Types of relationships and relationships between organisms. Mutually beneficial relationships in the animal world Mutually beneficial coexistence of organisms of different species

Tests in the discipline "Ecology and basics of life safety"

1. The term "ecology" is translated from Greek as the science of.............

e) about the house, dwelling

In what year was the term "ecology" introduced?

Which of the scientists first proposed the term "ecology" .........

b) E. Haeckel

Select the scientists with whom the second stage of the development of ecology is associated (after the 60s of the XIX century - the 50s of the XX century.

e) K.F. Rulye, N.A. Severtsov, V.V. Dokuchaev

5. What does ecology study:

d) the laws of existence (functioning) of living systems in their interaction with environment.

The subject of ecology research are

f) biological macrosystems and their dynamics in time and space

Three main areas of ecology:

d) Autecology, synecology, de-ecology.

When did ecology finally take shape as an independent science?

d) at the beginning of the twentieth century

What branch of ecology studies the interaction of geophysical conditions of life and factors of the inanimate environment ...

e) geoecology

13. The interaction between individual organisms and environmental factors studies the section of ecology ....

a) Autecology

14. The section of ecology that studies the relationship of a population with their environment is called:

a) demoecology

Synecology studies

d) community ecology

16. The shell of the Earth inhabited by living organisms is called:

a) biosphere

17. A group of organisms with a similar external and internal structure living in the same territory and giving fertile offspring is called:

a) population

The level at which a natural system was formed, covering all manifestations of life within our planet is called .....

c) biospheric

A set of pelagic actively moving animals that do not have a direct connection with the bottom. Represented mainly by large animals that are able to overcome long distances and strong water currents.

20. The totality of pelagic organisms that do not have the ability for rapid active movement:

21. The totality of organisms living at a depth (on the ground or in it) of water bodies:

b) Plankton

What levels of organization of living systems belong to a microsystem .....

a) molecular, cellular

23. Abiotic conditions that determine the field of existence of life:

a) oxygen and carbon dioxide

Which factor is not abiotic?

c) development Agriculture

25. Plant communities are called:

e) phytocenosis

26. According to the type of nutrition, green plants and photosynthetic bacteria are:

a) Autotrophs.

27. Organisms permanently living in the soil:

a) Geobands

28. Reducers are:

a) bacteria and fungi

29. Organisms producing organic substances are called:

b) producers

The main source of oxygen to the atmosphere

d) plants

31. Organisms with a mixed type of nutrition:

e) Mixotrophs.

32. Light-loving plants:

b) Heliophytes

33. Shade-loving plants:

e) Sciophytes.

34. Plants growing in conditions of high humidity:

a) Hygrophytes.

35. Adaptation of organisms develops with the help of:

c) Variation, heredity and natural selection.

36. Types of adaptation of organisms:

d) Morphological, ethological, physiological.

37. What is photoperiodism…..

a) Adjustment to the length of the day;

38. What factors limit during some process, phenomenon or existence of an organism: a) Limiting.

39. Environmental factors are divided into:

a) Abiotic, biotic, anthropogenic.

40. What is the limiting factor in water….

d) Oxygen.

41. The microbiogenic biotic factor of the environment includes:

b) Microbes and viruses.

What law states that the endurance of an organism is determined by

the weakest link in the chain of its environmental needs:

d) Liebig's Law of the Minimum.

When was the law of "tolerance" discovered?

44. Which of the scientists discovered the maximum law:

c) W. Shelford.

45. The law of the minimum discovered:

e) J. Liebig.

Two species cannot sustainably exist in a limited space if the growth of both is limited by one vital resource, the quantity and availability of which is limited.

b) Gause's law

What law testifies that the endurance of an organism is determined by the weakest link in the chain of its ecological needs.......

c) Gause's law (rule of competitive exclusion)

48. In 1903, V. Johansen introduced the term ....

d) population

What is population homeostasis.

d) Population stability;

50. Types of population growth are:

e) Exponential and logistic.

51. The territory occupied by a population is called:

52. Population size is:

e) The number of individuals included in it.

53. Define the ecological density of a population:

b) the average number of individuals per unit area or volume occupied by a population of space

What is called biocenosis ..

a) A deeply regular combination of organisms under certain environmental conditions.

Which of the scientists introduced the concept of "biocenosis" .......

B)K. Mobius

56. The term "biocenosis" was introduced:

What characterizes the layering of the biocenosis ..

d) Spatial structure

58. What is a habitat…

a) The entire environment surrounding a living organism;

59. Pollution natural environment living organisms that cause various diseases are called:

a) Radioactive.

60. The totality of abiotic factors within a homogeneous area is ..."

61. What is the name of the last formations of a relatively stable stage of change of biocenoses, which are in equilibrium with the environment ...

d) Successions;

62. What is the name of the community of animals in ecosystems ....

a) Biocenosis;

Biogeocenosis is

c) a group of animals and plants living in the same area

64. What is amensalism….

b) Inhibition of the growth of one species by the products of the excretion of another;

65. What is competition….

d) Suppression of some species by others in biocenoses;

66. This form of relations between species, in which the consumer organism uses a living host not only as a source of food, but also as a place of permanent or temporary residence ....

c) Commensalism

67. Mutualism is….

b) Mutually beneficial cooperation;

68. Commensalism is….

b) Beneficial for one and not beneficial for another relationship;

69. The normal existence of two species that do not interfere with each other is……

d) Neutralism;

70. The coexistence of invertebrates in a rodent hole is called ..

c) lodging;

71. Organisms of one species exist at the expense of nutrients or tissues of other organisms. This form of communication is called:

72. An ecological niche is:

e) + The totality of living conditions within an ecological system.

73. Individuals of one species eat individuals of another species. This relationship is called:

c) predation

The joint, mutually beneficial existence of individuals of 2 or more than 2 species is called:

b) symbiosis

75. The ecological niche of organisms is determined by:

e) + the whole set of conditions of existence

76. The concept of an ecological niche applies to:

b) plants

77. Organisms with a mixed type of nutrition:

    This term has other meanings, see Competition. Competition in biology, any antagonistic relationship associated with the struggle for existence, for dominance, for food, space and other resources between organisms or species ... Wikipedia

    - (from Latin mensa meal) a type of interspecific relationship in which one species, called amensal, undergoes growth and development inhibition, and the second, called an inhibitor, is not subject to such tests. Antibiosis and ... ... Wikipedia

    - (from Latin com “with”, “together” and mensa “table”, “meal”; literally “at the table”, “at the same table”; earlier companionship) a way of coexistence (symbiosis) of two different types living organisms in which one population benefits ... Wikipedia

    - (from other Greek ἀντι against, βίος life) antagonistic relations of species, when one organism limits the capabilities of another, the impossibility of coexistence of organisms, for example, due to intoxication by some organisms (antibiotics, ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Symbiosis (meanings). clown fish and sea ​​anemone organisms coexisting in mutualistic symbiosis ... Wikipedia

    - (Late Lat. organismus from Late Lat. organizo I arrange, I give a slender appearance, from other Greek ὄργανον a tool) a living body that has a set of properties that distinguish it from inanimate matter. As a separate individual organism ... ... Wikipedia

    "Predator" redirects here; see also other meanings. "Predators" redirects here; see also other meanings ... Wikipedia

    Between two ants of the species Oecophylla longinoda. Thailand. Trophallaxis ... Wikipedia

    Co-evolution species interacting in an ecosystem. Changes that affect any traits of individuals of one species lead to changes in another or other species. The first to introduce the concept of co-evolution was N. V. Timofeev Resovsky ... ... Wikipedia

    This article or section has a list of sources or external links, but the sources of individual statements remain unclear due to the lack of footnotes ... Wikipedia


  • Semiotic theory of biological life, N. A. Zarenkov. Is it possible to understand what life is, limited to the study of the flesh of organisms - the signs of life: molecules, chromosomes, cells, tissues and organs? This book substantiates the negative answer to ...

Living organisms are related to each other in a certain way. There are the following types of relationships between species:

  • trophic,
  • topical,
  • phoric,
  • factory.

The most important are trophic and topical connections, since it is they that keep organisms of different species near each other, uniting them into communities.

Trophic connections arise between species when one species feeds on another: living individuals, dead remains, waste products. Trophic communication can be direct and indirect. direct connection manifests itself when lions feed on live antelopes, hyenas on the corpses of zebras, dung beetles on the droppings of large ungulates, etc. Indirect connection occurs when different species compete for the same food resource.

Topical connections are manifested in the change by one species of the living conditions of another species. For example, under coniferous forest, as a rule, there is no grass cover.

Foric connections occur when one species participates in the distribution of another species. The transfer of seeds, spores, and pollen by animals is called zoochory, and small individuals - phoresia.

factory connections consist in the fact that one species uses excretory products, dead remains, or even living individuals of another species for its structures. For example, when building nests, birds use tree branches, grass, down and feathers of other birds.

Types of relationships between organisms

The impact of one species on another can be positive, negative or neutral. At the same time, it is possible different combinations types of impact. Distinguish:

Neutralism- the cohabitation of two species in the same territory, which has neither positive nor negative consequences for them. For example, squirrels and moose do not have significant effects on each other.

Protocooperation- mutually beneficial, but not mandatory, coexistence of organisms, from which all participants benefit. For example, hermit crabs and sea anemones. On the shell of cancer can settle coral polyp sea ​​anemone, which has stinging cells that secrete poison. Anemone protects against cancer predatory fish, and the hermit crab, moving, contributes to the spread of sea anemones and increase their feeding space.

Mutualism (obligate symbiosis) — mutually beneficial cohabitation when either one of the partners or both cannot exist without a roommate. For example, herbivorous ungulates and cellulose-destroying bacteria. Cellulose-destroying bacteria live in the stomach and intestines of herbivorous ungulates. They produce enzymes that break down cellulose, so herbivores who do not have such enzymes are required. Herbivorous ungulates, for their part, provide bacteria nutrients and habitat with optimal temperature, humidity, etc.

Commensalism- a relationship in which one of the partners benefits from cohabitation, and the other is indifferent to the presence of the first. There are two forms of commensalism: synoikia (lodging) And trophobiosis (freeloading). An example of synoikia is the relationship between some sea anemones and tropical fish. Tropical fish hide from predators among the tentacles of anemones, which have stinging cells. An example of trophobiosis is the relationship between large predators and scavengers. Scavengers, such as hyenas, vultures, jackals, feed on the remains of victims killed and partially eaten large predators- lions.

Predation- a relationship in which one of the participants (the predator) kills the other (the victim) and uses it as food. For example, wolves and hares. The state of the predator population is closely related to the state of the prey population. However, when the population of one species of prey decreases, the predator switches to another species. For example, wolves can use hares, mice, wild boars, roe deer, frogs, insects, etc. as food.

A special case of predation is cannibalism- killing and eating their own kind. Occurs, for example, in rats, brown bears, human.

Competition- relationships in which organisms compete with each other for the same resources of the external environment with a lack of the latter. Organisms can compete for food resources, sexual partners, shelter, light, and so on. There are direct and indirect, intraspecific and interspecific competition. Indirect (passive) competition—consumption of environmental resources required by both species. Direct (active) competition- the suppression of one species by another. intraspecific competition- rivalry between individuals of the same species. Interspecific competition occurs between individuals of different but ecologically close species. Its result can be either mutual accommodation two types, or substitution a population of one species a population of another species that moves to another place, switches to another food or dies out.

Competition leads to natural selection in the direction of increasing ecological differences between competing species and the formation of different ecological niches by them.

Amensalism- relationships in which one organism affects another and suppresses its vital activity, and itself does not experience any negative influences from the suppressed. For example, spruce and plants of the lower tier. The dense crown of spruce prevents the penetration of sunlight under the forest canopy and inhibits the development of plants of the lower tier.

A special case of amensalism is allelopathy (antibiosis)- the influence of one organism on another, in which external environment the waste products of one organism are released, poisoning it and making it unsuitable for the life of another. Allelopathy is common in plants, fungi, bacteria. For example, a penicillium fungus produces substances that suppress the vital activity of bacteria. Penicillium is used to produce penicillin, the first antibiotic discovered in medicine. IN Lately the concept of "allelopathy" includes a positive impact.

In the course of evolution and development of ecosystems, there is a tendency to reduce the role of negative interactions at the expense of positive ones, which increase the survival of both species. Therefore, in mature ecosystems, the proportion of strong negative interactions is less than in young ones.

The characteristics of the types of interaction between populations of different species are also given in the table:


  1. (0) - there is no significant interaction between populations.
  2. (+) - beneficial effect on growth, survival or other characteristics of the population.
  3. (-) - inhibitory effect on growth or other characteristics of the population.
  4. Types 2-4 can be considered "negative interactions", 7-9 "positive interactions", and types 5 and 6 can be classified as both.

Nature is beautiful and varied. Living on the same planet, plants and animals had to learn to coexist with each other. The relationship between organisms is not simple, but interesting topic which will help you better understand the world around you.

Relationship types

There are different types of relationships. But scientists divide them into three large groups.

The first group combines all those types of relationships between organisms that can be called positive, the result of which helps two organisms to exist without contradictions.

The second group includes those types of relationships that are called negative. As a result of the interaction of two organisms, only one benefits, while the other is oppressed. Sometimes the latter may even die as a result of such relationships. This group also includes such an interaction of organisms that negatively affects both the first and second individuals.

The third group is considered the smallest. This group includes relationships between organisms that bring neither benefit nor harm to both parties.

Positive types of relationships between organisms

In order to exist in the world, you need to find allies and helpers. This is exactly what many plants and animals do during their evolutionary development. The result is a relationship where both parties benefit from the relationship. Or those relationships that are beneficial only to one side, and they do not harm the other.

Positive relationships, also called symbiosis, come in many forms. Currently, cooperation, mutualism and commensalism are distinguished.


Cooperation is such a relationship between living organisms when both parties benefit. Most often, this benefit lies in the extraction of food. But sometimes one of the parties receives from the other not only food, but also protection. Such relationships between organisms are very interesting. Examples can be seen in the animal kingdom in different parts planets.

One of them is the cooperation of hermit crab and sea anemone. Thanks to anemones, cancer finds a home and protection from other inhabitants of the water. Without a hermit crab, an anemone cannot move. But cancer allows you to expand the radius of the search for food. In addition, what the anemone does not eat will sink to the bottom and get cancer. This means that both parties benefit from this relationship.

Another example was the relationship between rhinos and bullock birds. Such relationships between organisms allow one of the parties to find food. Cowbirds eat insects that live in abundance on the huge rhinoceros. Rhinos also benefit from neighbors. Thanks to these birds, he can lead healthy life and don't worry about insects.


Commensalism is those relationships between organisms in ecosystems when one of the organisms benefits, and the second does not experience inconvenience from these relationships, but does not benefit either. This type of relationship is also referred to as cheating.

Sharks are creepy marine predators. But for stick fish, they become a chance to survive and protect themselves from other aquatic predators, which are weak compared to sharks. Stick fish benefit from sharks. But they themselves do not bring them any benefit. At the same time, there is no harm. For the shark, such relationships go unnoticed.

In the burrows of rodents you can find not only cubs, but also a huge number different insects. The hole created by the animal becomes their home. It is here that they find not only shelter, but also protection from those animals that love to feast on them. In a rodent hole, an insect is not afraid. In addition, here they can find enough food to lead a life without trouble. Rodents do not experience any difficulties from these types of relationships.

Negative types of relationships between organisms

Living together on the planet, animals can not only help each other, but also cause harm. It is not easy to learn these relationships between organisms. The table will help schoolchildren and students.


What is predation, anyone can tell without preparation. This is the relationship between organisms when one side benefits and the other suffers. In order to better understand who feeds on whom, one can compose And then it is easy to find out that many herbivores become the food of other animals. At the same time, predators can also be someone's food.

Despite the fact that hedgehogs are often depicted in pictures with apples and mushrooms, they are predators. Hedgehogs feed on small rodents. But they don't feel safe either. They can be eaten by foxes. In addition, foxes, like wolves, feed on hares.

Despite the bloodthirsty predators hunting for weaker animals day and night, competition is considered the most cruel type of relationship between organisms. After all, these include the struggle for a place under the sun among representatives of the same species. And each species has its own means of obtaining the required amount of food or better housing.

Stronger and more dexterous animals win in the fight. strong wolves get good prey, while others are left to either eat other, less satisfying animals, or die of hunger. There is a similar struggle between plants to get as much moisture or sunlight as possible.

Neutral relationship

There are also such types of relationships between organisms when both parties receive neither benefit nor harm. Despite the fact that they live in the same territory, absolutely nothing unites them. If one of the parties of these relationships disappears from the face of the planet, then this will not directly affect the other side.

Yes, in warm countries different herbivores feed on the leaves of the same tree. Giraffes eat those leaves that are on top. They are the most juicy and delicious. And other herbivores are forced to feed on the remains growing below. Giraffes do not interfere with them and do not take away food. After all, low animals will not be able to reach those leaves that are eaten by high ones. And tall, it makes no sense to bend down and take food from others.

Eat different forms relationships between organisms. And learning them all is not easy. But it is important to remember that everything in nature is interconnected. Most often, animals and plants affect each other positively or negatively, less often they do not affect each other at all. But even if they are not directly related, this does not mean that the disappearance of one cannot lead to the death of the other. The relationship between organisms is an important part of the world around us.

Types of relationships between organisms

Animals and plants, fungi and bacteria do not exist in isolation from each other, but enter into complex relationships. There are several forms of interaction between populations.


The cohabitation of two species in the same territory, which has neither positive nor negative consequences for them.

In neutralism, cohabiting populations of different species do not affect each other. For example, it can be said that a squirrel and a bear, a wolf and a cockchafer do not directly interact, although live in the same forest.


When both interacting populations or one of them experience a harmful, overwhelming influence.

Antagonistic relationships can manifest themselves as follows:

1. Competition.

A form of antibiotic relationship in which organisms compete with each other for food resources, a sexual partner, shelter, light, etc.

In competition for food, the species that reproduces the fastest wins. Under natural conditions, competition between closely related species weakens if one of them moves to a new food source (that is, they occupy a different ecological niche). For example, in winter, insectivorous birds avoid competition by different places search for food: on the trunk of trees, in bushes, on stumps, on large or small branches.

Displacement of one population by another: In mixed crops of different types of clover, they coexist, but competition for light leads to a decrease in the density of each of them. Thus, competition arising between close species can have two consequences: either the displacement of one species by another, or different ecological specialization of species, which makes it possible to coexist.

Suppression of one population by another: Thus, fungi that produce antibiotics inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Some plants that can grow in nitrogen-poor soils secrete substances that inhibit the activity of free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria, as well as the formation of nodules in legumes. In this way, they prevent the accumulation of nitrogen in the soil and the colonization of it by species that need a large amount of it.

3. Amensalism

A form of antibiotic relationship in which one organism interacts with another and suppresses its vital activity, while itself does not experience any negative influences from the suppressed one (for example, spruce and plants of the lower tier). A special case is allelopathy - the influence of one organism on another, in which the waste products of one organism are released into the external environment, poisoning it and making the other unsuitable for life (common in plants).

5 Predation

This is a form of relationship in which an organism of one species uses members of another species as a food source once (by killing them).

Cannibalism - special case predation - killing and eating their own kind (found in rats, brown bears, humans).


A form of relationship in which the participants benefit or at least do not harm each other from cohabitation. Symbiotic relationships also come in a variety of forms.

1. Protocooperation - mutually beneficial, but optional coexistence of organisms, from which all participants benefit (for example, hermit crab and sea anemone).

2. Mutualism is a form of symbiotic relationship in which either one of the partners or both cannot exist without a cohabitant (for example, herbivorous ungulates and cellulose-destroying microorganisms).

Lichens are an inseparable cohabitation of a fungus and algae, when the presence of a partner becomes a condition for the life of each of them. Hyphae of the fungus, braiding the cells and threads of algae, receive substances synthesized by algae. Algae extract water and minerals from fungal hyphae.

Many grasses and trees develop normally only when soil fungi (mycorrhiza) settle on their roots: root hairs do not develop, and the mycelium of the fungus penetrates into the root. Plants receive water and mineral salts from the fungus, and it, in turn, receives organic substances.

3. Commensalism - a form of symbiotic relationship in which one of the partners benefits from cohabitation, and the other is indifferent to the presence of the first. There are two types of cohabitation:

Lodging (some sea anemones and tropical fish). The fish stuck, sticking to large fish (sharks), uses them as a means of transportation and, in addition, feeds on their garbage.

The use of structures and body cavities of other species as shelters is widespread. IN tropical waters some fish hide in the cavity of the respiratory organs (water lungs) of holothurians (or sea cucumbers, a detachment of echinoderms). The fry of some fish find shelter under the umbrella of jellyfish and are protected by their stinging threads. As protection for developing offspring, fish use a strong shell of crabs or bivalve mollusks. Eggs laid on the gills of a crab develop under conditions of ideal supply. clean water passed through the gills of the host. Plants also use other species as habitats. These are the so-called epiphytes - plants that settle on trees. It can be algae, lichens, mosses, ferns, flowering plants. Woody plants serve as a place of attachment for them, but not a source of nutrients.

Freeloading (large predators and scavengers). For example, hyenas follow lions, picking up the remains of prey that they have not eaten. There can be various spatial relationships between partners. If one partner is outside the cells of the other, they talk about ectosymbiosis, and if inside the cells - endosymbiosis.


Types of nutrition of living organisms.

Theories of the origin of life.

Types of nutrition of living organisms:

There are two types of nutrition of living organisms: autotrophic and heterotrophic.

Autotrophs (autotrophic organisms) - organisms that use carbon dioxide as a source of carbon (plants and some bacteria). In other words, these are organisms capable of creating organic substances from inorganic ones - carbon dioxide, water, mineral salts.

Heterotrophs (heterotrophic organisms) - organisms that use organic compounds (animals, fungi and most bacteria) as a carbon source. In other words, these are organisms that are not able to create organic substances from inorganic ones, but need ready-made organic substances.

Some living beings, depending on the habitat conditions, are capable of both autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition. Organisms with a mixed type of nutrition are called mixotrophs. Mixotrophs - organisms that can both synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones and feed on ready-made organic compounds (insectivorous plants, representatives of the euglenoid algae department, etc.)

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