What do you need to open an educational center. How to open a training center


Think about what kind of courses you want to organize. Choose a program, for example, it could be classes in accounting, programming, management. In addition, you can organize seminars and trainings (“ Business Etiquette», « Effective sales", "Personal growth").

Assemble your staff. These should be experienced and good teachers. If you are on a budget, hire outside part-time workers or enter hourly wages.

Take care of paperwork. First of all, register with the tax authority as a legal entity. To do this, you will need constituent documents (minutes of the meeting of shareholders, the charter of the company, an application, a receipt for payment of state duty). Submit a folder of documents to the Federal Tax Service for registration. After you receive a certificate of registration, order a seal and open a current account at any banking institution.

Rent a room for classes. Its size depends on the number of courses and groups. Let's say you plan to start small. In this case, you can rent a room with a small area in any educational institution. You will also need an office where you will negotiate with clients and keep accounting records. Acquire equipment for carrying out activities, such as computers, tables. You also need to purchase literature for training.

After the premises are rented, you must obtain the conclusions of the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the safety and suitability of classes for further education of people. To do this, fill out an application and collect a package of documents, which includes statutory documents, bank details, agreements with the landlord, receipt of payment of state duty. Pay for an examination. The conclusion will take a maximum of 30 days.

Create a curriculum with your teachers. Collect all of the above documents in one folder and submit to the Education Committee for a license to conduct educational activities.

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Raise qualifications is one of the types of additional education in your profession. With this promotion, your employees will update their theoretical and practical skills, which is dictated, as a rule, by changing requirements for the level of professional knowledge and the need to introduce new methods of solving problems. Raise their qualifications it is important to correctly draw up at all its stages.


Determine the composition of the qualification commission, which will resolve issues related to the promotion at your enterprise qualifications and its design.

Accept a written statement from the worker in which he asks to be assigned a new qualification rank. Employees submit such an application after completing the corresponding one. Also accept a certificate of completion of training with an indication of the number of hours, which is issued by the training center. If you are the unit to which this worker belongs, write a description of him. Send these three documents to the commission.

Invite an employee to a meeting of the qualification commission and check his theoretical skills, which he acquired during the training, as well as practical skills. Make sure that he is able to perform, which belong to a higher (compared to what he currently has) category. Enter the course of the commission in the protocol. Formulate and print the conclusion of the qualification commission. Attach it to the protocol.

Issue an order to assign the appropriate qualification category to the employee.

Make the necessary changes to the contract that was concluded with the employee when he was hired, indicating the new qualification. If it is not possible to make changes to the employment contract itself, draw up an additional agreement to it.

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Helpful advice

Only appropriate training (on the job or on the job) can improve the qualifications of an employee. If an employee improved his qualifications at a training center, instead of a certificate, he may be issued a document that automatically assigns a new rank to the employee. In this case, there is no need to assemble a qualification commission.

Today, courses in any specialty are in demand more than ever. However, before opening them, you will need to soberly assess your capabilities as a teacher or leader and think about whether you can organize the educational process so that your company gains a foothold in the educational services market?


Study the educational services market in your area and decide which specialties are most in demand. Not only the quick payback of your business depends on this, but also what kind of premises you have to rent, what equipment and consumables you need.

Register with the tax authorities entity or IP, get a certificate. Apply to Rosstat and get OKVED codes. Open a bank account.

Rent a suitable space. Calculate how much space will be needed for lectures and practical classes. The main thing is that the premises be located in a fairly prosperous area, and best of all - on the basis of a university or children's center.

Buy or rent equipment (computers, projectors, visual aids, office equipment) and furniture. Acquire all the necessary educational literature.

Develop your own course or use existing programs. Make a staffing table and a rough schedule of classes. Place in the media and the Internet job advertisements for teachers. If you plan to charge for your services, you will need a license, so you must have staff with a teaching degree and relevant work experience.

You may not receive a license to provide educational services if you open courses for the purpose of retraining employees of your company or developing a dealer network. But in this case, you will not be entitled to charge tuition fees. To obtain a license, you will need the following documents:
- founding documents and charter;
- certified copies of the founders' passports;
- certificate of registration with the tax authorities;
- OKVED codes;
- certificate of tax registration;
- list educational programs;
- information about staffing;
- information about the provision of the learning process with literature and the material and technical equipment of the courses;
- information about teachers;
- information about the premises.

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If in the process labor activity you realize that your theoretical knowledge and practical skills lag behind constantly updated information in your professional field, then in this situation it would be quite natural to decide to get additional education. Of course, you can also pay for training out of your own pocket, and take a vacation without pay for the duration of the course. But do not rush to make such a decision, your organization can also pay for advanced training courses. To do this, proceed as follows.


Speak with your direct about your intentions for further training. It is possible that if your interests coincide with the interests of your company, and management is interested in improving your skills, you will not only be paid the cost of the courses, but they will also find a suitable The educational center.

Prepare for a conversation with the leader in advance, collect information about training centers, course programs, dates, and tuition fees. Call the training center, ask to send you a price list and the information you are interested in about the courses by fax or e-mail- this will be a "documentary" of your conversation with the management. If the management of the company agrees to pay, proceed as follows.

Write an application addressed to the company with a request to send you to advanced training courses. In the application, indicate the terms of the course, the name of the course, the cost of the course. Sign the application with your immediate supervisor. Attach a price list to the application or Commercial offer from the training center where you are going to take the courses. After signing the application, he will conclude an agreement with the training center and pay the cost of the courses.

Take courses at the appointed time, take or write. At the end of the course, you will be issued a certificate of completion of the course (on qualification,) and an act of work performed (services rendered) under the contract. Ask the course teacher for a copy of the certificate of state accreditation educational institution. Give this document, a copy of your certificate and an act of work performed to the accounting department of your company.

Submit a copy of the course completion certificate to the Human Resources Department. On the basis of this document, you will be made an entry in the labor office on advanced training or on the assignment of a new rank. A copy of the certificate will be kept in your personal file.

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At the end of the course, the administration of your company will conclude an agreement with you, according to which you are obliged to work for a certain period. If you leave before the end of the term specified in the contract, part or all of the cost of the courses will be deducted from your salary.

If you are taking a refresher course in daytime at the expense of the company, then you are paid for the time of passing the courses according to the average earnings.

Helpful advice

If you yourself choose a training center for taking courses, then ask if it has state accreditation. The presence of state accreditation of an educational institution is one of the conditions for paying the cost of courses at the expense of the company.


  • Training

A learning center that allows you to level up vocational training or even change a profession - a type of business useful for society that does not require titanic efforts to organize it. As long as the situation on the labor market will encourage people to actively professional development, the services of the center where training courses are organized will be invariably in demand.

You will need

  • - the concept of the training center, which distinguishes it from other similar institutions;
  • - several premises in a school or other educational institution on an hourly basis;
  • - a certificate of registration of the NOU and a license for the right to carry out educational activities;
  • - administrator and secretary in the staff of the training center;
  • - a base of teachers of various disciplines working on an hourly basis.


Develop the concept of the training center, trying to organize as many courses as possible, but at the same time emphasizing a few "highlights" of your program that will set you apart from other centers. The set of curricula, according to which the centers of additional education conduct training, has developed a fairly standard - basic computer courses And courses mastering individual programs, landscaping, layout, budgeting are the most widespread. Generally speaking, organizing courses can be in almost any discipline, the teacher of which you can find.

Arrange with a government agency to rent several of its classrooms for the duration of your courses. It is better to choose schools or technical schools as the "base" for the training center, which already have almost all the equipment necessary for conducting classes. In addition to training facilities, however, you will also need a mini-office, which will be staffed by an administrator and a secretary of the center, who will advise everyone who wants to study there.

Register a non-state educational institution - this is the legal form that is suitable for your undertaking, while a simplified form of taxation will be available to you. Any educational activity is subject to mandatory licensing, so you will have to collect a whole package of documents in order to obtain a license. You will need to submit course syllabuses, information about the facility, faculty, and facilities of the center to the local Education Committee.

Start looking for teachers, most of whom will work for you on an hourly basis. It is best to use in the training center those teachers whom someone recommended to you, although if you are going to introduce sufficiently “exotic” training courses, standard job advertisements in the media cannot be avoided - you will have to evaluate specialists during the interview. It is important to constantly collect information from the trainees in your center about the level of qualification of a particular teacher and all the nuances of his behavior during classes - this will allow you to get a complete picture of each of the teachers working for you.

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  • How to open a training center - from idea to launch

Hair stylist is a highly demanded profession that guarantees stable income. But learning hairdressers is an even more promising, albeit highly competitive business. When opening your own school, consider an interesting offer that is not yet on the market - it is non-standard ideas that will bring you income.


Study the market. Perhaps an already working Russian or foreign school will suit you. By choosing a brand that is popular in hairdressing circles, you will ensure an influx of interested customers. Companies of interest to you can be found on the Internet by asking the appropriate query in the search bar.

Find a suitable space. You will need a spacious hall for classes, two or three hairdressing places equipped with work tables, armchairs and mirrors. You can choose a room in an office or residential building. The location area is not important, but make sure that the place of future courses is conveniently accessible by both public and private transport.

Purchase equipment and supplies. The choice of the brand of products you will work with may depend on your partner. If you work on your own, sign a contract with a professional cosmetics and salon equipment store.

Expand the circle of potential customers. Offer a course for those who want to master the basics of art. Teach your students how to do their own hair, tell them about the intricacies of professional hair care. Design an effective program for non-specialists - it can be your unique proposition.

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Advice 7: How can a teacher take professional development courses for free

For school teachers and teachers of additional education, periodic professional development is mandatory. In addition, the "crust" on the passage of courses gives a solid "increase" in points for certification for the category. A teacher can take advanced training courses both in commercial educational organizations and free of charge.

How often should teachers improve their qualifications?

By law, teaching staff must undergo advanced training at least once every three years. However, the administration of the educational institution has the right to establish its own “quality standards”, sending employees to courses, for example, once every two years - in this case, this should be reflected in local regulations.

At the same time, professional development is not only a duty, but also a right of a teacher. In other words, educational institutions should “create conditions” for the professional growth of employees - organize the training of teachers, send them to courses with or without work off-duty, pay travel expenses, if the courses included in the "mandatory minimum" are held in another city, and so on.

The form of passing advanced training courses is not regulated by law. They can be:

  • full-time,

  • part-time,

  • correspondence,

  • using remote technologies.

Until 2014, the minimum course duration for a teacher was 72 teaching hours. Now this requirement is no longer relevant - "to offset" the passage of short-term courses can be programs, the development period of which is from 16 hours.

Who should pay for advanced training courses

The costs of additional education of teachers are included in the budget and the administration of the educational institution is not entitled to oblige the employee to independently pay for the courses included in the prescribed “minimum”.

The only exceptions are long-term (from 250 hours) retraining programs, when it comes to essentially getting an education “from scratch”. This question has become relevant in connection with the introduction of new professional standards teachers, according to which pedagogical education is mandatory for working with children. Therefore, graduates of, for example, biology departments of "academic" universities who teach biology at school, or engineers leading children's technical circles, are faced with the fact that their education no longer corresponds to their position. In this case, pedagogical retraining is carried out at the expense of the employees themselves - educational organization has the right to fund courses in whole or in part, but is not obligated to do so.

If an employee has a pedagogical education, but the school administration wants him to “expand his profile”, master a related profession and start teaching new subjects, it should be at the expense of the educational organization.

How to take advanced training courses at a budget expense

The most common option for taking advanced training courses is in the direction of an educational institution. In most cases, these are full-time or part-time courses that are held:

  • institutes for advanced training of teachers,

  • departments of continuous education of universities,

  • city ​​methodological centers,

  • educational institutions that have the status of resource centers or experimental sites.

As a rule, an educational institution has a quota within which they send teachers to study at the budget expense. Sometimes the teacher is asked to choose a course from the list, sometimes specific program. In most cases, teachers have the opportunity to "take the initiative" - ​​having read the list of programs in advance, choose something interesting for themselves personally and ask to be sent to this particular course.

Courses can be devoted both to the issues of teaching individual disciplines, and more “universal” things - for example, project activities, inclusive education, interactive teaching methods, enhancing the creative activity of students, work on the Federal State Educational Standards, and so on. For young teachers are usually provided special courses introducing into the specialty.

Free distance courses for teachers

Free-courses are another option for improving the qualifications of a teacher, which is gaining more and more popularity. When choosing a distance course, you should pay attention to whether a standard certificate is issued, which will be “recorded” in an educational institution or during certification. In some cases, distance learning itself is free, but you will have to pay for the preparation of "crusts" about the training you have completed (as a rule, we are talking about small amounts that are not comparable to the cost of commercial courses).

Online courses can be permanent or take place at certain periods of time - in this case, registration for them opens in advance. Training may consist of self-study of text materials, watching video lectures, preparing term papers and so on.

Free distance courses can be taken, for example, on the following resources that issue state diplomas to successful students:

  • Educational portal "My University"(moi-universitet.ru), where both paid and free courses By modern technologies learning;

  • Foxford Online Learning Center(http://foxford.ru), which offers a wide range of courses on olympiad preparation in various subjects, the specifics of preparing for the Unified State Exam and the State Academic Examination;

  • UNESCO Institute for information technology in education(http://lms.iite.unesco.org), which specializes in courses in new educational technologies and open educational resources.

Many people dream of starting their own business, because it is much more interesting than being an employee and not realizing your ideas for years. Starting a business today is much easier than it was decades ago. With a great idea, an entrepreneurial streak, and a small start-up capital, you can create a truly thriving business.

What is the best business to do? The answer is simple: the one that is closest, understandable and interesting to you. If you are not at all interested in medicine, there is no point in opening a pharmacy.

Certified teachers and university graduates are increasingly faced with the question: “How to open a training center?” Let's try to answer this question step by step.

Step 1. We draw up a business plan for the training center

Without a business plan, you won’t go far, it’s important to immediately write down everything related to your own business. Decide what type of training center you like. For example, you want to open foreign language courses, an applied sciences circle or a children's development center. This will determine whether your business needs a license or not (note: educational activities in the form of courses do not require a license).

You need to understand that business in the field of education is a responsible business. You must have a university degree and experience as a teacher or tutor if you are going to teach on your own. Consider these points at the very beginning of your business plan.

Step 2. We select a room

It is the premises that should be the next point in the question of how to open a training center. Naturally, it should be large, with a sufficient number of rooms. There must be:

  • a reception area for enrolling in classes and getting advice;
  • several classrooms, well lit and ventilated;
  • a room for employees where they can relax and have a snack during lunch;
  • toilet and sanitary room, where the cleaning lady will keep the
    oh inventory.

If you wish, you can add other rooms: a waiting room for parents (if you are thinking about how to open a learning center for children), a dressing room, etc.

The location of the premises depends on the direction of your training center. For example, if you want to open courses in applied sciences (programming, web design, etc.), it is better to locate your center in the vicinity of sports schools, gyms or large companies.

Applied science courses are attended mainly by young people who can easily combine sports and attending educational programs.

But children's centers are better located near bus stops: it will be easier for parents to bring their child to classes. In addition, you should not rent a room above the second floor. If you are renting an office in mall, it should be easy to get to.

Step 3. We buy furniture

The choice of furniture depends on the type of training center. But still there are some mandatory points. The purchase should be included in the business plan:

  • tables and chairs;
  • computer (if you organize applied courses, there should be several computers);
  • cabinet for storing educational literature;
  • copier printer;
  • educational literature;
  • stationery.

Again, look at your profile: a children's development center will need carpets to play freely with the kids on the floor, toys, including educational ones, and a computer or language center will need a projector and an interactive whiteboard.

Naturally, the room should be refurbished, contributing to a pleasant pastime in training.

Step 4. We select staff and draw up a program

What does it take to open a training center besides all of the above? Of course, find professional educators. If you know teachers or you are a practicing teacher yourself, great. Otherwise, it will take a little longer to search. Do not forget to draw up a plan and program of classes, you will need this to obtain a license to open a training center.

Pay attention only to those candidates for teachers who have the appropriate education and work experience. This is very important in order to create the "face" of your center or courses.

Step 5. We collect documents for opening

What documents do you need to open a training center? There are quite a few of them, because this is a serious business. So, the folder of documents includes:

  • a list of educational programs of your center;
  • information on the availability of qualified teaching staff;
  • information about the existing premises that meet the standards for conducting educational activities;
  • information on the availability of the necessary educational and methodological literature and technical equipment;
  • information about the organizers of the training center and its registration as a non-state educational institution.

A license to open a business of this kind, of course, is needed. Charlatans and simply unqualified individuals will not be allowed to organize an educational institution. But how to open a training center without a license, is there such a way?

We already mentioned in passing above that if you register your activities simply as courses (for example, courses in design, programming, language classes), no license is required. But you will need to register as a private entrepreneur.

Step 6. We are looking for clients and advertise our training center

So, you already know how to open a training center. It's time to take care of the clientele. To do this, you need to do advertising. Start with the Internet: your own page on social networks (preferably in several of the most popular ones), a topic on city forums is a prerequisite for running an advertising campaign.

Since in our time almost everything and everyone has moved to the Internet, advertising there is not only the most appropriate, but also free. Then you can print ads, leaflets, brochures, but this is not necessary, because such advertising is not so effective now, and sometimes even annoys potential customers.

So, in order to study the features of this business, consider the main stages and key points. We will describe the types of training centers and give the criteria for successful earnings. We will also make approximate financial calculations of all expenses and income.

Almost everyone modern man V different ages thinks about the need to visit various educational institutions. This is due to many reasons that are especially familiar to the inhabitants of our country. Often the need for education is associated with obtaining a new specialty for the purpose of further employment. In addition, many people want to explore this or that area for their own development and obtaining newer information that will allow them to look at the world in a new way. It is no secret that standard education sometimes simply does not provide all the necessary skills or knowledge. As a result, a person has to use the services of a variety of training centers that offer quality educational services in a particular area of ​​activity.

By improving their own qualifications and improving various skills, people open up new horizons for themselves and get new opportunities for earning. It is natural that quality education is rightfully considered a good investment in a prosperous future and financial stability. Having a coveted certificate or diploma is a very big plus in achievement list of any person, because this, at least, speaks of his comprehensive development and causes the respect of others. The presence of such documents at the entrepreneur develops customer loyalty and, as a result, allows you to make larger transactions. Actually, when working with tenders, this can sometimes play a key role.

Of course, the number of training centers in Russia is constantly growing, but in general this market is quite free. Even in the most major cities there are very few such institutions. At the same time, it is important to understand that most of them offer a variety of services, which allows the client to choose one or more areas for development. Naturally, many clients come to study again in order to improve their skills or, for example, to get another specialty. Given such a high demand, many entrepreneurs naturally think about the possibility of opening their own training center.

At the moment, training centers that offer short-term educational courses are considered the most profitable, since in a short period of time each person can acquire all the necessary skills and knowledge that will be useful in the process of work. Based on this, we will consider the opening of an appropriate training center.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other business, this direction entrepreneurial activity has its pros and cons. In this regard, before starting work, it is recommended to carefully study all the features of the training center in order not to encounter serious errors and not lose profits. TO positive aspects this business includes:

  • a high level of profitability, which can sometimes reach up to thirty percent;
  • a quick payback period, since with a competent organization and business management, you can count on the return of all invested funds in just six months of successful work;
  • high demand for services, moreover, the demand is increasing every year, therefore, if the level of the courses provided is high, and the teachers are experienced and highly qualified, then the training center will always be filled with clients;
  • the initial investment is low, so even a novice businessman who does not have significant capital can engage in this activity;
  • the possibility of a quick reorientation of activities, since with the availability of training programs and well-established work at any time, you can successfully open new directions for training.

The disadvantages of this work include the fact that you have to look for reliable and highly qualified specialists. Company employees must have necessary knowledge because they need quality training. In order to attract excellent teachers, high salaries are set for them, but this is not always possible in the early stages of a new training center.

Depending on the number of potential clients, the cost of educational services can be quite low. For example, low prices may be in small towns, and in million-plus cities they can be made relatively high. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the presence of competition, so that they are not within walking distance and do not provide similar services.

Like many other types of business, the performance of the training center is directly affected by financial crises and the unstable situation in the country - this is due to the fact that with lower wages and higher prices, people will spend money only on essentials.

Of course, it is also necessary to provide for the possibility of additional investments that may be required in the course of further work. Moreover, it’s no longer possible to just take and close the training center, because people usually pay for tuition in advance (by the way, you can provide for payment by installments, if necessary). That is, you need to understand that a sharp suspension of such a business can lead to serious problems. So it is imperative to foresee how and in what way it will be possible to close the training center so that you can make sure in advance.

Concept and direction of work

Before opening this institution, it is important to decide what services it will provide, and you also need to designate the type of concept of the training center. It directly depends on which employees need to be hired to provide certain educational services. In other words, you need to decide on the specializations for which the training center will work. As statistics show, the following areas are considered the most popular today:

  • marketing courses;
  • study of various accounting programs;
  • courses for managers and for people of other professions (it is possible to study highly specialized areas, for example, exclusively working specialties);
  • educational programs for aspiring entrepreneurs, giving them full information about starting and running a business.

At the first stages of work, it is advisable to choose only a few of the most popular areas that are either not provided by other similar organizations in the city at all, or these services are already being provided by them, but at a rather low level. Again, pricing matters. Perhaps it makes sense to offer more favorable rates and the shortest possible training time. This will attract to the new training center enough a large number of potential clients.

After we have decided on the direction, the development of a special concept begins. The latter, in turn, must differ significantly from the features of the work of the company's main competitors, otherwise it may affect profits (we have already discussed this above). Of course, the effectiveness of its work as a whole depends on the concept of the training center. There are many different directions from which you need to choose the most suitable option:

A full-fledged training center in which clients are offered a huge number of educational services - here they can be given the opportunity to undergo training for referents or designers, accountants, tax agents, as well as for other specialists (that is, knowledge here can be given not only for beginners, but also for clients with practical experience);

Authorized center, which usually focuses on the study of various computer programs, without which it is impossible to imagine work in a particular field of activity (1C, AutoCAD, CorelDraw, and the like);

Education in the form of trainings, providing not only certain knowledge, but also a positive attitude towards future activities (personal growth trainings, seminars on business, design and other training options);

Original courses that are not offered in other similar educational institutions in a particular city, and before offering them, a market analysis should be carried out in advance to determine whether there is a need for them, since there is often no demand for specific courses;

Conducting individual lessons in various subjects - this includes preparing students for various exams, and it can also be working with students in a particular course in which they have problems.

Of course, the choice here depends entirely on the desires and capabilities of the entrepreneur. You may want to suggest some new direction - there is nothing wrong with that, however, it is important here that the unique training center be in demand among the local population. As practice shows, at the initial stages of work, it is still better to follow proven paths that allow you to almost accurately talk about the potential demand for a particular type of service.

Separately, it can be said about the selection of suitable specialists. In fact, this question is not a problem, because diplomas are not always needed to work in a private training center. higher education. Moreover, here the quality of the knowledge gained is more important than just the standard “reading” of the subject, as is often the case in ordinary educational institutions. That is, the client here more often wants to get exactly the result, and not just a diploma or certificate. Given the fact that many Russian teachers are unhappy with their salaries, a business owner here can offer them more favorable working conditions. In addition, if possible, you can pay teachers for overtime, as well as introduce additional classes for everyone. Thus, there are quite wide opportunities for earning here, so they can be used in full.

Room selection

It was not in vain that we indicated this moment at the very beginning, because a legal address is required to register an LLC company. It should be noted that present moment a lot of attention is paid, since it is important that the premises comply with the numerous conditions of the current legislation. If there are four specializations, then at least four rooms are required, respectively. Additionally, an office is being created for the director and accountant. The most comfortable hall is being made. If possible, a dressing room and other additional spaces can be arranged.

Actually, the choice of premises is, perhaps, even the main issue, because today educational institutions should open in the most suitable places for this. Perhaps the best solution is renting several premises in a university or school, since in this case the entire site fully complies with the conditions and requirements that apply to modern educational institutions.

Purchase of equipment

For the provision of educational services, most likely, it will be necessary to purchase a projector (or a large plasma panel) and tables with chairs. Computers and other equipment are also bought, which will ensure the simplicity and convenience of the educational process. By all means, teachers should have at their disposal modern and relevant educational literature, which also costs a certain amount of money.

Business registration

Having carefully prepared for the opening, you can deal with paperwork. It is allowed to work only officially, therefore, business registration is by all means carried out. To do this, a legal entity is selected, since it will be important to further obtain a license to carry out educational activities - this is possible only when registering an LLC.

It is also worth considering that when registering a business, it is indicated in OKVED that the company will act as a non-state educational institution. Actually, this status is recommended to be indicated in all further contracts with clients, so that they do not have relevant questions.

As for the taxation system, in this case, the simplified tax system is chosen, in which six percent is charged from the entire income of the company. By the way, to solve such issues, it is also recommended to employ an accountant who can work both on a permanent and temporary basis (for example, outsourcing).

An important point of registration is obtaining a license, without which it is prohibited to provide educational services. This document can be obtained from the Special Committee on Education. For this, the following papers are being prepared:

  • special educational programs are being developed, according to which training will be carried out;
  • a statement is created, which indicates the list of the above educational programs, as well as other important facts about the new training center;
  • staffing data is indicated, so you will have to start looking for teachers in advance;
  • the maximum number of students who will be provided with services in the training center is calculated;
  • documentation of the ownership or lease of the premises in which the work will be carried out is provided, and it must fully comply with numerous requirements for fire safety, illumination, sanitary conditions and other factors;
  • information is provided on the availability of specialized documents and books that act as a material and technical base used in the learning process;
  • other information is provided as needed.

A written application with other documents is considered by the Committee within one month, and during this time it is strictly forbidden to work. It is allowed to open a training center only after receiving all the necessary documentation in hand.

Personnel search

Other important point when opening a training center, the recruitment of teachers is considered. As mentioned above, their qualifications, experience and education completely depend on the direction in which the training center itself works. The number of teachers also directly depends on the specifics of the educational center. As a rule, at the very beginning of the activity, about four different courses are selected, for each of which one teacher is hired. With the growing demand for the institution, the number of courses, and, accordingly, employees, can be increased.

In addition, the state should have a secretary who is involved in compiling classes and communicating with potential clients, as well as an accountant who is responsible for compiling reports and calculating taxes.

Customer acquisition

In order for the training center to bring high profits, it is important that the number of clients is large, and that classes are not empty from 9:00 to 21:00. In this case, you should attract customers different ways. For such purposes, leaflets distributed in various organizations and enterprises (perhaps even profile ones) are used. Naturally, advertising is made on local television and its own website is created, where each visitor can find all the information he needs about the training center.

Financial calculations

So, having dealt with the basic organizational issues, calculate the approximate costs required to start a business. To open a training center, 765 thousand rubles will be needed, of which:

  • registration of a business and obtaining a license - 40,000 rubles;
  • renting a room for a month - 55,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and literature for work - 350,000 rubles;
  • advertising and other measures to attract customers - 30,000;
  • salary of employees per month - 250,000;
  • other expenses (for example, repair or purchase additional equipment) – 40 000.

As practice shows, the total income per month when teaching a hundred people is approximately 500 thousand rubles. The net profit in this case is 110 thousand rubles. Thus, all investments will pay off here in about eight months of work. At the same time, if the number of students increases and the number of subjects taught increases, then the profit from activities will naturally grow.


If you approach the issue thoroughly, then opening a training center will not be a particular problem. In addition, it can work for quite a long time. There is practically no investment required here, and the average cost of training can be quite high. Today, any sane person is ready to invest good money in his education, because without it it is impossible to imagine comprehensive development. At the same time, the training center itself can develop. As we said earlier, you can gradually introduce new directions and offer different variants training for your clients. At positive results the number of students will definitely grow, because here people will come already on the recommendation and the entrepreneur is required to competently organize the educational process. Of course, it will be very good if you have previously worked in this area, but in general, you can successfully run such a business without any practical experience. In the end, the main work here is usually done by teachers, and a more experienced specialist can always be appointed to the place of the head.

Professional education employees of organizations for up to 72 hours, carried out by specialists and highly qualified workers of these organizations in order to deepen and maintain the level of qualification of the organization's employees, their regular certification, adaptation of newly hired workers to the specifics of production, working conditions, traditions of the workforce, reflecting information about the training in the qualification profile without issuing documents on education or qualifications is not subject to licensing for the right to conduct educational activities.

This activity falls under the action not of the law "On Education", but of the Labor Code, and specifically Chapter 32 of the Labor Code "Student Agreement". During the apprenticeship, it is not the employee who pays the employer for his training, but the employer pays the specified training to the employee, paying a scholarship of at least the minimum wage (now 5205 rubles)

This is not pure education, but rather professional training.

The student agreement may contain a condition on the need to work for a given employer for a certain time. Wherein

Article 207
Persons who have successfully completed apprenticeship, when concluding an employment contract with the employer under the contract with which they were trained, are not subject to a probationary period.

If, upon completion of the apprenticeship, without valid reasons, the student does not fulfill his obligations under the contract, including does not start work, he, at the request of the employer, returns to him the scholarship received during the apprenticeship, and also reimburses other expenses incurred by the employer in connection with the apprenticeship.

At the same time, according to

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2009 N 277
(as amended on 09/24/2010)
"On Approval of the Regulations on Licensing Educational Activities"

2. Not subject to licensing:

a) educational activities in the form of one-time lectures, internships, seminars and other types of training that are not accompanied by final certification and the issuance of documents on education and (or) qualifications;

b) individual labor pedagogical activity, including in the field of vocational training.

Thus, you can either conclude an employment contract with these persons with the conclusion of a student contract, and then you can operate as a legal entity (of course, you will have to register this legal entity first, for example, in the form of an LLC) professional education its employees, providing them with all the guarantees provided for by the Labor Code.

Or how individual entrepreneur, you can carry out one-time lectures, internships, seminars that are not accompanied by final certification and the issuance of documents on education (note that they are one-time, not systematic), or carry out individual labor pedagogical activities in the field of prof. preparation.

Individual labor pedagogical activity is carried out in accordance with

Article 48 of the Education Law

Individual labor pedagogical activity

1. Individual labor pedagogical activity, accompanied by the receipt of income, is considered as entrepreneurial and is subject to registration in accordance with the law Russian Federation.

2. Individual labor pedagogical activity is not licensed. (Ed. federal law dated 08.12.2003 N 169-FZ) (see the text in the previous edition)

3. Unregistered individual labor pedagogical activity is not allowed. Individuals, engaged in such activities in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. All revenues received from such activities are subject to collection in the income of the relevant local budget in the prescribed manner.

Now it has become very popular to receive additional education, both in the field of one's profession, and additional self-education for adults and children. Demand creates supply, so the opening of an additional education training center is quite good opportunity for earnings. Consider all the stages, how to open a training center?

How to open a training center - choosing a niche!

Decide in what format you want to train and to whom?

Usually additional education can be found in the form of courses, trainings, seminars, lectures, master classes, educational marathons.

They are conditionally classified:

  1. By training time.

The duration of the activities depends on the declared program, which can last from several hours to several years.
Such a long-term format of training includes courses of a foreign language, design and other disciplines. The program is divided into several levels of training, the duration of which is on average from 3 months to 2 years. Long-term education is good because for a long time there will be income from students in the form of monthly contributions.

Short-term training can be from several hours, like a master class, to 2 months, like an educational marathon or training.

  1. According to the subject of the courses, which happens:

Professional - this is an increase in the level of professional knowledge, or the development of new professions, such as an accountant, designer, florist, manicurist, hairdresser, bartender, etc.

General education - when they develop individual skills, for example, foreign languages, or pump personal qualities, the so-called personal growth trainings that are now popular.

Creative courses when they learn to draw, sew, knit, make dolls, bead weaving, embroider, woodcarving and others, in a hobby format.

  1. Classification by audience age.
    They are divided into children, adolescents, adults.

Having decided on the training program and the audience, we move on to the next step.

How to form a staff?

To ensure the life of the training center, you will need an administrator, an accountant, teachers, a cleaner.

Teachers can be both full-time employees and invited from outside.

For a specialized training center that constantly teaches the same courses, a permanent full-time teaching staff is needed.

There are training centers that serve only as a platform for educational programs. Now this format is popular, when space is rented for rent from hours to several days, equipped with everything necessary for educational events. In this case, the teaching staff is not needed, an administrator, a cleaning lady is enough. The accountant is also freelance on outsourcing.

How to choose a room?

Mostly educational establishments located in central areas, which is very convenient for people in all areas of the city. How to open a training center profitably? Choose a central location!

An exception may be sleeping areas, which are convenient for children's educational centers.

The room must comply with sanitary standards.
Its dimensions and layout depend on the chosen concept of the training center.

It can be either large rooms or small classrooms. A prerequisite a bathroom, a kitchen room are needed, where employees can relax at lunch or have a snack for students during the educational process.

What is the required equipment?

The basic equipment is tables, chairs, a board or flipchart, a projector, stationery.

From the subject of the training center, you may still need a training methodical material, computers, for children - toys and carpeting on the floor.

How to formalize?

There may be questions: how to open a training center, you need a license. A license is not required to conduct educational activities in the course format. Only there should be mandatory registration with the tax authorities.

The following package of documents is also required:

List of educational programs of the center;
— documents for the availability of highly qualified teaching staff;
- documents for a room that meets all sanitary standards;
– documents to ensure the learning process with everything necessary;
— information on the registration of a non-state educational institution.

What will be the costs?

It is difficult to say a certain figure, because. the cost of rent, wages and wages to employees from regions differ significantly.

In order not to lose sight of anything, let's sum up the estimate of what they are made up of:

  1. Rental premises may need additional repairs;
  2. Purchase of equipment;
  3. staff salaries;
  4. Advertising costs;

Part of the cost can be reduced by salary. For example, pay salaries according to the number of students.

Advertising costs may vary. Depends on how you promote. One working method is online advertising. It is not necessary to immediately create your own website, it is enough to advertise on social media. networks, place an ad on forums, which is much cheaper on initial stage than to invest in the site.

How should the training center be promoted?

The marketing development strategy is based on the chosen concept.

If you teach professions, then it is worth getting the support of employment centers that can send you for retraining. Post ads on city forums.

For children's centers, it is necessary to place ads on forums, magazines for mothers. In children's entertainment centers. It can even pass by standing houses and put up a notice at the entrance.

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