are!”, “ When a mother is more beautiful than her daughter", "You are both so beautiful!”

50-year-old Maria Shukshina looks younger than her daughter

But if the actress’s daughter can be called her mother’s pride, then her son, Makar Kasatkin, does not please his mother at all. The fact is that in October of this year, 19-year-old Makar Kasatkin became involved in a criminal case. Young man accused of beating his girlfriend, Freya, who was pregnant with his child, as well as distributing illegal drugs. Freya herself called the police. She also appeared in the studio of the show “Live”, where she talked about what happened.

Over the phone, the editors of the “Live Broadcast” program asked Boris Vishnyakov, Shukshina’s third husband and the father of her twins Foma and Foka, to comment on the situation. He said that Makar is 19 years old, so if he did something, he will answer. But Boris Vishnyakov cannot believe that Makar could beat a pregnant girl. Maria Shukshina’s sister Olga Shukshina, who is now in Egypt, briefly commented on the situation on Skype: “Shame...”

On November 20, Makar turned 20 years old. A mother of many children congratulated her son on her microblog on Instagram, leaving a very ambiguous post (spelling and punctuation are unchanged. - Note ed.): “Lord, give all my beloved children sobriety, humility, patience, strong faith, health and happiness!!! Happy birthday to you, Makar!”

Makar Kasatkin with his mother Maria Shukshina

Let us remind you that on November 8, the first trailer for the British series “McMafia” was released, starring Maria Shukshina, Alexei Serebryakov and the star of the series “War and Peace” James Norton. The eight-episode project is scheduled to hit the small screen either in January or February next year. The plot is based on a bestseller Misha Glenny « McMafia: Crime Without Borders" At the center of the story are the descendants of Russian migrants with a criminal past. The project is directed by James Watkins, who directed the thriller " Paradise Lake"and the series "Black Mirror". Became a screenwriter Hussein Amini, responsible for the crime action movie " Drive". In addition to James Norton, Maria Shukshina and Alexey Serebryakov, the cast included Maria Mashkova, David Strathairn, Juliet Rylance, Merab Ninidze and Fey Marsay.

Let us note that for Maria Shukshina, filming the TV series “McMafia” became a kind of fulfillment of a childhood dream. The actress dreamed of visiting the UK, and filming a new project allowed Shukshina not only to work abroad, but also to live in London for several months.

Trailer for the series "McMafia"

Maria Shukshina is filming today leading role in the English-American TV series about the Russian mafia "McMafia". She and Alexey Serebryakov play a Russian couple who have lived in London for many years. And their on-screen son was 21-year-old James Norton, an English actor known for his role as Andrei Bolkonsky in the BBC mini-series War and Peace. According to the plot, he dreams of getting rid of the echoes of the dark past of his mafia parents and is trying to create a legal business.


Maria spoke about filming in London in the Evening Urgant program. “Masha, explain to me this strange train of thought of English producers: how does a person who looks older than you in the frame play your son?” – Ivan Urgant was surprised. “Do you mean incest?” Shukshina laughed. “I don’t know, I probably conquered somehow.”

Ivan Urgant did not raise issues of his personal life - the actress does not like to discuss it. As you know, Maria’s first marriage to former classmate Artem Tregubenko broke up shortly after the birth of her daughter Anna. Shushkina’s second husband was businessman Alexey Kasatkin, who was a witness at her first wedding. New novel, as the gossips said, turned into a nightmare - the husband tried to take away their common son Makar from Maria. Well, the actress’s third husband was lawyer Boris Vishnyakov, from whom she gave birth to twins Thomas and Foku.

Makar, now 19, dreamed of becoming a sailor, but eventually chose the profession of an international lawyer, and is now studying at the university. The twins, who were famous for their pranks as children, have grown up and become wiser. According to the actress, 11-year-old Foma is thinking of becoming an architect - he draws well. And Foka has wanted to become president since childhood.

The actress's daughter Anna, she is 28 years old, received the profession of producer, but now she has a more important matter - raising her two-year-old son Slavik. Maria is not embarrassed by the role of grandmother. “I am both a mother-in-law and a mother-in-law, in my opinion, wonderful, very democratic. I never interfere in anything, children must make independent decisions when choosing a companion,” Shukshina assures.

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