Sobyanin religion. Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin biography. Membership in public organizations

Sobyanin Sergey Semyonovich

Sobyanin Sergey Semyonovich, 06/21/1958 year of birth, a native of the village. Nyaksimvol of the Berezovsky District of the Khanty-Mansiysk National Okrug Tyumen region. Mayor of Moscow. Party "United Russia". 2005-2010 - served as head of the Presidential Administration Russian Federation.


Sobyanin Sergey Semyonovich, 06/21/1958 year of birth, a native of the village. Nyaksimvol of the Berezovsky district of the Khanty-Mansiysk national district of the Tyumen region. Sobyanin was the third child and long-awaited son in the family of Semyon Fedorovich and Antonina Alexandrovna Sobyanin. Of course, the parents doted on Seryozha. He grew up as a modest, obedient boy, never being rude to his elders, at school, although he was not an excellent student, he studied very diligently. The father, despite the fact that he was the chairman of the village council, and was soon appointed to the post of director of the butter factory in Berezovo, did not indulge his son, accustoming Serezha to work. The future Moscow mayor from an early age chopped wood in the cold, helping his parents with the housework. Since childhood, he went hunting with his grandfather Fedor, a hunter-fisherman, in the taiga.

This is how Sergey's character developed: on the one hand, he did not shun hard work, was stubborn in achieving the goal, and on the other hand, he was laconic, being "in public" was not very easy for him. But still, he understood that the "unsociable beeches" did not get further than Berezov. Therefore, Seryozha tried to remake his character, to be more active along the pioneer, and then the Komsomol line, all the more so his father urged him to do this, saying that otherwise he would remain here. Of course, Semyon Fedorovich was cunning, he would hardly have allowed only son turn sour in the wilderness, but Sergei listened to his father's advice, graduating from school with the rank of secretary of the Komsomol committee.

Sobyanin has the rank of Full State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class. He is a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. Awarded with the Order Honor and medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree. He also has the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree (award of the Moscow Patriarchate).

Relatives. Father: Sobyanin Semyon Fedorovich, born on September 3, 1925, former chairman of the Nyaksimvolsky village council of the Berezovsky district of the Khanty-Mansiysk national district and director of the Berezovsky creamery. He worked in the administration of Tyumen until the end of the 1990s. First steps towards career ladder Sobyanin did largely thanks to his father's connections.

Mother: Sobyanina Antonina Alexandrovna

Wife (former): Sobyanina Irina Iosifovna, born on 11/19/1961. Previously, she was a teacher of floristry at the Tyumen Center child development them. I. I. Podaruev, at the same time being the beneficiary of the largest contractor in the field of road construction. She had the nickname "Ira-border" for the fact that her structure regularly won competitions in Tyumen for work to replace the road surface and curbs. Currently, the spouses live separately, without actually filing a divorce. According to some reports, Sobyanina permanently resides outside the Russian Federation. 02/21/2014. An official divorce from S. Sobyanin was announced.

Daughter: Ershova Anna Sergeevna, born on 10/02/1986, restaurant interior designer. Permanently resides in St. Petersburg. Maintains occasional contact with his father.

Daughter: Olga Sergeevna Sobyanina, born on 06/03/1997. According to some reports, she currently lives with her mother outside the Russian Federation and is a student of one of the prestigious private schools.

State. Sergei Sobyanin earned 7 million 214 thousand rubles in 2014. The mayor owns a garage with an area of ​​27 square meters, and in use is an apartment with an area of ​​308 square meters, owned by a minor child. The mayor does not own a vehicle. In 2013, Sergei Sobyanin earned 6.3 million rubles, and in 2012 - 5.3 million rubles.

Hobbies. Sobyanin is fond of hunting, fishing, literature and classical music, plays tennis.


  • In 1967, he moved with his family to the regional center of Berezovo, where his father headed the oil plant.
  • In 1975 he graduated from Berezovskaya high school. After school he moved to Kostroma, where his sister Lyudmila lived. In Kostroma, he entered the mechanical faculty of the Kostroma Technological Institute, graduating with honors in 1980 with a degree in engineering technology, metal-cutting machines and tools.
  • In 1989 he received a second education - law (All-Union Law Correspondence Institute, Ulyanovsk branch).

Labor activity

Graduated from the mechanical faculty of the Kostroma Technological Institute and the Ulyanovsk branch of the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law. He has a PhD in Law.

After graduation, he worked as an engineer at the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, at the same time heading the Komsomol organization of the shop.

  • In 1982, he switched to a liberated Komsomol job. So, from 1982 to 1984 he was the head of the organizational department of the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol of the city of Chelyabinsk.
  • In 1984, Sobyanin was sent to the village of Kogalym, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, where he served as head of the housing and communal services department of the Kogalym city executive committee and secretary of this city executive committee.
  • From 1988 to 1990 he was deputy head of the organizational department of the Khanty-Mansiysk district committee of the CPSU, from 1990 to 1991 he headed the tax inspectorate of the city of Kogalym, and in December 1991 he was appointed head of the administration of the city of Kogalym.
  • In 1993, Sobyanin became the first deputy head of the administration of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.
  • In 1994 he became chairman of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, and in 1996 became an ex officio member of the Federation Council Federal Assembly Russian Federation (since 1998, he served as chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and Judicial Legal Issues).
  • From 2001 to 2005, Sobyanin served as governor of the Tyumen region. In November 2005, he was appointed to the post of head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, and in May 2008 - head of the apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister.
  • In October 2010, Sobyanin became the mayor of Moscow. In June 2013, he resigned from this post, but was appointed by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin as interim mayor of Moscow until the elections scheduled for September 2013.
  • On September 8, 2013, in the early elections, Sobyanin S.S. re-elected to the post of mayor of Moscow.

Relations and partners

Abramovich Roman Arkadievich, 10/24/1966 year of birth, entrepreneur. With the help of controlled structures, in particular Sibneft, he financed the election of Sobyanin as governor of the Tyumen region. Currently, they continue to maintain relations, however, not as close as during the election campaign for the post of Tyumen governor.

Bogdanov Vladimir Leonidovich Born May 28, 1951, General Director of OAO Surgutneftegaz. We met through Filipenko. During his tenure as chairman of the Duma of the KhMAO and governor of the Tyumen region, Sobyanin acted as a lobbyist for the interests of Bogdanov and his business. Continue to maintain relationships.

Gavrin Alexander Sergeevich, 07/22/1953 year of birth, former minister energy of the Russian Federation and a former member of the Federation Council from the Tyumen region. Cousin of Irina Sobyanina. Previously, we maintained close contacts, including those of a business nature. Now their relationship is actually reduced to nothing.

Neelov Yuri Vasilievich, 05/24/1952, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, former governor Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. He maintained and maintains fairly close relations with Sobyanin. We jointly participated in the development of the process of unification of the Tyumen region and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which is part of it, but is an independent entity.

Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, 07.10.1952 year of birth, President of the Russian Federation. Sobyanin actively supported Putin in the presidential elections in 2000, and also financed a number of projects for the new President. In turn, Putin thanked him by personally "blessing" him to be elected governor of the Tyumen region. Putin appointed Sobyanin to the post of head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation as a “hardware counterbalance” to Sechin. During his work in the Administration and the Government apparatus, Sobyanin demonstrated exceptional loyalty to Putin, for which, in the end, he was “rewarded” with the post of mayor of Moscow.

Rakova Anastasia Vladimirovna, 02/08/1976 year of birth, head of the office of the mayor of Moscow. In fact, the civil wife of Sobyanin. I have known Sobyanin since 2001, when she worked to ensure the election of the governor of Tyumen. She moved after Sobyanin to Moscow. She was the only employee whom he took first to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and then to the Moscow City Hall. Has a very big influence on Sobyanin and enjoys his virtually unlimited trust.

Sechin Igor Ivanovich, 09/07/1960, President of OAO NK Rosneft. Relations with Sobyanin are almost openly hostile. They finally deteriorated during Sechin's tenure as Deputy Prime Minister, who oversaw the fuel and energy complex, when his activities directly "touched" Sobyanin's business interests. While Putin is trying to iron out differences between them, the Sechin-Sobyanin feud could take a new turn during the 2013 Moscow mayoral election campaign. It is possible that Sechin may initiate the stuffing of a number of materials compromising Sobyanin.

Timchenko Gennady Nikolaevich, 11/09/1952 year of birth, entrepreneur. They have known each other since the 1990s, when Sobyanin supplied oil to the Timchenko-controlled refinery in the city of Kirishi Leningrad region. According to some reports, it was Timchenko who introduced Sobyanin to Putin.

Filipenko Alexander Vasilievich, 05/31/1950, auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, former governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. At the request of Father Sobyanin, whom he treated with great respect, he oversaw the career of his son, first through the CPSU. Then he was Sobyanin Jr.'s mentor in politics and business. At the same time, Filipenko planned to eventually transfer the "reins of government" of the district to Sobyanin.

Khan German Borisovich Born on 10/24/1961, entrepreneur, shareholder of Alfa Group. They cooperated closely when Khan became the executive director of OAO TNK-BP. Together we helped resolve conflict situations between TNK and BP. They continue to maintain contacts to this day.

Chemezov Oleg Leonidovich, 09/22/1964, entrepreneur. He was Sobyanin's most trusted person during the election campaign for the post of governor of the Tyumen region. From 2003 to 2005 he was the first deputy governor of the Tyumen region. Then Sobyanin appointed him as his actual representative to TNK-BP.

Yakushev Vladimir Vladimirovich, born June 14, 1968, Governor of the Tyumen Region. Previously, he headed OJSC Khanty-Mansiysk Bank. He was appointed to his position largely due to the lobbying capabilities of Sobyanin. Continues to observe the economic interests of Sobyanin in his region.

To information

Having headed the capital in October 2010, Sobyanin first of all set about personnel reshuffles, getting rid of almost all the former, "Luzhkov" personnel. The most notorious were the resignations of the vice-mayor Vladimir Resin and chief architect Alexandra Kuzmina. Metropolitan prefects were deprived of the status of city ministers. However, no one but Anastasia Rakova, with whom he had a special relationship, Sergei Semenovich did not bring from the apparatus of the Government of the Russian Federation, just as he did not bring anyone (again, with the exception of Rakova) to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation from Tyumen and from the Administration to the Government.

In Moscow, Sobyanin tried to act as he used to act in Tyumen, but he did not take into account that these two cities are not comparable in scale. So, in Tyumen, to solve the road problem, it was enough to pave the roads. In Moscow, traffic jams were a much more serious problem than the quality of roads. Sobyanin never managed to cope with them. Neither the introduction of dedicated lanes for public transport, no park and ride. In turn, the constant repairs of the roadway, and especially the laying of paving slabs by unskilled Central Asian workers, aroused suspicions of a banal "cutting of funds", which Sergei Semenovich condones at best.

Sobyanin's image was also negatively affected by his war with trade kiosks and small shops. Overly zealous performers demolished hundreds of kiosks installed in accordance with all the requirements of the law, which caused justified anger not only among small businesses, who suffered primarily during this campaign, but also among many Muscovites who were accustomed to shops "within walking distance" near metro stations.

Thus, Sobyanin, for almost three years as mayor of Moscow, failed to solve long-standing problems. This, as well as the continued rise in real estate prices, cuts in Luzhkov's allowances, the growth of uncontrolled migration from Central Asia with a simultaneous deterioration in the quality of street cleaning, does not allow him to become the same popular mayor that he remained Yuri Luzhkov before last day his tenure.

By nature, Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin is far from soft. Otherwise, he simply could not become what he became. He is smart, sophisticated both in politics and in business, ambitious. At the same time, he adheres to the principle: “Do not ask for service, do not refuse service.” All his appointments were not initiated by him, at least that's how it looked from the outside. But still, Sergei Semenovich is more of an apparatchik than a politician. That is why he would never have become the mayor of Moscow in a truly competitive election, especially if another business executive who knows how to communicate more actively with the electorate would have acted as his rival.

Sobyanin's family life is not easy. He married upon arrival in Kogalym on Irina Rubinchik, a representative of an influential Jewish clan in the region. Sergei Semenovich thought in this way to improve his career prospects. Of course, he succeeded, but friendly family Sobyanin has never been. Sergey Semenovich and Irina Iosifovna were too diverse people. Sobyanin helped his wife’s business with an administrative resource, financed, at her request, the reconstruction of the only synagogue in Tyumen, “resolved the affairs” of her relatives, but all the same, the family ship continued to leak, even despite the birth of her youngest daughter. In the end, the Sobyanins dispersed and each lived his own life.

Currently, the role of the wife for Sergei Semenovich is played by Anastasia Rakova. He spotted her back in 2001, when she was an assistant to the first deputy chairman of the KhMAO government Oleg Chemezov. Since then, Sobyanin and Rakova have been inseparable, he constantly drags her along with him. It is possible that in the end they will still formalize their relationship.

Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin is one of the few people in the upper echelons of power who does not belong to the "Petersburg". Despite this, he enjoys the confidence of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. He gave an excellent reputation as a "curator" of a major oil region, head of the Presidential Administration, head of the Government apparatus. Sobyanin continues to demonstrate his loyalty as mayor of Moscow. But still, we must remember that Sergei Semenovich has been in Putin's team only since January 2000, that is, after Yeltsin's fateful "I'm tired, I'm leaving." Previously, he had shown loyalty to other people. And it is possible that if the pendulum of history swings in the other direction, Sobyanin will also be loyal and in demand by completely different forces.

Compromising evidence

  1. Aerodromdorstroy business - a company not related to Sergei Sobyanin

Semenovich is a well-known political and statesman, former Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. He “broke through” into big politics from the working class. He reached his current position thanks to diligence, tough character and professionalism. He received the post of mayor of Moscow in 2010. Prior to that, V. V. Putin headed the administration. Among the population and colleagues, the attitude towards the activities of Sergei Semenovich is ambiguous. Some consider him a professional capable of solving any problem, while others constantly criticize him. In this article, you will be introduced to Sergei Semenovich. So let's get started.


Sobyanin Sergey Semenovich (see photo below) was born in the village of Nyaksimvol (Tyumen region) in 1958. The boy's father headed the village council, and then became the manager of the oil plant. Mother first worked as an economist, and then as an accountant. Sergei was the youngest in the family. Sobyanin has two sisters - Lyudmila and Natalya. The childhood of the future mayor of Moscow was not particularly remarkable. The boy studied very diligently and successfully graduated from Beryozovskaya secondary school.


According to official data, Sobyanin's ancestors are the Ural Cossacks. Once, Sergei's great-grandfather moved from the Urals to the village of Nyaksimvol. According to other information, Sobyanin is considered a representative of the Mansi people. He is mentioned as such in all their encyclopedias. These data were refuted by Sobyanin Sergei Semenovich himself, when on the eve of the 2001 elections he declared in his autobiography about his Russian origin.

Education and first job

In 1975, the future mayor of the capital moved to his sister in Kostroma and entered the Institute of Technology in the department of mechanical engineering. He graduated from it in 1980 and immediately got a job as an engineer at the Kostroma plant. Then Sergei Semenovich moved to Chelyabinsk and became an assistant locksmith. Over time, he led a team of turners. The future mayor of the capital hosted Active participation in public works and joined the Komsomol organization.

Transition to politics

In 1982, Sobyanin Sergei Semenovich went to work in one of the district committees of Chelyabinsk. Two years later, the leadership sent him to the village of Kogalym (Tyumen region). In the next few years, he changed several posts there: chairman of the council of deputies, head of the housing and communal services department, secretary of the city executive committee. In 1991 he headed the administration of Kogalym. As mayor, Sobyanin set up the work of housing and communal services, transport and city services.

Speaker position

In 1993, Filipenko (head Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug) appointed Sergei Semyonovich as his deputy. A year later, Sobyanin became chairman of the district Duma. At that time, they talked a lot about the fact that Roman Abramovich himself supported his candidacy. In 1994, Sergei Semyonovich also headed the Association of National Districts. These positions allowed him to defend the right of the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk districts to secede from the Tyumen region. As a result, Sobyanin got his way. Both districts have become full-fledged subjects of the Russian Federation. But financially and administratively, they continued to depend on the region. In 1995, at the initiative of Sobyanin, the gubernatorial elections in Tyumen were boycotted.

In early 1996, Sergei Semyonovich, as the speaker of the Duma, became a member of the Russian Parliament. In October of the same year, he was re-elected speaker and deputy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Duma. And two years later, the future mayor headed the committee of the Federation Council on judicial and legal affairs and constitutional legislation.

Deputy Plenipotentiary and Governor

In mid-2000, Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin, whose wife always and in everything supported her husband's undertakings, was appointed deputy of Peter Latyshev. The latter worked as a representative of the president in the Urals district. And already in November, the future mayor of Moscow put forward his candidacy for the post of head of the Tyumen region. He was supported by Latyshev and the Yabloko party. In addition, some media reported that Sobyanin was supported by two energy companies - Surgutgazprom and Surgutneftegaz. In January 2001, already in the first round, Sergei Semyonovich won 52% of the vote. His main rival Leonid Roketsky received only 29%. Many observers believe that Sobyanin received the post only thanks to the support of Neelov and Filippenko, the head of the two autonomous regions. The reason for this was the statement by V.V. Putin in 2000 about the inclusion of districts in the Tyumen region. Neelov and Filippenko wanted a person close to them to head the region.

Head of Administration and Deputy Prime Minister

In November 2005, Sobyanin replaced Dmitry Medvedev in this post. Putin commented on his appointment as follows: “The wealth of our country should grow in Siberia. How best to do this, only a Siberian knows. This personnel decision was assessed by experts in different ways. Some said that the president wanted to appoint a person to the administration who is independent of the main Kremlin factions. Others believed that Putin wanted to consolidate people close to him to the closest

In April 2006, Sergei Semyonovich joined the board of directors of the TVEL company, which was engaged in the production of nuclear fuel. According to experts, it controlled 17% of the world market. A month later, the future mayor became the head of the board of directors. In the coming of Sobyanin to this post, analysts saw his desire to consolidate his own assets in the nuclear industry.

In May 2008, Medvedev became President of the Russian Federation. Immediately after taking office, he submitted a decree to the State Duma, where Putin was nominated as the main candidate for the post of prime minister. The deputies approved the candidacy of Vladimir Vladimirovich. Sobyanin also became Deputy Prime Minister and headed the apparatus of the government of the Russian Federation. A year later, he greatly reduced his staff.

In the government, Sergei Semyonovich oversaw the project " Information society”, associated with the provision of public services on a special website, and also headed the commission on the population census (2010). In addition, the future mayor replaced the chairman of the commission for technological development and modernization of the Russian economy.

Mayor of Moscow

In the fall of 2010, Sobyanin Sergei Semenovich, whose nationality is indicated at the beginning of the article, became one of the 4 contenders for the post of mayor of Moscow. After the candidacy of the hero of this article was approved, he was immediately removed from office as deputy prime minister. And Sergei Semenovich set about solving the two most actual problems- corruption and traffic jams.

The first achievements of the mayor became noticeable after the first year of work. They were appreciated by the leadership of the country. Sergei Semenovich almost stopped the destruction of the historical part of Moscow, launched a fight against illegal trade and ensured the transparency of the city budget. The mayor also achieved development transport system, upgraded local health care and education.

New elections

With the adoption in 2012 of the law on direct elections of heads of regions, Sobyanin Sergey Semenovich resigned. He decided to run for mayor as a self-nominated candidate. Alexey Navalny became his main competitor. The oppositionist did his best to prevent Sobyanin's victory. Navalny said that Sergei Semyonovich was participating in the elections illegally, but the Moscow City Electoral Committee denied this. Sobyanin was registered in full accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In September 2013, Sergei Semenovich was re-elected mayor with 51% of the vote. Navalny had only 27%.

Personal life

The family of Sobyanin Sergei Semenovich consists of four people: himself, his wife Irina and two daughters - Olga and Anna. The personal life of the mayor was stable and happy. But in 2014, he told the press about the divorce. Sergei Semenovich lived with Irina Rubinchik for 28 years. She was with her husband throughout Sobyanin's career path. The reason for the divorce is unknown, and the mayor asked the press not to get into his personal life. The main thing is that he broke up with his wife by mutual agreement and maintains friendly relations with her.

Anna - the eldest daughter of Sergei Semenovich - was educated at the Art and Industry Academy (St. Petersburg). IN this moment married to Alexander Ershov. The girl lives in St. Petersburg and is engaged in business. The youngest daughter, Olga, lives in Moscow and studies at a secondary school.


In 2014, Moscow Mayor Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin received 7 million rubles (according to the mayor's income statement published on the website of the city government). The mayor also owns a garage with an area of ​​26 sq. m, but no car. Also in the use of Sergei Semyonovich is an apartment in the center of Moscow. She is officially registered on his youngest daughter Olga.

Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin is a Russian politician and statesman. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2006). Mayor of Moscow (since October 21, 2010), one of the leaders of the United Russia party. Also in the biography of Sobyanin Sergey Semenovich are the posts of the head of the city of Kogalym, the chairman of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk district, the governor of the Tyumen region and the head of the Presidential Administration Vladimir Putin.

Family and ancestors of Sergei Sobyanin

Sergey Semenovich Sobyanin was born on June 21, 1958 in the village of Nyaksimvol, Berezovsky district of the Tyumen region (Khanty-Mansiysk national district).

Sergei Sobyanin's father, Semyon Fedorovich Sobyanin, was born in Nyaksimvol, had an incomplete secondary education. From the beginning of the 1950s, he was the chairman of the village council in his native village. In 1967, the Sobyanin family moved to the regional center of Beryozovo, where his father became the director of the oil plant. Since the late 1990s he has been living in Tyumen.

The mother of Sergei Sobyanin, Antonina Nikolaevna Sobyanina, worked most of her life as an accountant of the village council in Nyaksimvol, and since 1967, as an economist at a butter factory in Berezov. She gave birth to three children - the eldest daughters Natalya and Lyudmila and younger son Sergei.

According to official data, the ancestors of Sergei Sobyanin in the direct maternal line were Ural Cossacks.

His great-grandfather Alexander Ulanov was born in the village of Kichigino Chelyabinsk region. In the biography of Sobyanin's grandfather Nikolai Ulanov - participation in the Russian-Japanese, World War I and civil wars, he became a full cavalier of St. George, commanded a platoon at Budyonny. After the war, the ancestor of the mayor of Moscow returned to his native village. In the mid-1930s, he was dispossessed and sent into exile in Nyaksimvol.

Sergei Sobyanin's paternal grandfather, Fyodor Sobyanin, was an Old Believer and lived for more than 100 years. During the years of the Great Patriotic War Four sons of Fyodor Sobyanin were called to the front: Ivan, Philip, Gerasim and Peter. The older brothers Ivan and Philip returned alive from the front. Gerasim and Peter died in the war. He was not drafted into the army as a child younger brother Semyon, father of the future Moscow mayor.

The media carefully studied the origin of the family of Sergei Sobyanin. Researchers believe that the Sobyanins originate from the indigenous Siberian people of the Sobyans. Some argue that Sobyanin had Komi-Zyryan ancestors. Sergei Semenovich himself considers himself Russian.

early years and the education of Sergei Sobyanin

Sergei began his studies in the village of Nyaksimvol. In 1975, he graduated from Berezovskaya secondary school and left for Kostroma, where his sister Lyudmila lived. In Kostroma, Sobyanin entered the mechanical faculty of the Kostroma Technological Institute, graduating with honors in 1980 with a degree in engineering technology, metal-cutting machines and tools. After the institute, Sergei Semenovich received a referral to the Kostroma plant of woodworking machines as an engineer. In the same 1980, Sergei Sobyanin moved to Chelyabinsk and began work biography at the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant. Young Sobyanin worked at the plant, first as a mechanic in a machine shop in the tool area, became a foreman of turners and then a foreman at a pipe rolling plant. In addition to the main work, he performed public work. Sergei was a Komsomol leader in the shop.

Working at the plant, Sergei Sobyanin decided to get a second higher education. Sergei Semenovich continued his studies at the Ulyanovsk branch of the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute and in 1989 received a second, already humanitarian education.

Labor activity Sergei Sobyanin

From 1982 to 1984 Sergey Semenovich worked as the head of the department Komsomol organizations Leninsky district committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League of Chelyabinsk.

In 1984, the city committee of the Komsomol of Chelyabinsk sent Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin to the village (since 1985 - the city) of Kogalym, Khanty-Mansiysk District, Tyumen Region, to long years Sobyanin's biography was associated with this northern region.

From 1984 to 1985, Sergei Semenovich worked as deputy chairman of the village council of people's deputies of Kogalym. In 1985, he was appointed head of the housing and communal services department of the city executive committee. From 1986 to 1988, Sobyanin was the secretary of the Kogalym city executive committee. From 1988 to 1990 - Deputy Head of the Organizational Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk District Committee of the CPSU.

In 1990, Sobyanin worked as the head of the Kogalym tax office. In December 1991, by order of the head of the administration of the Khanty-Mansiysk District, Alexander Filipenko, Sobyanin became the head of the administration of Kogalym. Sergey Semenovich worked in this position until 1993. He dealt with the solution social problems cities, housing and communal services, established relations with the city-forming enterprise "Kogalymneftegaz" (since 1994 - LLC "Lukoil-Western Siberia"). In 1993, Filipenko made Sobyanin his first deputy. Sergei Semenovich oversaw economic issues - the budget, subsidies and subventions to municipalities, relations with oil companies. He worked in this position until March 1994.

Sergei Sobyanin ran for the District Duma of the first convocation of the Khanty-Mansiysk District, and was elected in the first round (March 6, 1994). In April of the same year, Sergei Semenovich became the speaker of the Duma. In his post, Sobyanin defended the privileges of the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs and their right to secede from the Tyumen Region. On his initiative, in 1995 the districts boycotted the election of the Tyumen governor. On October 27, 1996, Sergei Sobyanin was re-elected as a deputy and chairman of the KhMAO Duma.

In January 1996, Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin became a member of the Federation Council. He tried through constitutional Court seek sovereignty for both districts, but the court rejected his petition.

In May 1997, Sobyanin joined the Council for Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation, and later became a member of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and Judicial Legal Issues. In July 1998, Sergei Semenovich headed this committee.

In February 1999, Sergei Sobyanin signed an "Appeal to the Russian public" calling for the creation of an electoral bloc for " equal rights regions”, in June Sergey Semenovich became a member of the Presidium of the Political Council of the Interregional Socio-Political Association “UGRA”. In May 1999, Sobyanin joined the presidium and executive committee of the political council of the All Russia bloc.

The inauguration ceremony of Sergei Sobyanin, elected governor of the Tyumen region (Photo: Alexei Shchukin / TASS)

Sergei Semenovich did not leave science either. In 1999, Sobyanin defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic " Legal status Autonomous Okrugs as Subjects of the Russian Federation”. Subsequently, the analysis of the Dissernet community of the 1999 Ph.D. thesis and the 2007 monograph by Sergei Sobyanin counted a number of borrowings from the works of the senior researcher at IZiSP, Candidate of Law Alexander Chertkov. The defense of Sobyanin's doctoral dissertation for an unknown reason has not yet taken place.

January 14, 2001 Sergei Sobyanin was elected governor of the Tyumen region, gaining 52.2% of the vote. Sobyanin managed to increase the budget of the Tyumen region from 10.5 billion rubles to 119.9 billion rubles, thanks to an increase in tax deductions from large companies. The headquarters of Lukoil and the Tyumen Oil Company returned to the region. Sobyanin reconstructed the bus station, the airport was modernized, and the clothing market also disappeared from the center of Tyumen. Sergei Sobyanin fought against trolleybuses, the Tyumen trolleybus was eventually closed in 2009.

In November 2005, Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin was appointed head of the Presidential Administration to replace Dmitry Medvedev, who had left for the post of Deputy Prime Minister. Then Sergei Sobyanin was the head of the government apparatus with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (2008-2010). On presidential elections 2008 headed the campaign headquarters of Dmitry Medvedev. In 2009-2011, Sergey Sobyanin was the chairman of the board of directors of Channel One.

Sergei Sobyanin — Mayor of Moscow

The United Russia party nominated Sergei Sobyanin for the position of Mayor of Moscow, and in October 2010, President Dmitry Medvedev selected Sergei Semenovich to be approved by the Moscow City Duma as Mayor of Moscow. After working in this position for three years, on June 5, 2013, Sergei Sobyanin resigned, explaining that Moscow needed an elected mayor. On the same day, Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin was appointed acting mayor by President Vladimir Putin until new elections were held. In September 2013, Sobyanin won the mayoral election in Moscow in the first round, receiving 51.37% of the vote, well ahead of his main rival Alexei Navalny. The term of office of an elected mayor is 5 years by law.

Sergei Sobyanin at the inauguration ceremony as mayor of Moscow (Photo: Vladimir Rodionov / TASS)

With the advent of Sobyanin, road repair work intensified in Moscow. In 2011, the mayor announced the need to completely shift the asphalt on the roads once every 3 years, while contractors, under the terms of the contract, give the city a three-year guarantee at their own expense. The first three-year repair cycle using new asphalt-bitumen mixtures was carried out in 2011-2013.

Mayor Sergei Sobyanin reported to President Putin: “... We built 117 kilometers of roads, this is generally a record in the entire history of Moscow, and these are not just roads in the field, these are roads in urban areas - junctions, flyovers, tunnels, reconstruction of existing roads.”

In 2014, an active reconstruction of the VDNKh exhibition complex began, which became the property of Moscow. Already in 2015, the opening of the largest ice rink in Europe, designed for 5 thousand people, took place, and in March 2016, in the main pavilion of VDNKh, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened Vuchetich's high relief “Glory to the standard-bearer of the world, to the Soviet people!”.

In October 2015, Mayor Sobyanin noted that "Moscow for last years became the undisputed leader in the restoration of architectural monuments. According to Sergei Semenovich, 600 objects were restored, 4,000 facades of historical buildings were restored, and 189 buildings that were previously planned to be demolished were saved.

On September 10, 2016, in the presence of Sergei Sobyanin and Vladimir Putin, traffic was opened along the elevated Moscow Central Ring, which includes 31 stops with transfers to 10 metro lines and 9 radial directions railway. The MCC has become an integral part of the Moscow Metro.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, Russian President Vladimir Putin during the launch of passenger traffic on the Moscow Central Ring (Photo: Mikhail Klimentyev / Press Service of the President of the Russian Federation / TASS)

Mayor Sergei Sobyanin advocated the introduction of parking fees in the center of Moscow. The first paid parking zone was launched in November 2013, in December 2014 it expanded to the borders of the Third Transport Ring, and also appeared on 25 streets outside it. After the expansion of the paid parking zone in December 2016, it covers more than 1200 streets and 47 districts of the city. At the end of December 2014, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin admitted that Moscow would no longer be able to refuse paid parking, while by the summer of 2015 the parking fee had enriched Moscow's budget by 4 billion rubles.

Criticism of Sergei Sobyanin

Many projects, for example, the landscaping of Tverskaya Street for 300 million rubles, became the subject of criticism. Ilya Varlamov, co-founder of the City Projects Foundation, noted the poor architectural design of the solution, and politician Alexei Navalny, during the Moscow election campaign in 2013, directly accused the mayor's office of inefficient spending of funds and corruption schemes.

On the night of February 9, 2016, the Moscow authorities began demolishing shopping pavilions located next to metro stations. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin explained the demolition of retail space as illegal and dangerous for citizens. The demolition caused a great public outcry, photos of the destroyed kiosks were distributed on social networks, there was even an appeal from the Yabloko party to the President of Russia demanding that the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, be dismissed. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov called criticism of Sobyanin unfair.

Rally for the preservation of trolleybuses in Moscow (Photo: Valery Sharifulin / TASS)

In February 2017, the Moscow authorities announced the "second wave" of the demolition of "Khrushchev". This was preceded by a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, during which the head of state instructed Sergei Semenovich to demolish the remaining dilapidated five-story buildings. Later, Sobyanin said that the new resettlement program for the Moscow Khrushchevs would be unprecedented in scope. “Houses built on the site of five-story buildings will last not 50, but 100 years. We will provide new housing for 1.6 million Muscovites and improve appearance Moscow," the mayor promised.

On March 10, a draft law was submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, regulating issues related to the demolition of "dilapidated" five-story buildings and the resettlement of Muscovites in new residential buildings. In the first reading, the bill was adopted on April 20 almost unanimously. At the same time, many criticize the bill. In particular, the deputy Chief Editor"Free Press" Sergei Shargunov, who voted against, reported on the arson of his apartment, which happened on April 21, immediately after the vote in the State Duma.

Reacting to criticism, Mayor Sobyanin assured that residents of the capital's five-story buildings will be able to refuse to participate in the renovation program at a meeting of homeowners.

2018 mayoral election

Sergei Sobyanin did not officially declare himself a candidate for mayor of Moscow until the end of May 2018, but few doubted that the United Russia party would be represented in the elections by the current head of Moscow. And on May 26, the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, during the celebration of the birthday of the Active Citizen project in Gorky Park, announced that he intended to participate in the Moscow mayoral elections, which will be held in September 2018.

“Like an unfinished picture, work that has not been completed to the end does not bring satisfaction either to you or to those for whom it is being done - Muscovites, although the most difficult and painful part is already behind,” Sergey Sobyanin then commented on his decision, adding that his it will take the shifter a long time to figure out the economy, while the mayor must decide a large number of tasks.

Sobyanin, that he is very afraid of the “other priorities” of the hypothetical new mayor, since then his undertakings “will turn into a long-term construction or even go back,” the news reported.

Voter turnout in the Moscow mayoral elections, according to the Moscow City Electoral Committee, was 30.9%.

Personal life and hobbies of Sergei Sobyanin

Sergey Semenovich 28 years old (1986-2014) was married to Irina Iosifovna Sobyanina ( maiden name wife - Rubinchik). Ex-wife mayor of Moscow by profession civil engineer.

Irina Sobyanina worked in the Tyumen Center for Child Development named after P.I. Podaruev, and after her husband moved to Moscow, she worked as a teacher in a kindergarten in the capital.

The cousin of Irina Sobyanina is the former Minister of Fuel and Energy of Russia Alexander Gavrin.

The ex-wife of Sergei Sobyanin - Irina and their eldest daughter Anna (Photo:

Sergei and Irina Sobyanin have two daughters - Anna (1986) and Olga (1997).

Anna graduated from the faculty of monumental art of the St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry named after. A. L. Stieglitz. Lives in St. Petersburg. Anna Sobyanina's husband is Alexander Ershov.

Sergei Sobyanin is fond of hunting, fishing, literature and classical music. Loves tennis.

By nationality, Sergei Sobyanin is a Vogul (or Mansi). A native of the village of Kogalym, which in translation means a dead place. Which way did Sobyanin go to the post of mayor of Moscow?

1. Nationality
Mansi - the indigenous population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. The total number of 11432 people. (According to the 2002 census). The closest relatives of the Khanty. They speak the Mansi language, about 60% use colloquial Russian.

Believers are formally Orthodox, but traditional shamanism, the cult of patron spirits, ancestors, and the bear (bear holidays) are preserved.

The name of Sergei Sobyanin as a famous Mansi got on the pages of several sites dedicated to the history of the Mansi people. However, Sobyanin himself in his biography called himself Russian.

2. Parents
Sobyanin Sr. - was the chairman of the village council, then worked as the director of the oil plant. Avid hunter. My mother worked as an accountant all her life.

3. Education
In 1980 he graduated from the mechanical faculty of the Kostroma Technological Institute, in 1989 - the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute.

4. Labor activity
In 1975, at a pipe-rolling plant in Chelyabinsk, Sergei Sobyanin went from a locksmith to a foreman. In 1982-1984 - head. department of the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol (Chelyabinsk). Since 1984 - deputy. chairman of the Kogalym village council, head of the housing and communal services department, secretary of the Kogalym city executive committee. In 1988-1990, he was deputy head of the organizational department of the district committee of the CPSU KhMAO. In 1990, he headed the tax inspectorate of Kogalym.

5. Rise to power
In December 1991, he was elected mayor of Kogalym. From November 1993 - First Deputy Head of Administration of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. On March 6, 1994, he was elected to the KhMAO Duma and became chairman of the district parliament. In January 1996 he became a member of the Federation Council. On October 27, 1996, he was re-elected as a deputy and chairman of the KhMAO Duma. In July 1998, he headed the committee of the Federation Council on constitutional legislation and judicial and legal issues. On July 12, 2000, he was appointed First Deputy Presidential Envoy to the Urals Federal District. On January 14, 2001, he was elected governor of the Tyumen region.

After the announcement of the election results, some media reported that 30,000 "illegal" voters participated in the elections, recruited at the expense of workers temporarily staying in the region, who cast their votes for Sergei Sobyanin. The deputy also expressed doubts about the election results State Duma Russian Federation Alexander Saliy, who said that he did not understand where the 12,000 "additional voters" in the North came from.

6. Governor of Tyumen
Introduction of a new structure local government, transition to per capita normative financing of schools, reduction in the number medical institutions- all this was carried out by Sobyanin in Tyumen long before the same reforms began in the rest of Russia. By the way, as well as the monetization of benefits, which took place in Tyumen even before the adoption of the relevant law in 2005.

The opposition cursed Sergei Sobyanin on all corners, but few people heard this: the governor had total control over the media in the region. When the rebellious pensioners blocked the traffic in Tyumen, not a word was written in the local press about it.

Sergey owns the phrase: "I do not think that a journalist can be free by definition, and the press cannot be free in our country."

After Natalya Yemelyanova, a popular TV presenter in Tyumen, ridiculed the governor's idea of ​​buying a special breed of cows from France, Drozdinsky, the owner of the local television company TRTR, was asked to fire her. Drozdinsky refused - and after a while he lost both the television company and the rights to publish the regional edition of MK in Tyumen, as well as the rights to broadcast Russian Radio and Europe Plus.

7. Friendship with Putin
Sergei Sobyanin was a partner of Putin and his colleague Gennady Timchenko in the St. Petersburg oil business back in the 1990s. In early 2000, Sobyanin joined the initiative group to nominate Putin for the presidency, and in 2001 he proposed extending the presidential term to seven years. He was one of the first governors to join United Russia, the first to support the abolition of the election of heads of regions after Beslan.
Openly and directly defends the interests of the prime minister - in any situation.

There is a lot in common between him and Putin. His personal life is completely closed, even at official events his wife was almost invisible, there are practically no photos of his two daughters in the media. No one knows how much money he really has.

8. Reviews about Sergei Sobyanin
« A strong character. Very rational and pragmatic. Extremely focused. Ruthless even." "Absolutely technocratic leader, tough, demanding manager, clearly a statesman, not a liberal." Former election loser to Sobyanin Tyumen Governor Roketsky spoke briefly about Sobyanin: "Always achieves his goals."

Sobyanin's political opponents in Tyumen called him a "robot" and a "man-computer." However, not everyone thinks so: one well-known politician in a conversation with The New The Times noted, speaking of Sobyanin, that under the guise of external equanimity, "remarkable passions and incredible ambitions doze in him."

9. Family
The wife of Sergei Sobyanin, Irina Iosifovna (nee Rubinchik) is the cousin of the former mayor of Kogalym Alexander Gavrin, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation in 2000-2001. Owns the Tyumen road company "Ira curb". Two daughters - Anna and Olga.

10. Is Sobyanin the mayor of Moscow?
A source in the administration of the Tyumen region says that now many Tyumen officials "are literally sitting on their suitcases." “Rumors that Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin could take a position identical to the post of mayor of Moscow appeared regularly. And since he does not have his own team in Moscow, he will most likely use Tyumen personnel,” he explained.

The biography of Sergei Sobyanin attracted attention even before he became the mayor of Moscow, and interest in his personal life increased sharply after the publication of information about the divorce. In June 2018, Sergei Semenovich turned 60. By this age, he has built a successful political career, although he initially studied as an engineer.

Childhood and youth

The future mayor of Moscow was born on June 21, 1958 in the Tyumen region. In the village of Nyaksimvol, his maternal grandfather, who came from a family of Ural Cossacks, was once exiled after dispossession. The father of the future politician was born in the same village, in the 50s he headed the local village council. When Sergey turned 9, the family moved to the village of Berezovo.

The mayor of the capital in his youth

Researchers of the biography of Sergei Sobyanin and his personal life put forward different versions regarding the nationality of the mayor of Moscow. They say that his paternal ancestors belonged to one of the indigenous peoples of Siberia - Sobyans (hence the surname), Mansi or Komi-Zyryans.

Sergei Semenovich himself calls himself Russian.

The young man graduated from school in the district center of Berezovo, and received his first higher education at the Technological Institute of Kostroma, where he studied mechanical engineering technology. After graduation, he worked in his specialty at factories, first in Kostroma, then in Chelyabinsk. There he took an active part in the work of the Komsomol cell, proving himself a talented organizer.

Sergei Sobyanin and Anton Siluanov

Already in 1982, a Komsomol activist was recommended for the position of head of the organizational department in the district committee of the Chelyabinsk Komsomol. Two years later he was sent to Kogalym, where at first he was deputy chairman of the village council, then he headed the housing and communal services service at the city executive committee and began to think about the need for legal education. Continuing to work, Sobyanin submitted documents to the Ulyanovsk branch of the legal distance learning, and received a law degree in 1989, and after another 10 years he defended his Ph.D.


In Kogalym, Sobyanin changed several positions in the authorities state power including managing the tax office. In 1991 he headed the city administration, and in 1993 he switched to new level- became the first deputy of Alexander Filipenko, who in those years headed the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Sergei Sobyanin on the air of "Echo of Moscow"

When the Duma was first convened in KhMAO in 1994, he became a deputy and speaker, and retained his powers for a second term. During this period, he repeatedly, but unsuccessfully, sought the sovereignty of the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

In 1996 he advanced to the federal level, entered the parliament of the Russian Federation, later began to work as part of the committee on constitutional legislation, and in July 1998 he headed it. In the 2000s, he changed several posts at the district and federal levels. He was a member of a number of government commissions, supervised the Information Society program, headed the Board of Directors of Channel One in 2009-11.

Sergei Sobyanin and Vladimir Putin

The most notable milestones in Sobyanin's career during this period:

  • Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Urals Autonomous District in 2000;
  • governor of the Tyumen region in 2001-05 (the region's budget has grown 10-fold over the years);
  • head of the Presidential Administration since November 2005;
  • in the 2008 elections, the head of the election headquarters of Dmitry Medvedev, then - deputy prime minister in his government.

He resigned as deputy prime minister in 2010 after being approved for the post of mayor of the capital.

Mayor of Moscow

As mayor, Sobyanin was engaged in road repair and construction, improving the operation of public transport: updating its fleet, creating dedicated lanes, and expanding the metro network. At the same time, measures were taken to reduce the number of personal vehicles, and the boundaries of paid parking were expanded.

Sobyanin at the opening of the International Ballet Center at VDNKh

Most of the mayor's decisions were supported by Muscovites, but the closure of trolleybus routes in the center drew criticism, as did the replacement of asphalt pavement with tiles.

The least popular act of Sobyanin is the health care reform of 2013, not everyone approves of his urban planning policy either. The new mayor promised to protect the historical buildings of the capital. In practice, the construction of modern commercial facilities continues, for the sake of which historical buildings are sometimes demolished. And the restoration of old buildings is not carried out with sufficient quality, the “remake” is striking.

Sobyanin during an interview with his pet

One of the first steps of Sergei Sobyanin as mayor was the fight against street trading. Its apotheosis was the nightly demolition of shopping pavilions in February 2016. Also, the “father of the city” toughened the fight against illegal migrants.

Personal life

In the biography of Sergei Sobyanin, the family has always occupied an important place, this is confirmed by his photos with his wife and children. The only marriage of Sergei Semenovich turned out to be long, but not eternal. He divorced Irina Sobyanina (Rubinchik) in 2014, at the age of 56.

Politician with wife

28 of them, that is, exactly half, the mayor lived with Irina Iosifovna. His wife was there at different stages of his biography, since the time of Kogalym, she gave birth to two children. Eldest daughter, Anna, this year will be 32, she received art education, married to an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg Alexander Ershov. The youngest, Olga, is 21 and now lives in Moscow.

At one time, questions arose about the origin of housing belonging to the daughters of Sobyanin. So, in addition to an apartment in St. Petersburg, Anna owns an elite apartment in Moscow, the cost of which is estimated at $ 2.3 million. It was allegedly bought by Ershov with the proceeds from doing business. And the apartment with an area of ​​308.1 square meters, which since 2010, according to the documents, has been owned by Olga, Sergey Semenovich received for use under a social tenancy agreement when he arrived in Moscow from Tyumen.

Sobyanin's daughter Anna with her husband

The legality of both its privatization and the allocation to Sobyanin is questionable, since in 2006 it was difficult to classify him as a socially unprotected person.


In the income statement for 2017, this apartment was listed as the property of Sergei Sobyanin himself. He also owns a garage with an area of ​​26.8 square meters. The mayor's income amounted to 6.5 million rubles, which is 80 thousand more than in 2016.

In the personal life and career of Sergei Sobyanin, there are moments that deserve attention:

  • his father, Semyon Fedorovich, was the youngest of 5 sons in a family of Old Believers. Sergei Semenovich - too youngest child in the family, but he has 2 older sisters;
  • the defense of Sobyanin's doctoral dissertation, scheduled for May 2007, did not take place, many fragments of his monograph turned out to be borrowed from the works of Alexander Chertkov;
  • Governor Sobyanin monetized benefits in the Tyumen region, when it was only talked about at the federal level;
  • there are rumors that the reason for the divorce of the Sobyanins was the mayor's affair with his longtime assistant Anastasia Rakova. Sobyanin is even called the father of her 8-year-old daughter, for whom a personal kindergarten was allegedly equipped on the top floor of the city hall.

Sergei Sobyanin now

One of the latest achievements of the Mayor of Moscow is the completion of the construction of a concert hall in Zaryadye Park, its grand opening will take place only on September 8, on City Day.

The politician refused from the pre-election debate

Just on this day in 2013, Sobyanin was re-elected to the post of mayor as an independent candidate, and this year his term of office expires.

Last fall, he expressed his intention to participate in the next elections. And recently he announced that he refuses to participate in pre-election debates, as in the course of the previous election campaign: his platform is already known to everyone, and the current mayor does not intend to promote his competitors by debating with them.

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