PR-project "Organization of a public relations department in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Chelyabinsk Region". Department of Public Relations in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: evaluation of the effectiveness of the activities Department of Information of Public Relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….

Chapter 1. Basic concepts, goals, principles and functions of public relations ……………………………………………………………...


Chapter 2. General characteristics of the activities of the Information and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan …………………………………………

§ 1. Department of Information and Public Relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan: structure, specifics, functions ……………………………………

§ 2. Taking into account the specifics of working with external and internal audiences within the framework of the activities of the information and public relations department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan: traditional and new forms of communication …………………………………………
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………….

List of used sources and literature ………………….


The relevance of the chosen research topic: “Public relations activities of state authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan)” is due to the following circumstances.
Power structures and special services always have a greater degree of closeness than, for example, mass culture, which, in principle, receives income from what draws attention to itself. mass consciousness. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, along with its closeness, also has a strong openness, since not only the highest ranks, but also ordinary police officers (who we encounter every day) are constantly in sight. Such is the dual nature of this object, which simultaneously has both open and closed zones.
Another significant feature of police officers (due to a certain mass nature of the profession) is the dependence of the status of this profession and the tasks it solves on the attitude of the mass consciousness towards them. The level of citizens' trust in police officers is the key to success in solving crimes, preventing burglaries, robberies and, in general, the work of internal organs.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter - the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan) is doing a lot to strengthen communication between the population and law enforcement agencies, while using productive constant work with the media. However, an analysis of this work carried out on the ground shows that employees of the internal affairs bodies do not fully use the possibilities of the media. Any of their speeches in the press and on television, one way or another, forms public opinion. "The latest data from sociological studies indicate that increasing the prestige of law enforcement, strengthening people's trust in those who carry it out, are today becoming one of the most important state tasks."
It is very important for law enforcement officers to have an impeccable reputation in the eyes of the public. Some time ago, we could observe an acute distrust of police officers, an unwillingness to make contact with them. But today, thanks to the work of the department of information and public relations, which are created in each regional department of internal affairs, the image of employees of law enforcement agencies is steadily growing, and the confidence of citizens is also growing.
The power structures have a very important characteristic that should increase their significance in the mass consciousness: “they always work in crisis situations, work at risk to life is the norm of this profession. Accordingly, the attention of society to this type of professionals is necessary.
Thus, we have formulated a number of characteristics that are inscribed in the image of power structures and special services:
– statehood of tasks to be solved,
closed nature ongoing work,
- work in a crisis, with a risk to life.
It follows from this that the types that appear before the mass consciousness on the screen or from the pages of newspapers must, to a certain extent, correspond to these characteristics of the image. This is what the public sees as a positive, so it's better to live up to it than fight it.
The form itself already concentrates the desired set of characteristics, expressing it visually, highlighting a person of this profession in the crowd. Other chains can also be built on which the image of a police officer is based. That is, we have a rather complex object in front of us, so one of the important tasks is the coordination of information efforts.
It was the power structures and special services that were the first within our state to professionalize communications with the public, creating appropriate departments there. And this is understandable, since these structures are characterized by special attention to crisis situations, the resolution and mitigation of which becomes the main thing in their work with the public. If for another structure a crisis is an exception to the rule, then the power structures are in constant readiness to work in non-standard conditions. Work with personnel becomes an equally important task, since only specially trained specialists can withstand difficult situations.
In some cases, it is necessary to resolve such issues as “treatment of the situation” - anti-crisis PR, these are situations related to the “honor of the uniform”.
Recently, the power structures have been subjected to largely fair criticism. The emerging negative image of law enforcement agencies, of course, will require efforts to correct it. But now it will take considerable time to regain not only respect, but also self-respect of people in uniform.
The degree of knowledge of the topic
1) Of particular importance for our study are the works of Russian scientists in the field of public relations: M.P. Bocharova, A.N. Chumikova, E.A. Blazhnova, I.L. Vikentieva, V.A. Moiseeva, V.E. Reva, E.A. Utkin, as well as foreign authors W. Lippman, E. Bernays, D. Burstin, in which scientific foundations, approaches and methodology of public relations activities.
This group explored the scientific foundations, approaches and methodology of public relations activities. So, in the book “Public Relations. Theory and Practice” by A.N. Chumikova, M.P. Bocharov pays great attention to the creative synthesis of theory and empirical material, the development of new schemes and concepts, the analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the named area.
The activity of public relations services was the subject of dissertation research in A. I. Kurtsev's dissertation "The Formation and Development of Public Relations in the Public Administration of the Republic of Tatarstan (1990-2000): Historical and Political Analysis".
In the book "Techniques of Advertising and Public Relations" (author I.L. Vikentiev), in addition to theoretical information, 215 examples are given, 130 learning objectives, 15 practical applications essential for the daily work of advertisers, public relations professionals and journalists.
2) Of interest are the works of the authors, which reveal the current aspects of the development and analysis of new trends in the field of public relations: I.V. Aleshina, E.A. Blazhnova, B.L. Borisov, V.A. Moiseeva, L.B. Nevzlin, E.A. Nozhina, G.G. Pocheptsova, A.V.
Kochetkova, A.S. Tarasov, as well as foreign authors S. Black, D. Vrag, D. Doty, F. Kotter, M. Mencher, F. Seitek and others.
Authors A.V. Kochetkova, V.N. Filippov, Ya.L. Skvortsov, A.S. Tarasov in the book "Theory and Practice of Public Relations" pays special attention to the research process as the first stage in planning a successful PR campaign.
3) Issues of ensuring public safety, problems of organizing the activities of internal affairs officers are always in the center of attention of administrative and legal science. Theoretical basis this activity is laid down in the works of S.S. Alekseeva, S.N. Bocharova, D.N. Bakhrakh, G.A. Tumanova and others.
Separately, it is necessary to characterize the Internet resources, one way or another connected with public relations in the internal affairs bodies:
– Publication of news and articles in the Internet media, on the websites of news agencies and traditional media, on the information resources of online browsers, on specialized and thematic servers. Of greatest interest is the site "PR-library: International Press Club";
- The website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia ( is of interest. The site provides a variety of information: regulatory legal acts, statistical data, analytical articles, interviews, laws and other materials;
– Reference and search system "Consultant Plus" - an electronic bank of regulatory documents, analytical background information, comments on legislation, periodicals and other information.
The purpose of this work: to explore the features of the activities of the Department of Information and Public Relations in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
– Analyze the basic concepts, goals, principles and functions of public relations;
– Explore the strategy, specifics, functions of the Information and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan;
– Identify a combination of traditional and new forms of ensuring work with external and internal audiences in the department.
Object of study: public relations in law enforcement agencies.
Subject of study: the specifics of the activities of the information and public relations department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan.
Research methods: analysis and synthesis, grouping, comparison, structural, functional, systemic.
The set goal and objectives determined the structure of the course work: it consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and references.

Chapter 1. Basic concepts, goals, principles and functions of public relations

Public relations is a much deeper and broader phenomenon than just departments operating in individual enterprises and institutions, or independent public relations consulting firms that clients turn to. Both theorists and practitioners of the system of public relations constantly emphasize that it is the science and art of forming public opinion in the desired direction. The third edition of the international Webster's Dictionary defines public relations as "the science and art of building mutual understanding and goodwill between a person, firm or institution and the public."
The definition of public relations has a slightly different emphasis on those authors who seek to emphasize the features of the tasks and the level of responsibility assigned to this system. As a result, a number of operational definitions of what constitutes its content and functional load are proposed.
The desire to define the essence of public relations, listing the functions inherent in this system, is quite widespread among theorists and practitioners. The well-known American researcher Rex F. Harlow tried to summarize more than five hundred definitions that have accumulated in the specialized literature since the beginning of the 20th century, and on the basis of this he proposed his own definition, covering the conceptual and operational aspects of public relations: “Public relations is a special management function designed to establish and maintain relationships, mutual understanding, mutual recognition and cooperation between the enterprise and its public; manage the process of resolving problems or disputes; assist management in studying public opinion and responding to it; define and emphasize the responsibility of management in matters of serving the public interest; help management to change effectively in accordance with the requirements of the time; act as an early warning system, helping to anticipate development trends; to use scientific methods based on ethical standards of communication as their main means.
Public relations serves many social institutions: businesses, labor unions, government agencies, voluntary associations, foundations, hospitals, educational and religious organizations. To achieve their goal, these institutions must forge strong links with various audiences and social groups: workers, members of various associations, consumers, local communities, shareholders, etc., as well as with society as a whole.
Achieving the organization's goals requires management to understand the nature of the relationships and values ​​of the people they interact with. The goals themselves are external environment. The public relations specialist acts as an adviser to the manager and, as an intermediary, helps to translate his own goals and intentions into understandable, publicly acceptable language of politics. How public relations management functions cover:
- anticipation, analysis and interpretation of public opinion, attitudes and controversial issues that can positively or negatively affect the activities and plans of the organization;
– advising management at all levels of the organization on decision-making, determining the direction of action and communication, with the obligatory consideration of the social consequences of its activities, as well as the social and civil responsibility of the organization as a whole;
– continuous development, implementation and evaluation of activity and communication programs to ensure that an informed public understands the objectives of the organization, which is an important prerequisite for their achievement. These may be programs for marketing, funding, fundraising, employee relations, government agencies, etc.;
- planning and implementation of the organization's efforts aimed at improving social policy;
- setting goals, drawing up a plan and budget, recruiting and training personnel, raising funds, in other words, managing resources to carry out all of the above.
Professional practice in the field of public relations requires knowledge of the art of communication, psychology, social psychology, sociology, political science, economics, the basics of management and ethics. You also need technical knowledge and study experience. public opinion, analysis social problems, media relations, direct correspondence, institutional advertising, publishing materials, creating films (video clips), organizing special events, preparing reports and presentations.
In helping to define and implement policy, the public relations professional draws on a variety of professional communications experiences, playing an integrating role both within the organization and between the organization and the external environment.
So, there are many definitions of public relations. Basically, they are focused on a separate feature or direction of activity of specialists in the field of public relations: sales of products; the formation of public opinion desirable for a corporation, an individual institution or a politician; creating the image of a candidate for an elected position, etc. And this should not be surprising, since in practice public relations are truly comprehensive, they can be expressed in the form of lobbying, and in “kissing a baby”, and in the annual report of a corporation on its activities, and in government report on certain policy areas and much more.
However, all areas of activity are united by something in common, with which public relations specialists deal - the so-called “peermen” (from the English “public relations men”). In most cases, the peerman is involved in information work in one way or another. And the creation of information is closely related to the concept of management. From this we can conclude that as one of its functions of public relations, it is a special information management system (including social), if management is understood as the process of creating information occasions and information by the party interested in it, the distribution of finished information products by means of communication for purposeful shaping the desired public opinion. Let us immediately emphasize that the creation of information should not be understood in a narrow, purely journalistic sense - as the preparation of correspondence.
Consider the principles and functions of public relations.
Principles. Public relations professionals are effectively intermediaries between the organization they represent and the various public groups with which the organization deals. Therefore, peers have a responsibility both to the organization on behalf of which they act, and to various public audiences. They are designed to disseminate information that allows interested groups of the population to understand the policies and activities of this organization. On the other hand, peers carefully study the public opinion of these groups, informing the leadership of the organization about it, which is obliged to listen to the moods of the population and respond to them.
Such intermediary activity, its objectively high importance in achieving mutual understanding and establishing mutually beneficial, harmonious relations between the organization and the public determine the basic principles of the activity of the Institute of Public Relations and its specialists.
These fundamental principles are formulated by the authors of the American textbook “This is P.R. The realities of public relations” by D. Newsom, A. Scott, J. Turk:
1. Public relations deals with real, not imaginary reality, with facts, not fiction. Therefore, the basis of their successful policy is absolute truthfulness, careful planning and implementation of programs whose main goal is to satisfy the public interest.
2. Public Relations is a service-oriented profession where the public interest is more important than self-interest. In other words, Public Relations is absolutely devoted service to the public.
3. Because the peerman has a duty to reach out to the public and seek support from the organization's programs and policies, the public interest should be the primary criterion for selecting those programs and policies. Therefore, a peer man needs to be courageous not to be afraid to say no to his client or to refuse a program that misleads the public.
4. Considering that the peerman addresses various groups of the public through the media, which are by their nature public channels of communication, he is obliged to keep these channels clean. He must never intentionally or inadvertently mislead the media.
5. Being between the organization and the public around it, peers must be effective communicators, passing information in both directions until mutual understanding is reached.
6. In order to facilitate communication in both directions and to be effective communicators, public relations workers must be well aware of the opinions and sentiments of various groups of the public, widely applying scientific methods of studying public opinion. The public relations system cannot be content with speculation.
7. In order to better understand the problems that concern the public of the organization and find the best ways to get out of them, public relations workers should not rely solely on intuition, they must rely on the findings of such social sciences as psychology, sociology, social psychology, widely use their study methodology public opinion, communication processes and semantics.
8. Since many specialists are engaged in the scientific research of public relations, practitioners in this field must constantly attract and adapt to their conditions the development of related disciplines, including the theory of knowledge, human psychology, sociological, political science, economic and historical theories.
9. Public relations workers have a duty to explain to the public the essence of the problems in advance, even before they develop into a crisis. This means that peermen are called upon to sound the alarm and give timely advice so that people are not taken by surprise.
10. The activities of public relations workers should be evaluated on the basis of a single criterion - the ethics of conduct. The personality traits of a peerman are determined solely by the reputation he enjoys.
Summarizing these principles, it can be argued that the main activity of the public relations system is, firstly, ensuring the mutual benefit of the organization and the public, as well as absolute honesty and frankness of those involved in this type of management activity. Secondly, the openness of information is of particular importance for public relations. A well-known English specialist in this field, Sam Black, generally considers this principle to be decisive. “Public Relations,” he writes; is the art and science of achieving harmony through mutual understanding based on truth and full awareness. And, thirdly, it is essential for public relations to rely on the objective laws of the functioning of mass consciousness, relations between people, organizations and the public, a resolute rejection of subjectivism.
Functions. It is generally accepted that, in general, public relations perform three main functions.
1) Controlling the opinions and behavior of the public in order to meet the needs and interests, first of all, of the organization on behalf of which PR actions are carried out. This function is often criticized because in this case the organization considers the public as its victim. This situation is in many ways reminiscent of manipulating the consciousness and behavior of people in a certain direction.
2) Responding to the public, that is, the organization takes into account the events, problems or behavior of others and responds to them accordingly. In other words, in this case, the organization seeks to serve the public, considering those on whom its fate depends as its owners.
3) Achievement mutually beneficial relationship between all groups of the public associated with the organization by facilitating fruitful interaction with them (including employees, customers, suppliers, production personnel, etc.). It is this function that is the foundation of the compromise model and is considered the most useful and fruitful, since the target groups of the public are considered here as partners of the organization with whom it interacts.
As a social institution, modern public relations offers various ways for organizations and the public to reconcile common interests in order to overcome friction and prevent unwise actions. Experienced public relations professionals are able to stimulate broad social thinking, helping the management of organizations to realize their social mission in society. Modern public relations are designed to equip leaders with a diverse and deep knowledge of modern society, helping them to correctly formulate goals and see development prospects.
Performing these functions, public relations contribute to the awareness of all institutions of society - state and public, political and economic, charitable and purely commercial - social responsibility to society, current and future generations of people.
Public relations function in all spheres of society, since their principles reflect the most important human aspirations: to be understandable to everyone, open to broad cooperation in an atmosphere of mutual benevolence. In its practical activities, the institute of public relations just formalizes these aspirations.

Chapter 2. General characteristics of the activities of the Information and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan
§ 1. Department of Information and Public Relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan: structure, specifics, functions

The Department of Information and Public Relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan was created in order to provide information and promote the operational and service activities of the internal affairs bodies, their interaction between the Internal Affairs Bodies and the state authorities of the subjects Russian Federation, election commissions, political parties, movements, public and religious associations.
The activities of the Department of Information and Public Relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan (hereinafter referred to as the Department) are carried out in the following areas:
- The work of the Department is organized on the basis of planning, a combination of unity of command in resolving issues of performance and collegiality in their discussion, personal responsibility of each employee, civil servant and employee for the performance of their functional duties and individual assignments.
– Organization of interaction of the Department with state authorities and public associations, election commissions, regional associations political parties and movements, public and religious associations on the formation of an objective public assessment of the activities of the Internal Affairs Agencies.
– Informing citizens about the state policy in the field of law enforcement and public security, the fight against crime and the measures taken by the Internal Affairs Bodies to implement it.
– Promotion of assistance of citizens, public associations to the Internal Affairs Bodies in the implementation of law enforcement activities.
– Creation of a mode of business partnership and mutual trust with the media.
– Organization and conduct of counter-propaganda actions to identify and suppress deliberately disseminated false information regarding the activities of the Internal Affairs Agencies.
– Informing the leadership of the Internal Affairs Bodies about media coverage of the activities of the Internal Affairs Bodies.
– Participation in assessing the degree of influence of the socio-political, socio-economic, interethnic, confessional situation in the regions on the state of law and order.
– Coordination of priority areas of activity of information and public relations units of the headquarters of city district internal affairs bodies on issues of interaction with local governments and public associations, providing them with methodological assistance and disseminating best practices in their work.
– Implementation of business contacts with representatives of the media, film, television, video studios, creative associations, providing them with methodological and advisory assistance in using materials on the activities of the Internal Affairs Bodies, legal propaganda and in order to create a positive image of an employee of the internal affairs bodies.
Let's consider the functions of the Department of Information and Public Relations in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Within the framework of the tasks set, the Department of Information and Public Relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan implements such functions as organizing and holding meetings, press conferences, briefings, round tables for Tatarstan and Russian journalists with the participation of heads of the Ministry; reception of representatives of the Tatarstan and Russian mass media, the public, literary and artistic figures, citizens, acquaintance at their request in the prescribed manner with documents and other materials on the activities of the Internal Affairs Bodies.
The list of functions includes consultations and assistance to journalists in the preparation of materials on the activities of the internal affairs bodies.
The Department of Information and Public Relations also conducts:
– Development of proposals on priority areas for the development of information support and public relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan.
– Implementation of the collection, analysis, generalization and dissemination of information on the development of the socio-political, socio-economic, interethnic component of relations in the region, their impact on the state of public order and makes proposals to the leadership of the Internal Affairs Bodies to ensure law and order and public security.
– Expression in the media of the official position of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan and dissemination, on his behalf, information on the fulfillment of the tasks of the Internal Affairs Bodies to ensure law and order and public safety, and the fight against crime.
– Organization of consultative meetings of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan with the heads of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, leaders of political parties and movements, public and religious associations, representatives of regional political forces to develop mutually acceptable solutions in matters of strengthening the rule of law and public order, legal propaganda, maintaining the authority of the Bodies internal affairs.
– Implementation of information support for events with the participation of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan, heads of structural divisions of the Internal Affairs Bodies.
– Assistance in accordance with the Laws of the Russian Federation “On the Mass Media” and “On the Police” to cover the events of the Internal Affairs Bodies in the central, regional and departmental media.
– Studying the activities of public and religious associations, their impact on the criminal situation in the region, preparing reference materials about them for the leadership of the Internal Affairs Bodies.
– Implementation, together with other divisions of the Internal Affairs Bodies, of interaction with election commissions on issues of ensuring law and order and public security in the course of preparing and holding elections to state authorities and local self-government bodies.
- Daily preparation of references for the report to the leadership of the Internal Affairs Bodies, press releases based on materials from central and regional media, annotations to critical publications with proposals for solving the problems raised in them.
– Distribution in the media in cooperation with the structural divisions of the Internal Affairs Bodies of statements, press releases, information releases on the results of the current activities of the Department of Internal Affairs.
- Preparation and holding of meetings, press conferences, briefings, round tables for media representatives with the participation of the leadership of the Department of Internal Affairs.
- Involvement of employees and employees of structural divisions of the Internal Affairs Bodies, with the consent of their leaders, to speak in central, regional and departmental media, prepare interviews, publications and videos.
– Consultation and provision of necessary information materials to representatives of central, regional and departmental media writing on law enforcement topics.
- Regularly informing the head, his deputies and heads of structural subdivisions of the internal affairs department about the reaction of the media to the actions of the internal affairs department to protect public order and ensure public safety of citizens.
In addition, work is carried out jointly with the interested departments of the Internal Affairs Bodies:
– Critical speeches in the media on the activities of the police department, assists them in the preparation of materials to refute information that is untrue and discredits the honor and dignity of police officers.
- Proposals, statements and complaints from citizens, letters and requests from public authorities, deputies, organizations, public and religious associations related to their competence.
– Organizes the work of temporary press centers (press groups) in areas with a difficult operational situation.
– Organizes meetings, seminars with the heads and employees of the departments (groups) of information and public relations of the city district authorities of internal affairs on issues of interaction with local governments, election commissions, regional organizations of political parties, movements, religious associations in order to ensure law and order, strengthen confidence in the authorities internal affairs.
– Participates in the organization of creative competitions for the best coverage in the central, regional and departmental media of the activities of the internal affairs bodies.
– Maintains communication on issues within the competence of the activities of the Division, with state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, with information divisions law enforcement region, border police departments of the CIS countries, election commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as with regional media, with centers for socio-political research, sociological services for studying the public opinion of the population.
Let's analyze the organization and support of the activities of the Information and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The department is headed by a chief who acts as a press secretary of the Minister, appointed to and dismissed by the Minister in agreement with the Information and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
The Head of the Department carries out general management of the activities of the Department and is personally responsible for the proper performance of the tasks and functions assigned to him.
Department head:
– Ensures the development of tactics for the implementation of information policy and public relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan.
– On behalf of the Minister, represents the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan in the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, at congresses, meetings, meetings, scientific and practical conferences of political parties, movements, public and religious associations held in the region.
- Ensures the selection and placement of personnel of the Department, their professional training, compliance with the law, service discipline, the state of combat readiness and civil defense, the creation of the necessary conditions for work and meeting the social and living needs of employees.
- Ensures compliance with the regime of secrecy, non-disclosure of confidential information.
– Controls the fulfillment by subordinate employees of the tasks and functions assigned to them and ensures the priority receipt of audio, video and printed material on the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan to the Information and Public Relations Department and the Joint Editorial Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
- Makes proposals to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan on improving the structure and staffing of the Department.
- In accordance with the established procedure, petitions the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan for the appointment, transfer, temporary suspension and dismissal of employees and employees of the Department.
– Makes proposals to the Minister on encouraging employees and employees of the Department, imposing disciplinary sanctions on them.
– Applies in accordance with the established procedure to the Minister for the provision of vacations for employees and employees of the Department and for sending them on business trips.
– Carries out interaction in accordance with the established procedure with representatives of state authorities, heads of regional and central Russian media, conducts correspondence with them in solving the tasks assigned to the Department.
– Within its competence, requests and in accordance with the established procedure receives from the structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan, archives, educational and research institutions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia information for the preparation of documents submitted to the state authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan, to local governments, the Information Department and Public Relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Department of Information, Regional and Public Relations of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Federal District, as well as for posting the necessary information in regional and central Russian media.
- Makes proposals to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tatarstan on encouraging journalists writing on law enforcement topics.
The Department of Information and Public Relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan consists of a department for relations with electronic media, a department for working with print media, a department for public relations, each of which performs certain functions. Let's consider these functions in more detail.
The main functions of the electronic media relations department.
– Preparation and release of the information and legal program “Vesti. Duty department. Tatarstan. It airs on the Tatarstan State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company at 7.45 and 13.45 from Monday to Friday.
- Analytical program "NEP" - an illegal economic space, which highlights the most resonant crimes in the economic sphere. It airs on TNV TV channel twice a month on Wednesdays at 23:40.
– Preparation and placement on republican TV channels of social videos aimed at preventing theft cell phones, theft of motor vehicles, robberies and robberies, burglaries and other, no less significant, crimes against the person.
The main functions of the Print Media Relations Department:
– Conducting briefings, press conferences, round tables, presentations aimed at strengthening the positive image of the internal affairs bodies;
– Preparation and dissemination in the republican and central print media of information about PR campaigns, disclosure of crimes, speeches by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as assistance to journalists in preparing materials on law enforcement topics.
– Daily update of the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan (www.mvdrt). For closer interaction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan with citizens, a special section "Internet Reception" has been created on the website, through which residents of the republic can ask the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs their question or express a wish on organizing the work of the police.
The main functions of the Public Relations Department:
– Interaction with state authorities and public associations, election commissions, regional associations of political parties and movements, public and religious associations;
– Monitoring of legislative and regulatory acts, print and electronic media.

In conclusion of this chapter, we note that it is necessary to radically change the concept of interaction between the Internal Affairs Bodies and the media. The current situation, when journalists are just waiting for an excuse to Once again throwing mud at police officers, and positive materials about the Ministry of Internal Affairs published in the media mainly by employees of the press services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and, as a rule, do not inspire confidence on the part of the population, is unacceptable.
The efforts of the employees of the Department of Information and Public Relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan should not be aimed at publishing belated denials and preparing laudatory publications, but at creating a positive image of a policeman by timely dissemination of information of interest to journalists, holding press conferences on the most acute problems of the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, involving professional journalists in objective coverage of the work of the police. Heads of city districts and heads of police departments need to involve correspondents of newspapers and TV journalists to participate in various raids, operations (for example, "Interception", "Patrol", "Key", etc.), of course, while observing all their security measures, relying on on law and procedure.
Information about any negative processes and events in the internal affairs bodies should also be immediately disseminated through the media based on the materials of official verifications and investigations. This makes it possible to bring down the wave of rumors and sensational revelations in the newspapers, showing the population that the police have nothing to hide. The Ministry of the Interior itself is fighting violations in the internal affairs bodies, exposing the perpetrators, detaining "criminals in uniform" and bringing them to justice. And we must talk about this, not forgetting to note at the same time that the main, overwhelming part of the police officers are honest, decent people with a heightened sense of justice, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a highly professional agency capable of resisting crime.
Try to put an end to the confrontation between the Interior Ministry and the media. All heads of bodies and departments of internal affairs, employees in relations with the media need to learn how to form public opinion, not only by distributing official press releases, but also by maintaining informal relations with journalists, constantly stirring up their interest in the work of law enforcement agencies, providing them with interesting exclusive materials.

§ 2. Taking into account the specifics of working with external and internal audiences within the framework of the activities of the information and public relations department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan: traditional and new forms of communication

Having studied the essence of public relations, having considered the features of the work of the information and public relations department in the first chapter, we will analyze the use of public relations in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To do this, we will single out the internal and external public of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the means and methods of interaction between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the external public.
“The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body exercising, within its powers, state administration in the field of protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, protecting law and order, ensuring public safety and directly implementing the main activities of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and the internal troops of the Ministry Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation".
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of internal affairs. The activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are managed by the President of the Russian Federation.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia exercises the following main powers:
1) forms, on the basis of analysis and forecasting the state of law and order, public security and migration processes, the main directions of state policy in the established field of activity;
2) develops and implements measures for the implementation of state policy in the established field of activity;
3) develops and submits in accordance with the established procedure to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation draft federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, and also prepares other documents that require a decision of the President or the Government of the Russian Federation, on issues related to the established area activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
4) on the basis of and in pursuance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal Constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, independently adopts regulatory legal acts on issues related to the established field of activity, with the exception of issues whose legal regulation is in accordance with the Constitution RF, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation are carried out by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation;
5) determines the main areas of activity of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops and directs their activities;
6) summarizes the practice of applying the legislation of the Russian Federation and analyzes the implementation of state policy in the established field of activity, develops on this basis measures to improve the activities of the internal affairs bodies, internal troops and the FMS of Russia;
7) participates in the formation of federal target programs in the established field of activity;
8) prepares, on behalf of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, draft reviews and opinions on draft legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;
9) organizes and implements in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation:
- operational-search activity;
– production of inquiry and preliminary investigation in criminal cases;
– forensic activities;
– search for persons and stolen property.
In the ministries and departments of the federal level, as well as in local authorities, their own PR divisions are created and function.
The system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs employs specialists in various fields of law enforcement who have thoroughly studied the situation in each specific region of the republic. Their experience allows the Ministry to act competently in any, even the most difficult, situations.
At present, the presence of a department of information and public relations in the system of internal affairs bodies is mandatory. In Russia, all information structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are united in a new department of press and information, whose task is to provide information support to the structures of the ministry and promote the experience of fighting crime. As a result, even at the level of the regional police department, the position of a press service officer is being created.
It should be noted that the state radio station "Police Wave", which is part of the Association of Television and Radio Studio of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, began to work on the Moscow FM air.
In the work of the information and public relations department of the Ministry of the Interior, tactical and strategic

Consider the basic principles of organization and functioning of the public relations department in government agencies; study international and domestic experience in organizing PR activities in law enforcement agencies; to study the structure, functions and tasks of the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

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Kasparova Elina Armenovna Public relations in the activities of the internal affairs bodies of Russia: on the example Krasnodar Territory: dissertation... candidate of political sciences: 23.00.02 / Kasparova Elina Armenovna; [Place of protection: Kuban. state university]. - Krasnodar, 2008. - 183 p. RSL OD, 61:08-23/69


Chapter 1

2. International and domestic experience in organizing PR activities of law enforcement agencies pp. 45-61

Chapter 2. Organization of public relations in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia С.

1. The structure and functional responsibilities of the public relations departments of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, pp. 61-83

2. The practice of interaction between the internal affairs bodies of Russia and the public (the practice of increasing the level of trust in the internal affairs bodies) ..S. 83-97

Chapter 3

1. Public relations of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory using the media pp. 98-137

2. Organization of public relations of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory through personal contacts of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the population pp. 138-167

Conclusion C.168-172

List of used literature С.172-180

Introduction to work

Relevance of the research topic is determined by the fact that the effectiveness of the activities of the internal affairs bodies is an important condition for ensuring national security Russia, maintaining socio-political stability. At the same time, the task of improving the quality of the work of state power, set during the administrative reform, cannot be solved without the development of a dialogue between citizens and state structures, including internal affairs bodies.

Public relations are currently playing an increasingly important role in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and its subdivisions. The system of institutionalized public relations of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory is the main channel of information about the state of law and order, an important tool for forming the opinion of citizens of the Russian Federation on the activities of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Territory, as well as a feedback mechanism for law enforcement officers with the population. The degree of impact of PR technologies on the public makes it possible to judge their high significance for the development and formation of political processes at the federal and, most importantly, regional levels.

The organization of public relations in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is just beginning to gain stability. The system of public relations in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is changing rapidly, which makes the PR of the internal affairs bodies an important object of scientific knowledge.

The relevance of the study is also dictated by some geopolitical features of the Krasnodar region (high ethnic mosaic, a large number of residents, a significant increase in the population during the holiday season), which determine the specifics of the organization of public relations of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of a given subject of the Russian Federation. Thus, the topic seems to be relevant for scientific research, both in theoretical and practical aspects.

The degree of scientific development of the problem. The results of research on the topic are presented in publications devoted to the theoretical and methodological aspects of public relations, the world experience of organizing PR in public authorities, including law enforcement structures, in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. PR as a special function of management and communication is of interest to economists, social psychologists, sociologists and political scientists. As an economic phenomenon closely related to the problems of entrepreneurial initiative and marketing, it is traditionally in the subject field of the theory of organization and management and it is no coincidence that some researchers call it “communication management”. However, the scope of PR is constantly expanding, capturing the sociology of politics and social-mass communications. In preparing the dissertation, in addition to special works devoted to public relations, the works of various authors from the field of philosophy, political science, sociology, and psychology were used.

In the process of analyzing studies directly devoted to public relations, it must be taken into account that economists and sociologists, as a rule, see in PR, first of all, management activities to establish and maintain communication, mutual understanding and cooperation between an organization and its public. The interests of the organization come first. In the social PR of a socially responsible business, even with all its corporatism, there is a shift in emphasis, going beyond the narrow limits of the interests of the organization. PR support for charity programs, sponsorship, etc. changes public opinion, affects public morality, and this, in turn, gives PR a socially constructive function.

From large group publications working on the topic of public relations, the following works were analyzed as the most significant: Agi U., Bernayz E., Black S, Blazhnov E.A., Bovina B.G., Bozhev V.P., Brum G., Wibbert S, Graniga J. E., D. Doty, Voroshilova V. V., Gerasimova A. P., Gorohova V. M.,

E. Green, F. Jeffkins, S. Cutlip, V. G. Korolko, R. Crabble, F. Kitchen, J. Marston, E. Robinson, A. Senter, T. Hunt, R. Haywood, G. G. Pocheptsov. , Serov A., Tulchinsky G.P., Fraser S., Chumikov A.N., Weber M., Agrant G.A., Alekseeva T.A., Gaman-Golutvina O.V., Gatmana O.V., Gelmana V.Ya., Golosova G.V., Izard U., Easton D., Rilina M.V., Barga A.M., Afanaseva V.G., Molchanova B.Yu., Shcherbinina A.I., Rostaina B., Parsons T., Troshina N.V., Pishchulina P.N., Bunina I.M., Morozova E.V., Newsoma D., Terka D.V., Krukeberg D. These works reveal the multidimensionality PR, there are many interpretations and definitions explaining it. 1

The formation of the PR theory closely depends on the development of communication problems in general, presented in the classic works of J. Habermas, M. Castells, M. McLuhan, E. Toffler, W. Schram, J. Burton.

"Agrant G.A. On regional development and regional policy // Free thought. 1996. No. 6. P. 17-38; Agi U. et al. The most important thing in PR. St. Petersburg., 2004; Alekseeva T.A. Modern political theories. M., 2001; Afanasyev V. G. Systematicity and society. M., 1980; Black S. Public relations. What is it? M., 2002; Blazhnov E. A. Public relations. M., 1994; Bovina B. G., Myagkikh N. I., Safronova A. D. Main activities and psychological suitability for service in the system of internal affairs bodies. Reference manual. M., 1997; Bozhev V. P. Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. , 1999; Bunin I.M. Russia six months before the elections: the alignment of political forces / / Politiya. 1999. No. 2; Weber M. Politics as a vocation and profession / / Selected works. M., 1990; Voroshilov V.V. Modern press service. St. Petersburg, 2005; Vikentiev I.L. Advertising and public relations techniques: 215 examples, 10 learning tasks and 15 practical applications. St. Petersburg, 1998; Gaman-Golutvina O.V. Regional Elites of Modern Russia as Subjects political process// Bulletin of Moscow State University. Series 18. Sociology and political science. 1994 No. 4; Galuzo V.I. Russian law enforcement system. M., 2000; Gutsenko K.F., Kovalev M.A. Law enforcement agencies. M., 1998; Gavra D.P. Public opinion as a social category and social institution. SPb., 1995; Galumov E.Yu. Basics of PR. M., 2004; Gorokhov V.M., Komarovsky B.C. Public relations in the public service. M., 1996; Green E. Creativity in public relations. St. Petersburg, 2003; Jeffkins F., Yadin D. Public relations. M., 2003; Doty D. Publicity and Public Relations. M., 1996; Izard U. Methods of regional analysis. M., 1966; Easton D. Categories of system analysis of politics//Anthology of world political thought. M., 1997; Ilyin M.V. Rhythms and scales of change. On the concepts of "process", "change" and "development" in political scientists non-political studies. 1993. N 2; Ilyin M.V. Chronopolitical Dimension: Beyond Everyday Life and History//Political Studies. 1996. No. 1; Barg M.A. Categories and methods of historical science. M., 1984; Cutlip S, Senter A., ​​Broom G. Public Relations. Theory and practice. M., 2000; Crable R.E., Vibbert S.L. Public Relations as Communication Management. Edina, M.N. Bellwether Press. 1986; Gaining J.E. , Hunt T. Managing Public Relations. NY Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1984; Marston J.E. Modern Public Relations. McGraw-Hill, NY, 1979; Korolko V.G. Fundamentals of public relations. Kyiv, 2000; Kitchen F. Public relations: principles and practice. M., 2004; Morozova E.V. Regional political culture. Krasnodar, 1998; Molchanov Yu.B. The problem of time modern science. M., 1990; Nyosom D., Turk D.V., Krukeberg D. Everything about PR. Theory and practice of public relations. M., 2001; Parsons T. The system of modern societies. M., 1997; Pocheptsov G.G. Public relations for professionals. Kyiv, 2003; Pischu-lin N.P. Political leadership and electoral process//Political studies. 1998. No. 5; Rothstein B. Political institutions: common problems//Political science: new directions. M., 1999; Serov A. Terrible secrets of PR. St. Petersburg, 2004; Tulchinsky G.L. PR firms: technology and efficiency. St. Petersburg, 2001; Troshina H.B. Image factor in the Russian electoral process. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of political sciences. Saratov, 2001; Fraser P. Sitel Modern public relations. M., 2004; Chumpkov A.Y., Bocharov M.P. Public relations. Theory and practice. M., 2006; Shcherbinin A.I. Political world in time and space//Political studies. 1997. No. 5.

There are domestic studies in which PR technologies are considered in a theoretical and methodological manner, in connection with the social sciences, for example, E. Kokhanov's monograph "Theoretical and methodological foundations of PR activities." The methodological basis for organizing further research in the field of PR is provided, in particular, by the works of Yu. Vishnevsky, E. Zaborova, B. Kapustin, L. Rubinnaya, V. Shapko, E. Shestopal.

Within the framework of this work, the type of political communication process - public relations - is analyzed. At the same time, the main means of carrying out this process is the text. Accordingly, a number of scientific works devoted to the study of the main aspects of texts should be singled out. Among them are the works of Ananiev S.E., Aleshin I.V., Anduras E.Ch., Bezgolova O.V., Blazhnov E.A., Gorcheva A.Yu., Dorozhkina Yu.N., Bikletov E.Yu. , Konatonova E.A., Masttenbrook U., Rozhkova I.M., Lasswell G., Lvova M.S., Gorokhova V.M., D.L. Wilcox, Komarovsky V.S., Ivanchenko G.V., Lisovsky S.F., Evstafieva V.A.; Moiseeva V.A., Dotsenko E.L., Zaretskoy E.N., Zeller D., Cohen B., Clapper J., Krivonosov A.D., Lippman U., Lazarfeld P., Olshansky D.V. ., Pashentseva E.Y., Morozova E.V., Misyurova D.A., Mikhalskoy A.K., Nazaretyan A.P., Naumenko T., Rastorgueva S.P., Rebu-li O., Savinova O.N. ., Smetanina S., Sopera P., Fedorova L.N., Hofland K., Cherednichenko V.A., Sharkova F., Sherkovina Yu.A., Shibutani T., Yakovleva I."

2 Ananiev SE. Formation of the image of a leader in the field of public service//Yearbook-95: Public Service of Russia. M., 1996; Aleshina I.V. Public relations for managers and marketers. M., 1997; Anduras E.Ch. Business and propaganda. M., 1996; Bezoglova O.V. Functions of "public relations" in political management//Political management: theory and practice/Under the general editorship. Z.M. Zotova. M., 1997; Blazhnov E.A. public relations. M., 1994; Vikentiev I.L. Techniques of public relations and advertising. Novosibirsk, 1995; Gorcheva A.Yu. Political management in post-Soviet Russia. M., 2003; Dorozhkin Yu.N., Bikletov E.Yu. Organization of public relations in administrative and public administration. Ufa, 1997; Konatonov E.A. Organization of public relations service: Public Relations. Rostov-n/D, 1997; Masttenbrook W. Management of conflict situations and organization development. M., 1996; Rozhkov I.M. Advertising: bar for "pros". M., 1997; Lasswell H.D. Politics: Who Gets, What, When, How - N.Y., 1970; Lasswell H.D. Kaplan A. Power and Society: A Framework for Political Inquiry. New Haven, 1982; Klapper J. The Effects of Mass Communication. N.Y., I960; Lazersfeld P., Berelson B., Gaudet. The People's Choice. How the Voters Makes up Ms Mind in a Presidential Campaign. N.Y., 1948; Lippmann W. Public Opinion. N.Y., I960; Gorokhov B.M., Komarovsky B.C. Public relations: essence, functions, trends of modern development. M., 1996; Wilcox D. L. How to create PR texts and effectively interact with the media. M., 2004; Fedotova LN Analysis of content - a sociological method of studying the means of mass communication. M., 2001; Morozova E.V. Political market and political marketing: concepts, models, technologies. M., 1999; Word in action. Internet analysis of political dis-cuss / Ed. T.N. Ushakova, N.D. Pavlova M., St. Petersburg, 2000; Ivanchenko G.V. The reality of public relations.

Features of political PR were studied by Y. Baskakova-, A. Gorba-. Cheva, T. Grinberg, I. Dzyaloshinsky, A. Dmitriev, V. Evstafiev, M. Koshelyuk, S. Lisovsky, Yu. Lyubashevsky, E. Morozova, D. Olshansky, E. Pashentsev. 3

At the same time, it is necessary to single out the authors whose works have made the greatest contribution to the study of the topic in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: Shvetsova V.I., Chetverikova B.C., Khavanova A.V., Utkina E.A., Solovey Yu:P. Yu.I:, Smolensky M.B., Rusakova A., Anisimkov V.M., Bezmenova B.B., Belyaev L.I., Bovin B.G., Myagkikh N.I., Eafronov A.D. , Borisov S.E., Buldenko R.A., Dorskoy A., Dubova G.V., Kapitonova Є.С, Kolodkina L.M., "Korenev A.P., Oblonsky A.V., Pankratov V.N., Polubinsky b.w., Rosha-A.N., Solovey Yu.P., T.A. Bondarenko. 4

M., 1999; Shibutani T. Social psychology. Rostov-n/D., 1998; Rastorguev SP. The philosophy of information warfare. M., 2001; Dotsenko E.L. Psychology of manipulation. M., 1997; Zaretskaya E.N. Rhetoric: Theory and practice of verbal communication. M., 2001; Krivonosoe A.D. PR-text in the system of public communications. St. Petersburg, 2002; Lvov M.S Image of a regional political elite and real expectations of the electorate//Political management: theory and practice/Under the general editorship. Z.M. Zotova. M., 1997; Misyurov D.A. Political symbolism: structure and functions / LZestnik of Moscow State University. Series 12. 1999, No. 1; Mikhalskaya A.K. Russian Socrates. M., 1996; Naza-retyan A.P. Aggressive crowd, mass panic, rumors. St. Petersburg, 2004; Rebulya O. Language and ideology. M., 1997; Hay- "menko T.V. Mass communication: theoretical and methodological analysis. M., 2003; Olshansky D.V. Political PR. St. Petersburg, 2003; Pashentsev E.N. Public relations: from business to politics. M., 2000 Savinova O.N. Power and the public: social aspects of interaction. Nizhny Novgorod, 1997; Smetanina S.I. Editing texts of mass communication. St. Petersburg, 2003; Soper P. Fundamentals of the art of speech. M., 1992; Cherednichenko V.A. Sociological information in election campaigns. M., 2001; Sharkov F.I. Sources and paradigms of social communication research//Sociological research. M., 2001. No. 8; Sherkovin Yu.A. Psychological problems mass information processes. M., 1973; Yakovlev I. Computer technologies for press content analysis in planning presidential election campaigns. M., 2000. J Gorcheva A.Yu. Political management in post-Soviet Russia. M., 2003; Grinberg T.O. political technologies. PR and advertising. M., 2005; Morozova EV Political market and political marketing: concepts, models, technologies. M., 1999; Lisovsky S.F., Evstafiev V.A. Electoral technologies: history, theory, practice. Moscow, 2002; Olshansky D.V. Political PR. St. Petersburg, 2003; Pashentsev E.N. Public relations: from business to politics. M., 2000; Chumikov A.N. Creative technologies public relations. M, 1998. 4 Shvetsova V.I. Judiciary and law enforcement agencies in the Russian Federation. M., 1997; Chetverikov B.C., Chetverikov V.V. Fundamentals of management in the internal affairs bodies. M., 1997; Khavanov A.V. Solving corporate image problems in the context of Russian reforms (socio-political aspects). Nizhny Novgorod, 2000; Utkin E. A., Bayandaeva M. L. Management of public relations. M., 2001; Solovey Yu.P. On the question of functions in the police. Krasnoyarsk, 1998; Solovey Yu.P. Judicial and law enforcement systems. M., 1997; Skuratov Yu.I., Semenov V.M. Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. M., 1998; Smolensky M. B. Fundamentals of law. Rostov-n/D., 2002; Rusakov A. Public relations in public authorities. St. Petersburg, 2006; Anisimkov V.M. About the priority directions of development of the system of internal affairs bodies. M., 2000; Bezmenov B.B., Odabitsky D.A. Organization of press services of executive authorities. Volgograd, 2002; Belyaeva L.I. The theory of management of law enforcement activities of internal affairs bodies. M., 1999; Bovina B.G., Myagkikh II.I., Safronova A.D. The main activities and psychological suitability for service in the system of internal affairs bodies. M., 1997; Borisov SE. Professional deformation of police officers and its personal determinants. M., 1998; Buldenko K. A. Professional ethics and aesthetic culture of an employee of internal affairs bodies. Khabarovsk, 1993; Dorsky A. Legal support of public relations. St. Petersburg, 2004; Dubov G.V. The relationship of morality, culture of behavior and etiquette of an employee of the internal affairs bodies (works of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR). M., 1990; Kapitonov S.S. The leading function of the police. M., 2002; Kolodkin L.M. The theory of management of law enforcement activities of internal affairs bodies. M., 1999; Co-


It should be noted that, despite the presence of a number of scientific works of the authors, considering both the political science problems of public relations in general, and public relations issues in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in particular, the PR activities of law enforcement agencies in the Krasnodar Territory have not been studied enough. There is a need for synthesizing studies that could would become the basis for the development of practical recommendations.

Object of study are public relations in the activities of the internal affairs bodies of Russia; subject- forms of public relations in the activities of the Main Department of Internal Affairs in the Krasnodar Territory.

Purpose of the study- to identify the features of public relations in the activities of the internal affairs bodies of Russia.

Achieving this goal involves solving a number of tasks:

determine the content of PR activities;

identify common characteristics and differences between international and domestic experience in organizing PR activities of law enforcement agencies;

disclose the structure and functional responsibilities of public relations units in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;

characterize the political aspect of interaction with the public of the internal affairs bodies of Russia;

identify the features of public relations of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in the Krasnodar Territory, carried out using the media;

to identify the features of public relations of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in the Krasnodar Territory on the example of personal contacts of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the population.

Reneva A.P. Fundamentals of management in the internal affairs bodies. M., 1998; Pankratov V.N. Officer communication culture. M., 1993; Polubinsky V. I. Two centuries on guard of law and order. M., 2002; Rosha A.N. Stimulation of service activities of police officers. M., 1997; Solovey Yu.P. On the issue of functions in the police Krasnoyarsk, 1998; Bondarenko T.A. Stereotype of perception of law enforcement agencies in the Far East region. 2006.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation research

is determined by its purpose and objectives, as well as the object, which is public relations in the activities of the internal affairs bodies of Russia.

G. Lasswell's modified communicative model was used as the main theoretical model of the study. 5 This model includes the following elements of the communication process: communicator, message, channel, audience and provides for the evaluation of the effectiveness this process. The model of communication, modified taking into account the achievements of modern political science, assumes the use of a two-way communication scheme as the basis for PR activities. In it, the communicator and the target audience are connected by the context of their respective target orientations, relationships and social situation. Thus, communication acts as a mutual process of exchanging signals for the purpose of informing, instructing or persuading. Here, the communicative process is determined by the relations of communicators and the socio-political context on the same understood semantic meanings.

During the study, such scientific approaches as structural-functional and comparative analysis were used, as well as the following methods of working with empirical material: analysis of documents, secondary analysis results of sociological research.

empirical base studies are: software documents. you of federal government bodies of Russia: the Concept of administrative reform in the Russian Federation in 2006-2010; The concept of national security; regulatory documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs); methodological materials of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (recommendations for the application of regulatory documents); materials from the websites of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory; documentation Public Council at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Krasnodar

5 Lasswell H. The Structure and Function of Communication in Society: Mass Communication. Urbana, 1949.

edge; materials of sociological research (studies of the Public Opinion Foundation).

Scientific novelty of the dissertation research is as follows:

the definition of public relations was concretized in relation to the activities of the internal affairs bodies of Russia;

the factors that determine the features of the interaction of the internal affairs bodies of Russia with the public are identified;

a comprehensive study of PR in the current professional field was carried out and its place in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was determined;

an analysis was made of the specifics of coverage and presentation in the media of materials reflecting the activities of law enforcement agencies;

key areas were identified and factors contributing to the formation of a positive image of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were studied;

analyzed and characterized the mechanisms of influence on the public of the Krasnodar Territory by reflecting in the media the image of a police officer and the activities of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in the Krasnodar Territory;

a systematic study of the organization of public relations in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory was carried out;

The following provisions are put forward for defense:

1. The definition of public relations for use in the activities of internal affairs bodies involves the inclusion of such a characteristic as the socially significant interest of citizens of the Russian Federation. Ta-

II Thus, public relations in the activities of internal affairs bodies is a special specialized and professionally organized management function that helps to establish and maintain effective interaction between internal affairs bodies and citizens and civil society structures in order to protect the socially significant interests of citizens of the Russian Federation. The professional organization of public relations determines the deep specifics of PR technologies in various professional fields.

    International experience in organizing public relations in police structures is relevant for Russia, especially in connection with the increase in the multi-ethnicity of a significant part of local communities both in developed democracies and in the Russian Federation, which is characterized by increased migration processes. The level of development of public relations in law enforcement agencies in Russia is currently insufficient to solve such a strategic task as involving citizens in combating crime and increasing the effectiveness of the fight against crime. The need to develop the Russian PR campaign is determined by the fact that the task of bringing the fight against crime to a new qualitative level cannot be solved without improving the interaction between the police and the population, which implies high public confidence in law enforcement agencies.

    At present, the theoretical development of the problems of public relations of law enforcement agencies, despite all its relevance, is in Russia at initial stage. This state of affairs is determined by the fact that the very activity of organizing public relations in the initial period of the modern history of Russia, that is, during the 90s of the XX century, was not in demand in practice.

    The intensification of public relations in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia since 2003 is associated with the beginning of an administrative reform, which envisages, as one of the most important areas, increasing the effectiveness of interaction between authorities and civil society. At present, it is possible to

to state that in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including all territorial levels, a system special units information and public relations. This system is at the stage of formation, solving the conceptual tasks of increasing the information openness of the activities of the police, organizing feedback from the population, creating a positive image of an employee of the internal affairs bodies. It should be noted the great importance and effectiveness of new forms of organization of public relations in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for example, public councils.

    At present, the issue of adopting t measures to improve interaction with the public, including through the implementation of a system of measures to create a positive image of Russian police officers. In solving this problem, the divisions of information and public relations play an important role. The practice of increasing the level of public confidence in employees of internal affairs bodies should be based on the use of new forms of information submission.

    Despite the variety of materials in the print media of the Krasnodar Territory devoted to the analysis of the activities of the internal affairs bodies, there are not enough materials in the press that form a positive image of a police officer based on reliable facts. Activities to improve the image of the police in the Krasnodar Territory are currently not systemic. The presence of many structured and ordered independent sources of information expands the possibilities for the mass user to obtain reliable information in a form convenient for him, creates conditions for increasing the efficiency and reliability of information support for making managerial decisions in government, the effectiveness of information support for public political and social activities, as well as the formation and impact of public opinion as a true "fourth power" in a democratic society.

    The mass media can and should become an effective institution of interaction between the internal affairs bodies and the public. In on-

For the time being, problems related to the freedom of access to information of journalists, the legal protection of personal secrets in the media, and the protection of civil Danin and society from false and unfair information disseminated by the media.

    In the implementation of public relations, the participation of all services and divisions of the internal affairs bodies in the Krasnodar Territory is necessary. The Department of Information and Public Relations of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs should act as a body coordinating this activity and a methodological center in the field of public relations. Currently, public relations are one of the most important areas of work for the entire Ministry of Internal Affairs, which indicates an understanding of the importance and significance of this area "of work on the formation and development of a positive image of a police officer and the entire system of internal affairs bodies as a whole.

    In order to increase the effectiveness of public relations in the activities of the internal affairs bodies, large-scale information campaigns should be designed and implemented to increase the motivation of the population to assist the internal affairs bodies and support active public participation in law enforcement. The development of such campaigns should be carried out in regional information departments, taking into account the specifics of each region. Currently, such measures are being developed only in the Main Directorate of Public Relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which is ineffective and does not bring proper results.

Scientific, theoretical and practical significance research is determined by its novelty and lies in the fact that the provisions set out in the dissertation allow:

to deepen theoretical concepts that reveal the technology of organizing public relations in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

identify the specifics of the organization of public relations of the Main

Department of Internal Affairs for the Krasnodar Territory;

offer new technologies for interaction between employees of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory and the public using the media and through personal contacts.

The results of the dissertation research can be used in the preparation of academic disciplines for students studying in the specialties "Political Science", "Public Relations", "State and Municipal Administration" and cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia studying in the specialty "Jurisprudence".

Approbation of the research results. On the topic of the dissertation, 7 papers were published with a total volume of 1.8 pp, including one article in a journal recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation for publication of the results of scientific research by graduate students and doctoral students.

The results of the study are reflected in the reports at the following scientific conferences: at the Regional Scientific and Practical Conference "Power, Law, Tolerance" (October 7-8, 2004, Krasnodar); International Scientific and Practical Conference "Migration and Tolerance" (March 19, 2004, Krasnodar); All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Interethnic relations in Krasnodar at the present stage: prospects sustainable development"(April 2, 2005, Krasnodar); conference " Actual problems Security in a Conflict Situation in the South of Russia” (November 16-17, 2007, Krasnodar); Scientific-practical conference “Education. Enlightenment and civil society” (May 25-29, 2007, Sochi); International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of social communications and public relations" (January 28-29, 2008, Krasnodar); International Scientific Conference "Human Rights and Ethnic Minorities" (March 3, 2008, Krasnodar).

Structure and scope of work. The structure of the dissertation is determined by the purpose and objectives of the study. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, including six paragraphs, a conclusion, a bibliographic list.

The concept of public relations (the English equivalent is “public relations”) has many definitions, each of which is relevant in the appropriate context, taking into account the specific subject and object of public relations. It is very difficult to derive something "average" and consider it universal, although such attempts are being made. Kalsdoe definition will be correct and justified in its own way.

Public relations have almost a century of history and an even longer prehistory. At present, public relations as a branch of science and a type of practical activity continue to develop and evolve, but there are no clear answers to all questions related to public relations. Taking this into account, the author considers it necessary to analyze existing approaches to understanding PR and present his own vision of this branch of science and type of activity.

The first step in organizing public relations is to study the history of the issue. For what purpose? Is it time, can public relations help? How will this manifest itself? What is the origin of the question, why did it become necessary to attract PR in one way or another?

The content of PR activities is to some extent determined by the history of the formation of this scientific discipline and type of practical activity. It requires brief digression in the history of PR. The question of the time of the emergence of PR as a special type of activity remains debatable. The term "public relations" itself appeared relatively recently, but isolated cases of such activities have been known since ancient times. From the evidence that has come down to us, one can find enough indications that already in Ancient Greece and Rome, the impact on public opinion was given considerable attention. One gets the impression that already in those distant days, public relations were an organic part of the management system. The Romans expressed their attitude to public opinion in the motto "The voice of the people is the voice of God."

In more recent history, the American Revolution in the 18th century began with a group of people, among whom were: Samuel Adams, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, who influenced the public opinion of those days by written and spoken word. They published pamphlets, spoke in the press, lectured and spread revolutionary ideas with their speeches, which can be attributed to the activities of public relations.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, simultaneously with the formation of PR as a type of practical activity, the theoretical issues of studying public relations have been developed in the works of foreign scientists - W. Agha, E. Bernays, S. Black, J. Gruning, D. Doty, S. M Cutlip, G. Cameron, Y. Marlow, A. Murray, D. Newosome, F.P. Sitel, A.Kh. Senter, R. Reilly, R. Haywood. Somewhat later, domestic scientists, including E.A. Blazhnov, A.F. Veksler, E.A. Kapitonov, E.F. Kokhanov, T.Yu. Lebedev, E.F. Makarevich, V. Moiseev, I.E. Poverinov, G.G. Pocheptsov, I.M. Sinyaev, G.L. Tulchinsky, A.N. Chumikov, M.A. Shishkina, I. Yakovlev.

The Institute of Public Relations, established in the UK in February 1948, adopted one of the most general definitions of public relations activities, which has remained virtually unchanged and relevant to the present day: “Public relations activities are planned and ongoing efforts aimed at establishing and maintaining goodwill. relationship between an organization and its public”. When an American foundation undertook a comprehensive analysis of the topic in 1975, it found approximately 500 definitions of PR.8

Dr. Rex Harlow, a San Francisco veteran public relations practitioner, reviewed 472 definitions of public relations and based them on the following working definition: “Public relations is a specific management function that helps establish and maintain general principles communication, understanding, agreement and cooperation between the organization and the corresponding circle of people. It includes the resolution of various problems, provides the administration with information about public opinion and promotes a responsible attitude towards it, determines and strengthens the responsibility of management in meeting the public interest, helps the administration effectively and in advance to make changes, anticipating certain trends, and uses as its own evidence-based, reliable and ethical methods of communication.”9

The Institute of Public Relations (IPR), established in the UK in 1948, adopted the following definition: "Public relations are planned long-term efforts that are aimed at creating and stabilizing friendly relations and mutual understanding between the public and the organization." The same altruistic definition, which implies the formation of abstract collective harmony, is given by the famous English PR specialist S. Black: “Public Relations” is the art and science of achieving harmony through mutual understanding based on truth and full awareness.” 10

The structure and functional responsibilities of the public relations departments of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

To identify the role of PR in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the structure of public relations units;

Consider the goals and functional tasks of public relations in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In modern Russia, the formation of fundamentally new management processes and institutions in the sphere of politics, economics and culture has resulted in the emergence of new tasks and methods of information work, which is becoming increasingly important. According to Western experts, up to seventy percent of their time a leader in any field of activity spends on work related to communication, the area that is commonly called "public relations". Having appeared much later than abroad, today, public relations structures - Public Relations exist in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. This structure performs an important function of providing communication between law enforcement agencies and society, increasing the efficiency of law enforcement agencies. Not a single institution can exist without communication, which plays a leading role in the formation of a symbolic image, in the struggle for the rule of law in society.

At present, the theoretical development of the problems of public relations of law enforcement agencies, despite all its relevance, is at an early stage. The problems of organizing relations between the internal affairs bodies and various elements of the public begin to attract the attention of researchers from the second half of the 70s of the XX century. In the period from the mid-70s to the end of the 80s of the last century, the issues of organizing the interaction of law enforcement agencies with state authorities and public formations, collectives of workers and the population were subjected to theoretical development. In the works of O.A. Galustyan, A.P. Kizlyk, K. F. Gutsenko, M. A. Kovaleva54 studied issues of working with these categories of the public. In the works of M.Yu. Gutman, A. M. Nazarenko, the problem of interaction with the media was considered. At the same time, interaction with these elements of the public was considered mainly in terms of the possibility and necessity of their involvement in solving a number of tasks facing the internal affairs bodies, such as the prevention of offenses and crimes, the protection of public order and the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism. In the 90s of the XX century, the focus of research expanded somewhat, it began to include private problems of the functioning of public relations as an organizational and managerial activity aimed at building relationships of trust, mutual understanding and cooperation between law enforcement agencies and the population, the most elaborate of which was the problem of studying public relations. opinions using the data obtained in the management of internal affairs bodies. If in previous works law enforcement agencies and their activities were considered more from a legal point of view, and PR activities were only one of the areas in the work of law enforcement agencies, then G.G. Pocheptsov’s books consider law enforcement agencies as a sphere of PR activities.55 problems of organizing relations between the internal affairs bodies with the population, public associations, religious organizations and the media, as well as the formation of the image of law enforcement officers. However, despite the undoubted significance of the studies of these authors for the development of the theory of public relations, they could not reflect a complete picture of the involvement of law enforcement agencies in the process. social interaction through this type of activity. The studies were carried out mainly within the framework of management theory, jurisprudence, social psychology and were devoted to individual issues of organizing specific areas of public relations, which made it possible to form only a mosaic representation of public relations of the internal affairs bodies. Certain steps towards solving this theoretical problem have been made in recent years.

The subject of relations between the internal affairs bodies and the public and the formation of a positive image was considered by A.G. Mikhailov, Yu.V. Romanov.56 Their studies are devoted to the formation of a coherent theoretical structure that reflects the entire multifaceted essence of public relations of internal grandfathers.

In the works of foreign authors S. Cutlip, S. Black, public relations are considered as an integral part of the normal functioning of law enforcement agencies, as a way of communication between the public and these structures.

Public relations of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory using the media

The author considers it relevant to study public relations of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in the Krasnodar Territory using the media to cover the activities of the internal affairs bodies in the press in order to form a positive image of a police officer in society based on reliable facts.

A lot is written about the police today, willingly and in a variety of ways, which is inevitable in a democracy. The activities of law enforcement agencies still remain in the focus of attention of the country's leadership, the public, and the media. And this is understandable, because their employees are at the forefront of the struggle for the safety and dignity of people, preventing and suppressing crime, protecting public order. Considering publications on the work of the internal affairs bodies in the print media of the region, we classify them in the following areas: criminal chronicle, articles on the disclosure of socially significant crimes, such as crimes against the person, materials related to the work of the BEP, drugs, coverage of special operations ("Whirlwind ”, “Anti-terror”, “Putin”, “Harvest”, “Resort”, etc.), high-profile crimes, including those that were committed outside the Krasnodar Territory, events carried out by the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory (briefings, press conferences, sports events, preventive materials, including interviews with the heads of services and departments of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, critical articles). We can state the need to activate the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in creating informational occasions related to the daily activities of its units. Currently, residents of the Krasnodar Territory and the city of Krasnodar are learning more and more from the media not only about the arrest of a dangerous criminal or the suppression of the activities of an organized gangster group, but also about the processes that are going on in the internal affairs bodies, shortcomings, and problems being solved. In newspaper and magazine materials, radio and television reports, one can find a lot of reliable information about real results law enforcement work, about those whose service "at first glance seems to be invisible." Behind all this is the work of specific people. Today, journalists in uniform - this is what the press service of the Krasnodar Internal Affairs Directorate is called - are preparing special radio and television programs, newspaper pages on law enforcement topics, where citizens are provided with first-hand information. In recent years, public opinion has been considered one of the main criteria for evaluating the activities of internal affairs bodies. The mass media play an important role in shaping the attitude of citizens towards the police.

In order to correctly characterize the contribution of the press service to the fulfillment of the tasks facing the internal affairs bodies, one should go back ten years. Then the authority of the police in society fell to a very low level. Transient political changes, a sharp decrease in funding for the law enforcement system, the material stratification of the population and other factors led to a sharp increase in crime, intensified negative trends in the police itself, which naturally affected the attitude of the population towards it. The personnel composition has also changed significantly, service in law enforcement agencies has lost its attractiveness for the majority of young people, the system of personnel selection, in which labor collectives were sent to their best representatives, has practically disintegrated.

Today the situation has changed for the better, and with it the attitude of the population towards people in police uniforms. First of all, the population evaluates the concrete results of operational and service activities; real successes of the internal affairs bodies in ensuring the safety of citizens are visible. But it is rather difficult to objectively assess the effectiveness of measures taken by the state to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, the contribution of a particular service, specific employees, without having complete information that is regularly conveyed to newspaper readers, radio listeners, TV viewers by information services employees.

Unfortunately, attempts to change the firmly established negative stereotype of perception of the image of a police officer, to reorient public opinion from distrust to respect and mutual understanding are not a task of one day. To solve it, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all departments of the system of internal affairs bodies, leaders of all levels.

An important role here is played by the information units of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It is their work that determines how objectively the public will evaluate the effectiveness of measures taken by the state in the field of protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens.

On April 10, 2006, the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 246 “On information and propaganda work” was developed and sent to the localities, which is aimed at developing effective approaches to organizing direct and feedback information communication between the ministry and society, maximizing the use of the capabilities of the media and public associations in the interests of promptly -service and service-combat activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Solving the tasks will allow:

Objectively inform citizens and police officers about the social significance of the activities of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops in ensuring public order, prevention, suppression, disclosure of crimes and offenses;

Raise the level of public confidence in the police and intensify the process of forming a positive public opinion about the activities of the internal affairs bodies;

To strengthen in the minds of citizens and employees of internal affairs bodies the confidence that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has in its arsenal enough forces and means to protect the legitimate interests of citizens and the rights of employees;

To improve the conditions for mutual partnership between the internal affairs bodies and the public in the field of law enforcement, protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens;

Neutralize the flow of deliberately false and unreliable information about the employees of the internal affairs bodies and their activities.

In addition, given the dynamic development of society, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia needs new, more effective forms and methods of work in the field of information policy. The heads of internal affairs bodies, information and public relations departments cannot work in the old way, it is necessary to use the latest technologies in the information sphere.

The ministry is already doing some work. Amendments are made to the current regulatory legal acts, image information programs, methodological recommendations for their implementation are developed and sent to the field, issues of training, retraining and advanced training of managers and employees of information departments are being addressed.

By decision of the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, information units were ordered to create an effective system of information and propaganda support for combating crime, preventing offenses using the capabilities of the media, public associations, and traditional religious denominations of the Russian Federation.

And a lot has already been done. There is an Information Council established by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 5, 2005 No. 992, the main purpose of which is to ensure the implementation of a coordinated information policy in the field of forming an objective public opinion about the activities of the ministry, creating a positive image of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, a serviceman of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The analysis of the information and socio-political field is carried out, the emergence of various information threats is predicted. However, some heads of internal affairs bodies, including information departments, in the event of an information threat, act after the fact. And the problem must be predicted before it appears and take preventive measures. In other words, act proactively.

It is the media and public associations that today actively influence all the processes taking place in society. According to VTsIOM, 55 percent of Russians consider the media the most reliable source of information about police activities.

The monitoring of the materials of the central and regional mass media showed that in 2006 the press published 654 articles critical of the internal affairs bodies.

An analysis of the reasons for the appearance of these materials indicates that if the heads of the internal affairs bodies prepared timely explanations on problematic issues, and also promptly presented information to the media on facts and events of increased public interest, then more than 10 percent of critical publications regarding the police could be it would have been avoided. High-quality information and analytical work requires conducting one's own research of the social environment with the allocation of relevant topics, the definition of the target audience and the necessary characteristics. All this will allow not only to understand how the population relates to the activities of the ministry, its individual areas, but also to achieve required level planning outreach activities.

And such work is already underway. The Public Relations Directorate of the Administrative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has concluded cooperation agreements with the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center and the Voice of the People Public Opinion Research Center, which conduct sociological surveys of the population on the activities of the internal affairs bodies. The analysis of the obtained data makes it possible to identify pain points in the activities of the ministry, to determine priority areas in outreach work.

Unfortunately, internal affairs bodies rarely resort to modern information technology. For many leaders, the mere word “PR” causes a lot of negative emotions. However, PR implies activities to attract the media, the public to the solution of the tasks facing the subject, to the legitimate achievement of certain goals. Therefore, the use of PR technologies in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is not only permissible, but also necessary.

At the same time, legal methods and ways to achieve the ultimate goal of forming an objective assessment of the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia among the public may be different, but their form should be the same - the systematic conduct of information and propaganda campaigns and PR campaigns.

One of the main tasks facing the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is to restore the trust of the population in the internal affairs bodies and internal troops. For this purpose, image information programs were developed and sent to the regions.

Their implementation on the ground gives certain results.

For example, the implementation in 2006 of the image program “Information and propaganda work in the field of prevention of homelessness, neglect and juvenile delinquency in the Russian Federation” of the Main Department of Internal Affairs for the city of Moscow was one of the reasons that the level of juvenile delinquency in the region decreased compared to 2005.

The value of information and propaganda work is quite large. According to the results of a public opinion poll conducted by VTsIOM in August 2006, 42.3 percent of respondents generally trust the internal affairs bodies. The data obtained by measuring the attitude of the population towards the internal affairs bodies show that, compared with the 90s of the last century, the level of trust has almost doubled, and the number of respondents who have a negative attitude towards the police has decreased by 15 percent.

It is necessary to improve the organization of high-quality informing citizens about the current legislation, to achieve conviction in the social justice of the actions of employees of the internal affairs bodies, the conscious implementation of the rule of law as the main prerequisite for the eradication of offenses, strengthening the rule of law and law and order.

Today, without relying on the population, on the institutions of civil society, it is impossible to solve another significant task set before the law enforcement agencies by the country's leadership. It's about crime prevention. Especially when a multi-level system for the prevention of crimes and offenses is being introduced in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Now, working on solving a crime, law enforcement officers have to spend a lot of time searching for eyewitnesses, witnesses, witnesses. Often, citizens, seeing that an illegal act is being committed, simply prefer not to pay attention to it, not to report what is happening to the competent authorities, and even more so to provide assistance.

Organization of systematic work with the media community, expansion of the circle of journalists specializing in law enforcement is another no less important area of ​​information and propaganda activities.

It is necessary to carry out explanatory work with the heads of print and online publications, radio and television channels about the need to strengthen the authority of the police among the population, to involve the heads of internal affairs bodies in this work.

This will ultimately create a trusting relationship, strengthen creative contacts. This is an important potential in the work and it must be properly used in the interests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Information and propaganda activity assumes a systemic nature, its effectiveness is determined by the precise work of all links, starting with the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and ending with territorial departments and police stations. But nevertheless, the main, bearing the main practical burden, no doubt, are the regional divisions of information and public relations of the internal affairs bodies. It is they who are called upon to form an objective assessment of the activities of the ministry among the population, to help increase the level of mutual trust and partnership between citizens and the police.

Therefore, the work of the heads of internal affairs bodies, information and public relations units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Internal Affairs Directorate for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on information and propaganda support for the activities of internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the present stage should include:

Timely communication to citizens of information about the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the field of combating crime, preventing and suppressing offenses, as well as on the measures taken by the internal affairs bodies, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to implement state policy in the field of internal affairs;

Improving the regulatory and legal support of the information and propaganda work of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

Increasing the level of legal literacy of employees of the internal affairs bodies and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

Timely and objective clarification and informing about changes in the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the sphere of internal affairs, as well as the powers of internal affairs bodies to ensure law and order and combat crime;

Immediate response, in accordance with the law, to materials in the media containing false information about the activities of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The solution of the tasks set will allow creating relations of mutual trust and partnership between the public and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, attracting the population to assist in ensuring public safety and law and order, which will ultimately help to improve the operational and service and service-combat activities of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia . Based on the materials of the meeting - seminar of heads of information departments
and public relations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. - Access mode: [].

Thus, at present, in our country, the level of public trust in the police is rather low, and this complicates the work of law enforcement agencies. Therefore, it is necessary to create an effective system of interaction between the police and the population. Currently, internal affairs bodies are aware of the need for public relations. Appropriate structures are being formed, a number of measures are being taken to increase the prestige of the police. However, to break the negative stereotypes that prevail in the mind Russian people not easy.

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