When will Kalina be fired. Took my soul away. Spanking of school directors by an official. This is a prerequisite for joining.

2010 Predecessor Larionova Olga Nikolaevna Birth November 14(1950-11-14 ) (67 years old)
With. Sharlyk, Sharlyksky district, Orenburg region Education
  • Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Academic degree Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Activity statesman Awards

Isaac Iosifovich Kalina(born November 14, 1950, in the village of Sharlyk, Sharlyk district, Orenburg region, RSFSR, USSR) - statesman Russian Federation, in 2009-2012 Deputy Chairman of the Commission at President Russian Federation on counteraction attempts falsification history to the damage interests of Russia, Since November 10, 2010, by the Decree of the Mayor, he was appointed Minister of the Government of Moscow, head Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    Briefing on the education system in "New Moscow"

    Moscow Educational Channel of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow

    Service practical psychology education in Moscow



In 1968 he graduated from Sharlyk Secondary School No. 2 with a gold medal and from the Correspondence Mathematical School at the Moscow state university them. M. V. Lomonosov. In 1972 he graduated with honors with a degree in Mathematics.

In 1998 he studied at the Russian Academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation and received a diploma (with honors) of a manager with a degree in State and municipal government».

She has been working in the education system for over 40 years.

Labor activity

Since 1973 - a teacher at SPTU-62 in the village of Sharlyk, Orenburg Region, since 1981 - a teacher of mathematics at secondary school No. 2 in the village of Sharlyk. In 1984 he moved to Orenburg, director of boarding school No. 1.

Since 1989, in the public service - head of the department of district education of the Industrial District of Orenburg, since 1992 - deputy head of the Main Department of Education of the Administration of the Orenburg Region. In 1996-2002 Head of the Main Department of Education of the Administration of the Orenburg Region. Graduated in 1998 Russian academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in State and Municipal Administration. In 1999 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on development issues regional system education.

In 2002-2004 - deputy CEO Federal State Unitary Enterprise Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye" . Since 2004 - Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Since September 11, 2007, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. On November 10, 2010, by the Decree of the Mayor, he was appointed Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Education Department of Moscow.

He is critical of the problem of standardization of education:

I think it's no secret to anyone that the school has been working all its life according to two standards: the first is a textbook, the second is control and measuring materials. A normal teacher rarely studies the program in the subject he teaches, for him this is not the most important thing. And those who have thoroughly studied the federal component of the state educational standard, I think, are generally not difficult to find. The question is, for what and for whom are these standards needed? I am convinced that they are needed to create textbooks for their authors and those who develop educational programs, as well as for the development of KIMs for the unified state exam. Standards are needed in order to coordinate the activities of all levels of education on a single basis, because the needs of universities determine the content of school education, the needs of the school - the content of preschool.

In 2009 he headed working group The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, which monitored issues related to passing the exam and entering universities.

Isaac Kalina, as noted by the Ukrainian resource seychas.com.ua, is known for “active introduction in schools of a textbook on the history of the Russian Federation, edited by Alexander Filippov. In it, schoolchildren are told about Joseph Stalin as effective manager XX century, and the repression of citizens is called "costs".

Optimization activities in the field of education

Isaac Kalina gained notoriety for his efforts to merge and streamline Moscow schools and other educational institutions, including boarding schools, special schools for disabled and difficult children, and schools for gifted children. Explaining his managerial experiments at a round table in Moskovsky Komsomolets in January 2013, Isaac Kalina gave an illustrative "analogy":

Whatever cucumber gets into a good pickle - small, large, fresh, lightly salted - averaging takes place, all become equally good pickles. Therefore, even the merging of ordinary schools with deviant ones is not scary: if adolescents with antisocial behavior are placed in a good social environment (primarily school), then they will also become worthy students.

This statement immediately became the subject of witticism and ridicule:

But what if you merge several ministries into one, for example, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Defense? There will be savings on the salaries of ministers. At the same time, there will be more discipline in education, and more knowledge in defense. And in general, it is necessary to merge everyone into one barrel so that the most diverse brine is obtained. Why didn't they think of this before?

When the intentions of Isaac Kalina began to be put into practice, this caused a stormy protest on the part of Moscow teachers, students and their parents. So, on October 11, 2014, the first major rally was held against the merger of the "Intellectual" school with school No. 1588 and the reduction of its funding below the base level. The rally brought together about one and a half thousand people, its participants stated the need to preserve "special" schools and an individual approach to education when it comes to sick, "difficult" or, conversely, gifted children. Further, problems arose with a large number of other schools, such as the "School of Home Education No. 542", petitions were created against Kalina with numerous requests not to touch the schools. At subsequent protest actions, the demands of the protesters were personified and shifted towards the dismissal of Isaac Kalina from his position, in a rather harsh form (“Kalina in the garden”, etc.).

A petition was posted on the Internet addressed to the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, demanding that Isaac Kalina be dismissed.

S. RYBKA: 11 hours 4 minutes. Greetings to all. My name is Sergey Rybka. Today, you, the listeners of “Moscow Speaks,” are asking your questions to the head of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, Isaac Kalina. Isaac Iosifovich, Good morning and you.

I.KALINA: Good afternoon, everyone.

S. RYBKA: Today is just a week since the President addressed Federal Assembly. The question is for you as an official, not the last in the field of education, probably at the federal level, if you are the chief in the capital. What did you hear for yourself in this message? By the way, were you present at the Manege when the President addressed you?


S.RYBKA: One way or another, you must have been curious about what was said for people from your industry, what is fundamental and valuable?

I.KALINA: First of all, I was definitely not just curious, but listened very carefully. Secondly, I would not divide the text of the message into a part intended for the industry and not intended for the industry. There is no such thing. The fact is that everything that was directly said about education, fortunately, is very much in line with the fact that last years is done in Moscow, and this is probably logical, we understand that the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin, has long been in the president’s team, and therefore the movement of Moscow education under his leadership and the movement of Russian education, which indicates, shows the president, they, of course, co-directed. And for us, this is like the next stages in the development of what we are already doing in Moscow. But I am sure that the whole text of the message is a wonderful teaching material. And so I instructed the city methodological center to study the entire text of the message very carefully and turn it into a set teaching materials on many, many subjects.

S.RYBKA: Who are these materials intended for? Schools, some other institutions?

I.KALINA: All the materials produced by the city methodological center are intended to help the teacher. And I am sure that today teachers of many subjects will want and use the material that was presented by the president during the message. Therefore, I want to repeat once again that the entire text of the message is very important for the education system, because the education system must understand not only what it is doing right now, but why it is doing it, why these today's results will be important for the country, which achieved in the system.

S. RYBKA: Isaac Iosifovich, one clarification - is this the first time you have given such an instruction to the methodological center to prepare materials based on some big speech by the first person? Or is this practice more or less regular? I just haven't heard of it.

I.KALINA: No, this is not the first time. This practice is regular. But, probably, I must admit that for the first time such a powerful array of information useful for the school.

S.RYBKA: When this is offered to teachers for study, do you yourself expect that it will be used in what way? Just in work, for example, in subjects related to history, some social sciences, teachers will refer to this ... Manual, what is it for?

I. KALINA: First of all, fortunately, we left a long time ago, as you showed, a kind of brochure in our hands, today we have a very powerful tool in the hands of a Moscow teacher - this is the Moscow Electronic School.

S.RYBKA: Big conversation, yes.

I.KALINA: That is why all the materials that may be useful for a Moscow teacher are located in the Moscow Electronic School. And then the teacher has the opportunity today to use them as he sees fit. And here, it would be as if I would not interfere in the teacher's work, because the duty of city structures is to help the teacher, but in no case dictate or supervise the teacher. Therefore, the material will be posted in the Moscow Electronic School in the form in which methodologists consider it the most convenient for teachers. And since we, as methodologists, always involve the teachers themselves, who show the highest results of their students, therefore I am sure that what colleagues do for their own fellow teachers will be used, used with great efficiency. But as every teacher uses it, I think we can trust the teachers themselves.

S.RYBKA: Since you mentioned the e-school, the topic has such a great potential. The project has been running for over a year now. In 2016, when it launched, it was a project in six schools only. Since then, in various interviews, you have described what it is, even at such a purely everyday level. For example, students are given tablets, some kind of interactive whiteboards are used, although I have never used one and still don’t really know what it means. At this stage, let's have a big conversation, there is time - what is this Moscow e-school, if generalized, so that it is clear to those who are not raising children now, who are not sending children to schools, such as me - a person who is not a parent yet , Unfortunately. What is an e-school in Moscow?

I.KALINA: The Moscow E-School in Moscow is, I would say, the integration of all those tools that teachers have traditionally used, and integration with the new tools that new technologies provide today. That is, the Moscow Electronic School, it is an assistant to the teacher and, in fact, is created and exists only for teachers. Yes, it is clear that the teacher works with the students, the teacher interacts with the parents of the students, therefore, of course, to use the Moscow e-school, the materials that are there, besides the teacher, both students and parents of students will be able to use it, but still the main thing the purpose, let's say, the mission of the Moscow e-school is to bring together in a very convenient format for the teacher everything that he needs to prepare for lessons, to conduct lessons, including checking students' homework, that is, in a new electronic format.

S.RYBKA: Do pupils, respectively, submit assignments in a new electronic form?

I.KALINA: They can. Unfortunately, for now, I must tell you that not 100% of schools, not 100% of teachers are already using this tool. We all, in order to master the new, as a rule, are hindered by the habit of the old. But I wouldn't force things. Moreover, the Moscow Electronic School is unique in that…well, it is clear that the platform was developed by specialists in information technology, but today the content is made by the teachers themselves. That is, teachers were given the opportunity to post the content that they most often use, which they, the teachers themselves, consider the most useful. A competition was announced for the development of electronic scenarios for lessons. This, in general, is nothing new for the teacher. Each teacher wrote hundreds of lesson plans every day, this is the traditional job of a teacher. Today, he has the opportunity to either use a ready-made electronic lesson script, or simply take it as a basis and very quickly and easily modify it for himself, or create his own.

S.RYBKA: And yet, to the very beginning, such a generalization is a kind of network resource that any teacher can turn to for one reason or another, and both parents and students can turn to some elements of this resource. But first of all it is for the teacher?

I.KALINA: Very good explanation. Thanks, Sergey. It is good when there is an interpreter between the official and the people. This is amazing.

S. RYBKA: I hope I didn't hurt you with this remark.

I.KALINA: No, no, on the contrary.

S.RYBKA: I just really want to understand how it is technically done. This is some kind of third-party site, everyone registers there, gets an account, sets up a password and logs in - is it organized like that? Is there an app for smartphones, for example?

I.KALINA: Naturally, every teacher has access to this resource, it is personal, and only Moscow teachers have access to this resource so far. Have pupils and have parents of pupils. In general, you described very well that yes, they can use it, they can not use it, this is the choice of the teacher. But those teachers who, as they say, have tried, and today there are already tens of thousands of such teachers in the city, they, as a rule, do not leave the Moscow e-school, but use it more and more often.

S.RYBKA: Tens of thousands. But, it turns out, not all. And is there any idea about the scale of coverage? Tens of thousands is still how many, how many schools, even if this is not counted by teachers, but by institutions?

I.KALINA: If institutions, then everything. But in every school, of course, not all teachers use it yet.

S.RYBKA: How is it synchronized then? That is, someone works according to the plans that he has in paper form prepared, and accepts the work in paper form, and someone uses the electronic format?

I.KALINA: Of course.

S. RYBKA: Isn't there some kind of ... you have to call it a conflict. That is, not swearing in the literal sense, but simply a difference in approaches.

I.KALINA: Conflicts are the sources of development. And most importantly, in any conflict, the more progressive, the more effective should win. And we see that if the history of the Moscow E-School began with six schools and one and a half thousand teachers, today it is already active in the Moscow E-School, according to the results of February, it is very clear there everyone who, what, when and how does, then according to the results February, we already had 22 thousand active users of the Moscow e-school among teachers.

S.RYBKA: And among the parents there is no such figure? I ask because we take for news, we make news out of it ...

I.KALINA: I understand. There are numbers. But there are far fewer parents. And I want to emphasize once again that so far, at this stage, the Moscow e-school is being created by teachers for teachers. When the teacher actively and fully begins to use the resources of the Moscow e-school, then, of course, you said correctly, then the conflict between approaches will lead to the fact that parents will be drawn to the Moscow e-school, but most importantly, students.

S.RYBKA: I remind the audience that we are talking with the head of the Moscow Department of Education, Isaac Kalina. You can send your questions to the SMS portal +7-925-8888-94-8, or to our govoritmskbot Telegram channel, write there too. You said a little earlier that not all teachers are so willing to switch to this format. But teachers are not alone...

I.KALINA: I did not say the word "with pleasure", this is your translation. With caution, this is a more accurate argument.

S. RYBKA: Good. But in educational institutions that train these teachers, in universities, is there any orientation towards this program? Are there programs in pedagogical universities that provide for such a format of work?

I.KALINA: Naturally. At least the Moscow City Pedagogical University, and it is the main, so to speak, supplier of teachers for the city of Moscow, has acquired the same equipment that the department today information technologies puts on in Moscow schools, and there are special courses for students of the Pedagogical University, who immediately, as they say, get used to working in the format of the Moscow e-school. In addition, students of our city pedagogical university are frequent guests of schools, that is, they lead circles, they come to practice at school. When they visit schools, they, of course, also enter this format. Therefore, yes, probably, teachers of my generation with caution, and this is quite natural, I would by no means condemn any teacher for this caution, they accept any new instruments with great caution. But young teachers, of course, are much faster towards this, for them this is a familiar, normal way of life in general, if you like, already. Well, as for the students who will come to school tomorrow, they simply, I think, otherwise they will not imagine the educational process.

S.RYBKA: We have now mainly talked about this shell, about this environment in which information is accumulated and exchanged, it is evaluated. What purely technical means are provided for by this e-school? When I read the phrase "interactive whiteboard", I don't quite understand what it is? Is it a huge screen with a touchscreen or what? When it is said that some of the students are given tablets for work, it also seems not to everyone ... in general, could you tell us about the technical side, what is it? Technological.

I.KALINA: If you want to go to the details, I think you can invite my colleague, comrade, Artem Valeryevich Ermolaev, he will tell you with everyone technological characteristics. But I can say, since I have exactly the same board in my office as in the classes, this is an amazingly convenient tool. In fact, to simplify it completely, here I have a tablet on the table, and exactly the same huge tablet with amazing image quality, with all the checks of various sanitary services, that it is absolutely harmless, with Internet access, with the ability to show any fragments television and so on, and with the ability of the teacher to manage this board from his laptop.

S.RYBKA: Send any materials there. Is there Wi-Fi in modern schools for visitors, for students?

I.KALINA: For students at the same time... this is a large complex project, which for Moscow schools, on behalf of the Mayor of Moscow, is being decided by the Department of Information Technology. First of all, in general, the workplace of the teacher. This is such a panel that we talked about, a teacher's personal laptop, which allows you to work, including with this board.

S.RYBKA: Does the school give out this laptop? Or a person with whom he is accustomed to work himself, which he has at his disposal?

I.KALINA: For the second time in the last seven years, the laptops that the school gives them are updated for teachers. The first time, in my opinion, was in 2012 or 2013, now it’s already ... then, it’s a process, there are many teachers, thank God, that’s why the process is not so instantaneous, and usually lasts for several months. The first delivery of laptops to teachers in Moscow was somewhere between 2012-2013, and now they are replacing them. This is the tool that the city gives the teacher to work with. As for the students, you understand that today every student has ... firstly, I want to say that all this is so far intended only for the main, high school. That is, none of this has yet been delivered to elementary schools, because, on behalf of the Mayor of Moscow, we have given schools the opportunity to study the opinion of teachers primary school parents of primary school students. And most likely, such equipment in 2019 can only be supplied to those schools that decide that they need it. And basically we are talking about older students. And today, thank God, in Moscow, almost everyone, one might say, everyone has devices that allow him to fully work in this mode in the classroom. In addition, today, in the libraries of almost every school, a small number of iPads appear, which are convenient for work, well, if the child does not have, or, it happens, he forgot, so that he could get and use it.

But at the same time, Sergey, keep in mind, otherwise you will get the impression that six lessons of 45 minutes each, all the guys are sitting and only looking at the screen. All this is included in the living fabric of the lesson when it makes sense, when from the teacher's point of view it is more effective than any traditional method.

S.RYBKA: I still allow myself to ask this question again. WiFi. It's just that in most Moscow institutions you can use it. How is it organized in schools?

I.KALINA: Together with the supply of whiteboards, along with the supply of laptops, today the Department of Information Technology connects Wi-Fi in every school, many had it, only the power was insufficient. Today, the power is calculated so that even if all the students enter at the same time, it must be maintained. But all at the same time it never, thank God, does not happen.

S.RYBKA: Are these networks freely available? That is, any owner of a device, smartphone, tablet ... there are accounts for students, right?

I.KALINA: No. There are access codes. And what's more, today, for example, many schools have even come up with such a good educational game. That is, entering, relatively speaking, in the morning at school, you see that today is the access password, I don’t know, the year the Japanese war began. And the students at the same time, in order to enter Wi-Fi, also remember, tell each other the year they started Russo-Japanese War. I gave the simplest example, of course, there are more complex ones for this task.

S.RYBKA: I'm just guessing, there are almost certainly some kind of content filters. That is, not every resource can be accessed through these networks that schools distribute?

I.KALINA: Yes. It was still when the priority was implemented national project education in 2006. I don’t know, remember, don’t remember, but there was such an instruction from the president at one time. And all schools in Russia were connected to the Internet. Until 2006, not all schools in Russia had an Internet connection. In 2006-2007, all schools were connected and at the same time the so-called content filtering system was introduced, which, if necessary, blocks access to those sites that are not needed ... And then, you understand that there is a teacher in the lesson who manages all this process, manages the students, it controls.

S.RYBKA: We have an information release. At the end of the question on this topic. Is there any measure of how the introduction of these technologies, the introduction of e-school literally affected the performance of those schools where the program is launched, in comparison with those where this program is not yet available in such a volume?

I.KALINA: We had six schools that were the first to start working. Their results are growing. But you know, I have to say that maybe not at such a pace, but the results are growing in all schools. And to say that there is one mechanism for improving results would probably be inaccurate. The results of schoolchildren, of course, are related to the technologies that are in the school. But much more they are connected with the teacher who is at school.

S. RYBKA: Then let's continue the next half hour with a conversation about training personnel for schools. We will be interested in whether there is enough or not enough where teachers come from in Moscow schools. Surely, not only from Moscow universities. In general, we will talk about this and many other things with Isaac Kalina, the head of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow after the information release.

S.RYBKA: 11:35. My name is Sergey Rybka. My interlocutor today is the head of the Moscow Department of Education, Isaac Kalina. He promised that we would talk about teachers, but here the listener just asks in a line: “Isaak Iosifovich, recently there were rumors about the introduction of a unified school uniform for teachers. Is there any plan to implement this idea? asks our listener 78th. Have you heard of this?

I.KALINA: As for the uniforms for schoolchildren, I listen to debates and am very calm about this, because there is a legislative norm that we do not interfere in these issues. There are sanitary requirements for the clothes of the child. And I hope parents listen to them. We brought these sanitary requirements to schools, they can be viewed in open access. But about a single form for teachers ... frankly, this is the first time I hear about it.

S.RYBKA: So much the better, I think. Okay, let's talk specifically about teachers. Are they enough?

I.KALINA: The question is enough, it is always a question not of quantity, but of quality. So I will answer this...

S. RYBKA: And if you answer strictly about the number?

I. KALINA: Strictly speaking about the number, there are no problems when a vacancy opens up at a school, and it naturally does, sometimes there are from 10 to 70 applicants for this position. Therefore, I can admit that today one of the problems for me is that I have to simply categorically tell many acquaintances that I can’t help them in any way, who want their acquaintances or some relatives to become teachers in a Moscow school. Because there are not a large number of vacancies, and when vacancies appear, then this is such a responsible procedure for filling a vacant position. This is not the responsibility of the department. If the choice of the teacher is the responsibility of the school. But nevertheless, the department is trying to help school principals in this. We have the opportunity to send the applicant-teacher for independent diagnostics. And a huge number of people who are trying to become a teacher in a Moscow school, school directors, before being accepted, are sent to this independent diagnostics, which, at least, very accurately determines the subject ...

S. RYBKA: The level of training is probably not medical ...

I.KALINA: Well, there is a separate medical department, it's not us.

S. RYBKA: Just the word "diagnostics" makes you think about it first of all. It is clear, of course, that this is not the case.

I.KALINA: No. Focusing on health is good for young people. But diagnosis is not only health. Diagnostics is also a lot of other things. And in particular, on the knowledge of the subject area with which the teacher is going to come to the students. There is a very accurate diagnosis. And I can confess that probably about 70 percent of applicants who tried to come from different cities and become Moscow teachers were simply rejected by the principals on the grounds that their diagnostic results were insufficient to qualify for a place in a Moscow school. Then, we also have the Moscow City Pedagogical University, I have already spoken about it.

S. RYBKA: Your main supplier of personnel.

I.KALINA: And there today the rector of this university, with our support, with the support, by the way, of school principals, launched a very interesting project- when senior students, and now we have decided that this should begin much earlier, during the entire period of study at the institute periodically participate in very serious tests, competitions, according to the results of which the very, very, very strong then become teachers in Moscow schools. For the winners of all these selection procedures, students, we guarantee that we will help them get a job as a teacher in a Moscow school. Moreover, today we are very, let's say, willingly accepting graduates of non-pedagogical universities into the ranks of Moscow teachers.

S.RYBKA: For example, in what specialties?

I. KALINA: For example, a graduate of any engineering university, subject to passing psychological and pedagogical training, and we also opened one at the Moscow Pedagogical University ...

S. RYBKA: Is it free additional training or some kind of paid courses, if a person wants to become a teacher from his main specialty, then he pays for the courses, receives additional skills? How it works?

I.KALINA: I am so out of the habit of dividing into paid and free that ...

S.RYBKA: One can envy then.

I.KALINA: There is very little paid service in Moscow, I must admit. Therefore, I’m sure there are free ones for those who enter with very high results, and there are paid ones for those who, perhaps, have slightly lower results, and it takes a little more to prepare it ...

S.RYBKA: I'm not here to see some self-interest of the Department of Education, just to understand how it works.

I.KALINA: The department cannot have self-interest, we are a state institution, we don’t even have a special account for some kind of extrabudgetary. And the pedagogical university may have self-interest, and I would be glad that people who want to become teachers, having received a different education, maybe some small amount of money for being taught to become a teacher, paid. This, you see, would mean that a very conscious choice. Today a lot of people come...

S.RYBKA: I heard you say that people come from engineering specialties. What else?

I. KALINA: They also come from classical universities, for example, a graduate of the philological faculty of Moscow State University becomes a very good teacher of literature. They come from Mendleevka today, teachers teach chemistry. Today, there is a fairly large palette of opportunities for children who ... well, there is another subject that, despite the fact that it has existed for several decades, is still considered new to the school - this is computer science. And the fact that today guys, graduates of engineering universities, have become very willing to come to teach computer science, this is a very good thing. We even have an Olympics this year, it’s called just that - “ New teacher new informatics. These guys come ... after all, you know, the first teachers of computer science, of mathematics teachers, as a rule, they are wonderful teachers, of course, but they were not very practice-oriented. But these guys come, besides teaching computer science, they lead dozens of different circles, robotics and many other circles for boys ... why did I say "boys"? For me, probably, such gender snobbery worked. There are both girls and boys.

S.RYBKA: If we talk about these specialties, the IT industry, programming in all its forms, what can lure a person with this specialty, which is in high demand, to school?

I.KALINA: Probably two things. In general, helping people learn is a very pleasant experience, you try it. By the way, Sergey, we have a lot of journalists who lead circles for children, I can too, not only you invited me to your place, but I can invite you.

S. RYBKA: It is possible.

I.KALINA: And the salary.

S. RYBKA: There is an average parameter for the capital of a teacher's salary without specifying the subject, without specifying the workload, a certain average figure, excuse me, we think in numbers.

I.KALINA: Average, as they always joke, like the temperature in the hospital.

S.RYBKA: I understand how arbitrary this is.

I.KALINA: There is an average, today in February it turned out to be somewhere around 90 thousand. But this is average. There are, of course, teachers who receive more. There are teachers who receive less. But we came to an agreement with the directors' corps, to put it mildly, we agreed that in 2017 the lower limit of the teacher's salary was 64 thousand per month, and in 2018 - 68 thousand. And I must say that in 2017 almost all schools have done this. We looked, we still have, in my opinion, 130 teachers whose average salary turned out to be lower than 64. We began to check why the agreement was not being fulfilled. These are, as a rule, teachers who do not work for full load. For example, a teacher has reached retirement age, he refuses class management, part of the hours, but the school wants to keep him. And it's good that she keeps it. But it is clear that the payment becomes slightly less than that of colleagues. The average is 90 thousand.

S. RYBKA: What is the load rate then with these 90 thousand? How many hours per week?

I.KALINA: The average workload in the city is now around 23 hours, lessons per week.

S. RYBKA: Plus some other methodical exercises, self-training.

I. KALINA: I wouldn't call it methodical studies, but, of course, the teacher has, firstly, to check the work of the students, and secondly, he has to prepare himself. Here is the Moscow e-school, for those who started using it, it saves a lot of time to prepare for lessons, in the first place. There is a lot of material out there already. And don't forget that teachers, most teachers, have a very serious part of their job called classroom management. I think, Sergey, that any person who studied at school remembers and, I hope, most often with gratitude, remembers the class teacher. This is also a very large and serious part of the work.

S. RYBKA: Let's look back at the beginning of our conversation, when we talked about the introduction of new technologies, including communication technologies, in schools. You probably know that now the vast majority of parents keep in touch with class teachers in some kind of chats, as a rule, WhatsApp is used for this. Do you have any opinion on this matter? Because, unfortunately, both these chats and VKontakte groups in other social networks often become sources of unreliable information. That is, such an excessive availability of a teacher for a parent and the ability of parents to discuss something, speculate and offer, this does not become a problem for the school? If you understand what I mean...

I.KALINA: Yes, I understand. And I am grateful that you raised this topic. I would very much like the parent community to be much more careful about the time of the class teacher. There is such a backlash. I always joke that every teacher, when he gives homework, he is sure that on that day no one, not a single teacher, except him, asked anything. And when a student adds up all the homework, it turns out a lot. Likewise, probably, a parent, when he turns to the class teacher, he is sure that no one but him turned that day. And when all 25 turned, then, of course, this serious time class leader. Therefore, I really hope that with time a certain culture of this new communication will come. Because new opportunities first intoxicate us all, and we begin to use them sometimes quite unreasonably, and over time, a culture of communication comes, a culture of communication. I am sure that those courageous class teachers, I will use this word, who withstand this pressure, a burst of communication, they win very much. And over time, all this will come into an absolutely cultural channel. But the very way of communication seems to me very remarkable, because all the people are busy, they don’t have much time to come and talk in person. I think it's a very efficient, economical way to communicate. Well, today we need, of course, our common culture of this communication.

S.RYBKA: The listeners probably won't forgive me, and the management, if I don't ask this question. Perhaps it is connected just with problems in communication. I want to summarize stories related to school attacks. We remember Ivanteevka near Moscow, we remember a case in the suburbs of Ulan-Ude, there was already this year, there is a case in Perm, also in that year. The details of these stories are known to most listeners and you, I think. Were any decisions made based on what happened in the regions, specifically in Moscow? In terms of safety, in terms of instructions for teachers and parents. In general, how did Moscow react to this?

I.KALINA: I can confess that in my very short managerial life, I realized that reacting to a chance is a rather dangerous thing. Systematically, constantly, without waiting for cases, work on those tasks that are always there. Therefore, for example, what you said about security, private security companies, in Moscow was created with the huge support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, our colleagues from the Department of Regional Security, our National Guard, a security system was created, which began to come to us to study from other cities. It is clear that each such case strains and forces one to control such elements even more carefully. As for some briefings for teachers, I will return again to the topic of the class teacher, if you will. I am sure that no one and nothing in the school can be more helpful in preventing such incidents than an attentive class teacher. But for this, long before these cases, we began to convince school principals to seriously increase not only the payment for lessons, but also the payment of class teachers. I can say that over the past year alone, we have succeeded in the average extra pay for a class - it is again average, for each school is different - but the extra pay for classroom guidance, if the average was about six thousand last year, then this year it is already about 13 thousand.

S. RYBKA: In a month?

I.KALINA: Yes. At the same time, Sergey, you somehow looked at me in such a way that it seemed to me that you think that this is a lot?

S. RYBKA: A lot?

I.KALINA: No, it's not much. This is a very serious part of the work of any teacher, and, of course, it should be paid seriously. And it's good that school principals understand this and that they are following this path today.

S.RYBKA: Is there any special training required for the teacher who will lead the class? That is, can anyone be a class teacher?

I.KALINA: First of all, if a person came to be a teacher, then he should study psychology, this is probably the main element of knowledge.

S.RYBKA: Any teacher? And how does the class teacher differ in terms of the set of knowledge from the one to whom the class has not been entrusted yet?

I.KALINA: I think, not in terms of knowledge, but in terms of skills, rather. The most important thing here, here you have a wonderful phrase written - listen, think, know. I think that this quality comes with time, and it is, of course, very important for a class teacher to be able to hear his children, think about what they say, and know that in every situation how you can help the child. Therefore, I am sure that the most important way today to reduce such an intensity or tension ... it all comes from some kind of hostility, resentment of the child by someone, something. This, of course, is a very serious attention of school administrations to class teachers. And as a response from class teachers, it is their attention to children. Believe me, there were no other ways for many, many years at school. And no, I don’t know, bars and stuff… it won’t replace the class teacher’s contribution to reducing this tension.

S. RYBKA: We started this conversation with a message from the President to the Federal Assembly. Now, as schools teach the basics of composing, we will have a strong ring composition, because we will also end with an event with the participation of Vladimir Putin. The day before, he held a meeting in Yekaterinburg on the development of the system of secondary vocational education. We just talked about secondary education, and a little about the training of teachers, about higher education. And secondary vocational education is a topic that, to be honest, I think they are trying to make it fashionable. For example, there is the WorldSkills competition, about which there are a lot of publications, and the president meets with the participants of this competition, yesterday there was a separate meeting dedicated to this. But has secondary vocational education come into fashion, so that people aspire not to a university first, but to a college?

I.KALINA: I must say that this conversation between yesterday’s president and colleagues is very pleasant for me, because, again, I must say that Moscow has been the leader in Russia in the WorldSkills competition for several years now, our guys win national championships, our guys are very successful performed…

S.RYBKA: What does it give them? Do they get some kind of document with which it is easier to get settled later?

I.KALINA: I can say one thing, I would very much like the winners of the national WorldSkills championship and the international one, all the more, to stay in their colleges and lead appropriate circles for college students and for schoolchildren, who are also very active today. in large numbers go to clubs in colleges. Few were persuaded to stay permanently. Do you know why? But because they, as they say, were bought up in the bud. That is, already some companies, firms are very closely following the results of the national WorldSkills championship, and even more so the world championship. And these guys are already 101 percent employed and have good offers. But I am glad that at the same time as the work they chose somewhere, they are all practical today, we have remained to lead circles, but not at the main job, as it were, but combining their work in the company with leading circles. In general, I must say that in recent years something, thank God, has probably happened to high school students and their parents. Parents began to impose on an adult guy less often ... again I have a gender difference ... on an adult who is a school graduate, they began to impose their unfulfilled some things less often ...

S. RYBKA: And enroll him in universities in some specialties, which, perhaps, are not so useful already, and most importantly, perhaps there is an excess of this.

I.KALINA: They began to trust the guys themselves more. And so many guys, choosing between a specialty that was not very interesting to him at the university and a specialty that was very interesting to him in college, began to come to college. Today, guys with gold certificates, with certificates with only fives, are entering colleges, after the ninth grade, a huge number of such guys are entering colleges today. I'm probably in a hurry if I say that college is the most fashionable thing today. But the fact that today college is no longer some kind of failure in life, it is absolutely obvious. Because college graduates find a well-paid job much easier, faster. You know, the world has become such that skills are again valued more than knowledge. Probably because skills have become rarer than knowledge.

S.RYBKA: We have very little time left. Are you ready to single out the specialty that is most popular at this level of education in Moscow? Who do they study at these colleges, what do they aspire to become?

I.KALINA: An absolutely huge palette, ranging from a cabinetmaker to a computer engineer.

S. RYBKA: Isaac Kalina, head of the Moscow City Department of Education. Thank you for this conversation. We are waiting for you again.

On November 10, 2010, by the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow, Isaak Iosifovich Kalina was appointed Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow. Dear Svetlana Mikhailovna! Dear Olga Sergeevna!

1996 - 2002 - Head of the Main Department of Education of the Administration of the Orenburg Region. 2004 - invited to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the position of Director of the Department of State Policy in Education.

In 1968 he graduated from the Sharlyk Secondary School No. 2 with a gold medal and the Correspondence Mathematical School at the Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. I ask you, if it is possible to give us a place in the group full day please let me know how to make it.

1981-1984 - Mathematics teacher at secondary school No. 2 in the village of Sharlyk, Orenburg Region. In 1972 he graduated with honors from the Orenburg State Pedagogical Institute. V.P. Chkalov with a degree in Mathematics. In 2002-2004 - Deputy General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Publishing House "Prosveshchenie". Since September 11, 2007, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Allow me to very pleasantly and joyfully inform you that on September 30, 2015, I again arrived at the school of your Department, at school No. 937 of Hero Perov.

A comfortable warm atmosphere reigns in the group, thanks to understanding and equality. I work full time. On this moment full-day groups at GBOU Lyceum No. 1560 include children who by September 01, 2015. at least 2 years and 8 months old. Teacher Kuznetsova I.V. was awarded a diploma of the Department of Education for personal merits contributing to the implementation of promising areas in the education and upbringing of the younger generation of Moscow.

Born on November 14, 1950 in the village of Sharlyk, Sharlyk District, Orenburg Region. 1972 - started pedagogical activity as a teacher of mathematics in vocational school No. 29 in Orenburg. 1989 - transferred to the civil service and appointed head of the education department of the Industrial District of Orenburg. 1994 - Head of the Regional Department of Vocational Education.

In 1998 he graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in State and Municipal Administration. In 1999 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the development of the regional education system. In 2009, he headed the working group of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, which monitored issues related to passing the exam and entering universities.

At the same time, there will be more discipline in education, and more knowledge in defense. And in general, it is necessary to merge everyone into one barrel so that the most diverse brine is obtained. I am interested in when they will start treating children in the garden, which has a room, devices, an attached ophthalmologist and 90% of children with visual impairments?

Next time I will contact the prosecutor's office!!! Thanks to Marina Ivanovna Matyushkina, the children of our class live in a friendly team, consider the school their second home, and the class is big friendly family. Thank you for your attention to the work of teachers and interest in Moscow education. There has been no heating in the school since last week! Children in the classrooms are cold, sitting in the classroom in jackets!

My wife and I live and work in Moscow, but we are not able to pay for a private kindergarten. And there is no one to sit with the child. We are in a hopeless situation. The administration of GBOU School No. 937 thanks you for your kind words addressed to the staff of the complex and for the high appreciation of the work of the team! I, the mother of Gorelysheva Yulia Nikolaevna, who attends kindergarten No. 2586 in Moscow, express my deep gratitude to our teacher Ilinykh Zhumaslu Sabirovna.

Kalina Isaac Iosifovich

The child happily goes to the garden, because there she is met by her beloved teacher, with whom it is easy and interesting for her. Knowledge of the psychology of the child, constant self-development in the professional field are simply indispensable in the profession of an EDUCATOR.

I completely trust our educator, because leaving the child for almost the whole day, it is very important for me to know that our child is in good hands. And I am calm for the life and safety of my child.

Optimization activities in the field of education

My wife had to cut her parental leave due to business needs. Thanks to her for helping our kids get comfortable in high school! Despite all the innovations that the students met after the elementary grades, they successfully adapted to them. Vera Valerievna always takes part in solving any problems of her wards!

All parents of her students are grateful to Vera Valerievna for the successful transition of their children to secondary school. Thank you for these pictures!!! My son studies at school 8, class 867 in Brateevo, he is registered in Balashikha, and now we live in the South-West.

I ask you to help in transferring the child to school No. 152, 10th grade, because the child is an athlete and is engaged in swimming in the pool m.Vodny stadium. Children are not easy, but after a year of classes we see tremendous changes for the better - both in behavior and in development.

Today, 10/13/2015 in the morning, when we brought the children to kindergarten, we felt a persistent smell of paint. It is possible that after finding the children today in kindergarten where there is a persistent smell of paint, children will feel bad and various consequences are possible.

Hello! My child, Radina Polina, born in 2013, has the right to an extraordinary place in a preschool educational institution. All of the above documents, I personally took to OSIP for confirmation. I am an employee of GBOU secondary school No. 1491 of structural unit No. 1524. Our family is low-income, due to the difficult financial situation, it is necessary to go to work.

Isaac Kalina, as noted by the Ukrainian resource seychas.com.ua, is known for “active introduction in schools of a textbook on the history of the Russian Federation, edited by Alexander Filippov. When the intentions of Isaac Kalina began to be put into practice, this caused a stormy protest on the part of Moscow teachers, students and their parents. Dear Ekaterina Andreevna! Dear Natalya Ivanovna!

A country:


Scientific area: Academic degree: Alma mater: Awards and prizes

Isaak Iosifovich Kalina(born November 14, 1950, Orenburg region, RSFSR, USSR) - statesman of the Russian Federation, a fool in 2009-2012. Deputy Chairman of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on countering attempts to falsify history to the detriment of Russia's interests, On November 10, 2010, by the Mayor's Decree, he was appointed Minister of the Government of Moscow, head of the Moscow Department of Education. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.


He is critical of the problem of standardization of education:

I think it's no secret to anyone that the school has been working all its life according to two standards: the first is a textbook, the second is control and measuring materials. A normal teacher rarely studies the program in the subject he teaches, for him this is not the most important thing. And those who have thoroughly studied the federal component of the state educational standard, I think, are generally not difficult to find. The question is, for what and for whom are these standards needed? I am convinced that they are needed to create textbooks for their authors and those who develop educational programs, as well as to develop KIMs for conducting a unified state exam. Standards are needed in order to coordinate the activities of all levels of education on a single basis, because the needs of universities determine the content of school education, the needs of the school - the content of preschool.

In 2009, he headed the working group of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, which monitored issues related to passing the exam and entering universities.

Isaac Kalina, as noted by the Ukrainian resource seychas.com.ua, is known for “active introduction in schools of a textbook on the history of the Russian Federation, edited by Alexander Filippov. In it, schoolchildren are told about Joseph Stalin as an effective manager of the 20th century, and the repression of citizens is called “costs.”

Isaac Kalina in February 2012 became the object of attention of the Internet community after the story of the organization of a rally in support of V.V. Poklonnaya Hill.





  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Scientists alphabetically
  • November 14
  • Born in 1950
  • Born in the Orenburg region
  • Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences
  • Knights of the Order of Honor
  • Honored Teachers of the Russian Federation
  • Politicians of Russia

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Kalina, Isaac Iosifovich" is in other dictionaries:

    Isaak Iosifovich Kalina- was born on November 14, 1950 in the Orenburg region. In 1972 he graduated from the Orenburg State Pedagogical Institute. V.P. Chkalova majoring in mathematics. In 1998 he graduated from the Russian Presidential Academy of Public Administration ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers- an advisory body under the President of the Russian Federation, facilitating the implementation of the powers of the head of state to ensure coordinated functioning and interaction federal bodies state power, state bodies ... ... Wikipedia

    General information Country ... Wikipedia

    The Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Cossack Affairs is an advisory and advisory body under the President of the Russian Federation, formed to promote the implementation of state policy regarding the Russian Cossacks ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Sharlyk. Sharlyk village Country Russia Russia ... Wikipedia

    Coordinates: 55°42′09.2″ s. sh. 37°33′17.1″ in.  /  ... Wikipedia

    Is an industry body executive power the city of Moscow, subordinate to the Government of Moscow, implementing state policy in the field of education: preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general ... ... Wikipedia

The reform of Moscow education, which began four years ago with the arrival of Sergei Sobyanin, who headed the city, continues. And although there are already first results testifying to its effectiveness, there are no fewer questions about innovations in the capital's schools. With them, the conversation began at the "Business Breakfast" in "RG" with the head of the Moscow Department of Education, Isaac Kalina.

Isaac Iosifovich! The enlargement of schools was met in different ways in the city. There are also protests. For example, the parents of the students of the "Intellectual" gymnasium recently went to a rally on Suvorovskaya Square. So in "RG" there are a lot of letters from them. They fear that her merger with educational complex N 1588 will reduce the quality of education in their advanced school. What can you tell them?

Isaac Kalina: Let me remind you why this is done in essence. For many years there were several dozen strong schools in Moscow, which really gave high level education for those who are in them. How exactly? This is another question. But most of the population in Moscow strives to give their children a good education. Therefore, the task of the city is not just to select children who are easy to teach, but to help identify the abilities of each child - there are no incapable children, I am sure of this. And then develop them. But for this, residents do not have to run around Moscow in search of quality education rather it come to where people live. And our task is to ensure the mass availability of such education.

In 2010, when we analyzed the execution of the city budget, with the formal minimum standard of 63 thousand rubles per student, we found schools that had funding of 50 thousand rubles, and schools that received healthy child up to 400 thousand. And this gap, thanks to the support of the state budget, continued to increase. Which, in my opinion, gave rise to two mortal sins. For schools that are not included in the list of special ones, it is a sin of despondency - why try, you still can’t see the money. Those who had a lot and believed that they were already at the top of Olympus were possessed by the sin of pride. Therefore, on March 22, 2011, a resolution of the Moscow government "On the development of general education in the city of Moscow" was adopted, where one of the mechanisms was the adoption of an equal funding rate for all schools participating in the pilot project that this document launched.

That is, the school began to receive money for each student and decide for itself what its priorities are. When, at the end of 2011, some schools had fairly serious financial balances, Moscow Mayor Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin resolutely stopped the attempts of financiers to take them away, saying: "The schools earned this money by the quality of their work, having managed to attract students." So schools have the opportunity to build long-term plans for their development. Now they can always accurately calculate what resources they have and what may appear in the future. And when the first directors believed that nothing would be taken away from them, regardless of whether they had a large staffing table or a small one, the first proposal appeared to connect the two schools, the territories of which were separated only by a chain-link grid. They understood: here is a director - there is a director, here is a supply manager - there is a supply manager ... Why?

That is, the initiative of the association came from the directors themselves?

Isaac Kalina: They themselves were interested in creating a more efficient model for managing school resources. In addition, Federal Law No. 83 was released, which gave school leaders as much authority as in Soviet times was not even at the head of the RONO. And there is no freedom without responsibility. The directors realized that they needed a very serious and competent management team, they needed a financier, a lawyer... Such a team cannot be created in a small school. Nevertheless, we did not force the connection process. In 2011, we considered all applications from schools together with the city committee of the trade union, other public organizations and more than half were rejected, because they understood that people see it only as a cost-effectiveness so far and do not understand how it will affect the results of the entire school. And they are there. In Moscow, there are now twice as many excellent students in the Unified State Examination than the national average. A third of the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads in Russia are Moscow schoolchildren. And most importantly, not 70, but 145 schools of the capital are preparing them!

What fate awaits good schools with strong mathematical traditions in the conditions of new funding?

Isaac Kalina: Each case has its own. For example, I immediately said that I would be the first to oppose Vladimir Fedorovich Ovchinnikov's attempt to expand Lyceum No. 2. I value this unique person in the education system so much that I consider it wrong to load him with any additional tasks in relation to him. The same can be said about the gymnasium N 1543 Yuri Vladimirovich Zavelsky. But school N 444 with in-depth study of computer science and physics is expanding. The main thing is not the profile of the school, but the profile of the classes. And there will be math classes in every district of Moscow.

In general, I think that traditions should be preserved not in forms and mechanisms, but in values ​​and results. I was once interested in the movie "The Last Samurai". It is just about the fact that if you try to keep your traditions in forms, tools and mechanisms, you will definitely lose to a competitor who is more loyal to innovation.

Doesn't it bother you that the heroes loyal to innovations in this film are negative?

Isaac Kalina: Yes, at first I sympathized with just positive characters, that is, losers. And then I began to think and realized that it is important that good wins, and does not continue to fight with squeakers.

How many schools are there in Moscow now? Will their number continue to decrease?

Isaac Kalina: It was 1572, now there are 750. The main mass connection of schools, which lasted three years, is completed. But I will emphasize again. We didn't do this for digital results. It is necessary that in every district and every microdistrict of Moscow there is a school in which a child can realize himself, regardless of what his abilities are - in mathematics, literature, physical education or music. In the national doctrine of education, this task is expressed in three amazing words: quality, accessibility, efficiency. It is almost impossible to provide all three parameters for a small school. Schools that have been living in the combined version for at least a year and a half have already understood this.

You have repeatedly said that the best school for a child is the one closest to his home. In connection with the consolidation, many families are faced with the problem when a first-grader must be led through three intersections, along four streets ... As a result, girls are taken to school almost up to the 10th grade.

Isaac Kalina: What are you about? The buildings are all in place! IN famous game"house moved" we don't play. Connecting is a step by step process. At first, the administrative block was simply merged: there were three directors, and only one remained. Then comes the connection of resources: you have a pool, we do not, now it will be shared, the same with the assembly hall, etc. Next, the unification of personnel begins, and this is the most painful: in total there were 7 physicists, of whom only 5 are now satisfied ... In the end, it is also possible to create a so-called school of steps, when for the convenience of children and the teaching staff one building is given over to an elementary school, another to a main one, and a third to a high school. But I would not advise anyone to hurry with its creation.

Nevertheless, there are already such examples in the city. For example, school N 57 ...

Isaac Kalina: But the school came to this in the process of connection, which began back in 2008. She is currently ranked 4th overall.

Vladislav Vorobyov, "RG": School N 1189, where my child is studying, is now in the process of merging. I agree that street rallies are not The best way problem solution. But to be honest, we parents are just afraid that our good school, the director of which will most likely be the director of school N 2077, to which she is attached, as a result, it will simply fall apart.

Isaac Kalina: Are you worried about the director's fate?

Vladislav Vorobyov: I am concerned about the fate of my child. But the director of school N 2077 has his own team and it’s not a fact that our teachers will find a place in it ...

Isaac Kalina: Any school director, any administration in Moscow is interested in the high results of the work of the entire school. And if your school has a strong physicist, then any team and any director will cherish him. And in general, before you get excited and oppose it in advance, I would advise you to go to school N 2077, listen to its director. Then most likely we would have a different conversation. Now a large school has a physics and mathematics class, a cadet class, a medical class, a law class ... We are agreeing with the medical university to open additional medical classes, with engineering universities engineering classes. The more diverse the school environment, the more opportunities each child will have to choose from.

I was there recently. Went to a children's concert. And I did not immediately understand that the children were not only healthy, but also with handicapped. I guessed this only by translating with gestures that a high school girl did for hard of hearing children. Clever, beautiful, involuntarily made me think about a simple life situation. After all, if she studied at a school for children with the same developmental characteristics as hers, she would be put in conditions where the gentleman must be looked for only the same. And why? Yes, in her current school, all the guys will run after her! Well, if you think that your exceptional children should by no means come into contact with other children in their lives, then excuse me.

I will just say one more thing for those who do not know: the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bconnecting these two schools did not originate in the department of education. She was born at the Kurchatov Institute, which, in fact, created and raised school No. 1189. There was a letter from its president, Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov, a conversation with the director, Mikhail Valentinovich Kovalchuk. Both said that Kurchatovka wanted to develop a big school. We talked with neighboring N 2077 and received both her consent and the consent of the chairman of the governing board of school N 1189.

Is this a required connection?

Isaac Kalina: According to the current regulation, for the reorganization of any budgetary institutions, even in healthcare, even in education, formally the founder should not ask for consent. Nevertheless, from the very beginning we went to a broad discussion of each connection in order to insure ourselves and not make mistakes. At the second stage, it was decided that school governing councils were sufficient as expert groups. But this is our voluntary decision.

Why, then, did people come out to a rally against the unification?

Isaac Kalina: There are 1 million 300 thousand students in the city. 10 percent of them will always be dissatisfied with something. And that's okay. Why do I keep talking about the two sins at school? Despondency, usually quiet, silent. When more than a million families of students, who had five times less funding than the rest of several thousand, this million was silent, although he had "above the roof" reasons to go to the square.

There is one more problem. In the course of discussing the upcoming changes, I eventually realized that the most difficult thing is where the governing board is identical to the parent committee. Such a council most often makes a decision based not on the perspective of the school, but from the position of the momentary convenience of the parents. When we try to tell them that, unfortunately, such a position is not focused on the future, we hear in response: give us the opportunity to finish school, and then do what you want. But the city should think not only about those children who study today, but also about those who will come tomorrow. Therefore, we have created inter-district councils of school directors who assess the situation in the whole district. And the Chamber of Chairmen of Interdistrict Councils was delegated the responsibility to assess the consequences of the reorganization in the city.

If we do not think about the future, then very soon we may find ourselves in the position of a patriarchal rural family, where a 30-35-year-old son says to his parents: come on, mom, I will rebuild the house. And his parents answer him: when we die, rebuild as much as you want. Well, they do not want to endure the inconvenience of life at a construction site! And then the son himself lives to an age when these changes seem to him to be useless and beyond his strength. And so generation after generation lives in the aging house, which was once built by one decisive generation of the family. But the world around us cannot and should not age with us. He is constantly rejuvenated, which is great. Although annoying, of course.

Please clarify the situation with the extension: is it still paid or free in Moscow?

Isaac Kalina: Article 66 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" gives the right to introduce a fee for care and supervision in a group extended day. But due to the fact that we have a very high funding standard for schools in the capital, they can also keep free groups. The decision, which group to be - paid or free, is taken by the school on its own. The department retains the sole right to agree or not to agree on the amount of parental supervision and care offered by this educational institution, and to check whether those categories of families that are supposed to be exempted from this payment. To date, only 15 schools have succeeded, with the participation of their governing boards, in persuading the district departments of education and obtaining permission from them.

That is, if someone takes a fee for an after-school program without approving its amount in the district education department, then he is acting illegally?

Isaac Kalina: If the receipt says: fee for care and supervision, then yes. In addition, I asked the directors what kind of prices are being discussed in the city: an extension for 17 thousand a month? No one admitted to offering. I don't think anyone offered.

And what, in your opinion, can a real fee be?

Isaac Kalina: Up to 3-4 thousand rubles per child. I warned that no one tried to include in this price the cost of, for example, heating or lighting.

Isaak Iosifovich, the possibility of introducing a single vacation is also being discussed. Readers of "RG" see in this not only pluses, but also minuses. They are worried that at once in the city there will be crowds of unruly and unoccupied teenagers. Museums won't accommodate everyone, and it's silly to expect that you will be able to cover everyone with excursions ... What do you think about this?

Isaac Kalina: I don’t want to influence the results of the voting of Muscovites: it starts on October 27 on the website and in the Active Citizen mobile application. Let's first find out the opinion of the inhabitants of the capital.

But, as you know, 70% of the survey participants have already supported the idea...

Isaac Kalina:"For" they spoke, but at the same time everyone had in mind an option that he personally likes. We exhibited all three existing options in Moscow. One traditional - between quarters, the other - big holidays between trimesters and the third, when you study for five weeks and rest for the sixth.

It would also be nice if, when making a decision, the holidays in music schools were taken into account so that they would not be at different times.

Isaac Kalina: I think there will be no problems with this, they always focus on us. In any case, this year the holidays will still be the same as before.

Isaac Iosifovich! Let's talk more about frames. Moscow for a long time experienced a shortage of teachers, even had to provide apartments, if only there was someone to teach children. Is this problem gone now?

Isaac Kalina: When I came to work in Moscow, I had a different problem - many acquaintances tried to arrange school for their children or grandchildren through me. We introduced electronic registration in the first class and I didn’t have this headache. By the way, after some time, talk about bribes for admission to school practically disappeared. Just do not think that the number of those upset by the disappearance of the opportunity to sell and buy a place in the school was small. Alas, there are still many of these dissatisfied today. But another topic has appeared: now my friends are trying to arrange through me who are children, who are nephews, who are their acquaintances as teachers in the school. In this regard, I remember one good man who worked at the Ministry of Culture. When one of his colleagues complained to him that he was tortured with requests to get a ticket, he uttered a wonderful phrase: "While they are asking to enter the hall, this is not so bad. The trouble will be when they start asking for the stage ..." Here I am right now the moment has come when everyone wants to be on the school stage, and I can no longer help anyone in this, because the competition in Moscow schools is now 10-12 candidates for the position of a teacher.

All Muscovites?

Isaac Kalina: No. At first, I also thought: a Muscovite should be a teacher in the capital. And even tried to promote this idea among school principals, but did not find support. Many take young teachers from nearby areas. They say that these guys are very zealous about teaching. They also have financial interests. For example, two girlfriends come - graduates of the Pedagogical Institute from Yaroslavl, rent for two "odnushka" thousand for 30 rubles. The average salary of a teacher in Moscow is 65,000. This means that each of them has 50,000 left. About twice as much as they would receive in their city. Yes, and living in the capital is more interesting, and the law allows it. In order to attract more Muscovites, we are now inviting graduates from non-pedagogical universities to study at our Pedagogical University, so that, say, a graduate of the Moscow State University Mechanics and Mathematics, after passing it, would come to work as a mathematics teacher. There are many graduates of this faculty in the capital, who work excellently in schools.

Does this mean that there will be no "extra" teachers in education, like superfluous doctors in healthcare, who, in the process of modernizing the industry, need to be retrained for another medical specialty?

Isaac Kalina: Another problem awaits us - timely rotation. Salaries have become good, so older teachers are in no hurry to retire. In addition, very good teachers in the city now belong to a category close to my age, young people also work. And in the middle there is a big gap. Pensioners will leave, only young people will remain. Great, of course, but also fraught with great risks. It would be better to have a team of 25, 40 and 60 year old teachers. I hope this will happen over time.

At the beginning of the new academic year, Sobyanin said that an experiment had begun in six schools to introduce electronic textbooks. Does it mean that paper textbooks will soon become a thing of the past?

Isaac Kalina: The other day I was at a school where children were given tablets with downloaded textbooks, in which the content is regularly updated. This pace of innovation is even a little alarming... But this is only the beginning. And I can't say for the developers how long the process of introducing such textbooks will take. So far, the Moscow teachers are not just testing them, but in fact, together with the developers, are creating electronic textbooks. Although, to be honest, I can’t imagine a good teacher who would be guided in his work only by a textbook, no matter if it is paper or electronic.

How do you feel about the proposal recently made to the president at the All-Russian Educational Forum in Penza to get rid of passing the exam graduates who do not want to go to universities?

Isaac Kalina: 4 years ago I would have supported him. Indeed, why strain a person who does not want to continue his education? But for Moscow, this does not matter, since 99.9% of school graduates want to enter universities. So, I am sure of this, they will all come to the exam.

And this proves once again that quality schools should be available to all Muscovites. And this main task of ours has only one solution - it is necessary that all schools in Moscow be of high quality. But the mechanism of this solution must be effective. Otherwise, everything will end with a dozen "exhibition samples not for everyone."

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