The kidnapping of Anatoly Geller. Kidnapping by radical Islamists. Mansur decided to study at a cadet school

Yesterday in Naberezhnye Chelny a closed trial began in the case of the kidnapping of the 20-year-old son of the head of the city housing department. He was stolen on the personal order of field commander Amir Khattab and was held captive by militants for more than two months. The hostage was released only after the father paid the bandits $320 thousand.
Anatoly Geller, a 4th year student at the local pedagogical institute, was kidnapped on July 1, 1998. At about three o'clock in the afternoon, he dropped his mother off at one of the units of the Naberezhnye Chelny city housing and communal services on the Tukai embankment and decided to wait for her in the car. Suddenly, the doors of his "nine" opened and three people burst into the cabin. One of them hit the guy in the face and threw him into the passenger seat with the words: “Quiet, don’t move!” The attackers stopped Anatoly’s attempts to jump out or call for help by putting a knife to his throat.
A few minutes later the car was racing towards the exit of the city. One of the criminals took out a cell phone, dialed the number and said: “We got it.” Soon the car drove into the woods. There, they threw a tarpaulin cover over the captive's head, tied his hands and feet, injected him with a dose of droperidol (ignoring Anatoly's words that he was allergic to all types of medications) and threw him into a wooden box in an on-board KamAZ truck, covering him with branches on top.
The truck drove all night and most of the next day, stopping several times for half an hour in the forest for the prisoner to relieve himself and eat. At seven in the evening the truck stopped again in the middle of the forest. There, a VAZ-21099 was waiting for the bandits, in which the hostage was brought to a house in the forest. Here Anatoly’s legs were untied and lowered into the basement for the night.
The next day, the hostage was thrown into the trunk and taken again, making a “pedagogical” stop: the prisoner was beaten for untying his hands without permission, and one of the criminals, grabbing the guy by the hair, lifted his head and slashed him in the throat with a knife - Anatoly did not immediately I realized that this was the unsharpened side of the blade. Then the hostage was sedated again and woken up only in the evening to force him to dig a hole, where they put him, covered with branches.
The young man sat in the hole for two days while the bandits waited for a car from Chechnya. She was late, so the prisoner was transported to another place, an iron chain was put around his neck and chained to a tree. Anatoly was kept in chains all the way to Chechnya. But first, one of the bandits asked how Geller preferred to be stabbed if the car didn’t arrive, and went to sharpen his knife.
Over the next few days, the bandits tortured the hostage in every possible way: without removing the chain, they forced him to run for several kilometers behind the car, they shot him with a pistol over his ear, and then they shot him in the face with blank cartridges.
Finally, a KamAZ refrigerator arrived with a specially equipped hiding place, inside of which Anatoly Geller was fastened with an iron ring. It was only brought out on July 18th. When his eyes adjusted to the light, the prisoner discovered that he was standing in a circle of bearded men dressed in camouflage with machine guns. He was locked in the basement of a private house, in which there were five or six other people. A few hours later, a group of militants came down to the newcomer, one of whom, with Arabic script on his shoulder straps, asked Anatoly who he was, where he was from, how he got here and whether they would give him a ransom. At night, the hostage was taken outside, put in a car and brought to the courtyard of another house, where the same militant asked the Gellers’ home phone number and the code for Naberezhnye Chelny. The bandit couldn’t immediately get through on his cell phone, so for several more days the family didn’t know where Anatoly had disappeared to.

By that time, Yakov Geller, through local media, appealed to the townspeople with a request for help in finding his son. A similar request in two languages ​​- Russian and Tatar - was even printed on back side rent receipts sent to citizens.
A charity event was launched in Chelny to collect donations from citizens and enterprises in favor of the “prisoners of the Caucasus”: a year before Anatoly Geller, the deputy general director of the Chelny Avtozavodstroy LLC, Ravil Gallyamov, who headed large group Tatar builders who erected a gas turbine power station in the city of Karabulak.
But the 47-year-old builder was released from a year and a half captivity, which deprived him of two fingers, as a result of a special operation (Kommersant wrote about this in January 2000). And the father paid for the 20-year-old student - from his own pocket.
This happened in the fall of 1999, when Anatoly replaced several hostage cells already equipped in Chechen basements. In one, he met ITAR-TASS special correspondent Vladimir Yatsina, who was later killed by the kidnappers.
He stayed with him until his release - until September 7, 1999, when they paid $300 thousand for Anatoly. Yakov Geller gave another $20 thousand to an unknown intermediary, who reduced the ransom amount from $500 thousand to $300 thousand.

The security of the Chelny official during the trip was ensured by Tatar KGB officers. A year after the ransom of the hostage, they detained Anatoly’s kidnappers. The circumstances of the investigation and arrest of the suspects are still kept secret. It is only known that three Chelny residents sat in the dock: 24-year-old Sherali Shukurov, his 26-year-old brother Ilkhom and 27-year-old Maxim Gaponov, who underwent special training in the sabotage center of Chechen militants "Caucasus".
They are facing a whole series of charges, ranging from participation in an illegal armed group and hostage-taking to carrying a firearm.
According to Tatar KGB investigators, not all the militants involved in the kidnapping of Geller Jr. were caught. The criminal case against eight more members of the criminal group, including field commanders Khattab and Zelimkhan Akhmadov, the organizers of the kidnapping, has been separated into separate proceedings. Those of the kidnappers who were taken into custody appeared in court yesterday. Their case will be considered at mobile sessions of the Supreme Court of Tatarstan. Moreover, the entire process, right up to the announcement of the verdict, at the request of the prosecution, will be held closed to journalists.


The secretary found it difficult to answer the question on what date Geller would begin his duties. Geller himself refused to comment on the appointment, explaining that there is no order about it yet.

“There is no order yet. I won’t guess. There will be an order, it will be seen. Maybe I won’t yet: there is no order,” Geller said.

According to information on the official website of Rostechnadzor, the head of the service now has 7 assistants: Sergey Zdorikov, Boris Krupchatnikov, Nadezhda Kuzmina, Gelani Merzhuev, Yulia Neposedova, Alexander Sapozhnikov And Pavel Cheprakov.

Geller has worked as Deputy Minister of Information and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan since 2010. Today it became known that on May 5 he resigned of his own free will.

Anatoly Geller- son of the head Agencies for government orders, investment activities and interregional relations of Tatarstan Jacob Geller. On July 1, 1999, Geller Jr. was kidnapped. He was transported through Mordovia to Chechnya. Anatoly Geller spent 2 months in captivity. The kidnappers demanded a ransom. Geller Sr., who then served as head of the City Housing Administration in Naberezhnye Chelny, managed to collect 320 thousand dollars. In September, Anatoly Geller was released during a special operation. A year later, his kidnappers were arrested.

...It would seem that so many years have already passed since the terrible events in which we found ourselves in different time four Chelny residents abducted by bandits - Anatoly Geller, Ravil Gallyamov, Bulat Bayazitov and seven-year-old Mansur Ikramov. The whole city was worried about them, worried and helped as best they could. And they were released. Our correspondent Lyalya Gaifutdinova tried to find out how their lives are now. The kidnappers watched student Anatoly Geller for three months

On July 1, 1999, Naberezhnye Chelny was shocked by the news of the disappearance of 21-year-old Anatoly, the eldest son of one of the famous people in the city, the head of the City Housing Administration, Yakov Geller. A student at the Naberezhnye Chelny Pedagogical Institute was captured in his car while he was waiting for his mother. In the same car, three men took him to the forest outside the city. On the same day, in the back of a KAMAZ truck, littered with boards, they transported him to Mordovia. From there, they were taken to Chechnya in a special KAMAZ with a cache for transporting people.

He was released from captivity two months later - on September 7. They say that this story became the only case in the country of taking a hostage and taking him to Chechnya that was proven and brought to court.

After Anatoly’s unexpected disappearance, police and volunteers combed the entire city, nearby plantings and forest. They found a car, which was added to the materials of the criminal case. Only a month later, in August, the first call from Chechnya with a ransom demand was heard in Ya. Geller’s apartment. The father collected the amount of 320 thousand dollars. The heads of many city enterprises then donated one hundred thousand or more rubles, and help came from all over the country. Anatoly was released from captivity with the help of the KGB of Tatarstan and the FSB of Ingushetia, the head of the Chechen community of Chelny.

The Chelny hostage who returned home did not give a single interview, and the father did his best to avoid questions. Later it became known that he had been in the basement for almost two months together with Vladimir Yatsina, an ITAR-TASS photojournalist. The hostages were not allowed to talk during the day, so conversations were conducted quietly at night. It was Yatsina, according to the Gellers, who supported their son during the difficult months of his life. After his release, father and son went to Moscow and told his wife that her husband was alive. (In 2000, the Chechens killed him).

The secret services arrested the kidnappers of Anatoly Geller a year after the crime was committed. There were three defendants in the dock - they lived in Chelny, studied at the notorious Yoldyz madrasah, where they were given the task of finding a person in the city for whom they could receive a ransom. They monitored the young man for three months, daily tracking his route. The leader of this Chelny operation and one of his accomplices were sentenced to 20 years in prison, the third - to 12 years.

After returning home, Anatoly Geller defended his diploma at the Pedagogical Institute a year later and began working as a software engineer at PezhU, where his father recommended him to go. After moving to Kazan with his parents, the young man received a diverse education - he graduated from the Faculty of Law of KSU, the Moscow Academy of State and municipal government Civil Civil Registry Office under the President of the Russian Federation. Speaks English, Polish, Ukrainian languages. In May last year, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Information and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan. He is 31 years old. Anatoly Geller is married and has a daughter.

« In any situation, you must help yourself»

Of all the kidnapped business representatives in our city, only Bulat Bayazitov, one of the owners of the Bulay factory and plant, was rescued from the hands of the Tagiryanovskaya gangsters. soft drinks"Alice".

He was a hostage for three and a half months - from June 9 to September 27, 2003; a ransom of 3.5 million dollars was demanded for him (three times more than for the general director of KAMAZ-Metallurgy OJSC Victor Faber).

Entrepreneur Bayazitov was taken hostage at night, blindfolded, and transported by car for a long time from apartment to apartment. The only time they were allowed to call cell phone, and he told his relatives that they were demanding a ransom for him. The conditions were terrible - Bulat Bayazitov was handcuffed to the radiator by the hand, his eyes were covered with tape. He was beaten, tortured and bullied, forbidden to talk, and behaved especially harshly after his escape attempt.

The food was poor, even water was rarely given. It became even worse after the leader of the Tagiryanov gang was taken into custody. Unable to contact him, the guards apparently did not know what to do next with the hostage. We immediately became nervous.

“I immediately felt that a denouement had come,” B. Bayazitov said after his release. - Panic arose among the guards, and they spoke using conventional words.

The entrepreneur was released alive. Seven people were detained during the operation.

Bulat cannot help but remember an unpleasant moment in his life, because something like this cannot be erased from his memory. What is respectful is that he did not need the help of a psychologist: he was able to get out of a stressful situation on his own.

“I’m a calm person by nature,” he says. - I think that no psychologist, even an experienced one, can help if you don’t help yourself. Before my imprisonment, I, like others, thought that life revolved around me. Now I look at her more realistically. Whatever you plan, whatever you want, life goes on by itself...

Bulat Bayazitov's hobby is traveling. And now he is far from home.

« I survived because I was very worried about my parents...»

In the summer of 1998, Chelny builders from Avtozavodstroy were on a business trip to build a gas turbine power plant in the city of Karabulak, Ingushetia. On the afternoon of June 13, the deputy director of the enterprise, Ravil Gallyamov, went to the airport to meet his colleagues who had arrived for their shift. Suddenly, armed masked bandits attacked the car, which was accompanied by security, and took him away in an unknown direction. Our fellow countryman was able to return home only after two and a half years - on January 6, 2001.

During all this time, the bandits transported the Chelny resident from one cold basement to another. They set out on the road at night every three months, putting a blindfold over the captive’s eyes.

“I lost my orientation in time,” recalls Ravil Gallyamov, “at first I couldn’t eat and lost a lot of weight. Depending on who I lived with, I was fed either well or poorly, because many did not have enough food for themselves. Sometimes they gave us one tomato and a piece of bread a day. But one time the security doubled the ration and said that it was a “gift” for my 50th birthday (the bandits had the passport, and apparently they looked into it). They called me a “valuable commodity” and demanded a ransom of first a million dollars, then 500 thousand. They often threatened that if they didn’t pay the money, they would cut me into pieces and throw me into the gorge to be devoured by eagles.

When did they start fighting, bombing and shelling, the prisoner was urgently transferred to the mountains. There he worked as a shepherd, lived with his grandfather, who wanted to help him return home and introduced him to peaceful Chechens who were planning to go to Ingushetia for treatment. Together with them, the Chelny resident crossed the mountains, and then managed to escape and reached the highway on his own. He hitched a ride to Karabulak and hid with Ingush friends who worked with him on the construction of a power plant. I managed to get through to the general director of Avtozavodstroy, Alexander Evdokimov, and report my whereabouts. And then the house where he was was surrounded by special forces of the “Vityaz” group, and the Chelny resident was taken out of the shelter.

“It’s as if I passed from one century to another,” says Ravil Gallyamov, “I learned many events by watching TV. Of course, he has changed in appearance: he lost 15 kilograms. What helped me survive? I was very afraid that I would be missing and that my parents would die of grief from worrying about me. There was a desire at all costs to see and hug my mother, who was waiting and praying for me. After returning to Chelny, thin and pale, he immediately went to his parents in the Mamadyshsky district. There I gained strength, although at work they suggested going to a sanatorium. Now I feel good, soon I will congratulate my mother on her 90th birthday, and my father is already 94! So, I hope I will also be a long-liver.

Once free, at first Ravil Kamilovich was frightened even by cars passing by - he imagined bandits with machine guns. They say time heals. Now he is more willing than before to talk about captivity. Constantly on the road - since last year he practically lives in Kazan and comes home only on weekends. As Deputy General Director of OJSC Kamgesavtozavodstroy, he oversees the construction of Universiade 2013 facilities.

Mansur decided to study at a cadet school

On July 21, 2000, Mansur Ikramov, who was playing in the courtyard of his house, was kidnapped and taken from Naberezhnye Chelny to Kyrgyzstan. We traveled by car, by train... The seven-year-old boy spent four months away from his parents. He flew home by plane, which landed at Begishevo airport late at night on November 27.

Mansur became a hostage because of a dispute between his father and a business partner, who contacted his parents and demanded money, threatening that otherwise the child would be sold.

FSB officers found the missing child in the village, where he spent days tending a herd, and transported him to Bishkek. Here he was sheltered in his home by Lieutenant General Vladimir Molchanov, the representative of the Russian FSB in Kyrgyzstan.

I was the one happy woman on Earth, when my son was given to me, besides, it was Mother’s Day,” says Zulfira Gabdulkhaevna. - Only when he returned home did I begin to sleep peacefully.

The stressful situation made itself felt - Zulfira became seriously ill and became disabled. Because of this, she often has to undergo treatment in hospital. The grown-up son worries about his mother and takes tender care of her.

But, fortunately, the captivity did not affect the health of his son. The only thing is that Mansur became taciturn.

He’s a pet, he loves dogs very much, takes care of a turtle and doesn’t miss a single TV show “In the Animal World,” says his mother.

Mansur does not like to talk about the time he spent in captivity, but he often recalls the days he spent with Molchanov.

We called Vladimir Vasilyevich quite often and sent him gifts,” shares Zulfira Gabdulkhaevna. - It’s a pity that after he moved it was not possible to recognize him new number phone. Mansur still remembers how Uncle Volodya cut his overgrown hair, read books, bought warm clothes and toys - he returned home with a big car. By the way, we still keep it as a memory.

Now Mansur is in tenth grade at cadet school No. 82. He tries to get good grades. He shared that he has a dream - to become an actor; he always takes part in school productions. True, to the question: “ What are you planning to do after finishing school?" - answered: " I don’t want to go far from home, so I will enroll in a Chelny university».

1999: Kidnapping by radical Islamists

In the summer of 1999, Anatoly Geller, who was then studying at the philological department of the Naberezhnye Chelny Pedagogical Institute, was captured in his own car by radical Islamists. The guy was taken to the forest and on the same day in the back of a KAMAZ truck, littered with boards, transported to Mordovia. Anatoly was beaten, tied with a chain to a tree, kept in a hole, injected with psychotropic substances, and “shot” with blank cartridges.

Two and a half weeks after the abduction, he was secretly transported to Chechnya. And on August 18, the kidnappers called Yakov Geller, Anatoly’s father, demanding a ransom. The anxious expectations of the Geller family lasted until September 7, when Anatoly was released from captivity with the assistance of the KGB of Tatarstan, the FSB of Ingushetia, the head of the Chechen community in Chelny, and also thanks to the amount of 320 thousand dollars collected throughout the country. In Chechnya, a young man spent almost two months in a basement with ITAR-TASS photojournalist Vladimir Yatsina.

A year later, the kidnappers were detained. The organizer of the kidnapping, 26-year-old Sherali Shukurov, received 20 years in prison. 27-year-old Maxim Gaponov received the same amount. Younger brother Sherali - 24-year-old Ilkhom Shukurov - received 12 years in prison.

2000: Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the National State Pedagogical Institute

In 2000, Anatoly graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical Institute.

From 2000 to 2001, he worked as a software engineer for the central settlement and registration center of the housing management service at the Production Operational Housing Administration in Naberezhnye Chelny.

2001: General director of Todres-T

In 2001 - 2005 - was general director LLC "Todres-T"

In 2004, Anatoly graduated from the Kazan Faculty of Law state university them. IN AND. Ulyanov-Lenin.

From 2005 to 2007 he worked as a lawyer at Investenergoservis LLC.

In 2006, Anatoly graduated from the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration of the Moscow Academy of State and Municipal Administration of the Civil Registry of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

From 2007 to 2009, Geller served as deputy head of housing and communal services, deputy head of the executive committee of the Zelenodolsk municipal district.

In 2009 - 2010, he worked as head of the state procurement department, manager of the affairs of the Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of the Republic of Tatarstan.

2010: Deputy Minister of Information and Communications of Tatarstan

In 2010 - 2017 - Deputy Minister of Information and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan.

2018: Deputy head at Rostechnadzor

In 2017, he took the position of assistant to the head of Rostechnadzor, then headed the Informatization Directorate of the Service.

The end of the 90s was the time of human trafficking in the North Caucasus. Militant groups routinely kidnapped wealthy Russians for ransom. It was for this purpose that in the summer of 1999, Hafiz Razzakov, Maxim Gaponov, brothers Ilkhom and Sherali Shukurov, who studied at the Caucasus, arrived in Naberezhnye Chelny. According to Razzakov, the order to seize the rich hostage was given to them personally by Khattab and Basayev.
The choice fell on Anatoly Geller, the son of the head of the City Housing Administration, deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Yakov Geller. He was attacked on July 1 at about three o'clock in the afternoon, when he drove up to his house in a car. Stunning the guy with a strong blow, the bandits pushed him into the back seat of their car and drove him out of town. There they transferred me to a KamAZ cache that had been previously equipped with a cache (a refrigerator with a wooden box hidden inside) and was taken to Mordovia, where they were kept in a cellar at home in one of the villages for three days while the route to Chechnya was adjusted. In order for the prisoner to behave calmly, all this time he was constantly injected with psychotropic drugs.
On July 18, Anatoly Geller was taken to the city of Urus-Martan. Later he will tell that in Chechnya he was constantly bullied, severely beaten and constantly threatened with murder. Once they even staged a false execution: they put a pistol to his forehead and fired a blank.
They demanded half a million dollars from Jacob Geller for the life of his son. They set strict deadlines. For delay, they promised to cut off the guy’s fingers and send them to his father.
Negotiations with the militants were conducted by the chairman of the Chechen diaspora in Naberezhnye Chelny, who traveled to Chechnya several times. As a result, he managed to reduce the ransom amount to $300 thousand. But Yakov Geller, Anatoly’s father, did not have this money either. And then the head of the municipal services Chelnov took a desperate step - he posted leaflets around the city asking for help, and people responded. Some people contributed a hundred dollars, some a thousand, to the public fund created by Geller. Old grandmothers even brought jam, hoping to help in some way.
In early September, on the border of Chechnya and Ingushetia near the Kavkaz-1 checkpoint, militants handed over a hostage to employees in exchange for money law enforcement. According to Razzakov, he received 10 thousand dollars from Khattab for this operation. The rest of the participants received less.
A year later, in 2000, FSB officers detained the kidnappers of Anatoly Geller - the Shukurov brothers and Maxim Gaponov. Sherali Shukurov and Gaponov received 20 years in prison, Ilkhom Shukurov was sentenced to 12 years. Razzakov managed to escape. It was Razzakov who was the last unidentified participant in the kidnapping of Yakov Geller’s son. It was he who grabbed Anatoly and pushed him into the car. One of Razzakov's brothers, Khairulla, also took part in the initial stages of preparation for this kidnapping. But it is no longer possible to bring him to justice - he died in Chechnya.

"Islamic Jamaat" in Tatarstan

To investigate the murders in the Borovetsky forest, an operational investigative group was created consisting of police officers, the FSB and the prosecutor's office. Simultaneous arrests of members of the underground group were to be carried out. Meanwhile, the arrested Hafiz Razzakov began to testify.
As follows from his story, he was never the leader of the “Islamic Jamaat” in Tatarstan. This role was taken on by 33-year-old Ilgam Gumerov (Akhmad, Abdul-Aziz), expanding active work in Naberezhnye Chelny and the Aznakaevsky district of Tatarstan, as well as in the Beloretsky and Uchalinsky districts of Bashkiria. The “jamaat” did not have a permanent headquarters; its participants gathered in rented apartments or in the Bashkir forests. In March 2001, Razzakov also returned to Naberezhnye Chelny, having received direct instructions from Khattab and Basayev to participate in the underground organization launched by Gumerov.
At the first stage, members of the “jamaat” began actively recruiting agents in Naberezhnye Chelny and neighboring regional centers - Yelabuga and Aznakaevo. Members of the organization campaigned for the need for an irreconcilable war against the “kafirs” after mass prayers in mosques. Through propaganda, recruiters reached a group of like-minded people in Aznakaevo, who had previously received special training from the Taliban, in training center Mosque "Mavlono Usman-Cherkhi" in the Tajik city of Istaravshan.
Another find for the recruiters was the deputy director of Rynok LLC, Nafis Kalimullin, the leader of the local Sportsmen group. This man, a former deputy, an activist of the TOC, helped Gumerov keep the “common fund”, replenished the organization with criminal personnel, and ensured strict discipline.
Until the beginning of 2003, the extremist organization worked to strengthen itself: it purchased weapons, recruited new members, looked for additional sources of funding, and prepared caches with weapons, ammunition and food in the forests of Bashkortostan. By the way, in two years the extremists managed to assemble an impressive arsenal. After mass arrests of jamaat members, 2 machine guns, 8 pistols and silencers for them, grenades, and sawn-off hunting rifles were confiscated from them. And also plastids, lead balls for “suicide belts”, a large number of ammunition, extremist literature and notes with precise diagrams of explosive devices, so-called booby traps. Experts noted that all the schemes “were executed at a high professional level, are secret and intended for the narrow use of explosives specialists. This information cannot be found even in specialized literature.”
The Islamic Jamaat had to raise funds for its activities itself. For example, as the investigation established, money to the “jamaat” budget came, among other things, from one of the “Tauba” mosques, where it was collected from wealthy parishioners “for the needs of Islam.” Some businessmen, such as Chelny entrepreneur and native of Uzbekistan Salavat Latypov, also provided financial assistance. During the investigation, it turned out that Latypov was engaged in business illegally - he manufactured spare parts for KamAZ trucks in underground workshops, receiving about 10 million rubles in profit per year.
“Jamaat” also tried to organize an attack on the cash collector of the Krasny Vostok company in Naberezhnye Chelny in the summer of 2003. This case was entrusted to Hafiz Razzakov. We prepared a plan, began surveillance, but... didn’t take the risk, noticing that the company’s security staff suspected something...
In addition, members of the “jamaat” tried to “earn money” themselves. In this regard, in 2004, they had a conflict with one of the Chelny criminal groups that controlled private transportation in the city, including a spontaneous parking lot near railway station in Naberezhnye Chelny. The Islamists demanded from the “supervisors” assistance in private transportation and several free parking spaces. They, naturally, refused. After some time, about forty “jamaatchiks” arrived at the parking lot with hammers, pieces of reinforcement and crowbars. Threatening with an air pistol, one of them said that they would “do what they want.” In case of disobedience, he promised to declare “jihad”. They were given parking spaces...
The investigation into the Islamic Jamaat case lasted more than two and a half years, during which time more and more new circumstances of the extremists’ activities were discovered. Their goal was no more and no less - the creation of an Islamic state, the so-called Islamic Caliphate, on the territory of the Volga region. Everything was planned in three stages. The first, preparatory, in the form of calls for “jihad” among the population, was supposed to cover the whole of Tatarstan. The second stage, planned for the beginning of 2005, was supposed to begin with a series of major terrorist attacks on industrial facilities of the republic. Explosions were also being prepared in crowded places during the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan. The third and final step was to be the declaration of Tatarstan in 2008 as a Muslim state completely independent from Russia.
One could laugh at these Napoleonic plans if not for nine murders in the very center of Russia, if not for kidnappings thousands of kilometers from the Caucasus, if not for arsenals of weapons and explosives. Fanatics do not think logically - that is why they are dangerous.
During interrogations, members of the “jamaat” claimed that similar tasks were set before them by the amir of the “Islamic Jamaat” Ilgam Gumerov. He, in turn, was given the order by the Chechen field commanders Khattab, Zubair and Shamil Basayev.
They were supposed to be the first to fly into the air railroad station in Agryz, the military unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Naberezhnye Chelny and the Kazan Helicopter Plant. Then the Islamic Jamaat planned to make itself known with explosions during the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the capital of Tatarstan. Knowing that the Russian President and foreign guests would arrive in Kazan, the terrorists intended to plant explosive devices in power line supports along the highway leading into the city from the airport. At the moment when the presidents' cars reached the supports, directed explosions would have occurred simultaneously, and poles with live wires would have fallen on the armored limousines. Of course, it would hardly be possible to physically destroy people in this way: government vehicles are reliably protected. But the main goal of the terrorist operation was to demonstrate force and demoralize the official authorities.
In 2007 and 2008, it was planned to carry out explosions at KamAZ and Nizhnekamskneftekhim, after which members of the “jamaat” were going to move with their families for permanent residence to Afghanistan and Pakistan, giving way to a younger generation. Every word spoken during interrogations is confirmed in 127 volumes of the criminal case and in the indictment of 9 volumes, 300 pages each.
During the preliminary investigation, most members of the Islamic Jamaat also admitted to building a secret camp. The operatives had to look for caches of weapons in the high mountainous regions of Bashkiria, but the search at that time was unsuccessful, although the investigative team combed the entire forest twice. It was possible to find only a dugout equipped by “jamaatchiks” in 2003. It contained food supplies for at least a month.
About 50 people came under suspicion, but in the end, 23 were charged. However, not all members of the “jamaat” were arrested in the fall of 2004. About ten people managed to escape from Naberezhnye Chelny, a few months later doing what they were trained for in the Caucasus camp. At the beginning of 2005, 11 explosions occurred in the Volga region - power lines and gas distribution stations were attacked. Fortunately, the criminals were detained without delay.
We then walked along the very edge, making it in time at the last moment. As FSB officers later established, in December 2004, an emissary Tamimdarov arrived from Chechnya with an assignment for Gumerov’s detachment in Naberezhnye Chelny. He was supposed to meet Caucasian explosives specialists, provide them with housing and food, and prepare joint sabotage. But since the nest of terrorists was destroyed, the Chechen inspector had to urgently cover his tracks. He went to Kazakhstan, where he was detained on April 14, 2005.
The last members of the organization who remained at large - Danil Gabdulkhakov and his cousin Vener Khazetdinov - along with their wives and small children were detained in the Orenburg region on the night of September 22, 2007 while trying to cross the border between Bashkiria and Kazakhstan. When they were discovered and tried to stop, the terrorists opened fire. Two huntsmen, a district police officer and his assistant died on the spot...
Five members of the Islamic Jamaat, the so-called youth wing, were convicted in the summer of 2006, receiving sentences ranging from five to six years in prison. Another 17 people, including leaders Nafis Kalimullin and Ilgam Gumerov, heard the jury's verdict in February 2008. The jury unanimously declared, "Guilty." The court sentenced Ilgam Gumerov to 12 years in prison in a maximum security colony; Nafisa Kalimullina was sentenced to 10 years. Hafiz Razzakov was sentenced to life imprisonment.

(From the book by A.A. Safarov
“The decline of the Kazan phenomenon.”)

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