Karl Lagerfeld - biography, information, personal life. Karl Lagerfeld - biography and personal life Childhood and the development of creative skills

The great fashion designer of our time, Karl Lagerfeld, began his career at the then-famous fashion house of Pierre Balmain. Thanks to his skills, he created sketches for brands such as Chloe, Fendi and Chanel (he was the manager of the house of this brand since 1983), and only in his fifth decade founded his own clothing line. It would not be an exaggeration to say that with his death, an entire era of the fashion world has gone.

Childhood and family of Karl Lagerfeld

The future outstanding fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld was born on September 10, 1933 in Hamburg, Germany. For many years, the man liked to mislead reporters, all the time changing the date of his birth to 1933. This is due to the fact that his mother made a mistake in the documents, which she informed her son about just before her death.

Karl was born into a prosperous family of a wealthy businessman. At that time, my mother was 42, and my father was 60. For them, this was not the first marriage, Carl has two half-sisters. Initially, his last name sounded like Lagerfeldt, and in the early 60s he removed the last letter so that it sounded more harmonious.

Even as a child, Lagerfeld spent most of his free time studying languages. He inherited his passion for them from his father, who boasted perfect pronunciation in 12 different languages. As for Karl, he mastered "only" English, German, French and Italian.

It is also worth noting the young man's passion for chic things, which his mother instilled in him. At the age of 6, he did not run in shorts and T-shirts, but wore exclusively shirts with cufflinks and even knew how to tie ties with his own hands.

One day, when the boy was perfecting his piano skills, his mother burst into the room and slammed the piano shut, while declaring: “Dedicate your time to drawing, at least it doesn’t make so much unnecessary noise.” He really began to draw and soon began to dream about the path of the artist, but then he realized that the creation of exclusive clothes is the true calling of a creative person.

When he was 14 years old, Karl asked his parents for blessings and went to Paris. In 1952, the guy applied to the French Lyceum, where he studied sewing fashionable clothes. During his studies, he also met Yves Saint Laurent, who in the future became a good, faithful friend and companion.

At first, Karl studied diligently, and three years later he went to the competition, where Christian Dior, Pierre Balmain and other eminent designers sat on the jury. He submitted an amazing coat design and won first prize in this category. After these events, the life of the young man changed dramatically, because he was offered a job by Pierre Balmain himself. For 3 years, Carl worked hard, sketching and honing his skills at Balman's fashion house.

Design career of Karl Lagerfeld

Having gained good experience in the Balian fashion house, in 1958 Karl became the art director of Jean Patou, although his first collection was perceived cool, since the dresses were quite frank for that time. After 5 years, the man, unexpectedly for everyone, decided to move to Rome in order to better study the history of art.

A few months later, he could boast of lucrative contracts with four famous fashion houses - Fendi, Chloe, Charles Jourdan, Krizia. It is noteworthy that Lagerfeld all the time tried to contribute. For example, it was he who introduced unique camisoles and attractive translucent things into Chloe.

In 1963 Karl signed a contract with Fendi. Thanks to his efforts and imagination, many famous models have learned about this brand, including Catherine Deneuve, Grace Jones and Gina Lollobrigida. He expanded the line of manufactured clothes, was able to add lightness to the brand's fur products.

In 1971, the fashion designer became the creative director of the Chanel fashion house. After Coco Chanel died, many famous personalities tried to take over a powerful corporation, but due to a series of failures, they abandoned this venture. It was Karl who managed to return the brand to its greatness and originality. Princess Diana often flaunted in dresses from Chanel.

In 1975, Lagerfeld decided to expand his horizons and tried to create perfume. Like everything the guru undertakes, he succeeded with ease. The aroma turned out to be delicate, floral, and most importantly, it completely enveloped the lovely clothes of the beautiful half of humanity.

In 1990, the man released a new fashion collection of clothes, which was presented by Claudia Schiffer herself. After 2 years, he again became the director of the Chloe brand, but he did not manage to stay in the post. In 1997, this post was taken by Stella McCartney.

Karl Lagerfeld in Moscow

In 2000, the fashion designer delighted millions of his fans with a new brand called Lagerfeld Gallery. Some time later in the same year, the debut show was held at Fashion Week in Paris.

In 2002, the fashion designer worked on unique outfits for the Madonna and Kylie Minogue show. In 2004, he sold the rights to his clothing line to Tommy Hilfiger, but retained the right to create exclusive pieces. After 2 years, Lagerfeld created another brand - K by Karl Lagerfeld, and in 2010 he was honored and awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor for an incredibly huge contribution to the development of art.

In 2015, the man presented a new collection of clothes at the chic Grand Palais casino in Paris. In the middle of the year, he released a short film about the unsurpassed Coco Chanel. The main character was played by Keira Knightley. In April, the girl took part in an advertising campaign for the Chanel brand. The image turned out to be feminine and incredibly sensual. During the summer, Carl brought to the public a new collection of engagement rings, which he created together with the jewelry company Frederick Goldman.

Karl Lagerfeld collection for Chanel Spring/Summer 2016

Millions of Karl Lagerfeld fans know him as a talented fashion designer, but he also had other more mundane hobbies. For example, he created perfumes, painted, photographed and even wrote books. Despite his busy schedule, he always found time to have a nice chat with his girlfriends and take a couple of high-quality photos. He was adored by absolutely all world models, because when he held a camera in his hands, the girls through the prism of his lens became the object of adoration and desire, and the pictures won the hearts of all lovers of high fashion.

Personal life of Karl Lagerfeld

The only true love of the outstanding fashion designer was the socialite Jacques de Bascher. The young people met in 1971 and were a couple until 1983. After that, the man went to another outstanding fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, which led to a gap between the two eminent designers. According to Karl, their relationship was purely platonic - there was no intimacy in them. But in his relationship with Yves Saint, Jacques was not such a puritan. In 1989 he died of AIDS.

After that, Lagerfeld's heart closed to close relationships. Having survived the shock, Karl settled in a huge mansion. The only creature in which the fashion designer doted on was his cat Choupette (translated from French as “cabbage”) of the Burmese breed. A familiar fashion model gave her to Karl for overexposure, but the pet never returned to the former owner - the fashion designer could not part with her. The kitten got its own personal chef, stylist and servants, Choupette ate from silver dishes and ... brought a lot of money to the owner. Choupette earned more than 3 million euros from the advertising campaign of the Opel and Shu Uemura brands alone. And that's not counting her plush replicas and the book Choupette: The Private Life of a Fashionable High-Flying Cat.


On February 18, 2019, Karl Lagerfeld was urgently hospitalized. In the previous weeks, the 85-year-old fashion designer, who suffered from incurable pancreatic cancer, had complained of feeling unwell. On the morning of February 19, the icon of modern fashion was gone.

A tall man with characteristic facial features, he always had a stately figure. Recently, large dark glasses and gray hair gathered in a ponytail have become his hallmark. Of course, we are talking about the famous designer and creator of mind-blowing collections, Karl Lagerfeld, whose personal life has long been made public. However, the real highlight in such a wonderful story was the news about the maestro's unconventional orientation, which rapidly spread throughout the world. But what is it? The crafts of journalists or the harsh reality? More on that later, but for now...

Biography of Karl Lagerfeld

Karl Otto Lagerfeld (Karl Otto Lagerfeld) - now famous and world famous couturier and photographer claims to be born between 1933 and 1938 on September 10 in Hamburg. But the entry in the registration book was made exactly as an early version, and the designer himself promised that he would provide the journalists with the necessary documents confirming this mistake.

Karl Lagerfeld appeared in a wealthy family and was the only child in this marriage. The father was a bank employee, and the mother, Frau Lagerfeld, was a real aristocrat with exquisite taste, but at the same time she was a tough person. Although other sources claim that the family of the world fashion designer was poor, and this story is just another fantasy of a celebrity.

As a child, Karl Lagerfeld had one dream - to grow up as soon as possible. And it actually happened very soon. In 1952, when the boy was 14 years old, his family moved to Paris, where the current master entered the high fashion school under the Syndicate.

Lagerfeld has always tried to be a leader in everything. He put himself 100% into what he loves. He spent all his time reading books, learning languages ​​and designing clothes. And three years later, when the young man was 21 years old, he won the competition, where he presented his creation in the form, and received a cash prize for it. The non-standard design pleased not only the jury, but also all the spectators. The victory in the competition and the talent of the artist gave him a job at the Pierre Balmain Fashion House. After working there for 4 years, he quit.

At his next job, the designer was offered a job as an art director at the already famous Jean Patou company. However, he did not linger here either, and quit, finally disappointed in fashion. These deep feelings led him to the idea of ​​moving to Rome, the fabulous city of Italy, where there was more opportunity to do what he loved. Tirelessly honing his skills, Karl's work every year became more perfect and independent. Collaborating simultaneously with four brands, he created collections that are not similar to each other.

In 1974, already a well-known designer, he founded his own brand and launched his first collection of clothes for men, which became a real breakthrough in high fashion. The Karl Lagerfeld Impression collection was so successful that the talented couturier was invited to work as a professor at an art school in Vienna.

After 9 years, in 1983, Karl Lagerfeld took the most important position in his life, becoming the chief designer of the Chanel brand (Chanel). Today, some call him the most worthy successor to the great Coco.

Versatile and tireless

Karl Lagerfeld talks about women as an opportunity to convey the mood of the new world. That is why many of his collections caused a scandalous reaction in the fashion world with their courage and eccentricity. It was he who created mini-skirts and skirts-shorts. He discovered the famous supermodel Claudia Schiffer, and such stars as Victoria Beckham, Cara Delevingne, Keira Knightley, Ines de la Fressange, Carole Bouquet, Vanessa Paradis and many other beauties became real muses for him.

Most call Karl Lagerfeld gay, although he always kept silent about his orientation, however, as well as his personal life in general. In 1989, his partner Jacques de Bascher died of AIDS, after which the couturier did not communicate with anyone so closely for a long time.

Today, the designer continues to remain silent about many facts from life. However, in 2010, Karl Lagerfeld and his boyfriend, French male model Batista Giabiconi, announced their relationship. The handsome man gave his patron a Siamese cat on Christmas Eve, which instantly won the heart of the designer. He gives all his love to his beloved Choupette, whom he even wanted to marry if he could.

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Due to the fact that the couturier loves handsome men and worships a pet, it is worth assuming that Karl Lagerfeld has no wife and children.

- the master of many fashion houses that flourish and prosper under his creative leadership. They can only be admired. Such a bright personality as Karl Lagerfeld cannot live without the increased interest of others. So we decided to dedicate a few lines to him in our magazine.

For some, he is unusual, probably hiding fatigue, or maybe age, for others, he is a brilliant or simply incredibly talented designer of our time.
He is in many ways similar to Chanel - not only fanaticism in work, but also in his personal life. In his models, he always tries to use the influence of everything that surrounds him, as did the legendary Coco. Chanel was and remains the most mysterious and most influential, the press is constantly hunting for Lagerfeld in order to reveal his secret - the secret of his genius, his plans, ideas, his personal life. The name of Lagerfeld sounds at all shows, does not leave the pages of not only glossy magazines, but also newspaper pages.

Karl Lagerfeld was born in 1938 on September 10 in the city of Hamburg into a German family. My father was very enterprising and earned a considerable fortune on the supply of canned milk to Europe. This provided Karl with the opportunity to get an education. Little Karl, under the guidance of his mother, did not waste time in vain. Since childhood, his rapid ascent to the Olympus of Fashion began. And by the age of 14 he had read many books, studied music, art, studied foreign languages ​​(Karl Lagerfeld is fluent in English, French and Italian). Thanks to the upbringing of his mother, who believed in his brilliant future, he had good manners and refined taste from an early age. All this gave him the opportunity from childhood to determine his future profession - design art.

Already at the age of 12, he knew what he would do in this life, and at the age of 14 he began to study in Paris at a school under the High Fashion Syndicate. Karl is captured not only, but also by many temptations. And what? Namely, that Carl continues to study the sciences of beauty and fine perfumes with all his zeal. Yes, perfume too. Because, as he said later, that each collection should have its own perfume. Soon he is invited to work by Pierre Balmain. Balmain's firm invited him after he won first prize in the competition of the International Secretariat for Wool Products. Then he presented a coat made of wool to this competition, and the young Yves Saint Laurent received the first prize for a dress at the same competition. Karl continues to work, and along with the sciences of beauty, he studies how a huge mechanism called the "Fashion Empire" works. And since 1958, Karl Lagerfeld has been working in the House of Jean Patou. Here he worked for five years, where he created two collections every year. He succeeded always and in everything that his golden hands worked on. Collections of clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry, perfumes, furs, fabrics and accessories passed through them.

The first time Karl really became famous was in Chloe in 1963. His style is famous for its lightness and liveliness. Lagerfeld brings fantasy, bold decisions into it, his outfits are unusually feminine. He experiments with the finest fabrics, creating weightless layered dresses, jackets, blazers, translucent blouses and much more. But all this could be combined in the most unexpected ways. His favorite fabrics then were silk and lace. He puts various fantastic prints on these fabrics. At the same time, he starts working with four fashion houses at once - Chloe, Fendi, Krizia, Charles Laurdan, creating completely different collections for each of them. For Fendi in 1965, he also began to sew fur collections, fearlessly fighting against the "greens". Largerfeld took the House of Fendi to a new level, he launched a line of dresses, suitcases, bags and other accessories. The Fendi sisters said that it was a pleasure to work with Karl, they adored him. “We've been together for many years, we practically grew up together. We understand each other from a glance and we can convey to our clients all the ideas of Carl,” they said. And the Fendi-designed furs are of the highest quality that Italy can be proud of.
Since 1983, Karl Lagerfeld has headed the House of Chanel. There was a merger of the two biggest names of the century - Coco Chanel and Karl Lagerfeld. And it became a real sensation, moreover, from the show of the first collection.

Since 1984, Lagerfeld, regardless of circumstances and work with other brands, work in cinema and theater, designing luxury porcelain for the German company Hutchenrehter, designing jewelry, cosmetics and perfumes, a sportswear line for an American company, releases his own collection twice a year. Is this all possible!? How to get it all covered? But Karl Lagerfeld is not afraid of work, he lives in it.

His work, his fantastic work and skill have earned the most prestigious Golden Thimble award in the nomination "Best Collection of the Year".

It was at this time that Karl's talent began to emerge clearly in that he did not change the "handwriting" of the creators of fashion houses, he only put his zest into new collections. The style of the House remained the same. It was just such a person that was needed when, after his death in 1971, the chair of the chief stylist turned out to be empty. It was Karl Lagerfeld who managed to preserve the style of Coco, the style of the Great Mademoiselle. Self-affirmation of one's own style was unacceptable here, it was necessary to preserve the uniqueness and originality of the brilliant Coco. The fashion world was delighted when Karl Lagerfeld recreated the spirit of Chanel in the House of Chanel. For the fashion of the 80s, Karl Lagerfeld took elements from the arsenal of Coco Chanel. Thus, he rejuvenated Coco's style, made it more modern. Chanel's legacy came to life again and now retains its relevance.

Until 1993, Karl Lagerfeld worked at Chloe. He breathed new life into the feminine and youthful flirting look he created. In parallel with the creation of collections, Karl creates fragrances for women and men for Chloe - napfum Photo, JAKO and KL under the name Parfumes Lagerfeld.
His working day lasts up to 20 hours a day, so it is not surprising that he creates on average up to 2500 sketches every year. For each fashion house in which he works, he creates an individual collection, he, as it were, chooses his own story, in which he focuses on the charm of French women or the beauty of Roman women, or on the fashionable mood of Manhattan, where jeans, denim jackets, mini- skirts. He is fascinated by this diversity, he likes to think in different directions. Showing his collections, Karl Lagerfeld will always demonstrate a few wedding dresses.

His interests are multilateral, but what is he more interested in? In addition to creating models, his passion is the creation of perfumes and photography, which has become an occupation not as old as fashion. Karl Lagerfeld knows how to distribute the remaining time of the day from the creation of collections. He reads a lot, which remained his passion for life, draws, photographs.
He photographs all his collections himself, he also creates photo advertisements for his new collections. In 1993 he received the Lucky Strike Designer Award, in 1996 - the prize of the German Society for Photography. Chanel advertising campaigns have been shot only by him for several seasons, and some of his photo shoots also end up in fashion glossy magazines. It can be said that he is the only one of the high fashion designers who releases his own albums of personally executed photographs.

The brightest stars, including Catherine Deneuve, Grace Jones and Ira Furstenberg, became fans of his art.

Traveling around the countries, he always brings new books. The most favorite authors are Balzac, Dostoevsky and of course books about art. They joke about him that he has more books than any public library.

He did not take on the leadership of his own fashion house, he preferred to remain a freelance designer. But, despite this, Karl Lagerfeld still became "Emperor Karl", but in fact, they call him Kaiser Karl. Always surrounded by a halo of glory, bodyguards and admirers, Karl Lagerfeld creates amazing collections that bring him fame, but fame and power are of little interest to him. Karl Lagerfeld prefers to live in the present, he never regrets anything, even if failure comes instead of the expected success. He doesn't smoke or drink. This is probably not at all easy, because in that world - the world of Parisian bohemia, not many manage to be the right person. In 2000, he wrote the book “The 3D Diet (Designer, Doctor, Diet)” from his own experience when he lost several tens of kilograms.

He developed the weight loss system himself, and used it under the supervision of a specialist - a nutritionist. The Karl Lagerfeld diet favors plant-based foods with very little animal fat, no alcohol except for a small amount of red wine, and of course limited food intake. The use of vitamin supplements and at least 2 liters of pure water is included.
The new image of Karl Lagerfeld, slender and rejuvenated, was the impetus for the creation of a new denim collection.

What is his genius? In his creations, in each of his works, and, probably, the ability not to find time for boredom. His efficiency is fantastic - "I start work on a new collection the day before I show the previous one."
He made many friends who appreciate and love him,
became, if not the main, then one of the most significant couturiers in the history of fashion of the twentieth century.
And for those who consider him unnecessarily strange or simply mysterious, we can say that Karl Lagerfeld never turned to psychotherapists. And he himself jokes that he once read a letter from one of Freud's patients who wrote to his friend: “Never use psychotherapy sessions. It kills creativity." Therefore, he believes that there should be no place for boredom in life, and thoughts should only be about pleasant things - this is the best therapy.

“I love fashion. I am fascinated by the process of creating different collections. I like to think in different directions,” says Karl Lagerfeld about himself.

Karl Lagerfeld does not stop there, he has new interests, for example, the design of old mansions. And here, you can be sure, Lagerfeld will show his talent, because he knows how to turn everything around him into a work of art. But after all, you must admit, the true one can only live among ordinary things.

Born in Germany, in the city of Hamburg. Carl loves to play with journalists. For example, he often confused journalists by saying different dates of his birth. In fact, Karl was born on September 10, 1935 (and this is again according to the statement of Lagerfeld himself).

Karl Lagerfeld: biography

Confusion with his date of birth actually exists, his mother recorded the wrong date in the documents at birth. So from the very birth, Karl Lagerfeld was an unusual person. His mother gave birth at the age of 42, while his father was 60 years old. Carl was born into the family of a successful businessman.

Karl from infancy loved to learn languages, he inherited this from his father, who knew 12 languages. Karl himself studied only German, English, French and Italian.
Karl from childhood loved to dress beautifully and neatly. From the age of 6 he wore cufflinks on his shirts, and at the age of 11 he knew how to tie a tie. In 1952, Karl Lagerfeld entered the Française et Montaigne under the Haute Couture Syndicate. There he learned how to create and model fashionable clothes. Initially, he wanted to become an illustrator or an artist, but he realized that creating clothes was his calling. Karl Lagerfeld from his student years became friends with Yves Saint Laurent, who studied on his course.

Karl Lagerfeld in his youth has always attracted attention.

Karl Lagerfeld: career

In 1955, Karl took part in a fashion show and won first place for the creation of a women's coat, after which Karl Lagerfeld received an offer from Pierre Balmain and became his assistant. In 1958 he became art director of Jean Patou.
In 1963 Karl moved to Rome to study art history. In 1963, Karl Otto Lagerfeld began working simultaneously with four fashion houses: Fendi, Chlo?, Charles Jourdan, Krizia.

In each collection, Karl added lightness and femininity. During his collaboration with Chlo? came camisoles, translucent things.

Karl Lagerfeld perfume

In 1975 Karl came up with his first fragrance for Chlo?, it was floral and fragrant on women, enveloping like clothes.
Soon such famous personalities as Catherine Deneuve, Grace Jones, Gina Lollobrigida became fans of the Fendi fashion house under the leadership of Karl Lagerfeld.

Karl Lagerfeld: Fendi

In 1963, Karl began to collaborate with Fendi, and is still the creative director of this fashion brand.
The image of Karl himself is always fashionable, Karl is always in trend. Glasses are also included in his image, few of us have seen how Karl Lagerfeld walks around the capital of France without glasses.
In 1983 Carl moved from Chlo? at Chanel. Death finally destroyed the former femininity and charming beauty of the Chanel fashion house.
Karl Lagerfeld once again raised Chanel from the bottom and still intrigues with his shows and unusual, but in the style of the Great Coco, images. As Carl says, his task is to transpose what Coco Chanel has done to date. He does not restrain himself in the length of the skirts, in extravagant outfits. At first, miniskirts and leather shorts could not fit into the shows from Chanel, but over time they gained a foothold and became popular.

In the 1990s, supermodel Claudia Schiffer presented new collections as the main model. In 1992, Karl Lagerfeld again tried to return to Chlo?, but he did not stay there for long, and in 1997 he became the creative designer of Chlo? took . At the same time, he organized his brand Lagerfeld Gallery and in 2000 successfully passed his first show at Paris Fashion Week.

Soon Karl sold his brand to Tommy Hilfiger, but he retained the right to create collections. In parallel, he opens his print studio 7L.
In the 2000s, Karl worked hard to create costumes for Madonna and Kylie Minogue.

Karl Lagerfeld: K by Karl Lagerfeld

In 2006, Lagerfeld again creates a new brand, K by Karl Lagerfeld, more democratic than before. Every year he is honored to be in the list of 100 most influential people in fashion. In 2010, in Paris, Karl Lagerfeld was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor for his enormous contribution to science and art.

Karl Lagerfeld: personal life

One of the most interesting topics for journalists is the personal life of Karl Lagerfeld. As he says in many interviews, his love is already in the grave. Carl's only love for life was Jacques de Bascher.

They met in 1971 and were in a close relationship for 12 years. In 1983, Jacques de Bascher left Karl Lagerfeld for. After 5 years, he died of AIDS, which was a huge shock for Lagerfeld.

When was Karl Lagerfeld born? Although the birth register records that Karl Lagerfeld was born on September 10, 1933, the couturier himself claims that the date of his birth is somewhere between 1933 and 1938. He once even promised to lay out documents that no one knows about, confirming his words. As Lagerfeld himself said, "it was not the way everyone thinks."

When he was 14 years old, his family moved from Hamburg to Paris, where the boy studied at the high fashion school at the same time as I. Saint Laurent. In 1954, the International Wool Secretariat organized a competition in which Karl Lagerfeld, being a 21-year-old (16-year-old) young man, received his first prize for a coat design and was invited to work at the Pierre Balmain House, where he worked for 4 years .

Star Trek

After the Balmain Fashion House, Lagerfeld was invited to the position of art director at Jean Patou, where he did not stay for more than 4 years.

Disillusioned with high fashion, Karl Lagerfeld leaves Paris for Italy to study art history. Then, becoming an independent designer, he designed completely different collections for fashion houses such as Chloe, Krizia, Charles Laurdan and Fendi.

In 1974, he launched his menswear line Karl Lagerfeld Impression and received an invitation to teach at the Vienna Higher School of Applied Arts (Hochschule fur angewalte Kunst) as a professor.

In 1980, it was Karl Lagerfeld who introduced the fashion for miniskirts, and then for short skirts. But the real popularity came to him three years later, when the owners of Chanel invited him to become an art director, and then Lagerfeld became the creator of haute couture and ready-to-wear lines. In parallel, he created his own lines - KL and KL by Karl Lagerfeld.

While still in the position of art director of the Chanel Fashion House, Lagerfeld was able not only to change their image, but also to attract new customers, make the Chanel style more modern and, together with C. Lacroix, returned the lost influence of high fashion. In the 80s, the Chanel brand was counterfeited more than any other brand in the history of fashion. For a haute couture collection for Chanel in 1986, Lagerfeld received the Golden Thimble. By the end of the 90s, it was believed that his style had become much closer to the style of Chanel herself, whether it was suits or romantic evening gowns in the Belle Epoque style.

In addition to creating fashion clothes, Lagerfeld also enjoys photography and publishes several books of his own photographs. He received the Lucky Strike Designer Award for them, and in 1993 the prize of the German Society for Photography (Deutsche Geselleschaft fur Fotographie). It is not surprising that after such success, the Karl Lagerfeld Gallery was opened in Paris.

With the same success there was an art gallery called Lagerfeld Gallery - Studio 7L, where more than ten collections a year were born. According to Lagerfeld himself, he slept no more than four hours a day.

In the spring of 2000, his own publishing house called 7L was opened, which published a photo album dedicated to the work of makeup artist Stephane Marais, books about the poet Alan Seeger, who died during the First World War, and the legendary French actress of the beginning of the century Gabrielle Reju.

Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld is called the emperor of modern fashion with unlimited capacity for work at the age of 78. After all, for the last 25 years he has been the creative director of Chanel, in addition to dressing Hollywood stars, inventing costumes for theater and cinema, and also engaged in professional photography. Rumor has it that this is not all the designer can do: Deutsche Welle claims that the fashion designer is currently busy designing 80 villas in Dubai.

Karl Lagerfeld - personal life

Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld practically does not talk about his personal life and carefully protects it. Some argue that he is gay, because after his best friend Jacques de Bascher died 15 years ago, Karl no longer maintains close relations with anyone. Others claim that he is crazy about women, because he creates for them, and it was Lagerfeld who opened the world

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